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<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
<erysdren> hello
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi erysdren
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<pairisto[m]> Begasus: is there a problem with the patchset that I added here -> I got the error `sha1 information is lacking or useless (`
<Begasus> pairisto[m], did you change source uri?
<pairisto[m]> no
<pairisto[m]> same source uri
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<Begasus> let me do a check
<pairisto[m]> I thought it was because its a diff from my fork of OpenVPN since it specifically talks about
<pairisto[m]> * I was thinking it was because its a diff from my fork of OpenVPN since it specifically talks about
<Begasus> yep see it too now, is the patch taken from the source of made from a git checkout?
<Begasus> yeah, deff related to
<Begasus> or not ... error: sha1 information is lacking or useless (src/openvpn/tun.c).
<Begasus> also complains about tun.c
<pairisto[m]> okay so for both
<pairisto[m]> I was gonna assume it was for both
<Begasus> best to recreate it
<pairisto[m]> it came from my master branch from my for if that is any problem?
<pairisto[m]> I will do so
<Begasus> yeah, branches can be different then official releases
<pairisto[m]> s/for/fork/
<Begasus> even if there is only 1 line change it will brake the patchset
<Begasus> it's not that big, so easaly done :)
<Begasus> hp openvpn -c / hp openvpn -b ... / hp openvpn -e :)
<Begasus> it's actually tun.c that isn't the same it appears
<Begasus> no clue :)
<pairisto[m]> welp, we'll try soon
<Begasus> tried to apply your patch but had errors during build, so not sure I did it right :)
<Begasus> waddlesplash, fltk scroll confirmed fixed, thanks! should we repackage xlibe?
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<andreasdr[m]> Aye
<Begasus> arr andreasdr[m] :)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus a9081c4 - qscintilla, fix reference for python, build fixes (#9286)
<andreasdr[m]> Hi Begasus!!! Working as usual. I had a few hours also this night.
<Begasus> as mentioned this isn't work for me :) keeps my old brain busy :P
<andreasdr[m]> Nice
<pairisto[m]> Begasus: so it does need that top part
<Begasus> nice that you got it pairisto[m] +1
<Begasus> so something probably changed upstream there?
<pairisto[m]> I still can't get it to build though
<pairisto[m]> maybe? my fork is synced though
<Begasus> 'argv' undeclared ?
<Begasus> the fork yes, but since the release
<Begasus> eg your fork is out of sync with the release :)
<pairisto[m]> oh, also its still the sha1 error
<Begasus> lol
<Begasus> thought you "fixed" that already ;)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 70185a0 - spdlog, fix missing symlink for bear (#9287)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus d575eb7 - eigen, bump version (#9285)
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<LinuxUser> @Begasus hi
<Begasus> hi LinuxUser
<LinuxUser> oh long time no see :)
<Begasus> yeah, been a while, how's it going there?
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 8977264 - boost170, add conflict for devel package for boost 169 (#9288)
<LinuxUser> good
<LinuxUser> almost good*
<pairisto[m]> Begasus: so I guess I need the release, make a patchset off of it, then add that?
<pairisto[m]> s/guess I//
<pairisto[m]> since that will probably give a correct sha1
<Begasus> yep pairisto[m]
<Begasus> if the patchset is based on the fork it won't work
<LinuxUser> Does anyone have problem with opening
<Begasus> no idea LinuxUser
<LinuxUser> I second day can't figure out. Maybe VPN?
<pairisto[m]> LinuxUser: seems like more and more websites are cracking down on VPN usage. honestly sucks :/
<LinuxUser> ohno!
<pairisto[m]> one big example is chatgpt
<LinuxUser> really??
<pairisto[m]> yeah, at least with my vpn provider
<LinuxUser> what vpn you use?
<pairisto[m]> mullvad
<Begasus> you are all using wome weird setups :P
<Begasus> wome/some* :)
<LinuxUser> when i try to download something from it stucks(no download dialog)
<pairisto[m]> possibly but Mullvad just uses normal OpenVPN/Wireguard
<LinuxUser> ok what is vpn alternative(free)?
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<Begasus> hi jmairboeck
<x512[m]> VPN itself is open and free protocol.
<jmairboeck> Hi Begasus
<Begasus> k, upstream issue filed for missing boost_locale (not sure if it's intentional or not)
<LinuxUser> cu
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] autocommitter pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57244] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] ba4482cb240c - Update translations from Pootle
<Begasus> - locale : building
<Begasus> weird I can't find it in the package ...
<Begasus> not related to icu ... (tried both icu66 and icu70)
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<OscarL> Anarchos: regarding your earlier question about motherboard temperature monitoring... I have a driver that works for motherboards using the ITE 87xx series of "SuperIO" chips (handles serial/parallel/floppy/etc, and also does hardware monitoring).
<OscarL> Anarchos: Just in case...
<OscarL> Also available on offer: (but that's just for some AMD CPU models)
<Anarchos> OscarL i have an AMD CPU :)
<Anarchos> "AMD C-50 Processor
<OscarL> It might work with my driver. If you try it... let me know :-)
<Anarchos> OscarL other priorities for now... but maybe one day
<OscarL> No hurries :-)
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<waddlesplash> Begasus: yes, I can tag a new version of xlibe
<jmairboeck> waddlesplash: I now got a working system with just "O1" on the tulip_txprobe function in if_de.c in the dec21xxx driver. It seems that this is sufficient for the original problem, and the SMEP violation doesn't always occur. That also seems to be regardless of optimization settings.
<waddlesplash> interesting
<waddlesplash> and the other flags I suggested, to disable sse et al?
<jmairboeck> I didn't try them yet
<jmairboeck> "no-sse2" works also
<jmairboeck> I applied it as a target attribute, instead of the optimize one
<jmairboeck> but I needed 3 tries again because of the SMEP thing
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<Begasus> jmairboeck, all boost packages have the same name scheme :)
<jmairboeck> yes, I know, and I wouldn't bother changing the existing ones. But I think the python packages also didn't contain the '.' initially
<Begasus> right, same as the lua packages
<Begasus> another thought is that 170 will be build from the repo (local) to 1.83
<Begasus> prior to*
<Begasus> upstream requesting a buildlog (will forward it to a text file because Terminal screen can't keep up otherwise) :)
<Begasus> has this ticket been inserted in R1B4?
<Begasus> waddlesplash, would be nice :)
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<waddlesplash> jmairboeck: note that changing flags doesn't incur rebuild in case you didn't notice, need to "touch" the files in question also
<jmairboeck> yes, I noticed that
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<Begasus> thanks waddlesplash, will have a look in the morning
<Begasus> g'night peeps
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<Anarchos> do you succeed to have automatic wifi connecting at startup ?
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<Anarchos> hello noir
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<Anarchos> what are tools to convert 16bits signed hexa values to decimal in Terminal ?
<AlaskanEmily> Off the top of my head, `python -c 'print(0xABCD)'` will do it. I believe that bc or dc could do it too but I don't recall the syntax.
<Anarchos> AlaskanEmily same experience with bc
<Anarchos> AlaskanEmily and we also got 'pc' written by dominic gianpaolo...
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<AlaskanEmily> bc isn't too bad, but I need to look up the man page every time I use it.
<Anarchos> AlaskanEmily not my definition of 'not too bad' :D
<Anarchos> like ls with 256 options...
<AlaskanEmily> You could use dc, it's easier.
<Anarchos> AlaskanEmily dc gives E05B -> 14061. not signed but should be negative....
* Anarchos tries to decode a 'EA 5B E0' 16bits jmp instruction
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<Anarchos> AlaskanEmily anyway, i found a better solution : objdump -D -b binary -mi386 -Maddr16,data16 --start-address=0xXXXXX
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<andreasdr[m]> Arrrrrr.
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