ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
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<bbjimmy> When I click on ir it comes back, sort of. Sometimes only a portion shows then.
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<coolcoder613_32> Hello erysdren
<erysdren> hello
<Koki> Hello
<coolcoder613_32> Have you seen my tablet running CRT?
<coolcoder613_32> (cool-retro-term)
<coolcoder613_32> I tried porting dosemu this morning....
<coolcoder613_32> failed because it wanted glibc
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<scanty> what is the significance of having a "[m]" after a nick?
<coolcoder613_32> It means that user has joined through the matrix bridge
<scanty> and what is the matrix bridge?
<coolcoder613_32> It is a bridge from IRC to the Matrix chat protocol
<scanty> ah okay, I see. Thanks :^)
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<scanty> is there going to be another beta, or are we moving to RC1?
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<Skipp_OSX> another beta, not at r1 yet
<Skipp_OSX> R1B4 getting a bit out of date tho
<scanty> cool, thanks.
<zdykstra> Hey Skipp
<Skipp_OSX> yo
<zdykstra> Nice to see you around. Any exciting UI hacks in the works?
<scanty> any word when the next beta will be released?
<scanty> sorry for all the questions... just curious.
<Skipp_OSX> early 2024
<Skipp_OSX> best guess
<scanty> gotcha.
<Skipp_OSX> what do you think (I consolidated the info into fewer lines and added GPU)
<Skipp_OSX> although now that I'm thinking about it, Graphics is prob better than GPU for understanding
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<zdykstra> Graphics is a nice touch
<zdykstra> That looks nice and clean
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<zdykstra> Morning!
<Begasus> Hello ther zdykstra :)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli b8ae39e - qtwebengine: requires ffmpeg 4.x
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<Begasus> seems to be running ok :) org.kde.pim.akonadicontrol: Akonadi server is now operational
<Begasus> heading out now, dogschool :)
<coolcoder613_mac> Hello Begasus
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<Begasus> re
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] kenmays 6505d1a - ffmpeg: refreshed for GCC2 build (#9784)
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<Sark> Hello guys. How
<Sark> s it going?
<Sark> Gah. Can't even type this morning ;)
<Begasus> 'lo Sark
<Sark> Hello!
<Sark> Been a while since I had the chance to do much with Haiku, trying to get back to it and my machine won't boot. The universe doesn't like me, it seems :P
<Sark> I just wrote the latest nightly build to a disk and tried to boot that, it crashes to a kdebug prompt that I can't type at.
<Sark> Trying to figure out how best to recover the machine. It'll boot from it's hard disk and get to the Haiku logo screen, eventually after a lot of disk access get to the end of the icons - sometimes I get a solid white screen with no text, sometimes it just hangs there.
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<Begasus> haven't tried booting latest nightlies for a while here
<Sark> Is there a recovery image available I can try booting from?
<Begasus> the nightly image is as good a recovery one as it can be I guess?
<Sark> It crashes with "PANIC: did not find any boot partitions!"
<Sark> Maybe I can try a different nightly.
<Begasus> tried with the beta?
<Sark> I can't, the image is too big and I don't have media I can use for that right now.
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<Sark> I mean, as it is the nightly image is about 2MB bigger than what I have available so that could be why it won't boot, if it actually needs something that happens to be at the very end of the media. lol
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<Begasus> bugger ... can't win them all, guess akonadi needs more patching to be usefull :P
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<Sark> Well, all the nightly builds I've tried booting crash the same way. I might have to go out and buy a flash drive or something to see if I can get this machine booted. I tried booting with shift held down from the hard disk but that doesn't get me anywhere. Still just gives me the Haiku logo screen, icons, etc but hangs or crashes.
<BrunoSpr> Buying a flash drive may not work as you have been able to reach Haiku logo with icons
<Begasus> hard to tell what's going on
<Begasus> hi there BrunoSpr
<BrunoSpr> hi Begasus
<BrunoSpr> Better you ask the Haiku Community at:
<BrunoSpr> Give as much specs as possible about your hardware
<Sark> I mean, this machine *was* running just fine for a long time, it's just been sitting shut off for several months, not really sure why it won't boot - possible it wasn't shut down cleanly the last time and the filesystem got corrupted.
<BrunoSpr> ah ok I see
<BrunoSpr> so you try to use the flash drive to get your data from the main pc
<augiedoggie> it's better to use the space key when trying to get to the boot menu
<Sark> Well, I just wanted to boot into Haiku something to see if I can check the filesystem and/or figure out why it won't boot.
<Sark> space? I didn't know that. The docs said shift.
<Sark> Let me try that.
<augiedoggie> shift only works for bios/mbr booting
<augiedoggie> space works for that and EFI
<Begasus> I always hammer the space-bar :)
<Begasus> (if need be)*
<Sark> Ah! Space worked. Trying safe mode.
<Sark> And of course, looking back at the docs it does mention spacebar for UEFI booting... I honestly didn't see that before (also, I was pretty sure I was using MBR booting as it was)
<Sark> Hrm, safe mode does the same thing, white screen
<Sark> But, now that I can get into the boot menu I have more things to try.
<BrunoSpr> go back to previous Haiku hrev
<augiedoggie> if it's really booting with EFI then you may need to update the loader, but i don't think you would get that far into the boot if that was the problem
<Sark> This box *was* running Beta 4.
<Sark> I tried three different nightly builds but none of them boot. Again it could be because it actually needs something on the last two megs of the media that I can't write because I run out of space.
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<BrunoSpr> if you get into the boot menu try to boot into previous hrevs
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<BrunoSpr> hello all, I ask for Blake1024 at our discussion forum: *** Failed to download package intel_wifi_firmwares: Connection refused
<BrunoSpr> What else could help him?
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<Begasus> afk
<andreaa72> africa ?
<andreaa72> bamba !!!
<andreaa72> xD
<BrunoSpr> police?
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<BrunoSpr> Begasus what about if he tries: pkgman uninstall intel_wifi_firmware and then pkgman install intel_wifi_firmware?
<augiedoggie> a lot of people have trouble downloading packages, there are many open tickets about it
<andreaa72> cu
<augiedoggie> it looks like the screenshot shows it is partially downloaded
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<augiedoggie> he should just keep trying to update and eventually it will download the whole package
<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 6758270 - fftw, fix cmake detection (#9791)
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<Begasus> closing down, cu peeps!
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<Anarchos> hello
<Anarchos> i just ported interlisp/medley, but it needs an X server to run. Is it possible to make it run with Xlibe ?
<Sark> That would be amazing if so - if Haiku had an X server I could use Haiku for just about everything since I could connect to the other stuff over the network. I don'tknow though, but that's a good question. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you :)
<Anarchos> Sark why an X server to connect to other stuff on the network ? app_server does it natively with RemoteDesktop !
<jmairboeck> Anarchos: you could try using xlibe
<Anarchos> and ssh for text terminal connections
<Anarchos> jmairboeck will go for it
<Anarchos> jmairboeck do you have a tutorial link ?
<Sark> But what would it connect to on the other end with Remote Desktop? I don't have anything that supports that protocol. I guess other Haiku machines?
<Anarchos> yes other Haiku machines
<Sark> That's the problem, I'd want to connect to other PCs so I can run stuff that Haiku can't.
<augiedoggie> iirc, waddlesplash still hasn't figured out why Xnest won't run properly
<Anarchos> augiedoggie what is xnest ?
<augiedoggie> a nested X server, it would allow Haiku to display remote X applications
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<Anarchos> jmairboeck i can't find anymore the waddlesplash's article about xlibe
<jmairboeck> Anarchos: see here:
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<Anarchos> jmairboeck i just typed a 'rm -rf *' in wrong directory...
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<Sark> Hrm, I think I figured out why my system wouldn't boot, I think the drive is dying. Which makes no sense, it's just been sitting there. lol
<Sark> It worked fine when I used it last.
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<coolcoder613_32> Good morning all
<coolcoder613_32> Hello Sark
<Sark> Hello
<Sark> win 2
<Anarchos> Sark hello
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* coolcoder613_32 is porting 86box
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<coolcoder613_32> I built 86box!
<Anarchos> coolcoder613_32 i ported interlisp !
<coolcoder613_32> Cool
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<Anarchos> coolcoder613_32i took a screenshot :
<coolcoder613_mac> looks nice, is this in a window?
<Anarchos> yes : an SDL one
<Anarchos> i can't say it looks nice :)
<Anarchos> but gives some clues about it
<Anarchos> it is a full lisp ide
* coolcoder613_mac usually uses for images, rather than something full of ads
<Sark> I don't see any ads.
<Anarchos> coolcoder613_mac sorry, i did it fast and web+ is not very smooth here so no time to find a good sites
<Sark> Also, that is pretty awesome!
<Habbie> Sark, has terrible ads sometimes
<Habbie> NSFW even
<Sark> I need to get more machines running Lisp set up. I have a board that'll slot in to a Sun3 that will let it run the Lisp environment.
<Anarchos> Sark haikuports already got sbcl
<Sark> Habbie: I don't see any ads at all here, but it could just be that your adblocker isn't working right.
<Sark> I'll have to play with that once I can get my Haiku machine going again. Currently trying to recover the drive.
<Sark> It would seem that the reason it would not boot is that the drive started to die while sitting. So... fun. lol
<Habbie> ugh :( good luck
<Sark> Reads were taking forever and the bootloader was timing out.
<Anarchos> Sark : 'pkgman search lisp' gives 16 answers
<Sark> Anarchos: I was referring to hardware - I have a lot of hardware that runs the Lisp environment natively (or semi netively) in various states of disrepair or not set up.
<Anarchos> Sark i read advice to put it in fridge but be careful and don't trust any advice on disk revovery !!
<Sark> Projects I want to get to but never can seem to get to because a thousand other things get in the way. Even stupid things like "ooh, I want to set up my Haiku machine again" don't go well.
<Sark> This is an SSD.
<Sark> So the "make the hard drive cold" trick doesn't work. At least, I don't think it will.
<Sark> Turns out, you can't let an SSD sit, unpowered, the data will start to fade.
<Anarchos> Sark a repair technician told me that ssd becomes slow when they are fading away...
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<Sark> I did not know that. I do now. I have two different drives right now that are fading like that, similar age. Both purchased new and barely used, the one has less than 100 power on hours
<Anarchos> Sark good to know
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<zard> Hello
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<coolcoder613_mac> Hello zard
<coolcoder613_mac> Have you seen my thread on the forum about my raspi tablet?
<zard> Yes, not too bad :)
<zard> It's always nice to see such off-topic threads on the forum
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<zard> Hello ScottD1