ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
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<coolcoder613_32> Strange... The partitions in a FiwixOS installation(ext2) are shown as Not formatted (Linux native) in DriveSetup
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<zard> Hello
<erysdren> hi
<coolcoder613_mac> Hi zard
<zard> Two days ago, you were trying to copy from a floppy disk with cp. I'm curious about how that went
<coolcoder613_mac> Hmm... I think i just went back to linux
<coolcoder613_mac> I didnt have anything important on the floppy
<coolcoder613_mac> I managed to boot from it, though
<zard> Ooh, what os?
<coolcoder613_mac> Floppinux
<coolcoder613_mac> linux
<zard> Wow, they managed to put linux onto a single floppy disk!?
<coolcoder613_mac> FiwixOS is a little more usefull on a floppy, but i couldn't get it to boot on my hardware
<zard> Interesting
<zard> A while ago, I tried writing my own hobby OS. IIRC, floppies are the easiest to write an operating system for
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<coolcoder613_mac> FYI, i'm not here on Saturday (I'm Jewish)
<bjorkintosh> next easiest being emulated floppies, zard?
<zard> My attempts tended to fail with some problem I couldn't figure out how to debug
<bjorkintosh> coolcoder613_mac, we won't tell if you won't tell. you were never seen.
<coolcoder613_mac> I once wrote an OS using COSMOS..
<coolcoder613_mac> C# Open Source Managed Operating System
<zard> bjorkintosh: actually, I wrote for emulated floppy disks :). Real ones would have been harder for needing a physical machine
<bjorkintosh> aha
<zard> Isn't C# a language that does garbage collection?
<coolcoder613_mac> So, if coolcoder613_mac pops up on Saturday, thats just my mac joining and leaving by itself
<coolcoder613_mac> zard: yes
<coolcoder613_mac> Thats why it is Managed
<zard> bjorkintosh: I beleive it's Sunday for coolcoder613_mac. Still Saturday here :^)
<zard> Still, nice to now coolcoder613 isn't here on Saturday
<coolcoder613_mac> COSMOS is less of writing an OS, and more of writing a shell :)
<coolcoder613_mac> It is ~12PM sunday here
<zard> Well, it isn't _that_ hard to write an OS in assembly either
<zard> It's just a good bit more verbose... and harder to debug if things do go wrong
<Habbie> it's a lot more work and the extra work does not pay off ;)
<zard> Well, I couldn't figure out how to get it to run C, so there's that too :)
<Habbie> lol
<coolcoder613_mac> On the topic of OSs, i *just* started writing:
<zard> It's not online?
<Habbie> This repository is empty.
<coolcoder613_mac> Now it is ;)
<Habbie> what will it beecome?
<bjorkintosh> an OS
<bjorkintosh> called. YANOS. Yet Another OS :-)
<bjorkintosh> That's what I should call mine some day.
<bjorkintosh> or JANOS: Just Another OS
<zard> coolcoder613_mac: Writing an OS from scratch?
<coolcoder613_mac> My previous os had been called ebOS...
<zard> lol
<zard> Oh right, that C# OS
<coolcoder613_mac> zard: No, not really, it is a normal Rust program that loads bytecode executables
<zard> Ok, I was gonna say... that would have been really tricky
<zard> Pretty soon you'll see why I stuck to assembly and 16 bit mode on a 64 bit processor :^)
<coolcoder613_mac> Basically I'm writing a program loader, standard library, maybe compiler...
<coolcoder613_mac> All the fun parts :)
<zard> gtg now, goodbye all :)
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<coolcoder613_mac> My files for learning Rust are over here:
<zdykstra> There's a fairly significant chance that I owned that specific BeBox
<zdykstra> I owned a dual 133mhz and sold it to a guy in Japan in 2001 or so
<zdykstra> Ahh, no. I didn't have any of the official books/extras with mine.
<AlaskanEmily> Those books are for the PC that shipped with BeOS and not the BeBox, aren't they?
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* coolcoder613_mac nods
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<coolcoder613_mac> Hello HaikuUser2
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<bjorkintosh> AlaskanEmily, aren't all the books online by now?
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* coolcoder613_mac is going through my grandfathers old floppies with him
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<coolcoder613_mac> Hello Begasus
<Begasus> Hi coolcoder613_mac
<nephele> Hello gentlemen
<Begasus> Hi nephele!
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<Begasus> nephele, could you check (libqoutient)
<nephele> Good day Begasus, how has your day been so far :)
<Begasus> busy with the dogs as usual in the morning :)
<nephele> sure, give me a second
<nephele> any specific reason you want to bump the version?
<Begasus> straight forward version bump, but as it's used for matrix, I would love to see someone actualy using it to test it out :)
<nephele> I wouldn't do a straight forward version bump ;)
<nephele> the only consumers of this library are Quaternion and Neochat
<nephele> and atleast quaternion, in a version that would support this newer lib version, has switched to qt6 that still has some issues
<Begasus> right, that's why I waited to get a respond from you :)
<Begasus> k, I'll convert it to draft then untill that is sorted out, thanks!
<nephele> I've asked, with the main dev of libquotient and quaternion, here:
<nephele> but we never got a response :(
<Begasus> :/
<nephele> do you know who maintains the qt6 stuff?
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<Begasus> nephele, does it behave the same with default layout (not the theme colors)?
<nephele> I only know about the qt5 haikuplugins 3deyes maintains
<nephele> not sure what you mean with default layout
<Begasus> 3dEyes pushed something there iirc not that long ago
<Begasus> nephele, eg not the color sheme
<Begasus> sheme/scheme? :)
<nephele> yes, apart from the colors I've changed I don't know what you mean :(
<nephele> qt does not use any of haikus layouting code, it only renders controls by directly calling into the controllook
<Begasus> The difference here beeing the "Go down" button looking wierdly pixelated, as if scaled up with the wrong color. and also the control on the right loosing it's "custom" look and now just looking like a standard slider control, which it isn't.
<Begasus> that shows the same if you haven't changed theme/appearance colors?
<Begasus> ps, Qt6 updated 2 weeks ago
<nephele> That has nothing to do with the colors
<nephele> one version is qt5 the other is qt6
<Begasus> ah k :)
<Begasus> don't have a matrix account, so can't realy check things out there
<nephele> If you want one for testing I can get you one rather easily by asking nico
<nephele> (he is the author of nheko)
<Begasus> yes, would be nice, even if it's just for testing
<Begasus> converted to draft and linked the issue there
<Begasus> grabbing Arch torrent to test with QtEmu later :)
<nephele> I've asked nico, will let you know once he responds
<Begasus> thanks! if I'm not around, you got my email address right? (shouldn't be that hard to fine anyway) :)
<Begasus> dogschool in the morning
<nephele> why does system update want to install dbus and noto color emoji? .-.
<nephele> ugh, it's because of that stupid nheko update
<nephele> please remove the fonts and dbus requirements >:(
<nephele> Don't have your email adress I don't think?
<Begasus> haven't touched anything there :)
<Begasus> can be found in patches :)
<nephele> no, but there was this nheko PR with this terribleness I was unable to review because of githubs terrible interface
<Begasus> switched Otter with Angelfish local, so far (aside the crashes) works a lot better
<nephele> nheko only uses dbus for notifications, those should just be patched to use our native api instead. and there is no justification for the fonts
<Begasus> yeah, aware of that :/
<Begasus> nothing I pushed in regards of the fonts, not much respond on the issue (or the open PR for the CJK ones)
<nephele> No, i mean that the nheko port explicitly depends on noto color emoji, a font we do not support
<Begasus> ah
<nephele> also, it explicitly depends on noto emoji, whichi is a *
<nephele> *different* font
<nephele> and it should not depend on this either
<nephele> if anything Haiku should depend on this, not some random chat apps.
<Begasus> right, so both the fonts and dbus should be removed there?
<nephele> I think so, yeah.
<nephele> it's not like a library or anything but rather a server that runs the entire time and makes shutdowns take way longer, if it actually was somewhat competent I could understand it
<nephele> brb rebooting
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<Begasus> one of the reasons I'm not packaging Angelfish for the public (yet), it depends on dbus-launch (that I launch manualy for now)
<Begasus> in't dbus a KDE thing rather then Qt?
<nephele> you are using a webrowser for mobile devices on Haiku?
<Begasus> it's fast! :D
<Begasus> but yes
<nephele> dbus is a system services that enabled many<->many interprocess communications on linux "desktop"
<nephele> clients of it register a "name" on the bus, and then other apps can send messages to the bus to those names
<nephele> it's a bit similar to how it works with BMessages, in a sense, but works a bit worse, and also because clients need to announce their presense as broadcasts it is prone to use too much cpu ressources
<Begasus> with the amount of apps installed here, I can't tell which one launched it to start with :D
<nephele> a service that is restarted and keeps crashing gets amplified by dbus
<nephele> would be funky if i can get webpositive good enough that you just can keep using that ;)
<Begasus> oh, I'm still using Web+ too
<x512[m]> DBus have fundamental design problems such as resource leaks and race conditions.
<x512[m]> Haiku Application Kit also have design problems such as lack of ownership tracking and race conditions.
<Begasus> but like gitlab/gmail/youtube doesn't run that good there
<nephele> (funny, those are all sites I wouldn't use anyway... :P)
<nephele> x512[m]: I saw your ticket aboud app_server deadlock
<Begasus> don't really care for youtube, but it's nice to see it working (even playing fullscreen) :)
<nephele> I wonder if we can add tracking for ownership properly, or maybe even do something like openBSD pledge adapted for our purposes
<x512[m]> Not only that.
<nephele> (e.g something like net_server can not read the filesystem)
<x512[m]> There are no reference counting mechanism for BHandler.
<nephele> I haven't looked too much into design problems of the application kit
<Begasus> k, no issues launching nheko without those three in the recipe
<nephele> Maybe you can do a bit of a writeup? would be interesting if we can redesign it partially to fix those issues right off the bat before R1 opens the door to actors looking to exploit those
<Begasus> extra_cmake_modules? in nheko
<nephele> that should only be for building?
<Begasus> yeah, it's there, but needed?
<nephele> I think it is, but I am not sure
<nephele> I guess you can remove it and test if you want to optimize this
<Begasus> I'm not seeing it mentioned in BUILD ...
<Begasus> -DECM_DIR=/system/data/cmake/Modules/ECM/cmake
<Begasus> those are used in the KDE recipes needing it (and not finding it)
<Begasus> dogs .... :)
<nephele> Personally I am not *that* concerned since runtime deps are more visible to me, and builds with haikuports are not that geared to efficiency anyway
<Begasus> guess it depends there nephele, I usualy start out in Terminal, gives me a first indication on what is searched for/is needed, then I start with a (generic) blank recipe and fill in the gaps as they appear :)
<Begasus> reading makefiles/cmakefiles etc can help too, oh and 'sometime' I check on how other OS's declare their runtime dependencies :P
<Begasus> /boot/system/develop/tools/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-haiku/13.2.0/../../../../x86_64-unknown-haiku/bin/ld: cannot find -lz: No such file or directory
<Begasus> that indicates libz is missing (to start with)
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<Begasus> -- Checking for modules 'gstreamer-sdp-1.0>=1.18;gstreamer-webrtc-1.0>=1.18'
<Begasus> now there is "gstreamer${secondaryArchSuffix}_devel" in the recipe, should be replaced with the actual library names
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<Begasus> afk
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<Begasus> re
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] kenmays 6e35f85 - ffmpeg: fixed GCC 13 build issue (#9767)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] kenmays 1111f59 - ffmpeg5: bumped to 5.1.4 (#9769)
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<HaikuUser> hello
HaikuUser is now known as Anarchos
<Begasus> Hello Anarchos! :)
<Anarchos> Begasus could'nt test with qemu : UnlockGL is called from wrong thread, lockerThread: 992, callerThread: 995
<Anarchos> just after message 'booting from hard disk'
<Begasus> yeah, saw your message yesterday, got the same here
<Begasus> did you try that script from x512[m]?
<Anarchos> Begasus no, which one ?
<Begasus> first comment lists the contect of the script
<Begasus> It booted up here (slow but worked), no network though
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<Anarchos> Begasus sadly i will need network to test my patch
<Begasus> bugger :/ (maybe you have better luck, but I doubt it)
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<Anarchos> Begasus strange with his script i get : 'hard drive not found' when i put my iso file instead of his
<Begasus> did you change the path also Anarchos?
<Anarchos> Begasus yes !
<Anarchos> Begasus-drive file="/Data1/INFORMATIQUE/haiku-nightly-anyboot.iso",format=raw,if=none,id=x1
<Begasus> this works for me: -drive file="/Opslag/Haiku/haiku/generated.x86_64/haiku-nightly-anyboot.iso",format=raw,if=none,id=x1
<Anarchos> and the first sector ends in '55 AA'
<Anarchos> which is bootable signature
<Anarchos> Begasus bummer : i had removed the nvme line... now it works :)
<Begasus> hehe
<Anarchos> Begasus red rocket !
<Anarchos> i wait the desktop.
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<Begasus> as mentioned, it's slow Anarchos :)
<Anarchos> no trouble i can wait
<Anarchos> [ipro1000] (em) Link is up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex ===> seems network will be avail ?
<Begasus> you can see that in the screenshot I posted at the issue also :) (keeps dropping)
<Anarchos> here too
<Anarchos> no trouble
<Anarchos> Begasus but i wonder how i will be able to launch execve from a non-main thread of a team
<Anarchos> Begasus ah package_daemon is doing first boot processings for packages.
<Begasus> yeah, that seemed to last like forever
<Anarchos> indeed, but what is positive to me is that my patch didn't break the kernel (yet) :)
<Begasus> +1
<x512[m]> Anarchos: Where running exec from non-main thread is needed?
<x512[m]> Seems quite obscure functionality.
<Anarchos> x512[m] the ocaml package manager calls execve from threads to compile. See ticket #18665
<Anarchos> my guess is that it does one fork for each compilation-task, and each one calls execve to launch the compilation task
<Anarchos> but i did't look at the opam code to confirm it.
<Anarchos> Anyway the strace in the ticket should be sufficient to point the root of the 'Operation not allowed' in exec_team
* Anarchos is not sure to be clear enough
<Anarchos> still on the red rocket :)
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<Anarchos> Begasus was it *so* slow for you ?
<Begasus> Anarchos, the launch, once Desktop is up it's not that bad
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<Begasus> 'lo humdinger!
<humdinger> Hi Ho!
<humdinger> Begasus: as its main user, would you like to test drive the latest PonpokoDiff?
<humdinger> Now I'm really through with it, provided you don't find anything amiss... :)
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<Begasus> sec
<Begasus> should be done humdinger :)
<Begasus> doing something else atm :)
<Anarchos> Begasus my point is i still have not the Desktop :D
<Begasus> ah lol Anarchos
<humdinger> Begasus: thanks! more important is you working with the latest version. I should've postponed the last 0.3.0 release and wait until I put all the usability tweaks in...
<humdinger> I can provide a reaady built 64bit version
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus a03b442 - nlohmann_json, bump version (#9774)
<Begasus> building it will be fast enough here humdinger :)
<humdinger> still. time I could save you :)
<Anarchos> Begasus qemu logs 53 packages "first boot processing". My generated/download folder has 155 packages....
<Begasus> 154 packages here Anarchos
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<Begasus> humdinger, doesn't show the translation when I put in the new exported one ...
<humdinger> it should... let me check.
<humdinger> stupid epiphany is acting up..
<Begasus> works fine in Angelfish :P
<Begasus> or Otter :)
<humdinger> seems to produce a million WebKit processes that eat my system...
<humdinger> ^Epiphany
<Begasus> Didn't do the trick for me (Epiphany)
<Begasus> too bloated? :P
<nephele> humdinger: had that same issue
<humdinger> worked in nthe past. I updated the system this morning. maybe some update is messed up.
<humdinger> guess I'll have to try Mr otter again...
<Begasus> I haven't pushed any weird stuff lately ;)
<humdinger> ok. new translations work here... I just put the new nl.catkeys into sources/locales, make, make bindcatalogs. works when I set the locale to Dutch...
<Anarchos> Begasus pacakge #81 :) end is nearer
<Begasus> I used the recipe to pull everrything humdinger (and cp'd the catkey to the locale foler)
<Begasus> ah lol
<Begasus> why isn't make bindcatalogs in the recipe?
<humdinger> BTW, would you prefer to have the diffed file names as a row above the left/right panes, or is it as window title OK?
<Begasus> missing a string humdinger ... Green indicates added lines.
<humdinger> someone (me...) forgot to put it in there...
<Begasus> that's fine for me humdinger
<Begasus> as it is*
<Begasus> ah, missed that line :)
<humdinger> OK then. If you don't find issues with it or have more easily to implement stuff, we can ask for more translations and squeeze out 0.4.0 next week.
<humdinger> then we'll even include those translations... }
<Begasus> doing things fast isn't always a good idea :P
<Begasus> OK, got it now, good enough for me humdinger, thanks again!
<humdinger> :)
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<Anarchos> Begasus pacakge #111 :)
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<botifico> [haiku/infrastructure] nielx pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±2]
<botifico> [haiku/infrastructure] nielx 91618a7 - Discourse: update container to 3.1.3
<botifico> [haiku/infrastructure] nielx 82a35be - Haikudepotserver: deploy 1.0.152
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<botifico> [haiku/infrastructure] nielx pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haiku/infrastructure] nielx 36de0ae - Discourse: deploy 3.1.3
<Anarchos> Begasus still red rocket :)))
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<Begasus> and I thought it was slow here Anarchos :P
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli 141d668 - another_world: fix binary location on x86
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<Begasus> closing down here, cu peeps!
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<Anarchos> Begasus next time, add "-nic none" to your script
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
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<coolcoder613_32> Good morning
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<coolcoder613_32> A few jokes in the `fortune` format:
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