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<zdykstra> Good morning
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<erysdren> good morning
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<coolcoder613_32> Hi erysdren, zdykstra
<erysdren> good morning!
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<coolcoder613_32> What's up?
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<erysdren> good morning]
<Begasus> g'evening erysdren
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<Begasus> k, new noto package installed :)
<coolcode1613_mac> Hello Begasus
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<coolcode1613_mac> Hello Begasus
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<Begasus> Hi coolcode1613_mac
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<Begasus> moin humdinger
<humdinger> morning!
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<Begasus> time for new release of PonpokoDiff? ;)
<humdinger> not yet. I'm polishing...
<Begasus> ok :)
<humdinger> first code style, then I'll see about node monnitoring
<Begasus> meanwhile done with the noto package
coolcode1613_mac is now known as coolcoder613_mac
<humdinger> very good! a massive package again I assume...
<Begasus> the "actual" package is only about 20MiB
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<Begasus> the condensed package about 116MiB, the regional package about 36MiB
<humdinger> not much of a "condensed" package then... :)
<Begasus> nah :)
<Begasus> and the downloads for those creating the package is almost a full GiB :D
<Begasus> once installed it's no problem, installing it is a problem (system trips over the switch)
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<humdinger> changing fonts always stalled the app_server for a bit, but it used to come back.
<Begasus> it's a bit more then that (added a screenshot to the issue) :)
<Begasus> need to force a reboot with the power button
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<Anarchos> Begasus i find that Weather contains a really simple code to deal with network changes. I will try to apply that to Vision :)
<Begasus> Vision works fine for me so far Anarchos
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<Anarchos> Begasus sure, but if you change your wifi network in Network, Vision is unable to reconnect automatically, as Weather does.
<Begasus> ah, haven't been moving around that much with this laptop :)
<Anarchos> Begasus i have instable wifi so i am really annoyed to shut/reopened Vision.
<Begasus> Anarchos, can imagine
<Begasus> nice to have the skills to fix it your self :)
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<Anarchos> Begasus it will just be a matter of copy the NetworkConnect method from Weather to Vision
<Begasus> sometimes I just need to slam myself with a hammer :)
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<Begasus> ah jmairboeck :) was just thinking about you
<Begasus> cp ../../sources*/*/hinted/ttf/*.ttf ${FONTDIR} ... that just works :)
<jmairboeck> Hi Begasus
<jmairboeck> as long as the expansion of that is not too long :)
<Begasus> could take an empty source_dir, but that would mean removing the others in the recipe now, can do, but not now :D
<Begasus> 178 uri's
<Begasus> recipe is on my branch, but not going to file a PR yet, should get some testing by others too
<jmairboeck> yesterday I was pondering the perl stuff again. I came to the conclusion that frozen-bubble on primary arch x86_gcc2 isn't possible. It uses pango, which doesn't work, because that requires harfbuzz, which literally "confuses" gcc2 to build
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<jmairboeck> I got cairo to (mostly) build with gcc2, but that alone isn't very useful, so I'm not sure if I should submit it anyway
<Begasus> getting it to go with gcc2 will be hard (as you already found out), I wouldn't bother to much with it)
<jmairboeck> I gave up already, harfbuzz is too hard
<Begasus> +1
<Begasus> think we can live without frozen-bubble on 32bit
<jmairboeck> I looked at their changelog, in version 2.5, they say that they dropped pre-C++11-compiler support, but even version 2.4 contains "constexpr" (which was introduced in C++11)
<jmairboeck> so something is wrong there
<Begasus> not the general idea to go too far back into time on those :)
<Begasus> afk for a while ... dogschool in a bit :)
<jmairboeck> so either we find out what the problem with secondaryArch is in sdl_perl, or there won't be a frozen-bubble on 32 bit
<jmairboeck> and I'm still not sure which way we should go about secondaryArch perl in general
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Midar pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Midar fdacc97 - objfw: Update to 1.0.5
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<Begasus> k, done with the noto recipes :)
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<andreaa72> hello, Zeta OS is legal becouse from BeOS dano ...
<andreaa72> Jesus, the eternal one, wrote Dano xD
<Anarchos> andreaa72there is no eternal jesus.
<andreaa72> xD
<andreaa72> mystery
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<zdykstra> Every conversation with him is a wild ride
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> k, looking to update npm and require latest nodejs ...
<Begasus> and then check if I can create a working recipe for grunt
<Anarchos> zdykstra sadly yes
<zdykstra> What is grunt?
<zdykstra> I fear googling for that will be full of unrelated things :P
<Begasus> grunt is something used by netbeans it seems :)
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) Hello dudes and dudettes
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) I'm doing an update to Haiku on my TuneTracker computer, first since June 2020! We'll see if TuneTracker wakes up feeling fresh and happy, or gripes in some way. :-)
<Begasus> Crossing fingers Dane!
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) Me too!
<Begasus> are you updating to nightly or beta?
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) Looks like we're stalled during the update...
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) Just did pkgman update
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) So latest official I suppose?
<Begasus> what is the system running?
<B2IA> (DaneGSR:) DaneGSR:
<Begasus> R1B3 or nightly?
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) Looks like it stalled
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) 5581_67-1 apparently
<Begasus> what does "pkgman list-repos" say?
<Begasus> ps, made backups? ;)
<B2IA> (DaneGSR:) DaneGSR:
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) Yes, I backed up first
<Begasus> I'm not seeing something here I think? <B2IA> (DaneGSR:) DaneGSR:
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) What are we lacking?
<Begasus> you should see some output when running "pkgman list-repos" like mentioned here:
<Begasus> ~> uname -a
<Begasus> Haiku shredder 1 hrev56578+93 Oct 20 2023 06:38: x86_64 x86_64 Haiku
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) OK. Alternatively, I could download a build as a single file from the website, mount it, and run installer on it to a clean partition I suppose.
<Begasus> or you could switch reposotori as mentioned in the link :)
<Begasus> for what it's worth, I would stick to R1B4 (not the nightly) for a stable system (but that's just me) :)
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) Looking
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<B2IA> (DaneGSR) I'm having a little trouble getting that page to display reliably, so I'll hunt down the R1B4 package file and grab that. Thanks!
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<Begasus> ok, still crossing fingers :)
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) How do I determine whether my current setup is 32 bit or 64 bit?
<Anarchos> DaneGSR 'About System' in Deskbar, or 'getarch' in Terminal
<Begasus> uname -a
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) x86_64 according to getarch
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) Thanks
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) 64 bit it is!
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) dlling the R1B4 image
<Begasus> +1
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) Yeah, I'm WAY behind the times. I was on 54154 from 6/7/2020
<Begasus> maybe even prior to R1B3 :)
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) B2 perhaps
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus dd525e9 - npm, update, make depend on latest nodejs (#9733)
<Anarchos> DaneGSR nightly is really stable for me on bare metal
<Begasus> good to hear Anarchos, I'm sticking to something that works for me (and I know buildmasters are using too) :)
<Anarchos> Begasus it depends of your computer
<Begasus> ow, it works fine here too Anarchos (rarely do, but sometimes switch to nightly if I need something to check)
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) Anarchos Pardon the delay, had some windows open over the top of this. That's great to know. Bare metal is what I need to be solid. I'm on a manhunt for some current, modern hardware that'll run Haiku super-stable, so any insights will be great. I'm rebooting now to install the latest...will be back in a bit.
<nosycat> I finally tried FLTK on Haiku.
<B2IA> (Dane64) Boink
<B2IA> (Dane64) Ok, over on the other partition now and I have haiku-r1beta4-x86_64-anyboot.iso sitting on the desktop. What's the magic forumula to mount it as a drive so I can install from it?
<Anarchos> deadfwd[m]
<Anarchos> Dane64 : right clock-> mount volume
<Anarchos> then in Installer, choose that volume
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<B2IA> (Dane64) I'm not seeing the mount volume option. It's an ISO, is that why?
<B2IA> (Dane64) I think I remember that I used to download these as hpkg files, but I didn't see that option...and I may be remembering wrong too, very possible.
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<PulkoMandy> you need to use the "diskimage register" command to mount it as a disk image (with a partition table)
<PulkoMandy> not doable directly from the GUI I think
<B2IA> (Dane64) Ah, that seemed to work
<B2IA> (Dane64) Haiku mounted
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<B2IA> (Dane64) Booting to the new Haiku
<Begasus> suspension :)
<Begasus> nosycat, how did it go?
<nosycat> I found a missing header, and other errors, but!
<nosycat> Most of my UI mockups compile and work fine.
<nosycat> Even the native file dialogs. That's really nice.
<Begasus> good to hear
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<Begasus> maybe add an issue on the header/errors at haikuports?
<nosycat> I forgot where, sorry.
<nosycat> It was just a quick look, so.
<FreeFull> Have there been any commits relating to usb audio recently?
<Begasus> ok, np :)
<Anarchos> FreeFull define recently
<nosycat> I'll double-check and file an issue on HaikuPorts, thanks for the reminder.
<nosycat> But there are so many of them open. D:
<FreeFull> Let's say in the last year
<FreeFull> My current laptop has USB audio, unfortunately
<Begasus> nosycat, where and when I (or someone in the team) can fix those they can be closed, better to know something then nothing :)
<nosycat> Fair!
<Begasus> someone on FB also did a check with NetBeans, reported he had some trouble with FX projects, it will be lost there if not reported here :)
<nosycat> You're right, of course. It's just tricky for me right now.
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) butler history
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) hmm forgot the syntax
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) butler catsup
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) hah, remembered!
<B2IA> (DaneGSR) butler catsup 100
<Begasus> no hurry nosycat, plenty to go around :)
<nosycat> :D
<B2IA> (Dane64) Hmm... diskimage register worked once, but I'm needing to make another run at the install, and now it no longer seems to make the iso mountable when I try it.
<B2IA> (Dane64) butler catsup 100
<B2IA> (Dane64) Trying pkgman again
<B2IA> (Dane64) Making better progress this time...
<Begasus> after all this time still learning :)
<B2IA> (Dane64) I can relate.
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<nielx[m]> FYI updating discuss to install a security update
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<nielx[m]> And we're done.
<botifico> [haiku/infrastructure] nielx pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±2]
<botifico> [haiku/infrastructure] nielx 0674211 - Discourse: update container for 3.1.2
<botifico> [haiku/infrastructure] nielx d46fb16 - Discourse: deploy 3.1.2
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<bitigchi[m]> Did anyone actually get a confirmation email from the new sign on system?
<bitigchi[m]> I can’t log in to Gerrit since forever :/
<Begasus> closing down for today, cu peeps!
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<PulkoMandy> bitigchi[m]: yes, no problem here
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<nephele> has there been any recent attempts to get mDNSresponder ported? iirc our multicast ipv4 is supposed to work now, so if nobody tried it recently I may give it a shot
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<nephele> "Warning: skipping mDNSResponder-2200.0.8, as the recipe is broken"
<nephele> that's the kind of "fuck you figure it out" debugging that makes computers hard to use .-.
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<PulkoMandy> ?
<PulkoMandy> it's just because it's marked as "broken" for your architecture
<PulkoMandy> seems like all this needs is a minor change to the wording, replace "broken" by "marked as broken for the target architecture"
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<coolcoder613_32> Good morning all
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<zard> Hello
<coolcoder613_32> Hello zard
<zard> Hello coolcoder613_32 :)
<coolcoder613_32> I've been learning Rust
<zard> Did you see the message that I posted a few days ago about daylight savings time?
<coolcoder613_32> I did
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<zard> Almost done with uncommenting the app kit :)
<coolcoder613_32> Could you try to get to run?
<zard> Sure, is it in Haiku-PyAPI?
<coolcoder613_32> TmTFx was asking me about it
<coolcoder613_32> It is
* zard starts
<zard> And now it crashed...
<coolcoder613_32> Hmm... I added BBox, BMenubar, and BSeparatorItem
<zard> Hmm... I'm guessing something to do with the menubar...
<zard> Maybe something to do with object lifetimes...
<coolcoder613_32> It may need addding that unique_ptr thing, grep for it if you dont know what i am talking about
<zard> I've seen pybind11 doc's talk about unique_ptr, if that's what you mean
<coolcoder613_32> In the Haiku-PyAPI source
<coolcoder613_32> std::unique_ptr<BMenubar, py::nodelete>
<zard> Ah... Not very familiar with those yet... But it might be a good lead.
<zard> On an unrelated note, all those py::nodelete's scare me. Makes me wonder if there is a memory leak somewhere by now
<coolcoder613_32> py::class_<BMenuBar, BMenu, std::unique_ptr<BMenuBar, py::nodelete>>(m, "BMenuBar")
* zard puts that into BMenuBar's code
<coolcoder613_32> It could be BSepatorItem, that is in the menu too
<zard> Good point
* zard takes a look at the docs coolcoder613_32 linked to
* zard finished reading, is even more worried about memory leaks :D
* coolcoder613_32 read it, was not worried before, but is now
<zard> FYI, I wrote a blog post on how to catch memory leaks:
<zard> I should maybe update it some day, since there are some optimizations that I made to my routine since...
<nielx[m]> In general, the ownership of the object stays with the creator, unless the object is derived from BHandler and it is added to a (derivative) of BLoopoer
<nielx[m]> Ownership of a BLooper or a derivative is handed over to the looper itself when Run() is called.
<nielx[m]> The exception is BApplication.
<nielx[m]> Ownership of views is passed onto parent objects when they are added to a parent (BView::AddChild())
<nielx[m]> More nuances are documented in the Haiku Book
<zard> Thanks. I think that's why the application crashes currently.
<zard> Ownership of the view is passed to the parent object. Python meanwhile sees its reference count has gone to zero and assumes it can safely delete the object.
<zard> Our solution: tell Python never to delete those objects
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<zard> And now you can see why I'm worried about memory leaks :)
* coolcoder613_32 nods
<nielx[m]> yes, memory leaks are fun. Overall though, the ownership model of Applications, Windows and Views is quite predictable, and you should be able to model that correctly in your binding generator
<nielx[m]> And I would also argue that the bigger problem is not memory leaks, but double frees, as this crashes the application.
<coolcoder613_32> binding generator? i got it from
<zard> I agree about double frees. So let's just push whatever code we come up with to fix the double free, even though it will almost certainly make memory leaks
* zard makrs BMenu as nodelete as well
<coolcoder613_32> Shouldnt C++ be always freeing it? do you have to manually free everything when you program the BeAPI in C++?
<zard> Yes. C++ doesn't have a garbage collector. It's up to you to manually do it.
<zard> Yields slight speed savings, but may come at the cost of you missing things or freeing things twice
<zard> Anyway, got to go
<coolcoder613_32> Dont you only have to free BApplication?
<coolcoder613_32> remember to push your changes
<coolcoder613_32> This is my patch for the bindings generator:
<x512[m]> BApplication have live time of process, so it will not hard to never free it.
<x512[m]> hard -> harm
<coolcoder613_32> Why cant I use Open With on a shell script?
<coolcoder613_32> As in open with a shell script
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* zard is back
<zard> re pushin changes: nothing working yet...
* zard is trying to VNC into Haiku
<coolcoder613_32> If there are no regressions....
<coolcoder613_32> You can VNC into Haiku
<zard> Ah, but it still crashes and the changes likely cause memory leaks
<coolcoder613_32> I dont see why you should do it to BMenu, after all, it was working before.
<zard> Just to eliminate it from the list of possibilities :)
<coolcoder613_32> And to cause memory leaks?
<zard> Ha ha :). I'm still in the early stages of debugging the problem. The goal is just to figure out what's wrong right now
* zard got VNC working
<zard> It works! Marking all three as nodelete did the trick!
<coolcoder613_32> Well, make random changes, and see if the debug report changes
<coolcoder613_32> Does it close?
<zard> Grr. Just finished doing that, and it crashes.
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<coolcoder613_32> Ok, just don't slip on the memory leaks ;)
<zard> Not sure what you mean? Are memory leaks ok if they fix the problem?
<coolcoder613_32> It was a joke
<zard> :)
<coolcoder613_32> I've got a new favorite IDE: Lapce
<coolcoder613_32> This was my first Rust project:
<coolcoder613_32> I started learning Rust last week
<zard> Nice. I might want to start learning Rust eventually...
<coolcoder613_32> Lapce is similar to VS Code, but a lot more lightweight, and faster, and it is written in Rust
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<zard> I suspect you'll start catching on to potential memory leaks in C++ faster after learning rust :)
<coolcoder613_32> KSPAtlas[m] (~kspatlast@2001:470:1af1:101::b321) has quit IRC (Quit: Client limit exceeded: 20000)?
<zard> The client limit exceeded part?
<coolcoder613_32> Yes
<zard> If it is what I think it is (too many people are on here from Matrix), then that should be fixed soon...
* zard can barely code with all of this talking :D
<coolcoder613_32> I want to build a 'fortune' IRC bot in Rust, that runs the fortune command...
* coolcoder613_32 was reading /syste/data/fortunes
<zard> Ah, you discovered that command
<zard> I discovered it while exploring Haiku's bin folder in the source code
<coolcoder613_32> Been there since UNIX v7(v6?)
<zard> Interesting, never new that...
<zard> Certainly doesn't come preinstalled in my Linux
<coolcoder613_32> usaully in /usr/games
<coolcoder613_32> I was playing around with old unixes at some point(a week or two ago?)
<coolcoder613_32> I like the tech support excuses
<zard> Ok, program doesn't crash on exit if there is no mention of BBox
<zard> No idea why BBox causes the crash though... let's try some nodelete
<zard> The crash is at std::default_delete<BBox>::operator(), so that should "fix" the problem as well...
<zard> And so it does :)
<coolcoder613_32> Now push your changes?
<zard> Sure :)
<coolcoder613_32> A computer without COBOL and Fortran is like a piece of chocolate cake without ketchup and mustard.
<zard> There you go :)
<zard> lol
<coolcoder613_32> StyledEdit /system/data/fortunes/Computers
<zard> I got a theory as to why Python freeing BBox causes it to crash: a double free
<coolcoder613_32> Hey, I had an idea, a 'Run' box like Windows
<zard> Yes, that has to be it. Now I'm happy with marking BBox as nodelete, since I understand how it works.