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<_-Caleb-_> hi all
<_-Caleb-_> i have a question: Can i sign a bash script to associate in FileType app??? Thanks :-)
<_-Caleb-_> in the default application i mean
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<augiedoggie> you want to execute a bash script by double clicking some other file?
<augiedoggie> if i understand correctly
<augiedoggie> or via the 'open with...' menu
<augiedoggie> didn't notice he left, maybe he reads the logs
<augiedoggie> need a wrapper application to do that but i think there is an open ticket on trac
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<Begasus> Hello coolcoder613_32
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<coolcoder613_32> Helo Begasus
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus eb347bb - icu74, add new icu74 (#9713)
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<humdinger> hey Begasus!
<Begasus> hi humdinger!
<humdinger> Begasus: as the major user of PonpokoDiff, would you like to test drive the latest?
<Begasus> sure, was using it earlier, so let's have a look :)
<humdinger> here's a 64bit build:
<Begasus> I could do a build here too?
<humdinger> adjusted colours and double-click opens the file in preferred app.
<humdinger> sure, build yourself :)
<Begasus> are the locales included?
<humdinger> had some re-arranging of code to do, so hope the node-monitoring etc. still works.
<Begasus> TextDiffView.cpp:18:10: fatal error: TextFileFilter.h: No such file or directory ?
<Begasus> does it need something new?
<humdinger> nope. hang on.
<humdinger> my zip includes the locales
<Begasus> pulled latest commit
<humdinger> hmm... builds here. "make clean"?
<humdinger> hang on
<Begasus> ah, maybe could be some left overs :)
<humdinger> nope. forgot to add the new files...
<Begasus> nope, still error
<Begasus> lol
<humdinger> so. fixed.
<humdinger> sorry...
<Begasus> np :) did a quick check with your zip, works ok (translated, color change, catches changes when a file is changed) +1
<humdinger> good. thanks for testing!
<Begasus> cp: cannot stat 'source/objects/PonpokoDiff': No such file or directory
<Begasus> tss :P
<humdinger> I moved the binary to the top folder
<Begasus> then the recipe also needs changes :) "make $jobArgs OBJ_DIR=objects"
<humdinger> one thing that could be fixed: if a file is deleted and you try to "Reload" yuo end up with a white window.
<humdinger> yeah, the recipe will be changed
<Begasus> makes sense humdinger, nothing to compare
<humdinger> you think in the above case, it just shouldn't reload. show an alert "File x is gone?"
<Begasus> or you could add a check for when a file is moved/removed?
<humdinger> should the deleting of a file also be node monitored?
<Begasus> right
<humdinger> and the keep showing the old contents?
<Begasus> an alert would be fine
<humdinger> *then
<Begasus> if that is possible, or mention in the alert "Nothing to compare, file moved/deleted!" ?
<Begasus> "file $*" (or the like) :)
<humdinger> yeah. and "Ignore" button to just keep showing the old diff, and a "Diff new files" button that open the "Open files" dialog.
<Begasus> +2
<humdinger> since there'll be again new string involved, how about release as is now and push the rest to a next releas?
<Begasus> PS, added new version on how to split the noto package
<Begasus> how hard is it to implement that alert?
<humdinger> not hard, I expect...
<humdinger> (famous last words)
<Begasus> maybe add that first (and do the rest for a new release)?
<humdinger> OTOH, we could release with incomplete translations, as it's a situation not often encountered.
<Begasus> that's up to you :)
<humdinger> Alright. :)
<Begasus> only 2 at 76%, should be good to go :)
<Begasus> humdinger, is there a way to download the dutch catkey?
<humdinger> at polyglot, click on the "All blocks" pop-up and choose "export2
<Begasus> not seeing any pop-up?
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<humdinger> where it says "All blocks"
<Begasus> if I click on "Export" beside "All Blocks" it "downloads" a login file (that I can't find ...)
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<humdinger> that's a Web+ bug.
<Begasus> :(
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<humdinger> Use Web or another browser. I think there's a ticket already.
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<Begasus> got it :)
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<Begasus> should do some cleanup, 94 items in my application menu :)
<humdinger> :O
<Begasus> guess it needs "make bindcatalog" for the translation?
<humdinger> yes
<humdinger> and make sure there's "nl" in the Makefile
<Begasus> that's already done :) (been there)
<Begasus> working :) +1
<humdinger> good
<Begasus> heh, left/right different colors too :)
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<humdinger> really? how so? not intended...
<Begasus> humdinger, big thumbs up! thanks
<humdinger> the colouring should still be the same, only the colours slightly changed.
<Begasus> it probably already was, only seen it now :)
<Begasus> have to step out, ttyl, thanks again! :)
<humdinger> yeah, the yellow and green was almost undistinguishable.
<humdinger> I'm a bit colour blind in that area...
* humdinger waves
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<_-Caleb-_> hi all
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<Anarchos> hello
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] kallisti5 pushed 2 commits to master [hrev57376] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 7ef31730b2e0 - boot/efi/riscv64: Reduce page table tracing by default
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] a8555ee7391b - loader/elf: Add missing PT_RISCV_ATTRIBUTES Page Table type
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 9284d7c - icu74, fix checksum, remove SOURCE_URI_3, this was wrong in their intentional release (#9743)
<Begasus> lo peeps :)
<nephele> hi
<Begasus> hi nephele, added another "recipe" to the PR for the noto fonts, I think that is what you meant by "general"?
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<Begasus> Aside for the NotoSansDisplay, everything is the same as in our current package (well Symbols2 is reduced to only 1 font)
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<Anarchos> i can ping a remote host but cannot do "ssh user@" to connect to it. user is defined on both haiku machines, and the ssh server is activated. :/
<Anarchos> both are on OpenSSH_9.3p1, OpenSSL 1.1.1w 11 Sep 2023
<jn> how does it fail?
<jn> what does ssh -v user@... say?
<Anarchos> jn
<Anarchos> OpenSSH_9.3p1, OpenSSL 1.1.1w 11 Sep 2023
<Anarchos> debug1: Reading configuration data /packages/openssh-9.3p1-1/.settings/ssh/ssh_config
<Anarchos> debug1: Authenticator provider $SSH_SK_PROVIDER did not resolve; disabling
<Anarchos> debug1: Connecting to [] port 22.
<Anarchos> debug1: connect to address port 22: Connection refused
<Anarchos> ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
<jn> ah, connection refused
<jn> you enabled the ssh server on the target machine (, right?
<Anarchos> yes
<jn> strange. i'm out of ideas
<Anarchos> ps gives "sshd -D"
<jn> does ssh user@ work on the target machine?
<Anarchos> one laptop is connected by wifi, the other by wire on the router
<Anarchos> jn let me try this one on the target
<augiedoggie> if you `grep ssh /var/log/syslog` do you see lines saying that it's listening on port 22?
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<Anarchos> the ssh user@127.0..0.1 works
<OscarL> from "enable permitRootLogin in sshd settings and allow the root user to log in with a password" ?
<jn> hmm, i suspect either a firewall somewhere along the way, or that the target machine isn't actually but somehow got a different IP address
<jn> OscarL: it doesn't get to the point where the authentication method would be negociated
<jn> (as far as i can see from the ssh -v log)
<OscarL> Understood, thanks. Just some stabs in the dark here :-D
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<Anarchos> jn telnet works, but ssh is stuck : debug1: expecting SSH2_MSG_KEX_ECDH_REPLY
<Anarchos> jn but i got at least 'connection established' in the logs
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<Anarchos> jmairboeck hello !
<Anarchos> jmairboeck i have a question for you on the isntallation of a latex package...
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<jmairboeck> what do you need?
<Anarchos> jmairboeck the anysize.sty file/package
<jmairboeck> that should be available if you run pkgman install tex:anysize
<jmairboeck> I don't know which collection it is part of, but on openSUSE it is packaged as "texlive-anysize", so that pkgman command should work
<Anarchos> ah thanks i didn't know the label tex: in pkgman filters
<jmairboeck> the texlive package infos are generated automatically, and I added the provides with the "tex:" prefix to them
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<Anarchos> jmairboeck well done \o/
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<Anarchos> if a telnet session losses conection, do the runned commands continue on server ?
<Anarchos> or i must launch with nohup ?
<phschafft> I really hope nobody is using telnet. ;)
<phschafft> Anarchos: if your terminal has a hang up event that is normally forwarded to whatever runs in there.
<phschafft> so unless your task is detached (e.g. by nohup) it is likely terminated.
<Anarchos> phschafft i would prefer ssh, but it doesn' work yet...
<phschafft> hwoever programs designed to run as daemons may reload and/or background themselfs on SIGHUP.
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<andreaa72> hello
<andreaa72> is there the porting of the gimp ?
<andreaa72> gimp 4 haiku ?
<zdykstra> look at haiku packages
<zdykstra> the depot is searchable :)
<andreaa72> ok, thanks ...
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<cocobean> Vidrep_64: May want to focus on new WebKit2 618.1.5 build - not ready yet though:
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<Begasus> closing down here, cu peeps!
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<OscarL> Anarchos: are your ssh keys under "/boot/home/config/settings/ssh"? do they have the right permissions? (not much on "SSH2_MSG_KEX_ECDH_REPLY", besides that, or MTU-size related issue).
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<Anarchos> they say to change the mtu on the network interface , for ssh troubles...
<phschafft> connection refused doesn't sound like an MTU problem.
<phschafft> refused means some part actively rejected the connection.
<Anarchos> phschafft with "ifconfig /dev/net/realtekwifi/0 mtu 1400" it works !!
<phschafft> strange.
<Anarchos> in the remote the mtu is 9004. On the client it was 2294. It worked when i changedthe client for 1400
<Anarchos> who knows RemoteDesktop ?
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<Anarchos> is remotedesktop broken ?
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<Anarchos> remotedesktop tries to connect to port 10900 but app_server listen on 10901 :
<Anarchos> no wonder they don't connect !
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