ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
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<andreasdr[m]> Cool.
<coolcoder613_32> PyQt error
zard has joined #haiku
<coolcoder613_32> Hello zard
<zard> Hello coolcoder613_32 :)
<coolcoder613_32> I compiled dillo for Haiku
* zard looks up dillo
<zard> So a basic browser that doesn't support Javascript
<coolcoder613_32> Yes
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<coolcoder613_32> I wanted some kind of lynx-but-GUI thing
<zard> I guess, then, a hobby project just like Haiku OS, with little practical use
<coolcoder613_32> Well, it is one of the best web browsers for DOS...
<zard> Hmm, I think there's one text+image only browser available already for Haiku
<coolcoder613_32> Netsurf, yes
<zard> Dillo runs in DOS!? Soon everything is going to run in DOS lol
<coolcoder613_32> FLTK
<coolcoder613_32> supports DOS
<zard> Ah, that explains it
<zard> Let's make Haiku apps run in dos as well! /s
<coolcoder613_32> Hmm... someone did make a DOS subsystem for linux...
<zard> DOS runs Linux!? What next?
<coolcoder613_32> Have you heard of FDPP?
<zard> No...
<zard> link doesn't work
<coolcoder613_32> I was thinking...
<coolcoder613_32> What if someone hooked it up to unicorn or something
<zard> unicorn?
<coolcoder613_32> and made some kind of cross-platform dosemu
<coolcoder613_32> unicorn is a CPU emulator framework
<coolcoder613_32> Unicorn is a lightweight, thread-safe, multi-platform, multi-architecture CPU emulator framework written in pure C, and based on QEMU.
<zard> Ok, so make DOS run cross-platform
<zard> I got it, so that you can run DOS on your raspberry pie!
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<coolcoder613_32> actually, so i can run DOS on Haiku, but that too
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<zard> I'm thinking of buying a board game for Christmas. Got any suggestions?
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<Skipp_OSX> maybe 0 is a better value to use than -1?
<zard> ?
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<HaikuUser> hello there!
<zard> Hello HaikuUser :)
<coolcoder613_32> Hi HaikuUser
<HaikuUser> how i change my nickname?
<zard> You can give yourself a nickname using /nick name
<HaikuUser> ok, thanks!
HaikuUser is now known as name
<coolcoder613_32> lol
<Skipp_OSX> sry no context talking about bug fix waddlesplash should know what I mean
<zard> Ah, ok :)
<name> Welp, it worked aparently, Zard
<waddlesplash> Skipp_OSX: well 0 can mean no space left, or it can mean invalid
<waddlesplash> Skipp_OSX: lots of other FSes do return 0 already though
<Skipp_OSX> well no, because this is the capacity, we have a separate free_bytes
<zard> I know... so are you officially staying as name?
<Skipp_OSX> so capacity of 0 doesn't just mean your disk is full it means it is unfillable
<name> bro what? Damn, it didnt work! :(
<zard> try /nick replace_with_your_name
name is now known as ACultOfTheLambFan
<coolcoder613_32> If i wanted to chnage my name to 'blue' i would use /nick blue
<ACultOfTheLambFan> it worked!
<zard> Much better name :D
<coolcoder613_32> A bit of a mouthfull though
<zard> Allow me to introduce you to the other commonly used command: "/me is doing something"
* zard is doing something
* ACultOfTheLambFan is using haiku XD
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* zard sees the XD emoji, considers using it in the future XD
<waddlesplash> Skipp_OSX: isn't this free_blocks?
<ACultOfTheLambFan> Oh, and for those who dont know, cult of the lamb is an indie videogame, it isnt anything chistian, even it has some satanic things but nothing rlly important lol
* zard had just finished looking it up lol
<Skipp_OSX> oh yeah free_blocks
<Skipp_OSX> (not bytes)
<Skipp_OSX> 'm looking at capacity
<zard> Is cult of the lamb still your favorite video game or is that a username that you got stuck with?
<Skipp_OSX> FreeBytes() in BVolume
<ACultOfTheLambFan> is my fav game actually! thanks for asking!
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<zard> And my favorite... osu!
<ACultOfTheLambFan> oh, i know that name
<ACultOfTheLambFan> it is a very cool game imo
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<ACultOfTheLambFan> well, i need 2 go to dinner. Good bye :)
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<zard> Goodbye all as well :)
zard has quit [Quit: See yall next time!]
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<kallisti5[m]> OK. waddlesplash has successfully gotten VPN working under Haiku
<waddlesplash> :D
<waddlesplash> more cleanup needed still tho
<kallisti5[m]> We have a functional TUN interface 🥳
<zdykstra> heck yeah
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<zdykstra> Good morning Begasus
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<Lunovus> Hi there
<Lunovus> Is anybody using VirtualBox 7.x with the guest additions to virtualize Haiku?
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<Skipp_OSX> yeah and the video is all messed up so I gave up and used vmware
<Lunovus> My video works OK unless resize in X & Y at the same time
<Lunovus> I
<Lunovus> With the guest additions running
<Lunovus> It's just I get kernel panics when I access shared folders
<Lunovus> And since the additions are 6.x, and I'm using VirtualBox 7.x, maybe that's the problem
<Lunovus> That's on a Win11 host btw.
<Skipp_OSX> hmm that could be a guest additions bug
<Lunovus> Since the panic is in there, it probably is
<Skipp_OSX> patches welcome
<Lunovus> But maybe it's the newer version of VirtualBox
<Lunovus> *gg*
<Lunovus> I got no dev environment running, and debugging kernel mode stuff is pretty much beyond my knowledge
<Skipp_OSX> you could make a bug report but they will yell at you if do it on Haiku bug tracker
<Lunovus> I guess I'll test a 6.x version of VirtualBox first, and then write a bug report
<Skipp_OSX> since it's third party
<Skipp_OSX> maybe not
<Lunovus> Where do I write the bug reports then? It's on HaikuPorts
<Skipp_OSX> idk
<Lunovus> *sigh* Maybe the forums
<Lunovus> Btw. is the Haiku reddit a good place to ask questions?
<Skipp_OSX> no, not very active
<Skipp_OSX> forums
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<Lunovus> So reddit, not much activity, but forums are better?
<Skipp_OSX> yeah
<Begasus> haikuports would be the place to report bugs
<Lunovus> Is it just me, or is down?
<Begasus> check if it's not already there (iirc there have been issues with the add-ons)
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<Lunovus> Got an URL for the bug tracker? I'm accessing that via Haiku Depot and I don't see deep links to anything
<Lunovus> Ah GitHub
<Lunovus> Thx
<Begasus> np
<Begasus> afk, dogs :)
<Lunovus> Pat them for me :)
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<Begasus> it's in 2 shifts :)
<Lunovus> How do I find the right project in GitHub from Haiku Depot?
<Lunovus> I'm here: and I only got a name and an "Identifier" in Haiku Depot
<Begasus> what are you looking for? bugtracker is not included in HD I think?
<Lunovus> No, found the bugtracker per your link
<Lunovus> More like where to find the project/source for the package
<Begasus> forget that :) link is in the HD window:
<Lunovus> An old one from you, it seems..
<Begasus> yeah, seems a missing dependency there
<Begasus> but the source is at:
<Begasus> err no ...
<Begasus> used upstream source
<augiedoggie> vmware addons are not the same as virtualbox addons
<Begasus> no, grabbed the wrong link, my bad :)
<Lunovus> I guess I'm too stupid for GitHub :-/
<Lunovus> But I have to admit it's the last account I created somewhere
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<Begasus> I guess it's a long time sinse anyone looked at the add-ons
<Lunovus> Ah found it
<Lunovus> I only see patches
<Begasus> packages for Haiku (3rdparty) are created with "recipes"
<Begasus> scripts that pull the source, apply the patchset, build the source and package it
<Lunovus> And the latest changes were 2 years ago?
<Lunovus> I think I saw newer patches for that somewhere on Haiku Depot
<Begasus> strange it's in the depot, the recipe is marked as broken
<Lunovus> And according to the embedded git commands, the original source is in the "original" Vbox sources?
<Begasus> ah not for 64bit
<Begasus> yes Lunovus
<Begasus> SOURCE_URI="$portVersion/VirtualBox-$portVersion.tar.bz2"
<Begasus> that pulls the source
<Lunovus> OK, thx, but where did you find that? It's not in the recipe file
<Lunovus> And what tool eats those files btw.?
<Lunovus> Damn, was looking at the patchset
<Lunovus> What's kmk?
<Begasus> SUMMARY="A makefile framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks" :)
<Lunovus> Ok, and what tool eats those recipes?
<Lunovus> It looks this stuff is way beyond me
<Begasus> haikuporter*
<Begasus> python based
<Lunovus> First I need to get a dev environment set up, then trying to build that beast, then maybe I can begin to find out what's wrong
<Lunovus> Ah, ok, thx
<Lunovus> And is still down for me
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 932a9db - minidlna, bump version, leave disabled (#9805)
<Lunovus> So I can't test if it's "only" the larger version of virtualbox for me
<Lunovus> newer
<Begasus> haven't used VBox in a while here, after the switch to a Win11 laptop I moved over to VMWare (but now running on bare metal)
<Lunovus> EFI boot is somehow borken for me on my dektop after toying around with GPT, Win10, and my BIOS
<Begasus> if you need help setting up haikuporter, just give a yell :)
<Lunovus> It's only booting into win now, had Haiku running fine on bare metal before..
<Lunovus> Don't tell me it's not as easy as installing the package, please?
<Begasus> I boot through bios efi in the bootmenu, so far works fine
<Lunovus> I don't get into my BIOS anymore :-/
<Lunovus> Only after clearing CMOS
<Lunovus> And after I disable CSM boot (needed for Win 11 now on a GPT diks)
<Begasus> well, if you wan't to tackle the add-ons to fix them you would either grab the source yourself and build/patch, or use haikuporter to do the work for you (that is currently done)
<Lunovus> It's back to Win 11 only, no boot menu at all :-/
<Begasus> bugger :/
<Lunovus> I guess it's Win 10's fault that I asked to boot me into the BIOS
<Begasus> with the updated qtwebengine I'm almost done with booting into Windows :)
<Lunovus> And even Win 11 somehow seems to mess with my UEFI firmware settings. I change something, see the changes, next boot, back to what it was before..
<Begasus> well, I don't realy go into the BIOS, I hit F9 to get into the bootmenu and select EFI ...
<Lunovus> AFAIR my BIOS does not have a selector outside of the normal BIOS settings
<Begasus> can't you acces any bootmenu when the machine startsup?
<Begasus> sorry for bad English :)
<Lunovus> Maybe there is one, but I can't see it
<Lunovus> I even installed rEFInd, but my Windows always sets the firmware to directly boot into Win :-/
<Lunovus> Next thing I can try is to boot rEFInd from the original Win bootloader setting
<Lunovus> Some more tinkering around with bcdedit I guess
<Lunovus> Or ask somewhere apart from
<Begasus> haven't fidled with rEFInd, this is working for me, so I'm not going to break it :D
<Lunovus> nephele told it's way better than GRUB2, but I can't tell :-/
<Lunovus> Yet
<Begasus> it's advised to use yes, only had one quick look at it, and let it go (but that's just me)
<Lunovus> My sad story (so far, not including my obersavtion that Win messes with my UEFI firmware settings somehow):
<Lunovus> Maybe I'll ask in the MS forums, on, err,
<Lunovus> or
<Lunovus> Or both
<Begasus> err jikes :/
<Lunovus> Or I'll buy a new mainboard after Christmas
<Lunovus> Damn, I had Zorin and Haiku both running fine, and then that prep for Win 11 led to such a disaster
<Begasus> lol Whatever you read was likely generated by ChatGPT or a clueless individual
<Lunovus> 1 day after my tinkering, I got offered Win 11 on bootup and it runs just fine
<Lunovus> It in the Win 8+ boot troubleshooting options
<Lunovus> It's menu (at bootime) offer to boot into UEFI settings
<Lunovus> Didn't work for me, and since then, no more BIOS for me (until CMOS reset)
<Lunovus> And after I disable CSM (for Win 11 to boot), again no more BIOS
<Lunovus> Probably a bug in the BIOS, but it's the latest from 2021
<Lunovus> Maybe I should ask AMI *gg*
<Begasus> glad I don't have to fidle with those anymore :)
<Lunovus> But I guess Win is to blame
<Lunovus> Why don't you have to fiddle with BIOS settings anymore?
<Begasus> Not that much to fidle on the laptops
<Begasus> Used to build my Desktops myself back in the years, still got a big tower (not connected) sitting beside me :)
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<Lunovus> Laptop has running Haiku on bare metal, but is really old
<Lunovus> Even bought a USB WIFI dongle for it, not tested that yet
<Lunovus> And I don't want to do any dev stuff on that laptop
<Lunovus> Hey, is also down for me
<Lunovus> Maybe they got hacked *gg*
<Lunovus> Or the server room is on fire
<Begasus> One of the laptops is older too, slower to run builds on too, this one is a blessing :)
<Lunovus> Hmm, maybe it's my ISP
<Lunovus> Ah,'s web server is up, they just don't answer to pings, great :-/
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<coolcoder613_32> Hello Begasus
<Begasus> hi coolcoder613_32
* coolcoder613_32 is trying to build net+
<coolcoder613_32> not web+
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<Lunovus> is back, and I'm trying the older version now, hopefully it'll read my .vdi
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<Lunovus> *sigh* Older version of VirtualBox with the guest additions works better regarding fs crashes
<Lunovus> As is: I doen't crash as fast, but it still crashes (after a while), just somewhere else
<Lunovus> As in
<Lunovus> Do shared folders work in VMWare without problems?
<coolcoder613_mac> My approach to shared folders: create a raw disk image, mount, put on files, unmount, mount in vm...
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<Lunovus> Sounds awkward
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<Lunovus> Especially for the Gigs of mp3s and ebooks I got on my disks
<Lunovus> At least I got sound in my virtual Haiku, the bare metal wouldn't play through my SPDIF connection
<coolcoder613_mac> Hmmm... maybe give it a raw partition from your HD....
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<coolcoder613_mac> Or an external HD
<Lunovus> Nah, really sounds like too much hassle
<coolcoder613_mac> On windows, yes
<coolcoder613_mac> On linux/haiku/etc, easy
<Lunovus> Windows is the only thing I can use as host as my EFI boot is borken :-/
<Lunovus> And it's my main OS anyway
<Lunovus> Most stuff is on NTFS partitions
<Lunovus> Bare metal Haiku was handling those just fine
<coolcoder613_mac> What about EasyBCD?
<Lunovus> Payware now
<Habbie> rEFInd then?
<Lunovus> I can use bcdedit just fine, but Windows seems to mess with the changes I make
<Lunovus> Installed rEFInd, but the damn Win (I guess), won't let me boot it
<Habbie> what about hitting the right key before windows boots? on several of my machines, F12 offers some EFI boot choices
<Lunovus> Maybe with a bit more bcdedit changes, I'll see rEFInd
<Habbie> (discovering that saved me a lot of time booting debian rescue after windows updates, to restore GRUB)
<Lunovus> My BIOS offers no boot choices outside the "normal" BIOS settings interface
<Habbie> aw
<Lunovus> And I can't access those because, I dunno :-/
<Habbie> coolcoder613_mac, oh cool
<Lunovus> No more splash screen, no action when I press/hold the needed key
<Lunovus> Only after a CMOS reset I can enter it
<Lunovus> If I disable CSM (for Win11 to boot), it'll no longer let me access it
<Lunovus> Totally weird stuff
<Lunovus> I got VisualBCD already
<Lunovus> Always tells me the bcd store has been changed in the background
<Lunovus> Probably Win messing with my settings
<Lunovus> Yup, with TWO exclamation marks..
<coolcoder613_mac> ?
<Lunovus> Didn't know that, will try the trial version, thx
<Lunovus> Would even pay for it, if it could fix my problem
<Lunovus> Dang, hangs like VisualBCD does when I want to edit something
<Lunovus> I guess Win is really looking after those dang bcd entries
<Lunovus> MBR not GPT
<Lunovus> I was at MBR, now I'm on GPT with "pure" UEFI boot
<Lunovus> Ah screenshots also show UEFI, I guess I'll try that too, thx
<Lunovus> Last version from 2016, web page is offline
<Lunovus> Let's see anyway..
<Lunovus> Does know Windows 8 as latest OS
<Lunovus> Does not show the firmware options
<Lunovus> Still a nice powertool as most Russian low-level stuff ;-)
<Lunovus> (Windows Defender found no threat)
<Lunovus> Has an option to boot to firmware UI on next restart
<Lunovus> This will be interesting...
<Lunovus> Hope to see you again soon..
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<Lunovus> And I'm back!
<Lunovus> Still boots into *drumroll* Win!
<Lunovus> No sign of a BIOS screen to be found
<coolcoder613_mac> If you hold Shift when you click restart...
<Lunovus> Black screen
<Lunovus> Did work on Win 10
<Lunovus> With MBR
<Lunovus> On Win 11 does nothing but black screen
<Lunovus> Haven't tested "shutdown /r /fw" yet, but I guess the same on Win 11
<coolcoder613_mac> What kind of laptop is it?
<Lunovus> Maybe I'll ask around in some MS forum
<coolcoder613_mac> Have you tried all the different shortcuts?
<Lunovus> No laptop, Gigabyte Z370M-DS3H with AMI BIOS F14 (latest version) CPU: Intel Core i7 8700K ("soft" TPM2.0 supported) OS: No latest Win 11
<coolcoder613_mac> Esc, F1, F2, F11
<Lunovus> Only del is supported, no splash screen anymore, nothing happens if I press/hold del or not
<Lunovus> If I changed the firmware BCD to load rEFInd first, it'll boot Win again, and the bcd settings are reset
<Lunovus> Firmware Boot Manager
<Lunovus> ---------------------
<Lunovus> identifier {fwbootmgr}
<Lunovus> displayorder {4fec8a12-88d7-11ee-b6ff-806e6f6e6963}
<Lunovus> {c2c41686-8a42-11ee-b70b-806e6f6e6963}
<Lunovus> {bootmgr}
<Lunovus> timeout 1
<Lunovus> Windows Boot Manager
<Lunovus> --------------------
<Lunovus> identifier {bootmgr}
<Lunovus> device partition=\Device\HarddiskVolume4
<Lunovus> description rEFInd
<Lunovus> path \EFI\REFIND\REFIND_X64.EFI
<Lunovus> locale en-US
<Lunovus> inherit {globalsettings}
<Lunovus> resumeobject {e21c5e67-85bf-11ee-a956-d9429cc1779e}
<Lunovus> default {current}
<Lunovus> displayorder {current}
<Lunovus> toolsdisplayorder {memdiag}
<Lunovus> timeout 10
<Lunovus> Firmware Application (101fffff)
<Lunovus> -------------------------------
<Lunovus> identifier {4fec8a12-88d7-11ee-b6ff-806e6f6e6963}
<Lunovus> device partition=\Device\HarddiskVolume4
<Lunovus> description Windows Boot Manager
<Lunovus> Firmware Application (101fffff)
<Lunovus> -------------------------------
<Lunovus> identifier {c2c41686-8a42-11ee-b70b-806e6f6e6963}
<Lunovus> device partition=\Device\HarddiskVolume4
<Lunovus> path \EFI\UBUNTU\SHIMX64.EFI
<Lunovus> description ubuntu
<Lunovus> Output of "bcdedit /enum firmware"
<Lunovus> Ubuntu entry was from a Zorin install I did manage after a CMOS reset
<Lunovus> It managed to add it's entry to the BCD, still my BIOS screen is lost, and I can still only boot Win
<coolcoder613_mac> BCD is the windows bootloader....
<Lunovus> the first in the displayorder is the Win UEFI bootloader
<Lunovus> If I change the displayorder to "rEFInd first" it says OK, bcdedit shows my changes
<Lunovus> Next boot, it boots win, then the changes are reverted
<coolcoder613_mac> Hmmm... msconfig.exe?
<Lunovus> Doesn't show the firmware stuff
<Lunovus> Doesn't even show rEFInd nor Ubuntu
<coolcoder613_mac> Have to go now, goodbye
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<Lunovus> Bye
HaikuUser is now known as Silentlexx
<Silentlexx> Hi. Ukranian keyboard layout not work (((
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<Lunovus> What happens when you select it?
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<Lunovus> Seems to work on my "virtual" machine
<Lunovus> Are you running beta4 or a nightly?
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<Silentlexx> beta4 on eeepc 900ax (awesome os for this dino)))
<Silentlexx> russian works, but why :(
<Lunovus> If I use preferences/Keymap and switch to Ukrainian keyboard, all the text I enter into Pe seems to display whats shown on the keymap window
<Silentlexx> strage, it's work againe )) thx
<Lunovus> You're welcome :-)
<Silentlexx> Слава Україні! ))
<Lunovus> I'm hoping for the best for your country
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<Begasus> biab
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes bed1caf - qt6_webchannel: add missing provides
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<_-Caleb-_> morning...
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<Lunovus> I'm back, solved my boot problem, can now get back into my BIOS settings
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<Lunovus> Now I just have to figure out how to boot rEFInd and/or my Haiku on bare metal
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] kallisti5 pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] kallisti5 83dd3e4 - openvpn: bump to 2.6.8, add new Haiku tunnel design
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
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<Begasus> Side tracks :)
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<bbjimmy_64> ~/Desktop> pkgman full-sync
<bbjimmy_64> 100% repochecksum-1 [65 bytes]
<bbjimmy_64> Validating checksum for FatElk_64...done.
<bbjimmy_64> Refreshing repository "Haiku" failed 0%: Server not found
<bbjimmy_64> 100% repochecksum-1 [64 bytes]
<bbjimmy_64> Validating checksum for HaikuPorts...done.
<bbjimmy_64> Nothing to do.
<waddlesplash> kallisti5[m]: ^^
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<bbjimmy_64> r1/beta4(revision hrev56678+93) x86_64
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<bbjimmy> walter (revision hrev57424) x86_64 ... Validating checksum for Haiku... done
<bbjimmy> still nothing to do, but it does find the Haiku repository.
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<andreasdr[m]> Cool Begasus. What kind of software are those 2 application windows?
<Begasus> One if for rss feeds, the other for podcasts
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<Begasus> it's just playing with them :) we already got BePodder for most :)
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<andreasdr[m]> Nice. Looks very good.
<Anarchos> waddlesplash interlisp only troubles remaining are gethostid and settimeofday.
<waddlesplash> ok
<waddlesplash> where's that other project you were looking at that needs exec() on some other thread?
<Begasus> Although BePodder doesn't show the xml feed correctly :/
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<Anarchos> waddlesplash let me a second i give you the link
<Anarchos> waddlesplash this one : there is fork() and execve() in this file, and comments around parent/child code
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<Anarchos> waddlesplash i can't remember how BeOS used to port «fork/exec» code
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<waddlesplash> Anarchos: ok. I don't see what the problem is here, it looks like it's a very standard fork/exec and should not cause problems
<Anarchos> waddlesplash strange, when i tested it, execve called exec_team from a thread which was not the main trhead, and i got 'Operation not supported'
<waddlesplash> how?
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<waddlesplash> Anarchos: are you sure this is really the right thing that uses exec()
<waddlesplash> that file you linked me to?
<waddlesplash> and not something else?
<Anarchos> i can'(t remember....
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<Anarchos> but i looked the source code of execve and it calls exec_team
<waddlesplash> yes but is this the right invocation of execve?
<waddlesplash> or is it somewhere else?
<waddlesplash> a breakpoint may be needed
<Anarchos> waddlesplash sure, i just rely on my memory for this one cause i debugged it weeks ago sorry
<waddlesplash> ah
<Anarchos> so i launch "Debugger ~/.opam/4.14.2+trunk/bin/dune exec -p lwt src/unix/config/discover.exe -- --save --use-libev true " ?
<waddlesplash> yes.. or, may make more sense to just modify libroot to invoke debugger() inside execve()
<Anarchos> in ?
<waddlesplash> or rather right before _kern_exec syscall
<waddlesplash> either libroot, but you will need to build a new one
<Anarchos> may i jsut build a new one and put in config/non-packaged/lib ?
<waddlesplash> add debugger("exec"); right before _kern_exec
<waddlesplash> Anarchos: no! don't do that
<waddlesplash> you will be unable to run any program that needs fork/exec and they will all spawn debugger messages
<waddlesplash> instead force your new libroot to be loaded like this:
<waddlesplash> LD_PRELOAD=path/to/your/ ~/.opam...
<Anarchos> oh i see
<Anarchos> your advice saved me a reboot :)
<waddlesplash> :)
<Anarchos> i will try to do that tonight (here it is 19:00, time to eat with family)
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57425] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] ba1465cc865a - HaikuDepot : Faster DTO Models
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57426] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 0d85e8fb10cf - AboutSystem: Consolidate info, remove inaccessible memory
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<Begasus> closing down, cu peeps!
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] kallisti5 pushed 2 commits to master [hrev57427] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] daf1dd9c4077 - kernel/sem: Use "count" as thread_unblock status in B_RELEASE_ALL.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] b6c24e6b4024 - network: Overhaul TUN/TAP subsystem.
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<waddlesplash> that ^^ is the necessary ingredient to get VPNs working on Haiku
<waddlesplash> kallisti5 successfully connected with OpenVPN, after some manual fiddling with routes
<kallisti5[m]> The latest openvpn package has everything it needs to play with VPN's under Haiku
<waddlesplash> kallisti5[m]: are you going to work on route handling code on openvpn?
<kallisti5[m]> yeah, a bunch of improvement is needed there
<kallisti5[m]> A lot easier to work on the port when i'm not working on nightly iso's :-)
<waddlesplash> :)
<kallisti5[m]> *from locally compiled nightly isos
<kallisti5[m]> speaking which... kicks concourse
<kallisti5[m]> weird. I still don't know why these randomly happen on the builders:
<kallisti5[m]> Resolving ( failed: Temporary failure in name resolution.
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<Habbie> well that's not good
<Habbie> that is, in fact, quite bad
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<Habbie> hard mode: get digitalocean to fix it
<puck_> this is fine, the entire domain is dnssec unsigned
<Habbie> quick mode: put TXT "workaround" on hpkg and ams3
<Habbie> puck_, i know, doesn't mean it's fine
<puck_> tho hrm @ nxdomain behavior
<Habbie> yeah, won't sit well with rfc8020 + qname minimisation
<Habbie> or just rfc8020 if you're unlucky about cache contents
<Habbie> doesn't really explain "Temporary failure" but many resolver clients/libraries are unreliable in how they report problems
<kallisti5[m]> i really hate dnssec... i just want that on record
<Habbie> (which means it is possible that the nxdomain stuff is not actually the cause here, but it will need to be fixed anyway)
<kallisti5[m]> It's a nice thing... but stupid complex
<puck_> it's not the dnssec bit, but the qname thing here seems to be the bigger issue
<Habbie> kallisti5[m], it's not relevant here
<puck_> would've been nice if it actually mentioned the error well, but yeah
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<Habbie> puck_, you mean in kallisti5[m]'s paste?
<puck_> no, the dnsviz
<Habbie> there i can likely help
<Habbie> what are you missing?
<puck_> well, it mentions the error, just not in a clear way
<Habbie> dig
<Habbie> status: NXDOMAIN
<puck_> kallisti5[m]: though, if you could indeed add a random TXT record to (and the what eu.hpkg CNAME) like Habbie said, it'd be interesting to see if that improves it?
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<Habbie> is an error condition, because clearly names exist underneath it
<puck_> yeah but reading that from a giant box that only shows while you hover over it is a bit weird
<Habbie> agreed
<Habbie> the dnsviz interface is not the best
<Habbie> i got used to it
<kallisti5[m]> yeah, I can try that. Historically domain layouts like this haven't been an issue... so I still blame dnssec 😆
<puck_> it's not actually a dnssec issue
<puck_> it's a privacy issue
<Habbie> dnssec has nothing to do with it
<puck_> some dns resolvers may request e.g., since if it's a CNAME you don't want to leak eu.hpkg.[etc] to that dns server
<puck_> but if you then get an NXDOMAIN (as happens now) it seems like eu.hpkg also won't exist
<Habbie> indeed
<coolcoder613_32> Good morning everyone
<puck_> s/seems/suggests/
<Habbie> puck_, note you can also click open Errors on the left side
<puck_> kallisti5[m]: (and creating those TXT records will likelly stop the dns server from responding with NXDOMAIN for those domains)
<Habbie> it should, yes
<kallisti5[m]> added
<Habbie> i see it
<puck_> ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 43570
<Habbie> the bit between () was uncalled for
<kallisti5[m]> 😆
<Habbie> oh you didn't do ams3 yet
<kallisti5[m]> i fixed it to be more relevant and less petty (in 900 secs)
<puck_> but the primary RFC for this is probably
<Habbie> kallisti5[m], already see the new version, thanks
<Habbie> puck_, 8020 is key, but 7816 exposes the underlying problems more often
<kallisti5[m]> ams3 added too
<Habbie> great
<kallisti5[m]> Man, i'm getting old and left behind in tech. Too many years at cushy Linux sysadmin jobs
<waddlesplash> old?
<waddlesplash> this is DNS
<waddlesplash> it's not new lol
<puck_> qname minimalisation *is*
<Habbie> but 8020 really isn't
<Habbie> just made it more explicit
<puck_> my ISP's dns doesn't do qname minimalisation, but quad9 does
<puck_> so without that, if you used quad9 as dns, you wouldn't be able to resolve at all
<Habbie> note that quad9 is two resolver implementations, which you hit randomly
<Habbie> but in this case it probably doesn't matter
<puck_> doesn't look like it unless i got very unlucky just now
<Habbie> as far as i know, both (powerdns and unbound) do 8020 and 7816
<Habbie> kallisti5[m], yes! nice work
<Habbie> is ams3 the only relevant subdomain?
<kallisti5[m]> ams3 and hpkg are the only subdomains with things behind them, but nothing on them
<Habbie> perfect
<Habbie> i wonder how DO messed this up, meanwhile
<Habbie> but that's not for now, and perhaps not for here :)
<kallisti5[m]> Thanks for the help. I honestly haven't spotted this before... especially since the failures are random
<Habbie> i can't promise this was the reason
<kallisti5[m]> 10 other layers of stuff that could be wrong
<Habbie> but it certainly will have caused the occasional failure in some places
<kallisti5[m]> yeah.. hopefully it helps things
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] korli 2cac9b8 - pyqt: fix install dir
<coolcoder613_32> Thanks for that, i had to manually change the hpkg
<waddlesplash> for anyone wanting to try out a VPN on Haiku... here's kallisti5[m]'s instructions simplified
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] korli 5dd56c6 - pyqtwebengine5: switch to python 3.10
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57428] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] f7fb846f5be5 - Tracker: Store the correct time value in the thumbnail creation attribute.
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<Skipp_OSX> wait wait wait, does that fix by chance?
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* HaikuUser is coming back to IRC
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<ACultOfTheLambFan> hello!
<augiedoggie> woof
<ACultOfTheLambFan> ._. ?
<ACultOfTheLambFan> don't woof @ me please, im not a furry :s
<augiedoggie> 'twas a hello woof :P
<ACultOfTheLambFan> oh ok i guess?????
<ACultOfTheLambFan> how do i change my nickname permanently?
<ACultOfTheLambFan> (sorry 4 my bad english :S)
* phschafft maus at augiedoggie.
* ACultOfTheLambFan is asking what is happening here
<augiedoggie> heh
<phschafft> ACultOfTheLambFan: it's a setting of your IRC client. That is if you use a real client not a web client.
<augiedoggie> yeah, it's been a while since i've used Vision so i can't remember where in the settings window it is
<ACultOfTheLambFan> i'm using a real client, so idk why it dosent work
<augiedoggie> i thought the userguide had info on it but apparently not
ACultOfTheLambFan is now known as name
<name> see?
name is now known as ACultOfTheLambFan
* phschafft is always a bit confused when people join with generic nicks and most of the time assumes that they join via some web client or similar.
<augiedoggie> Vision is configured to join as HaikuUser so it's pretty easy to spot
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<puck_> meow
<augiedoggie> and his quit message says it :P
<augiedoggie> woof woof woof!
<phschafft> mau...
* augiedoggie gets ready to chase cats
<Monni> meow! ;)
<augiedoggie> heh
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<phschafft> I have seen dogs try to chase our cats. but I must say the tigers generally didn't care. plus they know the dogs aren't allowed near them.
<Monni> I've seen cats woof...
<phschafft> HaikuUser: seems that didn't work.
<scanty> I have a question. I'm porting my NES emulator to Haiku. Should I do it on Beta4, or can/should I use a later hrev?
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<TheLamb> hold on, it worked?
<scanty> wow, you're easily impessed ^_^
<scanty> impressed*