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<erysdren> bored
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<erysdren> coolcoder613_mac: how goes it?
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* coolcoder613_mac is learning Rust
<erysdren> hey
<coolcoder613_mac> I'm using an IDE called Lapce, which is written in Rust itself
<coolcoder613_mac> seems much more lightwight than VSCode
<coolcoder613_mac> and looks good
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<coolcoder613_mac> This is my first project:
<coolcoder613_mac> Looks well commented?
<erysdren> sure, looks fine
<coolcoder613_mac> I'm usually not very good with comments :)
<erysdren> btw coolcoder, i'm gonna boot into BIOS and see if i can change the laptop display with Fn + F4
<erysdren> and then see what Haiku does
<coolcoder613_mac> Fn+F4?
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<erysdren> that's what google said
<erysdren> according to google, you can change the display output on a laptop with Fn + F4 while in the BIOS
<coolcoder613_mac> For Dell?
<erysdren> it's a hardware switch or something
<erysdren> unspecified
<coolcoder613_mac> It's not gonna be a cross-manufacturer thing
<erysdren> i dunno
<coolcoder613_mac> Maybe you should see where google got that from?
<erysdren> all the replies on stackoverflow don't mention it being manufactor-specific
<coolcoder613_mac> Still, worth a try
<coolcoder613_mac> And remember to check out Lapce
<erysdren> what's that
<erysdren> oh right
<erysdren> the code editor
<erysdren> well, i'm not much of a rust fan myself
<erysdren> brb, gonna go into bios and see if i can make haiku work better etc
<coolcoder613_mac> Has plugins for lots of different languages
<coolcoder613_mac> Rust, TS/JS, C/C++, Python, Golang, Toml...
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<coolcoder613_mac> Hi Begasus
<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<Begasus> Hi coolcoder613_mac
* coolcoder613_mac is learning Rust
<Begasus> just launched a build for rav1e on 32bit :)
<Begasus> (32bit and 64bit binaries for cargo-c) :)
<Begasus> coolcoder613_mac, patch for socket2 has been merged, so upstream is good now (just have to wait untill downstream starts using that) :)
<Begasus> nice, opening a rust file in CudaText and it asks to install the rust lexer :)
<coolcoder613_mac> Which Rust file?
<Begasus> the one mentioned earlier here
<coolcoder613_mac> This is my first project:
<Begasus> that one :)
<Begasus> 22:16 <coolcoder613_32> Now, how can I get endbasic to use the now-updated socket2?
<Begasus> you could patch the downloaded crate local coolcoder613_mac
<Begasus> that's how I did it for cargo-c
<coolcoder613_mac> There is dependencies of dependencies
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<Begasus> Hi erysdren
<erysdren> hi
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<erysdren> how goes it?
<Begasus> that's another thing :)
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<Begasus> trying to build rav1e for 32bit erysdren
<coolcoder613_mac> How did it go erysdren?
<erysdren> didnt work
<erysdren> i could switch displays in the BIOS, but it didn't apply to the OS
<Begasus> coolcoder613_mac, tried with "cargo install endbasic"?
<Begasus> without the sources*
<Begasus> erysdren, no icons when booting either?
<erysdren> no it boots fine
<Begasus> I guess you tried the safe boot options already
<erysdren> i'm on a laptop, but i'm trying to push it from the built-in display to an external monitor
<erysdren> in EFI mode
<Begasus> ah, no clue there, haven't tried that (yet)
<erysdren> if i use VESA then it's stuck at low resolutions
<erysdren> non monitor native
<Begasus> can't switch resolution in the bootmenu?
<erysdren> no
<erysdren> it's stuck at low resolutions
<erysdren> it doesn't have 1680x1050
<Begasus> bugger :/
<coolcoder613_mac> erysdren: Check out Lapce ( doesn't build for haiku though :( )
<Begasus> bugger, PR for fpc still not merged :/
<coolcoder613_mac> Begasus, you're a rust hacker, can you try to port endbasic? ;)
<Begasus> lol
<Begasus> it took me about 2 years to get rav1e, sure ... :P
<Begasus> ps, still not there yet ;)
<coolcoder613_mac> The two problems are socket2 and mio, in various places in the dependency tree.
<Begasus> Lapce using gtk3 I see
<Begasus> probably will suffer from the keymap issue too then
<coolcoder613_mac> GTK?
<Begasus> first tackle rav1e now that I have something to work with :)
<coolcoder613_mac> Lapce is written in pure Rust with a UI in Floem.
<Begasus> Arch mentions it there
<Begasus> Gentoo also
<Begasus> already there :)
<Begasus> poke me again later for that :)
<Begasus> nothing gtk related in Cargo.toml
<Begasus> icon should be good to convert to rdef I think :)
<coolcoder613_mac> Don't count your chickens before the hatch, first binary, then icon ;)
<coolcoder613_mac> *they
<Begasus> heh
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<HaikuUser> hola
<erysdren> hola
<Begasus> Hi HaikuUser
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<coolcoder613_mac> Hello HaikuUser
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<Begasus> nice! :)
<coolcoder613_mac> ?
<Begasus> rav1e build for 32bit completed :)
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<nielx[m]> nice!
<coolcoder613_mac> nielx[m]: care to try your hand at porting endbasic?
<nielx[m]> coolcoder613_mac: show me your output and I will share my wisdom
<coolcoder613_mac> I don't have access to a Haiku computer right now, only a VM...
<coolcoder613_mac> which running on an ARM macbook...
<coolcoder613_mac> and rust is not installed
<coolcoder613_mac> git clone
<coolcoder613_mac> cd endbasic
<coolcoder613_mac> cargo build --release --features sdl
<coolcoder613_mac> (or withut the release and sdl)
<Begasus> first error for mio passed, but still get an error when running "cargo install endbasic"
<Begasus> k, reboot to Haiku, finetuning recipe for cargo-c
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 7021a96 - cargo_c, bump version (#9722)
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<Begasus> crossing fingers there are no typo's there :)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus a3da829 - rav1e, new recipe (#6978)
<Begasus> now the real test
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<Begasus> nielx[m], coolcoder613[m], running into this for endbasic:
<Begasus> looks something from libc?
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<coolcoder613_vm> Rust just finished installing, endbasic is building...
<coolcoder613_vm> VM only has one core
<coolcoder613_vm> runs into errors from mio...
<Begasus> eeps
<coolcoder613_vm> unsupported target for mio::unix::pipe
<coolcoder613_vm> And a whole lot of others... it should be possible to fix some with kqueues
<Begasus> quite some missing bits in the libc version it pulls
<Begasus> unsupported is easy fix coolcoder613_vm
<Begasus> added haiku in mio/src/sys/unix/ at line 73
<nielx[m]> first step would be to update libc with the kqueue work
<Begasus> that's not in the beta iirc yet?
<nielx[m]> no, correct
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<Begasus> rav1e completed on 32bit buildmaster! whohoo! :D
<Begasus> k, too much patching needed for libc for endbasic
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<Begasus> plop
<Begasus> hit it nielx[m] :) error[E0425]: cannot find function `kqueue` in this scope
<Begasus> enough rust for a year :P
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<Begasus> whoot! completed on 64bit too :D
<Begasus> install package rav1e-0.6.6-1 from repository HaikuPorts
<Begasus> install package rav1e_devel-0.6.6-1 from repository HaikuPorts
<Begasus> package content looks OK :)
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<zard> coolcoder613_vm: Dayligh savings time is ending in the US on November 5, which means I will wake up one hour later.
<zard> That may mean that we won't have any time when we are on IRC at the same time anymore :(
<Begasus> that seems to work too :) Warning: POLICY WARNING: "/packaging/libavif1.0/lib/" needs library "", but the package doesn't seem to declare that as a requirement
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 4d50234 - libavif1.0, enable encoding with rav1e (#9723)
<Begasus> long standing work done :D
<zard> Nice :)
<Begasus> thanks :) has been bugging me for a loooong time :)
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<Begasus> Error: No SOURCE_URI found (in /home/runner/work/haikuports/haikuports/dev-rust/cargo_c/cargo_c_bin-0.9.27.recipe) (weird error from gh check)
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<Begasus> humdinger has been busy at the forum :)
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<_-Caleb-_> morning
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<nielx[m]> Begasus: I might put libc updating on my list
<nielx[m]> but there is a lot on it already ;-)
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<Avlen> trying to boot i get an error saying that the partition can't be found while loading haiku,
<Begasus> would be nice nielx[m] :)
<Begasus> maybe coolcoder613[m] can beat you to it :)
<Begasus> Avlen, could be several reasons, not an expert here though
<Begasus> narrowing down some specs could be usefull? (eg like 32bit/64bit ...)
<Avlen> a lil sbc with x5-Z8350
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<Begasus> maybe ask at the forum? maybe someone else can answer quicker and with some more detailed information
<Avlen> what forum
<Avlen> aight
<Begasus> :)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus cd9ca68 - solarus, bump version (#9726)
<Begasus> there ... might as well do that in between :)
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<Avlen> does haiku supports rtl8723ds
<Begasus> Avlen, you should see if FreeBSD’s Realtek WiFi drivers supports it there?
<Avlen> augh
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<Begasus> not an easy one on the fonts PulkoMandy, the CJK recipes alone list 64 uri's :)
<Begasus> All Static Language Specific OTFs 451 MB
<zdykstra> just need to get Haiku on that list now
<Begasus> go for it! :-)
<zdykstra> yeah, that's right in line with my skillset :P
<Begasus> Arimo doesn't have a release for their fonts ..
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus a37465b - cargo_c_bin, fix some architecture statements (#9724)
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<Begasus> still missing quite some fonts for the basic noto one :)
<Begasus> afk
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] diversys pushed 1 commit to master [+3/-3/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] davidkaroly 093cf4d - qemu: update to 8.0.4 (#9377)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] diversys pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] return 7f8e874 - llvm17: Turn --no-undefined-version flag into a warning. (#9725)
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<Begasus> closing down, cu peeps!
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<coolcoder613_mac> Good morning
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