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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<erysdren> good morning
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<Begasus> moin humdinger
<humdinger> hi ho!
<humdinger> Thanks for looking into this Noto business!
<Begasus> I think I'm only half way on the source uri's :)
<Begasus> still no luck on finding a release for the noto sans display ones (maybe they integrated them in noto sans?)
<Begasus> ps, since you are a real coder ... :P
<Begasus> a "refresh" button on PonpokoDiff would be nice :D
<humdinger> ha!
<humdinger> I'll have a look. no promises...
<Begasus> (it's a nice tool!) :)
<Begasus> on that note, not a button, a menu item when a diff is open :)
<Begasus> created issue for it upstream :)
<humdinger> ok
<Begasus> no releases
<Begasus> most of the "older" ones have been archived and moved to new repo (or merged into another as with display maybe?)
<humdinger> nothing's ever easy with Google...
<Begasus> weird thing is, I got NotoSerifDisplay, but not the NotoSansDisplay
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> not going to put that somewhere in the beginning of that recipe when I find it though :P
<PulkoMandy> Do we really need it?
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<Begasus> I don't know PulkoMandy
<Begasus> Isn't that the default font in Haiku?
<Begasus> at least it's set here to Noto Sans Display
<PulkoMandy> It shouldn't be, it's mean for larger text (newspaper headings/titles)
<Begasus> booting 32bit to check there, iirc I haven't fiddled too much with system fonts here :)
<Begasus> Same thing there, Noto Sans Display set in Apearance(?) mind the typo
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<Begasus> humdinger, would be even nicer if PonpokoDiff refreshed by itself when the local file changed :)
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<humdinger> Begasus: let's make it manual first. I have that almost finished.
<humdinger> the other thing iis slightly more involved with node monitoring.
<humdinger> and you'd want an alert, too I think
<Begasus> nice, give a ring when done, I'll checkout a local build then
<Begasus> ;)
<humdinger> and, oh my word, pre-layoutmanagement code...
<humdinger> and interesting Todos:
<Begasus> can't have it all :)
<humdinger> "TODO: ダイアログのレイアウトについてはもう少し検討が必要"
<Begasus> yeah, did a quick look into it yesterday :)
<Begasus> where is koki when you need him :)
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<Begasus> another 4 added ...
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] dbdb78c31f32 - Update translations from Pootle
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] autocommitter pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57370] -
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<botifico> [haiku/website] nielx pushed 5 commits to master [+1/-0/±4]
<botifico> [haiku/website] nielx 1278a3e - Blog nielx: add post Haiku Developer Tools Update (October 2023)
<botifico> [haiku/website] nielx 51e2252 - Update content/blog/nielx/
<botifico> [haiku/website] nielx 6f872d2 - Update content/blog/nielx/
<botifico> [haiku/website] ... and 2 more commits.
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<Begasus> afk
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<andreaa72> hullo, peace ... :)
<phschafft> when you join and say that and in exctly that moment the siren goes off
<andreaa72> thanks ...
<phschafft> it's biweekly test. ;)
<andreaa72> i need your peace, i need your friendship ... but also i will give you a piece of my love ...
<andreaa72> cu later ...
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<Begasus> wb humdinger :) any luck?
<humdinger> just pushed the PR
<Begasus> +1 ... checking out
<Begasus> error?
<Begasus> Applying patch "/Opslag/haikuports/haiku-apps/ponpokodiff/patches/12.patch" ...
<Begasus> error: source/CommandIDs.h: does not exist in index
<Begasus> sec :)
<humdinger> make clean first maybe
<Begasus> source/CommandIDs.h ?
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<Begasus> ah ... SOURCE_DIR="PonpokoDiff-$srcGitRev/source"
<Begasus> tss
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<Begasus> call me blond, I'm not seeing the change (aside from the window being a "bit" bigger on launch) humdinger?
<humdinger> the open dialog hasn't changed much. just using layouting to make translations possible.
<humdinger> the new thing is just the "Reload" menu in the main window
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<Begasus> ah! got it :)
<Begasus> just added another 4 to the recipe ... can check it in a sec
<Begasus> doing 2 things at the same time leads to errors :)
<humdinger> Maybe make and use the version of the PR for now. I see if I can clean some things up a bit more and add that to the PR.
<Begasus> almost 1GiB download for the noto recipe :)
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<Begasus> did that humdinger, changed srcGitRev and added the patch
<humdinger> good
<Begasus> working! thanks!!
<Begasus> saves me a lot of dragging :D
<humdinger> you're very welcome
<nephele> Could cause major problems for us for man pages, since basically all manpages we have are imported and not maintained by us
<Begasus> Updating the noto fonts?
<nephele> this has nothing to do with fonts
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<Begasus> so we should also switch back for our groff version? (I don't know how they work together, but the example there shows a difference)
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<nephele> the problem seems to be that many manpages use groff incorrectly (technically incorrect) and groff changed in a breaking way which makes this technical incorrect way fatal for hyphens
<nephele> basically it will now generate another dash character for manpages where people forgot or didn't know you had to escape dashes since this has worked for years, and it will now generate manpages with dashes that are not the normal dashes so can't be searched for in the less pager and won'
<nephele> t work if you copy them into the terminal as is
<Begasus> Looking at repology I still see the major ones also using the latest version
<nephele> debian has the latest version but patches against this issue
<nephele> we should maybe do that too?
<Begasus> ah, that could help out
<Begasus> gentoo also, probably others too, thanks for the notice, when I'm done with noto I'll have a look at it
<Begasus> now the dogs :)
<humdinger> PonpkoDiff now open for translations:
<humdinger> Only very few strings...
<nephele> no way to login?
<humdinger> needs a github account
* humdinger ducks
<nephele> :(
<humdinger> quack quack
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<BrunoSpr> hello all
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<Begasus> hi BrunoSpr
<BrunoSpr> hi Begasus
<Begasus> think I got it all for noto :)
<Begasus> food in a bit
<BrunoSpr> Noto font... Can I test it tomorrow?
<BrunoSpr> Is it the recommended font for WebPositive?
<nephele> noto is a font family, it's already the default for webpositive and for Haiku
<Begasus> working on an update for the one we have now BrunoSpr
<Begasus> but should be tested first
<Begasus> nephele, do you have NotoSansDisplay also set as system font?
<nephele> No, i have noto sans set. Noto Sans Display is ment for menus and such (that is UI elements, but not for documents)
<Begasus> I meant the one used in appearances (in preferences), not in docs :)
<BrunoSpr> Yes, that is nice to have
<nephele> I gave you my answer above, Noto sans Display is only set for my menu font, Not the "normal" font as it is used in documents by default
<Begasus> can't find that one
<Begasus> ah, my bad
<BrunoSpr> RB
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<Begasus> biab
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<PulkoMandy> nephele: Noto Display is not meant for UI elements according to its description… it's meant for larger text (titles and headlines)
<nephele> did they change that? as far as i remember was the reason to have a more dense font that can be used in UI elements, huh
<PulkoMandy> well that's not what they say now at least
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<nephele> for me it only sais your browser is unsupported :D
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<nephele> Hmm, with that description or justification though we could probably remove it from the default image?
<nephele> we don't really use "large" font sizes, maybe if you use a 4K display
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<BrunoSpr> Display fonts:
<BrunoSpr> Just for fun, soory
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<Begasus> probably many of those BrunoSpr :) but only 1 notosansdisplay :)
<BrunoSpr> I use them for posters
<Begasus> were those down by you BrunoSpr?
<Begasus> k, think I covered all for the "default" noto recipe
<Begasus> will do a check tomorrow I think with the created packages on a clean install ...
<nephele> there should be a tool to cut out random chars from fonts we don't need
<nephele> fontMagick? :D
<nephele> Begasus: Does it ship now with variable fonts too?
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<Begasus> which one nephele?
<nephele> any noto font
<nephele> ah nevermind, i also copied both for Noto EMoji
<Begasus> used ponpokodiff to check/match the content of our current noto package(s)
<BrunoSpr> Begasus, down? No everything is ok here!
<Begasus> ps, did a patched version for groff, output from the echo example is the same before and after
<Begasus> down/done* BrunoSpr :)
<Begasus> seen too many screen today :P
<nephele> Begasus: it's not the same, it only looks the same
<nephele> that is the problem :)
<Begasus> the output?
<nephele> that is, if you copy it the command will *fail* because the generated hyphen is a different unicode character
<Begasus> the cmd line is different
<BrunoSpr> no not done by me, they are adobe or linotype fonts, commercial ones
<nephele> echo --help is a bad example though
<Begasus> I go with the tools I see :)
<nephele> echo is *NOT* supposed to understand options according to posix... and ours respects that
<humdinger> Begasus: I'll have a stab at node monitoring the open files for ponpokodiff tomorrow.
<Begasus> is there a way to verify it's working as it should?
* humdinger raises fist: To the sofa!!
<Begasus> nice, thanks again humdinger!, did the translation too :)
<humdinger> have a good night everyone!
<Begasus> cya!
<humdinger> Begasus: seen
<humdinger> if the nodemonitoring works, we'll need an additional alert that'll need translating ofc...
<BrunoSpr> cya
<humdinger> bye bye
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<nephele> Begasus: what echo example did you mean by the way?
<nephele> It would probably work with a command that actually understands what --help means
<Begasus> the echo --help
<Begasus> k
<nephele> try for example
<nephele> python3.10 ‐‐help
<nephele> vs python3.10 --help
<nephele> looks the same
<nephele> first example doesn't work, if you copy it from my message
<Begasus> mkdir ‐‐help (doesn't show output)
<nephele> yes, it creates a folder called ‐‐help
<Begasus> lol, it did :)
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<nephele> (it thinks it's just a regular folder name, it doesn't judge
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<Begasus> no change with the patched/none patched version from what I see
<Begasus> using Debians patch
<nephele> Are you using groff to convert something or what are you doing?
<Begasus> just checking the output in Terminal with the cmd's mentioned here
<Begasus> like with bin --echo
<nephele> Not sure what you mean? groff is a tool to make manpages
<nephele> so if you want to test behaviour differences you'd need to make a manpage or something with groff, and then copy the commandline args out of the finished manpage to see if it's correct
<nephele> preferably a manpage of which we know it has "-" unescaped in it's source file
<nephele> anyway... I can assist more in that tommorow, gonna take a nap now
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<Begasus> k, closing down here too, busy days ...
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<Begasus> cu peeps!
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