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<_-Caleb-_> Hi all
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<zdykstra> Hello!
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<Anarchos> hello
<LinuxUser> @Anarchos hello
<Anarchos> LinuxUser hello !
<LinuxUser> How are you?
<Anarchos> LinuxUser really fine : i just finished a setup with 2 haiku machines in network, running applications distantly with RemoteDesktop :)
<LinuxUser> oh looks amazing
<Anarchos> my math verifier lowers its running time from 3min to 13s on a 83kb input file, due to my more recent server than old laptop !
<LinuxUser> great
<Anarchos> yes
<Anarchos> it took me all evening due to poor documentation of remotedesktop...
<Anarchos> but it is really nice
<LinuxUser> heh i made a robot(really) and it took me SEVERAL DAYS on find where the problem was and no information!
<Anarchos> maybe i will do a little GUI to wake my server distantly by wake on lan :)
<LinuxUser> what server.
<LinuxUser> (? instead of .)
<Anarchos> just the other computer in the lower stair of my home :)
<LinuxUser> i remembered following situation there's a laptop with hdd i transfered backups from hdd to another computer(via lan) and after i installed ssd i needed to restore backup from pc via acronis
<LinuxUser> and i firstly used lan network(really i did not have a need in that before :) )
<Anarchos> i understand. for that i prefer to plug the SSD in an external case, and do a full "dd" command.
<LinuxUser> but i hadn't it
<Anarchos> sure
<LinuxUser> what pc do you have?
<Anarchos> a toshiba satellite from 2011 (amd c50 1GHz) and a dell optiplex (core i3 3GHz)
<LinuxUser> what generation of i3?
<Anarchos> no idea
<LinuxUser> what model of i3?
<Anarchos> it is a refurbished one, and i shut it down 10 min ago , so no info available tonight...
<LinuxUser> ok
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<LinuxUser> and i have a pc with intel core quad(maybe 3rd gen) 4gb ram(ddr2) and a laptop with intel core i7 4700mq(4th gen) 6gb ram(ddr3)
* Anarchos wonder why rm -rf is so slow on Haiku, on big folders.
<Anarchos> LinuxUser i dream to have a core i7.... blazingly fast comparing to my 2011 toshiba...
<LinuxUser> how do you write messages(as previous like someone wonders that..)?
<Anarchos> LinuxUser i didn't understand your sentence.
<LinuxUser> aa ok
<LinuxUser> i think rm -rf is slow due a hdd
<LinuxUser> or you have a sdd?
<Anarchos> hdd ...
<LinuxUser> ah
<LinuxUser> my laptop has hdd to the another pc has two ssd
<LinuxUser> ssds*
<Anarchos> but a simple "opam update" command (ocaml package daily management chore) can take 104min for me !
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<LinuxUser> how much ram do you have?
<Anarchos> 4G on the toshiba. no idea on the optibplex
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<LinuxUser> @Molnija hi
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] autocommitter pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57377] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 0eb78d092869 - Update translations from Pootle
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<zeldakatze[m]> morning
<Begasus> Hi there zeldakatze[m], long time no see :)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus f0745ac - texmaker, bump version (#9744)
<Begasus> updated :)
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi there
<andreasdr[m]> Cool Begasus
<Begasus> Arrr andreasdr[m] :)
<Begasus> has been in my todo list for a while
<andreasdr[m]> Nice
<andreasdr[m]> Anything else new in the mighty Haiku universe?
<Begasus> nothing major atm I think
<Begasus> update on cmake ready here, but need some testing first
<Begasus> tried to import the patch from x512 (from a PR) but that didn't work out
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<humdinger> Mahlzeit!
<Begasus> Moin humdinger
<Begasus> Guten hunger :)
<humdinger> hey! if you have a minute, there are again(!) some additional strings...
<humdinger> :)
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<coolcoder613_32> Good evening
<Begasus> done :) side note, "moved to another volume", maybe "moved to another location" humdinger?
<Begasus> Hi there coolcoder613_32
<humdinger> it has to be anoher volume (partition), if a file is simply move to another folder, it's kept track of with the node monitor
<Begasus> ah!
<Begasus> need to check this :)
<zeldakatze[m]> <Begasus> "Hi there zeldakatze, long time..." <- I actually got a bit busy with studying and some other stuff, but it did get a bit better now
<coolcoder613_32> Hello humdinger
<humdinger> please do. bugs are best squashed before a release
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<humdinger> hi coolcoder613_32
<Begasus> humdinger, need to grab a new commit for this I gather too?
<Begasus> hi zeldakatze[m], np, life gets in the way sometimes, hope things are fine there
<humdinger> best to get the latest. I dunno how old your fork is. :)
<coolcoder613_32> humdinger, any australian english translations needed? ;)
<humdinger> coolcoder613_32: nope, all en_* agnostic :)
<humdinger> Begasus: yep that's the latest
<Begasus> need the commit tag :)
<humdinger> it's in the url.
<zeldakatze[m]> Begasus: it's fine now (I think). Thank you
<humdinger> or are you telling, not asking?
<Begasus> ah, cool! drag&drop works also humdinger :)
<humdinger> yep. one of the first things I fixed.
<Begasus> telling humdinger :)
<humdinger> Haiku without d&d is unnatural
<andreasdr[m]> Hi there Humdinger and Zeldakatze
<humdinger> ahoi andreasdr[m]
<andreasdr[m]> Hi there coolcoder613_32
<andreasdr[m]> Arrr :DDD
<Begasus> k, need to change the translation for that then humdinger :)
<humdinger> there's time. let's raft the release tomorrow.
<humdinger> *draft
<Begasus> fixed*
<humdinger> thanks
<Begasus> nit picking .... :)
<humdinger> now's the best time for that.
<Begasus> diff 2 files, move one to another volume -> Ignore .... Reload (all blanc) :)
<humdinger> hmm... looking into that.
<humdinger> I suppose it'd be enough to disable the "Reload" menu item in that case?
<Begasus> yeah :) (or an alert "Nothing to compare!" :)
<humdinger> or show the "A file has disappeared" alert?
<Begasus> right, something in that line
<Begasus> dogs .... biab
<humdinger> woof woof
<Begasus> rather whooohooo
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<Begasus> re
<nephele> hello Begasus
<coolcoder613_mac> Hello nephele
<Begasus> hi nephele
<nephele> Is it a new feature that the text on github randomly blinks...?
<Begasus> rebuilding
<Begasus> not seeing it nephele?
<humdinger> only real annoying thing at thegithub site with Web+ are the "invisible" buttons.
<nephele> In webpositive in that link some text like BEntry randomyl flashes out of existance
<humdinger> almost white text on white background...
<nephele> ... what invisible buttons?
<Begasus> good enough for me humdinger :)
<humdinger> great!
<humdinger> nephele: e.g. to add a comment or merge a PR
<Begasus> got a dark theme on github, so not seeing it there
<Begasus> but on gitlab I can't always see everything
<Begasus> had to install Falkon for that (didn't even show correct in Otter)
<Begasus> ow, in Web+ when I visit Arch pages it's a bit weird too sometimes (need to hover my mouse to see text)
<nephele> humdinger: looks fine to me
<humdinger> nephele: yes, seems to work in dark mode.
<nephele> honestly gitlab sucks even more than github
<Begasus> heh
<humdinger> thanks Begasus for the github appearance tip. I'll see if I can find one that works for me.
<Begasus> that's another thing :) gitlab is even worse imho
<nephele> you can just set the OS document color to dark and webpositive will use the dark mode on all websites that support it
<humdinger> yeah, but I prefer a light os theme.
<nephele> ketzer :)
<humdinger> :)
<humdinger> nephele: can you do me a favour and try PonpokoDiff with your dark system? see if the colours are OK?
<Begasus> nephele, how do you set the OS document color?
<humdinger> -->
<nephele> Begasus: in preferences/Appearence
<humdinger> there's yellow for changes, green for added lines, red for remossing lines
<nephele> looks pretty terrible tbh :D
<humdinger> oh
<nephele> how do i set it as git pager?
<humdinger> what's that? diffing the same files over different branches?
<nephele> yes
<nephele> what "git diff" does
<nephele> it calls less for example
<humdinger> I think you ca't
<nephele> Green for added lines doesn't work :(
<phschafft> git diff ... | pager
<nephele> git has config vars for everything, surely for the pager too
<Begasus> nephele, should apear on the "right" side for green
<phschafft> core.pager
<phschafft> ;)
<nephele> humdinger:
<nephele> how's it look in the light theme?
<nephele> phschafft: ah :D
<humdinger> nephele: If you have better alternatives for the three colours, let me know.
<nephele> hmm. I guess it depends if git only uses the pager for diffs
* phschafft is very happy to do the boring manpage lookups when the others are actually working on a problem. ;)
<nephele> phschafft: yeah well git help on haiku is html pages, and those don't do dark mode :D
<phschafft> :(
<nephele> humdinger: I wouldn't hardcode colors at all
<phschafft> you can also make an alias and set GIT_PAGER or PAGER.
<phschafft> depending on if you want this more globally or more git specific.
<humdinger> nephele: I didn't want to complicate things with colour config.
<nephele> that's not what i ment, one moment I'll dig out a commit where i solved a similar problem
<humdinger> Ii tried with color_tint before, but the results weren't pretty
<humdinger> I'll have a look...
<nephele> there are probably way more sophisticated solutions, one would be to represent a color as HSL (hue, saturation, lightness)
<nephele> and then copy only the lightness from the background to the color you want
<nephele> or change it maybe +15& if it's a dark bg and -15% if it's light or something
<humdinger> Since I plan to just hard-code the three colours, it'd be enough for be to have three nice corresponding colours for the dark theme.
<phschafft> the page is used by different commands (not just git diff) there is a setting which commands should use it. however you cannot set different pagers for different commands it seems.
<nephele> that's dissapointing. would have been cool to use this for diffs directly :/
<nephele> there is a tool called uhm diff-so-fancy that changes the alghorythm git uses to render diffs
<nephele> but then goes to the pager
<nephele> wonder if that can be hijacked :D
<humdinger> If you wanna play around with that, I used this WonderBrush file to come to the current set:
<phschafft> I mean you can override the git diff command and call the old one internally.
<nephele> why do you keep zipping it up
<humdinger> no particular reason...
<phschafft> or maybe not? is git diff actually an build in? strange.
<nephele> humdinger: ah, those are "for dark mode" colors?
<humdinger> I'm used to zip, attribute preserving
<humdinger> yes
<nephele> okay
<nephele> well, the screenshot shows it uses a mix of white and dark text colors for me
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<nephele> or nvm
<humdinger> which screenshot?
<nephele> i did have that before, let me see if i can reproduce it
<phschafft> hm.
<nephele> humdinger: okay found it
<nephele> just grab the resize handle, it makes the text go black :(
<humdinger> I guess I'll have to set up a dark theme here...
<nephele> "just" open appearence prefs, slide the two sliders text color and document bg color to their respective values, and then hit restore when you are done
<nephele> (so don't close the window)
<nephele> I'll try to make this easier in the future :g
<humdinger> I'll create a ThemeManager theme for quick switching
<nephele> I can send you my appearence preferences if you want
<humdinger> yes please
<humdinger> not quite sure what to do with that file, nephele
<nephele> it's config/settings/app_server/appearence
<humdinger> tried copying it there and rename to "appearance", but opening the prefs I still see my old colors.
<nephele> probably delete the old one (or move it), copy the new one and reboot
<nephele> though i would have guessed theme manager somehow can use it. but dunno, never use that software
<humdinger> got its own settings.
<humdinger> alright.. try and reboot then...
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<humdinger> nephele: OK. Now I see it. Hope I find where to fix it...
<humdinger> lunch first.
<humdinger> see y'all later!
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<nephele> a native diff viewer is nice
<nephele> I only ever use it for git though
<nephele> would be even cooler If i could write in the diff viewer :D
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<Begasus> can't have it all nephele, so far it has proven it's use to me :)
<nephele> sure, but stuff can always be improved :)
<nephele> maybe I should add a mode to Koder that it shows the old git version on the left or so, so you can do some editing based on the git history
<Begasus> right on the improvements, the one humdinger did helpt a lot already here
<Begasus> one(s)*
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<_-Caleb-_> hi all
<Begasus> Hello _-Caleb-_
<Begasus> can't get kiwix-desktop to play nice with aria2 :/
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 35771d5 - libkiwix, bump version (#9745)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 9d29dcc - kiwix_tools, bump version (#9746)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus d208691 - defendguin, bump version (#9747)
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<andreaa72> zdykstra : yes, found the gimp on haikudepot, ok ;)
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<Begasus> another save with ponpokodiff humdinger :)
<humdinger> what got saved?
<Begasus> part of a patchset :)
<humdinger> another monster package in the works?
<Begasus> nah
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<Begasus> -- Requested 'mlt++-7 >= 7.18.0' but version of mlt++ is 7.14.0
<Begasus> needs an update it seems ....
<Begasus> doing some check with cmake build (packages)
<Begasus> *with the newer cmake version here*
<humdinger> always busy... )
<Begasus> as long as I enjoy it ... :)
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<humdinger> nephele, should you read the log and happen to have an idea for ...
<Begasus> at least found the "cause" humdinger
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<humdinger> more or less. still not sure where the issue is exactly.
<humdinger> Since it works out well for the default light theme, maybe it's a bug/enhancement in the OS in general.
<humdinger> more probable it's me though...
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<Anarchos> hello !!!
<humdinger> ho
<Anarchos> humdinger i managed to get my RemoteDesktop working back :)
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<humdinger> good for you! :)
<humdinger> I just have one computer, so... I'm always local.
<humdinger> "A local Haiku, for local people! - We have no trouble here..."
<Anarchos> humdinger :)
<Anarchos> i am considering installing a linux inside qemu, cause tiddlywiki refuses to save inside of Web+
<humdinger> I have Epiphany/Web as a fallback whenever Web+ refuses to comply. Works well so far...
<humdinger> Anyhoo, gots to run...
<Begasus> Otter/Falkon here :)
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<Anarchos> did you try tiddliwiki on it ?
<humdinger> cu tomorrow!
<Anarchos> humdinger see you
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<Begasus> cu humdinger
* humdinger waves
<Anarchos> Begasus hello !!
humdinger has quit [Quit: Vision[]: Oi with the poodles already!!]
<Begasus> Hi Anarchos :)
<Anarchos> Begasus i got remotedesktop working :)
<Begasus> saw it, congrats! :)
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<Anarchos> Begasus now my verifier runs in 13s in this server instead of 3min on my laptop :)
<Begasus> whoot! progress :D
<Begasus> can't even compare builds on the both laptops :)
<Begasus> should get a boost on a 32bit model
<Anarchos> now i want to use tiddlywiki to begin a blog/ task manager personal website
<Anarchos> but i can't save it correctly from Web+
<Anarchos> i need a browser with plugins
<Anarchos> that's why i consider install ubuntu inside qemu on my haiku server
<Begasus> rings a bell ...
<Anarchos> ?
<Begasus> tiddlywiki
<Anarchos> Begasus you used it ?
<Begasus> I "think" I used it when I was doing some teaching some years ago :)
<Anarchos> Begasus i was so sad to see that the save doesn't work without plugins in browsers, cause we have no way to install them on web+
<Begasus> I probably used it under Ubuntu back then
<Anarchos> Begasus hope my server will be strong enough to run ubuntu in qemu on haiku ...
<Begasus> crossing fingers for you Anarchos
<Anarchos> Begasus i fear RemoteDesktop won't work with graphical display of qemu ...
<Anarchos> i had troubles with web+ when i tried , so qemu...
<Begasus> TiddlyDesktop uses npm for installation :)
<Anarchos> Begasus i am not sure we have npm on haiku ?
<Begasus> we do :)
<Anarchos> oh it seems, but must be recent ?
<Begasus> have been trying out in the last days trying to get something for javaFX
<Begasus> latest one is in the depot
<Anarchos> will try to install tiddlydesktop then
<Anarchos> btw is unusable on web+ :)
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<Anarchos> Begasus difficult to know how to get it on haiku :
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<Begasus> Anarchos, looking into the desktop version
<Anarchos> you mean i will just do 'npm install tiddlydesktop' and it will install it ?
<Begasus> nah that wont work
<Begasus> npm search tiddlywiki
<Begasus> then I did "npm install tiddlywiki --prefix /boot/home/config/non-packaged/lib/"
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<Anarchos> i already installed it and open in Web+, but i can not save my modifications... will try with your solution if it works better
<Begasus> Anarchos, not sure how "usable" it is though :)
<Anarchos> why non-packaged/lib instead of non-packaged/ for the prefix ?
<Begasus> it probably wont solve running in Web+
<Begasus> nodejs looks in */lib/node-modules
<Anarchos> ok
<Anarchos> Begasus ok i install it. how do i run it ?
<Begasus> beats me :D
<Begasus> well, for one, copy the link in */node_modules/.bin to ~/config/non-packaged/bin
<Begasus> then you can call the script from cli
<Anarchos> will ensure all works before copying link ;)
<Anarchos> Error executing boot module $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/highlight/highlight.js: SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: /[\p{XID_Start}_]\p{XID_Continue}*/u: Invalid property name in character class
<Begasus> :/
<Anarchos> i did npm install
<Anarchos> instead of npm install -g
<Begasus> didn't do that either :)
<Anarchos> and it works for you ?
<Anarchos> Begasus it is the last step 'listen' which crashes for me :/
<Begasus> see it now too
<Begasus> Error executing boot module $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/highlight/highlight.js: {}
<Anarchos> same as me ?
<Begasus> think so :/
<Anarchos> ah second try works !!
<Begasus> it does?
<Anarchos> it did because i run tiddlywiki from another folder. if i run it in the directory where i initiated the 'mynewwiki' it crashes indeed
<Begasus> ow nice! :D
<Begasus> now food, biab
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<Begasus> enough tiddling for today
<Begasus> cu peeps! :)
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<OscarL> on the topic of "writting on the diff viewer" (too bad nephele is logged out)... Pe already has that.
<OscarL> And IMHO, gets even better after applying (so you can invoke that mode from the CLI).
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<x512[m]> I managed to make Nvidia Open GPU driver to initialize GPU and GSP:
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<zdykstra> That's fantastic!
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<andreasdr[m]> Wow. Thats super cool!!!
<andreasdr[m]> Whats the next steps? :DDD
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<OscarL> x512[m] <<< always with ultra-awesomo stuff to share :-) Thanks for your Haiku-related work, my man! Much appreciated!
<x512[m]> Works over Poke driver for now.
<OscarL> that just made my day, x512[m] :-). Never ever thought my silly driver would get used, for anything, so many years later :-D
<x512[m]> It have some troubles, for example uint8 PCI config offset that do not fit ECAM config space. Or non-empty name in POKE_MAP_MEMORY cause error.
<OscarL> Keep in mind that I barely knew what I was doing back then (just trying to find something "easy-enough" to contribute to), and now I know even less, so... patches always welcomed! :-P
<OscarL> AFAICT, /bin/poke used undocumented sycalls (thus why I wrote a poke driver to go along with my poke replacement
<OscarL> very few people where using /bin/poke back then.
<OscarL> I even had a Windows version of poke that I sent to rudolfc, in hopes he could use it to see what the Win Nvidia drivers where doing :-D
<OscarL> (I used it like that to help me while writting a driver for my SiS 730 IGP)
<OscarL> I remember getting even some of the acceleration functions working for my driver, but I never managed to make the modesetting part of the driver to work, ha!
<OscarL> Syllable had a "port" of Linux SiS 300 driver that managed modesetting (but not 2D acceleration, AFAIK). I was never smart enough to get my driver to be something usable by others :-/
<OscarL> x512[m]: if calling POKE_MAP_MEMORY with a non-null/empty name is giving you problems.... that migth warrant opening a ticket, if I'm reading right?
<x512[m]> It always return B_BAD_ADDRESS is name is not empty.
<x512[m]> is name -> if name
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<OscarL> from that commit message: "Untested (as it seems /bin/poke was never added?)" yeah... seems my /bin/poke replacemet either got lost on AxelD's mail, or he just didn't liked it :-D
<OscarL> just in case... this is what I managed to salvage for /bin/poke:
<Habbie> what does it do?
<x512[m]> Access to physical memory and PCI devices from userland.
<OscarL> Habbie: "peek and poke" on I/O ports, PCI, and main memory.
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<Habbie> oh eww :D
<Habbie> nice
<AlienSoldier> Poke like C64 i guess
<Habbie> yeah
<OscarL> "oh eww", you clearly misspelt AWESOME! :-P
<Habbie> i know poke from basic on a bunch of machines, including PC
<Habbie> ewwsome :D
<OscarL> Habbie: that's... actuually accurate!
<Habbie> i have the best words
<OscarL> "ewwsome"... hahaha, I love it.
<OscarL> The win9x version was mostly functional (minus some issues with line-editing/history). Never finished the WinXP version (I guess I could use WinRing0 driver for that).
<OscarL> but I can understand why AxelD would just ignore my e-mail with my 2005 version (sent just after the one for driver/poke) :-D
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* OscarL sees "pc_speaker.c" in poke's repo and thinks.... why the heck Haiku still doesn't has a PC Speaker driver!!!!
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<zdykstra> Hey Habbie, OscarL
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<OscarL> 'lo there zdykstra!
<erysdren> hallo
<Habbie> hi :)
<OscarL> hi erysdren!
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* OscarL thinks x512[m] should "poke" waddlesplash regarding that "B_BAD_ADDRESS" on driver/poke :-P (I'm not smart enough, either way :-D)
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<OscarL> "it worked when I tested it on BeOS" would be my defense :-P
<coolcoder613_32> Hello all
<OscarL> hola, coolcoder613_32!
<OscarL> _-Caleb-_: hopefully some of the responses you got on the forum are enough for what you want to accomplish. If not... I can try explaining things in Castellano.
<_-Caleb-_> OscarLyes, im trying! Thanks so much!!!
<_-Caleb-_> Better, im spanish :-P
* _-Caleb-_ is idle: afk
<OscarL> While this channel is mostly only English.... Alguno de nosotros escribimos mejor in (some form of) Castellano (I'm from Argentina)