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afternoon, just looking at the energy tab in fedora, is there a way to see an energy usage breakdown by application? and if not there, is there a tool that anyone can recommend?
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monthebiff, the closes I know is the command line tool powertop
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i've heard of that one, never used it
Probably not exactly energy but it'll show you how often which apps make CPUs leave idle, so it's really useful to find energy hogs.
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oh lol it segfaulted
Good opportunity to contribute
specifically on the html option
its still running atm
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Sorry if this has already been asked and answered multiple times, Im wanting to try emulating nintendo switch with my m1 and wondering which GPU driver works best, I assume vulkan?
the vulkan driver is a lot newer
thank you
but you can try both and see which works better for some paarticular game!
Ok! Does anyone btw have any experience with emulating switch games on m1 on asahi fedora?
I found a new ryujinx build that has native aarch64 support but finding a yuzu clone with native support is not as straightforward
and it seems like there might not be support for aarch64 even if you build it yourself
its supposed to be more performant than ryujinx but maybe it doesnt matter if people are able to emulate switch games on their damn phones haha
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<j`ey> "the vulkan driver is a lot newer" <- isn't the vulkan driver the one written in rust? I thought y'all use zink to emulate opengl on top of your vulkan drivers
just read through the logs, saw stuff about x87, Config.json and invalid rootfs stuff for fex-emu, sure enough, Steams not launching once FEXConfig generates the config file. Trying to figure out what value should go in that file. FEXGetConfig --current-rootfs returns nothing by default, and ls .fex-emu/RootFS appears to be empty even when steam is running. Thoughts on what I should check next would
be appreciated.
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<Seti_> "I found a new ryujinx build that..." <- yuzu, isn't that dead?
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fedora has a setup where it mounts fex rootfs squashfs images inside muvm. So, run mount in muvm and see what it says
chaos_princess: speaking of muvm, just finished reading the source. Damn, you weren't kidding about the unsafe and sending structures between programs like that. Really awesome program though!
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my ssh got stuck
bgtlover[mds]: no, both gl and vulkan are C
bgtlover[mds]: the GL driver came first, so not using zink
j`ey: for the apple gpu?
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im seeing /run/fex-emu/rootfs inside of muvm - so in the config file, would that be a straight copy paste of that value? or is it then going to try mount something from my host instead? Alternatively... can i just delete the rootfs key in the config file?
muvm is supposed to rewrite the config on the fly and insert that config key itself
i guess something went wrong
ok... hmm... and just to check... when i was running FEXConfig to play around with x87 precision... should i have been doing that on my host, or within muvm?
or will it make no difference at all?
bgtlover[mds]: yes, no zink here, and a few opengl things are better optimized, as opengl allows to do tricks under the app's back, while vulkan gives it more direct control
monthebiff: idk, try both :P
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so inside and outside of muvm, FEXConfig looks like it doesn't have a value loaded for RootFS. Having created a new config, i quit steam, and relaunched (from the host) and it worked... now inside muvm, FEXGetConfig --current-rootfs returns /run/fex-emu/rootfs while on the host its still blank. The config file itself is unchanged so im not sure why its running now and it wasn't before.
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in muvm it is not actually using your fexconfig, but instead injects a new one somewhere under /run
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think i found it, not under /run but /usr/share/fex-emu, contents are just the RootFS key pointing at /run/fex-emu/rootfs
so no x87 emulation i don't think
or rather no x87 configuration
bgtlover[mds]: yes
kode544: the kernel side GPU driver is rust
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yes, I know
woops :)
dunno how that happened
manually opened /usr/share/fex-emu/Config.json using FEXConfig (had to be root) and then saved the config back to that location. do i need to restart anything for that config to be loaded? and if so... isn't it just going to be overwritten with the default one from the overlay again?
answered my own question, quitting steam and relaunching nukes that config file.
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and while attempting to run muvm as privileged it looks like i cant be root until after steam is already launched... before that it just runs my shell as my regular user
so i cant create the file before steam launches
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I have an ath9k usb wifi card. Everything was working perfectly fine with the open ath9k firmware, until today when linux started oopsing for me whenever I try to use that card as an AP. I temporarily resolved the issue by rebuilding the firmware and putting it in the firmware dir, but it's crashing again. Any idea what could be the problem? Never had this happen with this card on any other system. Here's the dmesg
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<j`ey> "kode544: the kernel side GPU..." <- ahh, so then what's in C?
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the mesa / userspace part
aha, that makes more sense
and that's why x11 wasn't supported in the beginning, but only wayland?
because only mesa stuff was implemented?
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no, that is unrelated, it is more about how the display controller works
ahh, gotcha...kinda?
this is not x86, and display controller and gpu are separate blocks that are almost completely unrelated
chaos_princess: ahh, and x11 wasn't designed with that in mind, do I want to know what hacks you had to do to make it work? hmm
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no, that is ok, and we aren't the first people to have to deal with it, there is kmsro, our problems are more that the display controller expects to be used in the way wayland compositors use it, not the way x11 does
do not remember the exact issues, but i think it is something involving vblank interrupts, and maybe the fact that it draws to the front buffer sometimes?
chaos_princess: ahh, the perfect frames stuff, right?
I went back to muvm because I know I forgot to read something, and apparently...the worst is yet to come! the whole bridges stuff in guest is unread, and I see quite interesting things in there, raw syscalls and C like constants kinda stuff, very...good
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this looks like something that was ported from C indeed
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bgtlover[mds]: chaos_princess: yes it was VBI. iirc we didnt want to emulate VBIs in the dcp driver but ended up doing it anyway?
there are probably a number of other issues but as we know the official support stance is "x11 starts but we will not fix anything that cant be reproed with a wayland compositor
i still think drawing into the front buffer was also involved somehow
probably lol. though i do know of a few people still using x11 sessions and it supposedly Just Works(tm) with our xorg config thingy
dont really care enough to try myself though
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I'm looking through your repositories, and I just found the software function keys daemon, you know, the thing that shows function keys on the touchbar. This is the first time I see drm code, makes some kind of sense, even though it shouldn't