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<computernerd> is the website up to date in terms of device support?
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<computernerd> I ask because for the m4 it says devices are not released yet
<computernerd> this is incorrect
<PaulFertser> computernerd: but m4 is not supported still, at all.
<computernerd> true
<computernerd> that just made me wonder if it wasn't the most current info
<computernerd> I guess it is?
<computernerd> really what im looking for is info on the m3 so seeing that the m4 info is incorrect I thought maybe the others were as well
<computernerd> I guess thats not the case
<chaos_princess> m3+ are unsupported, and well, people are not rushing to update just how exactly unsupported those are
<chaos_princess> info on m1/m2 is up to date
<computernerd> ok
<computernerd> makes sense
<computernerd> I have a mi machine so I could test it if I wanted to
<computernerd> m1
<computernerd> thanks for your help chaos_princess
<computernerd> like your name :)
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