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What was it faux bus(?) sounded like it might help.
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afternoon all o/ quick question, when running system updates is there a way to trigger fedora addon updates? getting real annoyed by the notifications about system updates and having to work through dnf, flatpak, and then the discovery center get it all cleared.
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monthebiff: the plasma-discover-flatpak and plasma-discover-packagekit packages might help
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nicolas17 this. As far as I understand the separate systems are not very flexible, and patching everything is not feasible either due to the size etc. A manufacturer with their own kernel could just do what they want to. And some things, like display port chaining, doesn't even work on macos, or only with a TB4 doc for like 300
no dp mst is a hardware limitation
and yes, there are various issues with how linux is designed in that the pd-controller does a ton of stuff in firmware that linux expects to do itself, atcphy combines things that linux expects to be done by different chips and so on
chaos_princess ah yeah right. thanks for clarifying
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not all TB4 docks support two displays either
only docks that actually tunnel two DP streams (instead of a single one using MST) work
i have a caldigit dock and my work machine with m3 pro supports two displays connected to that one (on macos ofc ;)) fwiw
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sven yes, I would prob get a caldigit one at some point. right now a cheaper anker usb-c works, other screen goes to hdmi out
(om macos)
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JamesB192, good shout, is a good starting point. Think the packagekit backend ultimately pulls in system packages, and theres 'firmware' update backend as well. Not sure if plasma addons are going through that
anyone got any idea what kns-backend is? surface level google didnt throw an obvious answer at me
where are you getting it from?
its listed in the backends when you run `plasma-discover --listbackends`
there's four, flatpak is self explanatory
the remaining three are, fwupd, kns, and pacakgekit
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i think package kit is system packages, after a quick google, and fwupd apparently stands for firmware update
KDE New Stuff?
no idea yet
next time i see one of those udpats in the discover gui ill see if theres a button that tells me where its coming from
ah, a little dig and a share to clipboard got me a url starting kns://colorschemes.knsrc/ for an entry in Discover > Plasma Addons > Color Schemes > $something
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