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dylantaylor: that 90k is across all patches and subsystems. the gpu driver is about 20k of that
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chadmed_: i mean i can see it's system data, i want to know what sorts of data does it contain
namespace 3? is that syscfg?
* nicolas17
boots asahi
hm no, there's firmware in here
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chaos_princess: re "I think we should wait for them to publish the "list of frameworks" bit, and then go from there to see if we will get sth useful" sadly this was removed from the draft regulation before publication. the final regulation is here
s/draft regulation/preliminary findings/ s/publication/decision/, if these things matter
that said it is indeed true that this is only applicable to ios
this was a bummer i was really looking forward to them explaining what the hell ZhuGeSupport.framework is
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Hey i am on m2 pro, I compiled the 6.13-8.1 but I still get apple_aop 2a6c00000.aop: probe with driver apple_aop failed with error -62 is there anything else I should try? Already installed asahi-audio 3.2 also.
tbodt mobile market is the intent of the regulation for apple, as that is much more restricted. macos you can still somewhat distribute your own apps and they have much less market share
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mast3r0fpuppets: a fixed kernel will be released shortly
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chadmed: ok ok, will just wait then. Thanks for the reply
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anyone noticed any changes between 41-42 with cyrus authenticators? I've had a problem in mutt since updating but i think its something to do with the cyrus packages.
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hi i downloaded the 1st version of asahi linux (i think it was just the kde version) and im trying to update my discover cus it has 800 packages but im getting an error can someone help with this?
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