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<flokli> I didn't get a chance to test yesterday, will try to get to it today.
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<monthebiff> question... was testing some steam proton launcher options to try and improve performance on guild wars... from the fedora asahi remix user guide, the option PROTON_USE_WINED3D is mentioned may be a performance improvment for DX8-DX11 games. But when I ran guild wars I got a message about directX 8 being missing. Does anyone know anything about that?
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<chadmed> did you do PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1?
<monthebi1f> yeh thats what i tried, just causes it fail with that message
<monthebi1f> when using vulkan, in game it tells me the renderer being used is direct x 9
<monthebi1f> so i dunno why its mentioning direct x 8 in the message
<monthebi1f> and i wacked the resolution down to 800x600 just to see if it was some scaling performance thing, old game, big resolutions. but no visible improvement.
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<flokli> jannau: 6.13.5 builds with rustc 1.84.1 and 1.82.0 (nixpkgs unstable a while ago), but fails with rust 1.82 ("cannot find attribute `pointee` in this scope")
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<witherwander> hi, i'm new here and just wanna know if its okay to ask general support questions or if i should ask elsewhere
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<j`ey> yup you can ask here
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<witherwander> cool! basically, running x86-64 games on steam has been working fine IF i download them to my hard drive, but if I set a second library on steam with an external ssd and download games there, they don't open whatsoever. ive tried installing all the steam linux runtime (scout, soldier, sniper or whatever) to that external drive but I still have the same issues
<witherwander> and its probably important to know that im very new to linux so i might just be missing something
<j`ey> ah I think that might be related to muvm not having access to external drives
<witherwander> mmm, is there a way I can give it access? or a limitation of the software atm
<j`ey> I don't use steam, so somone that does might know for sure
<witherwander> kk, well ill be idle here in case someone has a solution =]
<chaos_princess> are you mounting your external disk via kde gui?
<witherwander> like the KDE partition manager? if so yeah
<witherwander> i moved the mount point to a folder in my fedora folder
<chaos_princess> not that issue then
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