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<coolcoder613_32> have you ever tried fiwix or sortix?
<OscarL> I have 5.76 GB on this 32 bits install (I use it for both bare-metal and VM), so you have plenty of room left! :-D
<coolcoder613_32> My freshly installed VM took up like 600-something MB
<OscarL> first time hearing about those, /me does some searches.
<coolcoder613_32> I have used up 8GB out of 200
<coolcoder613_32> Same install for bare metal and VM?
<coolcoder613_32> How does that work?
<OscarL> yes. It is a real HDD, and I set it up so VBox can access it.
<coolcoder613_32> Oh, that thing... i tried it with a USB drive, could not get it to work, even running as System
<OscarL> USB drives are treated differently (at least on VBox). What I mean is something like this:
<coolcoder613_32> I used a tutorial from pendrivelinux
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<coolcoder613> I am making a interactive fiction game engine, with a class Game, inheriting from BWindow, that the user inherits from, how do i initialise a BApplication?
<phschafft> hm.
<coolcoder613> This is in Python BTW
* phschafft more wonders what an 'interactive fiction game' is.
<coolcoder613> this is a port
<coolcoder613> screenshots of the macos version
<coolcoder613> Like a text adventure, but GUI
<phschafft> hm.
<phschafft> I see.
<coolcoder613> so:
<coolcoder613> from seek import Game
<coolcoder613> class MyGame(Game):
<coolcoder613> game=MyGame()
<coolcoder613> game.Run()
<coolcoder613> can i have Game inheriting from BApplication,
<coolcoder613> then creating self.window
<coolcoder613> and adding self.widget to self.window?
<coolcoder613> How can i set the minimum size for a BWindow?
* coolcoder613 scrolls down in docs, void SetSizeLimits (float minWidth, float maxWidth, float minHeight, float maxHeight)
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<phschafft> :)
<coolcoder613> What do i use for a multiline label
<coolcoder613> BStringView is single line
<coolcoder613> BTextView?
<coolcoder613> Not bound yet, i guess i'll do the bindings now.
* coolcoder613 did jam -j30, paying the price
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<coolcoder613> BTextView has been bound
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 76c3cfb - llvm17, 32bit fixes (#9593)
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<coolcoder613eb> Who was working on djgpp?
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<coolcoder613eb> Hello
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<coolcoder613eb> Who was doing djgpp?
<erysdren> me
<erysdren> whats up
<coolcoder613eb> Have you finished it?
<erysdren> no
<coolcoder613eb> is it usable?
<erysdren> no
<erysdren> ran into gcc compilation issues
<erysdren> the ENV is not getting set properly so the test tools fail
<coolcoder613eb> Guess i'll have to use it on macOS
<erysdren> you've reminded me though, so i'll tinker with it tonight
<coolcoder613eb> trying out w2c2 to try and compile rustpython for DOS
<coolcoder613eb> the converted C file is 66MB!
<erysdren> jeez
* coolcoder613eb tried to open it, not a good idea
<coolcoder613eb> still compiling
<coolcoder613eb> It is supposed to be C89
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<HaikuUser> gut
<erysdren> hi
<HaikuUser> hi
<HaikuUser> ich bin Arthur
<erysdren> ich bin Erys
<erysdren> wie geht es dir?
<HaikuUser> ich comme aus China
<HaikuUser> gut und dir?
<erysdren> mir geht es gut
<HaikuUser> Bist du Deutscher?
<erysdren> nein, ich lerne
<HaikuUser> ich bin Student
<HaikuUser> mein deutsch ist nicht gut
<erysdren> sprechen Sie Englisch?
<erysdren> augiedoggie: any chance you could help me with a GCC issue?
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<erysdren> haiku DOES have /dev/, but it doesn't have /dev/env/
<erysdren> what is the Haiku way to get an environment variable as a path like that?
<erysdren> it's used a number of times in the DJGPP target for GCC
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<erysdren> heya Begasus, i got a question
<coolcoder613eb> Good afternoon
* Begasus runs ...
<erysdren> come BACK here
<Begasus> Hi there erysdren coolcoder613eb
<erysdren> anyway i figured out why DJGPP fails to build. several times it uses "/dev/env/DJDIR" to get the system root path
<erysdren> this doesn't evaluate to anything on haiku
<erysdren> it also doesn't evaluate to anything on my linux machine, so i'm not sure how it works at all...
<erysdren> i mean, the GCC system root path.
<erysdren> what it's really trying to do is get the $DJDIR environment variable, but i've honestly never seen it accessed as a path like that.
<Begasus> on what part does it fail?
<erysdren> /dev/env/DJDIR doesn't evaluate to anything and the build process fails at the very end
<Begasus> can't you use it like "make DJDIR=..." or something?
<erysdren> no
<erysdren> in the configure script it does like
<erysdren> "md_exec_prefix=/dev/env/DJDIR/bin"
<erysdren> it's hardset
<erysdren> i can patch it out, but i don't know what to patch it with
<Begasus> hard to tell without looking into it
<Begasus> that's the one trying to build a complete build layout right?
<erysdren> yeah
<erysdren> #define NATIVE_SYSTEM_HEADER_DIR "/dev/env/DJDIR/include/"
<Begasus> with binuttils ...; gcc etc
<coolcoder613eb> find and replace?
<erysdren> yes
<erysdren> replace with what?
<Begasus> my idea would be /boot/system/develop/DJDIR/include?
<coolcoder613eb> $DJDIR?
<Begasus> bias
<coolcoder613eb> Begasus, I am trying to use w2c2 to compile python for DOS
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<coolcoder613eb> it convert wasm to C89
<coolcoder613eb> converted python-3.11.c is 71MB
<erysdren> i'm just gonna patch all this DJDIR crap out
<Begasus> coolcoder613eb, you know we are not DOS right? ;)
<coolcoder613eb> You are not, but i like DOS
<Begasus> erysdren, it's probably going to be needed for things searching for it :)
<erysdren> crap, correct
<coolcoder613eb> i have 2 different bare metal installs, not counting a live USB
<erysdren> what is the haiku equivalent of /dev/env then?
<erysdren> hmm
<Begasus> still got a really old laptop that can run Haiku32bit on it (think it's about 20years old) :)
<coolcoder613eb> And at present, i've only python 1.something and micropython without much stdlib for DOS
<Begasus> ~> ls /dev
<Begasus> acpi audio bluetooth bus console disk dprintf dvb graphics input midi misc net null ports power pt ptmx random tt tty urandom zero
<erysdren> hmm
<Begasus> coolcoder613eb, I think freeDOS is available (or was) ?
<coolcoder613eb> that is what i use
<Begasus> oh it's not in the list it seems, remember we had it back in the BeOS days
<coolcoder613eb> what's not on what list
<Begasus> freedos
<coolcoder613eb> FreeDOS is not on what
<Begasus> haikuports :)
<coolcoder613eb> FreeDOS is an operating system
<Begasus> yeah
<coolcoder613eb> Why would it be on haikuports
<Begasus> maybe I'm getting old :) thought we had something back then :)
<coolcoder613eb> maybe you mean DOSbox
<coolcoder613eb> ls
<coolcoder613eb> didnt change focus to terminal
<erysdren> ah i think it might be a problem with my recipe actually
<coolcoder613eb> really?
<coolcoder613eb> Can you build it manually?
<erysdren> so the build-djgpp scripts on github don't define GCC's new sysroot
<erysdren> on my port recipe i was defining it
<erysdren> i think that was a mistake
<erysdren> i'm gonna try a build with it not defined
<Begasus> I always try without haikuporter for new things, then I tackle a recipe :)
<erysdren> sometimes you need a recipe to define all the correct things :0
<erysdren> runConfigure and all that
<Begasus> I use -prefix=/boot/home/destdir for that
<erysdren> eh, lazy
<erysdren> or rather, i'm lazy and don't wanna do that
<Begasus> even more, added a script in ~/config/non-packaged/bin/configScript that performs the default tasks :P
<Begasus> and a cmakeScript for cmake projects :)
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<erysdren> getting close to the end of this build - the moment of truth
<Begasus> crossing fingers
<coolcoder613eb> I'm on the edge of my chair :-)
<Begasus> heh
<erysdren> it's actually going on for longer than the previous builds, i think i've gotten further in the build process
<erysdren> past the point it was failing
<erysdren> atleast i'm hoping
<erysdren> aha, it failed, but it's no longer getting the DJDIR error
<erysdren> it's getting some other path error
<erysdren> i call this a win
<coolcoder613eb> Whtas the error now?
<erysdren> "The directory that should contain system headers does not exist:"
<erysdren> "/packages/i586_pc_msdosdjgpp
<erysdren> oops
<erysdren> "/packages/i586_pc_msdosdjgpp-13.1.0/.self/develop/headers"
<erysdren> not sure exactly what that means, but presumably i'm not telling it where the headers are properly
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<Begasus> mkdir -p $includeDir?
<Begasus> but those should be done by the install script
<erysdren> i think it's still in the build step where it fails here
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57317] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] c220175c653e - Add Noto Cherokee to font fallback list
<erysdren> welp, time to build again
<erysdren> a shame that haikuporter doesn't do incremental builds
<erysdren> or just a relink
<erysdren> ugh, it did try to relink, and then failed because it wasn't linked with `-lnetwork`
<erysdren> now i do have to rebuild the whole thing lol
<erysdren> but yeah, it seems to be nearly working now
<razetime> oh, jaycie erysdren??
<erysdren> ?
<erysdren> whats up
<razetime> was just surprised to see the name
<razetime> documentary filmmaker, right?
<erysdren> it me
<erysdren> yeah
<erysdren> or, trying to be
<erysdren> Begasus: any idea about setting up a setenv script that will define DJDIR every time the system launches? lol
<erysdren> in Linux you'd usually put it in ~/.bashrc or whatever
<Begasus> no idea erysdren
<coolcoder613eb> There is a bashrc in Haiku
<coolcoder613eb> If you get it compiled please send me a link
<coolcoder613eb> I'm not having a lot of luck trying to compile w2c2 on macos
<coolcoder613eb> maybe i'll try in github codespaces
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<erysdren> coolcoder613eb: are you on x86_64?
<coolcoder613eb> Yes
<erysdren> ok, if this build succeeds, i'll send it your way
<coolcoder613eb> But i have a 32-bit box in a different room
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<erysdren> "no such file or directory: ../.././gcc/libgcc.mvars"
<erysdren> fuuuuck
<Begasus> tsss ...
<coolcoder613eb> lets see if i can get python 3.11 for DOS
<coolcoder613eb> It's compiling...
<coolcoder613eb> 400,000
<Begasus> enjoy ;)
<Begasus> should check the one in the PR for python3.12 here
<coolcoder613eb> apparently 2 million lines
<Begasus> could be, didn't count them last time I checked :)
<Begasus> Dependency gobject-introspection-1.0 found: NO found 1.73.0 but need: '>= 1.76.0'
<Begasus> bugger ...
<coolcoder613eb> no 2M lines for C conversion of python3.11.wasm
<Begasus> Dependency glib-2.0 found: NO found 2.77.0 but need: '>=2.78.0'
<Begasus> that's called library hell I believe ;)
razetime has quit [Quit: Go back to your cringe 9 to 5. I'll be gaming.]
<coolcoder613eb> dependency hell
<Begasus> grabbing glib2-2.78.0-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/glib2-2.78.0-1-x86_64.hpkg :)
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<coolcoder613eb> Hello
<zard> Hello coolcoder613eb :)
<zard> Currently working on seeing if I can get SharedLibrary and SharedLibraryFromObjects built-in
<coolcoder613eb> I added BMenu and BMenuItem
<coolcoder613eb> And i'm compiling python3.11 for DOS
<zard> Are those changes not uploaded yet?
<coolcoder613eb> C->WASM->C89->DOS
<coolcoder613eb> oops
<coolcoder613eb> they should be now
<zard> Ok, nice
<zard> Let me get this straight, you turned C to WASM, disassembled WASM into C89, and then compiled for DOS?
<coolcoder613eb> Yup
<coolcoder613eb> its called w2c2
<coolcoder613eb> its still compiling
<zard> Ha ha, that's convoluted but cool
<zard> Would turning C to Assembly for DOS and then assembling the Assembly work or do you not know?
<coolcoder613eb> The best part is *cpython* *3.11* on *DOS*
<coolcoder613eb> the thing is there is not anything that would convert the Python C to assembly for DOS
<Begasus> missing hb-glib.h in harfbuzz ...
<Begasus> hi zard :)
<zard> Hello Begasus :)
<coolcoder613eb> If there was it would be called a compiler
<zard> Very true. What about cross-compiling?
<coolcoder613eb> 2.1 out of 2.5 million lines done
<coolcoder613eb> The libaries python depends on are the problem
<zard> Ok, dependency hell then :D
<coolcoder613eb> the latest version of python available for DOS is 2.6, and that is not official
<coolcoder613eb> i have 1.2, and micropython
<coolcoder613eb> 2,26
<coolcoder613eb> 2.28M
<coolcoder613eb> 2.3M
<zard> Progress on C to WASM?
<coolcoder613eb> yes
<coolcoder613eb> i was tracking the progress by the warnings
<zard> Ha ha, best not fix all of them then ;)
<coolcoder613eb> no, not C to WASM, generated C to DOS
<zard> Ok, is that step using a cross-compiler or directly on DOS?
<coolcoder613eb> cross-compiler
<coolcoder613eb> DJGPP
<coolcoder613eb> erysden was porting DJGPP to haiku
<coolcoder613eb> but its not finished
<coolcoder613eb> Oh no...
<coolcoder613eb> gcc: fatal error: terminated signal terminated program cc1
<zard> Oh no, and so close to the end too.
<zard> Well, hopefully, it won't start over from the beginning.
<coolcoder613eb> trying again with -j30, its running on github codespaces
<coolcoder613eb> starting over from the beginning though
<coolcoder613eb> split the code into multiple files, so it should parallelise better
<zard> 30 files or so?
<zard> (1 for each core)
<coolcoder613eb> ls
<coolcoder613eb> 102 files
<coolcoder613eb> i told it to have 100 functions to a file
<coolcoder613eb> I have 2 cores
<zard> But 30 or so on github codespaces?
<coolcoder613eb> on the codespace 2 cores
<zard> Ah, then -j30 will do little more than use a lot of memory. -j2 should work better
<coolcoder613eb> I upgraded it, now 4, and 16GB of RAM
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<coolcoder613> Haiku froze up
<coolcoder613> and as for python...
<coolcoder613> gcc: error: unrecognized command-line option '-rdynamic'
<zard> Ok. Good luck and goodbye!
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<coolcoder613> It finished compiling!
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<Begasus> tss ... ../testsuite/reftests/gtk-reftest.c:28:10: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory
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<erysdren> Begasus: turns out the libgcc.mvars error from last night was because i was accidently doing an in-source build.
<erysdren> running it again as an out-of-source build this time
<erysdren> maybe we'll get there this time...
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<Begasus> crossing fingers (again) erysdren :)
<Begasus> pango seems broken for building? cannot find -lharfbuzz-gobject: No such file or directory
<icpcmydream[m]> Do i need to build the compiler toolset everytime I want to create an updated anyboot.iso ?
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<erysdren> hola OscarL
<OscarL> hello erysdren :-)
<erysdren> how's it going?
<OscarL> all well, thanks for asking! Hoping you're OK as well :-)
<OscarL> all that djgpp talk sent me right into website, heh.
<erysdren> i think i'm almost done porting it...
<erysdren> i got a bug during the install step in the last build, my fault that time.
<erysdren> fixed it, now trying one last time
<erysdren> should know if it's good in 25-35 minutes
<OscarL> had my fair share of repeated builds with Py3.12 yesterday... ugh! :-)
<OscarL> specially funny when it is due to a silly typo, or due to the recipe getting broken by something you wrote on a *comment*!
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<erysdren> porting recipes are pretty silly
<erysdren> there's a weird thing with djgpp-binutils that i haven't figured out yet
<erysdren> it creates a libdep.a that DJGPP should not provide, and i don't know how to modify the recipe to ignore it
<erysdren> i guess i could just manually delete it...
<Begasus> out in a bit again
<Begasus> hi OscarL :)
<OscarL> Hi Begasus :-)
<OscarL> erysdren: rm the .a should be OK, if it's only to avoid haikuporter complaining about it :-)
<erysdren> well, it gets packaged ok, but i don't know what it is.
<erysdren> it's in a folder named bfd-plugins
<erysdren> as far as i know, it isn't relevent to the DJGPP target
<Begasus> k, not getting this error on pango, even checked older version
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<Begasus> updated glib,introspection,harfbuzz etc, no luck (also with current ones in the depot)
<Begasus> this is pretty full: /boot/home/config/cache
<Begasus> can one clean it without problems?
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<Begasus> afk
<OscarL> erysdren: debian has some patches for binutils-djgpp:
<OscarL> and looking at what the "rules" files for a debian package does sometimes helps too (same with Gentoo's ebuild files, or Fedora's "spec" ones).
<erysdren> ah shit i forgot to create a directory before i copied files into it... 30 minutes wasted
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<erysdren> but since it got that far, that means gcc built and installed properly otherwise
<erysdren> but i have to build it again anyways so i can test if the damn thing even works... AGH
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] davidkaroly pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57318] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 8b61424d3b1b - Debugger: fix typo call_size vs call_site
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<Begasus> re
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<Begasus> OscarL, is this needed during build? Total tests: run=8,929 failures=35 skipped=221
<OscarL> from which PR is that?
<Begasus> python3.12 :)
<OscarL> can you point to that line? Not seeing it here.
<Begasus> err ... it's done somewhere during the build, not listed in the recipe from the looks
<OscarL> part of the optimization is using "Profile Guided Optimizations"... for that it needs to run parts of the tests... while gathering info about those runs.
<Begasus> if it's need then no prob :)
<OscarL> after that, it builds things again, letting the compiler know about that info, so it gets better optimizations.
<Begasus> build went fine +1
<Begasus> ah k, if it improves the better :)
<OscarL> you can just turn --with-optimizations off for speedier builds, but slower Pythons :-D
<Begasus> was fast enough here :)
<OscarL> wish that was the case here, hehehe
<Begasus> trying gtk4 took longer :P
<OscarL> Begasus: btw, I fixed that intermitent build failure we were seeing with newer Python recipes (by relying on python3.10 during build).
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<OscarL> considering that haikuporter runs on py3.10, we're not gaining much by not having it as BUILD_PREREQUIRES for the Python recipes :-D
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<Begasus> so you're bootstrapping?
<OscarL> we *were* bootstrapping it (by using `export PYTHON_FOR_REGEN="./python"`)
<Begasus> ah :) haven't tackled the major one myself, so a bit in the mist there :)
<OscarL> but as that seems unreliable for some reason that escapes me... better rely on the Python we already have :-)
<Begasus> looks good to me, also check on 32bit?
<OscarL> did some searches over Pythons github repo about it... and bootstraping was the only reason for people to NOT rely on an already present Python 3.10 for builds....
<OscarL> seems *very* few people actually bootstraps even just for tests.
<OscarL> Begasus: yup, build, installed, run tests, and even tried calling code from from 32 bits.
<OscarL> via the ctypes module.... calling is_computer_on_fire() from Python code was fun :-D
<Begasus> nice, good to merge then?
<Begasus> oh! update on Haiku R1B4 :)
<Begasus> food ... bbl
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL d37d1e0 - git: add recipe for version 2.42.0 (#9569)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuporter] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [+5/-0/±5]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuporter] jurgenwigg 007d868 - Small refactor of Builders/ (#273)
<waddlesplash> OscarL: I guess manual intervention still needed for ?
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<OscarL> Not really sure. We might need to force a new build on 32 bits to find out?
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<OscarL> mmm, git build failed on buildmaster. Weird.
<OscarL> failed to initialize the work git repo for SOURCE_URI_2 for some reason?
<OscarL> I thought you were talking about numpy in particular needing manual intervention. You meant the whole 32 bits buildmaster instead waddlesplash?
<waddlesplash> yes
<waddlesplash> "Initialized empty Git repository in /boot/home/haikuports/dev-vcs/git/work-2.42.0/sources-2/.git/
<waddlesplash> fatal: not in a git directory"
<waddlesplash> indeed that's odd
<OscarL> yeah... hella weird.
<OscarL> storage failing?
<OscarL> (either hardware, or filesystem foobar?)
<waddlesplash> no idea
<waddlesplash> considering they both failed in exactly the same way, I don't think this is a problem with hardware/OS
<OscarL> right... previous issue were on 32 bits only.
<waddlesplash> maybe try running a fully clean build yourself?
<OscarL> will do.
<waddlesplash> anyway I don't think manual cleanup will do anything for numpy
<waddlesplash> as it cleans the workdir on every step
<OscarL> but it got "[Errno -2147459064] Read-only file system: '.self'" right after "Cleaning work directory of numpy_x86-1.26.0 ..."
<waddlesplash> hmm
<OscarL> isn't that a sign that there's something not being properly unmounted? on the "boot/system", for example?
<waddlesplash> I guess I'll sign into it
<waddlesplash> and see what's up
<Begasus> update installed, time to close down and see what's new in the morning
<OscarL> meanhwile... started pristine build of git-2.42.0 on 64 bits (slow HDD ain't happy :-D)
<Begasus> cu peeps!
<OscarL> later Begasus!
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<OscarL> waddlesplash: zero issues initializing the 3 work git repos, here, build is progressing nicely.
<waddlesplash> ok
<OscarL> (for the PR, I ran the builds/tests on beta4 32 bits, and been using 2.42.0 there for a few days already.)
<OscarL> build went fine. now riding on shiny git 2.42.0 wheels. (⌐■_■)
<OscarL> darn "UnlockGL is called from the wrong thread" SDL bug (tried to resize gitk window :-D)
<waddlesplash> OscarL: the buildmasters were running HaikuPorter 2894b31ea223946f4515ded779d11362b3a9dd23 (Feb 18)
<waddlesplash> I updated them to a much more recent version
<waddlesplash> maybe that's related, idk. I also cleaned out numpy workdirs and performed some other maintenance
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] waddlesplash 73d3923 - git: Bump revision for rebuild
<OscarL> Awesome, waddlesplash. Thanks a lot!
<erysdren> i got DJGPP building, but i messed up the include directory
<erysdren> so i have to build... again... to see if it works
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<erysdren> i got it packaging though.
<waddlesplash> OscarL: nope same problem.
<OscarL> ouch.
<waddlesplash> let's try on my VM
<waddlesplash> works here...
<waddlesplash> OscarL: hmm there's a missing line on the remote one: it doesn't initialize git repo in sources-3
<waddlesplash> I have no idea what the difference could be
<OscarL> erysdren: sometimes I can bypass the need for a full rebuild by just renaming BUILD() to _BUILD() on the recipe... and doing the necessary changes on INSTALL()
<OscarL> erysdren: just for testing, of course, I do a full clean build before opening the PRs (unless I forget, of course :-P)
<jmairboeck> OscarL, erysdren: you can also skip the build and just redo the INSTALL section by using hp -F
<jmairboeck> if the build part succeeded before
<erysdren> damn
<OscarL> noice. thanks jmairboeck :-)
<erysdren> i already started the build :P
<erysdren> would've been great to know
<erysdren> i'll remember for next time
<jmairboeck> it doesn't delete from the workdir then and skip the build function, even if the recipe file changed
<OscarL> Darn! waddlesplash's build of git took < 2 mins... mine > 13 mins :-D
<waddlesplash> no, I didn't let the build finish
<OscarL> ah :-D
<waddlesplash> I just let it get to the actual building step entering chroot
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<HaikuUser> helo
<erysdren> hello
<OscarL> hola HaikuUser.
<erysdren> hallo
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<erysdren> hallo HaikuUser
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<OscarL> stop scaring new users away erysdren!!! :P
<erysdren> i'm not doing it on purpose!!!
<erysdren> i guess they're scared of a little german
<OscarL> That missing git repo for SOURCE_URI_3 on buildmasters is really puzzling :-/
<waddlesplash> currently conferring with mmlr about it
<OscarL> mmlr, what a legend.
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<hightower2> btw, I know there have been efforts to pair gnu/linux userland with haiku kernel. Was the opposite ever attempted - to run haiku GUI under linux?
<OscarL> hightower2: Cosmoe OS and BlueEyedOS.
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] waddlesplash 2c281f2 - git: Bump for another build attempt.
<waddlesplash> OscarL: we figured it out. long story though, we'll write up a ticket
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<OscarL> waddlesplash: alright! thanks for working on this! :-)
<waddlesplash> well it failed again...
<waddlesplash> so the problem we solved was something else :p
<waddlesplash> ah we missed something
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] waddlesplash 38c0f21 - git: Bump again.
<OscarL> yay! seems to have worked :-)
* OscarL grabs his reading glasses.
<OscarL> bloody hell. Good thing it wasn't me the one trying to debug that one :-)
<OscarL> And yeah.. HaikuPorter has a tendency to hide errors a bit too much for my taste.
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<OscarL> Its use of bare exceptions trips me from time to time.
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<OscarL> one of my attempts at making it show error messages instead of hiding them:
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<coolcoder613_32> Hows DJGPP, erysden
<erysdren> bad
<erysdren> i got it building, linking and packaging
<erysdren> and then i tested the tool with a simple C program, and it fails to build it
<erysdren> i have no idea why
<coolcoder613_32> is there an error?
<erysdren> it throws an assembler error
<coolcoder613_32> what error?
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<erysdren> one sec
<erysdren> Error: invalid instruction suffix for 'push'
<coolcoder613_32> more lines?
<erysdren> the only other error is
<erysdren> Error: invalid instruction suffix for 'pop'
<erysdren> then it exits
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<coolcoder613_32> could it be using the wrong assembler?
<erysdren> yeah probably
<erysdren> i'm not sure why though
<coolcoder613_32> check PATH
<coolcoder613_32> try which gcc
<erysdren> it's not overwriting gcc
<erysdren> its named i586_pc_msdosdjgpp_gcc
<erysdren> same with i586_pc_msdosdjgpp_as
<erysdren> it should be using that as the proper tool prefix for this target, i don't know why its not
<coolcoder613_32> then execute setenv
<erysdren> im tired of this
<erysdren> i might post the recipe and let someone else mess with it
<coolcoder613_32> if its already built, could you post the hpkg as well as the recipe?
<erysdren> yeah
<coolcoder613_32> but try adding i586_pc_msdosdjgpp/bin to PATH
<erysdren> it is automatically added by the package
<coolcoder613_32> if it is, then which gcc should point to the djgpp one
<erysdren> ok, manually assembling and linking a DOS program with crt0.o and libc.a worked, but it doesn't work from gcc itself
<erysdren> so the paths are set wrong
<coolcoder613_32> `which as`?
<erysdren> system as
<coolcoder613_32> there is $DJDIR/bin, and $DJDIR/i586_pc_msdosdjgpp/bin
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<erysdren> apologies, my internet dropped
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<coolcoder613_32> My computer froze up, had to press the reset button
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<coolcoder613_32> Hello, OscarL
<OscarL> Hello there coolcoder613_32!
<coolcoder613_32> I'm trying to get python3.11 for DOS
<coolcoder613_32> I've got a binary
<coolcoder613_32> but it throws errors about filesystem encodings
<coolcoder613_32> Fatal Python error: init_fs_ecoding: failed to get the Python codec of the filesytem encoding
<coolcoder613_32> ModuleNotFoundError: No module named `encodings`
<OscarL> If you get it working, that's worthy of some kind of record, I gather :-D
<OscarL> the fact that it is outputing those errors is already impressive :-D
<coolcoder613_32> From C => WASM/WASI => C89 => DOS EXE
<OscarL> yeah, read that on the IRC logs. Impressive (in a mad-scientist way :-P) nonetheless :-D
<coolcoder613_32> I may try and do this with rustpython, ssee if it makes a difference
<coolcoder613_32> And i might try compiling it on BeOS as well
<coolcoder613_32> And... Windows 2000?
<OscarL> experimenting is fun. making any of those actually usable... will require *a lot* of work, I think :-)
<waddlesplash> OscarL: did that change you linked not work?
<waddlesplash> for haikuporter
<OscarL> But... as long as you're having fun and learning things, coolcoder613_32.... go ahead!
<waddlesplash> yes
<OscarL> it works (I just copied it from the IRC logs)
<OscarL> *it works for me.
<waddlesplash> why not submit a PR? :)
<OscarL> in any case... newest commit on:
<OscarL> Because I haven't accounted for all "pkgman install" failure modes yet.
<waddlesplash> probably not possible
<waddlesplash> likely one should just list the pkgman problem...
<waddlesplash> I mean, just tell users to invoke pkgman
<OscarL> Begasus was happy with that patch at least. that's something :-P
<OscarL> dumb /me realize waddlesplash was asking if the patch worked, not the link. /me dumb.
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<OscarL> except minor formating issues (extra `\n` if the package name was not found), works pretty nicely. Not entirely sure about the quality of the patch but... I guess that's what reviews are for.
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