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<B2IA> (-.dam0) hello
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<Begasus> jessicah, around?
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<Begasus> The issue for boost1.83 has been resolved, new issue for Haiku is created at:
<Begasus> tagged you there :)
<jessicah> What's up?
<Begasus> old functions disable for haiku, you created the upstream patching in 2014 ;)
<Begasus> probably outdated and prevented building boost_locale
<Begasus> disabled in there: #define BOOST_NO_CXX11_HDR_TYPE_TRAITS and #define BOOST_NO_CXX11_STATIC_ASSERT
<jessicah> Boost has a full test suite to run
<Begasus> guess the other 2 can be disabled also by now
<Begasus> yeah, nothing really popped up there
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<jessicah> I guess I can look myself
<Begasus> PR for boost1.83 is online
<Begasus> at haikuports*
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<jessicah> I did detailed testing back then, as there were things that weren't actually passing in the boost regression tests, but Haiku has made progress in our library stuff
<jessicah> I.e. things compiled fine, but weren't correct
<Begasus> right, and things changed in their process too
<jessicah> Yeah
<jessicah> So as long as someone actually reviews test results from changing the platform headers, all good
<jessicah> As successful compilation isn't sufficient at all
<Begasus> I know, hence I call for the masters in the class :)
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<Begasus> jessicah, some of the output on the tests:
<Begasus> '/libs/uuid/test//../include/boost/uuid/uuid.hpp' (can't find a directory for "include" in the source, the header is found in "boost"
<Begasus> "boost/uuid"
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<Anarchos> hello !
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<Begasus> Hi Anarchos
<Anarchos> Begasus i am looking for an example of an app notified with the wifi status : i want Vision to reconnect automatically (tired to relaunch it manually when i change my wifi netwok)
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<Begasus> doesn't Vision already reconnect after a network drop-out?
<Begasus> in any case ... no idea there :)
<Anarchos> Begasus the workflow is : launch Vision, then connect to my wifi. Vision never sees the wifi being connected
* Anarchos no joke intended on blindness of Vision :)
<Begasus> ah ... patches welcome I presume then ;) (how do other IRC clients respond to it?)
<Anarchos> Begasus no idea
<Anarchos> i think that if i send patches for troubles that annoy me, then quality will improve for all :)
<Begasus> we could all benifit yeah :)
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<Begasus> bbl
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<Anarchos> Applications compiled with the new gcc13 do'nt have debug source files in Debugger anymore
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<jmairboeck> Anarchos: maybe related to this:
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<nielx[m]> Anarchos: yep Debugger needs to be updated to parse the lineinfo. Should not be a biggie, if waddlesplash is not on it, I can have a look
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<Anarchos> nielx[m] it explains that : DwarfFile::_ParseLineInfo("/boot/system/lib/"): unsupported version 5
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<Begasus> ...on 39700th target...
<Begasus> ;)
<Begasus> 13 crashes so far (tests still running for boost)
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<Begasus> <note>The long double tests have been disabled on this platform either because the long double overloads of the usual math functions are not available at all, or because they are too inaccurate for these tests to pass.</note>
<Begasus> hope it saves the output to a log :)
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<B2IA> (AGMS) Anarchos, I use a bash script to monitor Vision's log file. If there's no activity on IRC for X minutes, it does a "whois" to see if the connection to the server is still live. If no response to that, it quits and restarts Vision. And that's due to PPPoE DSL connectivity sessions only lasting for a couple of days at my ISP. Vision just doesn't notice that it's got a dead connection.
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<Begasus> ...on 50000th target... (you were right jessicah ... quite a testsuite) :)
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* OscarL reminds Begasus of the "tee trick" to save Terminal output as logs. Example: "hp python3.12 |& tee -a py3.12-build.log"
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<OscarL> Basically: "<command> |& tee -a <log_file>". I should remember that more often :-D
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<Begasus> Hola OscarL :)
<OscarL> Hello Begasus :-)
<Begasus> problem is I can't compare with ICU66 :/
<OscarL> Yeah... hard to do much without having a baseline to compare (same with my Pythons' tests runs... I really need to get some logs from running them under Linux to compare :-D)
<OscarL> Wee! "grabbing xonsh-0.14.1-1-any.hpkg and moving it to..."
<OscarL> Now let's see if the REPLACES works as intended...
<Begasus> compared to the number of targets having about 25 crashes so far isn't that bad I think ;)
<Begasus> ...on 88600th target...
<OscarL> ouch.
<OscarL> Boost should be called Bloat :-D
<OscarL> Mmm, good thing I decided to first try xonsh-0.11-0 from the repos... Just starting it up results in some errors :-D "OSError: [Errno -1] General system error" and some "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'sysinfo'
<Begasus> nice and clear :P
<OscarL> And "~/.xonshrc" yikes!
<Begasus> whoops :)
<OscarL> Fist time trying xonsh so... all new to me :-) (it is a shell, like bash, but with Python syntax). /me goes to do some reading before starting to patch things :-P
<Begasus> trial and error :)
<Begasus> biab
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<OscarL> The 0.14.1 version seems to have resolved the ""AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'sysinfo'" error, and the "xonsh" package correctly replaces the older ("xonsh_python310") one, so... we're on the good path :-D
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<Begasus> re
<Begasus> meanwhile ...on 107800th target...
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<Begasus> testing bcp (tools), shouild be close(r) to the end? ;)
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<waddlesplash> nielx[m]: there's more to it than parsing version 4, as you can see it's actually emitting version 5 lineinfo
<waddlesplash> nielx[m]: iirc I discovered that passing -gdwarf-4 does get us version 4 lineinfo. So the patch still needs modifying.
<Begasus> one of the errors: ../boost/asio/ssl/detail/openssl_types.hpp:23:10: fatal error: openssl/conf.h: No such file or directory
<Begasus> to be expected as those packages are not included in the recipe ...
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<OscarL> Mmm, lint on HaikuPorts is failing with "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'haiku-licenses-master'"
<OscarL> (was working 4 hours ago)
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<mr_lou> So I found yabasic, which looks nice for a simple language. But doesn't have simple sound commands. Are there any simple programming languages that has simple sound commands? (For a guy who wants to code a simple morse thing).
<Begasus> SDL?
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<nephele> SDL isn't a programing language :)
<bjorkintosh> 'software defined language' :-)
<bjorkintosh> I know, I know.
<Begasus> just hit me nephele :)
<Begasus> bbl
<jmairboeck> SDL is a C library, and I wouldn't classify C as "simple" :)
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<bjorkintosh> how would you classify C compared to C++ then?
<nephele> If all you have is a unix hammer...
<nephele> doesn't basic have the "Beep" command?
<bjorkintosh> nephele, some dialects do. some eschewed it.
<nephele> i think it did on my IBM BASIC on my IBM Personal Portable Computer(tm)
<bjorkintosh> that would be GW-BASIC and QBASIC
<cocobean> GCC13/LLVM16 - force DWARF default to DWARF v3. GDB handles DWARF v5 - but requires Haiku integration (or do remote cross-development debugging).
<jmairboeck> bjorkintosh: I think C is more difficult to use than C++ because it lacks all the high-level abstractions (string, vector etc.). You have to do that all manually in C, with more potential for errors.
<bjorkintosh> do you though, jmairboeck? you can just use tcl or python to handle the tricky bits :-)
<nephele> don't think ibm basic is related to qbasic? don't know about gw-basic
<bjorkintosh> I'm just kidding. I know what you mean.
<bjorkintosh> nephele, both of those had the 'beep' command. it beeped the internal speaker.
<nephele> ah, i interpreted your "that would be" as in reference to my previous line
<bjorkintosh> of course, since the OS on the IBM PC was written by one MicroSoft, and GW-BASIC and QBASIC were also written by the same company...
<nephele> bold of you to assume my ibm pc had an OS
<nortti> < nephele> don't think ibm basic is related to qbasic? don't know about gw-basic ← the IBM ROM basic was a licensed version of microsoft basic, which could be ehanced from DOS side by the BASICA command that loaded ROM basic + disk support. GW-BASIC is compatible with BASICA but doesn't require the presence of ROM BASIC
<nephele> ... has two floppy drives, it *can* run an OS. but it does run ibm basic interpreter ;)
<nephele> nortti: Your quoting style is really confugins
<nephele> confusing*
<bjorkintosh> confugins is really confusing.
<nortti> nephele: it's common in several channels I frequent, so I guess I've learnt to read it
<nephele> It seems really wierd to quote the entire message if it's only a couple lines up and the context is clear
<nephele> if you quote like that i have to first find where your message actually starts
<nephele> it's not even on a second line :/
<nortti> it makes sense to me if you are on a channel that has high traffic (specific messages may be lost) or if the conversation has moved on (it contains all the required context in itself)
<nephele> In that case a second line would still make it much easier to parse
<nortti> as for being on a second line, dunno about your irc client but mine cannot pre-compose several messages in a row, so again on higher traffic channels there would be the danger of the original message disappearing in scorllback by the time you write the reponse
<nortti> interesting though, you are the first person I've ever seen have any trouble with it
<nortti> do you have more experience with discord / slack than IRC?
<zdykstra> I see it often from Matrix users; it's how the Matrix<>IRC bridge translates quoted replies.
<nephele> Well, I think that the entire message is red because it highlights me doesn't make it easier
<nephele> I only use slack very sparingly to interact with webkit developers, i've never used discord
<nortti> was wondering because they are tuned for much longer messages / longer turnaround than IRC has traditionally been
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<jmairboeck> Are there any sample icons that use the new perspective transformation in the HVIF format?
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<Begasus> g'night peeps
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<Anarchos> How can i help in the port of webkit ?
<nephele> hi Anarchos
<nephele> Well, first part would be to clone the repo (if you want clone it shallowly) and read the building instructions, after you've build it you can copy WebPositive to the WebkitBuild/ folder and run it from there to test your build, or with HaikuLauncher
<nephele> after you did that you can investigate changing code for the haiku port of webkit, if you need pointers where to look for some stuff you ask me or pulkomandy
<nephele> i think madmax knows too but not sure they are on irc
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57246] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] d57510c0ff71 - Tracker: Reduce differences between NavMenu and SlowContextPopup.
<Anarchos> hello nephele
<Anarchos> nekobot th'at's clear enough . i saw there is a GSOC student whose commits are to chery-picked
<nephele> From the webkit2 stuff? I think pulkomandy has already worked through a big ammount of that stuff
<Anarchos> nephele ok
<Anarchos> i am motivated cause tired not being able to save my tiddlywiki...
<nephele> If you want to work on webkit2 you ask pulkomandy, but there are also other areas you can investigate
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<nephele> though webkit2 probably won't fix your wiki
<nephele> do you have a ticket for your tiddlywiki bug?
<B2IA> BeShare does recognize downed connections and recovers automatically with a retry timeout that increases for each failure.
<B2IA> (AGMS) Anarchos, in case you missed my reply last night: I use a bash script to monitor Vision's log file. If there's no activity on IRC for X minutes, it does a "whois" to see if the connection to the server is still live. If no response to that, it quits and restarts Vision. And that's due to PPPoE DSL connectivity sessions only lasting for a couple of days at my ISP. Vision just doesn't notice that it's got a dead connection.
<nephele> Doesn't the lag checking feature of vision notice a broken connection?
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<B2IA> (AGMS) D'oh! Will have to try that lag checking, nephele.
<Anarchos> nephele noticket for my bug. but when i click on 'save' , web+ crashes :)
<Anarchos> AGMS i am sure there is a network API for application to be notified of wifi network changes...
<nephele> please open a ticket then, with your report. Then we can more easily give you directions on how to debug it :)
<Anarchos> nephele PulkoMandy told me 'patch and help welcome in webkit/web+'. So i will try it myself to solve it :)
<Anarchos> nephele i wo'nt do tickets until Debugger give my source files back :)
<Anarchos> since gcc-13, dwarf file line info in version 5 are flagged as 'unsupported'
<nephele> Regardless, please open a ticket! Atleast I can help reproduce it then to give pointers where to look
<Anarchos> nephele ok, will add it on my todo list.
<nephele> you can build haikuwebkit with drawf3 debug symbols to
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<PulkoMandy> Even with the new gcc, the debug report will still have a backtrace
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<PulkoMandy> For webkit2, I merged some but not all things. There is still a webkit2 branch that I rebase and try to keep building, but I did not get the inter process communication using BMessages working yet
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<PulkoMandy> For Vision, there used to be an automatic retry timer when connection fails, but it was disabled or broken
<waddlesplash> I think it just doesn't detect dead connections
<AGMS> I see Axel was heavily involved with Vision's creation. Maybe he knows. Anyway, I'm setting the B2IA bridge to use lag checking. Probably should see the code to see if it does anything relevant to dead connection detection.
<AGMS> Meanwhile, updating the IRC bridge Haiku version.
<Anarchos> for vision : when i launch it before connecting to my wifi network, it never sees the wifi connection once it is established
<Anarchos> i will look into beshare source
<AGMS> So it just enumerates interfaces at startup and doesn't look for new network devices?
<AGMS> BeShare uses a Muscle server and a message protocol, possibly it just has a stay alive packet.
<AGMS> You'd think IRC would have that :-)
<Anarchos> AGMS i just want that someone explain me how the net_server should notify app that netwok is up or down
<AGMS> Hmmm, there's a keep alive flag in TCP connections, maybe that does something for detecting dropped connections.
* Anarchos finds it hard to be understood....
<AGMS> Weird Windows, 2 hours to notice it's dead: Typically, TCP Keepalives are sent every 45 or 60 seconds on an idle TCP connection, and the connection is dropped after 3 sequential ACKs are missed. This varies by host, e.g. by default, Windows PCs send the first TCP Keepalive packet after 7200000ms (2 hours), then send 5 Keepalives at 1000ms intervals, dropping the connection if there is no response to any of the Keepalive packets.
<Anarchos> when i launch vision, there is no network connection so no TCP connnection. then AFTER, i connect to a wifi network.
<Anarchos> i explain that vision connects automatically when wifi is turned on
<AGMS> That sounds more like a Vision missing feature - detecting changes in the networking setup while it is running. Lazy programmers!
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<Anarchos> AGMS that's precisely the point i want to solve. but i don't know the 'good' or 'right' way to do it with net_server
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<B2IA> (AGMS) OK, now B2IA has Lag Checking turned on in the Vision settings. Let's see if that makes it detect dead connections. Bash based log file timeouts still used to restart a dead Vision (could also be crashed etc) - belt and suspenders.
<AGMS> Rebooted the firewall, let's see if it's dead...
<B2IA> (AGMS) Nope, the IRC server sent back a notification and that recreated the firewall connection. Will just have to wait for a dead connection to happen naturally.
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<Anarchos> where are debug reports saved ?
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<AlienSoldier> does the code that handle haiku shutdown fully in ram or does it load stuff from the HD as it proceed?
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<AlienSoldier> I was wondering if a HD could park his head too soon could cause the system to hang before having time to disconect the power.
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