ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
AlaskanEmily has joined #haiku
<zdykstra> the Haiku desktop is just so dang pretty
<coolcoder613> Where do you put your Deskbar?
<coolcoder613> I have mine along the top.
<zdykstra> What laptop are you on?
<coolcoder613> Thinkpad T430
<zdykstra> Nice
<coolcoder613_32> Got it refurbished, with 8GB of RAM and a SSD.
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<coolcoder613> Hi erysdren
<erysdren> hi
<coolcoder613> I've got RustPython working properly on DOS!
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<erysdren> hell yeah nice
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<erysdren> so, i guess haiku doesn't support my wifi card under EFI
<erysdren> but it does under BIOS?
<erysdren> strange
<coolcoder613> Does it support on live USB? How is that booting?
<erysdren> for reference my card is idualwifi7260
<erysdren> it says "Not a WLAN device!" under EFI but works just fine under BIOS
<erysdren> Live USB boots under EFI, no internet
<coolcoder613> And if you boot it with BIOS?
<erysdren> haven't tried yet, but presumably it works
<erysdren> my other haiku install in this machine under BIOS works with wifi
<erysdren> with the same wifi card
<coolcoder613> Installed from the same USB?
<erysdren> yeah
<erysdren> R1 beta4
<erysdren> I disabled CSM in my UEFI BIOS and now Haiku gets my native monitor resolution instead of being stuck to VESA. but under EFI the networking doesn't work
<coolcoder613> Did you make any changes in the live enviroment?
<erysdren> it still works on linux and windows
<erysdren> no, just installed and then shut down
<erysdren> do you think a nightly might help?
<coolcoder613> How can you find out what driver is being used in the BOIS system?
<coolcoder613> BIOS
<erysdren> not sure
<erysdren> im gonna install the latest nightly and see what happens
<coolcoder613> tesing
<coolcoder613> How can i find/replace over multiple files from the command line?
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<zdykstra> sed
<coolcoder613> I googled it and found that out
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<coolcoder613> did it help?
<coolcoder613> erysdren?
<erysdren> nope
<erysdren> couldn't boot the nightly
<erysdren> lol
<coolcoder613> What, KDL?
<erysdren> i was too lazy to write it to a USB, plus qemu and ventoy didnt work
<erysdren> i'll get around to actually writing it to a usb, i'm just tired right now
<coolcoder613> What is your hardware?
<erysdren> Intel Core i5-9600K @ 3.70 GHz
<erysdren> 4x8GB DDR4 RAM
<erysdren> amd64
* coolcoder613 is salivating
<erysdren> hehe
<coolcoder613> my desktop has 3GB of ram and 2 pentiums
<erysdren> this is a prebuilt machine from 2017 that my parents bought me back when money wasn't so tight
<coolcoder613> My uncle found my desktop on the street, and gave it to my grandfather, who gave it to me
<coolcoder613> So at least it was free
<coolcoder613> The only thing i had to buy was the wifi dongle
<coolcoder613> My laptop has 8GB of ram and 4 i7s, but that cost me $269 AUD
<coolcoder613> refurbished
<erysdren> still bummed that Haiku under EFI doesn't support my network hardware and i have no idea why
<erysdren> i'll probably write up a whole report of the issues i'm getting and make a post on the haiku forum
<erysdren> asking for help
<erysdren> my sound card is still fucked up, but that seems independent of haiku
<erysdren> it also doesn't work under linux or windows
<coolcoder613> Is there any way you can see which driver is being used under BIOS?
<erysdren> i'd have to reinstall a BIOS version and re-enable CSM in my UEFI BIOS
<coolcoder613> What about BIOS booting the live USB?
<erysdren> for some reason, when i enable CSM in my UEFI BIOS, it locks the framebuffer driver into only being able to use VESA resolutions
<erysdren> which is kinda bullshit
<coolcoder613> No, i think there is the VESA framebuffer and the EFI framebuffer
<coolcoder613> Which support different resolutions
<erysdren> the EFI Framebuffer driver is being used under EFI. but it doesn't support the same resolutions as when CSM is disabled
<erysdren> when CSM is disabled, the EFI framebuffer driver supports my native monitor resolution. when CSM is enabled, it only supports up to 1280x1024
<coolcoder613> CSM ON == BIOS, CSM OFF == EFI
<erysdren> right
<erysdren> regardless, i need networking to work under EFI Haiku
<erysdren> but i have no idea how to do that
<coolcoder613> Is there a way you can try and find out what driver is being used in BIOS mode?
<erysdren> it said VESA last time i checked it
<erysdren> oh, network driver
<coolcoder613> yes
<erysdren> i'll have to reinstall it, reboot and check
<coolcoder613> What about live USB
<erysdren> but it probably uses the same driver for the idualwifi7260 or whatever
<erysdren> i'll have to write out a usb
<coolcoder613> enable CSM and boot into *same* USB
<erysdren> it's just gonna take a lot of time and i don't have a lot of patience right now
<erysdren> regardless i have to write out a live usb
<erysdren> or i guess i could use a live CD. still got one of those
<coolcoder613> Yes
<erysdren> i'll do it when i wake up, i'm exhausted
<erysdren> cya in a few hours
<coolcoder613> goodbye
<erysdren> if you're still on i'll mention you and do the thing
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<coolcoder613> Hello, Begasus
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 9fa0632 - ghostscript_gpl, bump version (#9579)
<Begasus> Hi coolcoder613
<coolcoder613> I've got RustPython working on DOS
<Begasus> nice :)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL 6a03b68 - python3.12: add recipe for Python version 3.12.0. (#9602)
<coolcoder613> Python 3.12 is working?
<Begasus> once it's done on the buildmaster you can try it out coolcoder613
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Luca1991 3ab177f - Added pe-bear recipe (#9605)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus dc6c0c8 - glib2, bump version (#9607)
<coolcoder613> Where can i watch the buildmasters
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<ynoga99[m]> coolcoder613: ?
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<Begasus> also the reports are important to spot potential breakage
<coolcoder613> I just want to see when the build is done
<coolcoder613> Is it?
<Begasus> links are mentioned in the issue coolcoder613
<coolcoder613> so would python3.12 be before or after that?
<Begasus> if you saw the messages here you would see that it should start after this one :)
<Begasus> well, 3 merges, could be either of the three starting first
<coolcoder613> gohstscript finished
<Begasus> yep
<coolcoder613> what happens now?
<Begasus> hehe, glib2 skipped in befor python3.12 :)
<Begasus> before they become available all three need to finish at buildmaster
<coolcoder613> I'm having touble with rustpython when i do not embed the stdlib inside the binary...
<Begasus> reports are still clean after last update
<coolcoder613> cannot import encodings because of 8.3
<Begasus> maybe OscarL could help out there
<Begasus> current builds at buildmaster could take some time, probably by the end of the day they will be done :)
<Begasus> pe_bear is also pretty heavy on the build
<coolcoder613> I guess i could try search-and-replacing encodings with ENCODI~1 in the rustpython source?
<Begasus> no idea
<Begasus> biab, doggies ...
<coolcoder613> python3.12 is active
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<Begasus> that went fast, buildmasters got an upgrade?
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 8253323 - wayland_protocols, bump version (#9610)
<Begasus> coolcoder613, almost there :)
<Begasus> finished on 64bit
<Begasus> bugger ... Warning: POLICY WARNING: "/packaging/harfbuzz/lib/" needs library "", but the package doesn't seem to declare that as a requirement
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus c82fd21 - gobject_introspection, bump version (#9609)
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<coolcoder613> Hi zard
<zard> Hello coolcoder613 :)
<coolcoder613> I added BMenuField
* zard runs git pull
<coolcoder613> And I managed to get RustPython running properly on dos
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<coolcoder613> what about git fetch?
<zard> I think that one doesn't update the local branch until you run some other command
<coolcoder613> do you need to run git fetch before git pull?
<zard> No. git pull does git fetch and some other command at the same time AFAIK.
<coolcoder613> I'm not so familiar with git CLI, I'm weaning myself off Github Desktop
<zard> Hmm, I think there are some GUIs for Git for Haiku.
<coolcoder613> I know, but it is better in the long run to get to know git CLI
<zard> True :)
<coolcoder613> working on seek engine right now
<Begasus> for upstream changes on a branch I always delete the local branch git fetch before a new checkout :)
<zard> Now working on getting the Jamfile ready to install into a .hpkg
<Begasus> k, might as well add cairo to harfbuzz_glib while making a seperate package for it ...
<zard> Begasus: Did I unsertand right, you do git branch -d master, git fetch, git checkout (idk)
<Begasus> nah those not :)
<Begasus> I add remote repos for people that do regular PR at haikuports
<Begasus> there I work with branches
<Begasus> master branches are not suited to work in imho (or at least not the one you create PR's with)
<zard> I dont work with master branches either.
<Begasus> can be tricky ;)
<zard> I think I understand. Something like git branch -d package2, git fetch, git checkout package2
<Begasus> right
<coolcoder613> zard, Just did GridLayout, pushing
<Begasus> like "git branch -D python3.12" + "git fetch oscarl" + "git checkout --track oscarl/python3.12"
<Begasus> k, only documentation for harfbuzz, no need for 2 of them
<zard> Ok, thanks for clarifying. I might find myself doing that some time in the future when I need to :)
* zard runs git pull again
<zard> Time to write my first recipe for Haiku for PyAPI
<zard> Then I'll know what our Jamfile is missing
<coolcoder613> How can i cache my git credentials
<zard> Personally, I use ssh to connect to git. I know that there are other ways as well.
<zard> SSH doesn't ask me for credentials every time I run the command
<Begasus> eval $(ssh-agent) && ssh-add
<Begasus> saves it for the session :)
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<coolcoder613> How do i use a BLayout?
<zard> I don't know off the top of my head. Do you know abouot Haiku's API documentation?
<coolcoder613> I just want to know wether i can use it insead of a BView as a child of my BWindow
<zard> Got to go now, unfortunately.
<zard> Goodbye
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<erysdren> coolcoder613: sup
<coolcoder613> Got to go now
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<erysdren> damn
<erysdren> RIP
<erysdren> well how's it going otherwise haiku people?
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<Begasus> pretty good here erysdren, how's it there?
<erysdren> just woke up from my first good sleep in a while
<erysdren> might futz around with haiku more
<erysdren> did you read my woes Begasus?
<Begasus> your woes?
<erysdren> my haiku issues i was having :P
<Begasus> haven't checked the logs if you mean that
<Begasus> or the one not having network now?
<erysdren> to sum it up, haiku under BIOS mode doesn't support my monitor's resolution, but networking works
<erysdren> haiku under EFI (with BIOS CSM disaled) does support my resolution, but networking broke
<Begasus> well ... network is a must so ... ;)
<erysdren> but i want both!
<erysdren> if i can just figure out why networking works under BIOS but not EFI
<Begasus> file a ticket?
<erysdren> whenever i query my device under EFI i get the "Not a WLAN device!" error
<erysdren> where do i file a ticket? i was just gonna make a less formal post on the forum about it and see if someone could help
<Begasus> it's refered in the channel topic :)
<erysdren> haiku is also failing to reference my Intel HDA sound card, but that doesn't seem to be a haiku issue
<erysdren> something happened to my PC which caused Linux, Windows and Haiku to all stop seeing the card
<erysdren> maybe a hardware failure
<erysdren> s/reference/see
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aa72 has joined #haiku
<aa72> hello
<aa72> my little work ...
<Begasus> wished people would use other pastebin links :)
<aa72> ah, gve me ...
<aa72> give me
<Begasus> k, harfbuzz with icu66, harfbuzz_glib with icu73 .... maybe that would also help out on selecting the right one? :)
<Begasus> aa72
<Begasus> slimm no adds ... :)
<Begasus> I already saw the other one :P
<aa72> i apologize
<erysdren> so what is this for?
<aa72> installing haiku with only dezzipping a file ...
<aa72> after partition + format
<erysdren> ahh
<aa72> the zip command must be the haiku zip command
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<aa72> becouse haiku zip command has inside befs attributes ...
<Begasus> iirc that only works if the zip is created on a BFS fs
<aa72> my poor brain ...
<Begasus> so if you zip it up in Windows it won't have any bfs attributes
<Begasus> could be wrong though*
<aa72> yes, but you can build haiku zip command under linux ...
<aa72> and so boot with linux and zip all the server1
<aa72> and partition with gparted ...
<aa72> and format with gparted ...
<Begasus> reiserfs/ext* etc are not bfs
<aa72> bfs is opensource as haiku ...
<aa72> so build bfs under linux
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<Begasus> weird, ran the tests earlier on harfbuzz, but now for pango I get (again): /bin/sh: line 1: /packages/pango-1.50.14-1/cmd~meson/bin/meson: No such file or directory
<Begasus> both use meson/ninja
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<Begasus> k, those should do it ...
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<aa72> Skipp_OSX : this time no os x ...
<Skipp_OSX> I understand
<aa72> thanks
<aa72> win 11 + ubuntu + haiku in vm ...
<aa72> haiku is reinstalling
<aa72> waiting ...
<Skipp_OSX> I went on a big redesign of my color pickers to support bi-directional message passing and I'm stuck on ping pong messages right now. I need a better way to determine the message origin than looking at the be:sender
<Skipp_OSX> be:sender is a BMessenger object attached to the message that is used to determine the origin. However, it's not working right so messages get sent back and forth back and forth forever as the picker receives a color update, then updates sends a message back, which then triggers a new message and it goes between them.
<Skipp_OSX> Hard to explain
<Skipp_OSX> It works fine as long as the color picker is the originator of the message, but when it's the recipient, I need to do a better job of making sure not to forward the message back to sender.
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<Skipp_OSX> it turns out asynchronous programming designs can be challenging.
<bjorkintosh> a better conceptual model is required, it appears?
<Skipp_OSX> I need better message termination handling once the update has been handled.
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<aa72> Skipp_OSX : try pear os over mac book ... i have tried ... funny ;)
<aa72> now my mac book is died and i have a veriton + lenovo thinkcentre
<aa72> about AI : garbage in, garbage out ... ;)
OscarL has joined #haiku
<bjorkintosh> no no no aa72! Queries In Garbage(?) Out. QIGO!
<aa72> ?
* OscarL went to write a new script to test pip on all available Python versions... `touch ./ & lpe ./`... turns out script was already there, but for older Python versions :-D
<bjorkintosh> aa72, humans are flawless! it's the AIs that are laughably flawed.
<bjorkintosh> we put in our Queries, and the stupid AI just spits out Garbaage
<zdykstra> "AI"
<bjorkintosh> hahah. exactly.
<OscarL> I like to read it in Spanish... "Ayyy!"
<aa72> yeaaaa bjorkintosh => we have soul !!! AI NO !!!
<bjorkintosh> there you go. "AI" is naturally stupid. "Ayyyyy!"
* OscarL has no soul.
<aa72> humans with soul can choose ... AI cannot : only run a procedure ...
<aa72> humans can change ideas => AI no
<bjorkintosh> if you expose a LLM to new data, its output may change if it takes the new data into account.
<bjorkintosh> impossible to do so with humans.
<aa72> you need soul
<aa72> or under stolen AI there is a soul ...
<aa72> Holy Spirit ... help us ...
<aa72> LLM is a big procedure and change ... but a procedure ... ;)
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<aa72> HAL can you pray ? out of data ... ;)
<aa72> AI cannot pray ...
<aa72> AI do you believe in God ? AI cannot => you need a soul to belive ... :)
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<aa72> don't hate me : burned dano cd ok ...
<aa72> just to remember
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<B2IA> (Dane) Hello world
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<aa72> hello
<aa72> which are dano requirements : mem, video mem, hdd space ?
<aa72> please
<zdykstra> probably pretty low
<zdykstra> you could probably comfortably run it on what, 32MB of RAM and a few hundred MB of disk space
<aa72> i wanna build a virtualbox img ...
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<OscarL> if you're using an AMD cpu with SSE, you'll need to use a patched boot floppy image (like the ones for BeOS Max Editions had)
<OscarL> BeOS kernel (and libroot) freak out when they see SSE on an AMD chip :-D
<aa72> 200 Mb min ...
<aa72> doing color install by pressing space ...
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<aa72> hi
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<Begasus> time to close down, cu peeps!
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<aa72> tomorrow i will try qemu ...
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<Anarchos> hello
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<zdykstra> hello Anarchos
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<Anarchos> how to install maven ?
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<OscarL> install one of the openjdkXX packages and then follow ?
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] anevilyak pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57323] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 0ec674cdcce6 - Debugger: fix lookup for DWARF5 tag names
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<Anarchos> OscarL it worked
<Anarchos> OscarL i thought there was a package but no, just download , unzip, add to PATH
<OscarL> nice :-)
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<Anarchos> OscarL i find it disturbing not being able to do 'pkgman install cmd:mvn'
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<OscarL> I guess nobody bothered to write a recipe for it, and as it doesn't seems to need anything other than unzip / put symlink in bin or $PATH... packaging is not strictly needed.
<OscarL> every new package/recipe adds to maintenance burden, and I guess things are done just when people step up to work on what they miss.
<OscarL> I remember I only wanted to have pyserial available to do some tests... ended up touching up almost all the Python recipes by now :-D
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<coolcoder613_32> erysdren?
<erysdren> heyo
<erysdren> what's up
<coolcoder613_32> Have you tried findings which driver is being used in BIOS Mode?
<erysdren> not yet
<coolcoder613_32> Try find that out, and what is happening to that driver in EFI mode
* coolcoder613_32 wonders if he has told you about the RustPython on DOS thing yet
<erysdren> you have yeah
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<erysdren> good work on those!
<coolcoder613_32> IRC is being flaky, i'll reconnect
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<coolcoder613_x86> Are you familiar with Python?
<OscarL> If a device works on BIOS/CSM mode but not EFI... that hints to it possibly not being fully initialized/configured. See if it works after booting into Win/Lin, and doing a warm reboot.
<erysdren> my network card does work in linux and windows, yeh
<erysdren> i'm talking to you over that very card in linux right now!
<OscarL> In any case... should log a ticket over for it, asuming it is not one there already.
<coolcoder613_x86> erysdren, where does it say not a WLAN device?
<erysdren> when i try to probe it via ifconfig
<OscarL> I mean... do a warm-reboot into Haiku (after Win/Lin), and see if it "magically" starts working then.
<OscarL> In any case... gotta run. Later folks!
<erysdren> cya
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<erysdren> off topic question, would haiku be considered an "immutable OS"?
<coolcoder613_32> does it show up when you run `ifconfig`?
<erysdren> i'm not sure what that means
<erysdren> coolcoder, yes
<erysdren> it shows up, but the MAC address is all zeros
<erysdren> and it can't connect
<coolcoder613_32> Immutable OS means system files and applications are readonly
<erysdren> i guess haiku is immutable then
<erysdren> you can't play with system dir files
<coolcoder613_32> could you paste the whole output of ifconfig to a pastebin?
<coolcoder613_32> and what does it show in Network preflet
<erysdren> how would i get it on the internet? lol
<erysdren> ok, what i'll do is boot into haiku, log the ifconfig output, and take a screenshot of Network
<erysdren> and then put it on a usb
<coolcoder613_32> Paste it into a file on a USB or on linux partition
<erysdren> what's preflet mean?
<coolcoder613_32> then reboot into linux
<coolcoder613_32> preflet is preferences window/app
<erysdren> ah right
<erysdren> thanks
<erysdren> ill be right back, then
<coolcoder613_32> cya
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<erysdren> heya coolcoder613
<coolcoder613_32> HI
<coolcoder613_32> Umm.. `ifconfig /dev/net/idualwifi7260 up`?
<erysdren> gotta boot back in lol. anything else you want me to try?
<coolcoder613_32> does it show any networks to connect to in network settings
<erysdren> no
<coolcoder613_32> dud you try disable and re-enable?
<erysdren> yea
<erysdren> no change
<coolcoder613_32> nothing in the networks, where it says Network: choose automatically
<erysdren> yep, nothing there
<erysdren> empty list
<erysdren> under BIOS install it shows the nearby wifi networks properly
<coolcoder613_32> and warm boot didnt help
<erysdren> it did not help
<erysdren> i did a warm boot to launch haiku earlier
<erysdren> i could try it again
<erysdren> idk.
<erysdren> i think it just doesn't work for some mystery reason
<coolcoder613_32> ifconfig /dev/net/idualwifi7260 auto-config
<erysdren> ok, ill try
<erysdren> brb
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<erysdren> ok
<coolcoder613_32> The idualwifi7260 driver (otherwise known as iwm from FreeBSD) is very flaky; it only supports 802.11a/b/g, not even 802.11n or 802.11ac (which the hardware supports). It also has problems with 5GHz mode. So unfortunately a lot of this is “expected behavior” until FreeBSD updates the driver (which it’s increasingly unclear they will ever do…)
<coolcoder613_32> This may be helpful to anyone having problems with the 7260 or other cards that use the iwm driver from FreeBSD.
<coolcoder613_32> I learned that my access point was configured to only accept connections from clients using 802.11n or newer. The iwm driver does not support the newer protocols, and only works in 802.11b or 802.11g modes. Unfortunately, this is not currently documented in FreeBSD, so I have submitted a patch to update their man page accordingly.
<coolcoder613_32> Once I enabled the legacy modes on my AP, the 7260 began working as expected.
<coolcoder613_32> It should probably be noted that on my Lenovo laptops they only load wifi from a fresh boot, regardless of the OS. Often enough a warm boot results in the wifi chip not coming up.
<coolcoder613_32> grep idualwifi7260 /system/var/log/syslog
<coolcoder613_32> try cold booting, see if it helps
<erysdren> already did
<erysdren> here's that
<erysdren> how do you enable legacy modes?
<erysdren> what is AP?
<coolcoder613_32> I guess in your router settings
<coolcoder613_32> and did you try cold booting?
<zdykstra> lets uh, use a pastebin instead of spamming walls of text, please
<coolcoder613_32> Ok, sorry
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<erysdren> ill try a cold boot
<erysdren> but i doubt it will work
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<erysdren> bleck
<erysdren> no luck naturally
<coolcoder613_32> apparently this chip is not well supported
<erysdren> i wonder why it works under BIOS though. probably something todo with the card being initialized
<erysdren> under EFI
<coolcoder613_32> You might have to get a USB wifi dongle
<erysdren> i would be fine with using BIOS Haiku, except i don't get native resolution, which is a bummer
<erysdren> enabling VESA BIOS patching allowed me to access my native resolution in the Screen options menu, but it didnt actually work when selected
<erysdren> :/
<coolcoder613_32> If you aahve a different graphics card, you could try that
<erysdren> i don't
<erysdren> only this NVidia
<coolcoder613_32> after all, Haiku doesnt support acceleration anyway
<erysdren> yeah
<erysdren> maybe i should put haiku back on my thinkpad
<erysdren> but thats so underpowered
<erysdren> and sometimes it randomly froze
<erysdren> but i really wanna have it on my desktop
<coolcoder613> What model?
<zdykstra> No option to use Ethernet with that computer?
<erysdren> there's no ethernet reaching to the basement, where i am
<coolcoder613> what model thinkpad?
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<erysdren> my thinkpad is a Z60t
<coolcoder613> It is possible to share wifi connection over ethernet from the thinkpad to the desktop
<erysdren> that sounds like a major hack
<zdykstra> Not at all
<coolcoder613> I used to share from my MacBook to my desktop before i got a dongle
<erysdren> does the laptop have to be on and running haiku?
<erysdren> how does that work?
<coolcoder613> it was in setting/general/sharing/internet sharing
<zdykstra> No, it's easier if it's running linux
<erysdren> will have to get Void linux or something else 32 bit
<erysdren> right now it has no drive
<erysdren> ill dig up a spare laptop-sized HDD
<coolcoder613> i recommend zorin OS for 32 bit
<erysdren> i'd rather just get a straight ethernet connection to the desktop
<zdykstra> Get a drill and wait for your parents to leave the house
<erysdren> yep lol
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<zdykstra> Yeah, stick with Void :)
<coolcoder613> How does the wifi get down to the basement? is there a repeater or something?
<erysdren> no, it's just a decent router with a high range
<erysdren> not the biggest house either
<erysdren> and for the record, my signal is not very good down here
<erysdren> but it gets the job done
* coolcoder613 has his desktop on the other side of the house from the router, speed is terrible
<erysdren> i'll get together with my dad and work out a route for an ethernet cable
<erysdren> we've been talking about doing it for a while, but this seems like a good excuse
<zdykstra> Very nice
<zdykstra> You'll get the right video res and a faster connection!
<coolcoder613> I know someone who has their ethernet cables running along the walls
<zdykstra> When I built my place in 2009, I ran cat5 and cat6 to every room
<zdykstra> That's paid off in spades
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<coolcoder613> Why cant I pass a BStringView to BLayout::AddItem?