ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
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<coolcoder613_32> Hi erydren
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<coolcoder613_32> I 'ported' wolf4sdl
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<erysdren> coolcoder613_32: congrats
<erysdren> what'd you do?
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<coolcoder613> Change version.h to match my data files, and run make
<erysdren> nice
<erysdren> does it run?
<coolcoder613> Yes, although it wont load my DOS saved games...
<erysdren> hmm, but could it ever do that?
<erysdren> on linux or anywhere...
<coolcoder613> I'm not sure...
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<coolcoder613> ls
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* coolcoder613 is running llama2.mojo on his m1 macbook... It's like watching grass grow :)
<coolcoder613> token... by token...
<coolcoder613> slowly...
<coolcoder613> A Python Fibonacci function emerges...
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<coolcoder613> Hi erysdren
<erysdren> hey hey
<erysdren> whats up
<coolcoder613> Do you want to make a recipe for wolf4sdl?
<coolcoder613> On my desktop, i does fullscreen fine, but on my laptop, that messes up the screen
<erysdren> why not chocolate-wolfenstein-3d?
<coolcoder613> Because wolf4sdl *works*, choc-wolf3d does not
<erysdren> ah yes
<erysdren> fair
<erysdren> ill take a look at them. i need to get a new haiku machine/drive up and running
<erysdren> im trying to find a spare media
<coolcoder613> They're all based on wolf4sdl anyways
<coolcoder613> As in hard drive?
<erysdren> yes
<erysdren> though, i'd prefer to use an SSD or some flash memory
<erysdren> but i'm having trouble finding a working spare one
<coolcoder613> haiku doesnt work with emmc flash, IIRC
<erysdren> shrug
<erysdren> i have a 111gb SSD but it's apparently broken beyond repair
<erysdren> i might just throw it in the trash
<coolcoder613> In what way is it broken?
<erysdren> dmesg in linux reports read/write I/O block error
<erysdren> can't mount it, can't partition it, can't give it a new partition table
<erysdren> it's totally screwed
<coolcoder613> And in Haiku?
<erysdren> haven't looked
<coolcoder613> Might be more informative...
<erysdren> maybe so
<erysdren> eh, i give up. i'll just use this old spinning disk drive
<coolcoder613> What is the hard drive for, your thinkpad?
<coolcoder613> I have Haiku running off a HDD, runs fine
<erysdren> fair
<erysdren> i just try to avoid spinning HDDs for OS installs
<erysdren> because they're inevitably slower
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<coolcoder613> tell me how it goes
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<erysdren> coolcoder613: no luck. it gets a kernel panic on boot in UEFI and BIOS, i think it's trying to read my openSUSE partition (brtfs) and getting confused
<erysdren> brb again
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<coolcoder613> erysdren?
<coolcoder613> How did it go?
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<erysdren> hey coolcoder613, you there still?
<coolcoder613> Yes
<erysdren> do you wanna see a pictore of the kernel panic i got?
<coolcoder613> Ok..
<erysdren> PANIC: did not find any boot partitions!
<erysdren> and the panic talks about not being able to read superblocks on the other drives on my laptop
<coolcoder613> Whats it booting from?
<erysdren> BIOS hard drive
<erysdren> connected in a USB dock
<coolcoder613> USB dock? how?
<erysdren> it's a USB harddrive dock
<erysdren> it can store two harddrives in SATA cradles
<erysdren> and connects over USB-3
<erysdren> i can mount them and boot from them
<coolcoder613> probably not supported by Haiku
<erysdren> maybe not, but i've done it before with Haiku on my desktop rig
<erysdren> it isn't working on this lapop though
<coolcoder613> cant you use an internal connector?
<erysdren> it's a laptop
<erysdren> it only has one connector
<erysdren> it's already being used by a 100gb SSD with openSUSE linux on it
<coolcoder613> so disconnect the ssd with openSUSE, and connect *that* Via USB
<erysdren> hmm
<erysdren> ok
<coolcoder613> openSUSE was my first linux distro..
<coolcoder613> my grandfather made a VM for me...
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<erysdren> oh, and booting haiku in safe mode didnt help either
<erysdren> unfortunately
<erysdren> brb
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] davidkaroly d2ca1b0 - tenacity: update to 1.3.2 (#9647)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+3/-3/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] davidkaroly 16dace3 - iperf3: update to 3.14 (#9648)
Begasus has joined #haiku
<coolcoder613> Hello Begasus
<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<Begasus> Hello coolcoder613 :)
<coolcoder613> How do i run frogatto4?
<Begasus> it's mentioned at the forum, you have to launch it from Terminal
<Begasus> frogatto4 is the script
<Begasus> not ideal, but couldn't make it launch from Tracker/Deskbar
<coolcoder613> Why not?
<Begasus> anura want's to launch it in the same directory the data is stored
<Begasus> looked into that source and how we fixed it for other packages, same for saving the settings in another directory, anura didn't launch (could not find directory()) iirc
<coolcoder613> Then write a wrapper script that cd's to the right directory
<Begasus> that's what the script does
<coolcoder613> So link that script to the deskbar/tracker
<Begasus> #!/bin/sh
<Begasus> cd /system/data/anura
<Begasus> exec /bin/anura --max_window_width=1024 --max_window_height=768 $@
<coolcoder613> Do you have an icon for it?
<Begasus> it doesn't launch (well closes directly on launch)
<Begasus> ow, didn't look there, could be one in the source :)
<Begasus> no use in creating a Deskbar link if it doesn't launch from Tracker
* coolcoder613 is waiting for frogatto4 to install...
<coolcoder613> 19%
<Begasus> it's a pretty big archive :)
<coolcoder613> 34%,,,
<coolcoder613> 53%...
<Begasus> 0°
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<coolcoder613> Did you hear about GNOMEs new executive director?
<Begasus> nope
<coolcoder613> She's apparently a Professional Shaman :)
<coolcoder613> rebooting, brb
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<coolcoder613> Why does it not work from Tracker?
<Begasus> probably needs a patch somewhere here:
<Begasus> but my skills are too limitid to find it :) (or at least a working solution)
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<augiedoggie> i've got a build of anura in progress with an added chdir() call right there
<augiedoggie> not sure if it will finish before i go to bed
<Begasus> tried some things but had no luck so far here, would be great if you could nail it :)
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<coolcoder613> Hi erysdren
<erysdren> howdy howdy
<erysdren> how goes it?
<coolcoder613> I'm playing that game Begasus ported at the moment
<Begasus> Hello erysdren
<Begasus> fighting again with harfbuzz :)
<erysdren> what game?
<Begasus> frogatto4
<Diver> hi Begasus I think Pap on discuss hasn't mentioned using haikuporter so he night be confused by your comment :)
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<Begasus> hi Diver, yeah, "but" he was "thinking" about packaging them :)
<Begasus> if not, the "first" part should suffice :)
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<Diver> right. he might try to run runConfigure from cli tho :)
<Begasus> lol ... whoops
<Begasus> will add a comment there :)
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<Begasus> maybe that helps :)
<Begasus> still stuck on harfbuzz, that thiing is making me nuts :/
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<Begasus> checking korli :)
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<Begasus> yet another round on mame
<augiedoggie> unsuccessful with anura/frogatto, too tired to look at it any more
<Begasus> thanks for taking a look augiedoggie
<Begasus> maybe it needs something like it's done in there like for android? clueless here though
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] korli pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57334] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] de1e2d9227bc - BSpinner: Simplify SetMin|MaxValue()
<Begasus> nielx[m] not around, probably still at scottmc's place .... someone that could poke the 32bit buildmaster?
<Begasus> didn't saw this one yet ... haiku/bin/x64/Release/mame_mame/libhusky.a :)
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<andreaa72> about printer : i have print on a laser Brother with emulation hpcl2 o 3 : it works ...
<andreaa72> use usb cable ...
<andreaa72> halo halo : is there anybody out there ?!? xD
* coolcoder613 checks... still here
<Begasus> saw you :)
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<andreaa72> hi Begasus
<Begasus> Hello andreaa72
<coolcoder613> How does this look for a recipe export?
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<zard> hello
<Begasus> Hi zard
<coolcoder613> Hi zard
<coolcoder613> How does this look for the export of my recipe manger program?
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<zard> I don't think I've ever seen a recipe split into two subsections. Otherwise, nice
<coolcoder613> Some recipes do that, they do not have to
<zard> Ah, ok
<coolcoder613> There is going to be a GUI in Haiku_PyAPI, but... easy parts first
<zard> That explains the "for Haiku" part :P
<coolcoder613> I wouldn't do anything for other platforms of course ;)
<coolcoder613> Except maybe FreeDOS
<zard> FreeDOS: daily driver in 2023? :P
<coolcoder613> Any high paying QBASIC jobs? xD
<zard> No, but can you do fortran?
<coolcoder613> No
<coolcoder613> Not COBOL either
<coolcoder613> What about assembly for some random register VM from github? Is that in demand? :)
<zard> Hmm, sounds like something GitHub would be interested in
<coolcoder613> I ported WOLF3D today
<zard> Just tell them "I can make your VMs run twice as fast!" and you'll be hired! :P
<coolcoder613> Not from github github, from a random repo on github. or something
<coolcoder613> Wolf4SDL wouldn't load my DOS saved games :(
<zard> Maybe it comes from a difference in processor architectur (e.g. one has 16 bit ints and the other has 32 bit ints)?
* coolcoder613 goes to check
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<coolcoder613> Ran it without -windowed, messed up my screen. had to reboot
<zard> Ooh, bug report time :P
<coolcoder613> I think its got to do with screen resolution, because it works fine on my 32 bit box, with 4:3 aspect ratio
<coolcoder613> GetNewActor: No free spots in objlist!
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* zard is becoming faster and faster at uncommenting lines in Haiku_PyAPI
<Begasus> getting the hand of it zard? :)
<zard> Indeed :)
<coolcoder613> Backspace hitting competition? :)
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<Begasus> lol
<Begasus> I'm about to comment lua out of mame :P
<zard> So that it uses Haiku's version?
<Begasus> no internal one instead of system one
* zard wins backspace hitting competition by hitting CTRL-U (clears entire line in terminal)
<Begasus> k, round *
<coolcoder613> Disqualified, cheating
<coolcoder613> disqualified, this is about hittin backspace not CTRL+\U
<zard> ughhh, how was I supposed to know that?
<zard> Surely there's space for a bit of ingenuity?
<coolcoder613> It is called a *Backspace* hittin competition, not a text removing competition
<coolcoder613> *hitting
<coolcoder613> For a text removing competition, i would format the hard drive. :)
<zard> I mean, if you didn't here *what* text to remove...
<zard> Otherwise, it seems a bit overkill.
<coolcoder613> Most text in least time
<coolcoder613> But yeah, overkill
<zard> Also, technically, you didn't remove the text either. You just modified a couple of spots on the hard drive so that it looks empty
<zard> Making a hard drive truly blank would take too long for the competition
<coolcoder613> Well, if you backspace in a text editor, the text is still in the undo buffer
<zard> I guess it's fine if the text is just in memory.
<zard> Otherwise, you're going to have to turn off the computer and wait a while, or something like that, to clear the memory as well
<Begasus> rebooting Haiku is pretty fast though :)
<phschafft> at some client's office a worker noticed they entered some confidential stuff into their terminal.
<coolcoder613> I once had a project i was working on(an early version of Haiku-PyAPI), on a USB, the laptop ran out of battery... my only copy of the files got scrambled, most of a days work. i got most of it back by grepping through the raw disk
<phschafft> they used vim to edit the shell's history file thinking it would then be gone (excluding complicated forensics).
<phschafft> then I told them that vim keeps a copy of the undo buffer in it's history file. ;)
<coolcoder613> lol
<phschafft> so basically they only moved it from the shell's history into the editor's history.
<zard> This text removing competition is getting a bit... complicated. lol
<phschafft> he looked into vim's history file and I think he both learned a bit about how things work in general but also how to use that feature of vim to be more productive.
<phschafft> which is very nice, learning from a mistake and come out as a better copy of yourself.
<Begasus> +1 :)
<zard> +1 :)
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<zard> Begasus: you have to turn off the computer and wait till the stuff stored in memory degrades from lack of power
<zard> Which, AFAIK, could take 10 minutes :D
<coolcoder613> Or close the application?
* phschafft nods to zard.
<phschafft> it takes way longer than people think.
<zard> The OS is lazy and doesn't clear the memory. It just lets other applications overwrite it if they want to
<Begasus> I just push a build for mame then, should clear some stuff :P
<phschafft> if you want to clear memory you need to have i allocated securely before you write your stuff to it and then later clear it.
<phschafft> (otherwise it may be swapped to disk and then you lost all control over it.)
<zard> Yikes, I didn't think about swapping!
<zard> Begasus, looks like you got this figured out :)
<Begasus> lol
<andreaa72> coolcoder613 : nice cake uhm ... what humdinger ? ... no, hum
<zard> goodbye all
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<phschafft> (also keep in mind that a system might swap out things long before that is 'needed' in order to optimise. e.g. when some memory is way less active than a cache the cache may win even if the cache could be rebuild from disk. it's just faster to let the cache win and swap out the data that is hardly ever accessed. with 'hardly ever' being in the time scales of a OS ;)
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<coolcoder613eb> I'm going now, goodbye.
<phschafft> good night. :)
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
<Begasus> arrr andreasdr[m] :)
<andreasdr[m]> :DDD
<andreasdr[m]> Moin Begasus.
<andreasdr[m]> How is it going?
<Begasus> fine here, fighting with mame atm :)
<andreasdr[m]> Oh let me look it up.
<andreasdr[m]> Nice.
<Begasus> build is ok so far, getting linking errors
<Begasus> now trying without system lua :)
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<Begasus> hi Kokito!
<Kokito> Hello Begasus!
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<Kokito> How are you Begasus?
<Begasus> Fine here thnx, busy as usual :)
<Begasus> How is it over there?
<Begasus> Long time no see :)
<Kokito> Can't complain. Yeah, it's been a while. Time to update my Haiku installation.
<Begasus> sticking with R1B4 and it's updates, runs like a charm here
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<Kokito> I like to be on the bleeding edge, so nightlies here.
<Begasus> I'll do that part on haikuports side ;)
<Begasus> or try to* ;)
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<Begasus> following a mame build takes you back into history a bit too :)
<Begasus> sis mobo, trident vga ... :D
* Begasus crosses fingers .... Linking mame...
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<Begasus> Collecting files to be packaged ...
<Begasus> mv: cannot stat 'mame64': No such file or directory
<Begasus> so that part "worked" :)
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<nagerst> haiku is great. whom do i talk to to get started on HDMI/displayport sound?
<nagerst> Has there ben work done, or am i the only one that wants this
<Begasus> grabbing mame-0.259-3-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/mame-0.259-3-x86_64.hpkg
<Begasus> :)
<erysdren> does your HDMI port connect into your GPU?
<erysdren> haiku has limited GPU support in general
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<Begasus> nagerst, maybe ask on the forum or in the mailinglist?
<bbjimmy> The date of files on a FAT fle system shows 1887 for the year, copying files from the fat system to a bfs maintains this bogus year.
<bbjimmy> mounting the fat system on Windows shows the proper date.
<PulkoMandy> nagerst: no work done yet, it will need some communication between the audio driver and the video driver
<PulkoMandy> Then it depends which ones of toose you're using
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<bbjimmy1> nothing like a power failure to make things exciting in the morning.
<HaikuUser> I downloaded the source for this article:, but when I try to compile I get an error that iostream.h cannot be found...
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<PulkoMandy> HaikuUser: hello, try replacing it with just iostream (no .h)
<PulkoMandy> this is a very old article and the compiler has changed a bit since then, there may be other problems
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<bbjimmy> PulkoMandy I looked for FAT and date in the summary but nothing showed up.
<HaikuUser> PulkoMandy, there are more problems, including a missing local file (IEWindow.h) ...I thought I had this working several years ago, oh well
<PulkoMandy> bbjimmy: no worries, it happens. I looked at the list of tickets for "File Systems/FAT" component (there aren't too many) and found it there
<PulkoMandy> HaikuUser: you can find that in interface_elements_devel in haikudepot
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<nagerst> okidoki
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<HaikuUser> PulkoMandy: I downloaded the Interface_Elements from github, because I couldn't find where HaikuDepot installed the files. Anyway, I dropped the IE_etc. files into the XContainer folder, tried to compile, and Paladin froze!
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<PulkoMandy> you can check the files installed by a package using the "package list" command: package list /system/packages/interface_elements_devel-*
<PulkoMandy> not sure about Paladin, I don't use it, so I can't really help
<mbrumbelow> Hi, I just filed a bug report for SoftwareUpdater. It does not allow any of my NUC’s to perform updates. Is this a known issue?
<PulkoMandy> not known to me at least
<Begasus> I use pkgman mostly, so not known to me too
<PulkoMandy> does "pkgman full-sync" from the command line work? (is it a SoftwareUpdater specific problem, or general package manager or network thing?)
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<mbrumbelow> Pkgman behaves the same way.
<mbrumbelow> Is there a cache I can delete?
<augiedoggie> i can get the shelfinspector in the haiku repository to compile but it has issues restoring the archived BMenuField at startup
<PulkoMandy> mbrumbelow: there is a thread on the forum with someone having similar problems then. No explanation found so far
<mbrumbelow> PulkoMandy: Thanks, I will check it out.
<PulkoMandy> augiedoggie: it's possible we changed the archive format accidentally from BeOS (different fields)?
<augiedoggie> yeah, i haven't looked into which field is making it unhappy
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57335] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 338b492e0e80 - HaikuDepot: minor performance improvement
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57336] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] bf697877c15e - HaikuDepot: fix issue for user check
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57337] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 08a5804d6fcc - HaikuDepot: resolve occasional segfault in logging
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuporter] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuporter] OscarL 377491e - Fix #256. (#275)
<Begasus> thanks for merging that one waddlesplash, have been using it here for some time with successes :)
<waddlesplash> :)
<Begasus> now I can move back to master branch there :)
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<erysdren> finally got a working haiku setup
<erysdren> believe it or not, the idualwifi7260 driver is working fine under UEFI on this laptop
<erysdren> where the same driver didn't work under UEFI on my desktop
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<nekobot> [haiku/buildtools] davidkaroly pushed 1 commit to master [btrev43211] -
<nekobot> [haiku/buildtools] 69b7412120ae - binutils: fix register lookup table for ppc
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<andreasdr[m]> Erysdren: Nice!!!
<erysdren> unfortunately the EFI Framebuffer driver doesn't mirror the display over hdmi
<erysdren> but yeh, haiku working well otherwise
<erysdren> got networking, full screen res, etc
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<andreasdr[m]> Nice. I had a working Haiku machine. But needed to install Linux Mint as I needed to share my laptop with my other working guy that comes by 2 times a week. But I will have again a working setup later.
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<mbrumbelow> Changing the title of a bug report without letting the bug reporter know first is normally not a good idea.
<mbrumbelow> Requesting that the bug reporter change the title of the bug report is much smarter.
<zdykstra> perhaps more polite, but how is it smarter?
<mbrumbelow> Either is fine.
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<OscarL> Bug reporters, if they are just regular users, can't change ticket's summaris, AFAIK.
<OscarL> mbrumbelow: can you try "curl -vL" and paste the output on or other pastebin?
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<augiedoggie> Begasus: i figured out the problem with anura
<OscarL> augiedoggie to the rescue! :-)
<OscarL> Anyways, time to bolt. Laters, y'all!
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<mbrumbelow> OscarL: Later, but yes I can.
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie 97da11a - anura: add chdir() calls to allow launching from Tracker (#9649)
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<Begasus> cool thanks augiedoggie!!
<Begasus> closing down here, g'night peeps
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<hai2u[m]> hi all
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
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<coolcoder613_32> Good morning
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