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<Skipp_OSX> I need halp
<Skipp_OSX> nvm I got it
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* coolcoder613_mac managed to download something he had been trying to get for a long time
<coolcoder613_mac> My problem is, it's a trial version
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<AlienSoldier> I notice that when downloading files with Falkon, sometime the tracker window is not updated correctly to display the final file size, sometime it is partial or 0 while the fileinfo on it is correct. Doing a back and forth in the tracker view update to the good file size. Not sure what cause this, perhaps it is the rename of the file from pending to final what prevent the final view rendering of the window?
<AlienSoldier> *that
<AlienSoldier> Would be nice if UpLoadIt had a progress bar.
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<AlienSoldier> great, it seem to have finished upl;oading but did not give me a link
<AlienSoldier> not even putting one in clipboard
<AlienSoldier> 451 failed for legal reason
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<AlienSoldier> retry with a few file name change...
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<AlienSoldier> yep, ulpoad worked, seem they sniff certain word and some match copyrighted material. Renaming worked, there was no binary watermarking.
<AlienSoldier> *upload
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] korli pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57465] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] e2f1a42ea98d - acpi: add device tree attributes from _CLS if available
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<coolcoder613_32> Hello Begasus
<Begasus> Hello coolcoder613_32
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<Al2O3> begas, hoodie
<Begasus> Hi Al2O3
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<coolcoder613_32> Hi Al2O3
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<ONE> .
<Begasus> ..
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<ONE> Good afternoon, everyone.
<coolcoder613_mac> Hello ONE
<Al2O3> hello two
<phschafft> hello three
<Al2O3> and on four
<Begasus> bugger .. lost count now ...
<phschafft> hrair
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<Begasus> k, let's try this akonadi thing with postgresql backend :)
<Al2O3> oh, damn, I thought it was going to be arkanoid on beos/haiku
<Begasus> rings a bell ...
<Begasus> hmm ... still refers to qsqlite :/
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<coolcoder613_mac> Begasus: Can you port Arianna to 32-bit, now we have qtwebengine?
<Begasus> need to re-check that coolcoder613_mac, iirc there was an issue with it here on 64bit too
<Begasus> finetuning and updating the akonadi packages to 23.08.4 here (need to do something with my time) :)
<Begasus> ah the epub reader
<Begasus> isn't there one in the depot you can use coolcoder613_mac?
<coolcoder613_mac> I don't like the UI
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<Begasus> got a epub example that opens fine with sigil, doesn't open with arianna
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
<Begasus> arrr andreasdr[m] :)
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<andreasdr[m]> Arrr Begasus!!!
<Begasus> 92% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 12 ... checking :)
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<andreasdr[m]> Which app?
<andreasdr[m]> Arrr. Curious I am.
<Begasus> no app, library ;)
<Begasus> can't compare as previous version didn't have a test case in the recipe :P
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<andreasdr[m]> Ok.
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<Skipp_OSX> RepopulateMenus() has got me down...
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<zdykstra> legacy code'll do that :/
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<Skipp_OSX> ok RepopulateMenus is repopulating menus
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<Skipp_OSX> do you really need a nav menu in Trash you think?
<Skipp_OSX> Nav menu i.e. drill-down menus
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<Skipp_OSX> (setting up proper guard methods, noticed we are showing nav menus for Trash and for files in Trash right now, but I don't think we should.
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<Begasus> from 0 to 100% tests passed, not bad :)
<Skipp_OSX> oh yeah
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<zdykstra> why shouldn't the trash have nav menus?
<Begasus> 50% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 2 (can't win them all) :)
<Begasus> "This test only works when procmail is installed"
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<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-ecd96135> [haikuports/haikuports] korli cc32641 - streamradio: fix #9900
<Begasus> selinux-procmail ... can live without for now :)
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<Skipp_OSX> not useful for Trash itself... debatable if useful for trashed items
<Skipp_OSX> what are you going to nav to from trashed items?
<Skipp_OSX> I guess for Trash itself, maybe it lets you see what's in Trash at a glance
<zdykstra> that's usually how I use those menus
<Skipp_OSX> ok .... ShouldHaveNavigationMenu() { return !InTrash(); } ShouldHaveMoveCopyMenus() { return !IsRoot() && !IsTrash() && !IsVolume(); }
<Skipp_OSX> So no nav menu for items _in_ Trash, but Trash gets nav menu, and no Move to/Copy to/Create link to menus for the Trash itself, but items _in_ Trash still get them.
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<Begasus> Thanks korli for the StreamRadio fix!
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<Skipp_OSX> thanks Korli
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<coolcoder613_32> Good morning
<cocobean> Yawnn.... good morning....
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<Al2O3> good day sunshine
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<coolcoder613_32> When i try to use Writer from Be Basics on Haiku, it can't open it with 'missing symbol: _free'
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<scantysnax> i am having problems with sftp, anyone around that can help?
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