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<coolcoder613> nielx[m]: Any ideas for winit?
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<waddlesplash> realtaraharris: still around?
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<kasagawa> hello
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<erysdren> hello
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<coolcoder613> Hello kasagawa
<coolcoder613> erysdren, have a look at this: (It runs on Haiku)
<erysdren> oh rad
<kasagawa> hello coolcoder613
<erysdren> very impressive
<kasagawa> how can i remove pkgman and haikuDepo ?
<erysdren> why?
<coolcoder613> kasagawa, why would you want ot do that?
<coolcoder613> *to
<kasagawa> i real like install software from source
<kasagawa> not package manager
<coolcoder613> You can install from source without removing pkgman/haikudepot
<kasagawa> i want to fork the haikuOS that removed kpgman and haikuDepo
<erysdren> lol ok
<zdykstra> If you have to ask, you're probably not up to the task of doing it
<erysdren> honestly i think that is stupid
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<kasagawa> how to change system font size?
<erysdren> deskbar -> preferences -> appearance
<kasagawa> defaut font size too small
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<coolcoder613> pinging kallisti5[m]
<kasagawa> hello kallisti5
<kasagawa> thanks erysdren
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<kasagawa> how can i boot hakuOS on RaspberryPi ?
<erysdren> not possible
<kasagawa> status 10% ...
<erysdren> Raspberry Pi's have ARM CPUs, but Haiku requires x86 or x86_64
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<coolcoder613eb> :(
<x512[m]> Or RISC-V.
<x512[m]> Use VisionFive 2 insted of RPi.
<coolcoder613eb> When will there be a RISC-V HaikuDepot?
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<coolcoder613eb> How can I download a RISC-V image for QEMU?
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<coolcoder613> Is there a CD/USB/HD image?
<kallisti5[m]> That's where all of our current ports are
<coolcoder613> kallisti5[m]: can you help me with this?
<kallisti5[m]> Yeah, there are some bugs in rust on haiku at the moment. If you search those errors you'll probably find some bug reports I've opened for various crates
<kallisti5[m]> Sorry. Late at night here. I can help a little more in the morning
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<coolcoder613_mac> My laptop battery is half-in, half-out, I cant move it either way, what should I do?
<nielx[m]> coolcoder613: Described issue building Rust 1.73.0 here:
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<nielx[m]> Rebuilding rust with potential build fix
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 6397049 - hydrogen, revbump, 32bit fixes (#9692)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-3/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] julek-wolfssl 6c60f0a - Bump wolfSSL to 5.6.3. Delete old recipes. (#9688)
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] nielx pushed 2 commits to master [hrev57358] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] e1c4049fed10 - cross-compiler image: update to newer bookworm-slim Debian base image
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] f8d7e36f0090 - UI text: minor fixes to strings (courtesy of jt15s)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus e7eccdb - unicorn, drop old version (#9708)
<coolcoder613> nielx[m], how is the build going?
<nielx[m]> you'll have to wait a few hours :-)
<coolcoder613> How can I build it myself?
<coolcoder613> And what is your hardware?
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<nielx[m]> cross-compiling from WSL2
<coolcoder613> WSL2? That is a VM!
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<coolcoder613> Needs linux?
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<coolcoder613> I do have a bare metal linux install on this laptop, have never booted into it though
<nielx[m]> in theory you could build rust from Haiku, but only on 64 bit with a lot of RAM
<coolcoder613> I've got 8GB, does that qualify?
<nielx[m]> you could try
<coolcoder613> Would linux be faster?
<nielx[m]> I'd say get it working first, then worry about speed
<coolcoder613> I mean faster to build
<nielx[m]> in my experience BFS is slow in comparison to modern file systems, and given the fact that you'll be doing a lot of reads and writes, it is almost certain that Linux will cross-compile faster
* coolcoder613 does not find any recent changes in nielx/rust
<nielx[m]> You do have to think about what next then though. If you want to install it in /boot/system, you need to create a package.
<nielx[m]> I have been able to build from (almost) vanilla source for a while now
<nielx[m]> in the repo I pinged over I sent the 1.73.0 patch I am testing now
<coolcoder613> Once the build finishes, you can upload it to, right?
<nielx[m]> yes, and I'll update the haikuports recipe
<coolcoder613> Which repo?
<nielx[m]> but it will take about 2 days if things go right ;-)
<nielx[m]> the one I sent earlier in the chat
<coolcoder613> Oh, you have the patches there
<coolcoder613> What about cross compiling from macOS, m1 macs \are quite fast
<coolcoder613> --build-arg RUST_REV=?
<nielx[m]> 1.73.0
<coolcoder613> Its building on my mac...
<nielx[m]> cool!
<coolcoder613> not rust-haiku-1.73.0
<coolcoder613> actually, could you paste the whole podman build command?
<nielx[m]> the 32 bit one is in the file
<nielx[m]> you can tweak it for 64 bit
<coolcoder613> What about SOURCE_FIXUP_SCRIPT, RUST_REPO?
<nielx[m]> look at
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<coolcoder613_mac> TEP 10/18: RUN python3 add-repo ${HAIKUPORTS_URL} && python3 install ${INSTALL_PACKAGES}
<coolcoder613_mac> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
<coolcoder613_mac> Error: building at STEP "RUN python3 add-repo ${HAIKUPORTS_URL} && python3 install ${INSTALL_PACKAGES}": while running runtime: exit status 139
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<coolcoder613> Apparently.... it doesnt like arm64
<nielx[m]> too bad
<coolcoder613> OK, booting into linux...
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<coolcoder613_mac> And... Not a bootable partition
<coolcoder613_mac> Ok, that could be the swap i was trying to boot from
<coolcoder613_mac> Still not a bootable partition :(
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<nielx[m]> coolcoder613_mac: managed to get beyond the previous failure, but then another failure in cargo popped up. Re-running the build to work past that
<Begasus> g'morgen nielx[m], wb :)
<nielx[m]> goedemorgen, thx!
<Begasus> worning on bumping rust I gather?
<nielx[m]> It looks like I am. Was not planning to, but one finds oneself stuck in the middle of those things
<Begasus> if it makes it build rav1e I'll buy you a beer (or a coffee) next time we meet :)
<nielx[m]> I don't exactly recall what the issue was there, but I doubt it :-)
<Begasus> well ... actually got it build with cargo, the cargo-c part still fails
<Begasus> and that's the part we need :)
<Begasus> looking into grpc I guess we are in a chain to update other packages for that ... protobuf .... abseil-cpp ... :/
<nielx[m]> going AFK
<coolcoder613_mac> Linux is installing....
* coolcoder613_mac wishes linux would install half as fast as haiku
<coolcoder613_mac> Aaah, finally...
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] korli pushed 4 commits to master [hrev57359] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 3319ef3f8ef0 - ext2: BitmapBlock::FindPreviousMarked(): index shouldn't go negative
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 7b97f05bb94d - ext2: DirectoryIterator: the dotdot entry size is the entry block minus what comes before.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 6dd8733058d0 - ext2: ext2_rename(): if the target exists, it should be unlinked.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 1a497824d86c - ext2: recalculate extent metadata checksum each time the metadata changes.
<coolcoder613_mac> nielx[m]: progress?
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<OscarL> Morning Begasus.
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<OscarL> while we have nielx[m] both doing rust stuff and here on the channel...
<OscarL> Would you mind a PR removing most, if not all of the recipes under "dev-lang/rust" ?
<OscarL> Motivation... I hate that they appear everytime I grep for recipe using old Python stuff to clean up :-D
<OscarL> is any of those currently needed? (bootstrapping or something perhaps?)
<Begasus> Hola OscarL!
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<Begasus> managed to build latest live555 :)
* OscarL reads the wikipedia page for that one.
<Begasus> current version dates from 2016 :)
<Begasus> fsck! they updated release today :/
<OscarL> lol
<Begasus> problem is that the source uri is gone now :/
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<Begasus> that's the one that was there yesterday :)
<Begasus> now they have live.2023.10.30.tar.gz
<Begasus> yeah, would mean I need to rewrite the recipe :)
<Begasus> probably should drop support for gcc2 also there
<Begasus> grabbing live555-2023.10.30-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/live555-2023.10.30-1-x86_64.hpkg
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<thaflo> bbjimmy here?
<thaflo> bbjimmy_64 maybe? ;-)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+3/-3/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes 061cbdc - Telegram: bump version, add Tracker add-on
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<nielx[m]> OscarL: I'll do that as part of the next PR
<OscarL> awesome, thanks nielx[m]! :-)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes 09cbe41 - tg_owt: bump for rebuild
<Begasus> k, shared library for live55 partly done too :)
<OscarL> speaking of clean up... :-P
<Begasus> nothing that could cause problems on 32bit?
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<OscarL> None that I can see. I'm running git 2.42.0 on 32 bits right now.
<OscarL> (the one built on the buildmasters)
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<Begasus> okido :)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-4/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL d11598c - git: remove older recipes. (#9710)
<OscarL> Begasus: the issue we had with that version on 32 bits was pretty crazy. Details here:
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<Begasus> 0_°
<Begasus> at least there is some indecation on what's wrong :)
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<Begasus> nice ... Warning: POLICY WARNING: can't find used library "" :)
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<andreaa72> => lib + name + version + .so
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<Begasus> not quite right andreaa72 :)
<andreaa72> ?
<Begasus> lib + name + so + SONAME
<andreaa72> no linux compatible => thrill to port linux apps ...
<Begasus> it is compatible (nicked from there) :P
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<Begasus> moin thaflo
<thaflo> bbjimmy bbjimmy_64 hi
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<thaflo> hey Begasus :-)
<Begasus> lib:liblivemedia = 107.3.0 compat >= 107
<Begasus> looking good :)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes d222fe5 - Telegram: bump for rebuild
<Begasus> 0x000000000000000e (SONAME) Library soname: []
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<Begasus> lol OscarL, not an expert here :P
<Begasus> 3170: 0000000000000000 0 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT UND stderr
<Begasus> this means its not linking to libroot right?
<Begasus> got a bunch there for libnetwork and libssl too
<OscarL> Begasus: "I'll follow your expertise" sounded better than "WTF do I do here now? Send HALP!!!" :-P
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<OscarL> regarding that readelf (?) output... you mean you're getting linking errors for something?
<Begasus> nah, just running readelf on the compiled library with "readelf -s | grep UND"
<Begasus> iirc UND stands for undefined?
<OscarL> seem so. "lgrep" shows "stderr" only on / / (x86 version) here :-D
<Begasus> yeah, checked that earlier
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<Begasus> 158: 0000000000000000 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT UND connect
<Begasus> this one should link against libnetwork I think (on compile time I see it being used)
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<Begasus> g++ -shared -Wl,-soname, -lssl -lcrypto -lnetwork -
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<Begasus> bias
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-3/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 7d3dfc3 - live555, bump version (#9709)
<Begasus> Qt6WaylandClient_DIR:PATH=Qt6WaylandClient_DIR-NOTFOUND
<Begasus> Qt6WaylandCompositor_DIR:PATH=Qt6WaylandCompositor_DIR-NOTFOUND
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<Begasus> maybe I could check my local qt6wayland package for that :)
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<realtaraharris> does anyone know how to disable the packagefs thing to produce a mutable /system?
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<zdykstra> it's integral to the entire OS - there's no way to disable it
<realtaraharris> so how do I test a change to a built-in driver?
<realtaraharris> I have a binary, and there's no packaging I can put on it
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<realtaraharris> I am trying to do this on real hardware and there are no docs to show me the way
<thaflo> put it in home/config/on-packaged/add-ons/kernel/drivers/bin ?
<realtaraharris> ahhh thanks
<thaflo> *non-packaged
<thaflo> dunno if that's the solution, but worth a try
<Begasus> or /system/non-packaged/... ? (never tried)
<thaflo> Begasus Is there a way to remove system apps like TV or the demo apps?
<Begasus> don't think so thaflo
<thaflo> that's like not getting rid of Edge on Windows ;-)
<augiedoggie> blacklist them to hide them or build your own haiku
<Begasus> if you can't find anything in /system/packages for those, they are part of the main package I think
<thaflo> can't find a reason not to uninstall Mandelbrot ...
<Begasus> no match with pkgman
<thaflo> I don't want to build my own Haiku for that purpose
<Begasus> got the idea that 64bit buildmaster is stuck again nielx[m] :)
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<Begasus> build progresses on 64bit ... took some time on some objects probably :)
<realtaraharris> ok, so I copied the display_adapter binary into /system/non-packaged/add-ons/kernel/drivers/display/ and rebooted
<realtaraharris> unfortunately, when I look in /dev, there's no display subdirectory
<realtaraharris> is anyone around that actually works on drivers?
<Begasus> maybe not around the keyboard atm
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<realtaraharris> hey, that's helpful. I didn't know that document existed
<realtaraharris> thanks!
<thaflo> you're welcome :-)
<realtaraharris> so the paths in that document look quite out-of-date
<realtaraharris> example: `~/config/add-ons/kernel/drivers/bin/usbrawpci`
<realtaraharris> but that predates this whole packagefs shitshow
<realtaraharris> so I'm trying to adapt, but it's pretty confusing
<Begasus> eeps
<Begasus> someone should update those then
<realtaraharris> "testing welcome"
<thaflo> did you try it putting it in .../drivers/bin ?
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<realtaraharris> yeah, but the instructions say to create a symbolic link, which is fine, but I'm not sure if I need to do that, too
<Begasus> afk
<OscarL> AFAIK, placing a drivers's binary in "drivers/bin" (+ symlink under the relevant "drivers/dev" category) is for only needed for drivers using the legacy API.
<OscarL> "display_adapter" seems to use the modern one (
<realtaraharris> ok, so what kinda driver is the built-in acpi display driver stub?
<realtaraharris> oh wait you just answered me
<realtaraharris> ok, so how do I test the driver?!
<realtaraharris> the device manager introduction doesn't tell me what to do with the binary
<OscarL> placing it under "non-packaged/add-ons/kernel/drivers/display/" would be my guess
<OscarL> but if you did that, and saw nothing on the syslog... I guess that's not exactly working then.
<realtaraharris> I'm trying that out
<OscarL> you should be able to add that driver to a custom "haiku.hpkg" by uncommenting
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<OscarL> as was mentioned on
<OscarL> I usually stick to (simple) drivers using the older API, just to make my life easier, so you'll want to wait for the real devs to show up and guide you.
<OscarL> Instructions on how to build/install your custom "haiku.hkpg" (taken from the IRC logs, thanks waddlesplash!):
<OscarL> jam -q -jN @nightly-raw haiku.hpkg
<OscarL> pkgman install path/to/built/haiku.hpkg
<OscarL> In any case, wish you luck on your testing, realtaraharris. Gotta bolt now.
<realtaraharris> thanks!
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<PulkoMandy> The ACPI display driver is not a display driver (yes, I know that's very confusing)
<PulkoMandy> When I tested it I added it to haiku.hpkg
<PulkoMandy> You can do this in build/jam/packages/haiku, I think uncommenting the line starting with "AddNewDriversToPackage display …"
<realtaraharris> yeah, I found that
<PulkoMandy> When I tested it on my machine, the acpi nodes that this is supposed to handle were not there at all
<PulkoMandy> So the driâer just did nothing
<realtaraharris> so I'm on an x86_64 host, and I want to build the whole thing for x86_64, and I haven't been able to build the whole tree
<realtaraharris> the instructions on the website make it look like I have to use cross-compilation, but that's clearly wrong
<PulkoMandy> That's correct, if you want to build everythiing you have to use the "cross" compiler (same instructions as on Linux)
<PulkoMandy> Because the compiler shipped with Haiku can't build 32 bit executables,eand we need that to build the BIOS bootloader
<realtaraharris> aha! someone on here yesterday told me wrong!
<PulkoMandy> Without that, I think you should still be able to build just the haiku package (jam -q haiku.hpkg), but I have not tried that
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<Begasus> still pretty clean on the static libraries :)
* humdinger is idle: BRB
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<Begasus> [All tests passed successfully...] ... nice :)
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<zdykstra> nice. What are you building?
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] korli pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57360] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 208006054c41 - kernel/vm: put pages in order on the clear page queue
<Begasus> zdykstra, icu74.1 :)
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<Begasus> closing down, cu peeps!
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<nielx[m]> Rust 1.73.0 just finished building...
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<realtaraharris> so after rebooting with my own haiku.hpkg installed, the configure script for the cross-compiler breaks
<realtaraharris> when I run it, I get:
<realtaraharris> checking build system type... x86_64-unknown-haiku_buildhost
<realtaraharris> ...
<realtaraharris> configure: error: in `/boot/home/haiku/generated.x86_64/cross-tools-x86_64-build/binutils':
<realtaraharris> configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables
<realtaraharris> I really hate reaching for a second machine, but I think I'm just going to keep having a bad time if I don't
<nielx[m]> what's the output in config.log?
<realtaraharris> `/boot/system/develop/tools/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-haiku/13.2.0/../../../../x86_64-unknown-haiku/bin/ld: cannot find crti.o: No such file or directory`
<realtaraharris> same error for start_dyn.o, init_term_dyn.o
<nielx[m]> Is the haiku_devel package loaded?
<jmairboeck> realtaraharris: you are probably missing a matching haiku_devel package. You can boot back into an older state and build and install that as well
<jmairboeck> just add haiku_devel.hpkg to the jam command building haiku.hpkg to get both
<realtaraharris> ok, easy enough :joy:
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<coolcoder613_32> Good morning
<coolcoder613_32> Rust finished, nielx[m]?
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<coolcoder613_32> nielx[m]: Do you have a recipe for Rust 1.73.0?
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<Lunovus> Hi there
<Lunovus> I got a problem with Haiku not booting due to the intel_extreme driver
<Lunovus> Works if I disable the package or boot with safe video driver
<Lunovus> VESA driver works ok so far
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<Lunovus> But I don't know why Haiku is not using the NVidia driver instead, utilizing my NVidia GFX card
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<Lunovus> The VESA driver is using my NVidia card to display things
<Lunovus> I'll probably create a bug report later when I find the time
<Lunovus> I find it just strange that I got a problem with the intel driver, stopping boot and install without extra settings, and the system not using the NVidia driver instead
<coolcoder613_32> Are you sure there is a driver for your card?
<Lunovus> Well is saw an NVidia driver in the packages
<coolcoder613_32> For what card(s)?
<Lunovus> No idea ;-)
<Lunovus> My card is a GTX 1070
<Lunovus> Are problems with the intel_extreme driver common?
<Lunovus> Should I maybe try a nightlie?
<coolcoder613_32> No idea here, try googling around?
<Lunovus> Intel GFX is UHD Graphics 630 inside a i7 8700k
<Lunovus> Have found some problems with it in the forums from years ago
<Lunovus> It's just those problems may hit a lot of other people
<Lunovus> People not as computer-smart as me..
<coolcoder613_32> Not a lot of those people use Haiku ;)
<Lunovus> But they could :-)
<x512[m]> > GTX 1070
<Lunovus> If it would boot, that is..
<x512[m]> Too old for Nvidia open GPU driver.
<Lunovus> No support for older cards?
<Lunovus> I mean NVidia older cards
<coolcoder613_32> I have a GeForce 210
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<coolcoder613_32> And... VESA
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<Lunovus> VESA works, but I'D prefer a "real" NVidia driver
<Lunovus> Apart from that intel_extreme driver preventing Haiku to boot
<OscarL> Haiku's nvidia driver only supports old cards :-) (TNT to GeForce FX 7000 / Quadro)
<Lunovus> Huh, so the card ain't too old, but too new?
<coolcoder613_32> We dont have graphics acceleration, so all you would get over vesa is resolutions
<x512[m]> Turing+ Nvidia GPU support is planned.
<OscarL> your's... yes, same as my GT 1030.
<x512[m]> But not yet.
<Lunovus> Resolutions are fine with VESA, works OK with my 4k display
<coolcoder613_32> Then there isn't much of a point to have a driver
<x512[m]> Nvidia open GPU + NVK in theory allows to have hardware acceleration on Turing+ cards.
<OscarL> I'd be happy with just working video overlays :-)
<coolcoder613_32> You're the expert, x512[m] ;-)
<Lunovus> OK, I'll file a bug report after I tried a nightly
<Lunovus> Got another problem with a Synaptics touchpad on a laptop, but I'll probably add that to a post about that in the forum
<Lunovus> Thanks for infos guys & gals :-)
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<coolcoder613_32> I enabled x86_gcc2 for Digger, and it works!
<coolcoder613_32> It /was/ ported to unix in 2002, I guess...
<realtaraharris> is there a tool that will list the files wrapped up inside an .hpkg?
<coolcoder613_32> `package list`
<realtaraharris> yay thanks!
<coolcoder613_32> Whatcha working on?
<nephele> Lunovus: the nvidia driver is for very old cards only
<nephele> If you have one of those laptops with two gpus chances are you need intel_extreme working regardless, because usually the display is attached to it, and not the nvidia card
<Lunovus> Yeah, got that
<Lunovus> Have to check on my laptop, it has Intel and Radeon inside, hang on a sec
<nephele> coolcoder613_32: the driver also gives better support, and backlight control etc
<coolcoder613_32> backlight control... that would be nice
<nephele> (My laptop doesn't have a working touchpad in haiku :g)
<Lunovus> Laptop uses Intel driver
<coolcoder613_32> (My touchpad works, but it is a really bad one)
<Lunovus> Touchpad works, but it has buttons under the pad on the bottom for left & right click
<Lunovus> If I use them, and move my finger on the pad, the mouse pointer jumps into the lower left edge of the screen
<coolcoder613_32> (And now my battery is half-in, half-out, so I can only use it plugged in)
<Lunovus> So I can't really use that "Brightness" slider in the screen prefs window
<Lunovus> My battery has about 2 hrs. power, and it's a new one
<Lunovus> I should have bought the more expensive option from eBay :-/
<coolcoder613_32> Lunovus: You don't have a USB mouse you can use?
<Lunovus> I can, but a better working touchpad would be, err, better :-)
<coolcoder613_32> What kind of laptop is it? How good is the touchpad?
<Lunovus> HP pavilion dv7
<Lunovus> Some Synaptics stuff, can't compare to other touchpads
<coolcoder613_32> My MacBook has a really good touchpad, so I never use a mouse, but on most laptops, I find it very hard to work without a mouse.
<Lunovus> Would prefer a trackpoint, but it was cheap too buy used
<Lunovus> Mouse works better, and the "Brightness" slider works too :-)
<Lunovus> Strange string here in the "Screen" app:
<Lunovus> Display is listed as "DO NOT USE - AUO 17.2"
<Lunovus> Is that a string from the driver or the hardware?
<nephele> the driver
<nephele> you can ignore the do not use thing
<coolcoder613_32> Why is it there then?
<Lunovus> Hopefully ;-)
<nephele> it is corrected in the nightly, basically we have these strings from a database, which includes the DO NOT USE part as a warning to manufacturers, to no longer use this ID
<nephele> but, obviously screens exist that already use the ID :)
<nephele> so waddlesplash already fixed this in the nightlies
<Lunovus> *gg*
<nephele> As for the touchpad, open a ticket :)
<Lunovus> I probably add to that existing thread in the forum, and ask for a program to display the input events from the touchpad
<Lunovus> Lt_Henry in the forum seems to have one
<Lunovus> Written maybe, or is there a program I can download somewhere?
<coolcoder613_32> My recipe for Rust 1.73.0 (fill in the cecksum if you are on 64-bit)
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<nephele> the forum doesn't help at all for bug reports...
<coolcoder613_32> *checksum
<Lunovus> Bug reports that lay dormant for years also won't help
<Lunovus> If I had a program to display the events generated by the device, maybe I could look how to fix this myself
<nephele> Not sure what your point is, I asked in that topic also to open a ticket and there was no response to that. if you don't even open a ticket I don't see how you expect anything to ever get fixed
<nephele> If you want help in fixing it you can ask on the ticket, or just ask here right now ;)
<Lunovus> I hope it's not the device itself that generates the "false" events
<Lunovus> I now officially ask this to be fixed :-)
<nephele> anyhow, all input events in Haiku go through the input_server in Haiku
<Lunovus> So, is there a debug-tool to display all those events
<Lunovus> ?
<coolcoder613_32> there is /var/log/syslog
<Lunovus> Oookay, so is there a tool to filter the events in there in realtime, so I can find the ones I'm interested in?
<nephele> Lunovus: If it is PS2 you can use the advice from PulkoMandy in the ticket you linked
<coolcoder613_32> It is called grep
<nephele> well, if you use the syslog you can use grep
<coolcoder613_32> :)
<nephele> not the nicest thing, sadly we don't have a central system logging tool that could just attach to servers :(
<Lunovus> *sigh* I saw that coming a mile away..
<Lunovus> So Lt_Henry probably used that?
<Lunovus> I mean filtering the syslog with grep?
<nephele> Probably
<coolcoder613_32> Some sort of `while True: clear; grep whatsit /var/log/syslog`?
<nephele> coolcoder613_32: the syslog wouldn't get cleared that way, you'd just get the first events over and over :P
<Lunovus> Yeah, I glossed over the bug report and saw that, but it's a bit beyond my current knowledge of Haiku at this time
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57361] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] eb4d2229f04c - Debugger: Select "local" interface if none specified in MSG_DEBUG_THIS_TEAM.
<coolcoder613_32> then add `tail`
<Lunovus> I'm just glad I got it working on my desktop
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<nephele> it's "just" compiling Haiku, while uncommenting one define
<nephele> then the PS/2 movement maker will log to the system log
<nephele> it's not that difficult, though it is inconvenient
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<Lunovus> "Just" compiling yeah, right
<Lunovus> Is there a guide on it?
<nephele> on compiling Haiku?
<Lunovus> Ah found it