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<erysdren> haiku won't boot on my machine because it doesn't recognize my USB HDD dock
<erysdren> RIP
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+4/-4/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes cbc266f - Telegram: bump version
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<HaikuUser> hi
<HaikuUser> only a test.\
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 4 commits to master [hrev57908] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] ddfd8f81bc77 - ram_disk & ramfs: Unify the _GetPages/_PutPages code.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 838fb559cb0e - ram_disk & ramfs: Allocate cleared pages.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 3d393797ba8f - ram_disk & ramfs: Use BStackOrHeapArray for the vm_page* arrays.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 6cfbbceec38c - ramfs: Style fixes to DataContainer.
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 1139c0127649 - ethernet: Assign MTU from constants rather than a magic value.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 4 commits to master [hrev57909] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 8b414b6da0d1 - freebsd_network: if_mtu is reported only sans ETHER_HDR_LEN.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 7bdc5201fe48 - ICMP: Remove an unused declaration.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] e028d3f303b2 - ethernet: Disable frame sizes larger than the ethernet maximum.
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<Kokito> Howdy
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<OscarL> Hola Kokito. Parece que somos pocos a esta hora :-D
<Kokito> Hola OscarL! Donde estoy, son la 1:17PM ;)
<Kokito> Tanto tiempo. Como va?
<OscarL> No me puedo quejar (mucho :-P). Tratando de mantener Python más o menos al día en Haiku.
<Kokito> Acabo de instalar Haiku en un notebook de HP un poco viejo, y la verdad que funciona bastante bien.
<OscarL> Al parecer, beta5 debería tener unas cuantas mejoras en performance (al menos al compilar cosas, según leí).
<OscarL> Esperemos, porque mi hardware es todo bastante ajeño, y cualquier mejora será bienvenida :-D
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<Kokito> En este PC tenia Windows, pero era super lento. Con Haiku, me ha bajado el nivel de stress jaja
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<OscarL> La verdad. Parece que MS no hace sino empujar usuarios a otros S.O. :-)
<Kokito> Son expertos!
Begasus has joined #haiku
<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<OscarL> Hello Begasus.
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<Begasus> Hi OscarL, need my coffee first before even 'try' to dig into the python changes in the recipe :)
<OscarL> heh, no worries, need to force-push a change still.
<Begasus> still wip?
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<OscarL> nah, just a style/ordering issue.
<Begasus> k :)
<Begasus> catching up on logs in the meantime :)
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<OscarL> Begasus: (just in case). change pushed. I'll most likely use that "template" for all python recipes from now on.
<Begasus> had a hunch there OscarL :)
<Begasus> would be cool I guess if those recipes could "detect" which python version is "default"
<OscarL> 3.13 is basically that already, and will be doing the 3.9.19 update now (hopefully, the last one for 3.9).
<Begasus> I guess it doesn't make sense to do that for python3.9, it will never become default again?
<OscarL> we could do all as "altinstall", and have a "python3_default" package, that only does a post-install (symlinking "python3" to "python3.xx", etc.
<OscarL> the post-install would either need to ask the user which version they want (either from the intalled ones, or the ones available for installation).
<OscarL> what I **really** do not want, is do it like the openjdk recipes, that have to list every other version on each recipe. Madness! :-P
<Begasus> too early for me (got lost) :D
<Begasus> only just started my coffee :)
<OscarL> np. I should get some myself, before touching the python3.9 patchset :-D
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<Begasus> k, latest amarok still bogus here :P
* OscarL gets rid of last remaining "_x86" separate patchset for python.
<HaikuUser> hi
<OscarL> o/+
<Begasus> Hi HaikuUser
<HaikuUser> so I am testing my haiku system. When I am 14y I remmember BeOS. Nice System.
<OscarL> HaikuUser: Glad you like it! We too have good memories of using BeOS when we were young(er), right Begasus? :-)
<Begasus> yeah! hence we're still around! :D
<Begasus> at 14 I didn't even know what a PC was :P
<Begasus> iirc my brother toyed around on commodore by then :)
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<HaikuUser> My brother had an electronic store.
<Begasus> or was the first one a Tandy(?) :)
<HaikuUser> My brother had an electronic store. 80x86 IBM and pegasus AmigaOS
<HaikuUser> during this period I knew IBM, AMIGAOS etc.
<HaikuUser> great times.
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<phschafft> Morning.
<OscarL> o/
<Begasus> Moin phschafft
<phschafft> squirrels. many of them.
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<Begasus> pss ....
<Begasus> +t :)
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<OscarL> "grabbing python3.9-3.9.19-1-x86_64.hpkg" (with reworked .patchset, including build fixes for nightlies)
<Begasus> time to test run it? ;)
<OscarL> will do a quick "--test" run here on beta4 64 bits, then test an optimized build on nightly, and a non-optimized build on 32 bits :-/
<Begasus> maybe do some checking with some of the python recipes
<Begasus> did the same for those using gettext
<Begasus> those sometimes reveal more things then running the tests :)
<OscarL> right. will do so after the mentioned builds/tests (and before opening a PR for this one).
<OscarL> (PR for this one will *not* happen today anyway :-D)
<Begasus> k, will hold off on merging then, just give a yell :)
<OscarL> 3.10 should be pretty OK already. it is the 3.9 the one I haven't tested on recipes yet.
<Begasus> k, 3.10 good to go then?
* OscarL takes one final quick look.
<OscarL> I believe so, yeah.
<OscarL> I did several builds of that one (on 64 bits) testing different combinations of "build options", and manually tested that ctypes didn't explode on find_library() :-D
<Begasus> merging then :)
<OscarL> (was able to load "", and list its functions)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL ca1fcce - python3.10: fix a 'ctypes' bug I introduced on the 3.10.14 patchset. (#10783)
<Begasus> one down :)
<OscarL> weee! (hope buildmaster is not the one going down! :-P)
<Begasus> lol
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<OscarL> Nice. 3.9 --test ran without hanging.
<OscarL> why the hell git commit gets so slow :-(
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<Begasus> Don't ask me :P
<Begasus> It's quiet in the matrix, something comming up? ;)
<OscarL> weird, I seem to recognize almost all the [m] nicks currently on the channel.
<OscarL> wonder if the rest got kicked for lurking :-P
<phschafft> hm.
<OscarL> looking for some recipe to rebuild with 3.9... "ir cmd:python3.9"... mmm not touching iaito, nodejs or qgis... no no.
<OscarL> and "crawl"... I rather move it to 3.10 already (0.31 version available anyway).
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<phschafft> morgen nephele.
<phschafft> also thank you very much for the meeting yesterday.
<phschafft> nephele: as a little reference: (clearly not a complete list)
<Begasus> Hi nephele
<Nephele> good day :)
<Nephele> phschafft: funny that that lists two system calls specific to kFreeBSD, isn't that dead? :D
<Nephele> hmm, it seems it is supported by regular FreeBSD too
<Nephele> oh well, trusting wikipedia in tech stuff is always a gamble
<phschafft> I'm not sure there.
<phschafft> I mean it's a feature of the kernel.
<Nephele> a call *in the C library* is a feature of the kernel?
<phschafft> so maybe you could say that 'FreeBSD' is actually more like 'FreeBSD/kFreeBSD'.
<phschafft> as in 'GNU/Linux'
<Nephele> kFreeBSD is just a term debian invented
<Nephele> it's not a real thing as such
<phschafft> yes, but it would make it a bit clearer if other systems would also use the way naming things ;)
<Nephele> I don't think so. Linux is the one outlier here :)
<Nephele> and for other systems it's either static or too complicated to matter
<Nephele> :P
<phschafft> nephele: the C library only has a way to call that syscall. that doesn't make it a feature of the C library. it's still a feature of the kernel. just that the library makes it easier.
<Nephele> phschafft: wikipedia could have chosen to name the system call, but they chose to use the c library
<Nephele> i know atleast on linux you can call system calls (easily) without the c library
<Nephele> not that much on haiku though :)
<phschafft> you can do that easily on most systems.
<Nephele> yep, but not on Haiku
<phschafft> Haiku is special because it has all that C++ stuff that makes *everything* more complicated.
<Nephele> No, this has nothing to do with C++
<Nephele> I'm talking about the C library for system calls
<phschafft> so what is the problem?
<Nephele> on Haiku you can't "easily" do this directly because the C library and the kernel is in sync, and the build re-numbers system calls if needed. ergo there is no stable "this number is this system call" interface
<phschafft> for me if something is complicated on Haiku it was always because of C++. But I have clearly only seen my specific corner of things.
<Nephele> but rather you'd need to actually link against the stubs in the C library for this
<phschafft> that sounds like a bad idea.
<Nephele> Dunno, maybe?
<Nephele> I haven't thought much about it honestly. I just know it is done this way
<phschafft> is there a syscall()?
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* phschafft waves to coolcoder613.
<Nephele> how is the inverse of / called?
<Nephele> like, the symbol
<OscarL> backslash?
<Nephele> thanks
<Nephele> why does the internet suck so much
<Nephele> "mac keyboard backslash" -> 6 first entries tell me "well you better opt in to ADS for this info, or pay us 5eur per month!!"
<coolcoder613> Hello phschafft
<phschafft> what do you expect from a media shared by bilion of people with vaccum in there head? ;)
<Nephele> I'm going to enjoy seeing all these news outlets sued for this practice that was already outed as beeing illegal
<Nephele> phschafft: hah. :(
<Nephele> can we have a search engine that just blocks your website if you have Banners wanting to opt you into adware? :D
* phschafft wonders if a net with only smart people then would blow ;)
<Nephele> "make your own search engine" seams like such a daunting task
<Nephele> I wonder if it's possible to start with special interest search engines. i.e where users can ask for sites to be indexed based on something
<Nephele> I figure if you ask hackers where you can find good articles on hacking you'd get better results than typing into ddg or whatever "how does my mac work"
<phschafft> I don't think that will work out. people tried that in the past. and none of the projects really got noticeable big.
<phschafft> and I don't think it's about the idea or the tech.
<Nephele> maybe the gemini protocol could add some tags to filter by ;)
<Nephele> no native gemini client yet on Haiku
<Nephele> ...did google name their AI gemini deliberately to sabotage finding gemini?
<phschafft> they also called a language 'go' and an operating system 'android'.
<phschafft> I think they're just good with bad names. ;)
<Nephele> Hmm, Kristall has problems with fonts having named weights in one font
<Nephele> it can only use style 0... which of*course* is style light
<Nephele> so it looks terribly broken
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus c8ae534 - dialog, bump version (#10776)
<Nephele> qt client... hmmm. is this a qt problem?
<Begasus> there, has been long enough :p
<Nephele> Begasus: can you check that maybe?
<Begasus> check what?
<Begasus> haven't been following :)
<Nephele> if all qt apps (with font pickers) can't see font weights if we package them with the variable width size only
<Nephele> I am testing Kristall gemini browser and it can only see the "light" variant with shantell sans
<Begasus> font pickers as in changing used font?
<Nephele> if this is a problem it would make most qt apps render pretty badly on beta5 :g
<Nephele> yes for example
<Nephele> for beta5 we wanted to use variable width fonts for the default system fonts too.
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<Nephele> i.e noto sans, noto cjk etc.
<Begasus> hmm .. not sure I have those installed (variable fonts)?
<Nephele> you can install one? :)
<Begasus> err ... any suggestion?
<Nephele> I assume you don't have this one
<Begasus> tss ... no recipe for it? :P
<Begasus> how do they end up in Haiku then? or isn't that the plan?
<Nephele> easier this way, just copy desktop/ShantellSans[BNCE,INFM,SPAC,ital,wght].ttf to /boot/home/config/non-packaged/data/fonts/ttf/
<Nephele> Begasus: there is already unmerged PRs for beta5 for variable width fonts iirc
<Nephele> but they are not in the haikuports yet. Because haikuports has no nightly support. and it doesn't work on beta4
<Nephele> so yes... no recipe for it, as such.
<Begasus> ah, wouldn't do any good then, still running R1B4
<Nephele> why? qt apps don't use the OS font rendering right?
<OscarL> darn $binDir vs $prefix/bin :-(
<Begasus> well, as mention "it doesn't work on beta4"?
<Nephele> Yes, for *system* apis :D
<Begasus> ah :)
<Nephele> Anyhow, do we have qt 6.7?
<Begasus> yes
<Nephele> hmm. So can you test what i asked with a qt6.7 app vs a qt5 app?
<Nephele> according to docs qt 6.7 should support it
<Nephele> that's what nico linked me
<Nephele> though nvm. I'm sure it works in 6.7 if qt sais it does
<Nephele> Begasus: can you open a ticket though, that if you have a variable font with a width set, this needs to be transfered to qt (for 6.7)?
<Nephele> QMplay2 is using my menu font, but using the wrong width and it looks bad
<Begasus> heh
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<Begasus> me like ... guessing these KDE apps have some settings to change fonts ... checks ... say what! :D
<Nephele> does it work in kde apps?
<Begasus> haven't found a way to change fonts there :P
<Begasus> iirc there is one for quoternion qt5/qt6 (issue)
<Begasus> I'm not seeing a setting for fonts in qmplay2 also
<Nephele> qmplay2 has one for subtitles but i cant use it
<Nephele> Begasus: we should probably make a fallback variant of noto sans that has like only the regular style packaged. and have qt5 use that
<Begasus> same here, can't access anything in there
<Nephele> Maybe you can ask 3deyes about this too. they might know more
<Begasus> better ask in the dev ML I guess, only had a few brief conversations there :)
<Nephele> haiku mailing list? do they check there?
<Begasus> imo the font package shouldn't see too many changes if not strictly needed
<Begasus> has been a pain in the past dealing with that enough :)
<Nephele> well, the point was to remove the (uneccesary) duplication and ship only the variable fonts to reduce the size of images
<Nephele> *especially* of the cjk ones
<Nephele> and reduce download times etc.
<Begasus> if Haiku is planning on switching something there it should be done by the system, not at haikuports "my 2 cents"
<Begasus> I had those split up a while back ... didn't go through then
<Nephele> Begasus: I agree. However the fonts are on haikuports. not on here
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<Begasus> spent a LOT of time refractiring the fonts recipes for the base ones ... :P
<Begasus> I probably removed the branches I did for them back then
<Nephele> If you accept patches by email i can send them to you. but i dont have a github anymore
<Begasus> I can (and I know how to acc co-authored by now) :)
<Begasus> but even then, they should not break "current" beta also
<Nephele> They will. no way around that, hence the whole "merge for beta5 release"
<Nephele> unless we say to only do that for beta6 or something, but then we have the same problem
<Begasus> if it brakes R1B4 I guess I won't be merging that before R1B5 (others can still do though)
<Nephele> yes
<Nephele> it should iirc be done during beta5 release?
<Nephele> There should really be a seperate haikuports branch for this kind of stuff :(
<Begasus> yeah, some kind of "feature" branch or even a "beta5" branch
<Begasus> but I don't know how to even set this up or how this would be done ...
<Begasus> maybe at haikuports.cross?
<Begasus> nephele, ps, I hope that font you are using won't be default on in R1B5 :P
<Nephele> No, it will not. The default is Noto sans Begasus
<Begasus> OK, will leave it up to you real devs to deal with that :P I'll help where I can, but not on internal stuff
<Begasus> errr ... did that already a bit with the exrtranslator :D
<Begasus> fwiw, I got most of the KDE apps already running on Qt6 here, only not the ones dealing with qtwebengine
<Nephele> okay Begasus, i send an email
<Nephele> :)
<Nephele> thanks for the encouragment :D
<Nephele> not sure what makes you think i'm a real dev thogh, and you aren't. you've been with haiku way longer than I have
<Begasus> "to you real devs" that includes you, not me :P
<Begasus> I can't even write "hello world" if my life depends on it :D
<Nephele> you have commit access to haikuports, which is argueably also a quite important component to make the OS usefull. You definetely have expertise :)
<Begasus> nephele, can't you write in Dutch anymore? ;) (got the email)
<waddlesplash> nephele: are we sure qt5 not supporting variable fonts isn't a bug in our port or something we can backport?
<Begasus> granted on experience nephele :)
<waddlesplash> it sounds like something that there may be a patch out there for
<Nephele> waddlesplash: considering there is a big announcement for qt 6.7 that is *now* support variable fonts :(
<waddlesplash> anyway, while I have your attention: care to test the new TCP window scaling patch?
<waddlesplash> nephele: ah, ok then
<Nephele> Begasus: huh? I wrote to the dev mailing list :D should i write in dutch there?
<Nephele> i think waddlesplash might be mad about that
<Begasus> ah lol, my bad nephele :)
<Nephele> waddlesplash: my attention? I can test the patch if it breaks my system, sure. Do you have anything especially to look out for?
<Nephele> waddlesplash: here is the qt announcement:
<Begasus> shouldn't there be a fall-back for qt5 then?
* Begasus is just a regular dude, no fancy stuff there ... :)
<Begasus> OscarL, still alive?
<OscarL> testing a 32 build for 3.10
<Begasus> ah ok :)
<OscarL> do we really need a revbump for this $binDir -> $prefix/bin fixup? (64 bits went well as is :-D)
<Begasus> if we want the "fixed" one in the depot, then yes :P
<waddlesplash> nephele: test that TCP performance is faster or at least not slower :)
<Begasus> err no
<Nephele> waddlesplash: any good way to tell if this is the case? :D
<Begasus> buildmaster will pick up changes and start a build, will complain on 64bit that one is available already OscarL
<waddlesplash> nephele: download speeds?
<waddlesplash> this is for real world TCP usage
<waddlesplash> the improvement will be more significant for connections with longer ping times
<Begasus> "git clone ..../haiku"? ;)
<waddlesplash> LAN will see an improvement too but not so much
<dovsienko> waddlesplash: thank you for fixing RAMFS, I have done a few RAMFS build rounds and Clang has not crashed, now waiting for a few more round to pass before confirming the bug fix
<Nephele> hmhm, okay can do that. Probably just with curl on the commandline. The webkit curl thing doesn't show remaining filesize and such so is a bit more annoying to test
<waddlesplash> dovsienko: I wonder, what would happen on Linux if you made a file of exactly 4096*16 bytes?
<OscarL> Begasus: yeah, was counting on that, to avoid a rebuild on 64 bits.
<waddlesplash> would clang handle it correctly or would it try to read past the end?
<Begasus> should be good OscarL :)
<dovsienko> that's pretty easy to try, let me check
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<OscarL> man, even the non-optimized build is slow on 32 bits :-(
<HaikuUser> OscalL any plans to port PSUTIL?
<Begasus> HaikuUser, psutil is in the depot
<HaikuUser> OscarL what I want is to install jupiter notebook :)
<OscarL> HaikuUser: Begasus already merged some changes for psutil, but AFAIK, not all of its funtionality is supported on Haiku.
<Begasus> HaikuUser:
<HaikuUser> Begasus it is for python3.10, not for 3.9. The problem is that 3.10 and 3.12 doesn't have Pandas
<Begasus> 3.10
<HaikuUser> Can I install NumPy and Pandas on 3.10?
<Nephele> waddlesplash: is the scaling patch included or is that test build from a review i can cherry pick?
<Begasus> nope
<Begasus> neither on python3.9 I presume, atleast not the latest ones
<HaikuUser> Begasus python 3.9 have Pandas package on haikudepot
<Begasus> you could try "pip3.9 install --user pandas"?
<Begasus> OscarL's brain is stil spinning round trying to get pandas for python3.10 :P
<OscarL> I'm currently on an official break (until further notice) from trying to build pandas/numpy/scipy/etc.
<Begasus> +1 :D
<Nephele> :)
<Begasus> me from lua :P
<HaikuUser> OscarL pandas, numpy and scipy on 3.12 :) maybe on 3.14 :)
<OscarL> someone else can give that a try. (I have enough with /me breaking the Python builds :-D)
<Begasus> HaikuUser, feel free to help out?
<HaikuUser> OscarL why not also jupyter, so we can create notebooks on a webpage and interact with python in webpositive? :)
<Begasus> HaikuUser, jupyter is already installed here
<HaikuUser> Begasus in what version of python 3.10?
<Nephele> Begasus: for going from qt5 to qt6 the problem was qtwebkit right?
<Nephele> or qtwebengine?
<Begasus> just linked the terminal output
<OscarL> HaikuUser: because I don't want to spend my life packaging python stuff. I also want to work on my own things.
<Begasus> qtwebengine nephele
<Begasus> it's a monster to tackle/patch
<Nephele> qtwebengine does not build for qt6?
<Nephele> but qtwebkit does?
<HaikuUser> OscarL you right...
<Begasus> 3dEyes has been looking into it "on and off" but nothing so far
<OscarL> HaikuUser: I do what I can, as all of us do :-)
<Begasus> seen the patches used by freebsd on that, not an easy job at all! :/
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<Begasus> HaikuUser, jupyter on python3.10
<Begasus> it came with installing spyder
<HaikuUser> Begasus, trying to install, thanks for the info
<HaikuUser> OscarL when you have sometime, could you please try port Pandas on python3.10, it will be cooool
<dovsienko> "libroot __mutex_unlock: mutex was not actually locked!" <- does this mean a problem?
<OscarL> welp, considering I'm on 32 bits already... /me does a build for 3.9.19
<Begasus> HaikuUser, he already replied on that
<Begasus> k, how did a do a search with pip again ...
<OscarL> Begasus:
<Begasus> sphinx-rtd-theme 1.2.1 requires sphinx<7,>=1.6, but you have sphinx 7.2.6 which is incompatible ... tsss
<Begasus> I meant from Terminal OscarL :P
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<OscarL> use that website with links? :-P
<HaikuUser> python3.10 install jupyter gives me this error: error[E0609]: no field `domainname` on type `utsname`
<Begasus> lol
<Begasus> HaikuUser "pip install --user jupyter"
<OscarL> HaikuUser: you should ask jupiter maintainers to add support for Haiku.
<Begasus> but that doesn't install "notebook" which gave the error posted just now
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<HaikuUser> thanks Begasus
<dovsienko> waddlesplash: Clang 14 happily takes a 32*4096 header on Linux. the newest other Clang version I can easily install on this Linux would be 16
<Nephele> OscarL: I see python packaging is thankless work too .-.
<Nephele> I'd definetely not want to do this, but i apreciate you doing some work there fwiw. :)
<OscarL> welp, I got myself into it after I complained a lot about how it worked on Haiku so... karma I guess :-D
<Nephele> Sure, but there is really only so much to do. I have many things in haiku i could do, but certainly don't have time for everything
<Begasus> and glad you did OscarL! +1 :D
<Nephele> i try to make a bit more time than other stuff for writing documentation, since that can help other people achieve their goal much quicker
<Begasus> much to do there I guess nephele +1 on that too :)
<Nephele> i think begasus could be helped quite a bit if someone fixed some of those long standing haikuporter bugs :)
<Nephele> that is a bit icky for me as i know basically no python xD
<Begasus> only one bugging me the most is the "waiting for package ..." :)
<Nephele> yes exactly
<OscarL> that... and the I/O freezes :-/
<Begasus> can't complain there :)
<Begasus> I still think the "waiting for ..." has something to do with the "dual" recipes cache on 32bit
<Begasus> eg primary + secondary targets
<OscarL> certainly more frequent on 32 bits than 64, for sure.
<Begasus> lol
<Begasus> yt-dlp 2024.7.25 requires brotli; implementation_name == "cpython", which is not installed.
<Begasus> I hate python by now :P
<HaikuUser> Begasus the error still there ... error[E0609]: no field `domainname` on type `utsname` ...................... i think I will wait for someone to port it
<OscarL> Begasus: I see "brotli_x86_python310". not enough?
<Nephele> > OscarL> HaikuUser: you should ask jupiter maintainers to add support for Haiku.
<HaikuUser> Numpy, Pandas, SciPy, MatplotLib and Jupyter, I think thoose are the basic
<HaikuUser> nephele I saw that, but I don't know where :P
<Begasus> HaikuUser, OscarL :P
<Nephele> figure out where it is maintained, and ask there :)
<Nephele> I don't know either
<OscarL> basic for me is "acpi_cpufreq", accelerated video decoding, and screen brightess adjustment. We all have wishlists, HaikuUser :-)
<HaikuUser> Begasus :)!:P
<Begasus> all I know is that "psutil" was good enough to install/check spyder :)
<HaikuUser> OscarL :)
<OscarL> Begasus: "sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_V6ONLY, 1)" -> OSError: [Errno -2147454933] Operation not supported :-(
<OscarL> All I know about networking... I wrote on my post about mDNSResponder (where I disabled IPv6 too :-P)
<Nephele> OscarL: no brightness for you? :(
<Nephele> for radeon cards we should have it now
<OscarL> nephele: too much brightness for me, actually :-)
<Nephele> yeah, annoying
<Nephele> had a radeon laptop with the same problem. started a patch, but the plastic piece of ... stuff... broke before i was able to finish the patch
<OscarL> Begasus: "grabbing python3.9_x86-3.9.19-1...." on the first try at least :-D
<Nephele> how can you make hinges that bad, i won't understand
<Nephele> but anyway, someone else, i think anarchos, finished my patch :D
<Nephele> for reference: what i did was basically: figure out which device node in linux actually works for controlling brightness, figure out which driver provides that node, figure out which protocol it speaks
<Nephele> and then implement that
<OscarL> I have an old netbook, where I can at least turn down the brightness while on the boot loader... no such luck on my "new" netbook.
<OscarL> and the wifi card on that one keeps trolling me. since february, on two separate days, it worked perfectly... rest of the time... it won't connect at all :-(
<Begasus> nice OscarL!
<Begasus> OscarL, that was only with "pip install notebook" :)
<OscarL> "pip list" is how long after that? :-D
<Begasus> oh, most of them were already "satisfied" :P
<Begasus> since the source is installed as --user I should be able to disable that IPv6 error I guess?
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<OscarL> Begasus: pip installs under non-packaged, even if you don't use --user
<OscarL> just different "non-packaged" (system vs home)
<Begasus> yeah, I meant the one in ~/
<Begasus> still need to clean/nuke the ones in system
<OscarL> (so you could edit either of them, for testing purposes, I guess)
<Begasus> guess this is a clue? ;) File "/boot/home/config/non-packaged/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tornado/", line 152, in bind_sockets
<dovsienko> waddlesplash: Clang 18 on Haiku takes a header that is 131072 bytes large just fine. possibly there is some coarse guard in the parser that only prevents walking off the allocated pages, rather than the file size
<OscarL> Begasus: "pip install" also has a "--editable" (aka "develop mode"), but never tried it.
<Begasus> not going there now OscarL :P
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<OscarL> Begasus: you can try commenting out that "if hasattr(socket, "IPPROTO_IPV6"):" and the next line.
<Kokito> Hello
<Begasus> Hi Kokito!
<Begasus> just did OscarL diff error :P
<Kokito> Hello Begasus!
<Begasus> no time to tackle this atm :)
<OscarL> yeah, too much to do already.
<Begasus> 245 items in /boot/home/config/non-packaged/lib/python3.10/site-packages :P
<OscarL> wonder what happened to Python's "batteries included" :-D
<Begasus> actually I don't OscarL, waiting on review to merge gettext changes before I can move on :P
<Nephele> OscarL: fwiw the "testing how linux does it" can be done with a live usb too
<Begasus> have been in contact in the last days with one of the tokodon devs to bring gear24 to work :)
<OscarL> building python on the USB sticks I have? I'll compile it faster by hand :-D
<Begasus> same one that upstreamed a small patch to disable dbus for plasmatube, and a golden tip for kirigami related apps (KF6) :D
<Begasus> heh
<OscarL> I have VoidLinux on the "new" netbook at least (did 3.13.0b1 there).
<OscarL> seeing the test run end without errors or hangs almost made me cry :-(
<OscarL> Begasus: do you have in mind any .recipe in particular I should try building with 3.9.19?
<Nephele> OscarL: no, i ment for the backlight
<Begasus> not realy OscarL, I just search with inrecipe to see what uses a certain string and go from there
<OscarL> nephele: ah, right. :-) Yeah... I guess I could take a look but... seems I'm only good for really simple drivers (and not really that "good" actually :-D)
<Begasus> like with gettext, did a inrecipe search for all the commands/libraries provided by gettext
<Nephele> well, figuring out which linux driver supports your backlight would already be a starting point to put in a ticket for any dev wanting to tackle this
<Nephele> doesn't mean you have to write the patch yourself
<Nephele> I really like this desk going up and down :3
<Begasus> no good way to respond to that :P
<Nephele> Begasus: i can make a standing desk on the fly, so cool! :D
<Begasus> now I could use a good sidetrack! :D
<OscarL> update and move crawl to 3.10? :-)
<Begasus> why do I have a feeling this involves python ...
<OscarL> bah... that's too easy... do iaito or qgis :-)
* OscarL is itching to give 3.9 the boot :-D
<Begasus> don't get me started there!
<Begasus> still can't get rizin to play nice with cutter :P
<Begasus> and hence no ghidra
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL 689d298 - python3.10: fix build on 32 bits. (#10784)
<OscarL> full ghidra wasn't really needed, IIRC, there was a smaller "ghidra" plugin that was enough, if I'm not mistaken.
<Begasus> same thing there OscarL
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<OscarL> but I barely remember looking at that.
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<Begasus> the patch used in cutter to detect rizin stands in the way for ghidra
<Begasus> if cutter would just detect rizin without it we would get a lot further
* OscarL does "hp -G crawl_x86", and see how long it takes for his patience to run out for today.
* Begasus prepares to head out to the grandchildren
<OscarL> wonderful! not only this thing uses Python... but also gives lua conflits. :-(
<Begasus> rofl
<OscarL> good thing I got that HaikuPorts patch in, so I can see the error :-P
<Begasus> I'm heading out! have fun :P
<OscarL> later!
<Begasus> cu later peeps!
<OscarL> damn game installs a font :-/
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<OscarL> misleading requirements... lists "cmd:python3.9", but make calls for "python3". Anyway... no point on testing 3.9 on this thing (should be moved to 3.10 already).
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck 24f5b0d - ghostscript: bump version
* OscarL really, really dislikes when recipes list indirect dependencies :-(
<OscarL> Deps on python packages are already a PITA. Add superfluous, undocumented, or indirect, deps on top of that, and it makes you wanna scream.
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<OscarL> Enough for today. Have a fun weekend, folks!
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<phschafft> nephele: ping?
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<HaikuUser> Hello
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<Nephele> hello phschafft
<jmairboeck> Begasus: I am currently building the latest stable version of lilypond (2.24.4), and texinfo seems to work fine. But I am using local packages here, not the ones from buildmaster (I didn't clean haikuports/packages before).
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<erysdren> anyone on who knows anything about how Haiku deals with USB HDD docks?
<phschafft> nephele: just wanted to know if you need any time from me today.
<Begasus> jmairboeck, I got 2024 also still installed here on 64bit :)
<jmairboeck> I'm not talking about texlive, although that is also working here :)
<jmairboeck> about your problem with texinfo and perl
<Begasus> ah, is that involved?
<jmairboeck> lilypond uses texinfo to build
<Begasus> does it use "makeinfo" in there?
<jmairboeck> yes
<jmairboeck> and here it worked
<Begasus> 32/64bit?
<jmairboeck> 64 bit nightly
<Begasus> ah! :)
<Begasus> I thought you said it should be backported to beta?
<jmairboeck> I don't have a beta4 to test with unfortunately
<Begasus> if you create a PR I can do a check here
<jmairboeck> my 32 bit beta 4 image is probably not big enough
<Begasus> could check 32bit later if this would work here, not that fast but it builds :)
<jmairboeck> it will take a while, it is still building
<Begasus> teaser :P
<jmairboeck> although I could create the PR already :)
<Begasus> or just push it to a branch, could do a fetch then :)
<Begasus> need to add you to the remotes again :)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 1 commit to lilypond [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck 97858bc - lilypond: bump version
<botifico> [haikuports] jmairboeck created branch lilypond -
<jmairboeck> this way it should be easier to pull for you :)
<Begasus> lol
<Begasus> you pushed remote to upstream I guess ;)
<Begasus> launched
<Begasus> Error: problem 1: package texlive_plaingeneric-2023-2 requires texlive==2023, but none of the providers can be installed
<Begasus> bugger ... looking
<jmairboeck> the texlive packages should be consistent. I hope this works when texlive_core isn't.
<jmairboeck> otherwise we will have to try texlive 2024 again before
<Begasus> k, up and running
<Begasus> had 3 of them not installed
<Begasus> and stored in a backup :)
<Begasus> missing one: ERROR: Please install required programs: msgfmt
<Begasus> this is with the gettext split
<Begasus> k, now it's building
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 1 commit to lilypond [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck d8e7fa3 - lilypond: add cmd:msgfmt to BUILD_PREREQUIRES
<jmairboeck> I added it (untested)
<Begasus> works :)
<Begasus> it still is a bit weird with gettext
<Begasus> the cmd's are only used in BUILD_PREREQUIRES but are declared as base package
<Begasus> libraries in the base package aren't widely used (some not at all)
<Begasus> only one really in use is libintl
<jmairboeck> ah, the gettext tools need $secondaryArchSuffix?
<Begasus> jmairboeck, I don't seel "cmd:makeinfo" in the recipe?
<jmairboeck> ah, should I add that too
<Begasus> Core python package 'pkg_resources' not found: Cannot discover plugins
<Begasus> no you said it used it :P
<Begasus> error on the build
<jmairboeck> I got that too, but it wasn't a hard error it seems
<Begasus> Command: makeinfo -I /sources/lilypond-2.24.4/Documentation/pictures -I out/ -I ./out/en -I ./out -I /sources/lilypond-2.24.4/Documentation --output=out/ out/en/web.texi
<Begasus> it probably doesn't find it?
<jmairboeck> ok, that is your setlocale error again
<jmairboeck> further down in your paste
<Begasus> ah, k, adding it to the recipe didn't fix the build anyway
<Begasus> cmd:texindex$secondaryArchSuffix that pulls it in (should be without suffix too)
<Begasus> right: locale.c: 2571: panic: (called from 4514): bool_setlocale_2008_i: switching into new locale failed; errno=-2147483643
<Begasus> same error
<Begasus> afk for a bit
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 1 commit to lilypond [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck 2977bbe - lilypond: fix texinfo dependency
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 1 commit to lilypond [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck 6370d78 - lilypond: add $secondaryArchSuffix to msgfmt
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<Begasus> HaikuUser, I'm not into private chat if not by someone I already know :)
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<HaikuUser> Begasus: I think you forgot to include a patch here because this doesn't build out of the box...
<Begasus> lol that was 5 years ago (and afaik not enabled?)
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<Begasus> don't think I touched that recipe since then :)
<Begasus> HaikuUser, check if has any updates, but I doubt it
<Begasus> ohwell, it has, but there is a reason it probably is still disabled
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<Nephele> phschafft: just got back getting a new couch xD
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<Begasus> enjoy nephele :)
<Begasus> closing down here, cu peeps!
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<phschafft> nephele: a nice one I hope.
<Nephele> phschafft: I do too :D
<phschafft> ;)
<phschafft> I'm more for sofa-lions.
<phschafft> that style.
<Nephele> heh, nice
<Nephele> this one is a bit smaller one, but no sides so you can lie on it completely
* phschafft nods.
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<lubos76> Hello guys
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<lubos76> Who can help?
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<lubos76> Does everybody sleep?
<phschafft> em.
<phschafft> beside that it's late... maybe it helps giving people time to respond.
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<phschafft> so, maybe post a question?
<lubos76> When is not late?
<phschafft> I guess when the sun is up.
<lubos76> Of course, but I do not know where from is people in this channel, or in which time zone lives.
<Nephele> Yes, exactly. But in general asking "who can help" really asks "who wants to commit to answering my question?" which is a commitment people usually don't want to commit to
<lubos76> ph: do u know to change settings of mouse?
<Nephele> so just ask your question, don't ask to ask. and if somebody sees it to respond to then they will respond
<dovsienko> Preferences -> Input
<lubos76> U are right
<phschafft> ref. your question: what nephele said.
<phschafft> and dovsienko.
<phschafft> nephele: that is why I always answer 'do you know?' with 'no'.
<Nephele> (kinda what i ment above, phschafft doesn't neccesarily know the answer, but is now roped in because he responded :D, even if he does not know)
<phschafft> (and just because I own a computer doesn't mean I can fix your wifi! ;)
<lubos76> But I would like to change sensitivity of wheel
<Nephele> phschafft: 5 wikipedia seiten am tag! unötzes wissen macht mein Gehirn stark!
<dovsienko> some IRC channels put "don't ask to ask, just ask" into the topic
<Nephele> lubos76: that's a differeent question to where the mouse settings are :g
<phschafft> I may be out for movie night in a few minutes. otherwise I would already have hit the power button on my Haiku machine to check out the mouse settings my self.
<phschafft> :(
<Nephele> to that question though, i have no idea.. never needed that setting for myself, so probably never noticed where it is (or if it is missing?)
<phschafft> nephele: my (actually relevant to me) wikipedia article of today was on hyperfine structure decay of hydrogen
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<Nephele> my only interaction with it today was somebody asking me what a molecular formula on a coffee cup was... turns out it was caffeine
<Nephele> should have figured
<phschafft> ;)
<phschafft> (it's on the spin of eletrons fliping every some milions of years, which generates photons of very low engery (~1.2GHz). however they can be used to map very large structures in the universe)
<Nephele> Heh, interesting. I doubt this fact will prove usefull next week, but we'll see
<Nephele> most people I can already scare enough by explaining imaginary numbers
<Nephele> hmm... this computer from my closet wants a password. that's unfortunate
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<OscarL-x64> mmm, ran "pkgman update haiku" fron hrev57881, speeds around 300/350 KB/s (as usual for me on nightlies)... rebooted into hrev57909, and now "pkgman update gcc" doesn't goes above 250 KB/s (and dips into low 100 KB/s).
<OscarL-x64> yp... doesnt goes above 254 KB/s for any of the almost 84 MB of "gcc-13.3.0" package. (guess I'll go back to 57881 to test).
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<OscarL-x64> FWIW, speedtest_cli results fluctuate betwwn 8.79 to 18.70 Mbit/s (pings of 180/200 ms) on hrev57909.
* OscarL-x64 reboots into hrev57881
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* augiedoggie is curious to see if it helps with the stalls over LAN
<OscarL-x64> welp... getting mid 200 KB/s (with some really minor bumps upto 270) now on hrev57881 (while updating python3.10 and git). Just my crappy luck I guess :-)
<OscarL-x64> Good Sunday to you augiedoggie, btw! :-)
<augiedoggie> still saturday for me, but thanks :P
<Coldfirex> Speaking of speeds, I just noticed the slow speeds pulling from git. Like 400KB/sec vs 20MB/sec on my linu box. Is this common?
<OscarL-x64> heh, I usually don't even know which day is ts *locally* :-D (Sat 20:44 here, apparently)
<augiedoggie> my main git slowness is usually caused by disk IO, not network lag
<augiedoggie> i usually get several MB/s to github
<augiedoggie> latest changes don't seem to have improved my throughput to the packages servers, still around 400KB/s
<OscarL-x64> Coldfirex: I barely use git outside of Haiku, and less so for big repos so can't compare. cloning from anywere BUT Haiku's gerrit is usually fast for me on Haiku.
<OscarL-x64> I/O operations.... not so much.
<OscarL-x64> I get pretty terrible I/O stalls on beta4 (particularly when removing "large" repos (~8K files and up).
<OscarL-x64> pushing a 1 line patch to Haiku's gerrit takes me 3 to 5 minutes for some reason.
<OscarL-x64> ("remote: counting objects" step is the one that spends an insane amount of time in that case... never see that on other remotes).
<Coldfirex> very strange