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<olm> yo
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<olm> Lonely code whispers,
<olm> Haiku's ghost in old channels—
<olm> Echoes of past dreams.
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<win8linux[m]> Good afternoon!
<Begasus> Hi there win8linux[m] :)
<win8linux[m]> About to jump back into Haiku again, is it safe to update nightly installs right now?
<SLema> And I came here just to say Good night :-)
<SLema> I am using one now. If something goes wrong you can always press space on boot and boot from a previous state
<Begasus> g'night then SLema :)
<win8linux[m]> <nephele> "I think it's interesting how..." <- On the one hand, it means that Haiku is attracting less technical people more, which is good for a desktop OS.
<win8linux[m]> On the other hand, it does also mean that a more publicly documented release process might be needed.
<Begasus> switched the 32bit installs to nightly, so far no real problem (but they aren't used as much as this one)
<win8linux[m]> Also, good to know that updating nighties is ok during the release process.
<Begasus> testing fase before release :)
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* phschafft walks in. brings some carot and bell paper sticks with him.
<Begasus> Moin phschafft :)
<phschafft> :)
<phschafft> I always write a comma at the end of the printf format string in the shell.
<phschafft> however that just adds a comma to the output on POSIX. happy I fixed that in lci ;)
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<phschafft> has anyone ever wondered how the speed difference is for multi-pass hashing of files compared to single-pass hashing with multiple algos?
<Begasus> don't think so, got already lost half-way reading that :D
<phschafft> haha
<phschafft> I think it only matters on files large compared to installed RAM with disks slow compared to CPU.
<phschafft> in one software project we have a value how large a file can be for the software to hash it on the fly without asking the user. the value started with 16MB. then got to 512MB, and now I consider to raise it even more.
<Begasus> Not related, but me thinks it's somewhere in the area :)
<Begasus> Just finished massif virtualizer here :)
<phschafft> :))
<Begasus> reboot, time to create some thumbdrive setups :)
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<HaikuUser2> hi
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<Kokito> Hello from Beta 5 ;)
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* OscarL got a KDL on beta5 TC0... with Web+ open, started GLTeapot, got the (continuable):
<OscarL> after "cont", Teapot kept working, Web+ auto-closed. :-/
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<HaikuUser> hi guys
<phschafft> :)
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] nephele pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57973] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] c251e4e13b3b - BMenuItem: draw checkmark on marked item in matrix-layout menus
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<cocobean> WebKit 619.1.14 / Haiku r1B5 TC0 -need to media_add_on server moreso....
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<Begasus> re
<phschafft> :)
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<Begasus> k, so far no supprises on checking test release :)
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<Begasus> Guess someone noticed some social media attention on Haiku/KDE :) "Because of your active involvement in the KDE community, you are eligible to vote on one of these proposals"
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<Begasus[m]> testing ...
<Begasus> no crash :D
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<Nephele> I'm really confused with cocobeans messages, most of the time I have no idea what he is talking about, especially if he mentions webkit version (which we don't really use normally)
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<Begasus> guess you're not alone, some post on the forum are hard to read too :)
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<Nephele> Begasus: you get to vote on proposals?
<Nephele> I'm curious :D
<Begasus> seems so nephele :)
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<Nephele> did they send you an email?
<Begasus> yep
<Nephele> neat
<Begasus> was supprised by it :)
<Nephele> Guess you will need to be kdegasus in the future :D
<Begasus> lol
<Nephele> i don't know what kde votes on, if you do vote for something i'd be interested how that turns out
<Begasus> no way, only thing I did is bring it into social media and link it to Haiku ;)
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<Begasus> didn't vote for plasma specific items :)
<Halian> o/
<Begasus> Hi Halian
<Halian> Haldo
<Nephele> Begasus: well you did keep kde frameworks up to date and helped with severall ports directly
<Nephele> so yes you are active there :)
<Nephele> kind of cool that they recognize that honestly
<Begasus> not everything I build/packaged is at haikuports :)
<Begasus> some are already there for KF5 :)
<Halian> I heard there's been some progress on compiling Firefox under Haiku 😃
<Halian> oops, wrong emoji. damn KDE emoji picker :|
<Begasus> yeah, my thought too nephele
<Halian> 👀 *
<Begasus> heh
<Nephele> Halian: I guess? you can check the forum. iirc there is nothing finished
<Begasus> Seems there is Halian, you can read all about it in the forum
<Halian> That's where I heard about it :P
<Halian> LOL
<Halian> I'm on team btop
<Begasus> lol
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<Begasus> rings a bell, but no idea Halian :)
<Anarchos> what are the news on nvmm (qemu hardware accelearation)
<Begasus> only what is announced at the forum Anarchos, not sure if dalme is around ...
<Nephele> i don't like the filter with which WebPositive scales down images :(
<Begasus> tss ... Haiku isn't listed there Halian :)
<Halian> Heaven forfend I enjoy other operating systems
<Halian> More seriously, that just means you have the opportunity to port it to Haiku :3
<Nephele> seems an unfinished port to haiku gains more hype than the actual release of beta5, though maybe that will just swap over
<Begasus> posted earlier on mastodon nephele, maybe caught some eyes there too :)
<Nephele> Halian: but we have ProcessControler... :)
<Halian> nephele: soon™
<Halian> nephele: why can't we have multiple options :|
<Nephele> Sure you can
<Halian> We, not I
<Nephele> Just don't expect multiple options in the default install :D
<Begasus> Halian ... CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:73 (message): Haiku is not supported :P
<Halian> :<
<Halian> Also, I don't enjoy how it feels like I'm being belittled for enjoying something that doesn';t already come with Haiku :(
<Halian> *doesn't
<Nephele> Why do you feel belittled? Begasus is actually looking to port it right now :/
<Begasus> Halian, just did/doing a quick check (as I do with all new things that cross my path) :)
<Halian> I have no way of reading your or Begasus' minds, but Begasus set the tone at 14:01:55 UTC by telling me off because Haiku wasn't on the list of supported operating systems, followed by your 14:04:37 "but we have ProcessControler... :)" [sic] and your 14:05:03 "Just don't expect multiple options in the default install :D", as if it's verboten to encompass or imagine the existence of
<Halian> multiple ways to skin a particular cat under Haiku :(
<Nephele> well the "..." in my message was ment to indicate that it was more of a joke, I personally like more native tools, but processController can show just ram and cpu utilization, it's not really as versatile as btop
<Begasus> Halian, that was not like telling you off
<Nephele> As for my last message, i don't quite understand how you came to that conclusion. I ment it exactly as I wrote it, you can install whatever you like and want, and you are free to (after all it is your computer). Just don't neccesarily expect big third party projects to be included on the installation medium
<Begasus> right there nephele
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<Begasus> short temper ...
<Nephele> Hmm, nobody requested btop to consider a Haiku port yet. Maybe they can ask on the bugtracker.
<Begasus> well there is still htop :)
<Begasus> nuked the download :P
<Nephele> Hmm, i do like htop. but funnily enough I've never used it on Haiku, just didn't see the need to. I do use it on bsd and linux though
<Begasus> plenty around here I don't use/need, doesn't make it less interesting to see it working on Haiku :D
<Nephele> heh, phoronix commenter: "Hope they consider having actual security at some point too"
<Nephele> oh, and cb88 is on phoronix complaining about getting banned on the forum (after asking to be banned)... okay
<phschafft> donkey time. see you all later.
<Nephele> Have fun :)
<Begasus> cya phschafft, enjoy!
<phschafft> :)
<phschafft> thank you.
<Begasus> lol, he found a new path nephele :P
<Begasus> don't like it, don't use it, move on ... :P
<Nephele> I wish him well, can't be healthy to just constantly spread negativity like that
<Nephele> for what gain even? :(
<zard> Aye :/
<Nephele> Begasus: just saw that win8linux[m] wrote in the cb88 topic "Please do not let this place turn into something akin to the notorious Phoronix Forums"
<Nephele> xD
<Nephele> foreshadowing
<gordonjcp> moronix
<win8linux[m]> Hahaha
<win8linux[m]> Apollo visited me again with a gift, it seems.
<win8linux[m]> Damn you Apollo and your gift of prophesy!
<win8linux[m]> :p
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<gordonjcp> I think the post about the network stack being too old from someone with the pseud "RejectModernity" is a funny twist
<Nephele> I'm not sure what the 20 year old network stack is about though... that would be much newer than most other networks stacks in use today if you go by "first implementation" *shrug*
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<waddlesplash> yeah, that's an odd comment for sure
<waddlesplash> maybe it referred to the state of our TCP implementation circa beta4?
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<Nephele> I mean, there are *severall* problems with the beta4 nw stack, not only TCP but broken multicast, no ipv6 adress discovery no sctp etc
<Nephele> and the mail_server doesn't validate tls certs
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<Anarchos> nephele i think it is because the net stack is mono thread, compared to the Colin Günther's multithread net stack ?
<Anarchos> (fot the post about the net stack being too old)
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57974] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 3fb85af36cb8 - Tracker: Enable/disable New Folder/Template menu on context-click.
<waddlesplash> Anarchos: no, it's multithreaded
<waddlesplash> and has been for years and years
<Anarchos> waddlesplash ah ok, i thought the work of colin never got merged
<waddlesplash> well, I don't know what work he had, but it's definitely multithreaded
<Skipp_OSX> alright
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<lubos76> Hello guys. How to load html file with bookmarks to Otter browser?
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<OscarL> Mmmm, update to hrev57972, rebooted, all ok. Rebooted again, boot stuck at rocket, hit a key.. ended with PANIC: common _snooze_etc() called with interrupts disabled, timeout 500000 :-/
<OscarL> forced power off... booted again into desktop, but it doesn't reacts to keyboard and thus no keycursor either (touchpad doesn't works).
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57975] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 74238e36f2ba - kernel/timer: Code cleanup.
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<OscarL> syslog shows: "KeyboardDevice: error when opening /dev/input/keyboard/at/0: General system error" (before that, some "ps2: keyboard reset failed [...] assuming no keyboard". Cursed netbook.
<OscarL> But hey... it connected to WiFi on the 3rd attempt (getting better!).
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57976] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] ccc8dff0cc9e - kernel/timer: Fix up previous commit.
<waddlesplash> OscarL: nah, I get that on VMware now and again
<waddlesplash> we definitely have a bug in the PS/2 driver here
<waddlesplash> I haven't looked into it
<OscarL> lubos76: I don't use Otter, but internet search shows "File->Import and Export->Import HML Bookmarks..."
<OscarL> waddlesplash: ok, good to know.
* OscarL puts down the holy water, for now.
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<lubos76> oscarL: THANK u
<OscarL> :-)
<OscarL> The "if you rename the system folder..." warning, when I'm creating a folder under "non-packaged/add-ons/kernel/busses" is annoying.
<OscarL> specially since to be able to "Rename" via keyboard, you need to: 1- Hit tab. 2- Hold Shift. 3- Hit tab again. 4- Hit enter. 8-/
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<lubos76> oscarL: do u have better browser?
<OscarL> lubos76: I don't du much webbrowsing from Haiku. Usually just stick to the default Webpositive ("Web+").
<OscarL> lubos76: from what I hear from other users, a combination of Web+, Otter, and Falkon seems to more or less cover all needs :-)
<lubos76> Falcon?
<Coldfirex> Testing out the TC0 iso. Its been a while since I installed from scratch. It started booting the ISO but then KDL'd on "panic: did not find any boot partitions". I would have guess that it would have completed the boot off of ISO still
<lubos76> Falkon is for Linux, but also for HAIKU?
<OscarL> Same with Otter. therre are ports for Haiku.
<OscarL> "Dooble", Netsurf, "links", lynx, "dillo" are others that I remember.
<OscarL> lubos76: you can use "pkgman search" from the command line, use the HaikuDepot application, or use the "Haiku Depot" website ( to see what's available.
<lubos76> Netsurf is alpha version IMHO
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<PulkoMandy> NetSurf is a native app and not alpha at all, it's been available for years
<PulkoMandy> (The web rendering engine is shared with other versions of NetSurfbut the ui is developped for BeOS by mmu_man and updated by me for Haiku)
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<waddlesplash> Coldfirex: but what boot device are you booting from?
<Coldfirex> @Waddlesplash: ISO on cdrom within vmware. I got my boot settings correct now, to fully boot ISO, but that still doesnt seem right to KDL before the ISO boots
<waddlesplash> ?
<Coldfirex> *fully
<waddlesplash> the KDL is because we can't find the boot partition
<waddlesplash> this may be a bug in Haiku or it may be a misconfiguration in VMware
<waddlesplash> if you put the CDROM on a VMware device we don't support (like some of the SCSI ones) then this is expected
<Coldfirex> the cdrom is specified as ide. I didnt change its settings to get it to fully boot. Just the hard drives
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<lubos76> oscarL: Falcon is very good. I can now log to one web :)
<OscarL> Glad you found one that works for you.
<Coldfirex> Weird. It KDLs when the hard disk is set to scsi, but not when IDE or if the drive isnt even attached
<waddlesplash> SCSI HDDs are not supported
<waddlesplash> in VMware that is
<waddlesplash> but if it fails to find the CD boot partition when a SCSI hard disk is attached this is odd
<waddlesplash> are you sure the CD isn't also on SCSI?
<Coldfirex> I am. Hard disk is scsi, cdrom is IDE. That causes the KDL on boot. Otherwise its fine booting the ISO fully
<lubos76> coldirex: really do u have SCSI HDD?
<Coldfirex> @lubos76: No, this is virtual within vmware
<diver> waddlesplash: I just checked and Haiku fails with "did not find any boot partitions" while booting from iso attached as cdrom IF hard disk is connected as SCSI/SATA/NVME
<diver> but if I switch it to IDE it boots
<waddlesplash> VMware always gets the oddest boot bugs...
<Coldfirex> @diver: thanks for confirmation
<diver> still I think some of them are ours :P
<Begasus> waddlesplash, issue with "Find" probably related to locales, when I switch to English it shows OK, when I switch to Dutch it doesn't as shown in the forum
<waddlesplash> ah
<Begasus> probably the string is too long or the Window doesn't adjust to the lenght?
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<Begasus> in beta4 it's still OK, but there it hasn't changed :)
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<OscarL> Web+ settings gets 2x wider than normal if Language is set to Spanish. Should do like Appearence preflet, and wrap the "The quick brown..." sample text.
<Begasus> Same behaviour for that on beta4 OscarL :)
<OscarL> one of the reasons I stick to English :-D
<Begasus> yeah, if I didn't check Dutch I wouldn't have noticed the glitch in "Find" window
<OscarL> Welp, I can't find a relevant Web+ ticket (Trac search sucks)... so... /me opens one.
<Begasus> closing down here, cu peeps!
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<Skipp_OSX> yeah I fixed that bug on Appearance Fonts setting for Spanish being too wide by making the text wrap but whomever copied the code didn't do that in Web+
<phschafft> it seems we're back.
<Nephele> Skipp_OSX: which commit?
<Nephele> I can port it to webpositive
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<OscarL> nephele: seems f515b1c0f3ffae894605eb1bb534fe65977115cd
<Nephele> hmm, i wonder why it even is two codebases like this in any case
<Nephele> oh well
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<phschafft> nephele: are you feeling better btw?
<Nephele> yes
<phschafft> that is good news :)
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* Nephele gets wierd errors in gcc libs. Gets idea: update buildtools maybe that helps
<Nephele> although. huh. i'm not actually using the buildtools
<Nephele> ...hmm
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<Nephele> oh, new gcc in haikudepot
<phschafft> which version?
<Nephele> 13.3
<phschafft> thank you. :)
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] ba4478ce60f4 - openfirmware: set the console write handle properly
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57977] -
<Nephele> ugh, i'm frustrated with these font preferences of webpositive, half the code in it is dead it seems. there are font size limits in it but not even hooked up to the spinners .-.
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<Nephele> I'm gonna leave this for now. Rather rewrite it later properly with a Slider instead of a spinner
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