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<yangyangdaji[m]> hi
<yangyangdaji[m]> I have rewritten pci.h. You can find it in the following link:
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<erysdren> so whats the deal with haikuports
<erysdren> why's it down
<erysdren> it wouldn't sync on my R1B4 install
<erysdren> thank you
<OscarL> np. Have a good night! /me crashes.
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<HaikuUser> Hi.
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<HaikuUser> Hi. I am a new user.
<HaikuUser> Talking from Oracle Virtualbox.
<HaikuUser> I want to ask a question.
<HaikuUser> Is there any browsers installed by itself in Haiku that can play YT videos?
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<Begasus> would help if people waited for an answer :P
<gordonjcp> yeah
<gordonjcp> it's 0930 on a Sunday
<gordonjcp> what do they expect?
<gordonjcp> that being said even a big channel like #ubuntu is usually just tumbleweeds when you ask an actual support question
<Begasus> can't complain when I have questions in the KDE channels
<gordonjcp> yeah
<gordonjcp> I try and help out in channels where I know stuff
<Begasus> same here, and after 20years still no expert :D
<Begasus> why do ninja builds always have some part building with HUGE memory resources?
<gordonjcp> see, I don't know that at all
<Begasus> bugger :)
<gordonjcp> so I wouldn't answer ordinarily
<Begasus> first 20k objects for qtwebengine wen't smoothly
<Begasus> since this morning only about 400 objects done
<Begasus> -3K to go :)
<Begasus> out in a bit, first quick question
<Begasus> is it possible to attatch virtual RAM during a build?
<gordonjcp> you mean like swap?
<gordonjcp> I guess you could just increase your swap size
<gordonjcp> it'd be slow
<gordonjcp> got my audio editing done ->
<Begasus> well, there is "RAM FS" now, maybe I could attatch that (or is that already in use in beta4)?
<Begasus> will check later gordonjcp, qtwebengine still building, so system is laggy due to RAM usage
<Begasus> k, out for a bit, cu later :)
<phschafft> is there ram compression in Haiku? just asking ref. the question from Begasus.
<PulkoMandy> No
* phschafft nods.
<PulkoMandy> And ramfs is to store files in ram, not magically improve your ram size
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<HaikuUser> hello
<HaikuUser> I test Haiku
<HaikuUser> on vm
<HaikuUser> the nightly version .... because on standart not can install GIMP or Libreoffice
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<HaikuUser2> sorry haiku clothes
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<coolcoder613_> phschafft: compressed swap file in RAMFS?
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<phschafft> ?
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes e27f8f9 - tg_owt: bump version, switch to ffmpeg6
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<Nephele> hi
<Nephele> Begasus: got dragged into porting new minetest, and removing some openssl1 dependencies xD
<phschafft> nephele: I have seen some discussions on the forum which I think you referenced.
<phschafft> and yes, I was thinking our communication was strange. but some of that...
<Nephele> Hmm?
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<phschafft> the style and tone of some is... strange.
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+4/-4/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes 9cdb9f8 - Telegram: bump version, switch to ffmpeg6
<Nephele> Begasus: you can likely add more virtual memory (i.e swap) to your build. But you would likely make the build slower, not faster, that way
<Nephele> okay, got rid of openssl1 for qt6_base and qt6_tools for qmplay2
<Nephele> now to figure out who is drawing in ffmpeg4
<Nephele> 5*
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<Nephele> okay, the ffmpeg6_devel package is somewhat broken
<Nephele> the packages all get assigned (lib)VersionCompat, but those vars don't exist. only the (lib)Version vars exist
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<Begasus> k, nuked qtwebengine again for a while, still [75/2827] to go :)
<Begasus> nephele, minetest ... that was ages ago iirc
<Nephele> Well, I'm porting the new version begasus
<Begasus> thnx peeps on the RAM/swap notices :)
<Nephele> and i also wanted to install qmplay2 again without openssl1 or ffmpeg<6
<Begasus> nice nephele, pushing to hp too?
<Nephele> so now i'm cleaning stuff up
<Begasus> maybe check nextcloud-client also while you're at it?
<Nephele> No, but I will send you the patches by mail, and you can use them if you think they are good enough :)
<Nephele> nextcloud client?
<Begasus> :)
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<Begasus> hi OscarL!
<Nephele> what does it do? is that a qt app?
<Begasus> yes nephele, broken on beta5 also due to TLS
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<OscarL> Hola Begasus :-)
<Begasus> at this pace I guess qtwebeingine "could" be done in a few days :P
<Nephele> it's stuck on qt5 begasus?
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<Begasus> nephele, I'm still on beta4 (this install), so not going to check qt6 if not needed on 32bit :)
<Begasus> yep still qt5
<Nephele> > How to compile the desktop client
<Nephele> > 🏗️ System requirements includes OpenSSL 1.1.x, QtKeychain, Qt 5.x.x and zlib.
<Nephele> Sucks then
<Begasus> tried a rebuild for it with openssl3 on 32bit (beta5) no luck yet
* OscarL seems to finally have "reliable" WiFi on the "new" netbook (4th day in a row it works). Even autoconnects now (after puting an "" script under ~/config/settings/boot/launch :-D)
<Nephele> that script should not be neccesary
<Nephele> there is a damn bug somewhere in the wifi stack
<Nephele> Begasus: [100%] Linking CXX executable ../bin/minetest
<Begasus> nice OscarL, good work from TmTFx :)
<Begasus> got it then nephele :)
<Nephele> Begasus: anyway, not gonna bother fixing a qt5 ssl1 lib :g
<OscarL> nephele: right, it shouldn't but... beats making me mad to forget to check if connection is up before trying to ssh into it :-D
<Nephele> err, app
<OscarL> Begasus: yeah! nice to have brightness control at last!
<Begasus> maybe could work on this one too then :P
* OscarL should take a look at brightness control for the GMA3100 (on the Atom N450), before he forgets the little he learned about the intel_extreme driver.
<OscarL> Mmm, seems the bug found on hstr is already known to be a memory leak on readline :-/
<Nephele> okay newer minetest here we go
<Begasus> there is a PR open for that OscarL, maybe magicly fixed by it? :P
<OscarL> would be nice if we could compile hstr agains libedit instead (trivial attempt: no go)
<OscarL> Begasus: re readline PR... stranger things have happened. let's hope!
<Begasus> needs patching OscarL?
<Begasus> haven't checked there yet
<OscarL> Begasus: I don't thing upstream hstr has ever considered using libedit instead of libreadline, so yeah... would need patching (more than what my short attention spans allow :-D)
<Nephele> Begasus: I guess i did something wrong :( it started making .minetest folder again
<OscarL> (I now want to find out why power_daemon misbehaves if "acpi_lid" driver is used)
<Nephele> maybe have to port over some patches
<Begasus> build without patching nephele? (haven't looked here)
<OscarL> only one "dot folder" currently on my $HOME... some "scary looking" ".pki" that I didn't dared to remove (yet).
<Begasus> got that ".pki" also here
<Nephele> dot folders in the home dir by ported apps seems like an untrained animal dropping stuff :)
<OscarL> agreed.
<Nephele> i don't have a .pki in my home folder
<Nephele> only .fltk, and .aspell*
<Begasus> bad trainy here :P
<OscarL> Begasus: sometimes is "other people's dogs" fault :-)
<Begasus> with the dogs I'm pretty good I think OscarL :D
<OscarL> or sometimes we just forget... (seeing a ".xash_id" file in here :-( )
<Begasus> atleast one that passed full obidience :D
<Begasus> /boot/home/.pki/nssdb not sure where the nssdb comes from
<OscarL> (mood: even dogs are better behaved than me)
<Begasus> lol
<Nephele> nss is a mozilla library
<Nephele> it does similar stuff to openssl
<Begasus> had it cleaned the other day, latest date atm 4 days ago, so somthing is responcible there :P
<Begasus> sible* (?)
<Nephele> do you have libnss installed?
<OscarL> Begasus: it is Falkon's fault.
<Begasus> "nss" yes
<OscarL> it creates the folder as soon as you navigate some https url
<Begasus> ah
<Begasus> also got kdnssd installed :)
<Begasus> and xml_nss ...
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 2e31241 - mpv, bump version (#10840)
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<Begasus> biab
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+3/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes 24bd140 - CCTV-Viewer: add recipe
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<debaser> Hello - just a boring/typical message on IRC that I just installed Haiku on a Think Centre 630e and thrilled to finally have a system on hardware :)
<Nephele> neat
<debaser> for once - things just work hehe
<Habbie> nice
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* OscarL feels like a true ha4or, fixing a decades old nuisance... on the Clock demo app, ROLF.
* OscarL also can't type for s**t.
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<debaser> General Newbie question sorry. I am poking around in HaikuDepot and I am not seeing much populate.. I just signed up for an account is that maybe the issue - some sort of validation step?
<debaser> Do I need to perform a system update?
<OscarL> debaser: no account needed for installing/updating packages...
<OscarL> but if you're in beta4... you won't get updates for now...
<debaser> Ahhh ok ty... just ironic/bad timing for me
<Nephele> heh, ever since i made that topic I see it mentioned frequently (even if there is not that much more info in it)
<Nephele> debaser: :/ It would be nicer if we could have prevented this, but on the bright side you can check out beta5 in a couple of weeks
<debaser> thanks OscarL
<OscarL> nephele: I link to that because I'm too lazy to write the same repeatedly (and also to avoid inflicting more of my famous typos on poor users) :-)
<Nephele> OscarL: I feel like we should make our faq more easily linkable
<Nephele> it seems like if it is easy to link something like that is used :D
<Nephele> and this beta4 intruption does seem to be freuquently asked
<OscarL> yeah.
<debaser> nephele: :) Sounds good!
<Nephele> is B_USER_DATA_DIRECTORY not used?
<Nephele> it's where I'd expect minetest to store it's worlds, games etc
<Nephele> it points to /boot/home/config/data
<Nephele> which seems plausible to me?
<Nephele> or does /boot/home/config/non-packaged/data have to be used?
<Nephele> (or is it normal to store save games in the settings dir?)
<PulkoMandy> You can only write to the non-pacbaged version and that's only for non-packaged software
<PulkoMandy> So, yes, you only have settings and cache that are writable, and in theory, cache could be cleaned
<Nephele> maybe we should name it something cooler than settings in that case :g
<Nephele> It would be nice if we could seperate this up a bit, since settings seems really specific.
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck ddcebd0 - perl: don't create the site install dirs in non-packaged
<Nephele> > /boot/system/develop/tools/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-haiku/13.3.0/../../../../x86_64-unknown-haiku/bin/ld: /sources/minetest-5.9.0/src/porting.cpp:912:(.text+0x9714): undefined reference to `BUrl::OpenWithPreferredApplication(bool) const'
<Nephele> What library do i need to link to for that? just libbe?
<Nephele> or is there a C-only alternative to openWithPrefferedApplication to avoid this link time dep?
<Begasus> /boot/system/lib/ T _ZNK4BUrl28OpenWithPreferredApplicationEb
<Begasus> and /boot/system/lib/ t _ZNK4BUrl28OpenWithPreferredApplicationEb.cold
<Begasus> lgrep to the resque (thanks again for that OscarL) :)
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<Nephele> I wrote this for minetest, but it doesn't seem to work :(
<Nephele> It seems to set an empty string, is there something wrong with that code on it's own?
<Nephele> oh, i still have it say data dir .-.
<nipos> nephele, waddlesplash: Are you now happy with the latest version of my Pull Request? Already have the next thing ready locally, but don't want to mess with too much stuff at the same time.
<Begasus> no clue there nephele, should be plenty examples in haikuports tree
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<Nephele> nipos: I don't think using the document colors is a good idea here. To me this is a distinctive design element. I'd be happier if it just kept the exact rendering it does not, in light mode, and only switched some colors for the dark mode, but also has a fixed rendering there
<Nephele> does now*
<Nephele> (and also if the shadown isn't inverted, since that isn't really how shadows work, and inverted rendering usually looks pretty bad)
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<nipos> I don't know if I get what you want it to look like? Should I also try to prevent having dark background and white lines, but black lines on a grey background instead? Or stay with white lines, only make the background a bit lighter? Or is it all about the technical designs, so hardcode black instead of using the document background color (which is black in dark mode)?
<Nephele> both, don't use the document colors, and instead hardcode the colors. And in dark mode use a darkish gray for the background, on which the lines can cast a shadown that is darker than the background
<Nephele> as for the Colors of the arms, that depends what looks good on the grayish background
<nipos> Okay, that should be doable, I'll try again
<Nephele> In this case probably B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR should be consulted if it should be rendered dark/white for consistency with where the element appears
<Nephele> Begasus: do we have ssl3 for qt5?
<Begasus> does it use it?
<Skipp_OSX> Document color is for the white background of documents... panel background color is for the light gray of panels... difference is you can edit white document, you can't edit gray panel
<Begasus> devel:libssl$secondaryArchSuffix >= 3 (seems to be there nephele)
<Begasus> so should have been rebuild for beta5
<Skipp_OSX> Although we use white document color in Tracker, and you can edit the file name so that counts I guess... when you can't edit, I make the color gray although that's my doing
<Skipp_OSX> anyway white is editable, gray is non-editable that's the idea for the most part.
<nipos> Doesn't look too bad, I think?
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<Nephele> Skipp_OSX: the context here is the clock widget in time preferences
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<Skipp_OSX> ah yes, so panel bg is good there right?
<Nephele> to determine wether it should render in light or dark, since it is seated on a panel background that is the color I would use to determine what the OS setting it
<Skipp_OSX> yeah makes sense
<Nephele> I don't want to introduce uneccesary dependencies on the specific panel color used to influence the clock for example
<Nephele> Instead having two renders we know are good, and switch between those
<Nephele> webpositive again doesn't download files, and cant open the downloads folder. ugh
<Nephele> nipos: can't really tell, it's hard to view since it is rotated and the colors don't look anything like on my screen in either view
<Nephele> screenshot would be easier for me to interpret
<Nephele> cant resolve hostname
<Begasus> "Fensterreister" funny name :)
<nipos> Maybe try again on another device then or try using a webproxy page. It works perfectly fine here and is hosted at the server of a friend
<Nephele> the contrast is too little in dark mode
<Nephele> with outer ring black bars and the cursors
<Nephele> maybe making them a light gray will help
<nipos> Hm, maybe I should also try if that XMPP bug that messages get lost when using multiple devices is finally solved, so I don't have to painfully type all of those long random alphanumeric links at my phone
<Nephele> what bug?
<Nephele> are you talking about not seeing messages you send on other devices in renga?
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<nipos> When I was really active at XMPP, long before Matrix became a thing, it happened often that messages in group chats only appeared on one of my connected devices, or even personal chats that I saw only on one of the devices. That was before I knew Renga and Haiku, and also happened with messages others sent
<nipos> That was the main reason I switched to Matrix, but with its major performance issues nobody cares to solve, I'm back at good old XMPP with a new account. And thought it's a good idea to only connect my phone to prevent old bugs catching me again
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<nipos> I made the background a bit lighter again, is contrast better now?
<nipos> I tried to avoid making the arms light again because that didn't really look good.
<Nephele> it is somewhat better, yes
<Nephele> but i think it needs to be a bit higher
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<nipos> If I make it even lighter than that, we can call it light mode.
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<nipos> Hello from Renga \o/
<nipos> Seeing messages both here and on my phone seems to work,but I already found a dark mode bug...
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<Vidrep_64> waddlesplash, the regression has been tracked down to hrev57512 for my idualwifi7260 connection issue.
<Vidrep_64> I guess I should say hello first :)
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<botifico> [haiku/website] humdingerb pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<botifico> [haiku/website] andponlin d49acba - Improve UEFI Install Guide (#703)
<OscarL> Nice, odds of being able to boot with SMP enabled on my Atom N450 netbook went from 1/20 to 9/10 (or something like that).
<OscarL> Aaand it locked up while trying to mount a big FAT32 partition :-/
<Skipp_OSX> Fat32 can only be 32gb at most, can't be that big
<OscarL> Tracker crashed while trying to shutdown (ACPI power button was still working), and now it truly got stuck :-D
<Skipp_OSX> yeah that happens sometimes...
<OscarL> Skipp_OSX: FAT32 can be 2TB. Also... I had this same partition since 2013 with WinXP.
<OscarL> Skipp_OSX: kinda funny... a Win11 update will finally lift that 32 GB artificial limit, but only for format.exe :-D
<OscarL> Old tools like Ranish Partition allowed creation of large FAT partitions since ages. Windows limited its size at creation but was happy to use them if already there.
<OscarL> 87.0 GB the one I have here :-) (Booted WinXP just to run chkdsk.exe :-D)
<Skipp_OSX> yeah ok this is all true
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<Begasus> closing down here, cu peeps
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<Nephele> nipos, btw: you can make a review to add your name to the contributer section of aboutSystem if you arent there yet
<Nephele> nipos, regarding renga. is that the current version? I had deleted that entire settings menu during the coding sprint, so it should not be there anymore at all
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<nipos> Thanks for the hint, will add my name soon (probably tomorrow)
<nipos> Renga should be rather recent. I think I last upgraded that computer maybe one or two weeks ago
<Nephele> well we had a release a couple of days ago
<nipos> Then I should install updates tomorrow
<Nephele> If it is the most recent version and still has the settings menu, that'd mean i didn't send that patch to pulkomandy. So weould be interesting, anyway
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<nipos> Where is the current Renga source, btw? I can only find outdated/broken links and posts on the Haiku website.
<nipos> Thanks. The commit log shows nothing related to the settings (or at least I don't see it, but it's late evening, so...) but I'll try updating anyway tomorrow.
<Skipp_OSX> the clock looks good but you have to use tints
<Skipp_OSX> you can't just specify arbitrary colors based on the lightness of the panel background, if panel background is the color you want to use then you'll have to calculate the tints based on an existing color. We should create macros to make this easier but I've allowed it to go on using magic numbers so far.
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<Nephele> Skipp_OSX, I'd disagree here, I'd rather have two sets of predictable renderings that is switches between, rather than calculating something
<Nephele> also the tinting api is pretty terrible for visual perception of brightness :/
<Skipp_OSX> but it ignores all your color prefs right now even if you picked document and were tinting black and white it would be customizable.
<Nephele> Yeah but the clock isn't a document
<Skipp_OSX> Yes, but we could improve that and tints are good for now
<Skipp_OSX> so tint off panel then
<Nephele> I don't see the why, let's just make a rendering that works properly
<Skipp_OSX> it has to be customizable
<Nephele> No, it's not customizable now either, it neither accepts color drops nor does it follow colors
<Skipp_OSX> you can't just use whatever colors you decide based on dark or light
<Skipp_OSX> it is customizable now based off color setting
<Nephele> Sure you can? that's exactly whatr tracker does right now
<Skipp_OSX> where does Tracker do this?
<nipos> The tints used currently are based on hardcoded black and white values, it never changes
<Nephele> No, it ignores colors
<Skipp_OSX> ok well that's a bug then you haven't fixed it
<Nephele> Tracker does this for deciding what to use for like selection colors and stuff, it checks if the contrast is alright and if so uses it's colors
<Nephele> like inverse for example
<nipos> I had, then nephele told me not to do it based on document color.
<Skipp_OSX> inverse is still customizable
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<Skipp_OSX> it could be better but still, it changes with your setting
<Nephele> Skipp_OSX, I disagree, the closk should *not* follow colors. there are no clock colors. If you want it to accept color drops for customization that would be fine, but that is another functionality entirely
<Nephele> Or even better, move it to controlook
<nipos> Feel free to either merge the current pull request or the one with document colors, I don't care personally. Both is an improvement over the current one
<Skipp_OSX> it has to be based off a color setting in Appearance
<Nephele> It does not, because there is no color for it
<Skipp_OSX> it would be an improvement if it used tints
<Nephele> no
<Skipp_OSX> well you'll either have to add some or use existing color pair
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<Nephele> I don't see the point of adding a color just for the clock widget
<Skipp_OSX> agreed
<Nephele> this is seen exactly once in the UI
<Nephele> and only if you have an uncommon preference open
<Skipp_OSX> the background is panel
<Skipp_OSX> oh it's white hmmm
<Skipp_OSX> well either way you're being ridiculous
<Nephele> ....okay? how so?
<Skipp_OSX> by hardcoding colors
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<Nephele> Really? It's ridicilous to specify the colors you want to use if you don't want them to change?
<Skipp_OSX> but people are able to change them to customize
<Nephele> No, they aren't. The clock widget has never supported customizazion
<Skipp_OSX> if you don't want them to change you wouldn't have customized your colors.
<Skipp_OSX> yeah some parts are not finished
<Skipp_OSX> nobody cared enough until now
<Nephele> If you want to add color drops for customization, sure. that's fine, and I won't object
<Skipp_OSX> I would like that yes
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<Nephele> But I will object to hooking it up to unrelated color constants like panel or document background
<Skipp_OSX> well gotta use something reasonable either would do
<Skipp_OSX> document bc it's currently white, panel fit more logically
<Nephele> Okay. So the way I asked nipos to do it now is basically this: light) keep everything how it is; black (panel bg) mute the background color somewhat
<Nephele> So only check panel bg for it's brightness to determine which rendering
<Skipp_OSX> that's basically what I said except you pick two tints one for light one for dark
<Nephele> That's not a tint, it's just a color
<Skipp_OSX> yeah and panel text for the ticks or whatever
<Skipp_OSX> yeah turn it into a tint based on panel bg
<Nephele> no
<Nephele> panel bg tint doesn't work
<Skipp_OSX> bg for bg fg for fg
<Skipp_OSX> why not?
<Nephele> because tint() can't preserve colors, or more drastically will smear colors if your panel is not same exact gray
<Skipp_OSX> so tint off document
<Nephele> it's not the same as setting the brightness or luminosity in a HSL/HSV model
<Nephele> same problem with document colors
<Skipp_OSX> yeah but that's a bigger problem system wide
<Nephele> Yes, it is. But the even bigger here semantically is that neither of those colors match. So let's just not use them. Implement color drops instead
<Skipp_OSX> I want to replace the methods we use right now for lighten and darken but i haven't gotten to it.
<Skipp_OSX> we can also have color drop
<Skipp_OSX> doesn't change the fact that it needs to be customizable based on color setting
<Nephele> we already have wip code for hsl colors, it would be nice to have a comprehensive class for it (like rgb_color)
<Nephele> No, it doesn't. If you have color drops for the clock you don't need it to be hooked up to random constants
<Skipp_OSX> yeah would be I'd like to use that for my color pickers, right now they all use rgb_color but the Colors! picker can take and spit out hsl
<Nephele> One thing I am missing is something akin to sims3
<Skipp_OSX> if I only had a type you could specify in the API and I'll take in and spit out what you say
<Nephele> beeing able to drop colors with foreground and background and accent simultaniousls
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<Nephele> Isn't colors! code from wb2 wb3?
<Skipp_OSX> yes I have also thought this I have a control for it but haven't gotten to implementing it, you know the Photoshop control to pick a pair of colors?
<Nephele> the wonderbrush3 picker looks the best out of those 3 imo
<Nephele> I do not :/
<Skipp_OSX> yeah Colors! goes way back to Be but it's open source and still best color picker we've got
<Skipp_OSX> WonderBrush uses Colors! picker if I'm not mistaken
<Nephele> I think we should move the color picker from wonderbrush3 to libshared
<Skipp_OSX> I'm already on it, better than that
<Skipp_OSX> I'm moving the picker interface to shared, Colors! will be a package
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<Nephele> IIrc the wonderbrush3 UI was looking better visually (in the sense of using the layout kit=
<Nephele> so maybe check if there are any differences there
<Skipp_OSX> you'll get the package if Icon-O-Matic is installed, i.e. the "good" picker
<Nephele> this should be in libshared and used also in appearence preferences, atleast a smaller version of it
<Nephele> the rgb sliders are terrible
<Nephele> (though I do enjoy the 256colors picker there)
<Skipp_OSX> (annoting url)
<Nephele> Yeah, I don't like that one. (except the 8bit mode of it)
<Skipp_OSX> and then there's some other pickers that you can install but you probably won't bc they aren't that good
<Skipp_OSX> 256colors could easily be made into a picker, I haven't gotten around to it.
<Nephele> Skipp_OSX, this is how it looks in sims 3
<Nephele> on the left the 7 dots can be dragged
<Skipp_OSX> oh you mean cylinder menus...
<Nephele> and you can select the colors on the left to select which you want to modify
<Nephele> No i only wanted to show you the left part, disregard the rest
<Nephele> (to show one possible UI of how to drop severall simultainously)
<Skipp_OSX> oh well the drag dots are why we have draggers on the window corner and well not the scroll bar thumb because of savages but they are kind of passé
<Nephele> Pfft, i rather like them on the thumb too.
<Skipp_OSX> I know but they won't let me
<Nephele> I still need to fix webpositive, it uses the wrong color for the scrollbar, it's not legible
<Skipp_OSX> anti-thumb bias
<Nephele> somehow *nobody* complains about this though
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<Skipp_OSX> yeah... it's a subclass
<Skipp_OSX> WebPositive is doing terrible things but that's ok
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<Nephele> what do you mean by subclass?
<Skipp_OSX> I fixed the tabs to be actual tabs...
<Skipp_OSX> I mean it's a subclass of BScrollBar doing it's own thing
<Nephele> No it isn't
<Skipp_OSX> oh yeah then it's like the tabs
<Nephele> I'm talking about Webkit, it doesn't use BScrollbar at all
<Nephele> It just calls decorator api directly
<Skipp_OSX> oh WebKit I see... yes it does
<Skipp_OSX> well it has a facsimile that is a BScrollBar somewhere but yes it does it's own thing
<Skipp_OSX> its
<Skipp_OSX> I had to tame the tabs for BeControlLook... probably need the same
<Nephele> Webkit scrollbars will break if you try to install a controllook with custom scrollbars
<Nephele> It doesn't actually call the thumb draw methods, but instead calls the same internal methods the control look uses to draw the thumbs and buttons
<Nephele> as for tabs, I think WebPositive should Have a List/TreeView, and no tabs :P
<Nephele> tabs work terrible in haiku for content that isn't fixed in size
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<Skipp_OSX> aha wait
<Skipp_OSX> control background and foreground color is the right ones to use, and border
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<Nephele> for scrollbars? yes
<Skipp_OSX> for clock
<Nephele> No
<Skipp_OSX> makes sense to me, it's a control, and that's black and white
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<Nephele> It would not even match in light mode
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<Skipp_OSX> what do you mean?
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<Nephele> Skipp_OSX, control colors dont even match the clock in light theme
<Skipp_OSX> white and black don't match the current clock colors in light theme?
<Nephele> control background and control text aren't the same colors as those the clock use in light theme, yes
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<Skipp_OSX> what are the colors it uses in light theme?
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<Nephele> dont have the source to check but seems fairly close to kblack and kwhite and some kind of red
<Skipp_OSX> no, you don't have to check it's black and white like I said
<Skipp_OSX> and yes the hour hand is red
<Nephele> then i don't know what you are on about with control colors
<Nephele> ... isn't that the hand for the seconds?
<Skipp_OSX> depends on mode but yes
<Coldfirex> Has anyone tried afl++ in a while on Haiku? Testing it out and I get "make: afl-gcc: Command not found" when trying to work with a simple test program
<Skipp_OSX> <= clock with control colors using tints in light mode vs dark mode
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<erysdren> "ai features"
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* coolcoder613_ sighs
coolcoder613_ is now known as coolcoder613
<coolcoder613> That, and collab, is probably their future avenue for monetisation
<coolcoder613> They have to get money somewhere, don't they?
<erysdren> its not my call, i just think "ai features" are hugely offputting
<erysdren> for me.
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