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* waddlesplash is currently on the single most absurd yak shave he's ever had to deal with on Haiku
<waddlesplash> I just wanted to fix the "audio takes multiple seconds to start working" bug... turns out it's, like, at least 6 bugs
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<waddlesplash> and I fixed a regression in the Debugger while I was at it
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<waddlesplash> and I'm still not done, nor do I even know when I'll finish lol
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* OscarL signs in just to express his desire that waddlesplash can emerge triumphant after his decent into madness, and then promptly signs off and returns to the void.
<waddlesplash> LOL
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<x512[m]> > and I fixed a regression in the Debugger while I was at it
<x512[m]> ?
<waddlesplash> from the zydis merge
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<x512[m]> Commit ID/hrev?
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<x512[m]> Haiku can use the same Mesa interfaces as Linux after this refactor ends.
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 5 commits to master [hrev57919] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 30e70f48c101 - multi_audio: Disable some unneeded prints.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] a62032d8d534 - multi_audio: Don't add/publish timestamps of 0.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] b5142f764503 - multi_audio: Add assertion in TimeComputer that realTime didn't go backwards.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] eb3126cba776 - mixer: Delay starting until we have a valid time source.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 517fca7da754 - BTimeSource: Protect against values too large to fit in a float.
<waddlesplash> well, there it is
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57920] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] a51aed0242f7 - Zydis: Handle OPERAND_TYPE_REGISTER in ZydisCalcAbsoluteAddressEx.
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<Skipp_OSX> hey I need a lil help here... almost building Haiku on macOS, it builds but is failing at the last step of creating the image: build/scripts/build_haiku_image: line 285: 92480 Segmentation fault: 11 $makebootable $imageOffsetFlags "$imagePath"
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57921] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 8f4ba4052080 - tcp_shell: Fix following latest changes.
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<Skipp_OSX> ./generated/objects/darwin/x86_64/release/tools/makebootable/platform/bios_ia32/makebootable runs Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64 so far so good
<Skipp_OSX> ok wait ./generated/objects/darwin/x86_64/release/tools/makebootable/platform/bios_ia32/makebootable generated/haiku-nightly.vmware Segmentation fault: 11
<Skipp_OSX> ... it's probably my gcc-13 is not compatible, checking...
<Skipp_OSX> still no
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<Begasus[m]> test 1.3.2
<Begasus> nah, still crash :/
<Begasus[m]> this one doesn't :)
<Begasus> Marknote looking better now with the kirigami "fix" :)
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<Begasus> g'morning OscarL!
<OscarL> Morning Begasus. Regarding your codevis error... something is definitively off with its "sys.path". From a normal Python 3.10... I get:
<Begasus> not seeing this one here: '/boot/home/config/lib/python3.10/vendor-packages']
<OscarL> in particular... notice the "/lib/python3.10/lib-dynload" (good) vs "/lib/lib-dynload" (from codevis, BAD).
<Begasus> that one looks the same with the cmd you used in Terminal there
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<Begasus> not sure what changed, a previous commit checkout worked fine
<Begasus> ps, no release on that, so it's still in early dev
<Begasus> doggies ... :)
<OscarL> if you don't see "/boot/home/config/lib/python3.10/vendor-packages", either you have an outdated python3.10, or just no package installed under there (pkgman install -H)
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<OscarL> In any case... codevis fails to find "encoding" due to that wrong "sys.path" (the "lib-dynload" in particular).
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<Begasus> re
<Begasus> one of the advantages when one of the kids is at home from work, morning chores are divided :D
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<OscarL> "Expected: 3.12.5: Tuesday, 2024-08-06"... /me taps fingers on desk... c'mon lazy Python guys! were's my release?!?!
<Begasus> k, issue on codevis still there (checked out latest commit from yesterday)
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> looks like it's known upstream OscarL :)
<Begasus> or simular I guess
<OscarL> Begasus: I guess you *could* try exporting PYTHONPATH="/system/lib/lib-dynload:$PYTHONPATH" before running codevix.
* OscarL looks at that codevis link
<OscarL> not much info there :-)
<OscarL> also, that issue seems to say that the binary distribution for Windows is missing files. What you see is a wrong "sys.path", not sure where codevis is getting that from, thou.
<Begasus> still nogo :/
<Begasus> need to rollback on the commits to see where it broke
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<OscarL> I can't find those "could not find" or "Consider setting" strings on codevis repo sources. So no idea from where that comes from.
<Begasus> yeah, going through the commits in regard of python
<OscarL> Begasus: re-reading your last log... "PYTHONPATH = '/system/lib/lib-dynload:' it might be choking on that last ":".
<OscarL> (also... that's wrong path for python3.10 anyway :-D)
<OscarL> give a try to: export PYTHONHOME="/system/lib/python3.10:/system/lib/python3.10/lib-dynload"
<OscarL> might needs "/system/lib:" in front? (haven't used these variables that much)
<Begasus> sec, rebuilding :)
<OscarL> I mean while export before running.
<Begasus> can't go back too far, will have to re-write to Qt5
<Begasus> yeah, figured that :)
<OscarL> PYTHONHOME="/system/lib/python3.10:/system/lib/python3.10/lib-dynload" codevis_desktop <<<
<Begasus> yes SIR :P
<OscarL> sorry, don't want you to waste time rebuilding if a runtime test can do :-)
<Begasus> np, you know me ... :D
<OscarL> I (mis)understood that you might be doing a new build with that export added to the recipe.
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<Begasus> nah, no change there, only llvm version
<Begasus> but still nogo
<OscarL> mmm, if I do "set PYTHONHOME=''" and then run python3 on Windows... it gives the same "no module 'encodings'". But on Haiku it still works. :-/
<Begasus> eeps :)
<Begasus> switching back to Qt5
<OscarL> setting PYTHONPATH *does* change "sys.path" at least. (> PYTHONPATH="/foobar" python3 -m site
<OscarL> ) << shows "/foobar"
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<OscarL> So this *might* work?: > PYTHONPATH="/system/lib/python3.10/lib-dynload" codevis_desktop
<OscarL> even if it works... it's just a workaround, but... better than nothing, I guess.
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<Begasus> nope :)
<Begasus> letting it go for a while here, thanks for looking into it :)
<OscarL> Tried to understand how codvis invokes Python... I have no clue how it does it. So I won't be of much help here, Begasus. Sorry :-(
<Begasus> np OscarL, I guess the switch from Qt5 to Qt6 is somewhat involved there (and the disabling qtwebengine for Qt6), nothing lost so far :)
<OscarL> seems python plugins can be disabled, thou! :-P
<Begasus> let's see what -L gives :)
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<Begasus> k, 'nother round :D
<Begasus> launches now :)
<Begasus> Up and running :)
<OscarL> Man... these temperature changes are crazy. We had a max of 32C a few days ago. Now is dropping fast in to an expected 3C min :-/
<OscarL> Begasus: that graph seems more organized than my thoughts, at least!
<Begasus> LOL
<Begasus> jikes on the temp :/
<Begasus> well, I think something like marknote could be created native for Haiku by the right person
* OscarL visists, finds a recipe for Argentine "empanadas", LOL.
<OscarL> now I'm hungry :-/
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> No food here :)
<Begasus> makes organizing a bit easier too OscarL
<Begasus> atleast now I can go back to the last thing I was doing before getting side-tracked :)
<Begasus> ps, on Qt6, so not pulling all Qt5 deps in :)
<OscarL> tried a few of similar apps on the past... I end up forgetting to use them :-D
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<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> started checking it out before there was a release even (same with codevis atm), been following along since
<OscarL> I *might* try setting up a very simple "markdown wiki" if I get my "mini-server" going. Something like might be enough for me.
<OscarL> (uses plain files, so I can keep using just a regular editor)
<Begasus> in the end the "notes" in marknote are just regular *.md files
<Begasus> already copied the ones I got on the github wiki I have in there :)
Anarchos has joined #haiku
<Anarchos> hello
<OscarL> Hey Anarchos.
<OscarL> Sorry I missed your message the other day. Sent you an email.
<phschafft> morning everyone.
<OscarL> morning phschafft.
<Anarchos> OscarL: an email ?
* Anarchos wonders how to flash the bios on a haiku only machine.
<phschafft> ... Flash! Ah-ah
<OscarL> Anarchos: yeah, to your account (the one I found on gerrit).
<Anarchos> OscarL: my account is a :)
* OscarL double checks the "sent" folder :-P
<OscarL> yeah.. uset the @hot one :-P
<OscarL> *used
<OscarL> can we port uniflash? Mmm, IIRC, it was written in Pascal.
<OscarL> can't be *that* hard to change the read/write routines to use /bin/poke
<OscarL> *"/dev/misk/poke provided H/W access"
<OscarL> s/misk/misc/ (darn typos :-D)
<Begasus> Hello Anarchos phschafft
<Anarchos> OscarL: ok i will look (i read email only once a week)
<OscarL> no problem, and no hurry at all. I barely use email since loooong ago :-)
<Anarchos> OscarL: from what i see, you can be very careful to use H/W access to flash a ROM, cause the chipset can redirect those address to the shadow bios in RAM, so you won't be writing on the ROM.
<OscarL> yeah... If I was to actually port uniflash... I'd only use it to flash ROMS via a PCI nic card :-)
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<OscarL> regular (DOS) uniflash worked great for me in the past (for Athlon/Duron era hardware at least).
<phschafft> Burn ROM!
<OscarL> calm down Nero.
* phschafft goes back into his corner.
<OscarL> leave the matchbox on the table on your way there, thou!
<Anarchos> OscarL: what do you mean by "flash ROMS via a PCI nic card" ?
<OscarL> Some PCI NIC cards have a socket where you can place an EEPROM.
<phschafft> I'm never allowed to have fun...
<OscarL> you can program those via tools like uniflash.
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<Anarchos> OscarL: oh i was speaking of the BIOS ROM.
<Anarchos> not peripheral
<phschafft> Anarchos: I think his point is like: if the chip fits the chip fits.
<OscarL> the bios rom on my old hardwre were all extractable EEPROMs...
<HaikuUser> hi, testing vision :)
<OscarL> I did used that method to save some motherboards in the past. Beats having to do the riskier hot-swap BIOS (which I also did)
* phschafft waves to HaikuUser.
* phschafft also waves to nephele
<Nephele> woke up, got out, bought books, am back, now drinking my morning coffee. wonder if the order got lost somewhere
<Nephele> must be some kind of race condition
<Nephele> HaikuUser: test sucessfull, I hope
<HaikuUser> Yes how to change my user name ?
<Nephele> For the session you can use "/nick <newName>"
<Nephele> in generall you can set this up in settings
<Nephele> phschafft: any experience with openapi client generation?
HaikuUser is now known as DigitalBox
DigitalBox is now known as DigitalBox98
<DigitalBox98> testing nickname :)
<DigitalBox98> uhm not working
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<Anarchos> phschafft: oh you mean extract the chip containing the BIOS ROM and put it a network card, then use the functionality of the nic to flash it ?
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<OscarL> Yes. Flashtool can do that via the following PCI devices, for example:
<OscarL> *flashrom
<HaikuUser> test
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<DigitalBox> Ok
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<Guest2321> I finally reach the good page for the setup : )
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<OscarL> mmm, flashrom seems to have ports for pretty much anything but Haiku :-D
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<DigitalBox98> final test:)
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<Nephele> DigitalBox98: is nickserv renaming you?
<Nephele> it might if the nick is already registered by someone else
<DigitalBox98> Yes I had to change DigitalBox to DigitalBox98 which is available
<DigitalBox98> I have change it manually
<Anarchos> OscarL: but you need to have a bios rom chip going into your nic ... and your nic supporting a hotplug of chip
<phschafft> Anarchos: yes.
<phschafft> nephele: no.
<OscarL> I mentioned just in the context of testing ported flash tools. No way I'd be testing those on my main BIOS :-)
<Begasus> Hi DigitalBox98
<Begasus> did the build succeed?
<Anarchos> OscarL: i fear to need a bios flashing cause there seems to be a bios update to solve a WOL bug.
<Anarchos> WOL= wake on LAN
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 03c7fb2 - gettext, bump version (#10777)
<OscarL> maybe you can port flashroom while you decide if applying the bios update is worth the risk :-D
<DigitalBox98> Yes build is OK, however I'm not sure how to install GDB. Default directory is /usr/local/ but I have permission issue
<Begasus> doesn't configure use --prefix?
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<Begasus> if it does "./configure --prefix=/boot/home/config/non-packaged"?
<DigitalBox98> no I didn't specify --prefix. Not sure what the correct directory need to be ?
<DigitalBox98> Ok thanks will try
<Begasus> without it probably falls back to /usr/local ...
<DigitalBox98> recompilation in progress, yes defaulting is /usr/local which if I understood well is not recommended on Haiku:)
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<Begasus> nah, it's the linux thing :)
<Begasus> for user in Haiku default should be ~/config/non-packaged
<OscarL> "Linux thing" *except GoboLinux :-)
* Begasus can only imagine OscarL changing those paths on GoboLinux himself ...
<Begasus> manipulating are we? :P
<DigitalBox98> If I've got gdb working, I will try it to debug my try to have Nifskope tool on Haiku (running fine but currrently I had to comment a line to make to work)
<Begasus> +1
<Begasus> maybe you can try that together with iaito or cutter :)
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<Begasus> ps OscarL, got radare2 and iaito updated here, not sure if iaito is improved with current one in the depot
<OscarL> No idea. I can't even remeber why *I* was looking at "reversing" tools at the time you where working on those.
<Begasus> only got looking into iaito when upstream caught the attention of Haiku (probably through cutter) :)
<OscarL> "hey... me too!" after they split, huh? :-)
<Begasus> before that never heard of it :)
<Nephele> Begasus: for the qt issue there is a patch posted on the mailing list by red hat, maybe it can be used for qt5 programms
<Begasus> well, seems iaito "is" the original one :)
<Begasus> yeah, saw the email from korli nephele
<Begasus> I'm personally switching more to Qt6 where I can :)
<Begasus> and after last attempts at revbumping Qt5 to use updated boost/ICU my appetit is gone for a while :)
<Begasus> err ... qtwebengine? in doubt which one it was now :P
* OscarL gets bored of wating for PSF to release 3.12.5. goes back to play with 3.13.0rc1
* Begasus checks what the stats was on latest boost release ...
<Begasus> ah, upstreamed already :)
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<phschafft> hm.
<Emrys> hello, is Humdinger here?
<Nephele> No
<Emrys> I see
<Begasus> where?
<Nephele> that is, not at this time atleast
<Emrys> should I instead ask my question on Matrix instead?
<Nephele> Don't see how that would help?
<Begasus> He's not on the matrix also
<Emrys> oh okay
<Begasus> hmm ... checks
<Emrys> I'll wait for him to appear here then, thank you
<Nephele> if you want to send a querry specifically to him you might be better off sending a pm on the forum or an email, irc is more usefull for realtime comms :)
<Begasus[m]> not in the matrix also :)
<Begasus> hasn't been online on IRC that much lately
<Emrys> okay, I'll send him an email
<Emrys> I see
<DigitalBox98> Ok with the ./configure --prefix=/boot/home/config/non-packaged, the make is failing :
<DigitalBox98> mv: cannot overwrite directory '' with non-directory mv: cannot stat 'version-t.t': No such file or directory Makefile:2443: recipe for target 'stamp-version' failed make: *** [stamp-version] Error 1
<DigitalBox98> Not sure about the cause
<Begasus> Nice one! :D
<Begasus> did you do a "make install" before, maybe some left-over? weird one
<Begasus> can't check here, still on R1B4
<Begasus> or maybe it needs DESTDIR (which I doubt)
<DigitalBox98> I"ve done a make clean then configure with the options, then make. (before make install). make is failing with the below error
<Begasus> even better with external speakers :D
<Begasus> the path shouldn't interfere afaik, use it in all the scripts I use to checkout new stuff
<DigitalBox98> mm I will retry, I've noticed I was in the gdb directory instead of the root dir
<Begasus> well, for libraries packages I use ~/destdir :)
<Begasus> ah :)
<dovsienko> hey folks. does anyone remember the NEdit editor from the old times?
<dovsienko> I still use it for everyday software development that does not need Unicode support
<Begasus> not me
* OscarL looks NEdit on wikipedia. Never heard of it before :-(
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<dovsienko> some people say in many regards (e.g. the find and replace dialog) it is the golden standard in plain text editors, and I agree
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 1907c53 - glib2, revbump, remove unneeded requirement for base gettext package (#10778)
<Begasus> still holding to good old Pe for that here
<dovsienko> so, NEdit development stopped a long time ago, but some guy forked it a few years ago and now there is XNedit with the long overdue bug fixes and such. maybe someone would want to try building it on Haiku
<dovsienko> (it uses Motif, so this may be difficult)
<Begasus> link?
* OscarL still waits for a decent TUI editor with CUA bindings (turbo development too slow :-D)
<Begasus> CUA?
<dovsienko> "common user something"
<dovsienko> F1 for help, Ctrl-S tpo save etc.
<OscarL> yup.
<Begasus> X11 development stuff (headers, libraries)
<Begasus> not sure there ...
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<DigitalBox98> Ok got gdb installed, restarted Haiku but not I have the below message when launching the command : sigaction: Invalid Argument.
<DigitalBox98> any idea ?
<Begasus> oof, reports clean again :)
<Begasus> DigitalBox98, that would be one for trungnt2910[m]
<DigitalBox98> Ok I will report that on the forum in that case
<DigitalBox98> thx
<Begasus> +1
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus ca3464d - indent, revbump, don't depend on base gettext package (#10779)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 2efaf99 - arm_none_eabi_gdb, revbump, don't require gettext base package (#10781)
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<Begasus> k, todo list empty again :)
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<Begasus> OscarL, stats on python PR?
<OscarL> LGTM!
<Begasus> OK, no need to shout! :P
<OscarL> :-D
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL 58b4797 - python3.11: update to version 3.11.9. (#10789)
<Begasus> k, let's check this ffmpeg PR, afact not used in Haiku's build
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<Begasus> stupid ffmpeg ... doesn't give a summary for the tests (no fails/crashes I've noticed) :)
<OscarL> man, these "--with-lto" builds are slow AF. Aaaaand... I forgot to enable the new JIT flag again :-(
<Begasus> see ... write it down for the next time! :)
<phschafft> I might be a bit blind. how does a BFS identify itself?
<phschafft> don't see anything in the superblock.
* OscarL jeets on phschafft's general direction.
<OscarL> *yeets
<OscarL> "real 87m20.628s", /me will not be using "--with-lto" locally anymore :-)
<Begasus> heh
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<phschafft> OscarL: that is what I'm looking at. page 48 and following.
<trungnt2910[m]> <Begasus> "DigitalBox98, that would be..." <- Answered that in the forum. Related to `posix_error_mapper`.
<Begasus> thanks trungnt2910[m]
<Nephele> today is a very warm "lazy" day
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<Nephele> also sais that the magic is : BFS1 and 0xdd121031 and 0x15b6830e
* OscarL yeets nephele's link in phschafft's general direction.
<Anarchos> phschafft: there are some magic numbers (though i could never find what those values stand for ? birthday dates? strings ?)
<phschafft> I think I may have been a little unclear.
<phschafft> I don't mean the magic numbers that identify it as a valid filesystem. but an identifier which tells me which one I got.
<phschafft> also known in other contexts as volume lables, ids, serials, ....
<Nephele> you mean the "name"? isn't that in the partition table?
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<Begasus> still trying to bring up to the latest beta for gear24 :)
<phschafft> in the /partition table/?
<Nephele> phschafft: what are you looking for exactly? if it's the name of the partition i think that is generic in the table, no?
<phschafft> I don't think so. that would mean that moving the filesystem it would loose it's name.
<phschafft> offset 0x68 and 0x78
<Nephele> that's what I'd expect to happen (that the name gets lost)
<Nephele> where are you seeing the name you want to have?
<phschafft> where as in where in the structure or as in where in the sense of API?
<Nephele> I assume you saw it somewhere in the UI or api and want to figure out where it is?
<Nephele> I think this is what is used: but i'm not sure 100%
<phschafft> I worked out the (stupid) API on Linux a little while ago (for a number of different filesystems). and now was wondering how Haiku is doing it.
<phschafft> so my background is porting.
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<Nephele> Well, this commit seems to take the name from gpt and pass it along to filesystem for it's label (if I understood correctly)
<phschafft> hm.
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* OscarL thinks: findpaths command is pretty great.
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* OscarL also thinks: why can't Python devs make up their mind in regards of "python vs python3" naming?
<OscarL> Build failed with "--enable-experimental-jit=yes-off" at "python3 ./Tools/jit/ x86_64-unknown-haiku"... "python3: command not found" :-D
<Begasus> I think you're not alone there OscarL :)
<OscarL> this is coming directly from upstream, so even worse :-D
<phschafft> I always considered partition tables to be legacy stuff.
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<Nephele> I don't see how? unless you have something like zfs that just doesn't want/need one most OS rely on it to function properly *shrug*
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<phschafft> I'm more on the LVM side of things.
<phschafft> and I personally feel like zfs is one of the worst ideas ever regarding storage.
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<Nephele> Why?
<Nephele> lvm plus partitions just seems more complex that partition tables with partitions to me
<phschafft> lvm completly removes the need for partitions.
<phschafft> it is the super-concept of them.
<Nephele> phschafft: my only experiences with lvm have been overcomplex systems set up *with partitions* and not having any recourse to fix them when they break
<Nephele> i.e partiton table *contianing lvm* which then in turn contains partitions
<Nephele> that doesn't look any simpler to me
<phschafft> nephele: there is often one partition table below it to get the system booted because all of booting a system is a broken mess (I guess we agree on that).
<phschafft> but there should really not be any partions on top of it. that often is an indication that someone missunderstood what LVM is for,
<Nephele> I think efi is mostly okay. It's predicatable
<Nephele> What else do you do on LVM?
<phschafft> LVM exports *volumes* you put filesystems on them.
<Anarchos> OscarL: thanks for your kind email.
<OscarL> Anarchos: :-)
<phschafft> nephele: basically partition tables are a the most limited subset of LVM. the one that is just enough to work at all.
<Nephele> >LVM exports *volumes* you put filesystems on them.
* OscarL reads comments on a CPython issue. Remembers how offputing is when people start their arguments with "I cannot imagine / I don't see why" and do not stop right there to reflect.
<phschafft> so LVM replaces all uses of partition tables completly. it's not an addon. it's the same thing just done correctly.
<Nephele> That's... what i said
<Nephele> you ahve partitions *ON LVM*
<phschafft> no.
<phschafft> you have volumes on LVM.
<phschafft> that is something little different.
<Nephele> I disagree, it is conceptually the same thing, especially considering you call it partition tables done correctly
<phschafft> then, by your own arguments LVM and partition tables are exchangeable and therefore LVM does not add complexity.
<phschafft> it takes volumes and it provides volumes. just like partition tables.
<Nephele> Sure it does. It's more complex in the same way you would get if you had nested partition tables
<Nephele> just that i know have *two* *different* ones ontop each other
<phschafft> but there is no nesting.
<Nephele> which is definetely more complex than only having the gpt table
<phschafft> there is raw magnets below LVM and filesystem on top of it. no extra nesting.
<Nephele> it's inside the partition table
<phschafft> only if you do that for compatibility. if that is not your problem it's not.
<phschafft> and I have many systems it's raw on the disk.
<Nephele> If you can use it in place of partition tables, and it serves the same function but also allows for more complex scenarios then again it is more complex
<phschafft> so I guess you then just throw the filesystem directly on the raw disk?
<phschafft> that's less complex!
<Nephele> Sure. Like zfs does
<Nephele> ;)
<Nephele> or *can* do
<phschafft> which internally implements a hidden LVM.
<Nephele> Are you talking about the concept or the implementation in linux? I was talking about the latter
<phschafft> which means that any time you don't have zfs in raw magnets you add an hidden LVM layer.
<phschafft> some of the features provided by zfs require an implementation of LVM.
<phschafft> but zfs hides it all. so you don't see it.
<Nephele> Yes, and? That is what I want. only one driver having to deal with this (which is conceptually the same level)
<Nephele> anyhow, #haiku-offtopic?
<phschafft> yes. internet explorer being the desktop and rendering windows. but hey, it's only one binary!
<phschafft> less complex!
<Nephele> Like Tracker doing file management and the desktop? :)
<Nephele> but yes, it is less complex if you don't need a needless leaky abstraction.
<phschafft> if you mean that hiding complexity redurces them... have fun.
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<OscarL> " error: argument target: invalid get_target value: 'x86_64-unknown-haiku'" Buh!!!
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<OscarL> "JIT support for x86_64-unknown-haiku is still experimental!" / "Please report any issues you encounter."
<Coldfirex> @Waddlesplash: I noticed that now on iperf I can max out my link with 1.25Gbit/sec from Haiku to linux. Haiku to Haiku, or Linux to Haiku it is limited to around 380Mbits/sec. Would that be related to not having send window scaling? Seems backwards.
<OscarL> "RuntimeError: Can't find clang-18!" :-/
<OscarL> I'm not going to use gcc *and* clang for this :-D
<waddlesplash> Coldfirex: iperf3 generally has client send data not the server
<waddlesplash> iperf3 -R has the server send data
<waddlesplash> so are you sure you have the correct direction?
<waddlesplash> 1.25Gbit sounds like that has Haiku on the receive side
<Coldfirex> Server running on Haiku (iperf3 -s)
<waddlesplash> then that explains it, Linux is sending the data
<Coldfirex> OK, ya. Still early here
<Coldfirex> Stil very impressive!
<dovsienko> when I tried BeOS in late 1990s, 100Mb/s Ethernet was for proper servers, and ordinary desktop PCs would be lucky to have twisted pair instead of the coax
<dovsienko> you could tell your TCP stack was good if it could handle 30s RTT well, because Internet uplinks were slow and congested as much as the interface Rx buffers allowed it
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<OscarL> "pystone" benchmarks between Python 3.9 and 3.13 (later with LTO): 72K vs 134 K "pystones/s".
<Begasus> doesn't sound like progress (or I'm reading it wrong) :)
<OscarL> "larger is better"
<OscarL> 3.11 still the fastest with 149 K
<Begasus> ah, see, read it wrong :D
<Begasus> larger vs longer :P
<Anarchos> Bummer, i forgot to power up my home server. No hidden work done today at job...
<OscarL> ah, that's why you wan the WOL :-)
<OscarL> s/wan/want/
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<Begasus> Failed to find required Qt component "WebEngineWidgets". (another one down) :/
<Begasus> latest ghostwriter (beta)
<OscarL> lol, I keep NOT seeing private chat until too late :-)
<Begasus> I didn't do anything! :P
<Nephele> stupid phone charger is humming
<Nephele> (of my landline...)
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<OscarL> Begasus: kinda wish IRC had an auto-reply: "this user doesn't even notices new tabs appearing, don't bother messaging him".
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<OscarL> nephele: better humming than fuming.
<Nephele> It's both unwanted emissions!
<Nephele> OscarL: you can auto-reply on irc
<Nephele> phschafft's client will always reply that he is away :D
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<OscarL> Mmm. "Open a new tab when you recieve a private message" is On... what if I just turn that off?
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<OscarL> Can't find an "auto-reply for PMs" setting on this client, and going the script route seems overkill. Oh well. Let people assume I'm just rude :-D
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<Begasus> biab
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<Coldfirex> Its been a while since I setup ssh on Haiku. I keep getting "Permission denied, please try again" when trying to connect after entering the pass. I followed this guide ( Set password, enabled rootlogin in the sshd_config file, and rebooted. Ideas?
<Coldfirex> NM, I edited "ssh_config" file, not sshd_config
<Nephele> i don't like config files for GUI systems. I feel like if this is needed it should be in the gui section of the network preferences
<Nephele> like how wpa_supplicant *can* be configured by talking to it in a telnet like interface or wierd config files, but you can just use the gui instead :D
<Coldfirex> Agreed. Really wish I could have learned c++ when I tried last
<Nephele> Just imitate the surounding code ;)
<Nephele> if Haiku had some screen sharing capabilities it would be cool to teach people over that
<Nephele> it's how i learned c# mostly, people just showing me how to do stuff better
<Nephele> using a capture card would be an option. but i'd rather not
<Nephele> I wonder if there is any way to effectively duplex app_server commands over the network?
<phschafft> nephele: actually that is the server doing that for you. ;)
<Nephele> phschafft: what are you reffering to?
<Coldfirex> I tried. It was a total failure and got down after I started submitting stuff on Gerrit hah
<phschafft> 18:17 < nephele> phschafft's client will always reply that he is away :D
<Nephele> Gerrit can be a bit hard indeed. When I started it was also really frustrating. It felt like i would be asked to rewrite a change one way, did that, and then 5 days later another dev asks me to do it another way
<Nephele> and then repeat that a couple of times :g
<Nephele> or just complain about the style, then fix the style, and then the code itself was wrong
<Nephele> Coldfirex: i feel like one on one sessions could really help for something like that, helps you iterate quicker :)
<Coldfirex> I could see the being benefical for many
<Nephele> phschafft: what do you think about screen sharing via app_server commands ;)
<Nephele> it's the best type of "just use what you have" xD
<phschafft> I'm sure zfs can do that for you.
<Nephele> ..?
<phschafft> dark sarcasm.
<Nephele> Sounds more like you have a grudge about that. though not sure why?
<waddlesplash> nephele: app_server commands over the network is remote_app_server/RemoteDesktop
<waddlesplash> needs a bunch of work but it does work
<waddlesplash> and we have BScreenRecorder which works
<waddlesplash> so, presumably screensharing could be made to work
<Nephele> waddlesplash: I know we have that already. I was thinking if the Multiplexing part would make sense. i.e just carbon copy what my current app_server would render for a specific window
<Nephele> does BScreenRecorder use app_server commands?
<Coldfirex> Curious iperf3 is faster for me Haiku to Haiku when ran over a ssh tunnel
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<Begasus> re
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<Begasus> zard, nice teasers! :D
<Begasus> k, ghostwriter still good up to 24.05.2, then it ends ...
<Begasus> for now* :)
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<Begasus> nice one down OscarL :)
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<OscarL> yay me! :-P
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<Nephele> should get back to writing the script for beta5 video
<Begasus> shoot! :D
<Nephele> shoot whom?
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<Begasus> your foot? :P
<Nephele> :(
<Begasus> nah, can't go forward then ;)
<Nephele> but backward?
<Nephele> gonna make this video on ubuntu i guess
<Nephele> I wonder If i can script the input server events? So i can make it play the sequences for the beta in an automated fashion?
<Nephele> i.e release the whole stuff I used for the video so it can be adapted later and such
<Begasus> could send you a cp for kdenlive? (ducks)
<Nephele> what's a cp?
<Begasus> copy*
<Nephele> No need. I already have kdenlive installed
<Nephele> why do you say duck?
<Nephele> Sure, I want to use the native video editor but it's just not there yet :/
<Begasus> well I got it on Haiku (not very well tested) :)
<Nephele> I don't think it's nice enough that i'd do it on Haiku
<Begasus> and still have some KIO issues here :/
<Begasus> ;)
<Nephele> missing stuff like properly recording audio with the microphone ...
<Begasus> yeah, aside from toying with it not much to do there
<Nephele> Medo is nice, but also not enough for my usecases. and it has some bugs that significantly hindered my workflow in the past
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 3 commits to master [hrev57922] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 39fc9541510f - packagefs: Ensure the root directory is locked when creating shine-throughs.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] eca25eef7221 - packagefs: Assert that the directory is locked when adding children.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 9c8a78e8ca43 - kernel/timer: Remove another volatile.
<Nephele> ugh ubuntu is so annoying, my picture is sideways
<Nephele> because the login manager uses a different windowing technology than my session, so it doesnt know the session has the correct monitor orientation, and there is no way to fix this in the gui
<waddlesplash> lol
<waddlesplash> sounds like linux alright
<Nephele> "There was an issue instaling packages click this button to see technical details"
<Nephele> Technical details: can't download packages while offline
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<Nephele> hmm, tenacity only crashed 3 times the last 20 minutes
<Nephele> i guess it could be worse
<Anarchos> how to use the 'poke' driver in C code ?
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<Begasus> poke OscarL? ;)
<OscarL> Anarchos: this is the /bin/poke replacement I wrote looong ago. Surely needs some tweaks for the changes /dev/misc/poke had over the years... and also fixes for 64 bits (I wrote it on BeOS times).
<OscarL> << this one in particular talks with the driver.
<Anarchos> OscarL it is mentioned here :
<OscarL> heh, mentions flashrom even :-D
<Anarchos> OscarL yes. that(s why it interestes me
<Anarchos> OscarL and i confirmed that i have to flash my bios :/
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<Nephele> Argh! I installed "ubuntu studio" package to fix the audio, and now my graphics is broken. it only does one screen, uses it in 1024x786, and then talks down on me for trying to set a proper resolution ... wtf
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<Nephele> working with linux is so frustrating :'(
<Nephele> though I must say firefox working considerably worse than WebPositive is kind of amusing
<Begasus> I hear only downsides :)
<dovsienko> file ./pcap_open_live.3pcap
<dovsienko> ./pcap_open_live.3pcap: C source, ASCII text
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<dovsienko> man ./pcap_open_live.3pcap
<dovsienko> man: No entry for ./pcap_open_live.3pcap in the manual.
<dovsienko> this tends to work in other OSes
<phschafft> does -l work?
<phschafft> man -l pcap_open_live.3pcap
<dovsienko> yes
<phschafft> It's more explicit. but I'm with you that it's user friendly when it also works on a path.
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<Begasus> last one for today: grabbing kget24-24.07.80-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/kget24-24.07.80-1-x86_64.hpkg :)
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<Begasus> closing down here
<Begasus> cu peeps!
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<Anarchos> how to call a 'control' function on a device from C++ code ?
<PulkoMandy> Using ioctl
<Anarchos> PulkoMandy fd = open ('/dev/misc/poke') ; ioctl(fd, params...) this pattern ?
<PulkoMandy> Yes
<PulkoMandy> ioctl has four parameters, usually the fd, some control code (so the driver knows wqat you want to do), a pointer to a buffer, and a buffer size
<Anarchos> ok
<Anarchos> PulkoMandy i will try to add this logic to open the 'poke' driver in, in order to get the IOPL.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 104a4a7cfcae - packagefs: Improve errors and print a message when failing to add a package node...
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57923] -
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<HaikuUser3> hi, why it isn't available mysql or mariadb for haiku?
<HaikuUser3> it is only available on 32 bit?
<HaikuUser3> i have 64 bit installed
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<dovsienko> perhaps because it is a desktop OS and it would be best to run server software on a server OS?
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<Anarchos> all the discussions seem to have move away on discuss.haiku-os instead of irc :/
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<Nephele> Has it? :)
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<PulkoMandy> It's more convenient, on the forums or mailing list people can read and reply whenever they want
<PulkoMandy> Here you only get the people who are available at the same time as you
<Nephele> isn't that kind of the point though? it's a different style of communication. sometimes one works better, and sometimes the other
<PulkoMandy> Yes. Personally I prefer the other style in general. Gives me time to research if needed and write more useful replies
<Nephele> why the renga work then? :)
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<Coldfirex> @PulkoMandy FYI I appreciate your forum replies. As you mentioned they are almost always thought out as well as level headed
<PulkoMandy> You could ask "why" on so many other of my projects... (been working on a C compiler for vtech vsmile consoles lately, and there are a handful other ones like that)
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<Nephele> well, i do wonder if Renga can achieve the goal of displacing irc for our comms. but if that is done, the question is also a bit what it is good for
<Nephele> i suppose the enhanced media capabilities are nice
<Anarchos> sure, but at last on haiku-fr, i can speak in french :)
<PulkoMandy> nephele: Also, these things come and go. I used to spend a lot of my life on both forums and irc chats, but not doing it so much at the moment except for software development related things
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<Anarchos> re mmu_man
<Nephele> True. But then you also spend more time than me on stuff like mastadon :)
<PulkoMandy> My reasons for working on xmppis similar to reasons for working on haiku, building a thing that I like to use and that one day I could get my family/friends/colleagues to use as well, as a replacement for closed source or semi-closed solutions
<Nephele> :)
<Nephele> Microsoft has set a looming deadline for windows 10 in about a year
<Nephele> I kind of hope haiku is good enough for some friends by then
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 4 commits to master [hrev57924] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] c4eef57349ba - mixer: Fix TRACE in delay starting of the mixer.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] ab262541db90 - kernel/user_debugger: Check the debugged team ID properly.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 81e50deecea7 - registrar: Handle clipboard download messages failing to send.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 43feec0105d1 - ramfs: Use VM_PRIORITY_USER not VM_PRIORITY_SYSTEM.
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