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<jhj> waddlesplash: The guy who originally started the project and wrote the first bits of the CPU code, Harry Reed, passed away recently. One of the other coders on the project, Charles, did the hercluean effort and wrote the vast majority of the rest of the code.
<waddlesplash> RIP
<jhj> Indeed.
<jhj> The CPU code is the part I'm least comfortable with and don't have a full understanding of all the details, but I've touched at least 60% of it. We've improved the performance by about 60% over the past 2-3 years.
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<jhj> But that's been by profiling individual CPU functionality and makign improvments to it, but I've not really dared to make fundamental changes to the way the CPU functionally works.
<jhj> And where the manuals say how something was implemented, the simulator implements it the same way, even when doing so in software doesn't make a lot of sense where it would in hardware.
<jhj> which is nice to have the hardware manuals line up with the software implementation
<jhj> waddlesplash: also I just checked and on 32-bit platforms, there isn't any int128.
<waddlesplash> hm, ok
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<jhj> waddlesplash: I don't know about Clang, but on GCC, there is an open issue for it at
<jhj> waddlesplash: Also, Oracle Studio C/C++ doesn't have an int128 type, and IBM's AIX XL C/C++ (and Open XL C/C++) don't support int128 in 16.1 through 17.1.1
<jhj> IBM added support for it in the 17.1.2 version of their compiler.
<jhj> (16.1, 17.1.1, and 17.1.2 are all currently supported versions.) This is the crazy sort of stuff that you need to care about when you support all these crazy systems :)
<jhj> for our 2.7 users on AIX and POWER :)
<jhj> waddlesplash: Clang had ExtInt, and now C23 has BitInt, which lets you specify bit-exact types like BitInt(72) and BitInt(36) which would be so much nicer and cleaner for our code.
<waddlesplash> interesting
<jhj> We have weird stuff like 42-bit pointer registers and 288-bit control registers.
<jhj> It would make the code so much cleaner if that existed back in the day.
<jhj> Clang apparantly lets you make a 8388608-bit type.
<jhj> GCC only goes to 65535.
<Skipp_OSX> not to mention my Sterling approximation sigh
<Skipp_OSX> (arithmetic on larger than 64-bit ints in DeskCalc for large factorials)
<waddlesplash> jhj: well, you could've used C++ and defined these as classes :P
<waddlesplash> anyway, exists and is a nice gui for Linux perf
<jhj> Having 256-bit and 512-bit and similar types would be great for hashes and crypto and stuff
<jhj> waddlesplash: Well, maybe, but I am more of a C person.
<waddlesplash> I'm trying it out now on an optimized DPS8 build
<waddlesplash> gives a nice display for per-line CPU time usage
<jhj> I also did once make this project compile with a C++ compiler, but it was terrible.
<jhj> The reason being is that we use setjmp/longjmp to do our own exceptions for fault and interrupt handling
<waddlesplash> sounds slow
<jhj> And on C++, that involves doing expensive unwinding stuff and calling implicit/auto destructors and whatever on each call.
<waddlesplash> -fno-exceptions
<jhj> waddlesplash: We did benchmarks of our longjmp stuff vs. goto, and it's barely more overhead in fact.
<waddlesplash> hm, ok
<jhj> As long as the signal mask isn't saved and restored on each call.
<jhj> And where that happens by default, like on the BSDs, we use _setjmp/_longjmp that don't.
<jhj> waddlesplash: I believe that fno-exceptions doesn't inhibit the constructor/destructor behaviors on longjmp and many core C++ things depend on that.
<jhj> I might be wrong :)
<waddlesplash> I think if you call raw longjmp it won't call C++ things?
<jhj> it would indeed break nice C++ stuff though so we couldn;t use smart pointers and other nicities
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<waddlesplash> yes, that's true
<waddlesplash> solution: use C++ exceptions insteadof SJLJ
<waddlesplash> they should be pretty fast these days
<Skipp_OSX> but C++ exceptions are terrible
<Skipp_OSX> inevitable, but terrible
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<jhj> I don't know C++ well enough to have strong opinions on anything.
<Skipp_OSX> out-of-band control flow is difficult to debug
<jhj> I'm one of those silly elderly C programmers that the hip kids make fun of.
<Skipp_OSX> Multiple-return methods with second error param is really nice but C++ even 20 doesn't have those
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<Skipp_OSX> multiple return values
<jhj> I actually like Go's error handling, since we are speaking of that.
<jhj> Nobody else does it seems, but returning multiple things directly is handy.
<milek7> well, you could return tuple
<Skipp_OSX> yeah same idea
<jhj> ksh93 supports that, you can return a compound
<Skipp_OSX> yeah it's nice
<Skipp_OSX> return value in first parameter, error in second, downstream can check for 2nd parameter before using first
<jhj> ksh93 (and zsh, but not as nice as ksh93 does it) also support floating point math.
<Skipp_OSX> or not, take value anyway
<jhj> It's a shame that this doesn't exist sanely in any POSIX shell, and everyones favorite bash doesn't do floating point either.
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<jhj> milek7: Hey, your suggestion passes diagnostics and gets +6% on my machine.
<jhj> I'll credit you for finding that in the eventual commit if you'd like.
<jhj> waddlesplash: I'm going to have to take a break from this for a bit.
<jhj> But I'm going to experiment with passing cpup as the last argument as well
<jhj> and compare the two
<waddlesplash> I don't know why that'd make a big difference but ok
<jhj> I wish there was some automated way to refactor this.
<waddlesplash> ultimately it probably makes sense to pass it as the first argument anyway
<waddlesplash> on x86_64 there will be zero difference
<waddlesplash> and with LTO/PGO there will be even less
<waddlesplash> if passing it in as first vs last
<jhj> Yeah, tons of registers available anyway.
<waddlesplash> so I don't think it makes sense to spend a ton of time refactoring the patch for that
<jhj> my concerns are probably obsoleted in the 90s
<jhj> I mean, we just changed our standards to allow C11 in the project with this release :)
<milek7> jhj: it's really minor thing, but sure :)
<jhj> np
<jhj> It's amazing how much the compiler inlines stuff these days on systems like x86_64.
<jhj> waddlesplash: we have some MATRIX code leftover from back in the day, which is sort of a cheap profiler that counts instruction use frequency, and we used that to reorder the case statements in dps8_instr
<jhj> And it was a small but real improvement in older compilers, but these days, it doesn't make that much of a difference.
<milek7> computed goto is sometimes useful for that
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<milek7> and fast interpreters can be done by avoiding stack frames and tail calling everywhere (llvm musttail)
<milek7> but that's probably hard to do for cpu that much CISCy
<jhj> a JIT is something I want to look into one day.
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<jhj> and yes, the CPU is super-CISC. There are string manipulation functions that do things like compare entire strings or convert bases
<jhj> or do decimal number formatting in a single instruction
<jhj> those single instructions map directly to COBOL or PL/I 'PIC' and 'INDEX' statements
<jhj> milek7: on the later 80s and 90s iterations of these 6000 processors, those instructions were handled by microprocessors.
<jhj> those EIS/"business" instructions were something like 20 or 25 full boards of the CPU cabinet
<jhj> in the late 70s / early 80s hardware
<jhj> there were cheaper variants early on that didn't have them
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<milek7> how fast was the real hardware?
<jhj> milek7: The last hardware which had the appending unit, which is the "MMU" that Multics requires, was about 1.8 MIPS.
<jhj> milek7: By the 90s, the top-end 6000-series CPU machine was advertised at 700 MIPS
<jhj> With 8 CPUs
<jhj> The single CPU one of those was advertised at 110 MIPS
<jhj> But that's without the appending unit which is really heavy.
<jhj> milek7: but anyway, we run Multics now much faster than the fastest hardware ever ran Multics.
<jhj> The current machines also use emulation. One day I should make an absolute mode benchmark and see if I can find someone to run it on one. :)
<milek7> current machines? that's surprising :D
<jhj> The Atos BullSequana M9600 is the current 6000-series machine.
<jhj> Intel based, with their special software. Like of like Fujitsu VME systems these days.
<jhj> The last generation was the NovaScale, which used Itanium CPUs.
<jhj> milek7: The GE M236 became the GE-600 series, shipping in 1963.
<jhj> So 61 years of this architecture.
<milek7> I have this crazy idea to make 32-bit cpu from logic gate chips and run doom on it
<milek7> and I'm not yet convinced this is impossible :P
<jhj> Probably is, at a small resolution.
<milek7> though it would be quite anachronistic, as I'm considering 74auc gates and 10ns sram chips for register file
<jhj> milek7: there are these crazy guys ...
<jhj> I believe there have been hardware implementations of the fox32, but in FPGA and certainly not discrete logic :)
<jhj> milek7: There is a museum in Japan that has a DPS-9000 / ACOS-3900 CPU on display supposedly.
<jhj> This 9000 series was the last ones that had their own custom processors.
<jhj> The Bull NovaScale system came out in 2005 I think, which was when they switched to commercial CPUs, and running 36-bit code in emulation.
<jhj> There is a GCOS-7 series of systems, which are 64-bit, which derive from the 32-bit DPS-7 line, and for those, the GCOS code runs mostly natively these days.
<jhj> It's my understanding that the systems use virtualization and essentially every GCOS-7 program runs in its own virtual machine.
<jhj> Those systems were related but distinct from the 36-bit line however.
<jhj> The 36-bit machines were "large systems" and the 32-bit machines were "medium systems" and the 18-bit and 16-bit machines were "satellite" or "departmental" minicomputers.
<jhj> Each one of them had a GCOS OS, all of which were distinct source code, but lookalike operations for users and very similar API for programmers
<jhj> CP-6 and Multics only ran on the 36-bit "large systems" line.
<milek7> so in 1991 there were still developing 36-bit system?
<jhj> At the end of the 80s / early 90s they decided it didn't make sense to support three incompatible flagship operating systems... outside consultants recommended they pick Multics, but politics resulting in GCOS winning, so GCOS lives on.
<jhj> milek7: Yes, I think the last was the DPS-9000 in 1993 or 1994 in fact.
<jhj> The 9000/900 or 9000/1000 model.
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
OscarL has joined #haiku
<OscarL> morning Begasus.
<coolcoder613> Hello OscarL, Begasus
<Begasus> Hi OscarL coolcoder613!
<OscarL> hello coolcoder613 :-)
<Begasus> fsckn waiting for ...
<coolcoder613> I got a PS/2 mouse and installed BeOS on my Deskpro, but it doesn't have graphics drivers
<coolcoder613> So I'm stuck on grayscale 640x480
<OscarL> Begasus: taking a look at autoreconf... IMO, it is missing quite a few deps, as docs say: "‘autoreconf’ runs ‘autoconf’, ‘autoheader’, ‘aclocal’, ‘automake’,
<OscarL> ‘libtoolize’, ‘intltoolize’, ‘gtkdocize’, and ‘autopoint’ (when
<OscarL> appropriate)"... and none of that is on its REQUIRES :-/
<OscarL> then I started looing at "ir autoreconf" (to see where we could cleanup depeencies if autorecof was fixed)...
<Begasus> have fun with that one OscarL, tried to do some cleaning/fixing up a while ago, didn't go to well iirc
<OscarL> found things like "libidn", that requires aclocal/automake/autoreconf/etc... and doesn't calls any of that, just ./configure :-/
<Begasus> most of those are not in use by configure
<Begasus> only needed when you use
<Begasus> ad/ac*
<OscarL> right, that's why the libidn recipe got me... "WTF do you want all of this for?" :-D
<Begasus> too early, haven't had any coffee yet :)
<Begasus> found a way (with help from upstream) to get the breeze-icons package build on 32bit, first need to do a few more build runs to be sure :)
<OscarL> coolcoder613: In 2000... I installed BeOS R5 on an AMD-K5 with a Trident TGUI9440 that wasn't supported... (stuck on grayscale too)...
<OscarL> but there's a trick...
<OscarL> boot into DOS... install UniVBE TSR (that adds VESA 2.0 support), boot BeOS from DOS, via
<OscarL> Not ideal.. but better than the alternative.
<Begasus> whoot Trident, iirc that was the first hardware peice I ever bought for a PC :D
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<OscarL> if you configure things well enough, you can automate the whole thing, and only use DOS as an interim step into booting BeOS.
<OscarL> coolcoder613: just in case... the I mention comes from the Windows version of the BeOS R5 PE installer.
<coolcoder613> Or I could try get a PCI graphics card
<OscarL> this trident card I mention *was* PCI... it just was VESA 1.4 :-D
<OscarL> BeOS VESA driver needs 2.0 minimum.
<Begasus> reboot and biab (have to take one of the kids to work)
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<arraybolt3> DOS-as-bootloader both sounds insane and makes perfect sense.
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<OscarL> arraybolt3: DOS was grub before grub :-P
<Begasus> re
<coolcoder613> That's how BeOS PE worked in Windows 9x
<coolcoder613> The bootloader could run from Windows, replacing it with BeOS
<OscarL> coolcoder613: BeOS R5 PE "for linux" did something similar.
<coolcoder613> How?
<OscarL> don't recall what it used, but it was definitively a thing.
<OscarL> seems to have "BeOS 4 Linux 41MB.tar.gz" as well as the windows version.
<OscarL> Mmm, tar.gz gives "/boot/system/bin/tar: Unexpected EOF in archive"
<OscarL> ah, it had a floppy.img :-)
<OscarL> "To boot the Personal Edition partition image, place it at in a directory called 'beos' at any root point on a ext2 partition. ex, /beos/, or if you have /home on a seperate partition,
<OscarL> it could be placed at /home/beos/"
<OscarL> then you had to boot from floppy, so... not really "chain-loading".
<PulkoMandy> Spam to distribute malware
* OscarL reports it.
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<OscarL> second user I report/block (after ""... Github seemed to not care about that one).
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] korli pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58025] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] e5767a2833e2 - HaikuDepot: fix copy paste error in status string
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-2/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus a0d1d4f - breeze_icons, fix build for 32bit (#10941)
<Begasus> you triggered spam bots OscarL? :P
<OscarL> apparently :-D
<Begasus> will wait for breeze_icons to finish before push the other KF6 frameworks, glad to get this up to speed :)
<Begasus> whoot, it's almost done :D
<OscarL> Welp, Haiku beta5 TC0 also doesn't boots on this damned netbook (Atom N2600 based, no screen). In UEFI mode, tried to boot from USB pendrive, boot loader attempts to boot an older nigthly from the HDD (doesn't sees the one on the USB drive).
<OscarL> on Legacy/BIOS mode, finds the USB drive alright, reaches the rocket icon, and then freezes (have to power off). Tried all boot options. No go.
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus f7d9c07 - kdoctools6, bump version (#10942)
<OscarL> second "miniPCIe" port on that netbook only seems to have USB interface (for a TV/FM tuner). Was hoping to be able to use two wifi cards instead :-)
<OscarL> Guess I'll just use it as a slightly faster "server" than the other netbook I also can't run Haiku on (Atom N455).
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 30343aa - kiconthemes6, bump version (#10943)
<OscarL> will help with testing mDNSResponder things at least.
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus b904d69 - kwindowsystem6, bump version (#10944)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 9202094 - kcompletion6, bump version (#10945)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus dbcc03d - kdbusaddons6, bump version (#10946)
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HaikuUser is now known as OscarL-N2600
<OscarL-N2600> hello world! (from beta5 tc0 on the Atom N2600 netbook)
<erysdren> yayy
<OscarL-N2600> some miracle, and it booted (after who knows how many failed attempts in the last months)
<erysdren> hello OscarL
<OscarL-N2600> hello erysdren!
* phschafft waves.
<OscarL-N2600> keboard is kinda broken, so expect some missing letters :-D
<OscarL-N2600> primary button not recognized, touchpad works at least.
<Begasus> whohoo! :)
<Begasus> keboard is kinda broken, so expect some missing letters :-D ... more then usual OscarL-N2600? :P
<OscarL-N2600> I migth finally be able to make my own (slow) buildmaster on this thing (as originally intended)
<Begasus> quite some progress, firefox launching (and crashing) :D
<OscarL-N2600> Begasus: re broken keyboard... at least I have an excuse here :-D
<Begasus> lol
<OscarL-N2600> "4 processors" :-D (2c/4t atom at 1.6 GHz, 2GB of RAM).
<Begasus> at least it's "usable", the other laptop's keyboard is totally nuked
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus e2a9c77 - kitemviews6, bump version (#10947)
<OscarL-N2600> yeah, have to hit some keys twice or more, but at least they are there (the other netbook had actual missing keys, and lots of others unresponsive)
<OscarL-N2600> mmm, DEL key not working, no wonder CTRL+ALT+DEL didn't worked :-D
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<OscarL-N2600> pkgman update wants me to update to hrev58021 :-/
* OscarL-N2600 changes repos to r1beta5
<dovsienko> milek7: this is what a 16-bit CPU looks like if built from discrete elements:
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<OscarL-N2600> oh, wow. even cpu-frequency scalling sees to be working! (even if I only see intel_cstates driver loaded)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 0485d95 - knotifications6, bump version (#10948)
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<OscarL-N2600> audio, ethernet, wifi... working. machine feels pretty snappy, considering the bad CPU.... pretty impressive (watching and old .avi
<phschafft> dovsienko: that is a way to build a framebuffer. ;)
<dovsienko> a common thing I do in Linux is disable the imitation CPU cores (HyperThreading) so these don't get in the way of the process scheduler
<Begasus> nice OscarL-N2600 :)
<phschafft> dovsienko: which is actually kind of the inverse of how it was invented.
<dovsienko> when the BIOS does not allow to do that, in Linux I do that through sysfs
<dovsienko> is there a similar way to do it in Haiku?
<OscarL-N2600> one can disable SMP, but AFAIK, not disable only HT.
<dovsienko> OscarL-N2600: when I played with BeOS, a high-end desktop would mean below 300MHz CPU clock single core
<OscarL-N2600> dovsienko: I ran BeOS on an AMD-K5 PR133 (100 MHz), 16 MB of RAM back in the day :-D
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 7adcfae - kcrash6, bump version (#10949)
<dovsienko> OscarL-N2600: make sure this laptop runs from an SSD
<OscarL-N2600> wifi seems to glitcht a bit, but meh.... ethernet for life.
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<dovsienko> I would also be tempting to max the RAM out because N2600 is 64-bit and won't be limited by 4GB, but with some old hardware the thing is that when it has been running not at the highest spec, and then you try to upgrade it, it fails
<dovsienko> (unless the RAM is soldered to the board)
<OscarL-N2600> dovsienko: no money for SSDs :-D (Argentine's economic life, heh).
<OscarL-N2600> atom n2600 limited to 2 GB max ram.
<OscarL-N2600> sadly
<OscarL-N2600> has dimm slot, but has 2GB already.
<dovsienko> is it SATA at least?
<OscarL-N2600> yup.
<OscarL-N2600> I'm pretty used to slow hardware (best machine is a Phenom II X4), so this actually working at all (at last) is already incredible :-D
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+16/-14/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 9e0fd3f - kf6 frameworks, push bulk version bump nr3 (#10950)
<Begasus> k, let's see how this goes :)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 12f8a38 - kwallet6, remove old patchset (#10951)
<dovsienko> well, maybe then it would be more practicable to use a virtual machine over VNC
<OscarL-N2600> broswing the form a bit slow, but workable.
<OscarL-N2600> *forum.
<OscarL-N2600> will use this one via ssh, most probably.
<OscarL-N2600> let it do longer biulds overnight, while I use the other PC for something else :-D
<OscarL-N2600> no screen, no battery... at least it uses only a few watts, heh
<Begasus> heh
<OscarL-N2600> mmm, web+ 100% on one core (on the forum)
<OscarL-N2600> now back to normal, lol
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+10/-10/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus a5a1d93 - kf6 frameworks, push bulk version bump nr4 (#10952)
<OscarL-N2600> mmm, screen redrawing seems to be getting slower.
<Begasus> forum is fine, github/gitlab is bogus :/
<Begasus> that was the same on beta4, but at least Falkon behaved better there
<OscarL-N2600> gitlab is slow for me even on Firefox (compared to github or codeberg).
<Begasus> don't think I've checked codeberg yet on beta5
<x512[m]> GitLab is slow everywhere in general.
<Begasus> can't get pass it x512[m] (for other projects at least)
<Begasus> codeberg seems fine in Web+
<Begasus> same thing on Falkon as github, thread peaking
<OscarL-N2600> ssh using "/packages/openssh-9.8p1-2/.self/data/openssh/empty:/bin/true" as shell (in passwd file) seems wrong
<Begasus> fix it? :P
<OscarL-N2600> not while using tis keyboard
<OscarL-N2600> +h
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> I'm glad nextcloud-client is fixed, can share recipes/patches easy now between the laptops, saves typos :D
<OscarL-N2600> ah, missed the ":". /bin/true as shell is ok, I guess. the weird thing is the dir for its "home"
<OscarL-N2600> using paths with package versions in them on setting files can be a tripwire.
<OscarL-N2600> (darn bash-completions getting broken on package update, for example).
<Begasus> for my use it's still ok :)
<OscarL> yeah, using the netbook via ssh (with this working keyboard)... much better :-D
<Begasus> geek! :P
<OscarL> I'm really happy this is working! /me hopes it is not just a fluke :-D
<Begasus> crossing my fingers for you :)
<OscarL> +1
<OscarL> once I setup mDNSResponder (so I can forget about changing IPs), this will be sweeet!
<OscarL> Will probably do that after getting some sleep, thou... 7 AM already here, yikes.
<Begasus> jikes he says
<Begasus> it's the time most people wake up :P
<OscarL> most *sane* people.
<Begasus> or at least had their first coffee
<Begasus> heh
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<Begasus> bugger ...
<OscarL> starting Midnight Commander with "mc -u" is significantly faster than plain "mc". Maybe there's a way to make it use something ligther than bash as sub-shell.
<phschafft> what does -u do?
<OscarL> disables sub-shell support.
<OscarL> you still get the command line at the bottom, but it is not longer your usual shell, and CTRL+O doesn't works.
<dovsienko> in the old times when Internet was slow, I regularly had to use "mc -sb", and when your terminal settings were not good for whatever reason, it was "mc -a" to make it completely low-end
<OscarL> remember using -a, yes. still pretty slow start up here unless I add -u still :-D
<phschafft> hm, I see.
<OscarL> order matter, hehe, "mc -a -u" slow, "mc -u -a" fast, heh.
<OscarL> seems that was a fluke.
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus abdef9e - kio6, don't include experimental upstream patch (#10953)
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<Begasus> bummer :P
<OscarL-N2600> killed media_addon_server, and redrawing slowness went away.
<Begasus> probably don't need it there
<OscarL-N2600> rigth, or should remeber to kill it after playing some video files :-)
<Begasus> no playing around! :P
<OscarL-N2600> wonder if vesa bios patching will work (resolutions not ideal)
<OscarL-N2600> albeit 1024x768 does looks crispy enough.
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<OscarL> vesa bios patching added several more resolutions to choose from (1920x1080 resulted on unrecoverable garbled output thou :-D)
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<OscarL> sun goes up, /me goes down. Have a good day Begasus, dovsienko, phschafft, and nephele too :-)
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<Nephele> :)
<Begasus> Hello nephele
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<phschafft> nephele: do you have a few minutes for me today?
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+11/-11/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus babaf36 - kf6 frameworks, push bulk version bump nr5 (#10954)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+11/-11/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 0be1200 - kf6 frameworks, push bulk version bump nr6 (#10955)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+11/-11/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 9d560eb - kf6 frameworks, push bulk version bump nr7 (#10956)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+5/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus fba313b - plasma frameworks, bump version for some frameworks (#10957)
<Begasus> last one in the lines of KF6 frameworks :) (if nothing fails at buildmasters)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-1/±2]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes 0f4e453 - libreoffice v6: fix build
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<Nephele> phschafft: going swimming in a bit, but at 19/20 or something, sure :)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuporter] kallisti5 pushed 17 commits to master [+4/-0/±55]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuporter] kallisti5 1f7e28e - Merge pull request #291 from mmlr/s3storage
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<phschafft> hm.
<phschafft> swimming would be fun.
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuporter] kallisti5 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±5]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuporter] kallisti5 ad55f5f - versions: Bump versions to next version. Add some notes on how to make a release
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58026] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 492a07f2c737 - Find panel: GUI string changes
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus f6b4c6d - mpv, revbump, fixes for ffmpeg version and libplacebo (#10958)
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] autocommitter pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58027] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] fa359dc09121 - Update translations from Pootle
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus c56d397 - qtkeycain, revbump for Qt changes (openssl3) (#10959)
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<botifico> [haiku/infrastructure] kallisti5 pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±2]
<botifico> [haiku/infrastructure] kallisti5 390377b - metrics: always pull latest image
<botifico> [haiku/infrastructure] kallisti5 d7eb5f6 - deployments/pootle: Bump up memory a little
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 08cddc6 - libquotient, bump version (#10960)
<Begasus> not tackling that again any time soon :D dev-lang/erlang/erlang-20.1.recipe (fails to build, multiple definitions error)
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<Begasus> PulkoMandy "Can't exec "autopoint"" that's part of gettext, needs to be added in BUILD_PREREQUIRES with the latest change there
<Begasus> same for this (Could NOT find Gettext (missing: GETTEXT_MSGMERGE_EXECUTABLE) msgfmt and msgmerge needs added there
<Begasus> pkgman full-sync (and about 400 packages gone) :)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy 4b3d27a - tuxmath: remove obsolete version
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 5395614 - kirigami_addons1, bump version (#10961)
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<Skipp_OSX> hmmm Find panel: GUI string changes is a good change but will wreck the translated strings just before release unfortunately...
<Skipp_OSX> I guess just "On" so oh well
<Skipp_OSX> oh... and "Include trash"
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 9825256 - kmime24, bump version (#10962)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus dec5e7f - mpv, don't rely on devel libraries for ffmpeg5 (#10963)
<Begasus> closing down here
<Begasus> cu peeps!
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy 7b5b1cc - libtorrent: update to openssl3
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy b4dfc1b - libwebsockets: update to 4.3.3
<botifico> [haiku/website] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haiku/website] diegoroux db3b4fc - [GSoC 24]: Update Final Report to include Pull Request. (#712)
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* phschafft waves to erysdren.
<erysdren> good afternoon!
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<phschafft> all good?
<erysdren> doing alright, just looking for something to work on
<phschafft> want some of my tickets?
<erysdren> only if they're on SIRTX :P
<phschafft> or Haiku?
<phschafft> or both!
<erysdren> both!
<phschafft> :)
<erysdren> :D
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<phschafft> you could have the plus escape ticket if you like ;)
<phschafft> or if you want to go really fancy the I²C ticket.
<phschafft> what I think might be more in your area however are the tickets on views. I mean you recently did similar work.
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy 8daf313 - telegram-desktop: update for openssl 3
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<Skipp_OSX> hey how do I test if I fixed [Tracker] memory is not released after closing query window ??
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<Skipp_OSX> I need a more complicated query...
<waddlesplash> Skipp_OSX: I think it's about all files?
<waddlesplash> like, just do a query for everything
<waddlesplash> and after closing the window, is memory freed?
<Skipp_OSX> ok I see the memory usage going up
<Skipp_OSX> drat ok thank you.. I did a little better (less memory usage) but I see the problem now
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