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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes 8d07351 - tg_owt: bump version
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<Vidrep_64> PulkoMandy, I just tried building WebKit for the first time in a long time. I'm getting this error:
<Vidrep_64> ~/haikuwebkit/Tools/Scripts> build-webkit --haiku --no-fatal-warnings
<Vidrep_64> Attempt to call undefined import method with arguments ("prohibitUnknownPort") via package "webkitdirs" (Perhaps you forgot to load the package?) at /packages/perl-5.40.0-2/.self/lib/perl5/5.40.0/ line 28.
<Vidrep_64> + cmake --build /boot/home/haikuwebkit/WebKitBuild/Release --config Release --
<Vidrep_64> ninja: error: '/packages/libxml2-2.12.5-1/.self/develop/lib/', needed by 'lib/', missing and no known rule to make it
<Vidrep_64> ~/haikuwebkit/Tools/Scripts>
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<scantysnax> good evening.
<AlienSoldier> anything weird was made to the ramfs in the last month that could explain why falkon is so slugish lately? the app dis not change so i guess it is on the OS side?
<AlienSoldier> hi scanty
<scantysnax> hey AlienSoldier! How goes it?
<AlienSoldier> it goes hot!
<scantysnax> AlienSoldier, there was a new webkt in software updater on the 64-bit end. not sure about 32-bit, but that might explain falkon... i haven't noticed much difference, but i haven't used it too much.
<scantysnax> AlienSoldier: hot here too today, 93F
<scantysnax> 33C, apparently.
<AlienSoldier> i have a very small memory laptop (1G) at the shak. but it seem to be cpu problem, the hdd is not in activity much.
<scantysnax> i see... you could definitely use some more memory.
<scantysnax> any options to upgrade it?
<AlienSoldier> probably ram
<scantysnax> yep, that's what i mean
<AlienSoldier> but it worked well a few month ago
<AlienSoldier> it was slow, but now falkon seem to stop at full cpu load for no reason.
<scantysnax> that's strange.
<AlienSoldier> webpositive do not do this
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<scantysnax> i have had much better success with falkon than webpositive.
<scantysnax> falkon does indeed eat a lot of ram
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<AlienSoldier> perhaps the VM and ramFS interaction changed.
<scantysnax> i have no idea about kernely stuff.
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 5 commits to master [hrev57905] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] cb98c7928c60 - TCP: Send immediate ACKs for every out-of-order packet, plus...
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] de6a7a3edf06 - TCP: Do not start the TIME_WAIT timer in Free() if we are about to delete.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 1981214cd78a - TCP: Initiate a send if the new window is larger than 3 default segments.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] cb5415fa2911 - TCP: Print the socket pointer in Dump().
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] d8405312ab9b - TCP: Minor code and comment cleanups.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57906] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 71c7a4a4824d - WeakReferenceable: Remove magic value from Get().
<waddlesplash> AlienSoldier: hmm, that's odd
<waddlesplash> someone on the forums reported that mednafen suddenly renders at 1 FPS
<waddlesplash> I wonder if it's related
<waddlesplash> AlienSoldier: looks like it's getting stuck in poll().
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<AlienSoldier> waddlesplash felel like that, waiting for a function to complete or a semaphore.
<AlienSoldier> *feel
<AlienSoldier> something that run in anycase as the cpu is at max.
<waddlesplash> AlienSoldier: it looks like it's trying to poll() a FD that does not exist anymore
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<OscarL> After solving a "PEBCAK" issue (hard to debug one-self :-/), we're back on track for Python3.13.0 (got rc1 working).
<AlienSoldier> FD?
<OscarL> file descriptor
<AlienSoldier> so i guess it timeout and eventually take a deault value
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<OscarL> morning Begasus.
<OscarL> Getting some hang tests still on Python 3.13... "FDs in use by applications:" and then the command line gets chopped up, so I have no way of knowing which test is hanging :-(
<Begasus> Hi OscarL!
<Begasus> Got issues with anything related to texinfo/perl in the recipes
<Begasus> but got a nice tip from KDE dev: KIRIGAMI_LOWPOWER_HARDWARE=1 seems to fix some rendering issues for apps using that
<OscarL> re: perl/textinfo... at least I can't be blamed for those :-D
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> though I messed some things up first with the gettext changes :)
<Begasus> that's a golden buzzer on kirigami, works way better then forcing software rendering :P
<OscarL> wonder if it turns down effects/animation (last time I've tried KDE on linux, was really pissed off that disabling animations completely was almost impossible).
<Begasus> not sure what animations you refer too, I guess we don't suffer that much from that :)
<OscarL> there was hack of setting animation delays to zero, or something like that... but from the GUI... dear jebus...
<Begasus> lol
<OscarL> animations as in... "whooossh! here lets maximize this window really slow on your crappy hardware!"
<Begasus> one downside (but I think it is the right way to go) is that one has to add msgfmt/msgmerge to BUILD_PREREQUIRES now with gettext changes
<OscarL> gettext is related to localizations, right? (never really touched that stuff here)
<Begasus> have been checking out plasmatube for quite some time now, at this moment I've got atleast something that's working pretty good (even with patch/tips from upstream) :)
<Begasus> yeah
<Begasus> libintl was tight too much to the base package that supplies the cmd's and a few libraries
<Begasus> but not everything that uses libintl uses the cmd's
<Begasus[m]> oh wow!
<Begasus[m]> much better without software rendering :P
<OscarL> great. got a KDL manually re-running a Python test :-/
<Begasus> :/
<OscarL> "<ramfs> FindAndGetNode()" strikes again (on beta4 still, at least).
<Begasus> seems there are some issues related to that
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<OscarL> yup.
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<OscarL> hit his one before on occasion.
<OscarL> now VM won't boot :-(
<Begasus> jikes
<Begasus> doggies ...
<OscarL> booted after a couple of tries. Seems I haven't lost latest changes. Pheeew!
<Begasus> that has been revbumped 3 weeks ago
<OscarL> guess the user will have to either help narrow down the issue, or wait for somebody else to be bored enough to do so :-/
<OscarL> I haven't even heard of mednafen till that post :-D
<OscarL> (welp, till the user mentioned the slowdowns here on IRC first)
<OscarL> otoh... such massive slowdowns from a decoder audio lib? sounds unlikely to me.
<OscarL> from an audio *playback* lib... that could make a bit more sense... but... could be totally unrelated to all of that too (as in the possible ramfs connection)
<OscarL> damn spam bot on the forum. flagged.
<Begasus> was looking through the list of libraries required you posted in the forum, just did a quick look at github :)
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<OscarL> yeah, thanks. my comment was more as in... just thinking out loud about what the problem might be.
<OscarL> at first I confused "libmpcdec" with "libmpdec" (that python 3.13+ wants), and was utterly confused :-D
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<Begasus> heh
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<OscarL> mmm, wonder if I can make a defineDebugInfoPackage for Python3.13 (instead of just forcefully removing the "-g" flag :D)
<Begasus> only one way to find out? :P
<Begasus> g'morning jmairboeck
<Begasus> k, let's try something in kirigami :)
<Begasus> lol, that didn't work out just yet
<jmairboeck> good morning Begasus, OscarL
<OscarL> can I pass wildcards to defineDebugInfoPackage? (I'm not gonna list every single .so under lib-dynload :-D)
<OscarL> Hey there jmairboeck!
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<phschafft> Good morning.
<Begasus> Moin phschafft
* phschafft gets in, finds his usual spot and then just gets back to rest. still sleepy from yesterday.
<Begasus> rough day, did that donkey give you a hard time? :)
* Begasus ducks
<phschafft> 41.44km. but was a bit late when we were going out so also returned late.
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<phschafft> and I'm sure we also had some ducks on our way. ;)
<Begasus> heh
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<phschafft> seen a lot of fun stuff on the way.
<OscarL> defineDebugInfoPackage seems to NOT handle wildcards. That's not fun. back to disabling "-g"
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<OscarL> one last build before I go play some video games...
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<OscarL> Darn builds getting slower with each version. Remember being able to build 3.9 in about 7.5 minutes, now its 50 for 3.13 :-/
<OscarL> (Granted, those ealier 3.9 builds were just using -O0 and no "--with-optiminzations", unoptimized 3.13 takes about 10 minutes)
<Begasus> someone is eager to do it the hard way :P
<OscarL> I blame diver for requesting we use that "--with-optimizations" :-P
<phschafft> em...
<Begasus> heh
<OscarL> first time I've tried... it was actually far slower than regular builds, LOL! (turns out OPT flags were all wrong, borking the profile guided optimizations :-D)
<Begasus> that's like biting the hand that feeds you .. tsss :P
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<OscarL> 3.10 last version we could reliably do PGO on parallel builds, that slows down things quite a bit for >=3.11 sadly.
<Begasus> what's the plan for moving forward on python?
<Begasus> skipping 3.11/3.12? or?
<OscarL> (Mmm, wonder if nipo's "tiny" server could handle an LTO-enabled Python build in reasonable time :-D)
<Begasus> heh
<OscarL> Begasus: 3.11 will be more than likely skipped, yeah.
<OscarL> 3.13 has some really cool improvments on the REPL, error messages, and as long as we build it with GIL enabled, shoudlnt't be THAT different from 3.12 I think.
<Begasus> iirc the "even" releases were the stable ones back then for linux kernel, and the uneven not?
<OscarL> but... one thing is "moving" to a newer Python... a different beast moving the rest of the packages to that version.
<OscarL> Begasus: AFAIK, no such thing with Python versions, no.
<Begasus> ah :)
<OscarL> the have a regular schedule. for 3.13 is: 2 years active development (bugfixes, binary releases), plus 3 more years of source-only "when needed" security-related released. or something on those lines.
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<Begasus> OscarL, any idea what could be going on here?
<OscarL> mmm, forgot to try enabling the new JIT option. Oh well... at least I got back on track with this thing.
<Begasus> heh
<OscarL> not sure, I'll give Crypto sources a look.
<OscarL> (yay! optimized 3.13 build with "-g" removed... 42 minutes :-D)
<Begasus> lol
<Begasus> ps, that thing is trying to playback an album list with plasmatube (uses yt-dlp)
<OscarL> "value |= 2L ** (N-1)" fails with the same error here on 3.13 at least :-P
<Begasus> err youtube-dl
<Begasus> nice, you pinpointed it ... :D
<OscarL> where does yt-dlp declares a dependency on crypto?
<Begasus> beats me :P
<OscarL> yt-dlp includes "Cryptodome", but that tries to "import Crypto", without the yt-dlp .recipe ever declaring it as a dependency, AFAICS.
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<OscarL> we have pycryptodome (that replaces older pycrypto)... /me looks at pycryptodome's sources then.
<Begasus> OscarL, it's youtube-dl not yt-dlp as I first mentioned
<OscarL> mmm, who's using that anyway? :-P
<Begasus> tss :P
<OscarL> doesn't has proper requirements either.
<Begasus> File "packages/pycrypto-2.6.1-8/.self/lib/python3.9/vendor-packages/Crypto/Util/", line 44
<OscarL> Begasus: you say youtube-dl, but your log says: /bin/yt-dlp
<Begasus> mask = (1L << b) - 1
<Begasus> ^
<Begasus> lot's of those there
<Begasus> [ytdl_hook] youtube-dl failed: unexpected error occurred
<Begasus> bugger .. back with python again ... can't seem to get rid of it :P
<OscarL> we have recipes for "youtube_dl", and "yt-dlp" (later being a fork of the former)
<Begasus> iirc some legal thing ...
<OscarL> try uninstalling pycrypto, and install pycryptodome instead
<OscarL> mind sharing the exact command line that you used on that log?
<Begasus> doesn't seem to use it :)
<Begasus> just removed pycrypto
<Begasus> tss little bugger :P [ytdl_hook] ERROR: [generic] Unable to download webpage: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden (caused by <HTTPError 403: Forbidden>)
<OscarL> does plasmatube includes (or auto-installs) its own copy of yt-dlp?
<Begasus> didn't complain when I removed it
<OscarL> that's what I'm saying Begasus. Our recipes do not declare it as requirement (bug), but I have no idea what plasmatube is using.
<Begasus> this :)
<OscarL> I mean regarding yt-dlp... Anyway... do "pkgman install pycryptodome_python310" and try again.
<Begasus> hmm ... searching :)
<Begasus> not much there on both:
<OscarL> not really following you. You used plasmatube, if that generated the error on, then plasmatube is using "/bin/yt-dlp". Either because you had it installed already, or plasmatube autoinstalls it.
<Begasus> it's already installed, but doesn't seem to be a dependency for plasmatube (or I missed it in the build log)
<Begasus> different error with pycryptodome_python310
<OscarL> I would "query -a *yt-dlp*" to see if plasmatube downloaded its own copy somewhere.
<Begasus> just the one installed in system
<Begasus> yeah, it's in the source (2 json files)
<Begasus> biab
<OscarL> in any case... our yt-dlp and youtube-dl recipes are borked...
<Begasus> we have just pycrypto in there?
<Begasus> just back in ...
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<OscarL> pycrypto is OLD. replacement is pycryptodome or pycryptodomex (notice X at end).
<Begasus> we don't have brotlicffi it seems :)
<OscarL> Apparently, yt-dlp requiers pycryptodomex (x version), but will fall back to either pycryptodome or older pycrypto.
<Begasus> which X at what end? ;)
<Begasus> this one? pycryptodomex
<OscarL> yes
<Begasus> shouldn't they conflict? ;)
<OscarL> pycryptodome/pycryptodomex is the same package, just installed under a different name.
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<OscarL> the X version does not conflicts, as it uses a different name: "Cryptodome".
<Begasus> ok :)
<OscarL> the non-X version... installs as Crypto and already CONFLICTS.
<OscarL> Begasus: BTW, that "brotlicffi; implementation_name!='cpython'" means that brotlicffi is required for NON cpython implementations.
<Begasus> err ...
<OscarL> "our" python is "CPython", but there are other Pythons.... PyPy, IronPython, etc.
<OscarL> so... don't worry about stuff that read "implementation_name!=cpython"
<Begasus> ok, thanks on that info :)
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<Begasus> no websockets package for python?
<Begasus> diff error now on that :)
<OscarL> apparently not, but it has an "any" .whl, so... shouldn't be too hard.
<Begasus> [ytdl_hook] NameError: name 'platform' is not defined
<OscarL> that might be my fault. Will check.
<OscarL> meanwhile... "python3.13 -m pip install --user --upgrade pip" worked like a charm.
<Begasus> nice :)
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<OscarL> pip3.13 --version >> "pip 24.2 from /boot/home/config/non-packaged/lib/python3.13/site-packages/pip (python 3.13)"
<Begasus> check if you can install numpy with it?
* Begasus ducks
<OscarL> k. pushed my 3.13 changes out at least. Build it against the libmpdec you made :-)
* Begasus know nothing!
<OscarL> a pain in the rear to have to build whole Python package again... just to add a mising "import platform" :-)
<Begasus> if you give me a hint I could check (just unpacked) :)
<Begasus> # Are we on x86 32 bits?: ...
<OscarL> yeah, or at the top with the other imports, but there should work.
<OscarL> (not very clean, but... oh well :-P)
<Begasus> I just went where the error pointed me to :P
<OscarL> Seems I just carried the same bug to newer versions.
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<OscarL> I might have forgotten either a commit... or an "hp -e" when I worked on that :-D
<OscarL> (forgotten "hp -e" sounds pretty likely)
<Begasus> know the feeling, running full git add ... and instead of "hp -e" doing a "hp -c" :D
<OscarL> yeah... need to patch hp -c to check for changes before nuking things :-P
<Begasus> +1 :D
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<Begasus> Hi nephele!
<Nephele> Wierrd, I can't clone haiku over https. ~/proj/Haiku: git clone HaikuFull gives this:
<Nephele> error: RPC failed; HTTP 500 curl 22 The requested URL returned error: 500
<Nephele> Hi Begasus
<Begasus> no idea there, I'm waiting untill waddlesplash fixes full anyboot image build :)
<Nephele> it's broken?
<Begasus> on 32bit yeah
<Nephele> how could waddlesplash do this!! /s
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> ticket created for it
<OscarL> Begasus: welp... at least 3.13 has "import platform" at the top already on ctypes/
<Begasus> yeah OscarL, saw that
<Begasus> guess that check was targetted for 32bit secondary arch
<Begasus> ah, you mean it's not present in 3.10?
<Begasus> ah no
<Begasus> unpacking 3.12
<Begasus> fresh coffee ...
* phschafft waves to nephele.
<OscarL> seenm I'm only missing it on the 3.10 patchset.
<Begasus> is that really the only thing missing?
<Begasus> compared to 3.12 the check further in that file looks the same
<Begasus> building ... :)
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<Begasus> OscarL, can't you disable building the tests in the recipe? :P
<OscarL> no
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<Begasus> tss :P
<OscarL> welp, yeah, but those tests are part of the "--with-optimizations"
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<OscarL> on the 3.13 recipe at least I have a global "optimizeBuild=yes/no" to speed up things :-D
<OscarL> Begasus: remove "--enable-optimizations", and change -O3 to -O0 on "OPT=" for fastest build.
<Begasus> done just now :)
<Begasus> installing/checking*
<Begasus> python error gone :)
<Begasus> nice, OscarL, if you make a PR for it I can confirm and merge :)
<Begasus> see, checking KDE stuff can be a good thing sometimes :P
<OscarL> I can do the PR later today (tonight), also adding the toggle for optimized or faster builds. Right now... too sleepy, sorry.
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<Begasus> np, I just added import platform at the top of the file (as in the 3.12 patchset), so can confirm it's OK :)
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<OscarL> +1. Thanks!
<OscarL> anyway... /me head off to bed.
<Begasus> less noice in the terminal
<Begasus> cya OscarL, take care!
<phschafft> nachti OscarL.
<OscarL> see you later Begasus! (and phschafft on the back :-D)
<phschafft> and thank you for your work. :)
<Begasus> +1!
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<Nephele> hi phschafft
* phschafft waves.
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<Begasus> hm .. how do you launch an app with Terminal without the need to keep the Terminal open?
<Begasus> I know it's possible, just can't remember :)
<jmairboeck> nohup? does that exist in Haiku?
<phschafft> dependings on what/how you want it. nohup, screen, ....
<Begasus> iirc it had something with &&
<Begasus> like launching Tracker from Terminal
<Nephele> you mean "command &"?
<Nephele> that launches stuff "in the background" but i don't know if it is then killed when the session with terminal is ended
<Begasus> yeah, I think that was it
<Nephele> alternatively have it in a shell script and just click that from tracker
<Nephele> (or symlink)
<Begasus> that's possible too, but I would need one that takes an argument (untill a proper fix for kirigami can be made) :)
<Begasus> nothing major for now
<Nephele> #!sh
<Nephele> and then
<Nephele> mycommand $argument
<Nephele> as second line
<Nephele> well, replace argument with what you want it to say :)
<Begasus> yeah, I know how scripts work (got already plenty in ~/config/non-packaged/bin) :)
<Nephele> Hmm, i wonder why "alert" does not have an option for a text field?
<Nephele> Begasus: one neat trick is that you can also use the name of the command in the script, so you can then rename the script and launch it again to have it do something else
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+4/-4/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes cfd706e - Telegram: bump version
<phschafft> if your shell script only executes one command, or if the last command is going to be running for a long time (e.g. you do a bit of setup and then start one thing) consider using exec.
<phschafft> that will allow the shell to terminate while what you actually run keeps running.
<Begasus> it would have to take "KIRIGAMI_LOWPOWER_HARDWARE=1 -f$" or the like I guess :)
<Begasus> understanding scripts is one thing, wriging them is as hard as wring "Hello World!" in cpp for me :P
<phschafft> I mean in C++ everything is hard.
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<phschafft> C++ is like they took a good language and added stuff untill everything good is missing. some strange kind of remove by adding thing. must be anti-matter patterns or something.
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<phschafft> but as I was told in university by some MS sponsored teacher: just use system()! so: system("ECHO HELLO WORLD!") (and also always write everything uppercase because...
<Nephele> Begasus: you can do that with export statement "export KIRIGIAME_RUN_PROPERLY=1" and afterwards the command with exec
<Nephele> phschafft: I like how on some BSD systems if you login with uppercase letters for your account name it will disable lowercase letters for that session entirely
<phschafft> you can also write env vars before the command in most shells.
<phschafft> like: BLA=blubb cmd args...
<phschafft> nephele: compatible with PDP days, eh?
<Nephele> yes
<Nephele> be back in a couplle of hours :)
<phschafft> have fun.
<phschafft> feel free to ping me when you're ready.
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<Nephele> phschafft: ping
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<AlienSoldier> seem webpositive download of files report file size of "-1" while i can clearly see the file size in wgett. Perhaps this is why the download progess bar is not showing (it does when the file is done as the full green bar appear" the download text also alternate from some download data to completly blank text.
<AlienSoldier> this used to work well before.
<AlienSoldier> on the bright side. i seem to no longer have file not completly downloaded that reported finished.
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<Nephele> AlienSoldier: this happens since switching to the curl backend
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<AlienSoldier> nephele was there not a native solution at one point? it was having problem?
<Nephele> The native one is libnetservices. It is working slower in some cases, and libnetservices2 is also in the works (but not ready yet)
<AlienSoldier> ok, as long as a fix is comming :)
<Nephele> You'd have to ask PulkoMandy what the blockers were to switch to curl, i'm not too happy with the curl backend but won't reverse that decision
<AlienSoldier> i like "2" things :), they always mess them a "3" :P
<Nephele> Heh.
<PulkoMandy> the native code doesn't work, some requests never complete, cookies get lost, and a lot of other problems
<PulkoMandy> you may not like curl, but then you have to beat curl at doing http, and that isn't easy because they started 20 years before you and know a lot about http
<AlienSoldier> might explain while files download in entierty now also.
<PulkoMandy> I will certainly not try it again, I have learnt my lesson
<AlienSoldier> hope the "2" won't reintroduce that problem.
<Nephele> libnetservices2 is available as a preview in beta4 already
<PulkoMandy> you have to handle servers not quite implementing the specs, too. Some things I remember is a server rejecting my requests because I sent the HTTP request in two TCP writes instead of one (it's TCP, it's supposed to be stream oriented) and another one trying to set cookies where the weekday in the date do not match the real calendar
<Nephele> I'm not sure what the current state is
<PulkoMandy> I got tired of spending days investigating such stupid issues quite quickly
<PulkoMandy> current status is the same: some requests are still broken. But version 2 is a little bit faster
<Nephele> PulkoMandy: I can understand this partly. However we already need netservices for the rest of haiku. I'm not happy with a solution employing two rails so to speak
<PulkoMandy> ah and also it was a terrible idea to start a new thread for each HTTP request, there is no support for HTTP 1.1 (reusing the same TCP connexion for multiple requests which would be a lot faster), probably a few more issues we haven't discovered or understood yet
<PulkoMandy> well I think we could make netservices be a C++ wrapper over curl, our life would be simpler
<Nephele> aslong as the system has a native api we can link against, and decide if we then want curl (or don't want it) I am fine with that
<AlienSoldier> PulkoMandy you mean like ffmpeg remplaced video codec?
<PulkoMandy> the support for extra vdeo codecs is still there
<PulkoMandy> it's getting in the way of ffmpeg working properly
<Nephele> I'm just annoyed by stuff now having to be fixed twice, once for webkit and once for the rest of the system. and i can't easily a:b test it :)
<Nephele> (especially that we *don't* have an equivalent to FreeBSD "fetch" to just use netservices on the commandline to fetch a file over http)
<win8linux[m]> Are there any alternatives to curl that are cross-platform?
<Nephele> also with the idea in mind to be able to write native applications for some rest/json whatever based applications
<Nephele> win8linux[m]: alternative in what sense? to *everything* curl does? definetely not. But for parts of it there might be
<win8linux[m]> Yeah, for all of it.
<Nephele> Then no. cUrl implements a ridicilous ammount of protocols.
<win8linux[m]> Does Haiku need everything curl does?
<Nephele> No
<AlienSoldier> that is something i would be currious to see AI codding. transcoding code from a framework to another, like using curl to populate our native solution.
<Nephele> in this case we are only talking about http(s)
<win8linux[m]> AlienSoldier: Absolutely not
<Nephele> Also cURL supports gopher, and netservices supports gopher. But not our webkit with curl backend does not support gopher. Not that the support was that cool
<win8linux[m]> It'd be a horrible idea to have any generated code in the Haiku codebase.
<Nephele> win8linux[m]: i'm pretty sure we have generated code already? just not by a LLM neccesarily. But generating code, and transpiling it, is not a new idea
<Nephele> just that there already are better tools than AI for this
<win8linux[m]> I use generated code as a term, mostly to avoid using AI as a term.
<AlienSoldier> win8linux[m] if this is made of small part it is not that hard to follow. watched a N64 develloper use that and it was facinating to compare his solution to the AI one.
<win8linux[m]> AI implies that there is intelligence and not just really fast word regurgitation.
<win8linux[m]> (applies for LLMs specifically)
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<Nephele> "Computer interpreted summary, computer reinterpreted code"
<Nephele> something along those lines, may be better terms
<Nephele> still working on that
<win8linux[m]> Besides with increasing model decay, relying on so-called AI for codegen may not be viable for the long-term.
<win8linux[m]> Turns out that inbreeding exists for data models, too.
<Nephele> anyhow. Back on topic: we use cUrl in webkit only for it's http/https support
<AlienSoldier> i don't like it as final code, but it can point to solution.
<Nephele> for that there may be alternatives, i don't know.
<win8linux[m]> nephele: Hmm, then are there cross-platform alternatives for this specifically?
<Nephele> dunno. But i fail to see how cross-platform is a consideration in this case?
<win8linux[m]> Mainly to avoid rewriting what someone else has already done for longer.
<AlienSoldier> nephele we use it fully or the binary (source) is stripped of unused load.
<Nephele> Yes, but cross-platform implies a level of abstraction we don't neccesarily want. Porting some code would be fine too
<Nephele> cloudfare keeps blocking me from sites in webpositiv
<win8linux[m]> It was mentioned here earlier that part of the motivation behind switching to cURL was to resolve implementation bugs.
<Nephele> win8linux[m]: curl has a list:
<AlienSoldier> i always got that old intution that media kit could be made to handle net stuff by generalizing it.
<Nephele> i don't see how
<Nephele> Media kit should be able to stream stuff over the network. sure, but http? :g
<AlienSoldier> it is a stream manipulator.
<AlienSoldier> and i said it would need generalisation, not as it currently is.
<Nephele> leaky abstraction
<AlienSoldier> only really anoying thing i still have with netpositive is that as it seem to grow i memory, it eventually don't want to close when i want, it stay in the thread list and i get tired of waiting and kill it.
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<Nephele> Yeah. I can relate. (I assume you mean WebPositive though)
<Nephele> Hopefully that is one area webkit2 will improve somewhat
<AlienSoldier> yep, webpositive sorry :)
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<Nephele> WebPositive eats too much RAM regularily, and provokes the app_server and kernel to also consume more .-.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57907] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] d668d2274934 - HaikuDepot: Rework Languages Handling
<AlienSoldier> hummm, not a good day for intel if i check their stock, unless they want to buy back.
<AlienSoldier> suspending divident is quite a slap to investor.
<nosycat> Isn't that, like, a sign of *really* big trouble for a company the size of Intel?
<AlienSoldier> it is. i would know how to get them out of this but those guys don;t trust guy like me, they wil enter super concervative approche hopping it goes even badder for their competitor.
<zard> In theory it could mean that they found a whole new area that they could invest in and now want to use money that already is available to them instead of borrowing
<zard> Of course, the stock price went down, so I kinda doubt that is the case...
<AlienSoldier> well, they are already invested in the AI bubble, that does not help.
<nosycat> That would do it.
<zard> Oh no, they want more money to invest *in* AI :P
<AlienSoldier> the only next big thing things that i forsee (after the phone era) is the humanoid robot market.
* phschafft waves back at nephele.
<AlienSoldier> and it sure won't be honda and toyota constipated robots that will lead that trend.
<nosycat> You might be onto something. That's the other sci-fi fairy tale that was sold to people repeatedly for decades.
<AlienSoldier> i think they will come from auto driving cars company, tesla, rivian, waymo.
<nosycat> Ah yes, the other bubble that just burst. Checks out.
<AlienSoldier> very possible, because this is still far off
<AlienSoldier> i think we are to stay in a phone dominated landscape for a good while.
<AlienSoldier> seem they only big money to be made these days in in monopoly of food distribution.
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<nosycat> Hey, Begasus.
<Begasus> Hey nosycat!
<nosycat> How are you?
<Begasus> fighting with tokodon 24.* ;)
<Begasus> good otherwise as usual, you?
<nosycat> I found an open source project in the wild that puts out .hpkg files.
<Begasus> oh?
<Begasus> link?
<nosycat> I did a double-take. Can't test them, but what else can they be.
<Begasus> not sure what the purpose is there, a bit over my skills :)
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<nosycat> It's just another Rexx interpreter. We already have BRexx.
<nosycat> But it was a pleasant surprise to see they build for Haiku.
<Begasus> yeah I could see that, it even mentions BeOS in the pdf, that's as far as my interest was poked :D
<nosycat> Fair.
<nosycat> Haven't tried building from source. It's C, using autoconf.
<Begasus> I guess you would need to start out with the library before tackling the binary
<Begasus> first thing to do is to see if it actually build from Terminal :)
<nosycat> Dunno! It's a single source tree. Debian separates them like that.
<Begasus> quick glaze showed seperate src packages (or I have looked wrong) :)
<nosycat> Well, it builds from source on Linux for what it's worth.
<dovsienko> there's one thing in Haiku network settings that does not look right: if IPv4 is configured as static, it is possible to configure IPv6 as disabled
<nosycat> Out of the box, just with a ton of warnings.
<dovsienko> but if IPv4 is configured to DHCP, IPv6 automatically becomes "auto", and disabling IPv6 also disables IPv4
<waddlesplash> dovsienko: known bug, open ticket, some discussion about this
<waddlesplash> we need to split more settings in net_server
<dovsienko> ah, alright
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<Begasus> nosycat, could be done :)
<Begasus> ~/destdir/bin> rexx -v
<Begasus> rexx: REXX-Regina_3.9.6 5.00 29 Apr 2024 (64 bit)
<nosycat> Woo!
<Begasus> now you go and create a PR, ps needs libxcrypt also :)
<nosycat> Eep?
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> atleast according to AUR :)
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<Begasus> stupid "install" part ... Warning: POLICY WARNING: Invalid top-level package entry "packages" :P
* nosycat facepalms
<Begasus> nosycat, it "packaged" but wrong! :P
<Begasus> won't be for today ;)
<nosycat> Oh well!
<Begasus> can't blame me from trying :D lol
<nosycat> Thank you!
<Begasus> On a sidenote (on my way out for a while), PlasmaTube playing pretty well :D
<nosycat> :)
<Begasus> bbl
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<erysdren> i can't get Haiku to boot from a harddrive plugged into a USB HDD dock
<erysdren> :(
<erysdren> it just hangs on the boot screen and no lights ever come on
<erysdren> no KDL
<erysdren> (booting UEFI here)
<Nephele> do any icons light up?
<erysdren> nope, no icons
<erysdren> and no HDD activity either
<Nephele> then the kernel is not started iirc
<erysdren> hmm
<Anarchos> erysdren maybe a bios parameter to boot from usb ?
<erysdren> im gonna try installing it again
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<Anarchos> erysdren did you try fail safe mode ?
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<erysdren> brb
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<Begasus> closing down here
<Begasus> cu peeps
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<waddlesplash> dovsienko: I guess even if ramfs should clear pages, this is still a Clang bug because, well, what if the file is exactly a multiple of 4096 bytes long?
<waddlesplash> I wonder, does this crash on Linux?
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<dovsienko> nope
<dovsienko> one thing I realised after posting the comment is that the code path that supposedly has the bug in Clang should not depend on where the file comes from
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<dovsienko> in other words, if this is a file size variable not set correctly in Clang, why does it reproduce on RAMFS only?
<dovsienko> in each case the header file size is the same, so it should take the same "mmap(), not read()" branch and trigger it, but this is not what I see
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<dovsienko> from strace it is obvious when the include directory is pointing outside of RAMFS it makes the same moves starting with mmap() using the same file size, and does not fail
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