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<OscarL-x64> that "slow to push" to Haiku's gerrit has been there for me since my first little patch in 2022. Got better after a gerrit update (down to 3.5 minutes from 6), but seems to be getting worse again.
<waddlesplash> augiedoggie, OscarL-x64, Coldfirex: the big TCP performance improvement is still to come
<waddlesplash> it's pending for review on Gerrit
<waddlesplash> x512[m] said downloads from HaikuPorts went from 300 KB/s to 10 MB/s
<OscarL-x64> Cool! Just mentioned my crappy findings so far, given that I booted into nightlies just to see if Python 3.9 builds here :-) (after the kqueue changes, it needs some patching).
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<OscarL-x64> Mmm, why humdinger says that "Recent" entries are not persistent? (the ones on Deskbar are for me... thus why I noticed the "ever-growing list of recents" issue in the past).
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<Coldfirex> @waddlesplash: "TCP: Implement dynamic receive window sizing."?
<waddlesplash> yes
<Coldfirex> ok cool, ty
* OscarL-x64 reboots into hrev57909... gimme those ramfs changes! :-)
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* augiedoggie wonders if 7926 will fix the stall on my LAN
<augiedoggie> eh, dunno, my ping times are getting close to below 0.5 ms, maybe something is rounding down to 0 :P
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<waddlesplash> augiedoggie: LAN stalls are likely something else
<waddlesplash> are you on yesterday's build
<waddlesplash> ?
<augiedoggie> i updated to the latest hrev just a few minutes ago
<waddlesplash> ok
<augiedoggie> but i haven't checked to see if pkgman still stalls when pulling updates from my NAS
<waddlesplash> oh, yeah, yesterday's changes might fix that
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<OscarL-x64> augiedoggie: do you have a caching proxy for pkgman?
<augiedoggie> i guess you could call it that
<augiedoggie> the haiku build creates a repository, you can just tweak the metadata and push it to a web server
<augiedoggie> running jam creates a repository
<OscarL-x64> nice. thanks.
<OscarL-x64> Having a local "pkgman update cache" for my crappy LAN has been on my "wishlist/ToDo" for long.
* OscarL-x64 has too many Haiku installs, on slow hardware, with slow network :-)
<augiedoggie> i have replaced the URLs with my local web server here
<augiedoggie> then...
<augiedoggie> rsync -avx --delete $haikuDir/objects/haiku/x86_64/packaging/repositories/Haiku /net/oscar/srv/https/
<augiedoggie> my NAS is named oscar too :P
<OscarL-x64> heh :-D
<OscarL-x64> thanks for the info, augiedoggie. I'm have an old Atom N2600 netbook (no screen) that I plan to turn into my local "server" for stuff like kiwix, forgejo, "ssh into Linux just to test things", etc.
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<augiedoggie> it works pretty well for me except when pkgman stalls
<OscarL-x64> (thing has two mini-pcie slots, so I might try turning it into a "WiFi router + PiHole" too :-D)
<augiedoggie> the change to the info file is only to set up the initial repos in Haiku, you could do without that change i think and just add the repo manually
* augiedoggie ponders a HaikuHole
<augiedoggie> :P
* OscarL-x64 tried uninstalling llvm12_libs... better not.
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* OscarL-x64 starts a build for Python 3.9.19, outside HaikuPorter, and from RAMFS. "Speed! Gimme what I neeeeed!" he sings out of tune.
<OscarL-x64> (need to re ./configure first :-D)
<OscarL-x64> 43 seconds for an unoptimized build? /me wanst to cry of joy.
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<scantysnax> good evening.
<OscarL-x64> hello scantysnax!
<scantysnax> hi OscarL-x64, are you in a VM?
<OscarL-x64> bare metal, on latest nightly,
<scantysnax> oh even better
<scantysnax> does everything work?
<OscarL-x64> (testing a Python build... from RAMFS, just for kicks :-D)
<OscarL-x64> so far, so good!
<scantysnax> good luck :-)
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<scantysnax> it's nice.
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<OscarL> LOL, Vision left me talking into /dev/null :-/
<OscarL> gone are my comments about getting python built with "--with-lto", and Tracker's Get Info reporting folder sizes really off the mark.
<OscarL> Oh well... seems even Vision thinks I talk too much :-)
<OscarL> * (Tracker badly report sizes... on RAMFS... like... "4 MiB" for a folder that compressed into a 70+ MiB .zip)
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<OscarL> morning Begasus.
<Begasus> morning OscarL
<Begasus> OscarL, python3.9 gtg?
<OscarL> mmm seens I left it as "optimizedBuild=false" :-/
<OscarL> hold on a few, please.
<Begasus> ok
<OscarL> Alright, I think is OK now.
<Begasus> sure? :)
<OscarL> I got it to build with "--with-lto" finally, but won't be pushing for that until I test it further :-)
<OscarL> welp, got it build on beta4 32 and 64 bits, on latest nightly (outside of HaikuPorter thou) with and without optimizations... used it on 32 bits to build "gertty"... ran "hp -- test"...
<OscarL> ...but surely the buildmasters can find something wrong with it, as experience shows :-D
<OscarL> if in doubt... we can wait for korli to either merge or comment.
<OscarL> no hurries from *my* side for 3.9 (I just wanted to leave it in a bit of better shape before moving away from it)
<Begasus> just say the word :)
<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) "word""
<Begasus> ;)
<OscarL> meh... how bad can it be?
<Begasus> ok, off it goes then :)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-3/±0]
<OscarL> "Narrator: it took down both buildmasters, and delayed Haiku beta5 at least two months" <<< /me hopes not! :-D
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL ba2315f - python3.9: update to version 3.9.19. (#10785)
<Begasus> anything related to new beta should be left alone, if not otherwise advised :)
<OscarL> welp... even if Haiku still seems to use Python 3.9...
<OscarL> without those patches, it wont build on nightlies/beta5 so...
<OscarL> "I'm doing my part!" :-D
<Begasus> ditto :P
* OscarL stares at build logs with fingers crossed.
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<Begasus> 1 down, 1 still on it :)
<OscarL> how come that "defineDebugInfoPackage" can't take "/some/dir/foo*" as parameter? (not fun at all having to list a bazillion .so files in the recipe.
* OscarL took a look at `defineDebugInfoPackage` implementation... "how hard can it be?".
<OscarL> turns out I barely understand bash :-D
<Begasus> shouldn't be that hard?
<Begasus> all you need to know :)
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<OscarL> it doesn't accepts wildcards in the given paths, as "packageEntries()" does. Looking at the latter to see if I can cook up something.
<OscarL> I don't want to list all the .so for Python modules there, just to give it a "path/*.so" instead. (you know I'm lazy! :-D)
<Begasus> no wildcards no
<OscarL> pheeew! 32 bits build went Ok. Now we wait for the bug reports on for that version :-P
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<nipos> Good morning. I think I found a bug in Debugger. When in dark mode, the source code view is completely unreadable (black text on black background) except for the highlighted line. Is that a known issue?
<OscarL> morning nipos. Searching for "debugger dark" on Trac... not showing much.
<OscarL> "debugger color"... zilch.
* Begasus know nother about debugger :)
<nipos> That's what it looks like. Probably better to open a ticket then?
<Begasus> eeps :)
<OscarL> welp... most "nasty" bugs seem to prefer darkness after all :-)
<OscarL> nipos: seems the kind of bug nephele might want to look at.
<OscarL> not sure why those gradients on the column headers and scrollbars are so broken (right in "half"), when the gradient on tabs and menu background looks fine.
<OscarL> gradient on buttons also seems to "split in half".
<OscarL> (earlier today, ended up switching to "Flat" decorator to avoid the issue while on dark mode).
<nipos> That's not a issue specific to Debugger and I think it's related to the gradients being optimized for light themes (I think I read that in the forum some day), but the fact that the text is unreadable makes the whole application unusable
<OscarL> yeah, just mentioning the gradients because they pissed me off today :-) (I usually just stay with default colors).
<nipos> Light mode hurts my eyes. I don't care if everything looks perfect, the Mate theme I use on OpenIndiana also has its bugs, it only has to be dark
<OscarL> I use dark mode almost everywhere... as long as I don't have to tweak things too much (so I'm always half blinded while on Haiku :-D)
<OscarL> nightlies at least have the "auto-color mode" to help me out :-)
<nipos> I also had light mode for too long on Haiku, which was actually one of the reasons I didn't use it that much for a long time. Now I'm playing around with it more and finally switched to dark mode
<OscarL> too bad that Pe really sucks in dark mode (at least with /me only changing the background)
<nipos> Oh, I'm on a Nightly btw, I guess I should also include that in the ticket
<nipos> I created the ticket and added nephele as CC
<OscarL> +1
<OscarL> after some head scratching... seems "for file; do" is syntatic sugar for "for file in "$@"; do" in bash, right?
<Begasus> 0_°
<OscarL> Begasus: packageEntries() uses that "for file; do", and I was... wait... WAT?
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<OscarL> "git-gui: fatal error" what a drama queen! :-D
<Begasus> OscarL, I know "what" it does, not exactly "how" it does it :)
<OscarL> 'couldn't open "/packages/git-2.45.2-3/.self/data/git-gui/tlcIndex": no such file or directory' Mmm.
<OscarL> s/tlcIndex/tclIndex/
<OscarL> mmm, seems I have mismatched git <-> git-gui packages :-/
<Begasus> jikes, shouldn't happen
<OscarL> that was it.
<OscarL> no more git-gui error at least after updating it to match git.
<Begasus> figures, no requires for any of those sub-packages
* OscarL is not sure if he should look at git blame or not :-P
<Begasus> I guess it was never introduced :P
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<OscarL> man, I have haikuporter patches I completely forgot about :-D
<OscarL> "Sort the output of --list-dependencies." can't even recall using that, heh.
<Begasus> does it still work? :)
<OscarL> will rebase and find out.
<Begasus> how "deep" does it search?
<OscarL> "haikuporter --list-dependencies gertty" seems to work (with output sorted :-D)
<OscarL> seems to go *very* deep :-D
<OscarL> "build-prerequires "cmd:python" of package "gst_plugins_base_devel-1.22.0" could not be resolved"
<Begasus> +1
<Begasus> can I have a peek at it? :D
<OscarL> sure, lemme push it somewhere.
<OscarL> Begasus: trivial stuff but... I hate "random" listings:
<OscarL> from September last year, apparently.
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<Begasus> Hi jmairboeck
<OscarL> I'd like "activated-packages" to also be sorted (comparing differences with other states is a PITA currently)
<Begasus> let me see :)
* OscarL also extends his salutations to jmairboeck.
<jmairboeck> Hi guys!
<jmairboeck> now I have to think about how to fix perl once more ... oh well
<jmairboeck> for context: I am talking about
<OscarL> man... bewteen perl, python and lua... we're not paid nearly enough! :-P
<phschafft> Morning.
<OscarL> hey phschafft!
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<Begasus> k, need to play a bit with that :)
<Begasus> Hi phschafft
* Begasus hi fives OscarL and jmairboeck on that :)
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<phschafft> :)
<phschafft> did a bit of house work this morning.
<phschafft> there is a lot wood work coming up the next days/weeks.
<phschafft> we had a big leak that resulted in several walls needing fixing. but it also means I can redo some of the things we did when we moved in.
<OscarL> leaks suck.
* phschafft nods.
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* coolcoder613 leaks memory on to the floor
<OscarL> mood: that moment in life where you find out that you might need to learn about "shopt -s nullglob"... and that makes you question when things took the wrong turn.
<OscarL> good day coolcoder613 :-)
<coolcoder613> I recently found a pile of floppies in an e-waste thing
<coolcoder613> was formatting them today
<dovsienko> which size/density?
<OscarL> 5-1/4 or those fancy 3-1/2 newer ones kids use these days?
<phschafft> it's 8" or nothing.
<phschafft> ;)
<coolcoder613> 3.5" 1.44MB
* OscarL used to format 5-1/4 out of spec to try and gain some more KB from the few floppies he had.
<dovsienko> I liked 3.5" until in the market where I was their quality degraded to crap
<coolcoder613> I found 22, 21 worked.
<OscarL> dovsienko: yeah... seems I only ever got really bad 3.5 ones. On the other hand... I had 5-1/2 ones run over by a bus and a truck.. and stil work :-/
<phschafft> I still have some 3.5" ones rated for 4, 8 or 12MB.
<dovsienko> 8-O
<Begasus> bbl
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<phschafft> but I never had a drive for more than 4MB I think.
<dovsienko> never heard of more than 2.88MB
<phschafft> they where really uncommon.
<OscarL> darn japanese with their high capacity floppies :-)
<phschafft> I think it was like a last try to keep the media around for a year more or somethink. milking the cow.
<OscarL> max I saw was 3.5 1.44 pushed to 1.68/1.72
<phschafft> I mean at the time my friends and I switched over to CF.
<phschafft> which also was very nice because it matched the specifications for letters here in Germany plus it surived the stamping machines thinks to the metal frame.
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<Nephele> OscarL: hehe, i can realte. at some point i was also "why did i learn all these web dark mode things, i don't like web dev!"
<OscarL> :-)
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<nipos> I'm currently trying to fix the Debugger dark mode issue. May be easy enough for me to get it working :)
<nipos> I have a problem at compiling, however... When I run jam -q Debugger in the Haiku source directory, it seems to build the whole OS
<jmairboeck> nipos: it builds all the dependencies of Debugger as well, so not the whole OS, but a bigger part of it than just Debugger
<nipos> Oh ok, now that makes sense. I thought it can make use of installed system libraries instead of building from source, and build only the Debugger application
<OscarL> (for smaller stuff, I have more than once dropped a "makefile-engine", and use that instead of jam :-P)
<OscarL> *makefile-engine based Makefie
<nipos> Having 24 cores available, it can't hurt to build it all
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<nipos> Self-build Debugger is running great and already shows light text, but now the text on highlighted lines is unreadable. Will need some additional work, but fiixing is doable
<Anarchos> hello
<OscarL> nipos: nice :-) <<< might help by showing fixes related to dark mode.
<OscarL> good day Anarchos.
<phschafft> How lovly. 753 pages PDF. it has an index (unclickable) with... no page numbers ;)
<OscarL> if you can actually select/search text, beats at least those "bunch of scanned imaged made into a .pdf" ones.
<phschafft> you can, but this is a the complete list of allocated frequencies in germany. so it's hard to search as you can easily miss things. I mean best would be a range search. like 'XXX Hz to YYY Hz' ;)
<Anarchos> OscarL my days are gray those days..
<phschafft> and yes, there are really odd ones. like this one: 443,11875 - 443,58125 MHz
<OscarL> Anarchos: hope things get brigther for you soon. (unless you're like me, and shy away from direct sunlight :-P)
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<Begasus> re
<Anarchos> re Begasus
<Begasus> Hi Anarchos!
<Begasus> How's it going there?
<Anarchos> Begasus really not fine.
<Begasus> ouch, doesn't sound so good :(
<Begasus> hope there is some good or better times ahead
<dovsienko> phschafft: frequency allocations often go in the order of increasing frequency, so you can find the right page by bisection. it is more difficult to find by text, of course
<dovsienko> in the UK Ofcom used to have an online database where you could zoom into the spectrum and see the ribbons. there was also a web-interface that allowed to see licences valid for a particular part of the country map
<phschafft> dovsienko: that is generally right, and also how I found it. but they also often overlap in strange ways.
<dovsienko> those features may or may not have survived after Ofcom went through an IT crisis of sorts
<phschafft> sounds like a fun tool.
<dovsienko> phschafft: the same frequency band may be allocated to more than one user, then usually one is the "primary" (has the priority when is using) and the rest is "secondary"
<phschafft> I'm currently looking things up to know what to ask. I'm at the point I will need some service from the BNetzA providing some direction.
<dovsienko> but of course there is a myriad of nuances in every national authority
<phschafft> the range I'm interested in has at least 20 overlapping allocations.
<phschafft> (70cm band)
<dovsienko> in the UK some frequency allocations are specific to some particular parts of the country (the bigger the area the more it costs), so Ofcom can licence the same frequency more than once if required
<phschafft> here you have service allocations (that is what I'm looking at right now) and station allocations within a service.
<phschafft> so e.g. some broadcast station needs to apply for a channel within a given service.
<dovsienko> there's no broadcast on 70cm AFAIK
<phschafft> while other services are more free form. e.g. with WLAN you just pick a channel you like.
<phschafft> yes, but there are tons of other services.
<phschafft> there are beacons. which are basically the same as other broadcasts.
<dovsienko> back-to-back hand-helds and mobiles, simplex and duplex repeaters, wireless FM microphones for concerts and studios, wireless sensors around 433MHz and what not
* phschafft nods.
<phschafft> I want to create some little data network around here. I first thought we can do it as ISM. but I have a hard time finding specific limits for that kind of operation.
<phschafft> but close by are some commercial services. so it might be worth a thought of getting a commercial frequency assigned.
<nipos> What do you think, does that look good? It does now automatically change based on ui_color(B_DOCUMENT_BACKGROUND_COLOR). IsDark()
<phschafft> Eine Bildschirmphotographie.
<phschafft> nipos: seems readable.
<dovsienko> if "commercial services" means business radio, that would be semi-private back-to-back and narrow FM repeaters, but not broadcast
<nipos> Well, I guess it's time for my first pull request to Haiku then :)
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<Begasus> looks good nipos!
<phschafft> dovsienko: if I'm allowed to connect to other services (which some servers are allowed, some aren't) I could listen on ISM and transmit on my allocated frequency.
<dovsienko> it really depends what problem you need to solve and which part of the national rules fits the problem best. I have some knowledge of the UK rules, but very little of other countries.
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<phschafft> dovsienko: what I really want is some little data network. so we plan on having a small number of repeaters. and some more mobile leaf nodes.
<phschafft> it's all super low bitrate & low power.
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<phschafft> I'm currently planing for <= 100mW PEP and < 10dBd antenna gain.
<phschafft> my hope would be to go with 10mW on a biquad.
<phschafft> (keep in mind that there is more to the story, such as building restrictions on the selected sides and stuff.)
<dovsienko> phschafft: you may be better of with some off-the-shelf LoRa or Zigbee adapters
<phschafft> they are part of the option list. but there are more options.
<dovsienko> it is quite likely that would use some licence-free band too
<phschafft> and it also depends on what answers I get from the BNetzA.
<phschafft> if they're easy going it's more fun to build something yourself. if they get on the all formal side of the page then it's more fun to just use something.
<phschafft> they have a monitoring station just a few meters from one of our selected sides. so if there is some cool guy working there we could get into the easy going space.
<dovsienko> maybe prototype the system using the easy radio method, and then see if you need to focus on a custom radio method
<dovsienko> you will figure it out
<phschafft> we're currently testing the sides with our HAM hardware.
<OscarL> Begasus: this is infuriating... got "defineDebugInfoPackage" to work with wildcards (for a test recipe, it kept failing for the Python one)... turns out that if I "create" the .so from INSTALL() "defineDebugInfoPackage" fails to see the files for some reason :-/
<phschafft> selecting sides is after all one of the tasks that need to be done before we can apply for anything formally anyway.
<phschafft> so once I commit for something formally I will know that it works because we already have tested it.
<phschafft> the only real reason not doing it the HAM way is because some of the interested people are unlicenced.
<Coldfirex> @Waddlesplash: I can confirm hrev57907_6364_10 does indeed resolve the git download, scp copy, and web download slow speeds I was seeing. Well done! If there is anything you needed double-checked with this, please let me know.
<phschafft> so in the end I hope the only difference between ISM and HAM and custom allocation is the call sign I put into the config.
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<waddlesplash> Coldfirex: :)
<waddlesplash> jmairboeck: Haiku tolerates shebangs without paths
<waddlesplash> that's probably what that perl recipe was trying to do
<waddlesplash> "#!perl" will just search for perl in $PATH
<waddlesplash> note that such shebangs don't work on Linux however
<OscarL> Begasus: << this is basically my test recipe. No idea why it works for BUILD but not for INSTALL :-D
<jmairboeck> waddlesplash: yes, I know that, but the generic unix code in MakeMaker don't like that and fall back to the full path, if I understand the code correctly
<Begasus> OscarL, from my understanding debuginfopackage needs the exact
<OscarL> Begasus: yes, that's why I patched HaikuPorter to work accept wildcards...
<Begasus> you could use a libList argument probably to fill it to $ files?
<waddlesplash> jmairboeck: so, can we just patch it?
<Begasus> ah
<OscarL> (but has this weird behavior that is driving me crazy :-D)
<jmairboeck> waddlesplash: yes, I am trying to that, by adding an override to The simple code I have (based on the VMS code which also has an override) doesn't work though. I need something more complex to handle all cases.
<Begasus> afraid this is a bit over my head OscarL :/
<dovsienko> waddlesplash: "#!/usr/bin/env perl" would be the classic portable solution
<OscarL> Begasus: over mine too :-) (I'm just pissed of getting so close, only to fall into another pit, heh). I'll let it rest for a while, I guess.
<Begasus> ;)
<Begasus> done with pitfalls for a bit here, doing some easy stuff :D
<OscarL> Have a good one, folks! (/me unplugs).
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<AlienSoldier> i think the taskkiller should always be in ram. because when i lack memory i can't summon it (i know i do because the border of windows become blue, then there is nothing but a reset possible).)
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<AlienSoldier> the name is "team monitor"
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<AlienSoldier> as the app is rigt now, we can't launch it manually to stay in background because whenit is launched it take control and you can't do anything else.
<AlienSoldier> so, it is usefull for non responding program, but useless in case of a lack of ram.
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<dalme_> Is it safe to mount an ext4 linux partition from Haiku?
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<scantysnax> dalme_: yes, and no. yes read-only, no otherwise. I had my ext4 drive corrupt by copying files into it from haiku
<dalme_> read-only is enough for me, thanks scantysnax
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<dalme_> Begasus are you online?
* Begasus checks
<Begasus> seems so :)
<dalme_> Would you like to test NVMM Begasus?
<Begasus> sure dalme_
<Begasus> running on 64bit
<Begasus> dogs in a bit though :)
<Begasus> and still running R1B4, don't know how much this will be a burden or not
<dalme_> It won't work on R1B4 sadly
<Begasus> bugger :(
<Begasus> time for R1B5! :)
<dalme_> It won't work on R1B5 either
<dalme_> XD
<Begasus> lol
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<dalme_> My changes on kernel haven't been upstreamed yet
<dalme_> So it won't work on any official hrev
<Begasus> needs a nightly or one from your branch?
<dalme_> Needs an ISO I can provide
<Begasus> could install to external disk I suppose, won't be as fast as on real HW then I guess
<dalme_> As I said on the forum the VMs run even slower with virtualization than without it
<dalme_> The thing is I've been testing on NetBSD + NVMM and the same happens, is faster without virtualization
<Begasus> ah, haven't checked the forum yet :)
<dalme_> So I want someone to check on another machine, just to be sure
<Begasus> had been doing some checks with rvvm here, seems not that bad
<Begasus> I could load the iso in a VM on Windows?
<dalme_> Yes
<dalme_> But do you have an Intel machine?
<dalme_> It won't work with AMD
<Begasus> AMD :)
<Begasus> ryzen
<dalme_> :O
<Begasus> biab, doggies :)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 2 commits to master [+1/-1/±2]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck 0074de8 - perl: fix shebang of scripts installed with MakeMaker
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck e3a92af - exiftool: bump version
<jmairboeck> when perl is finished on the buildmasters, I'll revbump the other perl packages containing scripts to fix those too. For exiftool, just a version upgrade was needed because upstream already fixed it for us :)
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<PulkoMandy> dalme_: Are you running Haiku (and netbsd) on real hardware for testing this? I don't expect nested VMs to work very well
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 3 commits to master [+0/-0/±3]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck 26d077a - ack: revbump to fix script shebang
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck 39ea7a4 - archive_zip: revbump to fix script shebang
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck e21bae7 - locale_maketext_lexicon: revbump to fix script shebang
<dalme_> PulkoMandy I was running on VMs and indeed, nested virtualization doesn't have very good performance. So I tried on hardware in the case of Haiku (I haven't had any time to test NetBSD on real hardware yet) and it runs even slower (or that's what it feels...)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck e3c959b - module_scandeps: revbump to fix script shebang
<Begasus> jmairboeck, does this also fix the issue with texinfo/perl?
<jmairboeck> no
<jmairboeck> this was just because the shebang was using the full /packages/-based path, which breaks on every update to perl
<Begasus> ;)
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<Begasus> ah, simular to lua
<jmairboeck> It took a while for me to understand that MakeMaker code :)
<Begasus> I can relate :D
<jmairboeck> it didn't make it easier that exiftool changed during the update :)
<Begasus> one of those pit holes oscarl was refering to earlier :)
<jmairboeck> so the old version was using a different code path than the new one
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<jmairboeck> and the same thing I'll have to figure out for Module::Build, because e.g. frozen-bubble is also broken right now :)
<Begasus> ahrg!!! :)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck 87d0d75 - parse_yapp: revbump to fix script shebang
<Begasus> lot's more to come :D
<jmairboeck> all the MakeMaker based ones should be fixed now
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<Begasus> lucky you :D
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<jmairboeck> If I didn't miss anything, we have only 3 potentially affected recipes which use Module::Build: module_build itself, alien_sdl and frozen_bubble :)
<jmairboeck> but the most work is first figuring out how to fix it ...
<Begasus> +1
<Begasus> already came accross quite some recipes missing the gettext cmd's now :)
<Begasus> another one :) Could NOT find Gettext (missing: GETTEXT_MSGMERGE_EXECUTABLE
<Begasus> think there is also a difference in "-- Found Gettext: ..." and "-- Found libinl: ..."
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<SLema> Hi there
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<dovsienko> hello SLema
<Begasus> Hi :)
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<Begasus> closing down here
<Begasus> cu peeps!
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck d353037 - module_build: add hack to support just 'perl' as the interpreter path
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck be7d0a0 - alien_sdl: revbump to fix script shebang
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck ee0eda5 - frozen-bubble: revbump to fix script shebang
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<coolcoder613_> How can I get my USB FDD to work in Haiku?
<coolcoder613> I plug it in... nothing happens
<coolcoder613> I unplug it... KDL
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