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<milek7> probably there's smarter way than storing pointers to active maps
<milek7> for 8-bit it doesn't feel that bad, but 16-bit would be silly
<milek7> how it's done on x86?
<milek7> ah, it seems pcid is not used
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<oanderso[m]> You'd want some kind of radix map for 16-bit I think
<oanderso[m]> But 8-bit should take us pretty far
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<milek7> that software access-dirty handler race still bugs me
<milek7> how to fix that without serializing access handler and freeing page tables
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<oanderso[m]> milek7: Where exactly does the race happen?
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<oanderso[m]> Ok, I see the code
<oanderso[m]> What's the scenario in which we start freeing a page table while it's still live?
<oanderso[m]> Wouldn't FreeTable only be called after a process has terminated?
<oanderso[m]> Or am I missing something?
<x512[m]> oanderso: Some LRU list is probably needed for reusing ASIDs.
<oanderso[m]> If we need to scale past 256, could make sense. At 256 just scanning the bitmap is pretty cheap...
<x512[m]> > that software access-dirty handler race still bugs me
<x512[m]> What do you mean?
<oanderso[m]> I think it's arch_int.cpp:159 in this change:
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<oanderso[m]> I'd like to better understand the scenario where we could end up freeing a page table while in that code path. It's not clear to me how it's actually possible.
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<x512[m]> It works robust for me.
<oanderso[m]> 🤷‍♂️
<x512[m]> 24 hours LLVM 17 build succeed.
<oanderso[m]> I haven't gotten to the point of studying that part of the patch yet
<x512[m]> I don't know about ARM[64] much.
<oanderso[m]> The comment says there's an ABA race between fixup_entry and FreeTable
<oanderso[m]> But I'm having trouble envisioning how that could actually happen
<x512[m]> At least for riscv64, page table is already guaranteed to be unused before being deleted.
<x512[m]> It is replaced to kernel page table before deletion.
<oanderso[m]> I think that's true on ARM64 too but maybe there's something I'm missing
<oanderso[m]> Also, if that's the case, I think we're doing a lot of unneeded extra work in FreeTable
<oanderso[m]> No need to do a bunch of TLB flushes as we zero out each entry, if we already did a TLB flush when switching out that entire table
<oanderso[m]> Without knowing the specifics of RV64 page tables, that looks reasonable
<x512[m]> It is the same for all levels.
<x512[m]> Large pages are currently not supported.
<oanderso[m]> You're not doing this madness of zeroing each PTE individually and doing a partial TLB flush along the way
<x512[m]> Why flush dead table?
<oanderso[m]> No clue
<oanderso[m]> The code predates me
<oanderso[m]> It looks like it was written assuming you were freeing a live table
<oanderso[m]> Which seems like a crazy thing to do
<x512[m]> There is a possibility that original code is misguided and can be simplified a lot.
<oanderso[m]> I suspect so but it would be nice to get confirmation
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<erysdren> if i wanted to write a filesystem driver for Haiku... where would i start? i've written code for Haiku before, but i've never written anything for the kernel. just userspace apps.
<erysdren> for context, i want to write a ZFS driver. i use one on my linux system
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<coolcoder613> It would probably be a better idea to port one rather than write one from scratch...
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<erysdren> morning Begasus
<Begasus> hi erysdren
<erysdren> coolcoder613 well yeah, i would go from OpenZFS. i just need to find a way to glue openZFS and haiku together.
<coolcoder613> Well what about working with userlandfs?
<erysdren> i don't know what that is, that's why i'm asking or help
<erysdren> for help*
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<OscarL> Hello Begasus, coolcoder613, erysdren.
<erysdren> hello
<OscarL> erysdren: userlandfs basically == FUSE (file systems in user-space).
<erysdren> ahh
<OscarL> We have a couple of recipes that might point you in the right direction...
<OscarL> under haikuports/sys-fs
<OscarL> "fuse-nfs" and "ssh-fuse" perhaps?
<erysdren> i'll take a look
<OscarL> erysdren: also, you could take a look at what current Haiku drivers do:
<erysdren> iso9660 seems like the smallest one to get an idea of what glue is needed.
<OscarL> yeah, was about to point that or cdda :-)
<erysdren> might be better as FUSE, for haikuports, so we can pull in OpenZFS.
<OscarL> should be easier to debug in user space too :-)
<Begasus> Hi OscarL
<OscarL> Good day Begasus!
<Begasus> Hi coolcoder613 :)
<Begasus> running over report errors due to dropping old flac today
<OscarL> always something to fix :-)
<Begasus> porbably will drop risidualvm, that's integrated into scummvm for a while now
<Begasus> with csound "fixed" old fluidsynth should be good to drop too
<Begasus> I'll probably forward you an email from Pete in regards to csound OscarL, got a new one yesterday :)
<OscarL> There might be a way to make csound use old fluidsynt (using SOURCE_URI2, and building it just for it). But that's for someone that really wants midi out in csound :-)
<OscarL> Begasus: Ok :-)
<PulkoMandy> erysdren: File systems are one thing that is reasonably well documented at
<Begasus> it doesn't work/build with new(er) fluidsynth?
<OscarL> Begasus: nah... it wants 1.0.something.
<Begasus> bugger
<OscarL> Tried with the newer one... it totally ignores it :-D
<Begasus> tsss .... keep up upstream! :D
<OscarL> csound can't keep up even its requirements up-to-date.
<Begasus> once those report errors are settled, I think I'll push an update on KF6
<Begasus> heh
<OscarL> lots of conflicting info in different files across its souce code, readmes, etc... drived me nuts.
<OscarL> kinda expected from a project from the early 80s :-D
<Begasus> did a quick check a while back, had it put aside (so I was glad you took it over) :)
<OscarL> I just wanted to remove some "cmd:python2" references... that bugger put up a fight! :-D
<Begasus> some of those things can drag you into a big pithole sometimes :-
<Begasus> nuking risidualvm, doesn't even pass configure now ...
<OscarL> k, opened draft PR for replxx... finally can remove that local branch (had it in WIP for a while).
<Begasus> oldest branch atm still on my fork "jack2" (5 years old) :)
<Begasus> not that old :P
<Begasus> k time for morning chores ... biab
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 23739e6 - mednafen, revbump for old flac removal (#10906)
<Begasus> k, 2 down :)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 8d1d5ac - dvdauthor, revbump for old flac removal (#10907)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 1dba38b - flac123, revbump for old flac removal (#10908)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 9d29c16 - fluidsynth, drop old version (#10909)
<Begasus> lol, that shouldn't be dvdauthor but dvda_author :)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 4f0aeaf - dvda_author, revbump for old flac removal (#10910)
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<Begasus> jikes OscarL! Fetching package for cmd:python2 ... (another one left behind) :P
<OscarL> that zombie refuses to die :-)
<OscarL> well, more like... it is already dead, but his friends still do not accept their loss.
<Begasus> Can't exec "autopoint": No such file or directory at /packages/autoconf-2.72-1/.self/data/autoconf/Autom4te/ line 318.
<Begasus> where is this comming ffrom?
<OscarL> line 318, clearly! /me ducks.
<Begasus> ah , gettext :P
<Begasus> lol
<Begasus> error: invalid conversion from 'const AVInputFormat*' to 'AVInputFormat*' [-fpermissive]
<Begasus> ffmpeg changes ...
<Begasus> good thing we can still use ffmpeg_devel :)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus eab0f34 - audacious_plugins, revbump for old flac removal (#10911)
<Begasus> another cmd:python2 nuked :P
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 4e5ec0d - qrcode, re-instate, in use by external application, bump version (#10863)
<Begasus> let's get this out of my hair too :P
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<OscarL> `ir cmd:python2 | wc -l` >>> 8 to go! :-)
<Begasus> let's nuke them when we get those errors :)
<Begasus> some maybe can't be rebuild, so best to keep them around for now :)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 2250037 - cmus, revbump for old flac removal (#10912)
<OscarL> that feedgator PR surely could use a "squash_last_n_commits" when TmTFx finish with the changes :-)
<Begasus> yeah :D
<Begasus> well in his defense, he's not experienced with it :)
<OscarL> Doesn't github also allows you to "squash on merge"? (not sure if it allows you to edit the commit message, thou).
<Begasus> if you have commit acces it can be done :)
<Begasus> did someone of the Haiku dev's enabled a thread peak when visiting github? :P
<OscarL> indeed :-) but I meant via the web UI (I think I saw something on that regard in one of the repos I do have commit access)
<Begasus> laptop goes into overdrive when I do
<Begasus> the "button" mentions "squash and merge" yes
<Begasus> and one can change the title easy
<Begasus> for commit message one would need to push a commit --amend for it
<Begasus> resolving build dependencies failed: requires "pillow_python39" of package "qrcode_python39-7.4.2" could not be resolved
<Begasus> tsss
<Begasus> OscarL, afaict pillow doesn't use any extry python packages right?
<OscarL> "Allow squash merging" setting, gives some options for the commit message, but not direct editing... thus why it is better if the users do the squasing themselves.
<Begasus> right, if they are familiar with it
<OscarL> re: pillow.. at runtime, seems not (according to the .recipe at least).
<Begasus> right, only see setuptools in build requirements, so maybe re-add python3.9 (for qrcode)?
<OscarL> seems a bit weird that it requies lost of devel:lib* but none at runtime, thou.
<OscarL> s/lost/lots/
<Begasus> haven't touched it in a long while, so not sure what it really needs
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<Begasus> hello jmairboeck! :)
<jmairboeck> Hi Begasus
<jmairboeck> OscarL: Thanks for your feedback on the python recipes!
<OscarL> TmTFx HaiQr app really uses Python 3.9? if not... I don't see why qrcode should have 3.9 support.
<OscarL> jmairboeck: no problem! Thanks to you for your patience with me (specially when I mix thing up :-D)
<coolcoder613_> OscarL: website has contact info
coolcoder613_ is now known as coolcoder613
<Begasus> we talked about it a bit, guess it's only needed if HaiQR goes python3.9 also (ash Haiku-PyAPI supports it)
<OscarL> Begasus: HaiQr is a standalone app, no need to have both 3.9 and 3.10 versions at the same time.
<OscarL> it doesn't really matters here if Haiku-PyAPI supports multiple version or not.
<jmairboeck> I have also some good news: psutils already fixed their dependencies: and the argparse-manpage patch is also already upstream:
<Begasus> OscarL, commented :)
<Begasus> nice jmairboeck!
<OscarL> coolcoder613: IIRC, I already tried to contact that, and folks over (ncurses peeps).
<OscarL> *and also the folks over
<coolcoder613> And? Did you get any response?
<OscarL> that too block my country/region.
<coolcoder613> What about over IRC?
<OscarL> nah, and I don't really care that much anyway :-)
<jmairboeck> OscarL: if you want to see my psutils recipe:
<jmairboeck> the branch is not yet finished, so no PR yet (I guess I could open a draft one)
<OscarL> coolcoder613: at least for there is LOL
* OscarL tries to catch up...
<OscarL> jmairboeck: LOL at a python project usiong "/dev/stdout" for output :-)
<OscarL> good on psutil fixin' deps too!
<jmairboeck> it won't really change anything though, but we can move some things to TEST_REQUIRES then
<jmairboeck> wand and pytest_datafiles
<OscarL> clearer deps at least are less puzzling :-)
<jmairboeck> OscarL: that argparse-manpage patch is about as good as my python coding skills get though, and I had to google how to use stdout properly in Python ;)
<OscarL> jmairboeck: psutils-3.3.5.recipe
<OscarL> looks good to me.
<jmairboeck> +1 OscarL :)
<jmairboeck> I think I'll create a draft PR for that branch
<OscarL> jmairboeck: re: python skills... and yet, you did better than upstream! way to go! :-)
<Begasus> k, back to qrcode recipe ...
<Begasus> hmm was looking into qmmp ...
<jmairboeck> I only noticed it because I added tests to the recipe and they were failing
<jmairboeck> because there is no /dev/stdout in Haiku
<Begasus> bugger, qmmp fails with either ffmpeg version :/
<OscarL> just noticed that TmTFx mixup is because he didn't used branches.
<Begasus> ah right, hadn't noticed :)
<OscarL> Added a comment with some quick tips for him. Hope is clear enough.
* Begasus fears to take a look :P
<Begasus> ah, not so bad :D
<Begasus> k, think for the 2 remaining I'll just revive base flac13 package untill this can be build/bumped
<Begasus> well risidual_vm could be dropped, but since qmmp doesn't build here for either ffmpeg version ...
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<Begasus> k, first qrcode ...
<jmairboeck> I added a few of my thoughts to my texlive refactor PR: ... comments welcome!
<Begasus> emails shown :)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 0e10bc4 - qrcode, drop python3.9 (#10915)
<Begasus> didn't do a full re-write on that
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus ce3dde7 - flac13, revive untill qmmp is resolved (#10916)
<Begasus> only enabled for x86_64 and seccondary for 32bit
<Begasus> no dev package :)
<OscarL> jmairboeck: my comments regarding all thing TeX... I rather use Lout, or clay tablets :-D
<OscarL> so not really qualified to commment much on your PR there :-)
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> jikes: Install qrcode python module: pkgman install qrcode_python310
<Begasus> HaiQR crashes: NameError: name 'qrcode' is not defined
<jmairboeck> OscarL: I also added those comments to have it documented somewhere :)
<OscarL> +2
<Begasus> jmairboeck, I guess it would ease the build on buildmasters too?
<jmairboeck> that too, and the users that don't need everything probably too
<Begasus> that's already the case I think? atleast for texstudio I need seperate tex packages
<Begasus> OscarL: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'png'
<jmairboeck> yes, but the binaries are all in one package, texlive_core
<OscarL> Begasus: told you that segno was better! (no dependencies) :-P
<Begasus> it worked before? is that a python png module?
<Begasus> haven't looked at segno :)
<OscarL> can you paste the full error, so I know where to look? (I'm not seeing any "import png" on the qrcode repo at least)
<OscarL> mmmm, maybe is doing some tricks: `"png": "qrcode.image.pure.PyPNGImage"`
<OscarL> Begasus: older versions used different code, so... no idea without testing things locally... and I'm too sleepy already.
<OscarL> Begasus: qrcode 7.4.2 requires "pypng" and "typing_extensions":
<OscarL> I really think HaiQr should handle that type of dependencies on its own. (instead of us having to add a new recipe for "pypng"... things get out of hand).
<Begasus> that or move back to older version
<Begasus> but granted, would be easy if TmTFX could drop in here :)
<Begasus> k, older version still good
<Begasus> OscarL thanks so far
<Begasus> will drop qrcode and ask to use "pip3 install --user qrcode" instead, maybe could be done with a postinstall script
<OscarL> assuming the user has pip3 installed :-)
<Begasus> ah right :/
<Begasus> k, back to adding old one then ...
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus b1f0658 - qrcode, use older recipe, less dependencies (#10917)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] tmtfx 98cf037 - Add HaiQR recipe (#10914)
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<Begasus> there he is!
<Begasus> Hi TmTFx :)
<TmTFx> Hi
<TmTFx> sorry for my "noobish"
<Begasus> just did a check with feedgator, works fine!
<TmTFx> yep, tested here too before pushing
<Begasus> I rememberd how I came to HaiQR also, created my avatar with it :)
<TmTFx> :) happy it could help :)
<Begasus> +1 :)
<TmTFx> I have in place also HTMZ (HTPBZ2) recipe, but without latest Haiku-PyAPI it doesn't receive Args
<Begasus> keep it around for when that is updated then TmTFx :)
<Begasus> I'm not seeing that whitespace here in the feedgator recipe
<OscarL> Seems so Begasus, there is now an empty line separating the REQUIRES from INSTALL().
<OscarL> Hey there TmTFx :-)
<TmTFx> Hi @OscarL!
<OscarL> TmTFx: I replied to your last comment on Gerrit.
<Begasus> ah! No empty line between PROVIDES and REQUIRES TmTFx :)
<Begasus> ps TmTFx, if you use "git commit --amend" it doesn't add another commit
<OscarL> TmTFx: and don't worry about making "newbie mistakes", we are all learning here :-)
<Begasus> instead of "git commit -m *" :)
<Begasus> yeah, OscarL always keeps me on edge with his python recipe changes :P
<OscarL> TmTFx: and to be honest, git can be a PITA, and starting with .recipes can be a challenge too.
<Begasus> be glad fbrosson isn't around :D
<Begasus> but yeah, at first it can be a bit scary
<Begasus> but I'm glad to have got some new help in that area, so kudos there too :)
<TmTFx> @OscarL I see, well, I don't remember which pc I used to push the changes ^^'''''' I know it's not nice to pass the buck, but I'm currently swamped with work. I have to go to work soon, among other things.
<OscarL> TmTFx: I don't mind makeing the changes on the intel driver. Just wanted to make sure to not step on your toes, so to speak.
<Begasus> OscarL, can you remove the suggestion to feedgator or should I do?
<OscarL> Begasus: I don't see anything? :-P
<Begasus> better see it as a joint effort :)
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<OscarL> TmTFx: I'll see if I can push those changes to gerrit tonight, if that's OK with you.
<OscarL> would be nice to have those changes right in the beta5 iso (assuming there are accepted, of course).
<OscarL> Begasus: I was pulling your leg, alread had remove it.
<TmTFx> @OscarL It's ok for me
<TmTFx> thank you
<OscarL> np, thank you for doing the ground work there :-)
<Begasus> tss, that's what you get with those peaks at github :P
<TmTFx> @Begasus I see empty new line between PROVIDES and REQUIRES in commit
<Begasus> yeah, there shouldn't be one TmTFx :)
<TmTFx> AH! ^^'
<OscarL> "too picky? we are not picky at all I tell you!" (narrator: yes, yes they are)
<OscarL> would be cool to have an auto-formater for .recipes :-)
<OscarL> (and also a proper autocorrect on this chat client :-P)
<TmTFx> git commit --amend is used before or after git add modifiedrecipe ?
<jmairboeck> after git add, but you can also keep using regular commits. We normally squash them anyway when merging the PR
<jmairboeck> when amending the commit, you are changing it, so you have to use some kind of force to push it then
<OscarL> /me goes to sleep. See you around folks!
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<Begasus> I mostly use --amend to keep the number of commits down
<jmairboeck> yeah, it's just a different style, but in the end it doesn't matter much I think
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<jmairboeck> on the other end of the extreme is then cocobean who makes a separate commit for every single change :)
<Begasus> I think it does, atleast for "git log"
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<Begasus> as I mentioned before, TmTFx isn't experienced "yet" ;)
<Begasus> some "should" be
<jmairboeck> after merging, it gets all 1 commit, when squashing it. Just the commit message gets messy when not editing it.
<Begasus> I'm not "experienced" enough to squash other PR's :)
<Begasus> should use some playground for that again ...
<jmairboeck> I see the following when I press the squash and merge button: This allows editing the commit message
<Begasus> ah right :)
<Begasus> mostly fiddled with cli for that :)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] tmtfx 281efef - Add feedgator app (#10880)
<Begasus> let's see :)
<Begasus> could use one more line removed, but better :)
<Begasus> TmTFx, thanks for the contributions!
<TmTFx> Thank you for your guide!
<coolcoder613> Hi TmTFx
<TmTFx> Hi! coolcoder613
<coolcoder613> Did you end up using the code I posted?
<Begasus> TmTFx np, if you still have question just fire away, mostly someone is around to help out
<TmTFx> Oh yes, I created the automated code... though still not touched...
<TmTFx> whose the code you passed? is it safe to publish it in github?
<TmTFx> (I didn't had time to read the source!)
<TmTFx> Ah ok found it
<TmTFx> It was in the License
<TmTFx> XD
<TmTFx> If it's ok for you I'll push in my github repo
<TmTFx> now I must go to work. Thank you so much coolcoder613!
<coolcoder613> I got it off Github, I don't remember the license, but remember to credit the orginal author
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] tmtfx 3b786a6 - remove empty line (#10918)
<coolcoder613> Also it would be nice if it was cleaned up a little
<ilzu[m]> coolcoder613: You linked a link to Pragtical editor few days a go. It complies without problems on Haiku, though the plugin manager needs some changes and never libgit2. Some of the plugins need some work too.
<Begasus> that that was fixed TmTFx :)
<coolcoder613> ilzu[m]: I had just seen it on HN
<coolcoder613> I've never used it
<TmTFx> bye!
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<ilzu[m]> I saw it there too, and wanted to try if it compiled
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus afc7409 - gpgme, revbump for Qt changes (openssl3 follow up) (#10919)
<ilzu[m]> But it seems quite a decent editor with plugins, I might take a bit of time to add proper haiku support for it and add a recipe
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<Begasus> PulkoMandy, qgis needs another revbump
<Begasus> there is no libqca in qca packages
<Begasus> checking recipes atm for qca, already had new version around
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 91a7cbd - poppler24, bump version (#10920)
<coolcoder613> Hello zard
<zard> Hello coolcoder613 :)
<zard> I read your two new blog posts
<coolcoder613> Did you like them?
<zard> Eh, nothing particularly interesting tbh
<coolcoder613> I'm currently installing NetBSD on the Deskpro RN
<zard> Ofc, I doubt there's much else that you have to write about, so they're perfectly fine :)
<coolcoder613> The blog is mainly there to document my projects
<zard> +1
<coolcoder613> So I'm not explaining them seperately in lot's of different places
<coolcoder613> Plus, I get some writing practice, which is a good thing
<milek7> oanderso[m]: when software access/dirty fault is taken
<milek7> if page table is freed between the moment handler walks the page table and actually modifies the entry
<milek7> and backing page is reallocated to something else, and happens to accidentally contain the same bitpattern, then it ends up flipping some bits it shouldn't
<milek7> as for when it could happen, something like calling munmap to yank memory under another running thread
<milek7> and this is a problem only for software handler, hardware access/dirty management is fine I think
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<milek7> as for tlb flushing in FreeTable, yeah you could move that out to FreeTable callee
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<milek7> *caller
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<milek7> but va range tlb shootdown is in architecture extension, so either you need to keep that as fallback or flush everything when extension is not available
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<Begasus> diver, not realy functional (was disabled also) kde's partition manager :)
<JackDaniel> Hi guys! I'm on hrev58015 here (x86_64) and Falkon does not start anymore. It crashes.
<Begasus> checked newer versions for the library, but those need polkit(Qt) :)
<Begasus> launches here JackDaniel, but it's a bit newer then the one in the depot
<Begasus> do you get an error while launching?
<JackDaniel> I uninstalled it, cleaning cache, reinstalling from depot, no change
<JackDaniel> no, only the crash dialog box appear
<Begasus> try launching it from Terminal
<JackDaniel> ok
<Begasus> if it gives a TLS error it probably only needs a revbump
<JackDaniel> Falkon: 1 extensions loaded
<JackDaniel> that's all
<Begasus> TLS/TSL(?) :)
<Begasus> err not much to go on with that
<JackDaniel> sorry, I'm not so smart. What can I do?
<Begasus> could you run "tail -f /var/log/syslog" in Terminal and in another Terminal tab launch Falkon?
<Begasus> maybe syslog mentiones something more
<JackDaniel> seems to be something releated to qt5
<JackDaniel> how can I copy/paste the syslog here?
<Begasus> yeah, was expecting that
<Begasus> sec
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<Begasus> I use that for pasting
<diver> Begasus: yeah, iirc, libkpmcore needs platform code for partition manager to work
<Begasus> you can remove the paste or leave it around (cleans up after a week)
<Begasus> just wanted to give it a go as that one is still using "lib:libqca" instead of "lib:libqca_qt5" diver
<diver> ah
<diver> Falkon crashed in ^
<Begasus> probably will just push some changes there and disable it, it's realy old anyway :)
<Begasus> expected that diver
<Begasus> do you have Falkon installed?
<Begasus> JackDaniel, you are the first to come in with Falkon error afaik
<JackDaniel> hmm, donno what is that mean
<Begasus> JackDaniel 64bit?
<JackDaniel> yes
<Begasus> k, let me try uploading my package for you to try
<Begasus> mind you, I have issues with Falkon atm too
<Begasus> threads peaking ... :(
<JackDaniel> thank you! I really need this browser
<Begasus> in Terminal*
<JackDaniel> ok, let's try :)
<Begasus> if it doesn't work an issue should be reported at haikuports
<JackDaniel> woooow, it works! Thanks, man, you save my day! :)
<Begasus> np :)
<JackDaniel> ah, another weird thing regarding telegram
<Begasus> upstream should get a revbump then (or I could push the newer version)
<JackDaniel> I use my phone as a hotspot, because I dont have internet here other than 4G
<JackDaniel> and if someone calls me when I have telegram opened, it crashes
<JackDaniel> this is happen only with the last version, which is 5.4.10-1
<JackDaniel> this is happen only with the last version, which is 5.4.1-1
<Begasus> no idea there, got an account but I only got it to check it out, never use it
<JackDaniel> I reported it as a bug
<Begasus> +1
<JackDaniel> I just wanted to inform you
<Begasus> 3dEyes will tackle it I guess
<Begasus> np thanks :)
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<Begasus> I try to tackle those I know how to testdrive good enough :)
<JackDaniel> @Begasus: Thanks a lot for helping me!
<Begasus> no problem :)
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<Begasus> now what was I doing ...
<Begasus> k, will leave old qca recipe alive for now
<Begasus> qgis will need a revbump for the correct library name first
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<Begasus> bbl
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<mbrumbelow> Is the HaikuDepot not functioning correctly?
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<Skipp_OSX> I believe we turned r1b4 off, not enough resources to maintain both r1b4 and r1b5 is what I've been told.
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<mbrumbelow> Thanks
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<x512[m]> milek7: What is a fundamental difference between riscv64 and arm64 that makes things so complicated with arm64?
<kallisti5[m]> Skipp_OSX: correct(ish). There are some limitations with haikuporter buildmaster in our infrastructure making maintaining another branch repo difficult
<kallisti5[m]> tldr; we have to double our haikuporter footprint which has a lot of volume mounts which exceeds the maximum PV mount on a single kubernetes node at Digital Ocean
<x512[m]> As I understand page tables works nearly the same in all modern architectures. 32 bit PowerPC seems different.
<kallisti5[m]> Skipp_OSX: tldr; tldr; tldr: :-)
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58016] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] a2a5b10065d0 - FAT: fix volume label errors
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58017] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 2147db369976 - arm64: Fix translation map setup.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58018] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] d26613e1bbc7 - Keymap: Restore menu field status icons
<Skipp_OSX> ok one more down!
<Skipp_OSX> hey does FAT allow UTF-16/UCS-2/4 characters in the label like exfat?
<Skipp_OSX> in the volume label I mean
<x512[m]> "object storage". Some mysterious term.
<x512[m]> Skipp_OSX: Yes, FAT fully supports Unicode.
<phschafft> does it?
<kallisti5[m]> x512: lol. "Object Storage" is the industry term for "Non-AWS s3"
<Skipp_OSX> FAT does, but do we, I'm looking at the commit just pushed and it seems like it restricts to ASCII but maybe not I can't really tell for certain
<kallisti5[m]> * "Non-AWS s3 services"
<Skipp_OSX> I do know that I had to do some UTF-16 => UTF-8 conversion work on exfat to get the volume label to appear correctly when Unicode characters are used.
<x512[m]> kallisti5: Is it some kind of network file system?
<kallisti5[m]> S3 is pretty much pragmatic file storage and management over https.
<kallisti5[m]> (and rest calls)
<kallisti5[m]> storage areas are divided into buckets.. you put files into buckets via http rest calls (actually.. it might be soap? I don't remember)
<kallisti5[m]> and they can show up via a url
<x512[m]> So what is the problem? Package builder can have a cache of HPKGs needed as dependencies for building packages and download then on demand by using some protocol.
<kallisti5[m]> yup. However, someone has to add that feature to haikuporter
<kallisti5[m]> and haikuporter makes a LOT of assumptions about local files
<kallisti5[m]> and repos.. etc
<kallisti5[m]> it's a solvable problem, but it's difficult to attract people to work on it
<x512[m]> Its Python, so I am out.
<kallisti5[m]> ^^^ that's pretty much what everyone says LOL
<kallisti5[m]> I need my { }
<x512[m]> I am slowly making replacement tool in C++>
<kallisti5[m]> nice
<x512[m]> s/++>/++./
<kallisti5[m]> fun fact: haiku's repo is actually served by a neat Rest microservice I wrote a few years ago
<x512[m]> But control service that dispatch build job to package builder servers may be written using Java.
<x512[m]> C++ is very bad at handling HTTP.
<kallisti5[m]> yeah... C++ is bad at anything that needs substantial libraries
<kallisti5[m]> just from the weight of hauling them around
<phschafft> x512[m], Skipp_OSX: ah, so exfat vs. fat. thanks for the clarification. :)
<x512[m]> Exfat is still patented.
<x512[m]> Implementing it may be legally dangerous in USA.
<x512[m]> Linux have spacial permission from MS.
<waddlesplash> Microsoft contributed the patent licenses to the Linux Foundation
<waddlesplash> but we aren't part of that
<Skipp_OSX> correct, currently we only have read support. It would be nice to have write support even if we had to bury it under a patent encumbered flag
<x512[m]> But not to Haiku. And Haiku is not a member of Linux Foundation.
<x512[m]> There are no significant benefits of ExFat comparing to Fat. Still no journal.
<Skipp_OSX> right ok but this isn't about exfat it's about naming your fat volumes with unicode characters in Winders and then plugging them into Haiku and it goes fizzle pop
<Skipp_OSX> or not, I don't know that's why I'm asking
<x512[m]> Haiku bug in FAT driver?
<Skipp_OSX> possibly
<Skipp_OSX> yes
<Skipp_OSX> There was a Haiku bug in the exfat driver, I fixed it, wonder if same fix needed for regular fat
<kallisti5[m]> Oh look, the 👻 of me warning y'all about merging a new fat driver before a major release 😅
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<Skipp_OSX> hehe
<kallisti5[m]> (not discounting how nice the new one is... I was just worried about timing)
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<dovsienko> the only two reasons I ever needed to use exFAT were: 1. support for large disks 2. a smart TV that supported playing media files from USB only if it was in exFAT
<x512[m]> Are the any objections to removing GUI from CMake package? It makes terrible cyclic dependency.
<Skipp_OSX> I'm trying to fix this guy: I set the MaxContentWidth on the menubar inside the menu field and that almost fixes the issues, but it still overwrites the drop down and idk why.
<x512[m]> > smart TV that supported playing media files from USB only if it was in exFAT
<x512[m]> Really? Even FAT is not supported?
<dovsienko> for the latter one, after I needed to play a file on another smart TV, I prepared an exFAT USB stick, but it didn't like it. it turned out the second TV accepted ext2 because it was running Linux
<phschafft> I generally don't care much for fat. but I was wondering as I was looking into filesystem identification earlier.
<Skipp_OSX> You don't have to be in the Dutch languages to trigger the bug, just select Application => "OpenDocument Database (vnd.oasis.opendocument.database)" or other similarly long titled mime type.
<x512[m]> kallisti5: It seems that Rust is needed to be added in haikuports.cross.
<dovsienko> x512[m]: AFAIR, the problem was that FAT does not support files larger than 2GB, and the file was larger than 2GB. so perhaps it was support for large files, not support for large disks
<Skipp_OSX> apparently Microsoft recently fixed this in Winders 11
<Skipp_OSX> Meaning, allows you to create larger than 2GB FAT32 partitions
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<waddlesplash> Skipp_OSX: if you're looking at find issues, maybe you can glance at
<Skipp_OSX> yeah... there is a bunch of issues...
<dovsienko> Skipp_OSX: it was not a problem to format a >2GB stick as FAT, but it was a problem to save a file >2GB onto it
<Skipp_OSX> oh right ok
<Skipp_OSX> <= lifted 32gb partition size limit, I think you're still screwed for 2gb file size limit
<Skipp_OSX> It says 4gb on the article but i think in reality it is 2gb
<phschafft> last time I checked with $some_version_of_fat the problem was that the filesystem could handle 4GB but most implementations used 32 bit *signed* types for file size.
<phschafft> e.g. the classic off_t is 32bit signed. so only allowing for 2GB files.
<Skipp_OSX> <= Set the MaxContentWidth() that makes it closer, but even if I subtract off the end to leave space for the drop down it's not showing it.
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<Skipp_OSX> I messed with the IconMenuItem::GetContentSize width but no joy there either... _BMCMenuBar_ should be handling leaving space for us but idk why it isn't here. I vaguely remember this being a thing I wanted to fix before but then didn't, something to do with menu insets.
<kallisti5[m]> <x512[m]> "kallisti5: It seems that Rust is..." <- errrrr. what needs Rust in build-packages?
<x512[m]> avif1.0
<kallisti5[m]> oh...
<kallisti5[m]> neat. So.... I think our rust is still cross-compiled?
<kallisti5[m]> we're not native yet
<x512[m]> It is impossible to compile Rust compiler without Rust compiler.
<kallisti5[m]> I haven't been following lately. PulkoMandy I see does that mean rust is self-hosting now on Haiku?
<Skipp_OSX> the old pull yourself up by your own bootstraps argument
<kallisti5[m]> ah... BUILD_REQUIRES: cmd:rustc$secondaryArchSuffix == $portVersion
<Skipp_OSX> (bootstrap compiler)
<x512[m]> kallisti5: That recipe need some already working Rust compiler.
<kallisti5[m]> ok. I just hate tying bootstrapping rust to the todo list to bootstrap haiku
<x512[m]> Also it is currently broken according to PulkoMandy.
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<kallisti5[m]> cool... cool
* kallisti5[m] finds a corner to weep into
<waddlesplash> we don't need rust to bootstrap haiku
<waddlesplash> bootstrap builds don't use this
<waddlesplash> and we can adjust FFmpeg to not require avif, of course
<kallisti5[m]> well.. we need it to bootstrap libavif1
<kallisti5[m]> which.. yeah. media kit or media-kit add-on?
<waddlesplash> yes, ffmpeg media addon
<waddlesplash> but you can build Haiku without that
<kallisti5[m]> oh.. ok
<kallisti5[m]> yeah
<kallisti5[m]> almost expected to have @minimum profile for bootstrap
<waddlesplash> honestly I would like to rework the bootstrap builds to not even need ICU
<x512[m]> waddlesplash: But how we are supposed to build Rust package without haikuports.cross?
<kallisti5[m]> waddlesplash: omg.. yes please
<x512[m]> Just putting binary is not a good solution.
<kallisti5[m]> anywhere we can trim bootstrap down would be win
<waddlesplash> and now that we have a working Clang, experiment with no-cross-tools bootstraps
<kallisti5[m]> x512: it's a binary from linux
<oanderso[m]> milek7: Do we actually need to free pages during munmap?
<waddlesplash> however this will require fixing whatever the weird problems are with Clang and the BIOS loader
<kallisti5[m]> x512: I think you're correct though
<waddlesplash> for x86_64 at least
<x512[m]> kallisti5: What is build procedure? Is it documented?
<kallisti5[m]> eventually rust_bin should be in haikuports.cross
<kallisti5[m]> and rust should be in haikuports
<oanderso[m]> milek7: We could just keep the pages and zero the PTEs
<dovsienko> "this programming language will solve all the problems of all earlier programming languages. and the next one too."
<x512[m]> How to build it for riscv64?
<oanderso[m]> And I think that would resolve it
<kallisti5[m]> x512: what, bootstrap?
<kallisti5[m]> or rust_bin?
<nipos> Where does avif involve rust? The libavif repo contains only C and C++ code from what I see
<x512[m]> Build Rust for riscv64.
<kallisti5[m]> ah. we need rust_bin for riscv64 first. That's
<kallisti5[m]> I think nielx compiles them on linux, packages the binary artifacts
<kallisti5[m]> yeah, nielx is a bad admin :P
<x512[m]> It should be not compiled by single person. It should be reproducible procedure.
<kallisti5[m]> "this is the way"
<milek7> oanderso[m]: that could work, but then you're stuck with these pages for address space lifetime? I thought also about delaying releasing the pages, but how to determine how long is enough
<kallisti5[m]> x512: anyway, you're correct. We need to ping nielx and get the instructions into the haikuports repo at minimum
<kallisti5[m]> It's a standard process to cross-compile rust, i just don't know it
<x512[m]> milek7: It is already so for x86. Non-leaf page table entries are freed only on process termination.
<oanderso[m]> Sounds like a solution then
<x512[m]> Non leaf page table entries freeing can be implemented, but it is not a priority and can be done later. Some common solution should be found for x86 and riscv64 first.
<oanderso[m]> You could do a prune pass on context switch or something
<oanderso[m]> I guess that could still race
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<oanderso[m]> Maybe if all threads are unscheduled then you could do it
<waddlesplash> that's probably not easy to determine
<waddlesplash> I vaguely recall talking about mmlr about something like this at some point
<waddlesplash> I think it was about this anyway. He mentioned some strategy we could use for implementing it, but this was years ago and I don't recall the details
<waddlesplash> I could possibly go dig up those chat logs...
<milek7> maybe keep atomic counter of currently walking handlers
<x512[m]> Priority is getting working arm64 port, optimizations later.
<milek7> then when it's 0 you can acquire spinlock to prevent new handlers from beginning the walk
<dovsienko> 1. make it work 2. make it right. 3. make it fast
<waddlesplash> yeah, doesn't really matter right now, we can just add TODOS
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<Skipp_OSX> waddlesplash can you merge in pls, you can cherry-pick just the "Tracker: Change kMoveSelectionTo to kCopySelectionTo on paste" commit into r1b5 if you are worried about the stack variable causing a problem (although I know it doesn't)
<Skipp_OSX> The commits are completely independent of each other so it shouldn't make a difference either way... but I would like the stupid Cut items staying semi-transparent bug fixed for R1B5.
<waddlesplash> yeah let's do that
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 2 commits to master [hrev58019] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] b93d08f989ea - Tracker: Make updateMessage a stack variable and style fixes
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] fe514848c28f - Tracker: Change kMoveSelectionTo to kCopySelectionTo on paste
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] be52613c12df - QueryParser: Unsupported value type conversion should not KDL.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 2 commits to master [hrev58020] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] dadc497fbc2f - kernel/vm: Insertion into the Areas AVL tree can fail.
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<Begasus> closing down here
<Begasus> cu peeps!
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 6f88de113d09 - kernel: Rename set/clear_ac to arch_cpu_enable/disable_user_access.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58021] -
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<OscarL> dang! switched from hrev57980 (IIRC) to beta5 proper, now this netbook doesn't boots. Hitting CTL+ALT+DEL sents me to KDL.
<OscarL> PANI: page fault, but interupts were disabled Touching address 0x0000000000000068 from ip 0xffffffff8009f316
<Skipp_OSX> arg (it wasn't me)
<OscarL> ls 0x000[...]68 -> "There is no image loaded at this address" (assuming it makes sense to "ls"that address.
<dovsienko> so what's the current estimate of how long it is until beta5?
<OscarL> "reboot" doesn't works (panics with aquier_spinlock())... force power down it is.
<Skipp_OSX> yeah sounds pretty hosed, can you get to boot menu for safe mode?
<OscarL> trying to book previous state ATM.
<OscarL> yup, workerd right away.
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<OscarL> confirmed hrev57980 works.
<OscarL> mmm, I do have a custom driver under testing (built from latest haiku hrev). Will disable and see if that's the issue.
<OscarL> seems that was the issue.
<OscarL> beta5 didn't liked the driver I built :-/
<OscarL> (I used a beta5 install to "jam" it thou)
<OscarL> is hrev57937+36 that incompatible with nightlies already?
<Skipp_OSX> for packages it is idk about custom drivers
<OscarL> dovsienko: Roadmap says Aug 31 for beta5. If that's accurate or not... dunno :-)
<Skipp_OSX> different haiku package everything depends on
<Skipp_OSX> Probably our best guess right now
<OscarL> Man, I was wishing for these intel_extreme driver changes to get in into beta5 :-(
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<Skipp_OSX> 9 bugs, 1 needed in-progress 1 other needed
<Skipp_OSX> unfortunately we had problems and disabled them again
<Skipp_OSX> on no that was radeon not intel nvm
<OscarL> :-)
<OscarL> fwiw, I'm talking about this one:
<Skipp_OSX> yeah that also did not make it into r1b5 :/
<Skipp_OSX> I hope it does for sake of ActionRetro
<erysdren> heh, yeah
<OscarL> yeah, I remember he had a Celeron N4120 netbook.
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<x512[m]> oanderso: ARM64 have separate kernel and user page tables?
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<oanderso[m]> Yes. TTBR0 is userspace and TTBR1 is kernel space, by convention
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<coolcoder613> Hi PetePete
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