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<coolcoder613> Maybe don't use AQemu, try using command-line QEMU
<coolcoder613> qemu-system-x86_64 -hda <hard disk image> -cdrom <iso file> -m 4G
<Lubo> I can try that. Or other iterations. actually I think this is really close to what I am using now. Except I've assigned 2G RAM, and have some other parameters. But nothing that should make anything not boot.
<coolcoder613> ARe you install 32-bit or 64-bit Haiku?
<Lubo> 32 bit.
<coolcoder613> *installing
<coolcoder613> so change that to qemu-system-i386
<coolcoder613> But whay are you installing the 32-bit version?
<coolcoder613> *why
<Lubo> simple, interested in using on old 32 bit hardware eventually.
<coolcoder613> Ok
<Lubo> I'm trying your suggestion, so I'm rebooting the VM. Be back later. Thanks.
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<HaikuUser> test image for HaiQR and EXRTranslator :)
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<Nephele> good morning Begasus
<phschafft> good morning everyone.
<Begasus> moin nephele phschafft
<Nephele> Can anyone explain to me what the point is off a *wireless* charger, that goes with a *wire* from a wall socket, that needs magnets to properly align to the device so it can charge it slower?
<Begasus> not me, lost me halfway of the sentense :)
<phschafft> wireless power transmission is a something that just doesn't make sense to me at all (given my background in that topic).
<phschafft> I think it's fashion or something like that.
<phschafft> from a technical standpoint it makes no sense at all.
<Nephele> I can "kind of" understand the idea of "just leave you phone on a counter in subway". But in all other aspects it makes no sense to me
<Habbie> some people like having zero wires visible
<Habbie> some people want to charge all day and not plug in and out all the time
<Habbie> i dunno
<Nephele> Habbie: yes... but, I still have a wire visible!
<Habbie> you do
<Habbie> other people might not
<Nephele> No i mean, my "wireless charging" device can only be charged with something that has a specific shape, and that thing has a wire
<Nephele> can't even use the idea of "leave it at a counter" here :)
<Nephele> maybe phschafft can design me a watch that runs on nearby magnetic fields :)
<phschafft> just a few years ago devices just had contact points on the outside so that you can put them into the charger... no wires, just put them in the right place.
<phschafft> .... just like the wireless ones. ;)
<phschafft> only that it doesn't kill the planet.
<Nephele> well, i used to have a calculator in class that only worked when sitting near a window
<Nephele> i don't see why a watch couldn't be designed that way
<Nephele> maybe even using some incoming light, and reflecticing it cleverly to where you want
<phschafft> self winding clocks have been around for some time. ;)
<phschafft> they work without sunlight, and they even work in space! ;)
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> we even had self winding cars as a kid :D
<phschafft> solutions are there. penty. hence my statement that I think it's fashion.
<Nephele> I think the proper response to "we made a nuclear reactor to power the watch on your wrist!" is "why is your design this power-inefficient?"
<phschafft> also the 'leave it on the counter' works. it will just go even worse with efficiency.
<Nephele> people are afraid of usb-jacking. I can understand this somewhat, of course, the fear is made bigger by people advocating wireless charging as a solution :)
<phschafft> I mean people today accept that only like 10 to 30% of the power they take from the socket actually ends up in the battery.
<phschafft> with the on the counter thing you just go down to 0.1%. but it does work, no problem.
<Nephele> phschafft: well that not every power makes it I already knew as a child because I can hear a high frequency tone with most chargers. -> wasted energy into sound
<phschafft> nephele: so.... you replace USB with wireless USB, yes?
<Nephele> xD
<phschafft> (the wireless power standards *CAN* transport data)
<Nephele> excelent
<Nephele> well the lan over ethernet was quite unreliable for me
<Nephele> maybe lan over wireless power works beter
<phschafft> nephele: with conventional wired technology and a modern adapter you get something like 95%.
<Nephele> lan over power i ment in the first sentence
<Nephele> phschafft: at the moment i'm getting nothing. I can't find the damn wired wireless charger
<phschafft> ;)
<Nephele> I wonder how hard it would be to jack up the device rip out the coil and solder in a usb-c port doing "5v 300ma" xD
<phschafft> I loved how people in the early 2000s used to glue some rope on the wireless home phones because they lost them all the time.
<phschafft> but it's much better than having a phone with a wire! ;)
<Nephele> well, the retracting ones are kind of annoying, it constantly pulls on you
<Nephele> having a inflexible rope just gives you a limited range
<phschafft> nephele: for most devices that unit is a seperated one internally contected via.. usb. ;)
<phschafft> you can also get the 10m extention from the Post with your green rented phone. ;)
<Nephele> Looks like i could maybe desolder those wires and hook them up to v+ and v- for a usb-c one :3
<Nephele> remove some foam, drill a hole and it might just be enough space for a flat usb-c connector, or a extended one
<Habbie> nephele, oh! the wireless charging with specific adapters! sometimes that's the easiest way to waterproof a device
<Habbie> my watch is like that too
<Nephele> I don't care about waterproofing at this point, the device is constantly empty because of the damn charger
<Nephele> if it was usb-c i have those lying around everywhere and it would be easy to charge
<Nephele> also wireless charging needs a glass back for a phone, so then it's constantly smashed
<Nephele> and that can be made really annoying to replace by a manufacturer
<phschafft> nephele: you can't just connect to the coil unless the RX part also supports DC...
<phschafft> Habbie: never had any problem with water and charging contacts.
<phschafft> surely a uniform surface can be easier. but it seems that just exposing some metal is also not that complicated.
<Habbie> uh, right, my watch does expose pads
<Habbie> i'm mixing things up
<phschafft> plus is much easier to make a *strong* shell with contacts than wireless something.
<phschafft> I mean whatever you use for the shell, it must be super thin.
<Nephele> phschafft: sad
<Nephele> I wanted to look up the model N° for one Lenovo laptop I have to figure out what to charge it with... BUT the actual jack has a diagramm next to it to explain
<Nephele> it's 20V and it shows the polarity, excelent. I can mod it to usb-c boards :D
<phschafft> :)
<Nephele> everytime i cant find a charger i make it usb-c
<Nephele> sooner or later i can throw away, or repurpose, all those charging bricks
<Nephele> gotta say though, for that medion laptop the flex cables were a MAJOR pain
<Nephele> and i mean *much* much more than flexcables in phones :)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+4/-4/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes 36023e2 - Telegram: bump version
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 1ddd928 - rst2pdf, add recipe (can be used in MasterPiece to export to PDF) (#10655)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 902d4ea - masterpiece, revbump, switch uri, add patches (waiting upstream) (#10651)
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<phschafft> hm.
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* Begasus is bored ...
<Begasus> no challenge atm open :)
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<phschafft> hm.
<phschafft> I had some nice meeting with nephele yesterday.
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+3/-3/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 40d8ee4 - lua5.4, bump version (#10642)
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<Begasus> and was it productive phschafft?
<phschafft> hm.
<phschafft> hope so. :)
<Begasus> k, seems all our lua packages have the wrong search paths :)
<phschafft> hmn.
<phschafft> we chatted about integration of diffrent software.
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] humdingerb pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] humdingerb 2a859c0 - yt-dlp: update to 2024.07.02
<Begasus> like in combining them?
<phschafft> for example we discussed how contact lists and communication software can and should interact.
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<Begasus> afaik there isn't any contact list software for Haiku yet (or I could be wrong), we got the people files, but I don't know how well they integrate with existing software
<phschafft> yes that was part of the discussion. that people files should likely be the central element here.
<phschafft> so software should interact with that and that's basically all there is to this part of the story.
<Begasus> I was close then :)
* phschafft nods.
<Begasus> I think Z* had something in that context
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<Begasus> bugger, qt5 brings way to much with it on first install (nheko)
<augiedoggie> if you're bored you can clean up the extra files from the cceleste PR
<Begasus> extra files?
<augiedoggie> there were extra files at the top level of the repository in that PR you merged
<Begasus> ah test.txt ...
<augiedoggie> /test.txt and /ccelete...recipe
<Begasus> will do, thanks for spotting
<Begasus> just a quick check on the 64bit image for nheko
<Begasus> still there, need to add dbus in that recipe
<Begasus> ah lol, only see those 2 files in my directory :)
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<Begasus> k, PR is up
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-2/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus dcfd193 - ccleste, cleanup (#10659)
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<Begasus> lua search paths:
<Begasus> lua5.1 even searches in /usr/local ...
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 204fcb6 - nheko, revbump, nheko crashes on clean install when libdbus is not installed (#10660)
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<Nephele> Begasus: dbus for what?
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<Anarchos> how can i see the value of an arg in a variadic fucntion ?
<phschafft> hm?
<Anarchos> phschafft i found : va_arg() let me access it
<Begasus> this lua thread (issue) is getting quite long ;)
<phschafft> ah, I missread you, see vs. set.
<Begasus> looks better (again) :)
<phschafft> Anarchos: and yes, va_arg() is the correct one. :)
<Anarchos> where to paste an image ?
<nosycat> Or any CryptPad instance.
<Begasus> or use "uploadit" from the depot
<Begasus> no file '/packages/luajit-2.1.1716656478-1/.self/non-packaged/data/lua/5.1/lfs.lua'
<Begasus> jikes ...
<Anarchos> i can't understand the "42f+01" string in buf when the format is %.6f" . and i can't understand why i can't see hte value '42.0' in the arg_f value, which is the parameter to printf
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<zard> "don't know how to make <x86_64>crtbeginS.o"
<Begasus> part of gcc as far as I remember
<Anarchos> crtbeginS is a component of libc
<Begasus> got gcc_syslibs installed?
<zard> yes
<Anarchos> i can't understand the "42f+01" string in buf when the format is %.6f" . and i can't understand why i can't see hte value '42.0' in the arg_f value, which is the parameter to vxnprintf
<Begasus> zard, a bit of background, don't know if it helps:
<Begasus> seen it before ...
<zard> Mmm, could be useful
<zard> Ok, so the file does exist on my system
<zard> Ok, just needed to rerun configure :-)
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<Begasus> wb nephele
<Begasus> dbus is somehow an indirect dependency for libQt6Core on Nheko
<Nephele> uhhh
<Nephele> well, if that is the case it should be declared for qt6core atleast
<Nephele> but that sounds really annoying
<Begasus> I think I had a talk about it with augiedoggie not that long ago for some other package? (don't beat me over it) :)
<augiedoggie> some packages will generate the runtime_loader error but still continue to run properly
<augiedoggie> it's not a hard dependency on dbus
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<Begasus> in this case nheko crashes without (iirc the other one did that too)
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<Begasus> hi jmairboeck
<Begasus> enough lua for one day :)
<jmairboeck> hi Begasus
<jmairboeck> did installing git_web fix git help?
<Begasus> ah, haven't tried yet, only checked on a note from nephele :)
<Begasus> yep working now jmairboeck, thanks :)
<Begasus> bugger, lost my tabs on Web+ again ... tss
<Begasus> goog enough for today, cu peeps!
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<ilzu[m]> Hello. Is any dev with Tracker internals knowledge online? On the summer leave I had time to get back to working on . Which in the current Tracker code would be preferred to copy a file or a folder and it's contents synchronously? FSMoveToFolder? FSDuplicate? There seems also to be (commented out) FSCopyFolder and CopyFolder, but that seems lika a dead code that is not called from anywhere. Currently Tracker
<ilzu[m]> copies the template files synchronously, which might cause unresponsiveness if using large templates.
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<Nephele> ilzu[m], copy it in tracker synchronously? don't those functions try to do this asychchronously?
<ilzu[m]> Nephele as it is now, it just reads the source file to 1kb buffer and writes it to destination file and copies attributes afterwards.
<ilzu[m]> I'd like to change it to do it asynchronously, but I'm not sure which of those functions to use
<ilzu[m]> Ah, i had typoed on the first message, I meant asynchronously
<ilzu[m]> s/synchronously/asynchronously/
<Nephele> that makes more sense, well i think (from what I remember looking at this 2 days ago xD) that FSDuplicate would be correct, however i don't know if this does folders with contents
<ilzu[m]> From what I've been looking at the code my guess would have been FSMoveToFolder, with setting it to copy instead of move.
<Nephele> one moment, let me turn on my haiku box :)
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<Nephele> ilzu[m], FSCopyFolder is commented out, but it just calls CopyFolder, and that is available
<Nephele> but indeed, you are correct that it isn't called from tracker, but i think it should be part of the abi like this, so probably work?
<ilzu[m]> Yup. But that CopyFolder seems not to be called from anywhere, so I am not sure if it is a leftover dead code from some ancient BeOS release.
<Nephele> It's called from Installer
<Nephele> wait no
<Nephele> it's *defined* in a test for installer
<ilzu[m]> It might have been used before the package manager in the installer then.
<ilzu[m]> I'll check if it works later today after I've taken the dogs for a walk
<Nephele> I don't know, it's defined in one private method for the CopyEngine in the installer test, but even there it's not even defined or called
<ilzu[m]> And if it doesn't then I'll experiment with FSMoveToFolder and FSDuplicqate
<Nephele> FSMoveToFolder with the movemode is then likely correct, though i have no idea what the movemode is. it's sadly not defined as an enum
<ilzu[m]> There seems to be code using it in PoseView, in Drag and drop if I recall, I can check how it is used from there.
<ilzu[m]> Thanks for your help
<Nephele> ah, there are defines for it kDuplicateSelection, kCopySelectionTo, kMoveSelectionTo
<Nephele> you can check MoveTask() in FSUtils.cpp
<ilzu[m]> Yup. I'll check and experiment after taking the dogs out. In an hour or two.
<ilzu[m]> Thanks again :)
<Nephele> Alright :) maybe i'm still arround then, but if not then have fun!
<ilzu[m]> Will do :)
<Nephele> on a slightly related note: selecting 600 mp3 file and dragging them in MediaPlayer playlist window freezes it for severall seconds, and that pisses me off xD
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