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<TmTFx> Good morning mates!
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<TmTFx> I was looking at intel_extreme cards naming and I was wondering why the video cards name reflects the code name of the chipset and not the (specific) name of the card (like shown here for example:
<TmTFx> in intel_extreme driver.cpp
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<TmTFx> hi
<Begasus> Hi TmTFx!
<Begasus> nice progress on the Intel source +1
<Begasus> no use for me to push changes to some recipes using openssl atm :) (revbumped qt6multimedia to ffmpeg6 for one)
<PulkoMandy> TmTFx: Because the programming of the device only depends on the chipset generation. There is nothing specific to each exact "card"
<PulkoMandy> And most of the time this is embedded on the cpu or motherboard and not a separate card anyways
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<Begasus> KF6 frameworks 6.5.0 + plasma 6.1.4 (recipes + patches): 107 changed files with 11778 additions and 0 deletions :)
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<Begasus> -0
<Begasus> cleaning typo :P
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<HaikuUser> Hi guys! Is there a way to disable the trackpad of my laptop? I use only an USB mouse and sometimes, my fingers touch the trackpad. Can I disable it?
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<Begasus> hi JackDaniel
<JackDaniel> Hi Begasus! In the input dialog box, I have AT Keyboard 1, PS/2 Mouse 1, USB Keyboard 2, USB Keyboard 1 and USB Mouse 1. I don't see any Touchpad in the list, that's why I'm asking how can I disable it.
<Habbie> could it be ps/2 mouse 1?
<JackDaniel> Also, I don't have ~/config/settings/Touchpad_settings at all
<Begasus> no idea, it's showing up here in prefs :/
<Begasus> JackDaniel, using nightly or beta4/5?
<JackDaniel> nigthly, hrev57951
<Begasus> ok, should be available atleast
<Begasus> native or vm?
<JackDaniel> native
<JackDaniel> I'm in the testing team, Haiku is my only os
<JackDaniel> my laptop is an ASUS X53sj, I don't know if this is relevant
<Begasus> booting 32bit here to check
<JackDaniel> thanks!
<JackDaniel> btw, I'm on x86_64
<Begasus> still on beta4 on this install, haven't checked on nightly yes
<Begasus> k, on the 32bit and 64bit nightly install touchpad shows up in Input prefs here
<Begasus> ps, can relate to the touchpad getting in the way (though that doesn't help fix the problem) :)
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<Anarchos> hello
<Begasus> Hi Anarchos
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<PulkoMandy> The touchpad preferences only show for recognized synaptics touchpad. If you have another type of touchpad you can't see the checkbox and so you can't enable the setting
<PulkoMandy> We still have some issues and redesign to do on input preferences
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<Anarchos> sadly, my new laptop has a non-recognized touchpad.
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<botifico> [haiku/website] humdingerb pushed 1 commit to master [+18/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haiku/website] Coldfirex 1c9f5d0 - Add Proxmox virtualization guide (#702)
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<Vidrep_64> Hi
<nosycat> Hello!
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<Vidrep_64> Hi nosycat
<nosycat> How are you?
<Vidrep_64> OK. Just going through some of my open tickets to see if any can be closed before the next release.
<nosycat> Sounds good!
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<Vidrep_64> PulkoMandy, this regression ticket has been automatically assigned to mmlr, who I'm not sure is still active. Can you have a quick look and comment as necessary? Sorry to bother you about it.
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<zard> fyi, tickets usually take a long time to resolve.
<zard> In my experience, the owner of the ticket is usually just barely aware of the existence of the ticket
<zard> That's because developers tend to work on what interests them. If a developer encounters the bug and it annoys them enough, you can expect a fix coming up soon! :P
<zard> That's not to say bug reports are useless. They are used, just usually very slowly, unless its a critical bug
<zard> If someone decides to work on something, it can give them an idea of what still needs to be done
<zard> </end ted talk> :P
<zard> Ooh, you're bug is a regression though. That definitely makes it easier to debug and find the solution
<PulkoMandy> zard: I think vidrep has been around long enough to know how this works. If he's asking me, there's a good chance he has a good reason for it :)
<zard> Heh, ok :")
<zard> Looks like vidrep is even a contributor (a tester). Looks like I underestimated them. Sorry!
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57983] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] d4b18b560207 - Clock: make sure the first on-screen draw uses current time.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57984] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 2141d2fe3a5d - input: fix KEY_power key code conflict with japanese `\_` key
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] f361fefa3e3d - ListView: Do not alter selection on mouse up if was dragging
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57985] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57986] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] a61df2290cbc - Decorator: Redraw phantom tab
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 5c0baf05fdad - FontDemo: Add support for theming by using B_DOCUMENT_BACKGROUND_COLOR and B_DOCUMENT_TEXT_COLOR
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57987] -
<Vidrep_64> waddlesplash
<Vidrep_64> I can try rebooting and do as you suggested
<waddlesplash> OK, very good
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<Begasus> k, think I've gone over all the apps mentioned at (and some beyong), not missing much from there :)
<nosycat> That's comprehensive.
<Begasus> beyong/beyond* :)
<Begasus> only 2 major hurdles, akonadi and qtwebengine (qt6)
<Begasus> latest kdevelop also switched to Qt6
<nosycat> No wonder everything takes up a ton of disk space all of a sudden.
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<Begasus> lol
<Begasus> most of them are not in the depot nosycat :P
<Begasus> Hi Vidrep_64!
<nosycat> I'm having the same problem on Linux.
<Begasus> finding PlasmaTube quite handy to put on some music in the background
<Vidrep_64> Hi Begasus
<Begasus> how's testing going Vidrep_64? ironed out some older bugs?
<Vidrep_64> waddlesplash, I tried pinging various devices on my LAN. Connection took about 30 seconds .
<waddlesplash> OK
<Vidrep_64> After receiving back connections outside the LAN worked
<waddlesplash> seems odd that one change broke things for you
<waddlesplash> I guess I'll have to ask the OpenBSD developers
<waddlesplash> but not right now
<Vidrep_64> However, if I don't ping devices on my LAN and try accessing a website it takes about 4 or 5 minutes to establish a connection
<waddlesplash> please add that comment to the ticket
<Vidrep_64> It sounds confusing
<Vidrep_64> Ping devices on LAN - connection takes 30 seconds. After that accessing outside connections works OK.
<Vidrep_64> If I don't ping devices on LAN and go directly to an outside website it takes 4 or 5 minutes before the connection is established
<Vidrep_64> Does that make sense?
<waddlesplash> yes
<Vidrep_64> I wrote up a description of the issue on the ticket. Feel free to edit as necessary so it makes more sense :)
<Vidrep_64> The 30 second delay in connecting to the LAN sounds somewhat like what was described in this ticket (also a idualwifi7260)
<Vidrep_64> Begasus, not much testing at all from me
<Vidrep_64> Just reviewing whatever tickets I already had
<Vidrep_64> Unless it's an obvious regression
<Begasus> +1 :)
<Vidrep_64> I'm outta here. Got to run errands for the "boss" ;)
<Vidrep_64> Happy wife, happy life they say
* zard waves
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<Vidrep_64> waddlesplash, if there's anything else I could try to help resolve this, let me know what steps to take
<Vidrep_64> Thanks
<waddlesplash> I guess you could revert that one commit
<waddlesplash> and see if it fixes the problem for you
<Vidrep_64> Like I said , I booted hrev57510 and everything worked fine
<Vidrep_64> hrev57514 doesn't work
<Coldfirex> Can youn ping your local IP at first before other things start working?
<Coldfirex> Curious if it could be arp related
<Vidrep_64> I could try that quickly before I log off
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57988] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 58b64c1c7be6 - Cortex: Use B_LIST_*_COLORS for Media Add-ons list
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<Vidrep_64> Coldfirex, local IP connection is immediate
<waddlesplash> that may not even hit the LAN
<waddlesplash> it probably short-circuits locally
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<Vidrep_64> Anything else before I head out?
<waddlesplash> not off the top of my head
<Vidrep_64> Ok thanks for having a quick look
<waddlesplash> reverting that one hrev and rebuilding with latest master to make sure it's really the culprit
<waddlesplash> is the next step to take, when you have time
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<Vidrep_64> How to go about that? It's been a while since i compiled Haiku
<waddlesplash> if you're busy I can walk you through it later
<Vidrep_64> Maybe add those steps to the ticket and I'll try it later today
<Vidrep_64> Bye
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 9d6c8e7f567a - ACPICA: Fix modes of header files.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 2 commits to master [hrev57989] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 6c2ce95f5ac7 - kernel/vm: Add page structure offset sanity checks.
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<waddlesplash> if anybody gets "invalid concurrent access to page ..." KDLs now and again, please retest after the above hrev
<waddlesplash> (and update your tickets with a new KDL screenshot)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] humdingerb pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] humdingerb c8594b8 - CapitalBe: new version v2.0
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<Begasus> think I had a few of those waddlesplash, will check again in the morning
<waddlesplash> Begasus: have you switched to Beta5 at this point?
<Begasus> not on this install, on the other 2 laptops I installed the test beta5 image and after that updated to nightly
<Begasus> is Haiku's repo switched over to beta5?
<waddlesplash> yes
<waddlesplash> they've been switched over for over a week now
<Begasus> yeah, for nightly
<Begasus> base-url: (does that exist?) it didn't last week iirc
<Begasus> for now I changed the one for haikuports only: base-url:
<waddlesplash> it does
<waddlesplash> they both exist
<Begasus> ah, will do a change in the morning then, don't want this install to go into nightly, if r1beta5 works it should be easy to switch
<Begasus> and hopefully not brake too much :)
<Begasus> with +2K packages installed, a few hunderd lying around I bet there will be some :)
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<Begasus> k, closing down, will do further checking in the morning, thanks for the heads up
<Begasus> cu peeps!
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<Anarchos> hello
<erysdren> hello
<dovsienko> hi
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<waddlesplash> oanderso[m]: what is the exact error message you are getting?
<waddlesplash> (and where is the error message coming from?)
<oanderso[m]> "You need to verify your email address to activate your account."
<waddlesplash> yes, and what's the URL
<waddlesplash> OK
<oanderso[m]> That's what I get after I click the Github SSO button
<waddlesplash> can you open this page? is there an email set?
<oanderso[m]> That just takes me back to the login page
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<waddlesplash> try clicking the login button again from there
<waddlesplash> it may do something different than redirecting back to Gerrit
<oanderso[m]> Nope, shows me the same error
<waddlesplash> OK
<waddlesplash> kallisti5[m]: around? ^^
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<kallisti5[m]> oanderso: what's your email?
<oanderso[m]> replied in DM
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 3 commits to master [hrev57990] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] a5bf9e3b0e04 - unix: Use BStackOrHeapArray in add_ancillary_data.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] ad20cd0c530a - network/stack: Define maximum ancillary data size based on void*.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] da1e76be7945 - network/stack: Actually delete the ancillary data container.
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