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<kallisti5[m]> every time one of these come out, I spend the whole video going "work, work, work, work, omg please work"
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<Skipp_OSX> hehe
<OscarL> 119 seeders on the 64 bits torrent. 96 upvotes on it's picking up...
<kallisti5[m]> nice! This release took a bit longer to scale up than others. We really need to do releases more often :-)
<FreeFull> I'm getting the 2048x2048 thing too
<FreeFull> KSPAtlas[m]: If you spam space before haiku's boot screen shows up, you get a menu where you can pick a different resolution
<FreeFull> Unfortunate that you can't chance it after booting, though
<OscarL> If using the VESA driver, you should be able to change resolutions once booted.
<OscarL> (no UEFI->Framebuffer)
<OscarL> FreeFull: also, you should be able to "force" the resolution via a setting file (assuming you're using VESA/Framebuffer, and you select a supported-by-your-hardware/vm mode).
<OscarL> ~/config/settings/kernel/vesa <<< in that file a line like "mode 1024 768 32" should work, IIRC.
<FreeFull> Thinking about it.. Maybe bios boot + QXL works fine, and it's only UEFI that hits this problem
<FreeFull> It probably is the difference between vesa and uefi framebuffer drivers
<FreeFull> How do you force Haiku to always use VESA then?
<OscarL> for VMs... not much point in using UEFI, unless you're testing/developing things on vein, I would say.
<OscarL> s/on vein/on that vein/ (and not sure that makes sense in English, sorry)
<OscarL> FreeFull: assuming you're using BIOS boot mode...
<OscarL> ~/config/settings/kernel/drivers/kernel <<< on that file...
<OscarL> uncomment "fail_safe_video_mode true"
<OscarL> how to force UEFI vs BIOS... depends on either your BIOS or your choice of VM. I only tried qemu once or twice, so I don't recall the commandline, but was pretty minimal and worked great. On VMware or VirtualBox... I just don't select any (U)Efi setting.
<FreeFull> Seems the fail safe video mode thing doesn't work with uefi
<FreeFull> When using virt-manager, to get bios mode you have to change it during the VM creation process
<FreeFull> The dumb thing is that it defaults to UEFI even when you pick an OS that doesn't support UEFI at all
<OscarL> I just called qemu from a terminal, with as few parameters as I could (but was on an Ubuntu 20.04, IIRC, so things might have changed :-D)
<FreeFull> When running qemu from the terminal, I think it still defaults to BIOS for x86/x86-64
<FreeFull> Anyway, I just made a fresh VM in virt-manager with BIOS, and Haiku is using VESA just fine
<OscarL> (I was doing speed comparisons between qemu/vmware/vbox at the time)
<FreeFull> Actually, now that I have Haiku installed in the VM
<FreeFull> I should forward my laptop's USB audio interface to see if it works
<OscarL> if it is USB 1.x, *might* work? (USB 2.0 audio devices do not work yet)
<FreeFull> Ok, seems like Haiku doesn't like it, it's probably USB 2.0 or 3.0
<FreeFull> So that's still a no for audio with this laptop, then
<FreeFull> Last time I tried running Haiku on it everything else worked fine though
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<OscarL> I have a crappy netbook with USB 2.0 audio, and those "fancy" I2C touchpads... neither works :-(
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<FreeFull> I haven't had a touchpad not work yet
<OscarL> at least now WiFi works most of the time, unlike the first 6 months with beta4, where it worked only 3 times :-D
<FreeFull> Also haven't encountered any wifi issues
<FreeFull> But that definitely depends on the hardware
<OscarL> I only really cared about WiFi on that silly netbook, because it lacks an ethernet port :-)
<waddlesplash> FreeFull: make sure you are using an emulated usb3 controller for the passthrough
<waddlesplash> other controllers probably won't work
<FreeFull> I am
<waddlesplash> ok
<FreeFull> Haiku is seeing the device, it's just not even trying to load a driver for it as far as I can tell
<waddlesplash> my 1.1 USB Audio devices do work on passthrough to USB 3
<waddlesplash> you can check listusb to see what versions they are
<FreeFull> For the USB audio device, it says ver. 0403
<FreeFull> But I don't know what that means
<OscarL> 118/42 (ratio of 64/32 bits iso seeders). 32 bits is picking up some steam. But seems we have more seeders than leeches :-D
<FreeFull> Oh, right, I should listusb -v
<FreeFull> It's USB 2.0
<FreeFull> Oh, there is one thing I could never get to work with Haiku: webcams
<OscarL> we are shy, so no cams! :-P
<OscarL> that one thing I truly can say: it is a feature, not a bug :-P
<OscarL> but yeah... I think only one or two very old webcams ever worked.
<FreeFull> USB 1.1 cams only?
<OscarL> I think so, and maybe even some pretty particular models... or that was on BeOS times? /me is getting old.
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<ParkerR> For Audacious, where would skins go? I saw a mention for Haikku of ~/.local/share/audacious/Skins/SkinFolder and ~/config/settings/Audacious/Skins/SkinFolder but neither of these are shwoing up after closing and reopening the application. That was 2 years ago, so wondering if the location might have changed
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<ParkerR> I can see the system wide ones but obviously cant write there
<OscarL> not sure about the skins, but the patch *does* points to "~/config/settings/Audacious/" (
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<ParkerR> OscarL, yeah I tried treating that as XDG CONFIG home like it said ~/config/settings/Audacious/audacious/Skins/SkinFolder but it still failed to show up in the list. I ended up manually setting the skin path in ~/config/settings/Audacious/audacious/config and it worked
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<ParkerR> Thanks for the reply! Seems like it scanning the local folder may be busted but at least manually specifying it worked
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<OscarL> FWIW, "[...]/settings/Audacious/audacious/" sounds a bit repetitive, perhaps we have one superfluous "Audaicious" in the path, and that complicates things?
<OscarL> Might warrant opening a ticket over, to see if someone can give that a closer look.
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<ParkerR> ~/config/settings/Audacious is treated like the ~/.config on Linux according to the patchset if Im reading it right So you could have the subfolder under there with all the related settings
<ParkerR> *so you have
<ParkerR> But yeah might need some clarification either way
* OscarL heads off to bed. Happy Haikuing ParkerR, and the rest of you out there.
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<ParkerR> Night! Been having a ton of fun on beta5
<ParkerR> The browser setting the web theme hint based off the global slider color is something else
<ParkerR> Every OS should be this easy
<waddlesplash> :D
<waddlesplash> have you tried the "Flat" decorator yet?
<waddlesplash> also note you can use the Backgrounds preferences to change your desktop background color
<ParkerR> waddlesplash, Thats the best part... Feels like a bastard combo of classic Mac OS and Windows 98
<ParkerR> :D
<ParkerR> Decorator only shows "Default" for me. Nothing else in the list
<waddlesplash> yes, it's an "extra"
<waddlesplash> you need to install the "Haiku Extras" package
<ParkerR> Oh cool
<ParkerR> Thank you
<waddlesplash> this gives a "Flat" decorator and control look option (plus some others actually)
<ParkerR> Looking online, seems there's nothing to read/write EXT4?
<waddlesplash> it's built-in
<waddlesplash> should recognize ext2/3/4 partitions and offer to mount them
<waddlesplash> or, they should just appear in the "Mount" menu in the Deskbar
<ParkerR> Hmm EXT4 USB isnt
<ParkerR> Seems to show up at /dev/disk/usb/0/0/raw though
<ParkerR> Also yeah Flat is subtle but nice. Neat
<ParkerR> DriveSetup just shows "Unknown (Linux data)"
<ParkerR> Right click mount gives invalid argument
<ParkerR> I wonder... I dont recall if it was formatted with the EXT4 64bit option
<ParkerR> -O ^64bit
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<waddlesplash> I think we do support that
<waddlesplash> you can check your syslog, if the ext4 driver partially recognized it but it has unsupported features, you should see messages about it
<ParkerR> Not even a peep of ext4
<waddlesplash> ParkerR: ext4 is supported as part of the ext2 driver
<waddlesplash> "KERN: ext2: ext2: incompatible features not supported: 2000 (extents 40)"
<waddlesplash> there's the problem
<waddlesplash> 0x2000 appears to be FEATURE_CSUM_SEED
<ParkerR> Ahh makes sense. I knew to some extent a lot was shared between ext2 and 3.
<waddlesplash> not sure how hard that would be to implement
<waddlesplash> but it appears we have no ticket for it
<waddlesplash> so feel free to open one
<ParkerR> Im guessing thats the metadata_csum feature ("feature_csum_seed" has zero hits on Google)
<waddlesplash> nope, we support metadata_csum
<waddlesplash> this appears to be an extension to it
<ParkerR> Huh
<waddlesplash> the Linux name may be slightly different for the constant
<waddlesplash> ParkerR: hm actually I see some support for this in the driver already
<waddlesplash> not sure why the feature is in the set that blocks mounting the partition
<waddlesplash> but I haven't worked on this driver really
<waddlesplash> the dev who does is around, so if you open a ticket he should chime in before too long
<ParkerR> Sweet. Ill try and get that going after some sleep heh
<ParkerR> Thanks for the help
<waddlesplash> np :)
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] aplgithub pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58127] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] ad2df681abe8 - HaikuDepot: Fix Language Menu
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<coolcoder613> I'm executing WASM in my Rust hobby OS!
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<ParkerR> Just did an EFI install on the T495. Sleep is for the weak :)
<Begasus> +1 ParkerR :)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 2929a48 - ecode, add 64bit package (#11129)
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<ParkerR> Being new to Haiku, man there's a ton to love. Installer just hanging out so you can instantly make a bootable backup of your current system to anything
<ParkerR> Only noticed since the MP3 I downloaded while installing was there hanging out after reboot :)
* coolcoder613 waves
<Begasus> Helo there coolcoder613 :)
<ParkerR> Installed on the T495 since that has the better chance of accelerated Mesa sometime in the future
<ParkerR> (Vega mobile on the 3700U)
<Begasus> Still running smoothly on this Ryzen7 laptop ParkerR :) (me is a lucky one) :D
<ParkerR> Begasus, You still on llvmpipe or is there some secret Mesa floating around? Heh
<Begasus> nah, default packages for that :)
<ParkerR> Begasus, Also I too know the glory of Ryzen 7 (CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS w/ Radeon 780M Graphics (16))
<ParkerR> Got the Framework 16 for work
* coolcoder613 just updated his haiku install to beta5
<ParkerR> Woo!
<Begasus> nice machines :D
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<ParkerR> Begasus, Indeed. Almost the same in my Ally as well
<coolcoder613> It would be nice if GLTeapot displayed the average FPS for the last second
<coolcoder613> that way it would be possible to actually read the fps
<ParkerR> Heh yeah. Somehow the old crappy modern 4 core Pentiuum machine showed 1300ish fps and this considerably faster and newer Ryzen is like 900
<ParkerR> The 7840HS in QEMU/libvirt smacks right up to 1500 ish
<ParkerR> As you mentioned hard to tell
<ParkerR> Now that I realized everything is llvmpipe the qemu/libvirt is a damn good experience ;)
<coolcoder613> ParkerR: How did you hear about Haiku?
<Begasus> k, KF6 6.6.0 frameworks complete now :)
<Begasus> need to see if I can get one more dep lib to build/add
<ParkerR> coolcoder613, I was already looking for stuff to try on a few machines (bored and they werent doing anything else). I tried beta4 a week ago but either ran into a problem with hardware/my understanding. Tried beta5 today and most everything just clicked
<ParkerR> Ive know of it for forever but it was always just a "Oh thats neat, I have no use" kinda thing
<ParkerR> Now I'm curious :)
<coolcoder613> I started with Haiku not in a VM, but on bare metal, as I wanted to have a quadruple boot on a certain laptop, and I decided to finally try it. I hadn't tried it before becuase I had been put off by the title bars (lol).
<ParkerR> I never really experienced early Mac OS outside of elementary. So far this has felt like that but modern and good!
<coolcoder613> So I installed r1/beta4, and I liked it
<coolcoder613> Eventually I wrote Haiku-PyAPI, because Python was all I knew
<ParkerR> Awesome
<coolcoder613> Since then I've learned Rust
<coolcoder613> But Haiku-PyAPI is still active
<ParkerR> Currently listening to DOOM midi through fluidsynth on the CLI with a roland soundfont
<coolcoder613> mmm
<ParkerR> But yeah have beta5 on two real hardware and this VM
<ParkerR> Loving it
<ParkerR> Kinda brings back memories of when 95/98 was new to me
<ParkerR> And starting out with line 14 ish years ago
<ParkerR> *Linux
<ParkerR> "Its a UNIX system I know this"
<ParkerR> More specificaly POSIX in this case
<ParkerR> Perfect. Konsole and Terminus. It's like I never left Linux
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<Begasus> hmmm ... only notice now Konsole still uses breeze icons, should check that :)
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<Begasus> Works well in Dolphin24 also ParkerR :)
<Begasus> ParkerR, what version of Konsole is that?
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<pinaraf> hi
<pinaraf> I wanted to look at the current arm/arm64 ports, is my build incorrect or is the arm64 port really far from ready? I get a panic from arch_mmu.cpp immediately in qemu, is my build incorrect or can I look into it as a first step?
<ParkerR> Begasus, 24
<Begasus> imgur is bogus to open ...
<Begasus> ow, it's the icon theme from qemu there I saw :)
<Begasus> kaccounts found now in purpose :)
<Begasus> add youtube and nextcloud plugin for purpose :D
<Begasus> add/adds*
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus fe6f8b7 - kaccounts_integration24, revbump, add requirements for _devel package (#11130)
<Begasus> Moin humdinger
<humdinger> morning all!
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] humdingerb pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] humdingerb 92af16f - CapitalBe: update to v2.1
<humdinger> Why is git output in German when the rest of my system is set to English?
<humdinger> weird
<Begasus> bugreport? ;)
<humdinger> I wanted to first see if it's my fault somehow.
<Begasus> defaults in English, not seeing any Dutch strings here
<humdinger> maybe because my Locale formatting setting is German? let's see...
<humdinger> Yep. that's it. Wasn' t the case in the nightlies. I always had formatting to German.
<humdinger> is that worth a ticket, or should I just set git's LANG variable?
<nipos> Just found another small dark mode issue,who notices it?
<humdinger> something with the move icon?
<Begasus> mouse?
<nipos> Hm yes,the icon also not optimal,but I meant the black text below the progress bar which should be white
<humdinger> I could never warm to dark themes...
<nipos> The mouse is fine,it's just the Haiku mouse in VNC and the OpenIndiana mouse on the host,put together
<Begasus> indeed hard to see progress there
<nipos> I don't think there is any progress.It's just that the "To: trash" text should be white instead of black
<humdinger> I'll boot into beta4 to check on git and language formatting...
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<qwebirc94007> haldo!
<qwebirc94007> Getting a WSoD on boot with latest nightly on my thinkpad t480
<qwebirc94007> g etting image of screen uploaded, one sec...
<qwebirc94007> This started happening with the base install, and from an installer USB made from hrev58126
<qwebirc94007> *with the base install after i just updated like half an hour ago
<nipos> Hm,that looks...not good.Seems like a error directly in the kernel.
<nipos> Maybe waddlesplash can have a look?
<qwebirc94007> lmk what to punch into this debugger to get more info
<qwebirc94007> In my testing this has been consistently replicatable on this laptop
<JulesEnriquez[m]> ParkerR: Are you parkerlreed from Linux Gaming Dev Discord?
<PulkoMandy> qwebirc94007: Yes, it's a known bug in the nightlies. You can use beta 5safely for now until this is fixed
<qwebirc94007> but my bleeding edge ;-;
<qwebirc94007> PulkoMandy: any commands i could run to dump info that may help with squashing this info?
<qwebirc94007> wow brain really mucked up wordin gorder there, i need sleep lol
<qwebirc94007> Any debug commands I can run to get more info to help with squashing this bug faster?
<PulkoMandy> No, we already know where the problem is and have several machines where we can reproduce it. Just need a bit of time to figure it out
<qwebirc94007> no worries then, glad to hear :)
<qwebirc94007> i'd only done a nightly install before -- when nightlies are fixed is it much of a hassle to convert from beta to nightlies -- in OS adjustment or reinstall needed (either is fine, just curiosity)
<nipos> No,you only have to change the URL of the package repository and run a full update
<qwebirc94007> niiiiice
<Begasus> if you don't have locally build packages with latest hrev installed*
<nipos> Also shouldn't be a problem then,I think,because Nightly hrevs are higher than Beta hrevs?
<Begasus> yeah, those packages don't agree with a lower hrev
<Begasus> so switching from nightly to beta should be fine, in most cases* :)
<nipos> It was about the other direction,I think?
<Begasus> ah, that shouldn't be an issue, thought qwebirc94007 was already doing nightly?
<nipos> He wanted to know if going back from Beta to Nightly after the issue is fixed will be difficult
<Begasus> my bad, should read closer :)
<nipos> No problem :)
<nipos> Haiku really hates my big powerful server 😭
<Begasus> will be testing out latest KDE frameworks and some of the new gear24 releases, running a "full-syn" is a no-op then :D
<Begasus> +c
<nipos> speed 😭
<nipos> I already tried it on bare metal a few weeks ago,but the RAID Controller isn't supported,so I had to use USB storage,which made it barely usable due to the slow I/O.Now I tried setting up a KVM-accelerated QEMU VM with a qcow2 image directly on the RAID SSD,which I expected to be fast.But no.Unpacking the Librewolf source archive took over a hour,and maybe you can read the black-on-grey text with the deletion
<qwebirc94007> oh nice the efi boot dooblydoo made it Just Work without me having to update my grub
<qwebirc94007> ngl it's absolutely magic to see an OS complete copying the contents of the install disk in like... 15 seconds
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<Begasus> Nice nipos!
<nipos> 244 bytes/s isn't exactly nice :/
<Begasus> I meant the color fix :P
<nipos> It's not yet fixed
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<Begasus> well .. progress then? ;)
<nipos> Yes
<nipos> The issue is the text below the progress bar
<nipos> Which is still black
<nipos> Currently trying to reproduce it on my bare-metal Haiku to fix it then.But I/O operations are so fast there that the window closes too fast to see it
<ToyDragon> ... hmm.
<nipos> I don't really understand the issue Haiku has with this server.It's a 24-core Intel Xeon machine with 128GB of RAM and RAID SSD storage.And yet it runs way slower than my old 3-core AMD Athlon home computer with 8GB of RAM and SATA SSD.
<ToyDragon> ah there, recovered the nick
<ToyDragon> thx for the pointer that beta5 is fine to use
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<Begasus> bbl
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<nephele_xmpp> Hello
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<nipos> Begasus: *Now* it is actually fixed :)
<phschafft> Good morning everyone.
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* coolcoder613 waves
<coolcoder613> I got WASM running on my hobby OS
<FreeFull> Congrats
<phschafft> :)))
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy 57ca06b - apr: fix named shared memory
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] nephele pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58128] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 2fafe865b142 - Tracker: Make status text in StatusWindow readable in dark mode
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<ToyDragon> ahhh, i love this OS
<phschafft> hm?
<ToyDragon> haiku
<ToyDragon> love it :3
<phschafft> :)
<phschafft> I hear they make it better every day!
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<rm[m]> Congratulations on the release
<ToyDragon> exciting to hear the progress on the firefox porting
<ToyDragon> ah darn, beam is crashing out when i try to go to preferenes
<ToyDragon> *preferences
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<nipos> Interesting,the same happens here with the HaikuDepot version,but I thought I messed something up on my computer.If I compile it from source,it works.
<ToyDragon> Fresh install of haiku beta5, installed thru haikudepot
<nephele_xmpp> phschafft: suspicious claim ;)
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<nephele> connecting the 4k display over displayport doesn't work, no video output at all (from the bios either)
<nephele> guess i'm getting a gpu for the other pc
<FreeFull> 4k might be too much for something
<FreeFull> I'm surprised it doesn't even try a smaller res mode though
<nephele> yes, it might be. but i expect it to use a full-hd signal instead then :/
<FreeFull> The display is set to use the displayport input, right?
<nephele> pretty sure it was, yeah. Though may i was in the wrong input selection menu :(
<nephele> :)*
<nephele> for usb-c and hdmi it switches over automatically (if nothing else is connected) too
<nephele> I'll retry that too though, I suspect this mini-pc won't ever drive it in 4k though
<phschafft> nephele_xmpp: ;)
<nephele> hi phschafft
<phschafft> nephele: I was wondering if you would maybe have some time to get a change in for me ;)
<nephele> get a change in?
<nephele> having issues with your haiku box? :P
<phschafft> I looked at some code and I would think we could add some bit of POSIX with like four lines of code.
<nephele> improving POSIX compat is usually welcome
<nephele> what code did you see?
<phschafft> it's about O_EXEC (POSIX), O_SEARCH (POSIX) and O_PATH (Linux + some BSD).
<phschafft> just needs a few defines and a single if to sanity check.
<nephele> did you make a patch for that? I'm reading about O_EXEC currently
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<phschafft> I played a bit and read the code. no patch yet (starting with me not being fully sure I found the correct places in the code).
<nephele> if you give me some time to let my other PC install you can show me if you'd like :)
<phschafft> I was thinking more like after-T&K.
<phschafft> no rush here.
<nephele> what is T&K?
<phschafft> Tiger und Kuchen.
<nephele> ok :)
<phschafft> :)
<phschafft> so this has a userland side (defining the flags) and a kernel side (checking for them).
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<phschafft> few notes: 0) currently the kernel ignores unknown flags, 1) code that works alike O_PATH is already implemented using O_RDONLY, 2) O_RDONLY in Haiku is classic, so having a value of 0, meaning any x|O_PATH == x|O_PATH|O_RDONLY.
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<phschafft> notes from POSIX side of things: O_EXEC and O_SEARCH are specifically allowed to be aliases. and O_PATH from Linux basically is just the common name for both of them. so they would all be aliases of each other.
<phschafft> so from my point of view the kernel part should only check on O_PATH and make sure it's not used with any write-mode flags (O_WRONLY or O_RDWR) and optionally strip some flags from the flag list as per POSIX/Linux.
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<phschafft> doing this way (in contrast to aliasing to O_RDONLY in userland and not patching the kernel) will allow a better implementation in future without a ABI change. Plus it will allow for a little bit better error checking (as aliasing it to O_RDONLY will alias it to 0 meaning x|O_PATH would be === x).
<nephele> if it is "just" an alias to both, and they can be aliases to each other, what is the point of adding it then?
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<phschafft> O_EXEC and O_SEARCH are distinct as per POSIX, however O_SEARCH (softly) requires O_DIRECTORY to be present and hardly requires the inode to be an directory. while O_EXEC is not allowed on inodes that are directories.
<phschafft> therefore POSIX allows them to share the same bit.
<phschafft> POSIX makes an explicit comment about that.
<phschafft> Linux just added O_PATH as an alias that can mean both. I'm not sure exactly if POSIX or Linux's implementation is older.
<phschafft> but basically O_PATH implements said comment in POSIX.
<phschafft> so much for the standard.
<phschafft> Haiku implements the same concept however it -- against the standard -- implements that with O_RDONLY and rejecting read() later on.
<phschafft> my point here is that the kernel already does what we want but it exposes it in a non-POSIX way. adding the POSIX way would be easy and ABI compatible to what is already there (so not breaking any syscall, or library ABI).
<phschafft> which I think means we could have better POSIX compatibility basically for free.
<nephele> Hmm, i'm a bit confused on the details of what you want. Maybe making a ticket would be better so another dev can take a look :P
<phschafft> the aliasing is just to save bits in the flags value as it's limited size.
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<phschafft> and the aliasing is just because there are three different names for the same thing.
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<HaikuUser> hello, I have installed haiku on an old samsung netbook with a broadcom 4313 wifi chip. I followed the wifi workshop instructions but the wifi doesn't seem to be recognized. Is this to be expected? Not sure how to diagnose this...
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<nephele> what do you mean by wifi workshop instructions?
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<nephele> if the device does not show up in pref/network then there is probably no driver available, or it failed in some way
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<HaikuUser> I mean file:///boot/system/documentation/userguide/en/workshop-wlan.html
<HaikuUser> as in I ran and it said it would install broadcom43xx drivers, but still no dice
<nephele> It installs firmware, not drivers
<nephele> does your card show up in listdev?
<nephele> (that is listdev as a command in Terminal=
<nephele> )
<HaikuUser> yes, listdev sees it
<nephele> Okay, did you reboot after installing the firmware?
<HaikuUser> device Network controller [2|80|0] vendor 14e4: Broadcom Inc. and subsidiaries device 4727: BCM4313 802.11bgn Wireless Network Adapter
<HaikuUser> yes, I rebooted
<nephele> Then can you share the system log? /var/log/syslog
<nephele> (for example to , or to a ticket on the bugtracker)
<HaikuUser> sure... how do I pipe a file to the clipboard? like xsel < /var/log/syslog on linux
<nephele> Not sure we have anything like that, why do you want it in the clipboard?
<HaikuUser> so I can paste it into
<nephele> You can't paste anything there, only send it from the commandline via curl ;)
<nephele> curl -F'file=@/var/log/syslog'
<HaikuUser> oh i see ;-)
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<HaikuUser> um, curl: command not found
<nephele> pkgman install cmd:curl
<HaikuUser> thanks.
<diver> there is no driver for BCM4313
<nephele> diver: seriously? why does the userguide mention installing wifi firmware for Broadcom 43xx ? :g
<HaikuUser> yeah I saw that bug and then got my hopes up when the userguide said 43xx was ok
<nephele> > AUTH 'sshd'[132]: error: Couldn't create pid file "/packages/openssh-9.8p1-2/.self/var/run/": No such file or directory
<HaikuUser> plus the bug was last updated 2 years ago
<nephele> wtf ssh
<HaikuUser> so I want to check I'm not doing something silly
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<HaikuUser2> hello
<HaikuUser> (does /var/log/syslog not have timestamps? makes it a bit harder to interpret)
<nephele> HaikuUser: can you check listarea and see if the kernel team has any relevant driver loaded?
<nephele> It only does if you enable a setting in the kernel settings file
<nephele> iirc
<nephele> hi HaikuUser2
<nephele> or check in Devices if it sais it has any driver loaded for the device
<HaikuUser> sorry, what's listarea?
<nephele> another Terminal command :)
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<nephele> err, actually i ment listimage
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<diver> Some BCM43xx models are supported but not BCM4313
<nephele> The ticket does not say which ones diver :/
<nephele> maybe we can add that info to the wifi workshop page (which ones are supported)
<HaikuUser> listimage
<HaikuUser> sorry, listimage | grep /net/ shows only my ethernet driver
<nephele> hmm, okay.
<HaikuUser> didn't see anything else in the listimage output that makes me think either broadcom or wifi
<nephele> I didn't see anything in your system log either, so it probably is unsupported.
<HaikuUser> oh well, thanks for your help
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<OscarL> HaikuUser: you can enable timestamps for the syslog. You need to enable that from ~/config/settings/kernel/drivers/kernel file, look for "#syslog_time_stamps true" and uncomment that line.
<HaikuUser> any recommendations for a cheap usb wifi dongle?
<HaikuUser> thanks! :-)
<nephele> HaikuUser: Personally I don't have any, but that has been discussed on the forum some times, perhaps you can find info about wifi dongles there :)
<OscarL> needs a reboot to take effect.
<HaikuUser> so am I basically root all the time in haiku?
<OscarL> feel da power!
<nephele> pretty much. But you can make unpriviliged accounts for access over ssh or ftp or stuff like that
<nephele> but other than that, yes basically all programms run under the same user aegis
<HaikuUser> crazy times :-)
<OscarL> nephele: re: ssh message about that pid file... it goes away if you create /var/run dir manually, IIRC.
<nephele> OscarL: pidfiles should never be used. I'm annoyed that it tries to create one, not that it fails
<OscarL> patches welcomed! :-P
<nephele> i'm sure :P
<HaikuUser> btw I just edited that ..../kernel file in stylededit and saved it... is that a plain text editor? Or have I saved a kernel config file in rtf or something?
<OscarL> plain text, that can also add formatting, via extended file attributes.
<Begasus> re
<HaikuUser> ok good. it will probably not explode when I reboot then :-)
<nephele> yep
<nephele> :)
<OscarL> wb Begasus.
<Begasus> Hi OscarL nephele HaikuUser
<Begasus> ps HaikuUser, you can change your nick in IRC easaly
HaikuUser is now known as slartibartfast
<Begasus> better slartibartfast :)
<slartibartfast> :)
<slartibartfast> although I think the strong noob vibes were more appropriate... odd having bash and a random selection of linux commands available but no clue how anything actually works
<nephele> Begasus: in Renga for guest accounts it will ask you beforehand what you want your nick to be ;)
<Coldfirex> I wonder why timestamps in the syslog arent on by default? Seems like a sane default
<Begasus> while read fname; do cp $fname ${fname//$old_version/$new_version}; done (kde-base apps in bulk) :)
<nephele> dunno. The syslog design is pretty meh
<slartibartfast> actually, is there a "haiku for linux people" guide somewhere?
<nephele> slartibartfast: well, most are POSIX commands, and not linux ;)
<Begasus> so far I only tested Renga for IRC nephele, for that part Vision is fine enough :)
<nephele> slartibartfast: hmm, not that I know off, but maybe that would be good
<Begasus> [ 7%] Built target katebacktracebrowserplugin_autogen (this one is gonna hurt) :P
<nephele> only advice i can give you (when I came from linux) is not to expect to find everything on the commandline, and instead check the gui first ;)
<nephele> There is a section in the userguide for commandline apps too, though
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<slartibartfast> ty
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<Begasus> Nice :)
<OscarL> slartibartfast: if you miss some particular command, try (for Midnight Commander, for example): "pkgman search cmd:mc". It should show you the name of the package you need to install to get that given command.
<OscarL> as in: "pkgman search cmd:<whatever>"
<Begasus> nothing found* :P
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<OscarL> you haven't ported "<whatever>" yet? Begasus is getting lazier! :-P
<Begasus> It's marked in my "todo" list :P
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<Begasus> atm: :)
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<OscarL> nice that you can at least automate those :-)
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<Begasus> yeah, not sure who initialy added that bump frameworks in the recipe, but turned out to be pretty handy to use for other parts :)
<Begasus> still need finetuning
<Begasus> but the one for the frameworks works pretty nice :D
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<Begasus> latest neochat still good :)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] sikmir ac1a335 - nnn: bump to 5.0 (#11132)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+4/-4/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes d6ed576 - Telegram: bump version
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<nipos> Are there any known issues with Haiku running in QEMU,that it completely hangs after some time?
<nipos> Searching the bugtracker for "qemu" gives me 510 results,but the first two pages don't look like the issue I'm having.
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<nipos> It hangs in different situations.Extracting a huge Tar archive may cause it after a hour or so,compiling Rust stuff reliably causes it after two or three minutes already.Sometimes I can still move the mouse or even the Terminal app (causing major graphic glitches),sometimes I can't even move the mouse.
<nosycat> Sounds like it fills up virtual memory and starts thrashing.
<nipos> I enabled serial output,but that doesn't give me anything when it starts to hang,or even near before it.
<nipos> The VM has 64GB memory and it's shown almost empty in the deskbar,before it crashes
<nosycat> Odd. Dunno what else could cause similar behavior.
<nipos> That's what it currently looks like after dragging the Terminal around
<nosycat> So the display server seems to work right now, but not apps.
<bjorn3[m]> The installer says "Error: General system error" during installation. Any clue what could be the problem?
<nipos> Yes.But sometimes not even the mouse moves anymore
<bjorn3[m]> After retrying installation a couple of times it finally succeeded.
<nosycat> Dunno what that means, sorry. Random kernel crash? Hardware hiccup?
<bjorn3[m]> The kernel definitively didn't crash. It was a popup from the installer itself that I could click away.
<bjorn3[m]> I installed it in a qemu vm.
<nosycat> Definitely odd then. Sounds low-level, too.
<bjorn3[m]> Are there any logs I could look at if I try to reproduce it?
<nosycat> Dunno, sorry. But that makes two people with Qemu issues right now.
<nipos> Maybe have a look at /boot/system/var/log/syslog or enable serial output using -serial stdio
<nipos> Oh,and you also need to enable serial output in the Haiku bootloader.But looking in the syslog file is probably easier since your system doesn't completely crash or hang
<bjorn3[m]> I got this twice: KERN: IOCache::_TransferRequestLine(): Failed to read into cache ...
<dovsienko> nipos: it would help to run memtest86 on the host and to see a pass to eliminate a hardware problem
<bjorn3[m]> And then KERN: file_cache: read pages failed: General system error
<bjorn3[m]> Could it be related to the fact that I used virtio-blk for attaching the disk?
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<nipos> Maybe,yes.Looks like a file access issue,at least.
<bjorn3[m]> If I use the SCSI interface to attach it (as is the default), it installs just fine in one try, so yeah probably a buggy virtio-blk driver.
<nipos> dovsienko: I'm pretty sure there is no hardware issue.I often run huge compile tasks here for the OpenIndiana repository (LibreWolf,OpenJDK,Qt6,...) and never had any issues.The host system never crashed,it's only the guest that has problems.
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<nipos> The component status for all memory devices is listed as OK in iRMC,so I really doubt it's a hardware issue.
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<waddlesplash> virtio-blk is known to have some odd problems at present, yes
<waddlesplash> virtio-scsi doesn't have this issue
<nipos> If I attach my disk using -hda /path/to/diskfile it's using virtio-scsi,right?
<Begasus> KDE misc apps updated to 24.08.1, who remembers the guy in the middle?
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<san2ban> Hi.....
<nosycat> Hello!
<san2ban> Can somebody guide me wrt my issue of not able to delete emails in Beam?
<Begasus> hi san2ban nosycat
<Begasus> no idea on Beam
<san2ban> hi..Begasus
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<HaikuUser2> hello
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<nosycat> o/
<NeuraL> I've tried haiku beta 5 upgrading it from beta 4, under kvm on linux, but the virtio video isn't working (can't change resolution of the screen in Haiku) but the alternative QXL is vesa and it is slow. Before with beta 4 was working, anybody knows why or how to setup the virtual machine?
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<bjorn3[m]> nipos: using qemu's -hda param would use the same scsi controller interface as real hardware afaik, not virtio-scsi.
<bjorn3[m]> NeuraL: do you mean -vga virtio is not working or -vga qxl is not working?
<nipos> That's hard to believe,because the real RAID controller in this server isn't supported by Haiku.And I'm connecting a disk file using this command,not an actual hard disk
<NeuraL> bjorn3[m]: virtio isn't working for me
<NeuraL> how do you configure the virtual machine for video?
<bjorn3[m]> nipos: I mean the same device-driver interface as real hardware would use is used by qemu, not that the actual physical scsi controller of your system is used.
<bjorn3[m]> NeuraL: at least for me -vga virtio works fine, albeit at a low resolution.
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<nipos> Just found it in the serial log,so no virtio-blk used here (but also not virtio-scsi),so that's not what causes my issues...
<nipos> PCI: device 7010: 82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II] (Qemu virtual machine)
<nipos> PCI: vendor 8086: Intel Corporation
<nipos> PCI: info: Mass storage controller (IDE interface, ISA Compatibility mode-only controller, supports bus mastering)
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<NeuraL> bjorn3[m]: you can't change the screen resolution under haiku, right?
<NeuraL> before it was working at 1920x1080
<bjorn3[m]> Indeed, changing the screen resolution seems to be broken with virtio. Even setting the current screen resolution as new resolution shows an error.
<NeuraL> ah ok, so it is a haiku issue... I was thinking was mine linux setup
<nipos> Anyone remember the key combination to enter KDL?
<augiedoggie_> iirc, alt+sysrq+d
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<nipos> What is sysrq?
<augiedoggie_> usually the print screen key
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<nipos> Ah fine,can't use it because the Host where the VNC client is running catches it and opens the screenshot application
<nephele_xmpp> nipos: just use the kernel_debugger command in terminal then
<bjorn3[m]> are you using qemu? if so entering the qemu console and running sendkey alt-sysrq-d may work
<nephele_xmpp> you can even set a shortcut for it if you want
<nipos> The problem is that the whole Haiku userland is hanging,except that I can still drag the broken Terminal window around
<nephele_xmpp> ctrl alt del for team monitor does not work?
<nipos> I hoped that maybe at least the KDL still works and I can send a reboot command from there,but I did now kill the qemu process on the host and will restart it
<nipos> Nope,ctrl alt del does nothing
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<nephele_xmpp> then either input server or app server had a serious problem
<nipos> bjorn3: I have no idea how to enter the qemu console,I haven't used qemu for ages
<nipos> But yes,I'm using qemu
<nephele> not sure if you use any UI ontop of qemu, but you can normally also tell it to send a acpi shutdown to the vm
<nephele> and haiku should respect that even if both those servers hang, i think
<nipos> I don't use any UI
<nipos> That's my command: qemu-kvm -vnc :1 -smp 20 -m 64G -enable-kvm -hda haiku.raw -usbdevice tablet -serial stdio
<nephele> well, no UI is no video, i don't think that is what you meant?
<nephele> ah vnc for the UI
<nipos> It runs on a server,so there's no point in having a local GUI there
<nephele> eh, could always try the remote app_server ;)
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<nipos> VNC directly to QEMU performs a lot better than connecting to the server gui over the iRMC Java thingy
<bjorn3[m]> Try running qemu with -serial mon:stdio and then use ctrl-a c on the terminal you run qemu from to switch to the qemu monitor.
<nipos> That's a good idea,thanks,will try that
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<nipos> I think I successfully worked around my issue :)
<phschafft> hm.
<nipos> In the bootloader I disabled IO_APIC, APM and ACPI and forced fail-safe graphics.Now it hasn't crashed for quite some time.Not sure which one of these options was the solution.
<san2ban> Anybody knows who is working on webcam for haiku? Any hope of webcam working in BeTA6?
<humdinger> nobody AFAIK
<dovsienko> san2ban: would you like to volunteer?
<nephele> hi humdinger :D
<humdinger> hullo
<san2ban> dovisenko: I am an Electronics Engineer.....cannot write a simple code in C, C++
<BrunoSpr> Hey, is Falcon supposed to work in Beta5 now?
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<scantysnax> it worked fine in beta4, BrunoSpr
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<san2ban> Falcon crashes at random
<BrunoSpr> Yes I know but not in Beta5
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<scantysnax> only difference i noticed is that falkon eats more cpu on beta5
<san2ban> surprise...will try Falcon again
<BrunoSpr> how did you update ffmpeg6?
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<humdinger> I had an issue with epiphany and tried falkon. works.
<scantysnax> epiphany would always freeze on me.
<scantysnax> and i mean lock up the whole system
<BrunoSpr> Ok, but I had problems with the update to Beta5
<humdinger> back to epiphany for me. only need it to export from Polyglot which doesn't work with web+
<slortibortfort> In "Shortcuts" I have some multimedia keys bound by default to control sound volume. How can I bind other keys (e.g. screen brightness)? The volume bindings have "key" set to "#c00e2" for example, but when I click new shortcut and right-click the key column there are no such keys to choose from.
<slortibortfort> is there a config file to edit somewhere?
<slortibortfort> and how can I find the correct magic numbers to enter to identify the keys I want to bind?
<nephele> The magic number is the HID key number for the key
<nephele> but there is no UI way in the shortcut preferences to add keys this way
<slortibortfort> is there something like xev to spit out the numbers when I press the key?
<OscarL> seems I'm not the only one having issues with virtio-net on beta5 (worked really well on VBox in latest beta4... had to switch back to Intel Pro / 1000 MT Desktop)
<OscarL> slortibortfort: try right clicking... it should show a menu from where you can select keys.
<nephele> I think there is an app_server test? or maybe a util in x512s repository
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<OscarL> slortibortfort: (on the Shortcuts app, I mean)
<OscarL> "Shortcuts" <<< the least intuitive app on Haiku, IMO :-)
<slortibortfort> OscarL, I tried that but it only lists "normal" keys (alphanumeric etc) not the multimedia keys
<OscarL> :-(
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<slortibortfort> and brightness controls aren't listed in the table at unfortunately
<nephele> the screen brightness keys and such should ideally also be bound by default *shrug*
<slortibortfort> supposing I did figure out the correct codes, is there a config file I can edit to set the shortcuts?
<nephele> slortibortfort: they don't need to... you see before these were all keys present on some PS/2 keyboards, and they were bound to some key in the default keymap
<nephele> but now they are instead send as *unbound* key events with their HID keycode
<nephele> ergo the ps/2 driver translates this to HID
<nephele> so in essence you only need to check for the HID keycodes in the shortcut preferences
<nephele> there is a config file, yes. but i don't think this is editable by hand? though i'm not sure
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<slortibortfort> OscarL: I think that's the same content as the page I was reading. No brightness keys listed that I can see
<slortibortfort> nephele: not sure I follow entirely, but is the conclusion that I can't bind these keys?
<nephele> they can be bound, just not easily ;)
<nephele> The "good" way would obviously be shortcuts having a "press this key now" mode
<slortibortfort> what's the bad way that I can do now? :-)
<OscarL> slortibortfort: one could use the "kotan" application (pkgman install kotan) to open the ~/config/settings/shortcuts_settings and edit things manually... if one knew which values to enter as "key" :-)
* nephele checks the commit
<nephele> Recompiling shortcuts apparently .-.
<OscarL> slortibortfort: bind some regular keys to "screenmode --brightness +/-" till you figure out how to wire the brightness keys?
<OscarL> (might need to add "--dont-confirm")
<slortibortfort> well.... if I knew where the symbol "B_HID_UID_CON_MUTE" in that commit was defined, the brightness key constants might be there too. But I don't fancy trying random numbers!
<slortibortfort> I will investigate kotan anyway
<OscarL> s/kotan/kottan/ <<< regarding the "let me edit setting files stored as flattened BMessages".
<nephele> os/drivers/usb/USB_hid_page_consumer.h
<slortibortfort> I can't install either kotan or kottan, *** Failed to find a match for "kottan": Name not found
<OscarL> are you on 32 bits?
<nephele> nice
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<slortibortfort> yes, 32 bits
<OscarL> slortibortfort: try "pkgman install kottan_x86"
<nephele> B_HID_UID_CON_DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS_INCREMENT should be 0x6f or so?
<nephele> and decrement 0x70
<nephele> (in the same page!)
<san2ban> Falkon does not show haiku forums...says site not reachable.....webpositive shows the same
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<OscarL> damn mainstream media propagandists!
<slortibortfort> thanks, I make it 0x6f and 0x70 too
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<nephele> would be #c006f and #c0070 then
<nephele> if that works, anyhow :P
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<augiedoggie_> slortibortfort: the shortcuts app will capture keys, have you tried that?
<augiedoggie_> it's not very obvious when you click on the cell that it's waiting for input
<slortibortfort> oh I did not know this!
<OscarL> "not very obvious" <<< understatement of the century augiedoggie_ :-D
<nephele> augiedoggie_: does that work with unmapped keyss? I thought it does not?
<augiedoggie_> i don't recall, i thought korli added that ability
<slortibortfort> it's not working with the multimedia keys (including the volume control keys, which are bound so do work)
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<OscarL> it did added #10082 when I pressed the "sleep" key on my keyboard... (right before the Windows host sent me to sleep :-D)
<augiedoggie_> heh
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<slortibortfort> so I need to map key #c006f = 786543 (brightness up). I exported the keymap from shortcuts and opened it in kottan. Then I found an entry with value 0xc00e2 (mute key) and tried to edit it. But it doesn't update the value, it just keeps the old value. How is kottan supposed to be used?
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<OscarL> it should save the file as normal. it isn't being held open by shortcuts app, or something?
<slortibortfort> oh wait I see. If you type over the number it ignores your input. But if you use the +/- buttons it keeps the value. (bug anyone?)
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<OscarL> Probably it doesn't updates the text input content when that control loses focus.
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<OscarL> slortibortfort: if you tipe the number, and hit TAB to jump to the save button, it works :-)
<slortibortfort> thanks!
<slortibortfort> how do you delete items from the tree in kottan?
<OscarL> s/tipe/type/ (I suck at both "English" and typing :-D)
<OscarL> seems you cant.
<nephele_xmpp> You can delete it from the shortcuts application afterwards
<OscarL> in this particular case, if what you want is to just remove some keymap... yeah... what nephele_xmpp said.
<slortibortfort> ok, next question. If I save this edited file (the keyset I exported earlier) and import into shortcuts, will it overwrite my old key settings or append to them?
<OscarL> slortibortfort: "Save KeySet as..." first, just in case.
<slortibortfort> I see it gives you open or append options in shortcuts, so that's good
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<OscarL> I liked "Shortcuts" original name much more... "SpicyKeys" :-)
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<phschafft> hm.
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<slortibortfort> well the settings are now in shortcuts but the keys don't work :-(
<slortibortfort> plus my backlight has been kind of screwed up by playing with screenmode too much. I will reboot to see if it is going to fix itself
<slortibortfort> ttfn, thanks for all the help
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<OscarL> TIL about "ta ta for now".
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<Begasus> Another way to watch youtube :)
<BrunoSpr> Haruna?
<Begasus> yep
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<BrunoSpr> Ok if it works! Where to find it?
<Begasus> on my drive so far :)
<OscarL> with that CPU usage? or were you compiling something in the background Begasus? :-)
<Begasus> uses libvlc as a backend
<BrunoSpr> nice!
<BrunoSpr> stable and fast?
<BrunoSpr> Qmplay2 is not working for me atm
<Begasus> cpu usage is indeed a thing OscarL, doesn't realy impact here
<Begasus> but better atm here then watching with Falkon
<Begasus> not BrunoSpr?
<BrunoSpr> should it?
<BrunoSpr> I make some deinstalls and manual installs, maybe or sure I missed some files!
<OscarL> To be honest, without any acceleration, using Haiku for video playback doesn't makes much sense to me (specially considering my slow hardware :-D)...
<OscarL> but always nice to have alternatives.
<BrunoSpr> ah it seems i deinstalled it and forget to reinstall... will try now
<Begasus> lol
<Begasus> qmplay2 working fine here
<nephele_xmpp> OscarL: qmplay2 is much faster for video playback than mediaplayer on my computer
<OscarL> Begasus: I should try with one of those players that send output to the Terminal :-P
<Begasus> OscarL, hence not releasing it to the public :) also has some kirigami issues
<nephele_xmpp> that is still without acceleration
<Begasus> hehe
<OscarL> nephele_xmpp: yes, I've tried it, and it is "usable"... as long as I play files in a window :-D
<Begasus> same as with plasmatube, also uses quite some cpu power and kirigami
<OscarL> then screen tearing is just way too bad.
<BrunoSpr> ok, will test now... Yes it works... damn me
<Begasus> heh
* OscarL misses having video-overlay at least for video playback.
<BrunoSpr> Now I need sound to work again...
<Begasus> anyway, if only for showcasing it can be fun :)
<JulesEnriquez[m]> x512: Do you still recall what parts of GCN2+ documentation you found to be lacking, back when you were working on RadeonGfx?
<BrunoSpr> I think the fastes way to watch YouTube on HAIKU is with Qmplay2
<BrunoSpr> The best way atm
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<x512[m]> Jules Enriquez: Low level GPU programming documentation is completely missing (GPU initialization, engine ring buffers, RLC, clock gating etc.)
<OscarL> I thought my tinnitus had made a come back... noup... just the damn PSU whining (and maybe the fan berings being on their last legs :-/)
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<Begasus> no help there OscarL :/
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<OscarL> I should throw a heavy blancket over the CPU case... that should do it... for a while at least :-P
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<Begasus> instant heat! :)
<OscarL> Will be finally be able to test is_comuter_on_fire()
<BrunoSpr> Should I update or should I not? What to do here? HAIKU64bit nightly
<BrunoSpr> The Beta 4 has working sound the beta 5 does not!
<nephele_xmpp> deinstall openssl1
<nephele_xmpp> and deinstall ffmpeg4 tools
<OscarL> BrunoSpr: also, unless you're compiling stuff yourself... you don't need any of the "_devel" packages.
<ParkerR> JulesEnriquez[m], Yes...
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<BrunoSpr> ah ok, will try then
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<Begasus> bias
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<Begasus> k, Terminal and Vision doesn't follow color schemes that good :)
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<nephele> Begasus: wdym? those have their own color schemes
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<phschafft> also keep in mind that ANSI escape colours and mIRC colours have more or less well defined values.
<Begasus> nephele, I have a file for vision to change color theming, and Terminal switches to dark when using the theme manager
<Begasus> just thought they would follow the rest :)
<phschafft> (this naturally applies only to the content they display, not to their UI)
<nephele> No clue about the Theme Manager Begasus
<Begasus> phschafft, hence I installed a "dark theme" for hexchat
<nephele> I think this should not be neccesary in the default install
<ParkerR> So I wanted to try 32bit wine which meant another VM for 32bit Haiku. Install went fine in QEMU/libvirt but on reboot it freezes at the 5th icon. I gave it 4096MB of RAM and 8 CPU cores. That should work, right? (Still using beta5)
<Begasus> well, vision and terminal are to bright then :)
<nephele> I don't think there is any wine port for 32bit
<ParkerR> Ahh
<nephele> Begasus: yeah, sure. The default should be "follow the system", then :)
<ParkerR> Hmm it failed to find the boot partition it seems
<nephele> ParkerR: no clue about libvirt. But qemu normally works
<ParkerR> Oh well if I dont need it anyways now if wine isnt there
<ParkerR> Thanks
<nephele> In my personal expereince it always worked in qemu directly, but gnome boxes gave me massive trouble
<Begasus> using qemu to testrun 32bit iso's here on 64bit
<Begasus> works pretty good so far
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<augiedoggie_> i don't think there is a 32 bit wine package available
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<Begasus> closing down here
<Begasus> cu peeps!
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<ParkerR> Are there any vulkan demos in haiku to show off lavapipe?
<ParkerR> Can't find vkcube
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<Eugenia> great release guys... I hope more gtk apps can make it here though, like Gnumeric, and some of the new libadwaita ones...
<Eugenia> BTW, a couple of years ago I remember Haiku needing about 200 MB of RAM to boot, now it needs 400 here... not sure what changed...
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<Eugenia> Also, do I need all these .hpkg files on /boot/system/packages to be there? Why aren't these removed after installation? They take a lot of space... They take 5 gb here
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<B2IA> (AGMS) Eugenia, the .hpkg files are the installation! When running, the programs contained in them are decompressed into a RAM virtual file system. You can actually delete files there to uninstall things.
<Eugenia> I see, thx.
<B2IA> (AGMS) Or move files there to install them :-) If you look at the system log, you'll see the package manager adding them to the list of known packages, and checking dependencies.
<Eugenia> Cool
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<Eugenia> BTW, one thing that has always bugged me on haiku is the feather logo not being centered, resulting the icon to be cut off at the bottom. Or am I missing something? Maybe it's my OCD... :D
<B2IA> (AGMS) I think that implies it has floated down and is resting on the ground.
<Eugenia> haha, I c... To me it looks more like it's not centered... :o :)
<Eugenia> but it's ok, it's fine as it is :D
<B2IA> (AGMS) Wonder if there is a design doc for details like that...
<Eugenia> BTW, I'd love to sponsor the porting of 4-5 gtk and/or gnome apps (pre-libadwaita). If anyone's interested, email me at I can pay as contribution about $80 per app.
<B2IA> (AGMS) Eugenia, closest I could find was
<B2IA> (AGMS) Nothing about centering or cutting off leaf parts.
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<Eugenia> I'm thinking apps like Liferea, gnumeric, localsend, ConvertAll, freecad, pencil2d, synfig studio, hexchat, gajim, foliate, gnucash, gramps, planner, ardour, kdenlive, shotcut, keepassxc, gthumb.
<B2IA> (AGMS) If they can do KDEnlive, a video editor which uses all sorts of other Linux video processing utilities behind the sceens to do the editing, I'd be amazed.
<augiedoggie_> the blue leaf has been discussed many times on the forums, a lot of people dislike it
<diver> Eugenia: it's nice that you still stick around :)
<Eugenia> Thanks Diver :)
<Eugenia> Yeah, kdenlive is complex. Shotcut probably just as much, possibly because of the MLT framework
<Eugenia> BTW, my husband (one of the popular ex-Be engineers back in the day) was very pleased to see Haiku's new release yesterday
<B2IA> (AGMS) Nice.
<diver> keepassxc is there
<B2IA> (AGMS) (still using BeOS R5.0.3 here to type this)
<Eugenia> diver: nice
<Eugenia> B2IA: hehe
<B2IA> (AGMS) (B2IA is BeShare to IRC Bridge)
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<Eugenia> alright, it's getting late here in Greece, midnight, good day/night to all of you, see you soon.
<B2IA> (AGMS) Bye.
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<zdykstra> Well that's a blast from the past
<zdykstra> Haven't seen Eugenia or JBQ in probably 20 years
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