[haikuports/haikuports] Begasus d697127 - kaccounts_providers24, bump version (#11275)
Good day
Good day to you, too!
'lo there :)
my "gaming monitor" decided to do some automatic maintenance in the night, which is nice. But it's not so nice that it started using it's gaming RGBs in the night to do it
I don't recall ever enabeling those rgbs
'automatic maintenance'?
phschafft: something against OLED burn in
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burn in prevention is just fancy word for screensaver... basically any static image is bad for some displays and TVs...
No, it isn't.
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A lot of displays are smart enough to do maintenance during inactivity... Some have timers in the menu for it....
power off could help? :P
Monni: Yes... and none of those features is a screensaver
nephele: Principle is same.... avoid static images that are common during inactivity...
No, it isn't. That's not how burn in preventions works for OLED. If it did they would have *used a screensaver*
logos, borders, window frames etc. are bad for any display...
and no, they aren't bad for *any* display either
nephele: I have OLED screen, so I know how it works...
dimming the screen, shifting pixels around etc has nothing to do with how a screensaver works
And I don't see how owning something makes one an expert in it
nephele: Some screensavers have moving images just for that specific reason... It's true that reducing brightness or dimming is one way to avoid burn in...
nephele: I feel your pain.
screensavers haven't really been necessary since plasma screens died out
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gordonjcp: but they are pretty :)
nephele: yeah
xscreesaver has a port to android, as an app you can use to just view them
gordonjcp: Just because burn in takes longer, doesn't mean screensavers are not needed anymore... Screensavers just need to be adapted for specific display types...
Monni: it doesn't exist any more
Monni: even quite old LCDs don't suffer from burn-in
I've seen burn in in quite modern TV....
gordonjcp: OLED screens can burn in (in theory). In practice this has never been a problem for me on any device. even old OLED smartphones
I do see it sometimes for like advertisement oled displays, but that is hardly suprising considering those display a limited set of images are often on 24/7 and at full brightness
and the 15-year-old screens that have been on 24/7 at work displaying the same thing have no sign of burn-in at all
Batteries die on smartphones faster than burn in happens... If you change the original battery, the phone can live long enough to experience burn in...
I don't really care about smartphones
I changed the battery twice, that phone did not have burn in
I'm more amused that when i tried to get oled laptops 7 years ago people on forums said it was a terrible idea because of burn-in and surely unusable. Now they are commonplace and haven't see one burned in yet.
It still depends on the brightness setting... Phones are smart to adjust the brightness... But user can override that...
the "big screens" around the control room are OLED
they don't suffer from burn-in but they're only about eight years old
I've used some displays for 10 years...
phschafft: I've put up my minetest(luanti) gamemode to contentdb, if it is aproved it can be downloaded there
though you strike me as someone who would git clone instead ;)
phschafft: gonna get some food in a bit (and maybe go to kaufland) but I am available
nephele: 26 files changed... woah
Anarchos: most of those are filesystems, you can ignore those
that is, the usage of this call is adjusted (and the result) since this is for a filesystem all filesystems that implement the call had to be adjusted
btw , you broke the build (TM) :)
it's just the buildbot, not in master yet :)
what is the status of hardware acceleration ?
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It's still slow ;)
zard: I don't think the "contribute only if knowing C++ well" part is neccesary, especially haiku api boundaries require as much C++ knowledge as haiku itself
True. My goal is to caution people that the codebase is complicated and uses complex C++. But yes, you do need to be familiar with Haiku as well
zard: you mind if we just put this on trac instead?
* |cos|
reacted to that phrasing too. Generally one ought to be cautious with discouraging people to contribute.
Not to take away from your blog post and anything, but with the trac wiki we can make this more comprehensive
Aye, I have been thinking about whether there is another better place for this documentation
|cos|: yeah. I've got no clue if I can even write C++ but i seem to be managing in webkit so far
Language servers and linters write all of my code, effectively. I have the ideas, but the tooling is better at syntax.
Where would this go in Trac?
What recipients read might differ from what senders write. Direct discouragement is better written with additional alternative encouragement.
What about "If you want to contribute, you should know that WebKit is a large codebase and can often get quite complicated, so be prepared. If you're a beginner, there are other parts of Haiku that are easier to work on."
But i think Development/Webkit would be better suitef
Funny, I never saw that page in trac
hmm, let's just keep this page
zard: that's already way better. (:
so basically Webkit/<whatever> we can split it up a bit
|cos|: Cool! Thanks for the feedback :)
nephele_xmpp: Yes, go ahead and put it on tracker
* zard
wonders how to edit wiki pages
edit button on the bottom?
ctrl+f "edit" gives nothing. And, yes, I am logged in
do you not see it when logged in?
huh okay.
waddlesplash, pulkomandy: could zard get the wiki edit permission for trac?
zard: I'm going to merge it with the overview site, i think. And then we can split it up and expand if we want
i mean *qemu* hardware acceleration
Alright +1
zard: should be up now, split into two pages
see if i missed smth :)
WebKitLegacy vs. WebKit2 and History are missing
wkl vs wk2 are adressed in the original text
history not sure where to put that, for the overview it seems not that relevant?
Well, history was something I didn't figure out until late into my project, and so I kept hitting the "New files making up the Haiku WebKit port" commit when git blaming
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nephele_xmpp: status?
I ate something now. How about 18h (1,5h from now)
just finished my example code for you :)
zard: oh, you mean because of kallistis import commit?
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what happened to trac.webkit.org?
did they finally kill it?
Interesting... No idea
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[haiku/website] humdingerb e9b888d - Development page: change link to OpenGrok service
zard, nephele_xmpp: I would consider the docs/develop pages intead of the wiki. But it's fine if you want to draft things in the wiki, we can move them to properly indexed documentation later when it's written
nephele_xmpp: Yes, webkit trac was closed recently as part of the move to github
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how to obuild the file 'haiku/build/haiku-revision' ?
it is built automatically
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hey all
trying to install Haiku on a ThinkPad T450s
to no avail, so far
the splash screen appears, I can change options, but nothing
that was with the r1beta5
not sure why/how long it should take
but I'm now downloading the most recent nightly build in case I need to make my USB stick use *that* instead
anything I should try before formatting my install media and using the image from the nightly instead of the r1beta5?
Maybe having set UEFI/Legacy Boot to Legacy first should help?
legacy might help
when you say change options you mean safe mode options or you see the installer/
The safe mode options accessed by holding shift do appear, yeah
so if you hit boot do you see the icons light up?
also when I try to make my install media on Window$, Rufus says "the image you have selected is an ISOHybrid but its creators have not made it compatible with ISO/File copy mode. as a result DD image writing mode will be enforced"
the icons do not, they remain greyed out, but the splash is in colour
sounds like it's failing pretty early - definitely worth trying legacy boot mode
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you can turn on on-screen logs in the safe mode settings, that might give you some hints
should i disable usb uefi bios supporr?
I'd try that, I used to have to change "Enable Above 4G decoding" on my BIOS to get it to boot but that was later in the process
I've got another laptop here that won't boot off the USB drive for beta 5 but will boot it from the HDD fine - I had a beta 4 install already on the machine that I then used to run the beta 5 installer
PackageVolumeInfo::_InitState(): failed to parse activated-packages: No such file or directory
also saying it can't find an Intel Extended Partition
did you check the hash on the download?
I didn't
I can't recall if I used Rufus or Balena last time, but a dd copy should work ok
but I assumed downloading it from haiku's site would have a good hash
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it's more about if there was a transfer error
rare these days but can happen
maybe try something else to write it, because it sounds like you've got an issue with the partitioning scheme on the drive
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okay just ran with it printing the debug info
a bunch of acpi errors
okay it's taken me into the kernel debug
could disable ACPI in the safe mode settings
I will ask you how to do the hash stuff if you think I should do something other than try to run something in the kernel debug it's sent me to
tbh I know very little about the kernel debugger
depending on your connection speed maybe try flashing with something else first just in case like balena etcher
though Rufus should be fine
g for data transfer. acqure_sem is failing
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I will try Etcher
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Error: (0, h.requestMetadata) is not a function
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back later gotta eat some dinner
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gonna also try making the install media working from Linux using UNetBootIn
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Etcher seems to not be givingme problems this time thru, fingers crossed
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