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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] ElectrodeYT d216d82 - limine: bump to 8.4.0 (#11347)
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<Begasus> morning peeps
<Begasus> MonniTheCat will check on the pkgconf PR in a bit, should be OK
<MonniTheCat> Begasus: Shouldn't break many existing recipes, as it's just replacement for pkgconfig... Had to clean the work directory before --disable-static worked ;)
<Begasus> yeah, not that much in use
<Begasus> missed that one it seems on the prior cleanup for the static libraries :)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] mtl1979 46a41a4 - pkgconf: Don't build static library. (#11352)
<Begasus> thanks!
<MonniTheCat> Begasus: My script finds any broken recipes... Some others were missing libiconv as dependency, but not sure if those were intentional or not...
<Begasus> yeah, not every one check configure output, libiconv is one of those being missed, they don't brake builds though, so not a real error
<Begasus> doggies in a bit
<MonniTheCat> Begasus: I only check the configure output when something fails to build... sometimes it's just because haikuporter doesn't always clean the work directory when recipe changes...
<Begasus[m]> it shouldn't clean the work directory
<Begasus[m]> it doesn't always run configure on a new build, but mostly changing timestamp enables that again
<Begasus[m]> on the recipe*
<MonniTheCat> Begasus: For some recipes, "make distclean" is required before running configure again... Otherwise it doesn't rewrite the makefiles...
<Begasus[m]> that's another thing Mika Lindqvist :) and not related to haikuporter
<Begasus[m]> biab
<Begasus[m]> ps, sometimes I also do this for cmake projects, delete the cmakecache file :)
<MonniTheCat> Begasus[m]: It's related to haikuporter when running haikuporter from a script...
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<Begasus[m]> make distclean and the likes shouldn't be part of anything related to haikuporter, I fail to see the connection
<Begasus[m]> re btw :)
<Begasus[m]> How is perl required for autoconf_archive?
<Begasus> nothing specific beside the modules for it in the source, and those don't require it, those are used to find them when running configure with autoconf_archive added
<Begasus> MonniTheCat, could use a version bump though :)
<Begasus[m]> afk
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<Begasus[m]> now you need me booting 32bit :P
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<Begasus_32> one thing I could think of in regards of perl on 32bit is that it switched arch
<Begasus_32> yep, right there MonniTheCat
<Begasus_32> maybe you could bump the version in the same PR?
<MonniTheCat> Begasus_32: I try to mixing build fixes with version bumps as that would require me to run both versions of Haiku to see nothing breaks...
<MonniTheCat> * try to avoid mixing build
<Begasus[m]> this is only used on build time, so no runtime dependency
<Begasus[m]> so it should be safe to update
<MonniTheCat> Begasus[m]: Famous last words... ;)
<Begasus[m]> heh
<Begasus[m]> 2024.10.16, that should go a long way :)
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<Begasus_32> MonniTheCat, maybe use autoreconf on the new version :)
<Begasus_32> that works on 32bit and doesn't need cmd:perl :)
<Anarchos> hello
<Begasus[m]> Hi Anarchos
<Anarchos> Begasus[m]: i wonder if i must abandon my betex patch, in favor of texstudio...
<Begasus_32> would be a shame Anarchos, as BeTeX is a native app
<Begasus_32> one bugfix upstreamed at KDE! :D
<MonniTheCat> <Begasus_32> "Mika Lindqvist, maybe use..." <- I try to avoid using autoreconf and similar tools as those make patches really ugly...
<Begasus_32> no patching needed MonniTheCat
<Begasus_32> and the extra mentions in the recipe before configure not needed also
<Anarchos> Begasus_32: i know, but there is a big trouble with BeTex : when files are big, syntax coloring is really slow, and it comes from the original code, so really unusable for a 5kb source file :/
<MonniTheCat> Begasus_32: I think those mentions are to avoid circular dependencies...
<Begasus_32> OscarL could check this also for python
<Begasus_32> Error: problem 1: package openssl3_x86_devel-3.0.14-2 conflicts with openssl_x86_devel provided by openssl_x86_devel-1.1.1w-2
<Begasus_32> woot! me gives openssl1 the boot (devel)
<Begasus_32> MonniTheCat, the package contains m4 files for aclocal and documentation, there shouldn't be any extra deps?
<MonniTheCat> Begasus_32: There will be no extra dependencies except perl if the other tools are disabled...
<Begasus_32> axel build fine with it
<Begasus_32> perl not required when running autoreconf (I guess it pulls perl automaticly there)
<Begasus_32> didn't say disabling the other tools
<MonniTheCat> Begasus_32: Yeah... But using autoreconf will add dependency on "autoreconf", which kinda is counterintuitive as other auto* tools are already disabled...
<Begasus_32> yeah, autoreconf and aclocal should be added then
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<Begasus[m]> not going to fight over this, hardly used, and both ways will work :)
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* Anarchos hates autotools
<Begasus[m]> jikes, both buildmasters lost again :/
<MonniTheCat> <Begasus[m]> "not going to fight over this..." <- Sometimes it's good to have a discussion about "choices", especially when there is no inline comments in recipe explaining why something is done in certain way...
<Begasus_32> should be some explenation in the history I guess
<Anarchos> yes, discussing is not 'to fight over' :)
<Begasus[m]> tomato/tomato* :P
<MonniTheCat> Begasus_32: haikuporter not supporting version pinning "correctly" doesn't really help... In Linux all auto* tools need to be at least minimum version that was used when originally creating configure script...
<Begasus_32> not sure what you mean by version pinning?
<MonniTheCat> Anarchos: Some people have love/hate relationship with auto* tools... Makes things easier when all operating systems have exactly same versions...
<MonniTheCat> Begasus_32: Version pinning is when specific version range is allowed for a dependency... It could be either specific version or range between minimum supported and maximum supported...
<Begasus_32> binaries should provide version strings
<Begasus_32> to some extend that works, but yeah some specific version between 2 version can be a thing
<Begasus_32> like, don't use "boost >= 1.85" atm :P
<Begasus_32> didn't check if "boost <= 1.83" works ...
<Begasus_32> 1.85*
<MonniTheCat> Begasus_32: boost is quite good example, as there is well known broken releases...
<Begasus_32> 1.85 isn't actually broken, ICU75 is disabled
<MonniTheCat> Begasus_32: There used to be versions where SSL support was broken in Boost...
<Begasus_32> could be MonniTheCat, can't remember those though :)
* Begasus_32 has a selective memory :P
<MonniTheCat> Begasus_32: I use Boost at work a lot... We didn't add SSL socket support in our own code just because it was broken in Boost and didn't make sense to mix using OpenSSL directly and using it through Boost classes...
<Begasus_32> I'll leave that to the experts :)
<Begasus_32> biab
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<Begasus_32> python3.13 build going good so far with this
<Begasus_32> it should only need it at configure time, so should be good there also
<MonniTheCat> My Haiku thinks it's MS-DOS... Started defragmenting itself...
<Begasus[m]> lol
<Anarchos> is there a tool to view icons in the form of an array[][] of uint8 in soucrce code ?
<MonniTheCat> Convert the icon to raw bitmap and then it's essentially array[][]...
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<Begasus> there ... cleaned up some* states :)
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<Anarchos> MonniTheCat: i want the inverse : visuallise an icon from its source array
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<MonniTheCat> Anarchos: You would need to know what format it is and then throw it to BBItmap...
<Anarchos> MonniTheCat: sure. Anyway i find the answer to the question i tried to deal with the icon...
<Anarchos> Begasus: is the place to store the bios_drive_id, to solve the ticket #3545. Will try something tonight to do that
<Anarchos> and i discover the "driveinfo" command line tool :)
* Anarchos will actually be able to use BootManager to boot from other disks.
<phschafft> Anarchos: if it's XBM or XPM or similar then tools like display might just work^TM.
<Anarchos> phschafft: just 'display' oO
* Anarchos remembers KISS : keep it smart and simple
* Anarchos reads 'ls' man page : more than 30 options :)
<Begasus[m]> short and simple iirc :)
<phschafft> display is part of imagemagick. it's used to ... display images. ;)
<MonniTheCat> "Keep it simple, stupid!" it is ;)
<jezek2> smart and simple are quite opposites
<Anarchos> jezek2: indeed i can't do anything but agree :)
<phschafft> sometimes it's smart to be stupid, and sometimes it's simple because it's smart.
<phschafft> one could also say simply stupidly smart.
* Anarchos is a big fan of the "unix hater's guide"
<MonniTheCat> "ctty nul" in MS-DOS or "kill -9 -1" in Linux are my favourite commands...
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<Begasus> I prefere not having to use those at all
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<phschafft> what I often see is that people think it is better to make stuff that is inherently complex super stupid and in the end build something that is broken and cannot be fixed because they removed all vectors for fixing as they are 'not needed'.
<jezek2> I prefer to gdb -p <pid_of_terminal_i_launch_gdb_from>
<phschafft> like not supporting -- to end options on command lines.
<phschafft> MonniTheCat: people who use kill with -nnn for any number nnn (such as 9) should not use a computer.
<phschafft> and kill should surely enforce that, one way or another.
<MonniTheCat> My favourite in Winblows was API function which unloads runtime loader... Good for crashing any random application...
<jezek2> was recently in the need of closing the damned X error log from all the processes running under X in order to restore disk space due to printing an useless error in an infinite loop
<phschafft> jezek2: you can also just empty it.
<jezek2> so closed the descriptors, but then I've realized that I would need to replace it with /dev/null or something so ended the X session anyway
<phschafft> that is not the same, but it is easier.
<jezek2> I've tried to chattr +i or other stuff like symlinks but the tightvncserver was checking everything
<phschafft> if you close random handles under a process surely that one will be happy ;)
<jezek2> in the end I've created a 1MB ext3 fs and mounted it into ~/.vnc
<jezek2> that finally solved it
<jezek2> phschafft: what command can be used for that?
<phschafft> also the commands MonniTheCat mentions are that way because they are stupid, not because they are smart.
<phschafft> jezek2: in a POSIX shell: > filename
<phschafft> you can also use something like: truncate -s 0 filename
<phschafft> both will happily set the size of the file to zero.
<jezek2> truncate must be "new" addition I guess :D
<jezek2> using redirect hasn't occured to me to truncate existing file, I was always thinking about it as replacing the file for some reason
<Anarchos> jezek2: i often launch commands with "2>&1 > /dev/null" when i know command prints a lot on stdout and stderr.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58334] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 603521ecdcd5 - BTimeSource: Fix debugger message in RealTimeFor()
<phschafft> :)
* phschafft is currently working on some filesystem code he wrote very early in SIRTX development. now geting it into the expected shape.
<phschafft> one of the results from that is that you will be able to have things like a RAM disk. which is stupid in SIRTX but still fun.
<phschafft> (it is stupid as you can access the RAM the same way as a filesystem anyway ;)
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<nephele_xmpp> you want to ram my disk? what has it ever done to you?
<phschafft> haha.
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<Anarchos> phschafft: what is SIRTX ?
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<phschafft> it's the operating system I'm working on.
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<Anarchos> phschafft: by woner, is it a microkernel ?
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<phschafft> that is a question hard to answer with a boolean.
<phschafft> but generally speaking a good deal of 'basic' functionallity is implemented in the very way stuff you call directly as a user (like programs) is implemented.
<phschafft> the concepts are a bit different. like you don't run a program but call a function. a program can provide any number of functions.
<phschafft> every function can be run in userland. and drivers are generally implemented as functions.
<phschafft> e.g. the terminal driver is a function that is attached to a physical device, and then the session attaches to it.
<phschafft> but you can also just start it like anything else, pass some parameters (called ports) to it and let it do random stuff.
<Begasus> HI OscarL :)
<OscarL> Hello Begasus!
<Begasus> python3.13 still builds OK on 32bit :)
<OscarL> nice :-)
<OscarL> (from the logs) what did you meant I should look at for Python?
<Begasus[m]> the PR for autocon-archive
<Begasus[m]> it's only meant for configuring, so should also be good for newer python
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<OscarL> mmm, some dependencies can be tricky... I advocated for using explicit depedencies for autoconf, for example, and that didn't seemed to gather enough support.
<OscarL> I haven't looked at autocon-archive's sources, so no idea how "vital" that script that requires perl is to the the whole thing... but given that seems to be BUILD_REQUIRES and not runtime dependency...
<OscarL> doesn't sounds too bad.
<OscarL> (given that it doesn't introduces circular deps, or something)
<Begasus> right
<Begasus> and the fact that korli intentionaly added those defines to the configure script makes me think it should stay (and not use autoreconf as I sudgested)
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<OscarL> re: Python... not even sure when/why autoconf_archive was introduced as BUILD_PREREQUIRES (running git pickaxe to find out right now).
<Begasus> heh
<OscarL> I guess I should move it to BUILD_REQUIRES anyway (as it is not a "cmd:")
<Begasus> didn't even thought about it not being needed there :)
<OscarL> seems it was there *at least* in 2021, so it wasn't me who introduced it :-P
<OscarL> "git log -S --follow autoconf_archive python3.9-3.9.19.recipe" is SLOW (even on SSD :-D)
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<OscarL> "Waiting for data... (^X or interrupt to abort)". One CPU core is begging for mercy :-)
<Begasus> give it some slack ... :)
<OscarL> I need to give it an upgrade :-)
<OscarL> so...
<OscarL> changing subject while I wait...
<OscarL> in Terminal, "echo $TERM" gives xterm-256color...
<OscarL> but the escape codes it uses for many keypresses do not match xterm's at all.
<OscarL> I made some local changes, so they better align, and finally can use SHIFT+arrows keys to select text on nano!
<Begasus> stick to basic bash :P
<OscarL> (and I expect that would also fix the issues I was having with zsh + the zsh-shift-select plugin).
<OscarL> but... it totally breaks Midnight Commander / mcedit :-(
<OscarL> So not sure how to proceed. MC uses s-lang, so it might be not giving a crap about $TERM, and using something else to detect terminal capabilities.
<OscarL> Begasus: autoconf-archive introduced fir Python 3.9 in Jan 2021 (by korli).
<OscarL> s/fir/for/
<Begasus[m]> he probably had a reason to include it, some of the mv4 files for aclocal are not included in the default autoconf package
<OscarL> along with calling "autoreconf -fi" instead of "libtolize --force --copy --install && aclocal && autoconf"
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<Begasus[m]> you could switch back if it works :P
<OscarL> might try on next 3.14 alpha
<OscarL> along with trying the build on RAMFS via haikuporter. I had built Python on RAMFS before, but not with HP.
<Begasus[m]> that's cheating! :P
<Begasus[m]> 2024-11-18 07:13:05,741: builder mmlr_x86_64 is reconnecting
<Begasus[m]> anyone that can reach the button?
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<Begasus[m]> afk for a bit
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<Begasus> re
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 2 commits to master [hrev58335] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] d05ff048a28b - uvc_webcam: use shared USB_video.h
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] fd7bde29e92e - listusb: decode color format descriptors in usb_video devices
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58336] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] b08fdcde6f53 - PadBlocker: Avoid blocking non-trackpad devices
<Begasus> jikes, webcam support? me stays at beta5 :)
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58337] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 2ec05ec7ed44 - HaikuDepot: Fix Search Term
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie 28e04f7 - mutt: enable sasl (#11354)
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58338] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 344ded80d400 - ioctl: Document in Haiku book and in comments
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<HaikuUser> hi chat
<OscarL> o/
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* OscarL thanksfully finds a setting on Github to avoid getting mailed about failing workflows.
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<Begasus> \o
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<JackDaniel> Hi there! With the latest updates, copy/paste text from whatever text editor to the epiphany and nightly browsers does not work anymore (same shit works on falkon or dooble). Any thots regarding this weird behavior? Thanks in advance!
<Begasus> use Alt-Fn keys to switch Desktop when copy/paste in epiphany?
<Begasus> don't use the mouse (iirc)
<JackDaniel> copy/paste doesnt work, even with keyboard or mouse, on the same workspace or copy to the other workspace
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 3 commits to master [hrev58339] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] a9b5f684f1d3 - kernel/fs: Make io_context rw_lock'ed.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 2f37cef1e414 - kernel/fs: Use DoublyLinkedList for the unused vnodes list.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 7af4c8a6a990 - kernel/fs: Use a spinlock for the unused-vnodes lock.
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<waddlesplash> JackDaniel: I don't see any recent changes that would've affected this
<waddlesplash> did you install any experimental packages?
<Begasus> copy/paste works here
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<Begasus[m]> pulling the plug here
<Begasus[m]> cu peeps!
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck a1f91f3 - texinfo-6: add missing cmd:perl dependency
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<JackDaniel> if the problem happens ony here, is fine
<nephele_xmpp> epiphany used that wayland translation layer
<nephele_xmpp> maybe something changed there..
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<Anarchos> doesn't have a case for B_GET_KEYBOARD_ID (not sure of spelling), and it leds my laptop to loose external keyboard every 2 min :(
<waddlesplash> why would that cause external keyboard loss?
<WoC> bad usb port ?
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<Anarchos> waddlesplash not sure, the mouse works perfectly on all usb ports, but keyboard is a cheap china one...
<waddlesplash> "device unhandled control " is harmless here
<waddlesplash> the "USB transaction" is the real problem, and this is not because of the other error
<Anarchos> waddlesplash ok.this is hrev58328
<Anarchos> x86_64
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<MonniTheCat> I've seen a few "legacy" USB devices that don't work on USB 3.x port, but work on USB 2.x or USB 1.x port... It's not specific to Haiku...
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<Anarchos> MonniTheCat indeed on an usb 2 port it seems to work flawlessly. Anyway on linux i don't have trouble with this keyboard on a usb 3 port.
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<MonniTheCat> <Anarchos> "Mika Lindqvist indeed on an usb..." <- I've seen some timeout issues when connecting legacy USB devices to USB 3.x port... Dunno if the HID driver prints timeout errors, other USB drivers do...
<Anarchos> MonniTheCat no idea, and as it works on a usb 2 port, i leaves this one in my low priority list.
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<MonniTheCat> Anarchos: I have only seen USB 2.x controller drivers switch to legacy mode in specific port, never seen USB 3.x controller drivers do the same... Not really familiar in how USB 3.x controllers work yet...
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58340] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 87e00819ce74 - ram_disk: Fix lock assertion failure and use VM_PRIORITY_USER in another place.
<MonniTheCat> Seems like USB3_PSSEN is supposed to switch ports between normal and legacy operation... Can find some mentions in Haiku sources, but not enough...
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