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<christech> just got my x86_64 box up and running
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<Begasus> morning peeps
<Begasus> Thanks on the word OscarL, read the log :)
<MonniTheCat> morning Begasus
<Begasus> morning MonniTheCat
<MonniTheCat> Begasus: I was reading about bad software and one of the Haiku developers was mentioned...
<Begasus> it wasn't me :P
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<MonniTheCat> <Begasus> "it wasn't me :P" <- I know... The use name started with a "k"...
<MonniTheCat> s/use/user/
<MonniTheCat> It's not like Haiku developers write bad code, but sometimes fork bad code of other people and that code ends up not working...
<AlienSoldier> my god, ebay prices got a new meaning (been a while i did not go there). Made a few offer, let see if those are just jacked up or if they really live in lala land.
<MonniTheCat> I would never buy anything out of eBay, Amazon or Temu...
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<AlienSoldier> only bought from ebay from those 3
<AlienSoldier> i rarely buy stuff anyway now, especially since i started to grow my own food. It is like if i lost the habit to buy.
<MonniTheCat> A lot of times people buy stuff that seem very cheap, but often either the quality is really low or the price climbs very high as too many people bid on same item...
<MonniTheCat> I've also seem quite high price reserves, lowest price that makes the offer binding to the seller...
<MonniTheCat> s/seem/seen/
<AlienSoldier> at least i get a lot of enternainment from checking price of stuff :)
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<MonniTheCat> I have to take over 2 hour drive here just to get a USB stick... It's still cheaper than trying to buy online... Grocery store is 100 minute walk...
<MonniTheCat> I don't even know anymore where is the closest postal office... All the close ones went out of business few years ago...
<MonniTheCat> Closest one before shutting down was 28 minute walk...
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] al-popa a6d9520 - clisp: Update ASDF to latest upstream (#11363)
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<Begasus> re
<MonniTheCat> Nothing here...
<Begasus[m]> overall quiet :)
<MonniTheCat> <Begasus[m]> "overall quiet :)" <- Yup... Maybe it's because of weekend...
<Begasus> could it? :P
<MonniTheCat> At first I thought the IRC-Matrix bridge crashed... lol...
<Begasus[m]> nope, still around
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<MonniTheCat> <Begasus[m]> "nope, still around" <- My brains just thought software issue is more likely than people just having something better to do...😂
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<Begasus> done enough beside software today :)
<Begasus[m]> If this gets accepted then more could follow for that I gues :)
<MonniTheCat> Clean patches are usually more likely to get accepted...
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<Begasus[m]> but yeah, waiting on upstream comments on that first one
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<MonniTheCat> <Begasus[m]> "Like this? https://invent.kde...." <- Almost clean...
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<Begasus> cleaan enough to be merged :)
<Begasus> s/cleaan/clean*
<MonniTheCat> <Begasus> "s/cleaan/clean*" <- If something doesn't have any typos, autocorrect will add to make the text look more natural...😂
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] humdingerb pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] humdingerb d0b84d6 - yt-dlp: update to 2024.11.18
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<Begasus> Haruna still good :)
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<nephele_xmpp> hi
<nephele_xmpp> phschafft, Hello there. I see you are making jokes about cookies and stuff when I am not around
<nephele_xmpp> But then, at this time of year, you had best fill Begasus's shoes ;)
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* phschafft wonders who told him.
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<ChrisTech> everything is working well.. getting a media server crash at every reboot though
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<ChrisTech> Anyone here have an SB Live card in their system?
<ChrisTech> going to try something - be back
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<Ellenor2000> = 112
<Ellenor2000> oops
* phschafft hopes Ellenor2000 doesn't require help.
<Ellenor2000> phschafft, it's fine, keyboard's just too hard to press sometimes
<phschafft> ok.
<ChrisTech> looks like my old SB Live is not supported anymore.
<ChrisTech> I was able to enable the motherboard built in audio and that seems to be working.