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I tried OpenSound but it kept crashing my system
it would only install with the emuxki driver active, and then once I blacklisted the driver, would crash at every boot
If I tried to install OpenSound with the emuxki driver blacklisted, it would crash while installing OpenSound
But I'm happy to have an x64 system up and running.. my old install was R3 32 bit
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If something crashes, it's usually best to look up if someone else has already reported the crash and if no-one has, report the crash to the correct repository/website...
yeah i took screenshots
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Oh,someone is actually using BeAIM,cool :D
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bbjimmy: AIM Pro and the 6.x AIM versions work fine for me on Windows 10.My tablet is 32bit,however,but 64bit Windows should be able to run 32bit application without issues.Downloads can be found at https://phoenixim.ddns.net/phoenix/index.php?action=downloads
[haiku/haiku] 4da2ed410326 - kernel/vm: Let TRACE_FAULTS enable logging of all faults.
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* humdinger
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Begasus[m] semi victory : haiku boots again, but my wonderful dev for detecting/storing bios drive id , it didn't work as intended. Time to trace/debug/coffee/think/code, and loop...