[haikuports/haikuports] mtl1979 fb251fb - expat: Update to 2.6.4 (#11350)
<Begasus> "bugger, error still there..." <- Gotta wait until the fix is backported to beta5 and then bump builders to more recent haiku_devel...
was trying to avoid that MonniTheCat :)
Begasus: Sometimes avoiding is just not gotta work... shouldn't waste too much time...
2 days is enough :P got it working on nightly, so I know there is a chance on getting this fixed in the end
untill then kdevelop stays on KF5
well, there is still a KIO issue to prevent the full switch there
Begasus: I spent three years on one issue... But that's quite rare... Usually I give up after few hours...
having "some" experience there helps :D
Begasus: I started having issues when Qt started assuming all operating systems use UTF-8... Had to make directories with really weird names to diagnose the issue...
Begasus: Nah... It was a lot easier to just not use the "broken" functions... Even if that made the code a little uglier...
Trying to use the LocaleKit with BeAIM is driving me crazy once again.I'm now thinking my translation files itself or how they're added to the application might be wrong,since the whole behaviour of that thing doesn't make sense.I had a look at how FirstBootPrompt is listing the available catalogs and copied that into BeAIM with very strange results.
BLocaleRoster::Default()->GetAvailableCatalogs(&installedCatalogs, "x-vnd.FifthAce-BeAIM"); and printing the BMessage to stream shows an empty message.
BLocaleRoster::Default()->GetAvailableCatalogs(&installedCatalogs, "x-vnd.Haiku-FirstBootPrompt"); and now printing *that* BMessage to stream shows a good number of languages,so that code snippet itself isn't that wrong it seems
When I looked at the LocaleKit source code, a lot of stuff was just empty stubs... like every application is supposed to override those functions...
If it were a empty stub,it also wouldn't work in my application if I only replace my app signature with that of FirstBootPrompt
I got as far reading the sources that LocaleKit tries to load an add-on for every catalog...
Yes, it does, to support various catalog formats
The catalog purt is complete, you can still find some unimplemented things in the number formatting and other parts of the locale kit, but not in catalogs
"x-vnd.Haiku-FirstBootPrompt" is in /system/data/locale/catalogs/
It sounds like your catalogs are in a place where the locale kit is not looking for them
My Haiku installation only has "plaintext" add-on for catalogs...
Yes, the binary catalog format is built-in, other formats are add-ons
The plaintext one is used to build catalogs from the sources, and there is also an iff_catalog available in haikudepot that can load amigaos/morphos catalog files (I needed this for a ported application)
So the catalogs for BeAIM should be installed to /system/data/locale/catalogs/x-vnd.FifthAce-BeAIM if I understood correctly...
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Oh,so that only works for installed catalogs and not those bundled with the application binary as resource?
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That should work as well, I think, but I didn't try to use it in a while
Maybe humdinger has some experience with it?
I presume you ran "make bindcatalogs" also nipos?
Yes,I did
That worked good enough that the application now automatically opens using the system language,but BLocaleRoster::Default()->GetAvailableCatalogs(&installedCatalogs, "x-vnd.FifthAce-BeAIM"); is empty and changing the language to any custom one also doesn't work.
humdinger to the resque then :)
"rescue" ;)
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Hi Anarchos!
looking at DefaultCatalog, it seems to try to load from resource "CADA" if everything else fails...
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'lo Begasus.
AFAICT, there's currently no way to specify a "central" dir for all the downloads. Makes sense, as different projects could have the same name for tarballs.
so keeping "downloads" per port makes the most sense.
for cleanup, nothing that "list_downloads_dirs()" can't handle :-P
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