[haikuports/haikuports] OscarL 2ff80e0 - pytest: set 3.10 as the default version. (#11337)
someone is cleaning up python things :)
begasus: you asked something about renga
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ah, someone was talking about some native implimentation for matrix, was kinda joking with a suggestion to add support for it in Renga :)
No, the goal of Renga is to use all features in xmpp, not to make yet another client implementing the bare minimum of every chat protocol
hence the "joking" part PulkoMandy :) my bad
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Begasus: you can use Chat-O-Matic for a "lowest common denomnator" chat client
but for me anyway, i just don't like matrix. I think it is a badly designed protocol which solves the problem of live messaging pretty badly
xmpp has a much simpler design in some parts, and it shows. In matrix rooms are distributed, in theory they can be "online" when one server is offline. In practice however if the big server matrix.org goes down it takes down all other rooms with it, (cus 80% or more users are on it)
and it leads to hard to debug situations where you don't know if everyone in the room even got your message.
In xmpp on the other hand a room is on one server (like in irc) and you can be sure you are joined there, or are not joined there
this far, from a UX standpoint, the only redeeming quality i've had with matrix is that when opening a chat client the inital join is much nicer, more like a one-off operation. while in xmpp it keeps sending messages for quite some time. And it sometimes is really annoying and longwinded
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hi janking
Begasus: I invested a lot more into matrix before I got into xmpp, for me, at this point, I will support matrix enough that some client is available to chat with the people who insist on using matrix, but not more :)
having said that nephele_laptop, there is still a market out there for matrix clients :)
I think one well supported marix client in haikudepot should be enough tbh
I guess... but in the end 4 badly supported clients are still worse than one properly working one
and matrix has made it clear they don't care that much about backwards compat, so it's just playing catchup
haven't checked on quaternion(?) for a long time
Nheko and NeoChat current versions should still be good enough for now
for quaternion for example it has issues because of the qt5->q6 move, which are kind of pointless
nheko is broken in the repo
it is?
and neochat does not work properly
yes, it does not declare needed libraries
and i am certainly too lazy to manually install stuff and then risk it lingering
is there an issue reported?
not by me
unless you consider this a report :P
I should make you a tool with which you can simulate starting apps on a minimum or release profile
nheko, revbump for rebuild (spdlog/qt6/ssl3) #11186 last change done after the opened issue in Oktober
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2gb of ram... with dvd. well, the "try" mode could get a "install in ram" option for software. But for the ported apps with countless deps that doesn't help much
Still launching OK (Nheko) here :)
Even with those fancy avatar icons :P
ok, need to checkup on Dolphin ..
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still good :)
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<nephele_laptop> "xmpp has a much simpler design..." <- That's not really the protocol's fault per-se, but yes, the heavy reliance on matrix.org is a massive issue
don't use matrix replies in bridged rooms
But the protocol itself is just fine. The base specification is also pretty simple and you don't have to support all features (even the basic chat mechanism is optional, but it makes for a pretty useless matrix client without it)
Is there a problem with bridging when replying?
Yes, matrixes fallback is crap
Here is what you wrote: "nephele_laptop> "xmpp has a much simpler design..." <- That's not really the protocol's fault per-se, but yes, the heavy reliance on matrix.org is a massive issue"
I highly doubt you wanted to quote that part of my message
Nope, didn't know that, thanks for the heads up
Anyway, I know how matrix works. I have a room full of minges ;) but besides that I don't think the "eventually consistent git-like tree" model solves any problems
and in my experience I've only seen it cause problems
especially the high-and-mighty state resets
add to that that mostly irrelevant data like nick display changes has to be kept in the auth (validation) chain *for ever* to validate messages
because they are state events
Yeah, it's the worst of two worlds, unfortunately
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and the state none-state events led to intersting problems too. For example I used to be able to set the topic in *any* matrix room
because a) permissions for sending events were not checked for non-state events
it's a good thing that in NeoChat you don't get a notice for every in or out event like in Nheko
and b) clients *also* did not validate if an event, that has to be a state event, was actually a state event
You're talking server complexity, right?
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and would happily accept m.room.topic send by my client in any roomt
@Begasus that can be configured on your account, since it's push notifications
I've used nheko and i haven't ran into that issue after setting notifications to mentions only
checking on host ...
also, on a side note Renga needs like 1/10th the ressources of quaternion on haiku. But that is probably also because of qt
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Dolphin 24.08.3 still good :)
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takes longer to build a matrix client then a filebrowser :P
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that holds true, even if the file browser features local AI assisted text-to-speach previews of videos.
* phschafft
now somehow has a robotic voice in head saying something 'And then they did... WHAT? No! I\'m outta her\'!'
holds true though (that robotic voice and text-to-speech) :)
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hello all
I noticed you discuss fonts and layouts quite a bit. does anyone know why Wireshark hex dump panel is not using a fixed-width font?
Hi dovsienko
* Begasus
hasn't really checked out Wereshark
(if you start a capture or open an existing .pcap file, this is the panel in the bottom-left quarter of Wireshark window)
the contents looks very much like the output of "hd", with the added feature of highlighting the bytes you select in the network protocol dissector panel to the right
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hex dumps look messy if rendered using a proportional font
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dovsienko: wireshark is what? a qt app?
it could just be a problem in the port
nephele_laptop: it seems to use Qt, yes. my GUI API skills are too outdated to tell the cause
check qt settings for a start
FWIW, the Linux version uses a monospace font for all three panels
anyhow, after that "just" open a bug report on haikuports after testing against linux that that uses a monospace font
darn, you were faster than my typing ;)
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alright, if no other suggestions emerge anytime soon, let's do that today
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wereshark, haha!
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Debian will drop 32bit x86 too... huh
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Everything is going according to plan nephele_xmpp
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Could someone remember me how to trigger a panic from userspace? I can't recall
but they don't do the fancy planets anymore I think.
phschafft: one might panic anyway, depending on what is_computer_on_fire() returns.
dalme: the shortcut nephele_xmpp was mentioning is to invoke KDL manually. "Alt+SysRq+d"
Begasus: when you finish with the KDE stuff... maybe you can take a look at Sigil? :-D. Would be nice to switch it to Python 3.10, it might require updating Sigil itself.
I just wrote some code. and it seems to work. I'm confused.
(latest version is 2.3.1, we have 0.9.14. Kinda too "Qt" for my taste :-P)
think we tackled that a while back OscarL?
last commit on sigil... March 2023.
for KDE, 2 open MR remain so far for the frameworks, it's an ongoing process, just need to pull me away from it when there is a need :D
Maybe we talked about it?
I know I did builds for it with python3.10, probably still have it stashed in the backup (I hope)
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Ah, that would be good. If it just builds with 3.10, then the update can wait.
dalme: shortcut as in key combination
the function (on the cli) also exists but those are two different ways to open the kernel debugger
OscarL our version in the depot is ancient!! :P
my intention is to move as much things as possible to just Python 3.10.
subpackages for python are good as they are for sigil?
Problem is... if I/we start updating too many things in the process... it never ends :-D
yeah, good idea anyway
hm libQt5WebKitWidgets probably can't be moved to Qt6
(so my intention at least is do the moves with the least ammount of updates as possible)
(otherwise I get overwhelmed/annoyed by the dependencies-explosion :-P)
just let me run a quick check on our current version
BTW, the PR for removing the old cython .recipe should be pretty safe to merge (we only have 3.0.10 on the repos).
tried to install sims2, whole system broke because linux put 40GB worth of logfiles on a 80GB disk and linux doesnt do well in no disk space situations.... oof
maybe I should add the pythonPackage variable to Sigil? could ease up on evnt update
now what did I wanted to check again for KDE ...
hmmm ... maybe should do plasmatube
* phschafft
get's his high voltage source ready and heated up.
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OscarL: The stuff on KernelExport.h can't be called from userspace AFAIK. But I'm sure there was a system call or something you could use to trigger it from userspace
dalme: see how the "kernel_debugger" cli app does it?
(getting dial-up download speeds here :-/, pages load in slow motion :-D)
OscarL: _kern_kernel_debugger(message) is the way. Thanks!
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Begasus: mmm, ran "hp -G mozc", turns out I need to add a one-line patch to avoid a build failure with Python 3.10 :-D
mmm, and I might need to add more RAM too :-/
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go for it OscarL :)
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hello all
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it would be nice to have Zsnes and BeSnes 32bit on HaikuDepot. It is still not there!?
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tsss ..
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was going nuts because hp kept telling me that there was no "mozc_x86" on the repo. Turns out I had just rebooted into 64 bits after that KDL trip :-)
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lol OscarL
had it in reverse the other day on 32bit, trying without the _x86 :)
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getting close to OOM again, this time at object [686/693] :-/. This thing takes a lot of RAM/CPU to link.
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last try... bare-metal with 8 GB.
same as before... seems it gets stuck at "[686/693] CXX obj/session/session_handler.session_handler.o" :-(
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one cpu core at 100%, RAM usage remains constant.
still haven't seen a branch :P
you moved to the dark side (codeberg) too? :P
have an account and at least one private repo there, yes.
same here :)
and gitlab/invent/ ... :)
ah SF also
reminds me to check TP ...
seems the worst part of the compilation finally ended! (only to fail later on because it seems ir requires gcc2 too on x86_32... and I had removed that as part of my "cleanups" :-D)
whoops :)
good guy ninja picked up the build without redoing all the previous work. Nice. Let's see if this ends in a valid .hpkg now.
"terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'" :-(
meanwhile: grabbing tuxpaint-0.9.34-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Share/haikuports/packages/tuxpaint-0.9.34-1-x86_64.hpkg :)
crashed again on the same place. No idea what else I can do.
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this SSD boot fast :-)
(except under VMWare... it takes almost 2 minutes there, for some reason)
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2 minutes to build?
2 minutes to boot Haiku under VMware.
VirtualBox takes about 25 seconds to boot my "fresh" beta5 installs from SSD.
ah :/
seems RAMFS reports wrong data for folder sizes.
it says the mozc folder is < 8MB, when the tarball is almost 43, and Beezer says it is about 230 MB uncompressed.
almost 500MiB with the build running atm
(I really need to patch hp so the "fetching package for ..." only downloads .hpkg under $HP_TREE/packages/ instead of installing them system wide)
being able to "install test packages in a chroot" for testing (instead of having to install them on system or home, would also be nice.
:/ unmounting /Share/haikuports/app-i18n/mozc/work-2.26.4451.1/boot/system failed - wait and retry ...
k, build completed and packaged in 64bit
that's what you get for going into workdir with Tracker while the build is running :-(
ah right, was thinking "I didn't change anything in there" :)
seems to be OK, after switching I don't know what I'm typing, so won't copy in here :P
still building here (64 bits)... will most likely fail to unmount too :-D
mmm, let me see if I can build the latest fat driver on the beta5 branch :-D
noup. seems there has been some incompatible changes.
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I could try reverting a particular commit, but it might be prudent to just switch to nighlies instead of trusting me with this :-D
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thanks. no worries.
(sorry was on the phone)
Tracker setting "Disk mouting during boot" -> "Previously mounted disks" doesn't seems to be working well. While on 32 bits, it always mount the 32 bits volume even if explicitly unmount it (and vice-versa when I run on 32 bits).
I wonder if it detects a Haiku install, and just confuses it for the boot volume.
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ok time to goto the vampires (monthly bloodwork) bbl.
About your KDL screenshot from before: you could also enable a setting in VirtualBox so that it logs serial output to a file. Then you have the KDL as text (on the host).
yeah... too bad that kdl was on bare metal :-D
ah, too bad
and not particuarly easy to trigger I think.
it is only written to the syslog after exiting KDL, so if it isn't continuable, it won't get there
I use the "serial to text" thing on VBox, but for bare metal, I only have one machine with a serial port :-(
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oscarl: i always assumrd previously mounted was a superset of haiku disks and previously mounted the way the options are presented
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the options are very clear, at least on wording, if not in behaviour.
"Only the boot disk", "Previously mounted disks" (not seeing how that would imply all haiku-disk+more stuff), "All Haiku disks" (mmm thoes this means all BFS partitions, or all BFS with actual Haiku installs?), "All disks".
I have like 6 BFS partitions on that particular disk, with two installs (beta5 in 32, and 64 bits).
Check the source I guess. :)
my intention is to boot either of those, and have only one more partition automatically mounted.
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Hey... atleast it is not fstab :)
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In the end, I can rely on just mounting what I want from UserBootScript, but yeah... that sounds too fstaby :-D
maybe an option on disk mounts with a checkbox to [x] always mount this
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userbootscript, contrary to fstab, atleast uses the same syntax as on the commandline so you arent confused by it... or randomly puts your OS in rescue mode cus some usb stick isnt attached
but yes, gui all the way for Haiku
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hrm. the efi loader on my steam deck entirely fails to launch
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I had trouble when using a usb hub on steam deck
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Begasus[m] i finally managed to reinstall ubuntu :)
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