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<augiedoggie> waddlesplash: regarding the ecma-48 patch... i can't even remember what the problem was that it fixed
<waddlesplash> lol
<augiedoggie> i know i added it for a reason 3 years ago :P
<waddlesplash> well to me it looks like a no-op
<waddlesplash> so, maybe check what happens when reverting it? :P
<augiedoggie> yeah, i have an unpatched VM open and i can't see the difference
<augiedoggie> i'm positive there was a reason, i wouldn't have been messing around with that stuff
* augiedoggie puts on the thinking cap
<augiedoggie> i'll probably have to remove the patch from my main VM where I use Terminal more often :/
<augiedoggie> i did actually glance at the spec last night, i think repetitions should be set to 1 when it's 0
<waddlesplash> that would make some amount of sense
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<OscarL> +9058 looks interesting. Will see if I can catch the test build packages, and run my "Python 3.14 build benchmark" on it (at least the unoptimized builds, as the full opt + lto are less likely to be impacted)
<waddlesplash> lol I haven't even finished experimenting with that one myself :)
<waddlesplash> I just got it booting and then not hanging anymore :P
<OscarL> no hangs is always nice. progress! :-D
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<waddlesplash> OK, did some more testing. gcc both with and without -pipe seems about the same, at most it's 2-4% faster
<waddlesplash> OscarL: the commits earlier today for libroot strings stuff may have a bigger impact
<waddlesplash> I also want to finish up the new make port and get that merged. That will also help
<OscarL> re: musl str funcs. thanks for the heads up... will try to keep an eye on those too then.
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<nekobot> [haikuports] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • ElectrodeYT (c3016551): make: bump to 4.4.1 (#11035)…
<OscarL> that "compare 4 bytes at a time" opt is cute. I'm assuming it is not done similarly (on 64 bits arch) for uint64 because it doesn't speeds things up that much further?
<waddlesplash> I could've, and some libcs do that, but I just didn't bother
<waddlesplash> might as well be consistent between x86 and x64 for the moment
<OscarL> alright, just curious :-)
<waddlesplash> the 4-byte compare seemed to make a pretty sizable difference for strcmp when I added it there though
<erysdren> i wonder if uint64 comparisons on x86 would be slower than x86-64 because of the smaller register size
<waddlesplash> probably
<waddlesplash> but we could use intptr_t here and sizeof()-1
<waddlesplash> like the musl functions do
<waddlesplash> for whatever reason their strcmp and memcmp don't do this
<erysdren> weird
<waddlesplash> but many of their other methods do
<waddlesplash> like strlen
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<nekobot> [haikuports] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • waddlesplash (f83e4ba7): make: Make 4.4.1 build with GCC 2.
<waddlesplash> OscarL: try building that Make version and then building Python with it ,see if it's a speedup
<waddlesplash> it uses posix_spawn, with extra options usually, but at least this uses vfork() instead of fork()
<OscarL> ah... recipe is disabled. Will boot my "haikuports" PC then.
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* OscarL wishes that the workspaces replicant on Deskbar would properly set the focus to the window you just clicked, or at least to the top-most visible, instead of grabing focus itself.
<OscarL> guess I should try setting B_AVOID_FOCUS somewhere in there, and see if that helps? (not sure it will)
<OscarL> switching to spawn on Python has helped side step hangs and crashes related to fork/forkserver at least :-D (I switched our 3.12 to it ahead of time, to avoid some build issues. It is the default on 3.14)
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<OscarL> waddlesplash: no difference:
<waddlesplash> it only takes 1 minute to build?
<OscarL> (did make clean and time make -j4 on the last one again.... got 1m13.62)
<waddlesplash> oh you are on beta5
<waddlesplash> the difference will be much more significant on nightlies
<waddlesplash> beta5 vfork() is the same as fork()
<waddlesplash> nightly vfork() skips a lot of stuff and is thus faster
<OscarL> waddlesplash: for unoptimized builds, on bare-metal, outside of haikuports, and only measuring "make" times, yes... only a little above one minute).
<OscarL> configure step takes about a minute itself.
<OscarL> will repeat on whatever latest nightly I have on that Phenom...
<waddlesplash> thnx
<Begasus[m]> morning peeps
<OscarL> waddlesplash:
<OscarL> morning Begasus[m] :-)
<Begasus[m]> morning OscarL :)
<erysdren> morning Begasus
<Begasus[m]> morning erysdren (
<waddlesplash> OscarL: huh!
<waddlesplash> but seeing as beta5 is about the same I guess that means the spawn/vfork setup is actually slower
<waddlesplash> interesting that sys time has gone down
<waddlesplash> er. sys time has gone up or remained the same while user time went down
<Begasus[m]> so no use in checking new make in beta5 then?
<OscarL> from the little I know about any of that (from reading Python's changelogs), spawn is "known/expected" to be slower but safer than fork and co. (at least that's what I managed to understand :-D).
<OscarL> Begasus[m]: guess I just did :-D
<Begasus[m]> OscarL I know, hence me asking :)
<OscarL> there's always 32 bits testing, if you get too bored :-P
<Begasus[m]> my 32bit setup is sloowwww any way :P
<Begasus[m]> or I would boot it into a VM heree, that's faster then the one on bare metal
<Begasus[m]> could try the other laptop (another one) that still has Haiku's code on it, but has a bogus keyboard
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<draKon> hey sorry to ask here instead of forum, but has Haiku's internet abilities been disrupted the past 2days to 3 months?
<draKon> my connection is worst the past month
<Begasus[m]> think we are missing XDG_RUNTIMEPATH?
<draKon> it could be local, as some rain far away effected thing maybe...
<Begasus[m]> nothing changed in that regard on beta5, so I don't think it's a Haiku thing
<draKon> ok
<draKon> i'll have to take my laptop on a road trip and test out other places.
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<draKon> might be my modem
<draKon> well no, its just web
<draKon> someone probably updated something intentionally to disrupt haiku users, with website usage
<draKon> probably not haikus fault
<draKon> it was like anything I wanted to login to on multiple site accounts wouldnt load up at all
<draKon> except youtube allowed, anything i needed to login to on wednesday was cutting in and out,
<draKon> but anything not needing login, worked fine
<draKon> well almost anything
<draKon> anyhow probably something i'll have to figure out
<draKon> ive used 3 different web browsers on haiku and all having the same diffi ulty when didnt used to several weeks ago
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<draKon> hopefully its just local to my state, we had some cell phone maintenace plauging lots of areas, or cyclone rains, but so far away it shouldnt affect
<draKon> maintenance was local and ongoing, but weather 700+ miles away
<draKon> its just other places the web works fine, but both my laptops have problems ones not a haiku one
<draKon> hmmm
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<Begasus[m]> nice, vim latest fixed :)
<Begasus[m]> same thing as with cmake, new variables not added to Haiku specific header
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<OscarL> managed to deadlock Vision by double clicking on my user name here, lol.
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<Begasus[m]> stop doing that? :P
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<OscarL> and again trying to copy a link from a private message window. Sigh.
<Begasus[m]> vim 9.1.1147 up and running :)
<Begasus[m]> (g)vim* ;)
<OscarL> holy thunderbolt! (made me jump from the chair, lol). Summer storms can get crazy.
<Begasus[m]> be safe! those things can be nasty around electronic devices!
<Begasus[m]> biab .... kdis :P
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<OscarL> waddlesplash: updated results to include hrev58682_9058_2:
<OscarL> that 6 seconds spread with make 4.4.1 seems odd.
<waddlesplash> yeah
<waddlesplash> well, thanks for testing!
<OscarL> no problem :-)
<waddlesplash> while you have the different versions installed, care to check how much of an improvement 9058 is for pipe performance?
<waddlesplash> stress-ng --pipe 1 --timeout 5s --metrics
<waddlesplash> the most interesting number is the "per sec pipe write rate"
<OscarL> 1207.60 MB per sec pipe rite rate (on the Phenom II X4, with that hrev58682_9058_2 build from the commit checker bot,
<waddlesplash> and with the older build?
<OscarL> will reboot into it to test.
<OscarL> (mmm no luck selecting a previous state,, willl reinstall older haiku*hpkg)
<OscarL> with hrev58673: 209.63 MB :-S
<waddlesplash> interesting
<waddlesplash> your high end performance is about half what I get, while the old build has something much closer to my old build too
<waddlesplash> wonder what's up with that, who knows
<OscarL> I guess the pipe writes used by gcc -pipe are small enough as to make the speed improvment not really noticeable on "real world" test?
<Begasus[m]> re
<OscarL> that speed up on stress-ng is quite impressive on the other hand.
<Begasus[m]> stress-ng: metrc: [36059] pipe 659.72 MB per sec pipe write rate (harmonic mean of 1 instance)
<Begasus[m]> can't check nightly though :P
<Begasus[m]> k, vim forked, if the patch looks good at haikuports I can try to upstream that :)
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<OscarL> Begasus[m]: that 659.72 MB was on the Ryzen 5825u laptop?
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<OscarL> Begasus[m]: BTW, nightiles numbers shouldn't change much, unless you use this build:
<OscarL> (27 degrees celcius at 4:50 AM, 70% humidity, max for today 42 C. Ouch.)
<Begasus[m]> OscarL yeah, was on the ryzen
<OscarL> such a nice CPU :-)
<Begasus[m]> me happy :)
<Begasus[m]> oh nice, still got ttat build script for Haiku on that 32bit install :D
<Begasus[m]> eeps, still at +125 there
<OscarL> Seems like my darn phone starts rebooting itself (when using USB-tethering) about the same time it this 90% battery charge.
<nephele_xmpp> oh an unused old header with almost nothing in it *build failes* -> *checks* -> old header was including new header
<Begasus[m]> nuke old header -> jump to new one? ;)
<nephele_xmpp> I have now :)
<nephele_xmpp> I don't like this suprise of old header accidentally including a new one :D
<Begasus[m]> that "almost" can be tricky though :P
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<OscarL> also fun when a third-party header guard conflicts with the one ffrom a system wide header...
<OscarL> because "of course" devs love using "_" as first char on their non-system headers.
<nephele_xmpp> Heh, i am reading up on #pragma once right now for that stuff
<OscarL> whole header files seem rather silly still, comming from a Pascal/Object Pascal background :-D
<Begasus[m]> let's see if that 32bit still can build nightlies :)
<nephele_xmpp> I don't like header files
<nephele_xmpp> it seems like something a compiler should be able to figure out (and i guess that is the info the linker kinda has?)
<Begasus[m]> eeps, error in my qt6_base package :P
<nephele_xmpp> it's just punishing me for not writing the same thing twice with slightly different syntax
<nephele_xmpp> Clang complians: "/boot/home/proj/renga/jabber/TalkManager.cpp:471:15: error: variable length arrays in C++ are a Clang extension [-Werror,-Wvla-cxx-extension]"
<nephele_xmpp> why is it complaining, surely it can do it then? xD
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<nephele_xmpp> clang outputs the full path to files when compiling, can open them directly. much nicer than gcc which outputs these horrible relative paths based on vwd
<nephele_xmpp> OscarL: I don't suppose you can help with "const" ness? :Ü
<OscarL> reinterpret_cast them away? :-P
<OscarL> (sorry, doubt I'll be of much help at all :-/)
<nephele_xmpp> have this: off_t size; file.GetSize(&size); char buffer[size];
<nephele_xmpp> clang complains about the last line
<nephele_xmpp> with the variable length arrays are a clang extension
<nephele_xmpp> I think it wants me to pass a const size here, so that isn't modifable later. Fair enough, but i am having trouble getting one :)
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<nephele_xmpp> Tried this: staticSize = size; and that gives me "note: initializer of 'staticSize' is not a constant expression"
<nephele_xmpp> maybe I am misinterpreting what clang wants though
<coolcoder613> demo of my project:
<OscarL> nephele_xmpp: can't you side-step the issue by using std::vector or std::array instead of that VLA?
<nephele_xmpp> I don't understand why it is variable length in the first place if i give it a specific size
<nephele_xmpp> this is passed to BFile::read so not sure i can use other data structures
* nephele_xmpp installs adblocker so webpositive works properly
<OscarL> "size" is not a constant at compile time, thus the VLA thing. Aren't VLA's just a "C" thing (and not really a C++ thing)? Maybe GCC enables that extension by default, where clang ask you to request that manually.
<OscarL> sorry if I'm talking non-sense, I only have a *very* limited understanding of these things :-)
<nephele_xmpp> seems someone helpfully enabled Werror for this project
<nephele_xmpp> Interesting... the executable by clang is quite a bit bigger
<nephele_xmpp> why is that
<nephele_xmpp> striping them of debug info gives roughly the same size
<nephele_xmpp> OscarL: I've disabled the warning for that snippet of code now... let's see what PulkoMandy sais in review about that
<nephele_xmpp> :)
<OscarL> surely he'll be of far more help than I :-D
<OscarL> gotta save a few MB for later in the day, so... au revoir, mes amis.
<OscarL> Have a good one, everyone.
<nephele_xmpp> see you :)
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<pol> By the way, how do you install adblocker to use it in WebPositive? I was thinking it is impossible.
<nephele_xmpp> I downloaded stevenblack's hosts file and put it into /system/settings/network/hosts
<nephele_xmpp> I'll get around to adding the proper webkit adblocker eventually ;)
<Begasus[m]> rusts addblocker should build fine (last time I tried it did) :)
<nephele_xmpp> Begasus[m]: ?
<Begasus[m]> > I'll get around to adding the proper webkit adblocker eventually ;)
<Begasus[m]> that :)
<nephele_xmpp> what does rust have to do with that?
<Begasus[m]> rust not, addblocker does?
<nephele_xmpp> how?
<Begasus[m]> as it looks, you are missing one?
<nephele_xmpp> No. Webkit has an adblocker
<Begasus[m]> whoop, should read closer "the proper webkit adblocker " ;)
<nephele_xmpp> Gonna work on a new settings backend later today, if i can concentrate :)
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<nephele_xmpp> Is there a debugger that allows to view the state of all active classes in a C++ application?
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<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • Begasus (495a5858): libpcre2, bump version (#11822)
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<Begasus[m]> k, 32bit still able to build Haiku anyboot :)
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<x512[m]> Begasus: Why not?
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<BrunoSpr> hello good morning all...
<BrunoSpr> Two days ago I asked: How to refresh/restart the Inputserver/Keyboard? Sometimes suddently my Keybord does not work anymore! Maybe related to Iceweasel or App_Server? Any idea on that? Thanks! Yes I read the logs ;-)
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<Begasus[m]> x512: it's a long time ago I booted that 32bit install :)
<Begasus[m]> no idea here BrunoSpr
<Begasus[m]> no issue also with iceweasel (well not aside for characters related to the gtk port) :)
<nephele_xmpp> I don't think you can restart the input_server right now
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<Begasus[m]> ...updated 16998 target(s)...
<Begasus[m]> nice, about 50 minutes to build buildtools/Haiku :D
<Begasus[m]> my script is working again (with some changes since last time I used it) :)
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<BrunoSpr> ah ok thanks for now... Restart is the only way then!
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<Begasus[m]> back up and running in qemu also
<diver> nephele_xmpp: shouldn't /system/servers/input_server -q still work tho?
<Begasus[m]> should add the one for qemu also before I loose it ...
<Begasus[m]> ah no, already there :P
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<captain0xff[m]> Hi
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<Begasus[m]> Hi captain0xff :)
<captain0xff[m]> Hello. Working on something cool?
<Begasus[m]> not really, did an update on Vim earlier, PR is up
<Begasus[m]> launched old(er) 32bit laptop to see if it still builds Haiku
<Begasus[m]> grabbed the script to build Haiku and launch it with another script for qemu, did some changes to match the arch, now working again and I can boot a nightly on Haiku itself :D
<captain0xff[m]> Oh cool
<captain0xff[m]> I am experimenting with the radeon_hd driver and the workflow I have settled upon is building linux and then writing the image to a drive and booting from it to test. Sadly, you can't test gpu driver stuff in the VM.
<Begasus[m]> doesn't work that well I guess ;)
<Begasus[m]> write it to a thumbdrive and boot that?
<captain0xff[m]> It will be the same as writing to the disk. But thumbdrive is slower and I only have USB 2.0 so booting takes some more time. Also, in my bios removing the thumbdrive removes it from the priority list. So, when I plug in the thumbdrive I have to again set the boot order.
<captain0xff[m]> <OscarL> ""size" is not a constant at..." <- You are right C++ doesn't support VLA's. They are a compiler extension that is enabled by default.
<captain0xff[m]> Actually, I have heard that VLA's were never supported well and even C11 removed them.
<captain0xff[m]> Though, they cause most trouble with msvc which is something you guys are probably not interested in.
<captain0xff[m]> Also, I might be misremembering but std::array also needs the size to be a compile time constant.
<captain0xff[m]> So, std::vector is probably the correct choice
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<Begasus[m]> k, doggies fine again :)
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<nephele_xmpp> hello there :)
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<phschafft> good morning.
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<phcoder> Is Jérôme Duval here?
<PulkoMandy> phcoder: usually not (he is known as korli but very rarely on IRC).
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<Captain0xff> Is haiku depot working fine for you guys?
<Captain0xff> I am getting extremely slow download speeds
<phcoder> PulkoMandy: ty. I guess I need to answer on review system. Sadly I get a 403 there
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<waddlesplash> I guess kallisti5 hasn't had any time to investigate
<waddlesplash> phcoder: I can copy a reply there for you for the moment I suppose
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<Begasus[m]> back
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<kallisti5[m]> sorry, real life has been nuts lately. I'll try to find some time to look into it soon. In the past it has been because of folks swapping email addresses around and desyncing our sso and gerrit
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<phcoder> kallisti5[m]: thank you
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58683] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 45d0d854eed2 - libroot: Replace dirname, basename with musl versions.
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<Begasus[m]> 100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 56 (on poppler25) :)
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<Begasus[m]> closing down here
<Begasus[m]> cu peeps
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58684] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 30c9648a4fe3 - libroot: Update glob from FreeBSD upstream.
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<captain0xff[m]> nephele_xmpp You were talking about enabling the RX 570 support in radeon_hd but then asked me to first look into the issues related to the black screen. I found that it works fine at 1920x1080 60hz but is problematic at 75hz. So, should I wait on this or create a change request to enable this particular driver?
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<nephele_xmpp> I'm not sure what the best way here is. If kallisti5[m] is still around he may have a better answer
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<PulkoMandy> you can always put your change on Gerrit for discussion, and add a comment (or write in the commit message) about what you observed (if it works or not and what limitations there are)
<PulkoMandy> maybe people can help then (if they have time to review it)
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<captain0xff[m]> Ok sir. Then I am creating a change request. This is my first time working with gerrit. I have read the docs thoroughly but still sorry in advance if I make any stupid mistake :)
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<nephele_xmpp> wouldn't be the first and won't be the last, but don't worry we won't bite you if you make a mistake :)
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<captain0xff[m]> :)
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<nekobot> [website] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • pulkomandy (ed478316): Replace background images with gradients.…
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<captain0xff[m]> Done. Let me know your thoughts.
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