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<OscarL> NoticeD x512[m]'s "rewrite menu logic" patchset for the first time. Among the mentioned things it fixes: "Menu bar menu is not closed in Pe when clicked in editor.". Oh boy, I hit that one way too often :-D
<x512[m]> I use it in my installation for a long time. But it is still not 100% and have issues.
<OscarL> I need to try this patchset ASAP. Thanks for your work there x512[m]!
<OscarL> Seens Menu.cpp fails to compile currently (according to the "Commit checker" bot). Will keep an eye on this change though!
<x512[m]> Rebase problems after John Scipione changes.
<x512[m]> Should be trivially fixable.
<OscarL> undestood. I just thinkg it is awesome to see some work on getting better keyboard menu navigation :-)
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<x512[m]> Yes, it makes possible to use menu without mouse.
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<OscarL> that's great.
<mmu_man> For a start, the context menu key really should open the context menu, but that's just me
<waddlesplash> no I agree
<waddlesplash> and Logo key should open the Deskbar
<OscarL> lol, reddit suspeded my account for "suspicious activity". Seems not ever giving them an email address, always using the "old." interface, and using data/saving proxis while on mobile is enough to close a 17 years account.
<OscarL> oh well. good riddance.
<OscarL> menu key opening context menu would be great.
<OscarL> waddlesplash: and then hitting the logo key while Deskbar's menu is opne should close it. One can dream :-P
<waddlesplash> I use these shortcuts all the time in Windows, along with the Start menu quick search
<waddlesplash> so whenever I start switching more to Haiku, they will wind up at the top of my list to fix
<mmu_man> For some reason KDE Plasma changed to Alt-F for the main menu, and I still get irritated they removed the shortcut as I never remember
* OscarL has had to fix SuperL usage every time he setups a Linux with XFCE.
<OscarL> seems like matrix's OFTC bridge (among others) is going down unless they raise USD 100K by ends of march.
<moparisthebest> yay, good riddance
<OscarL> 1.2M yearly op costs? LOL
<moparisthebest> Meanwhile my XMPP server uses 61mb RAM :) and I'm joined here using it and my own bridge
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<OscarL> thank you x512[m] :-)
<OscarL> Fetched. Will give it a spin over the weekend. sweet!
<Skipp_OSX> well at least you tried to fix BMenu
<Skipp_OSX> it's a deep rabbit hole
<Skipp_OSX> When we do branch for R2 we gotta rewrite it, it's a mess, I applaud your attempt.
<Skipp_OSX> Did I break the build?
<Skipp_OSX> I merged conflicted his change I guess...
<Skipp_OSX> builds fine here on top of master x86_64
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<x512[m]> It do not need to wait for R2 to rewrite.
<x512[m]> Also R2 do not magically produce new developers to rewrite everything.
<Skipp_OSX> well we can break the API is all
<x512[m]> It need more effort.
<x512[m]> API is not a problem.
<Skipp_OSX> if we could redesign Menu we could fix all the problems
<Skipp_OSX> eh I think it is
<x512[m]> I worry that redesign will produce even more problems.
<x512[m]> API design is hard.
<x512[m]> Existing BMenu API is not fundamentally broken.
<Skipp_OSX> could be an exciting area for new developments
<Skipp_OSX> sure it is
<Skipp_OSX> The whole thing is way too confusing
<Skipp_OSX> BMenuItem should be a children of BMenu it would solve a lot of problems right there
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<Skipp_OSX> Anyway that's far off in the future, so still fix BMenu if we can...
<Skipp_OSX> it says Verified +1 now so I think false alarm
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<x512[m]> > BMenuItem should be a children of BMenu it would solve a lot of problems right there
<x512[m]> Not necessary. Current design might be even better than making separate BView from each BMenuItem.
<x512[m]> I am quite pessimistic about idea of "lets redesign and rewrite everything, it will become much better!".
<x512[m]> As we can see with GTK: redesigns are not always a good things.
<x512[m]> It need just plain boring bugfixing.
<Skipp_OSX> I didn't say everything, I said BMenu
<x512[m]> What are real API design problems of current BMenu that can't be fixed in compatible way?
<x512[m]> Not cosmetic, but real problems.
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<Skipp_OSX> well crashing when you remove and add items quickly
<x512[m]> It is just a bug that should be fixed. It is unrelated to API.
<Skipp_OSX> Set/GetContentSize is imperfect solution
<Skipp_OSX> Layout() is the wrong Layout()
<Skipp_OSX> MenusBeginning()/Ended()
<Skipp_OSX> I disagree it is cosmetic, the reliance on BList
<Skipp_OSX> no filters
<Skipp_OSX> linear design
<Skipp_OSX> can't determine marked or other states hierarchically.
<Skipp_OSX> SetTargetForItems()
<Skipp_OSX> MenuPrivate and all the pieces that should be virtual but aren't and the comments explaining why that's bad...
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<Skipp_OSX> can't get the name of a BMenuItem that contains a BMenu without getting the menu first
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<Skipp_OSX> no more space to add any of this either except BMenuPrivate...
<x512[m]> Skipp_OSX: Your menu semaphore change seems regressed my code.
<x512[m]> Freeze forever while no menu is displayed.
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<Skipp_OSX> works for me
<Skipp_OSX> ah BPopUpMenu... of course
<Skipp_OSX> still works for me...
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<Skipp_OSX> looks like it could go into an infinite loop though, maybe it should check if B_OK (The semaphore was successfully acquired.)
<x512[m]> Happens when dragging file or selected text with right mouse button.
<Skipp_OSX> oh yeah I see, I'm locked up here
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<Skipp_OSX> let's see what happens with B_OK, is this happening on master too?
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<x512[m]> Skipp_OSX: It is reproduced with unmodified nightly hrev58673.
<Skipp_OSX> ok makes sense
<x512[m]> Drag something with right mouse button and it will freeze.
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<Skipp_OSX> looks like an infinite loop to me
<Skipp_OSX> ok I posted a quick fix for it
<Begasus[m]> morning peeps
<Begasus[m]> waddlesplash did you have a chance to checkout the php PR's?
<waddlesplash> no, didn't look. probably good
<waddlesplash> I saw you posted them, didn't really investigate though
<Begasus[m]> 8.3.17 went fine on 32bit, my issue before building kuserfeedback went fine with that too
<Begasus[m]> np, got them installed on both laptops, so running some checks then, if things are good I'll probably merge later
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58674] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 39083dd0f76d - BMenu: Fix infinite loop regression on right-click drag
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* OscarL got back just in time to fetch that bmenu fix.
<Begasus[m]> morning OscarL :)
<OscarL> Hey there Begasus[m]!
<Begasus[m]> creating package php8.4-8.4.4-1-x86_64.hpkg ... :)
<OscarL> just here till I eat up the rest of my remaining 40 MiB of data. LOL (have been updating the 32 bits beta5, and my nightly 64 bits installs)
<Begasus[m]> just need to figure out why it can't find bzip2, libintl ...
<Begasus[m]> 40MB doesn't go that long then ;)
<OscarL> just reading some trac tickets and stuff now, doesn't eats much at least :-D
<Begasus[m]> ~> php -v
<Begasus[m]> PHP 8.4.4 (cli) (built: Feb 22 2025 07:38:16) (NTS)
<Begasus[m]> so far that's good :)
<OscarL> (also... phone already started to reboot itself, so... will be signing off soon anyway :-D)
<OscarL> good luck figuring out that newer PHP.
<Begasus[m]> k, cu next in case I miss you leaving :)
<OscarL> +1 :-D
<Begasus[m]> you know me :D
<Begasus[m]> even added a pkgconfig file to bzip2, didn't help
<Begasus[m]> checking for BZip2... bzlib.h not found
<Begasus[m]> shouldn't be that hard for such a standard library :/
<Begasus[m]> if test -r $PHP_BZ2/include/bzlib.h
<Begasus[m]> bleh
<OscarL> what? don't you like hardcoded "/include/"s? :-P
<Begasus[m]> NO! :P
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<phschafft> mau.
<Begasus[m]> whoof
<Begasus[m]> morning phschafft
<phschafft> mau-ning.
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<nephele_xmpp> Hello there
<Begasus[m]> Hi nephele_xmpp
<nephele_xmpp> Hello begasus
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<Begasus[m]> think I'll probably push php 8.4.4 disabled to github
<Begasus[m]> primary functions work, just don't seem to find libbz2, libintl and readline
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] autocommitter pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58675] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] e0ff6a67ac9e - Update translations from Pootle
<Begasus[m]> Warning: POLICY ERROR: "/packaging/php8.4/bin/php" needs library "", but the package doesn't seem to declare that as a requirement
<Begasus[m]> can replace readline with libedit, so one down :P
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<Begasus[m]> hi jmairboeck
<Begasus[m]> me feels stupid :P
<Begasus[m]> forgot to add the patch (needs adjusting) for php 8.4.4 :P
<jmairboeck> hi Begasus[m], why that?
<jmairboeck> ah
<Begasus[m]> kids and their hardcoded paths :)
<Begasus[m]> now, should I switch back to readline and drop libedit, or keep libedit?
<Begasus[m]> if things are good, I should get a policy error now
<Begasus[m]> Warning: POLICY ERROR: "/packaging/php8.4/bin/php" needs library "", but the package doesn't seem to declare that as a requirement
<Begasus[m]> Warning: POLICY ERROR: "/packaging/php8.4/bin/php" needs library "", but the package doesn't seem to declare that as a requirement
<Begasus[m]> nice :)
<Captain0xff> hi
<Begasus[m]> hi Captain0xff
<Begasus[m]> devel:libgettextpo not needed
<Captain0xff> Somehow my buildtools directory yeeted itself automatically so cloning it again lol
<Begasus[m]> eeps :P
<Begasus[m]> should do that again sometime too, setup build env for Haiku
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<Begasus[m]> ok, looks good :) running tests to compare
<Begasus[m]> Tests passed : 16140 ( 79.9%) ( 98.7%) (this was for 8.4.4 without patching)
<Begasus[m]> so far the best results
<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
<Begasus[m]> aaaaaarrr andreasdr :)
<andreasdr[m]> Hi there Begasus
<Begasus[m]> FAIL Bug #63000: Multicast on OSX [ext/sockets/tests/bug63000.phpt]
<Begasus[m]> Why run it then ... :P
<Begasus[m]> a bit more ;)
<Begasus[m]> TEST 12647/18063 [ext/sockets/tests/bug76839.phpt]
<Captain0xff> Anyone here uses the NZ haiku depot mirrors? I get around 500kB/s download speeds in the eu ones so thought about trying the NZ one since I am in Asia but they failed.
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<Begasus[m]> progress :) Tests passed : 16197 ( 80.2%) ( 98.7%)
<Begasus[m]> results over the versions:
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<Begasus[m]> reboot to VM
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<Begasus_32> downloas speed on 32bit nightly seems pretty low :/
<Begasus_32> s/downloas/download
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<Begasus_32> coold :)
<Begasus_32> back to bare metal :)
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<Captain0xff> nice
<Begasus[m]> maybe we can skip the interims and just head from 8.1.9 to 8.4.4 :)
<Begasus[m]> break :)
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<nekobot> [haikuwebkit] pulkomandy pushed 801 commits to branch haiku:
<nekobot> • philn (288d4886): [GStreamer] WebRTC gardening…
<nekobot> • marcoscaceres (6dcf1e7e): Digital Credentials: Add support for ISO/IEC TS 18013-7 (Annex c)…
<nekobot> • basuke (91a52b9e): Move network usage tracking from Network Process to Web Process.…
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<nekobot> [haikuwebkit] pulkomandy pushed 414 commits to branch main:
<nekobot> • mcatanzaro (31e08e33): Update Brazilian Portuguese translation…
<nekobot> • bnham (4b848363): [Site Isolation] Remote iframe and main frame media state can overwrite each other…
<nekobot> • the-chenergy (9fff7983): Web Inspector: Need to avoid using protectedInspector() on closed page in finishAttachingToWebProcess…
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