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<augiedoggie> Skipp_OSX: around?
<Skipp_OSX> yeah
<augiedoggie> another one, when i drag files with a right click to a folder on the desktop the "Move" option is greyed out
<augiedoggie> or just dragging files to the desktop without a folder as the destination
<Skipp_OSX> should only be grayed out if dragging to read-only directory
<augiedoggie> Desktop isn't read only
<Skipp_OSX> correct, typically
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<augiedoggie> also, if i right click and drag a desktop icon a short distance the "Move" option will be enabled which doesn't make much sense
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<augiedoggie> that one happens in other folders too
<augiedoggie> doesn't make much sense to "Move" a file into the same folder where it already is
<Skipp_OSX> right that is disallowed
<Skipp_OSX> well no, you can do that it duplicates
<augiedoggie> not for me it doesn't
<augiedoggie> that doesn't make sense either, i don't want move to duplicate files
<Skipp_OSX> yeah I can reproduce, I'm looking at the code though and it says to SetEnabled() if !SelectionIsReadOnly() meaning the place you're moving from... but that seems right.
<augiedoggie> the "Move" menu is totally confused, it's grayed out most of the time when dragging files, not just to the desktop
<Skipp_OSX> hmmmm
<augiedoggie> even when going folder to folder on the same volume
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<Skipp_OSX> I think I get it... wrong window
<OscarL> Skipp_OSX: hi. I'm a bit confused (maybe just by the wording on the commit message and on the code comment) about
<OscarL> "Do not create symbolic link on same folder" does that means it is now not possible to use drag-and-drop to create symlinks on the same folder?
<Skipp_OSX> happens if you drag and drop to same folder and select "Create Link Here" or in Right-click menu => Create link => Current Folder
<Skipp_OSX> no, it means it was possible before
<augiedoggie> i'm not a fan of that change, also the menu for that is still enabled even though it won't let you do it
<OscarL> Ok. Just making sure, because I *did* wanted to create symlinks that way on the same folder, just not two of them :-D
<OscarL> Thanks for the quick fix for the DEL not working in name edit mode. Darn bug almost gave me a heart-attack.
<OscarL> (thought I've lost some WIP scripts)
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<Skipp_OSX> ok I see the bug now
<augiedoggie> the new "Cut" behavior is doing some odd things on the Desktop icons
<augiedoggie> the icon is way too transparent IMO, but also the text is all strange with the outline
<OscarL> on hrev58616, while drag and dropping files/folders (on the same Tracker window), the name of the file/folder was invisible, and the icon barely visible (forgot to report that one... was more concerned about the possible data loss)
<Skipp_OSX> cut is pretty transparent it's true
<Skipp_OSX> that's always been the case, looks like you have outlines turned on that's what's going on with the text
<augiedoggie> right
<Skipp_OSX> that is intentional... I could make the transparency less but I wanted to differentiate between cut and dragged and they use diff transparency values and I didn't want to have to come up with new ones.
<Skipp_OSX> so I kept both transparency values (64 and 128 respectively) the same for cut and dragged
<augiedoggie> hm, i found another drawing bug :/
<Skipp_OSX> hehe
<augiedoggie> if you rectangle select an icon on the desktop and then move it, there will be a small line after the text of the name that is left behind
<Skipp_OSX> ok patch to fixup move to incoming, I see the problem
<Skipp_OSX> ah rectanglar selection ok
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<augiedoggie> something is wrong with the "Paste" menu too, it's not showing up in some menus that it should
<augiedoggie> appears to be missing when you right click inside the top level of a volume
<augiedoggie> in subfolders it shows up
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 2 commits to master [hrev58622] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] c368793cd4f0 - Tracker: Fixup drop context move to enabled status
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 7d6ff0554bee - Tracker: Fix one more artifact drawing issue
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<AlixNAh> Hello
<AlixNAh> Question: How to properly get to work a Nvidia GTX1650?
<AlixNAh> I only get framebuffer functionality
<augiedoggie> i don't think there is much support for nvidia
<augiedoggie> most of them will use vesa or framebuffer
<Skipp_OSX> both the other you mentioned are now fixed
<augiedoggie> nice
<AlixNAh> So, no way to have it working natively in Haiku?
<augiedoggie> i am not familiar with which models Haiku supports, but i would say probably not
<augiedoggie> the vesa and framebuffer drivers are fast enough in Haiku to do everything anyhow
<scanty> i get vesa on nvidia quadro k600
<augiedoggie> the native drivers will only get you better modesetting support and maybe brightness control
<AlixNAh> My problem is that I can't change the resolution to the monitor's native one
<augiedoggie> yes, the framebuffer driver can't change resolution, sometimes you can make a change in the bios to set the default
<augiedoggie> if you were to switch booting methods from uefi to mbr then the vesa driver would likely be used and allow more modes to be selected
<AlixNAh> OK, I'll check that out, thanks
<AlixNAh> It'd be cool to get a driver for those GPUs, though.
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<AlixNah> Changing to legacy boot did load the VESA driver and at least gave me more resolution options. Thanks again.
<augiedoggie> nice
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<Skipp_OSX> ok added Paste to that menu
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<Begasus[m]> morning peeps
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<nephele> Hello there
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<phschafft> mau.
<nephele> mail agent user?
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<captain> Hello
<captain> I am new to Haiku. I want to participate in GSOC 2025 and currently just exploring the os and the community.
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<nephele> hi there :)
<BrunoSpr> hello all
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<dovsienko> captain: hello. do you know networking?
<phschafft> nephele: ;)
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<nephele> phschafft: gonna take out my trusty RPN calculator and pen and paper to solve this math. Doing it on a desktop computer is too tiresome... maybe there just isn't a good UI for me yet
<phschafft> I prefer bc and units.
<nekobot> [haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 2 commits to branch master:
<nekobot> • jmairboeck (f48c2a86): extutils_config: new perl module recipe
<nekobot> • jmairboeck (d51c3d2b): extutils_helpers: new perl module recipe
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<nekobot> [haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • jmairboeck (1b668b47): extutils_installpaths: new perl module recipe
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<nekobot> [haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • jmairboeck (ec809453): module_build_tiny: new perl module recipe
<nekobot> [haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • jmairboeck (2e7fa6c7): module_build_tiny: remove unneeded comment
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<nephele> So, how Can i run pmbootstrap on Haiku? Should i create a Qemu VM with alpine linux? do we support handing off usb devices to qemu?
<nephele> phschafft: available for chat today?
<nephele> this time I have an idea to run by you ! :D also in relation to tabs we talked about last time
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<nephele> > Signature in rsrc doesn't match constructor arg. (application/x-vnd.mmlr.QEMU, application/x-vnd.qemu-system-x86_64)
<nephele> hmm
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<Captain0xff> dovsienko: Hi. I know the basics of networking but my interests lies in game development and graphical applications. I created a post in the forum introducing myself. As I have mentioned in the post I have some experience with SDL. So, I was trying to run my SDL3 based applications on Haiku after checking out the quick tour and the user guide. I saw that SDL3 is not there in haiku depot so I was planning to add it for the starters.
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<nephele> sdl3 seems to have some in-tree support for Haiku
<nephele> maybe start with "just" trying to build it
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<Captain0xff> Yes. SDL3 supports haiku. And I have already built it.
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<Captain0xff> The examples are also running fine
<Captain0xff> I have a question. What is the Haiku way of installing a manually built software? I tried the usual make install but it fails due to the obvious lack of administrative priviledges.
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<OscarL> Captain0xff: depends on how the software is built... say, for soft that uses ./configure scripts, you can pass "--prefix=~/config/non-packaged", or use `PREFIX=~/config/non-packaged make install`.
<OscarL> or you could write a ".recipe" for it, so you can create a proper .hpkg file via HaikuPorter/HaikuPorts.
<nephele> Captain0xff: no, it does *NOT* fail because of admin priviliges
<Captain0xff> OscarL: Oh I used cmake, which is the recommended way according to the docs to build SDL3.
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<nephele> the normal user "user" is equivalent to "root". your software install script probably tried to install it over some Read only packaged directories
<OscarL> Captain0xff: you can pass the prefix ins some fore to Cmake.
<nephele> set the install directory to something more sensible, you can use the "finddir" command on the commandline to figure out the "right" directories
<OscarL> Captain0xff: regarding ".recipe"s, here a sample of how it is done for sdl2_image, at least:
<nephele> but aside from that, you don't really have to install any stuff like that for testing. Just run your application with a modified LIBRARY_PATH env variable, including the directory where your newly build library is located
<nephele> also severall developers package stuff directly and install it locally since this is easier for them than dealing with non-packaged dirs manually :)
<OscarL> Captain0xff: both autotools (./configure) and cmake have "custom" support on HaikuPorter. For example, for cmake, .recipes call it like: "cmake -B build -S . $cmakeDirArgs" (the later var contains proper values for the most usual dirs)
<Captain0xff> nephele: I see. Yeah I was just curious about the installing problem. Otherwise I can just add_subdirectory and have the dependencies as submodules.
<Captain0xff> The issue with cmake is that it fails to create the directory /boot/system/lib/pkgconfig due to insufficient permissions
<Captain0xff> Thank you everyone. I will try the stuff mentioned here.
* OscarL bolts.
<OscarL> have a good one, everyone!
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<nephele> > he issue with cmake is that it fails to create the directory /boot/system/lib/pkgconfig due to insufficient permissions
<nephele> Wrong
<nephele> It does not fail because of insufficient permissions
<nephele> it fails because the filesystem is Read only
<nephele> touch /system/lib/blah ; touch: cannot touch '/system/lib/blah': Read-only file system
<Captain0xff> So, like there is no concept of super user in haiku? I thought that some kind of administrator will have permissions to write there. Sorry, if I am speaking nonsense. I daily drive debian sid and there we need to elevate with sudo to install software in some specific directories.
<Captain0xff> Also, I just said what the error message tells me. It tells me that cmake failed to create the directory because I probably lack administrative priviledges.
<nephele> It's not a permission problem, it's not that some software is allowed to write there and some others, it is that the filesystem *literally* does not implement writing files
<nephele> this is all part of the package management, these files are synthetic and immutable, they don't really exist on the disk. Only the .hpkg files do, they are mounted libe
<nephele> live*
<nephele> If cmake sais that the problem is adming priviliges then that is a problem with the cmake port that it does not properly check the error code when writing to that directory...
<nephele> you would get the same issue trying to write to a RO SD card on linux then, and admin privs won't help there either
<nephele> anyhow, either package it directly (with haikuports) or install it to some other filesystem root that makes sense. For example /system/non-packaged/ or $HOME/config/non-packaged/
<Captain0xff> Oh now I understand the issue. The user guide mentioned this but that time I couldn't understand it fully. Thank you for explaining it in more detail.
<nephele> No problem :) Feel free to ask follow up questions if something is unclear. Haiku works different to linux in some parts, when i was "new" to Haiku I also found some parts hard to grasp at first
<phschafft> nephele: when?
<nephele> dunno, when you have time i suppose
<phschafft> here or jitsi?
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<nephele> jitsi
<nekobot> [haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • jmairboeck (133a0bbf): module_build: add support for HAIKU_USE_VENDOR_DIRECTORIES…
<phschafft> I'm here for a few minutes, but not too long.
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<Begasus[m]> re
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<Begasus[m]> Captain0xff: try setting up haikuporter/haikuports to create a package that can be installed system-wide for SDL3
<Begasus[m]> +? :)
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<Captain0xff> Yes. I am currently reading the HaikuPorterForPM page. :)
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<Begasus[m]> +1
<Begasus[m]> KDevelop 24.12.2 up and running :)
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<Begasus[m]> nice :)
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<Captain0xff> Wow
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<phschafft> nephele: ich glaube du bist raus?
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<nephele> phschafft: my connection vanished, oh well :)
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* phschafft nods.
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<phschafft> we have dinner soon.
<phschafft> nephele: my point was basically that you first need unique message types, then and only then you can build solid semantic types on that.
<phschafft> if you do it the other way around they will colide and you will end up worse than you started.
<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • Begasus (ceae51af): libkdcraw, bump KF6 version (#11752)
<nephele> phschafft: okay. Have something to think about?
<phschafft> hm?
<nephele> didn't mean to write that question mark. :)
<phschafft> ah
<nephele> It was ment as : I have something to think about
<nephele> Skipp_OSX: around?
<nephele> Currently Tracker has 4 functions for SetPanelDirectory which take a char*, a BEntry*, a BDirectory* and a entry_ref* respectively, those all convert to the entry_ref* variant
<Skipp_OSX> heyo
<nephele> now, it seems like tracker crashes when passing a non-existant file/directory to the entry_ref version. But entry_ref has no api to check if a file exists
<nekobot> • Begasus (164e38df): kio_gdrive, bump KF6 version (#11753)
<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<Skipp_OSX> which is intentional as entry_refs are meant to be transient.
<nephele> should i convert this back to a BEntry to check? should the other side of the code check? (i.e TFilePanel -> SwitchDirectory()
<nephele> Skipp_OSX: yeah but, this crashes right now in tracker it seems
<nephele> humdinger has a fix on gerrit for Sounds Preferences because it was using B_SYSTEM_SOUNDS_DIRECTORY, but that might not exist on the system
<Skipp_OSX> Entry has an Exists() method so I guess yeah
<Skipp_OSX> BEntry rather
<nekobot> [haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • jmairboeck (1c706480): perl: bump version
<Skipp_OSX> <= why we take a char* path, BEntry, BDirectory and entry_ref,
<nephele> Skipp_OSX: don't understand what you mean by that?
<Skipp_OSX> meaning we're aping the API of BEntry
<nephele> yes but. If it takes a BEntry, and BEntry can do all these things... just take a BEntry
<nephele> makes no sense to copy this part then
<Skipp_OSX> we pass around entry_refs in messages
<nephele> this is C++ function calls
<Skipp_OSX> convert to Entry when needed. Correct, it is C++ that's not the reason we do it, makes it easier to pass in a message because we have AddRef() and Find/GetRef() methods.
<nephele> and TFilePanel::SwitchDirectory only takes an entry_ref, so whatever : )
<Skipp_OSX> correct, that's fine, you may convert it to a BEntry to check Exists().
<nephele> those are not used in this case. anyhow, more api surface is more trouble potentially :)
<nephele> TFilePanel::SwitchDirectory already checks for ref == NULL
<nephele> so below that, convert it to a BEntry and bail out if the file doesn't exist, right?
<Skipp_OSX> yeah checks for NULL, then converts to Entry, then checks InitCheck() == B_OK
<nephele> heh, it already does InitCheck for a BEntry right below
<Skipp_OSX> correct
<nephele> > bool isDesktop = SwitchDirToDesktopIfNeeded(setToRef);
<nephele> Can this crash too?
<Skipp_OSX> I suppose it could if the ref was NULL or InitCheck() was bad.
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<nephele> this is passed the new ref, but not the BEntry
<nephele> the initcheck only is done for the BEntry
<nephele> the ref beeing null is checked above, so unless the set_so for the new ref fails this should be fine?
<Skipp_OSX> correct, you can create a BEntry from an entry_ref though, so maybe a check needs to be added in SwitchDirToDesktopIfNeeded().
<Skipp_OSX> SetToRef() is because the entry_ref is const and we want to change it using SwitchDirToDesktopIfNeeded()
<nephele> "This call implements the worm hole that maps Desktop as a root above the disks"
<nephele> Seems convoluted, why is this needed?
<nephele> Why are the Disks not "just" symlinked to the Desktop for example?
<Skipp_OSX> Classic Mac OS feature
<nephele> or am I misunderstanding what this is for?
<Skipp_OSX> Desktop is the root of all conceptually
<nephele> no, / Is the root
<nephele> and we already have a virtual /
<Skipp_OSX> right, that is literally true, but we are pretending that Desktop is the root because that's where either Disks (/) or Volumes are shown.
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<nephele> They are shown at /, not the Desktop. The Desktop shows files on the Desktop primarily
<nephele> If Desktop was the conceptual root it could not also be a Folder
<Skipp_OSX> The Desktop shows volumes.
<Skipp_OSX> Right which is why it's not the ACTUAL root, but only a trick we pull on the user in file panels.
<nephele> "open /" shows volumes
<nephele> desktop shows files on the desktop
<Skipp_OSX> well of course it does
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<nephele> spealing of which, this is hugely annoying in Trackers pick dialog. It shows "Desktop" "my volume" "some folder". It should instead at the top show "Disk1" "Disk2" , then a seperator, and then the view of what path we are going down
<nephele> having to sort through all the junk on the desktop to find my usb stick is annoying, especially since the system design is more elegant than what is presented in this part .-.
<nephele> anyhow, this part is just badly designed (And I don't care is macos classic mounted volumes at the desktop). But it is unrelated to this crash. I'll upload a review for the crash and you can check it out in a bit
<Skipp_OSX> <= where this comes from
<nephele> our dialog doesn't look close to that really. And the desktop there is at the bottom, not above
<Skipp_OSX> ours goes up there's goes down but it's the same concept, Desktop is the root of "Macintosh HD"
<nephele> anyhow, this is not really nice anymore. Especially if we can properly discover and mount network shares. add to that Desktop beeing a default download location, etc
<nephele> and really any hacks in tracker to hide underlying system design are a bit icky.
<nephele> anyway. Skipp_OSX, please see fix:
<Skipp_OSX> There's a setting to turn this behavior off but has long since been disabled.
<Skipp_OSX> hmmm I'll have others take a look but seems ok to me
<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • Begasus (7d4b7291): markdownpart, bump KF6 version (#11754)
<scanty> yay my new router works with Haiku :-)
<nephele> What do you mean? it routs your packages now? :)
<scanty> killed my 32 day uptime, but whatever...
<nephele> unless you have a 32day uptime too that seems like a waste of electricity :P
<scanty> i leave my machine on all the time.
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<Begasus[m]> closing down, cu peeps!
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<nekobot> [haikuports] augiedoggie pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • augiedoggie (9a8e3291): r: debugging poke
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<nephele> Skipp_OSX: Regarding the gradient in HaikuControllook, the color I calculated is closer to 164
<nephele> specifically 164,16. It would be for the middle gradient
<nephele> Anyhow, since this math is a bit complex, and I think i found a better way to implement the glossy gradient. (Using the new HSP color, *instead* of using tints) I think i will remove this part from the patchset for now
<nephele> and go with your panel = control for now
<Skipp_OSX> half way between B_DARKEN_1_TINT and B_DARKEN_2_TINT tint, see InterfaceDefs.h for how tints compare to 216
<nephele> tints are broken when you use any color. So we should not use tints to build gradients
<Skipp_OSX> any color that's not black or white I assume
<nephele> Well, anything that isn't a graY
<nephele> gray*
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<nephele> anyhow, I will do a more "comprehensive" refactor later. If changing the color then, afterwards, a second time, is okay with you :)
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<nephele> Skipp_OSX: there... I listed all changes that still need to be in that patchset besides the gradient changes
<nephele> not a small list unfortunately :/
<Skipp_OSX> here
<nephele> updated 8878. 26 places still need to be adjusted.
<nephele> mostly wrong button colors
<nephele> (not sure why, are those beeing set explicitly to wrong colors often?)
<nephele> Skipp_OSX: for example in pref/Notifications there is two buttons, which are added like "fDefaults = new BButton("defaults", B_TRANSLATE("Defaults"), new BMessage(kDefaults));"
<nephele> and then used with BLayoutBuilder
<nephele> but this doesn't seem enough to set the button text color for some reason? even though BButton::AttachedToWindow sets this
<nephele> is this because it is added to a BGroupView beforehand?
<Skipp_OSX> probably yeah, it adopts parent colors
<Skipp_OSX> so you need to override the color after adding to the group view I guess
<nephele> where does it do this? and why is the background color then correct? (not panel color)
<nephele> only the text color is wrong
<Skipp_OSX> in HaikuControlLook
<Skipp_OSX> DrawLabel() I guess for the text color
<nephele> That makes no sense to me. How would HaikuControlLook know when to adopt parent colors and when not to?
<Skipp_OSX> it does it when added to view by getting parent's colors.
<nephele> HaikuControlLook doesn't have anything to do with adding to a view, it is only a drawing lib?
<nephele> Skipp_OSX: it looks like BControl does AdoptParentColors(); in it's attachedToWindow
<nephele> could this be the problem?
<Skipp_OSX> yeah probably should not be doing that in BControl
<nephele> hmm, but the color modifications come later in BButton...
<Skipp_OSX> ... but I don't think that's your problem
<nephele> it sets the LowUIColor to the ViewColor for some reason, but the button color is set in HighUIColor in BButton::AttachedToWindow
<nephele> be_control_look->DrawLabel was using "base", which was lowCOlor
<nephele> trying to use highcolor now instead...
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<nephele> I sure love this feeling of "how has this worked before??"
<Skipp_OSX> it's probably using base for the low color but setting the high color another way
<nephele> I'm looking at BButton::Draw right now
<Skipp_OSX> when you draw text you have to set both the low and high colors correctly or anti-aliasing won't work right.
<Skipp_OSX> k'
<nephele> Uh, it's not passing two colors?
<nephele> how should this work then?
<nephele> DrawLabel(this, Label(), icon, rect, updateRect, base, flags, BAlignment(B_ALIGN_CENTER, B_ALIGN_MIDDLE));
<nephele> huh this checks for B_IS_CONTROL in HaikuControlLook?
<nephele> and then gets colors on it's own? huh?
<nephele> oh, there is a way to pass the textColor, and it gets it's own colors if this isn't done
<nephele> oh... it has a default value of = NULL in the header!
<nephele> darn
<nephele> "suprise api"
<Skipp_OSX> yes, that's right there's an optional text color you can set
<Skipp_OSX> Maybe the problem is not the API but your understanding of it...
<nephele> I fixed it now. I think this would have been easier to catch if the last parameter was not optional in the sense of this beeing hidden in the header as = NULL, but rather that the caller actually has to pass NULL if that is what they intended
<nephele> it's a bit unintuitive that the color you have to pass to DrawLabel is the background, but the text color is optional...
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<nephele> also this means that B_CONTROL is beeing checked by HaikuControlLook but is not set where there are controls. Should we change that? i.e set B_CONTROL more often?
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<nephele> Skipp_OSX: how does BeControlLook deal with the same case? I assume this has a similar bug? Though if the text color is passed it probably uses it?
<Skipp_OSX> it probably doesn't use it.
<Skipp_OSX> I'm not sure off hand you could look and see.
<nephele> if it does not use the passed in text color, then for it, i need to set B_CONTROL flag?
<nephele> (though honestly it not using the text color seems like a bug. But I am really not sure how this all works with trying to make it look like BeOS did. you are the expect there)
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<nephele> Skipp_OSX: buttons fixed. Now wondering why some buttons had the correct text color though, makes no sense to me .-.
<nephele> Oh well
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<Skipp_OSX> can I get a decision on ?
<oco> Hi ! Is github authentication still available on ? I use to have an account but it faill with an error http 503
<PulkoMandy> oco: You have to contact kallisti5 I think. The authentication changed and I don't remember how the conversion to the new logins work
<oco> PulkoMandy : ok. Will do that. I have a performance improvment in HaikuDepot
<oco> on a related note, what would be the prefered form for a bit of documentation about a sample use of profile with QCachegrind ?
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<nephele> Skipp_OSX: 8833, I still think this should be 2 pixels, and not 1 to remove the overlap. But if you disagree feel free to merge it as is.
<nephele> Personally I think How borders are drawn is controllook territory, and i think overlaps are always wrong because of that if you want height to be matches
<PulkoMandy> For documentation like this, I don't know, could be a blogpost, a trac wiki page, or added to docs/develop/, or one of the several places on the website where we have some documents
<PulkoMandy> oco: If gerrit doesn't work, you can still submit your work as a trac ticket attachment as a last resort.
<nephele> oco: I think you need to sign up to with github instead... there was a doc on how to do that
<nephele> "If you need “Path B”, be sure to complete this as soon as possible. If we eventually ever unplug from direct Github authentication, you’ll lose your connection to Gerrit."
<nephele> Maybe this is already done. But if you have your email defines you should be able to reset your password according to the post
<nephele> Skipp_OSX: If i rebase ontop of your changes gerrit will re-upload your changes every time i try to push my work
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<oco> I just setup a password at my account at gerrit is among the authorized applications but it still fail when i try to authenticate from the signing link in gerrit
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