No I was talking about the thingy that makes your screen yellowish. Basically a blue light filter.
After keeping it on all day it feels weird to see haikus bright blue colours during nights time lol
Also, I was experimenting with the radeon drivers and as pal mentioned if I set the refresh rate to 60hz then I get image at 1920x1080 res.
Actually the dce was also wrong for the polaris. So, I also fixed that. Not sure if that had any role in it.
Everything was going fine but then I soft locked myself at black screen by setting the screen to 1080p 75hz and probably clicking the keep button by mistake (as there was no display I wasn't able to see anything).
No matter what I do now the OS seems to boot in a black screen
Only setting the fallback driver in the boot menu seems to solve it.
Does anyone know where the screen app keeps the configs so that I can reset it lol?
i think it's ~/config/settings/system/app_server/workspaces
Nasina has joined #haiku
if you have another computer then you could ssh into it and run the screenmode command
forward advance in media playe is usable again, nice! Before it was going kinda backwad.
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seem it still can miss, but it seem better
can get it to loop, at least it is not going backward like i remembered
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* augiedoggie
tries to see if he can manage a git push without messing up :P
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I think it would be nicer if each boot created a new/clean syslog file, instead of lumping it with whatever it was already there from previous boots.
Never understood why that's not the case. Is there some limitation or usage pattern I'm not getting?
(I would think that "one file per boot" would make for cleaner syslog files attached to Trac, too)
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hm, it's probably possibly to remove the old one on shutdown, you might get one or two lines before the reboot
since it will recreate the file if anything else tries to log
removing the syslog file before rebooting is what I do when I want to get a clean file. I wonder why a new one is not created at boot instead.
"creating a new one" as in... move the syslog file that's already there, then create a "fresh" one on every boot,
dunno, you could submit that as a patch i guess
could it be that just appending to the existing one is "safer"? (or allows for earlier logging, or something like that?)
guess I could, indeed. just curious about the why it works like this :-)
in the future Haiku may get some more advanced logging like journalctl which can filter things and only show the current boot
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morning peeps
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Good morning begasus
good morning nephele_xmpp
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Yesterday was interesting, been watching election results into the night
ah right, will they be able to get a working coallition?
HaikuUser has joined #haiku
HaikuUser is now known as tealeg
Yes, likely cdu and spd
Ha.. to think I came here to get away from German politics :-)
I got my Deskbar icon working properly now. *Phew*.
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<augiedoggie> "i think it's ~/config/settings/..." <- This doesn't seem to be a text file. So, how do I edit it?
What is the haiku su password? It didn't ask me for any during installation
OscarL has joined #haiku
captain0xff[m]: use "pkgman install kottan". That app is a GUI editor for flattened BMessages (many apps store their setting that way).
hi there tealeg captain0xff OscarL :)
Hello Begasus
Thanks. OscarL I will try that :)
captain0xff[m]: you could also use /bin/message to just see its content
morning Begasus[m] :-)
captain0xff: nothing. set it wirh passwd. For what do you need it though...?
Okular 24.12.2 up and running :)
Begasus[m]: nice. I just sent a patch combining query and filteredquery (felt weird having them separated).
nephele_xmpp: Uhm, when I tried to open the settings mentioned above it gave permission denied. So, I tried with su which needs a password :). After OscarL explained the thing now I understand that the idea was probably stupid lol.
Haikus stuff normally runs as "user" which i uid0, aka root. This is not a permission problem too :)
OscarL: after all these years still a noob on querries (here) :P
I'm using them all the time now on Terminal (now that they work OK, and not like on my HDD partition :-D)
Sadly it seems that the workspace settings don't have the parameters I am looking for.
*refresh rate
no fail-safe options?
captain0xff[m]: might be embedded on the "mode" RAW field?
Either the refresh rate or the resolution. Basically what happened is that when I set my res to 1920x1080 and ref rate to 75hz. I get a black screen. Now while doing that I probably clicked the keep button so now I only have a black screen on boot. I can get display if I use the fallback option on the boot menu. And currently I am trying to reset the res or ref rate through that.
I had to remove that file once to be able to set again a particular resolution (that works OK on both bare-metal and under VM).
mv the settings file
(otherwise it kept setting a different resolution I tried :-D)
Tried moving the file but that didn't help.
Begasus[m]: re: queries... I just use them in the most basic form, mostly: "q foobar" (with q being an alias to "query -e -a"). Faster than /bin/find for me, and *way* easier to remember how to use :-P
captain0xff[m]: moving and rebooting?
It might be possible that I corrupted the driver or something after changing the dce value. I will try reverting it.
OscarL: Yep
Mmm, now that you mention it... I do remember editing the "frame" values on that file...
What is the haiku keyboard shortcuts for opening the terminal?
I can try running screenmode blindly or something
captain0xff[m]: open the file with Kottan, under workspaces... change the "screen-frame" value for all your workspaces, and see if that helps?
rect starts at (0,0), so if you want 1920x1080, use: "0.00, 0.00, 1919.00, 1079.00"
double check values after you set it, as Kottan sometimes can "miss" changes you made (unless you change focus away from the textviews).
make sure the room is well ventilated captain0xff ;)
Nvm. Now that I look at the driver source, the dce value probably broke it. Though, the value I used is the correct one but the driver seems to be based on the wrong one. (In the source there is a comment mentioning the confusion with this value)
Begasus[m]: I don't have a 5090 sir. Lol
Begasus[m]: are suggesting that following my "instructions" can result on explosions? if so... good advice.
s/are/are you/
ineed, got experience following OscarL 's sollutions :P
"jk" ;)
ah, selecting with BePDF works with right mouse button ...
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k, rebuild for qt6_base
Sun about to appear, vampire /me gets sleepy... see you around folks. Have a nice day!
Btw. how did the concept of using file/folder-metadata in BeoS/Haiku came about?
Was this already before filesystems started supporting xattr?
Hi sqz no idea on that part, that's one for the real developers, but I think xattr has been around for some time
file metadata/querries has been around since BeOS in BFS I think
hm LLM on the matter: "in 1995 BFS allowed files to have additional metadata, such as attributes, which could store arbitrary data, like text, images, or even executable code. This approach influenced the development of extended attributes in other file systems, including: NTFS, ext2/3/4"
so the paradigm sortof spilled over as a feature to linux/windows, not an intrinsical part of linux/windows (I guess because it was already knee-deep in the metadataless filesystem paradigm)
* hm..so, * so I guess the paradigm
while reading about the BeOS history on wikipedia I learned about https://cosmoe.org/
also interesting: "to have additional metadata such as (...) or even executable code"
any idea what that might be? (Oh and goodmorning everybody btw...sorry had too much coffee already) :D
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haven't seen cosmoe mentioned in a looong time Habbie :)
i'm not sure i was ever aware of it
but apparently he revived it a bit last year
8/24 looks like it :)
I broke my work on mariadb here I think :P
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Guest9888 is now known as Captain0xff
I am getting errors like this while building the buildtools for haiku from haiku:
/boot/home/gerrit/buildtools/binutils/gas/config/tc-i386.c:577:38: error: 'MN__insn' undeclared (first use in this function); did you mean 's_insn'?
It's currently good enought to play chocolate doom
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Hmm so haiku fails to build if I clone it anywhere other than in the home dir.
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sqz[m]: early versions of BeOS had no real filesystem and just a big database, building the filesystem on top of that. But then they decided it was too crazy or too slow or too unstable and flipped it to a database on top of a filesystem
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They still had to support things they had already done with the first try, and so that's how they came up with this idea of indexing extended attributes. I don't think Haiku did anything new in that area, it's just like BeOS
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ok, back on track :) Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
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I've got a question regarding haiku "policy" about external libraries
pinaraf_ is now known as pinaraf
What's the question? :)
would it be fine to add a dependency to libcupsimage in the printing service in order to support PWG raster, or should I reimplement it in pure 'haiku-c++' style?
cups is gpl i think?
so only a new add-on in add-ons/print/drivers would depend on this apache-licensed lib…
Anyhow, for image formats usually you'd have a translator instead, that is program agnostic
nephele_xmpp: nop, apple contributed a lot to cups, they would never like it
it's not an image format
ok, it is, but it's not
image format + printing instructions
Well, is it, or isn't it?
Currently the printing driver should use only BPicture or BBitmap as input, I guess your patch is talking about an output format for printers?
yes, output format
that's part one of my plan to print on my IPP-everywhere printer …
* nephele_xmpp
is reminded to take a stab at mDNS someday
I spent too much time on mDNS with no good results, I thus chose the opposite way
Hardcoding uris?
true people know their printers by IPv6, right? :)
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Well, i do know mine by ipv4... but ipv6 would be cool... :P
anyhow, not sure. Personally I'd rather have a in-house implementation, esepcially if this is "easy", and we can control the printing instructions better. But on the other hand i probably wouldn't object to this file beeing in haiku extras or wherever. Not sure how compatible the apache license is
there are already third party snippets of course, you can check about system
anyway, right now printer "languages" support in haiku is limited to canon_lips, pcl5, pcl6 and postscript
and IPP everywhere mandates PWG raster support
PWG raster doesn't seem too complicated, but since for instance PNG is based on libpng and JPG on libjpeg, this is enough for me to question the right way
Since this is a seperate library it would be OK to package it at haikuports and use it when available, i think. But a in-tree implementation may be better. (i.e make haiku_extras depend on it for the time beeing)
Do we have a macro to check the haiku revision?
found it. :)
pinaraf: There are various libraries in src/libs and others as third party packages (for most of the translators for image formats) so that's not a problem
Ideally if it's gpl code, it should be disabled if HAIKU_INCLUDE_GPL_ADDONS (I think that's the right name) is disabled during the build, making it easy for people who want a version of Haiku mostly without gpl code. But this will still include bash and other gpl stuff, so it's not too important
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PulkoMandy: don't forget apple contributed a lot to CUPS a few years ago, they are one of the biggest anti-GPL troll out there, so it's not GPL licensed
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I like trains.
me as well
how is the current GTK status?
On haiku? There is a wayland based compat layer for gtk3
hm, ok.
and drag&drop works fine?
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probably not?
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Why does BListView have a SetSelectionMessage but then when sending the message does not send what the selection changed to?
I'm working on Renga and there are parts when it uses this, and when it receives the message then checks the state of the listview with CurrentItemSelection, which seems uneccesarily racy to me
hello all
How to refresh/restart the Inputserver/Keyboard? Sometimes suddently my Keybord does not work anymore! Maybe related to Iceweasel or App_Server?
Are you using a VM?
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[haiku/haiku] 1ee584817899 - src/bin: combine query and filteredquery commands.
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After quite a lot of tries I was finally able to reset the res. For some reason even on a fresh boot I was getting a black screen. Finally, I was going to try sshing from another machine but thought that trying to set the screenmode after booting using a script might be an option and that worked.
Ig the bios or something was preserving the conf that's why even a fresh install didn't help.
Now need to actually debug why I get a black screen at 1920x1080 75hz
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* coolcoder613
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