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<Skipp_OSX> shoot
<scanty> *bang*'
<scanty> sorry, i couldn't resist.
<Skipp_OSX> I think I messed up in _FindShortcut() ...
<Skipp_OSX> I PreparedModifiers() that's why... I need to pass the mods through
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<waddlesplash> Skipp_OSX: reviewed
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<Begasus[m]> morning peeps
<Skipp_OSX> I'm trying it your way but it is breaking shortcuts so far
<Skipp_OSX> I refuse to believe I can't cast a &char to a (uint32*)
<Skipp_OSX> OMG it was
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<Begasus[m]> k, on next KDE framework update I need to switch QCH path so it's automatically picked up in QtAssitant :)
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<Begasus[m]> and move them into a seperate package :)
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<_-Caleb-_> Hi all
<Anarchos> _-Caleb-_ hello
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<Begasus[m]> Hi __-Caleb-_ Anarchos
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<nephele_xmpp> good day
<Begasus[m]> Hi nephele_
<nephele_xmpp> how are you Begasus[m] :)
<Begasus[m]> good here nephele_ , finetuning the frameworks a bit for the next update
<Begasus[m]> how's it going there?
<nephele_xmpp> I'm fine. also a bit happy to have resolved my gpu troubles now. Turns out the gentoo wiki was right, for some reason linux overclocks the gpu on it's own. I clocked it down to manufacturer specs and now i have no more crashes .-.
<Begasus[m]> progress! +1 :)
<nephele_xmpp> I suppose so xD
<nephele_xmpp> Anyway, want to rework some of my patches later
<nephele_xmpp> gerrit was really active this week
<Begasus[m]> yeah, saw some pushes passing by in the logs also, and comments here and dev channel :)
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<nephele> push the begasus :D
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<Begasus[m]> :P
<Begasus[m]> saw I had outdated Qt documentation, need to update from 6.8.1 to 6.8.2 for that :P
<nephele> Begasus[m]: what does nheko use for notifications
<nephele> does it draw in d-bus?
<Begasus[m]> there is a seperate framework they use for that iirc, didn't push that as afaict uses dbus (and don't see any push notifications for it)
<Begasus[m]> not a framework, it's a library: kunifiedpush
<nephele> what's that?
<nephele> i think that is something else. It sais NeoChat uses it :)
<nephele> Did you mean Nheko or NeoChat?
<Begasus[m]> NeoChat,
<Begasus[m]> ow
<Begasus[m]> lol
<Begasus[m]> my bad, not sure about Nheko, has been a while again there :)
<Begasus[m]> using Qauternion mostly now
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<Begasus[m]> better now :)
<Begasus[m]> biab
<nephele> quaternion still has this dark mode issue for me :/
<nephele> does it occur for you aswell?
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<nipos> I just noticed that you can reproducably make recent Haiku Nightly (hrev 58590) crash by trying to change the keyboard layout.
<nipos> That used to work perfectly fine in the past.Now trying to find out when the problems started and what might have caused them
<nephele> nipos: I doubt you will find anything
<nephele> you triggered an Assertion in virtual memory code, this probably means there was something wrong with the code already, and now we are catching it earlay
<Begasus[m]> yeah, not using it when in dark mode, then I use NeoChat
<nipos> Ah,okay,then I should better try to find out what was wrong with the code instead of going through Git history
<nephele> maybe try running Keymap with libroot debug?
<nipos> I'll try that,thanks
<nipos> That doesn't change anything,unfortunately
<nipos> Maybe I better write a ticket and let waddlesplash have a look
<nipos> I never did kernel debugging before and it's too difficult when the whole OS crashes.Application bugs are easier to debug
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<nephele> MALLOC_DEBUG=gp myApplication
<nephele> anyway, sure open a ticket. It's possible this is also kernel code, who knows :)
<nephele> anyhow nipos my patch is almost done :D
<nipos> The patch for the crash?
<nephele> no, for the control colors
<nipos> Ah,good :)
<nipos> I'd also like to finish but I'm not sure what they want me to do
<nipos> Should I move the enum inside the class and leave the rest as I have done,or should I better pass the font face enum and re-add the two unrelated bools?
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<nephele> nipos: oh actually there was a keymap commit jus recently
<nephele> maybe related
<nipos> MALLOC_DEBUG=gp fixes the crash,so it's probably an application bug,not a kernel one.But why does it crash the whole OS,not just the app? :O
<nephele> it does not. Assertions are voluntary crashes :)
<nephele> that is the "this seems fishy, better if we don't continue here" state
<nephele> Ideally the VM should not get into this situation, but it can. assertions are there to figure out when the code can get into an invalid state by checking early
<nephele> for the beta releases we can be a bit less paranoid with assertions
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<nipos> The recent commit you mentioned was done after hrev58590 where the bug was already present.And it still is,I ran an update.
<nephele> ah okay :)
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<nipos> I started by commenting out the whole function except the return at the bottom,then I reenabled more and more in it.Enabling that line makes it crash again.
<nephele> Maybe it does not check is file exists?
<nipos> I think it's more likely a type mismatch
<nipos> status is a status_t and file is a BFile.The code does status = SetTo(file); - Looks wrong somehow
<nephele> No that's okay
<nephele> status_t is the error code
<nephele> SetTo modifies the current class object
<nephele> but it looks like this takes a path, and not a BFile
<nipos> Ah,that's it then,thanks
<nipos> Adding another SetTo that takes a BFile should solve it,I guess
<nipos> Wait no
<nipos> The implementation you linkes takes the path,constructs a BFile and calls SetTo again with the BFile,so that must also be defined somewhere
<nephele> It calls file.SetTo not SetTo
<nephele> so BFile.SetTo()
<nephele> below it is for BDataIO, maybe BFile implements that so that variant gets called
<nephele> maybe you can find something in there that crashes it. You can set breakpoints in the debugger instead of deleting lines though, and then single step
<nipos> > It calls file.SetTo not SetTo
<nipos> No,it also calls SetTo in line 77
<nipos> And it never gets converted to a BDataIO,so I don't see why it would call the function below
<nipos> Let me verify that: I commented out everything in the BDataIO SetTo except the return B_OK; - If it still crashes,that's not the correct code to look for the mistake
<nipos> Seems you were right,that actually solves the crash.Always when you think you finally understand at least a little bit about C++,something like that happens :/
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<nipos> I can now tell you the exact line where it crashes,but I have no idea why or how to fix it.It crashes exactly here,where the stream is read and written to fKeys: Just a wild guess: Maybe it doesn't want fKeys to get modified?I honestly don't know
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<nephele> nipos: what do you mean by converted to BDataIO?
<nephele> it doesn't need to be converted, because it already *is* a BDataIO
<nephele> This is because: class BFile : public BNode, public BPositionIO
<nephele> and class BPositionIO : public BDataIO
<nipos> Ah ok,didn't know that
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<nephele> These are implemented like this so you can pass *something* implementing a BDataIO
<nephele> it doesn't need to be a file, it can be a file
<nephele> but you can also give it a in-memory thing which works
<drusatori_alt> hmm. this is annoying. cannot get the firmware to load to the card.
<nephele> drusatori_alt: have you tried threatening it? that sometimes works
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<drusatori_alt> guess I'll do some actual work that pays the bills instead of fun code for a bit :)
<nephele> :)
<nephele> If you need a duck, this channel is available though ;)
<drusatori_alt> @nephele there may have been some sweet talking and cajolling
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<nipos> nephele: Do you have an idea what went wrong at the line I sent above?Would be cool to get it solved,otherwise I'll open a ticket now since I don't know any solution
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<nephele> feel free to open a ticket, but you can put a breakpoint there with the debugger, and at that point create a debug report
<nephele> we can then view the state the variables are at at that time
<nipos> How can I do that?
<nephele> Which part?
<nipos> The only situation where I normally use the Debugger is if an app crashes and I get that crash window
<nephele> You can just open it from the menu
<nephele> and then debugger launches the app for you
<nephele> or you can use "Debugger <path to my app>" on the commandline
<nipos> Yes,I have opened Keymap with it.Now how do I add a breakpoint?
<nephele> can you see the source code view?
<nipos> Source file unavailable
<nipos> I used the repo version.Should I use my own built version instead?
<nephele> Darn. Maybe you have to recompile it with debug symbols. but no clue, this is black magic to me when Debugger has or has no source files .-.
<nephele> but anyway, in the souce view left are these black dots on the white strip, click one, the line will turn red
<nephele> that is a set breakpoint
<nipos> Ah ok
<nephele> if you run it after that it will run up untill the breakpoint
<nipos> There's no haiku_debuginfo package.Would have been too easy
<nephele> no clue how this is supposed to work, this has always been a point of annoyance to me
<nipos> Self-built one also doesn't work,and no,I don't want to rebuild the whole thing with debuginfo.My computer isn't the fastest one as you may know
<nephele> maybe waddlesplash has some info on how this is all supposed to work
<nipos> I'll link the file and line I think causes the crash in the ticket and waddlesplash may know a lot better than me what is the reason for it crashing
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<nipos> I asked you already earlier today,but do you understand what I should do with ?
<waddlesplash> nephele: nipos: userland behavior is totally irrelevant here, I mean it may be wrong but it still should not cause a kernel crash
<waddlesplash> so the fact that it does t happen with libroot_debug isn't relevant
<waddlesplash> we need to fix this in the kernel anyway
<waddlesplash> I'll check and see if I can reproduce later
<nipos> Ah good,thanks
<nephele> waddlesplash: doesn't it make debugging simpler to figure out how exactly userland provokes this assertion?
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<waddlesplash> only if userland causing it is unreliable
<waddlesplash> if userland can reliably cause it then not really, all the interesting debugging happens after the syscall
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<BrunoSpr> evening all...
<nephele> alright
<nephele> for my control colors thing i need to re-calculate the gradient so it matches the old one. The new values I have give a too high contrast from top to bottom
<nephele> I guess I need a pen and paper and properly solve this :D
<Begasus[m]> old-school! :)
<nephele> Begasus[m]: pfft, I used a RPN calculator during my education a lot
<nephele> just solving stuff on paper is sometimes much nicer
<nephele> to be honest I've not found any application for a computer that comes close to the utility of pen and paper for solving math, *despite* a keyboard beeing a much faster and more precise inpout
<nephele> don't even have an RPN calculator on Haiku :(
<nephele> Skipp_OSX: is the deskbar Menu opener also a button?
<nephele> The rendering of deskbar with the menu color there also changes if the gradient is fixed
<nephele> or, well, the part that uses the gradient anyhow
<nephele> I'm begining to think this is too many moving parts. Maybe you are right and we should "for now" do panel => control color. And i fix the gradient stuff in a future patchset
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<Begasus[m]> nephele: :)
<nephele> Begasus[m]: oof. I'm not on Haiku to get back into the Terminal .-.
<Begasus[m]> heh
<nephele> huh wtf. I opened and webpositive immidiently downloaded a mp4 without user interaction
<Begasus[m]> is it any good? ;)
<nephele> that phone?
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<Begasus[m]> no, the mp4 file :)
<nephele> eh
<pol> I visted that page, source code in serving that movie as iframe.
<pol> I guess there is only partial support for iframes hence the download.
<nephele> probably because it does not support mp4 playback directly?
<pol> There is a HTML5 video playback standard, so yeah, probably that too.
<nephele> no, i mean. we disabled video playback in the webkit port
<nephele> because the current implementation does not do streaming, so it would lock up the page while it downloaded the entire file
<pol> By I mean here I mean it's not necessary implemented.
<BrunoSpr> The time webpositive played mp4 files, it downloaded them first and then played it, I think it was kind of a hack from pulkomandy, iirc
<pol> It's not a bad thing per se. One basic browser with emphasis on performance.
<nephele> what do you mean by performance? it's not more performant because it can't play these files
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 5ee786c31ff0 - Interface Kit: Fix missing Alt key in menu shortcuts
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58611] -
<pol> I mean low cpu/ram usage here.
<nephele> -> "Don't autoplay videos"
<nephele> low cpu and ram usage would be something we can massively improve, also by starting to cache *anything* :P
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<BrunoSpr> anyone an idea? Clicking on an icon in the folder will not select the folder, I have to click on the text to select the folder... was it like this before? I don't think so
<pol> Cache on HDD?
<pol> No, works here icon/label regardless.
<nephele> cache in memory for starters, not re-requesting all network ressources each time
<BrunoSpr> open the home folder and click on the icon works for you?7
<pol> Testing new nigtlies?
<BrunoSpr> this is hrev58610 nightly
<BrunoSpr> 64bit
<pol> Yeah, Icon mode/list mode/mini mode.
<pol> But, I think the code is somehow selective. It's not a perfect square it's more like a vactor icon where some click around it won't select it.
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58612] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 43741b0b9123 - Tracker: Fix sorting of filtered pose lists.
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<waddlesplash> nipos: I don't see a KDL switching keymaps here
<waddlesplash> ah wait, I switched some more and then it happened
<waddlesplash> so it's intermittent, huh
<waddlesplash> OK, I'll investigate
<nipos> For me it always happened,except when using DEBUG_MALLOC
<drusatori_alt> well, this is an improvement. the driver now loads, doesn't KDL, but still does not actually work :). baby steps :)
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<HaikuUser> h
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<Begasus[m]> k, +22MB moved to doc packages for the KDE frameworks :)
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58613] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 855d7cef68f9 - Tracker: Add comment in empty_trash about RemoveItemAt(0).
<pol> Is it possible to roll-up window? The middle mouse button click on the decorator would be in place great.
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<Skipp_OSX> no it's not possible
<waddlesplash> nipos: it's a race condition, that's why it doesn't always happen
<nipos> Did you find the reason why it happens?
<waddlesplash> yes
<waddlesplash> working on a fix
<pol> Maybe a hey command would work to resize window but I can't find it.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 2 commits to master [hrev58614] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 1e56d889ee6e - kernel/sem: Move variable declarations in create_sem_etc closer to use.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 7a0fdd19a0ca - kernel/sem: Properly handle create_sem being called with a negative count.
<scanty> found a laptop haiku runs on. it's a quad i5-2.3GHz. windows only shows two CPUs
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<scanty> shame the "special" keys dont' work, and maybe power management.
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<scanty> for example, it is very bright.
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<nephele> Just saw someone with a MNT reform in the tram
<nephele> scanty: Display brightness is normally graphics driver territory
<nephele> what display driver does it use?
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 3 commits to master [hrev58615] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 4f8eaff87f9e - kernel/file_cache: Re-check the cache size after acquiring the lock.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 738615d6785d - kernel/file_cache: Use CObjectDeleter to unreserve pages.
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] a3d331623ca4 - kernel/vm: Use CObjectDeleter in vm_copy_area rather than a custom class.
<waddlesplash> nipos: first commit in that hrev fixes the problem for me
<nipos> Thank you for the fast fix,will try it tomorrow
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<scanty> nephele: let me check, re display driver. have to plugin the laptop and boot it, moment please.
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<scanty> nephele: Intel HD/Iris (SandyBridge) GT2
<nephele> And what driver is used?
<scanty> how do i tell?
<nephele> if your display brightness is supported this will appear in preferences/Screen
<scanty> oh no.
<scanty> i didn't realise this was a beta4 CD
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<scanty> so i have to update it, sorry for the mixup.
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<Skipp_OSX> shoot, still no Alt in right-click menus...
<nephele> darn!
<pol> I have written a script that would interact with a window with hey. And call it from within python. So now the window is moving on it's own.
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<scanty> is it possible to burn cds in haiku?
<waddlesplash> yes
<waddlesplash> cdrtools etc. should work as on Linux
<waddlesplash> and there's a few GUI applications too, not sure which is best
<scanty> cool, thanks waddlesplash :)
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58616] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 03d506118503 - Installer: Do not copy SSH host keys into target.
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<nephele> My system now frequently crashes again with my gpu in debian, but on Haiku it works fine... guess drivers aren't always a good idea! /s
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<AlienSoldier> i see mame is still not builded for 32 bit. Is the rick that remade webkit build in 32bit could not be applier to Mame?
<AlienSoldier> *trick
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