How different is QNX GCC 2.95 code from Beos GCC2.95 code? Are they compareable? I have only used QNX as a desktop in the early 2000's, just wondering how much effort it would be to port simple programs from QNX to Haiku or BeOS?
the GCC version is, i bet, the least interesting part of that
Yeah i was thinking about the amigaXL parts.
the APIs are what matters
cli apps should not be hard to port from QNX to BeOS/Haiku for the most part.
sounds likely
maybe UAE is a better option nowadays than forcing it anyways. Is there a recent port of UAE for Haiku?
I mean not running the entire desktop, but rather each individual application as its own window.
DOPUS and Magic is great and all, but Haiku desktop is far better.
oh i used the wrong one. Silly me, haikudepot gave me the 2007 euae result first, fsuae from 2021 is of course what i wanted. Sorry to have taken up your time.
i'll be honest, i did not look into the UAE thing at all
To be honest, i kinda like that you can not move windows off screen.. It takes a while to get used to, sure. But when you get the hang of lowering instead of minimizing it is rather great.
but BeOS and Haiku does that better, just right click the yellow tab and it is sent to the back.
or at least it used to
havent tried latest builds
I would still love a setting to confine windows to a screen.
kinda like amiwm for linux and other amiga like systems window handling. the screen dragging is also rather nice.
All good, have a lovely weekend. See you all later if i have other questions.
[haiku/haiku] 1fbf09c30930 - Internals documentation: add notes about the process without vendor branches
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Hello all
Hello BrunoSpr :)
hi nephele_xmpp
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hm. next is autogrow.
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Good morning
I have an old wifi usb stick here. Can you tell me if i can get a stick with the TNETW1450 chipset up and running?
It's a "AVM Fritz Wifi stick" - AVM is a very popular company here in Germany
* phschafft
waves to HPK_.
the channel is still a bit slow this morning.
HPK_: Did you already try if the wifi stick works if you boot Haiku with it plugged in?Most (if not all) supported USB wifi sticks should just work by default.
HPK_: depends on if this device is supported by a native driver in freebsd or openbsd, we take most of our drivers for wifi from them
No it isn't recognised I also tried to install wifi firmwares via bash script - was suggested by the wiki
You basically never need that script. what wiki?
wikipedia often gives wrong or misleading info about technology, instead check the openbsd and freebsd man pages...
The info is absolutely correct.Besides that,I only found a few extremely old forum and mailing list entries asking about support,but no answer or other document stating that it's supported.
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AVM is a shit company for BeOs and Zeta, there was no cooperation between them, even it is years ago!
They let Bernd Korz wait hours and send him home
> The info is absolutely correct.Besides that,I only found a few extremely old forum and mailing list entries asking about support,but no answer or other document stating that it's supported.
Again, doubtfull. I have many counter examples, the german haiku article isn't even halfway correct...
If you want info in what the drivers support check the manpages
Feel free to correct it then 🙄
I only searched for the driver and that was the only result worth linking.I don't care if other Wikipedia articles are correct or not.
Not sure why you insist on using an incorrect ressource when correct ones exist. It is not my duty to correct vague wikipedia articles
It's also not my duty to argue with you.I tried to find out if the chip is supported by any of the BSDs and it looks like it isn't.Feel free to prove me wrong.
Just for my information: Who is Bernd Korz in the BeOS community? I know him because i worked in a PC shop years ago and he came in to show me ZETA. He lives nerby here
You claimed it is supported by linux, which it isn't. This is an out of tree driver which doesn't seem to have been developed since 2014
> It's also not my duty to argue with you.I tried to find out if the chip is supported by any of the BSDs and it looks like it isn't.Feel free to prove me wrong.
You can install it there,then it will work.Doesn't matter in any way for Haiku,however
Also,Wikipedia correctly states "Integration in mainline - No",it's just that that isn't at all relevant for Haiku since we can't use Linux drivers anyway
Sure we can. We just don't want a linux compat layer. Among other reasons because BSD drivers tend to be higher quality. And again: it does not matter what wikipedia thinks, we have a proper source for this info.
It also doesn't matter (to me) if you hate Wikipedia or not.I answered a simple question,let's be done with it.
The acx driver supports ACX100/111 based Cardbus or PCI network adapters.
You should pick your battles carefully. Wikipedia is not an authoritive source, and if I know the info on specific subjects is inacurate I will simply not use it, especially If i have proper sources instead.
Trying to have one wiki for *everything* and then not checking info yourself is not a good idea
Yes, and? it's the same driver
its as unsupported on FreeBSD as it is on linux, debian 7 removed it apparently
Long story short: Better get another USB Wifi stick.The Realtek-based ones are usually working rather good.
Seems the driver has a wierd mpl/gpl2 dual license (where wikipedia sais bsd but couldnt find that...)
I don't know if it is worth the effort to rewrite the driver
HPK_ Bernd Korz was the CEO of ZETA
Ok. I will get a new stick - this one was just lying around here
HPK_ good choice
Is there a way that i can get data out of a mixed mode CD (bin/cue) with Haiku? I need to get the data out of that
HPK_ This one works, dont know the price though... 7392:7811 /dev/bus/usb/0/5 "Edimax Technology Co., Ltd" "EW-7811Un 802.11n Wireless Adapter [Realtek RTL8188CUS]" ver. 0200
ok, thanks. costs 7,90 €. Will get that. EW-7811UN V2?
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HPK_: I'm not sure how this works exactly, but "plain" audio cds (no filesystem) are represented as a folder on Haiku, and as far as I can see this is the same thing but marked with a data flag? if so it could work by inserting it directly like this. Might be worth a shot
nephele_xmpp... does it work now?
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Does what work?
First i can't use my USB CD-ROM within Haiku. I have the image on the computer, it is an cue/bin pair. But i can't mount it. So i'm searching for a solution to extract data out of it
the command for disk images is "diskimage register". I have no clue if this works for audio cds though
Ok, i get the reply: "Registered file as disk device with ID 12...... and after that?
When i try to mount it (like i do with USB sticks) it says "invalid argument"
Registered file as disk device "/dev/disk/virtual/files/12/raw" with ID 12
I understand that the disc is mounted as virtual drive now? But i can't find that folfer...
In deskbar->mount
it is not mounted yet, it is now represented as a mounteable device file
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Yes, but i get that "invalid argument" error
Then it may not work in that way if it can't be mounted from the deskbar menu
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Ok - than we leave that aside. Can i do anything about Haiku recognising my USB CD-ROM?
I don't know. For me this worked so I never investigated it. For your original problem there may be some library to extract this data from linux that could be ported, but I don't have any more info on that
Ah, Audio CD just automounts and is working as expected! .wav files
Does anyone know what happened to the work on porting amdgpu to haiku? I see a repo but the last commits seem to be two years old.
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morning ...
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hpk: , if you see Bernd, tell him hi from an old friend :)
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• kenmays (2ee46d09): bash: bump to 5.2.37 (#11819)
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We just added ~/config/apps to the system path, shouldn't we also add the actual folder? i.e. create ~/config/apps
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~/config is read only, when you install an app that uses it then it will appear
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and there are a lot of directories in that path that don't exist on a new install of Haiku
most of the non-packaged paths need to be created if you want to use them
Hi there.
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Can somebody test WebPositive zoom 5 times please? It seems that fonts in input boxes are disappearing for me at that point but I don't know if it's related to my specific config or not.
I'm thinking about reporting this as a bug but I think this may be related to custom fonts I've set not being able to support some sizes.
Check in font demo, if it shows the same thing it could be a problem with font rendering, if it doesnt then it may be a webkit problem
file it under kit/webkit in that case please :)
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nephele: Thanks for telling me about the radeon hd driver. I removed the macro disabling it in the driver and now it's seems that I am getting acceleration for my Rx 570. Though I understand that it's probably meant for the RX 470/480.
There is no acceleration captain0xff
Only modesetting and potentially brightness and such
if it works for you, neat. You can submit a patch to enable it for your card by default
> Only modesetting and potentially brightness and such Oh I see. I get black screen at 1920x1080 as I have mentioned in the forum but it seems to work fine at 1600x900 which is better than reading at stretched 4:3. I will do more testing and after that if you guys think that enabling this gpu is worth it then I can create a patch. Might be a good chance to make my first PR in the haiku source :)
Though from the forum post it seems you have some problem with a mode, maybe investigate that first :)
we have reviews, not prs, but sure :) Anyhow, porting linux drivers is difficult, and their quality usually sucks. The amdgpu driver on linux is giving me nothing but trouble! :)
Experimenting with various refresh frequencies seem to have positive effect at the same screen resolution for me.
Well, we need some support for displayport link training too... that could help with huge resolutions or refresh rates, though even without that I get 4k@120hz, so I guess I shouldn't complain
Oh. Amdgpu works nicely for me. I am able to even play modern AAA games through proton (they actually run better than windows lol)
Proton has a funny way of running Windows games better than Windows can, nowadays.
Yes that and amd windows drivers are bad
Not like nvidia is any good
I heard people having driver issues in their 5090s and 4090s lol
> Experimenting with various refresh frequencies seem to have positive effect at the same screen resolution for me. Oh nice. I will try that too. Thanks, though my monitor is only a meagerly 75hz.
amdgpu overclocks my gpu for no reason
oh that is bad
how can I generate a compile_commands.json for the haiku source? I am sure I see a option somewhere but now can't find it
jam has an option to output the file
it's going to be pretty big if you're doing the whole tree
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no responses to PHP update on the forum, if nothing pops up I guess we can just jump to 8.4.4
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in the meantime playing with mariadb changes here:) https://bpa.st/ECTQ
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augiedoggie: Thanks :)
closing down
cu peeps!
Uhm the generated compile_commands is empty for some reason lol
Any idea why?
I just added the -c arg to jam
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i have never tried to use that option on the haiku tree, maybe there is some trick
seems like you have to clear the objects directory so that the compile commands are run again
if you've already run a build then the file will be empty
Where can I find the driver logs? The radeon_hd driver seems to either use dprintf or kprintf. From what I am able to gather from google dprintf logs to a file and kprintf logs to some kind of internal os console.
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Check the syslof
also thise two functions are OS specific, check the haiku implementation if you want details ;)
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Is there something like night light in haiku?
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If you are talking about gamma correction, then no
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