ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
andreasdr[m] has joined #haiku
<andreasdr[m]> x512: cool
<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58694] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 5341b58f5f01 - BBlockCache: Don't cache anything if a debug heap is in use.
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58695] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 101b09cc0524 - Tracker: Set message in ModelMenuItem after the try/catch block.
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<waddlesplash> honestly, we could stand to make the Haiku website a little less bland and a little more like these lol
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<phschafft> good morning.
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<OscarL> building git with haikuporter... while it uses all 4 cores, cpu usage remains awfully low :-/
<OscarL> "make: jobserver mkfifo: /tmp//GMfifo8256: Operation not supported" that double / looks odd.
<Begasus[m]> morning peeps
<OscarL> hola Begasus[m].
<Begasus[m]> Hola OscarL :)
<Begasus[m]> has anything been done on gcc14 yet?
<OscarL> "DEFAULT_HELP_FORMAT=web"... mmm, so that's why I had to set "git config --global help.format man"
<OscarL> never touched the gcc package, and doubt I will :-D
<Begasus[m]> patchset doesn't apply, so it's a pain to rebuild that :P
<OscarL> how big is the tarball for it?
<Begasus[m]> but think I'll try to do some work on it to see where I'll end
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<Begasus[m]> 88.03MiB
<OscarL> ouch.
<OscarL> Begasus[m]: you could use my guide for how to update .patchsets! :-P
<Begasus[m]> seeing the importance, I think it's not that big
<Begasus[m]> even ran hp -b gcc13 for comparing
<Begasus[m]> maybe I should ;)
<OscarL> already download git-2.48.1 tarballs today, so those 88 MB look bigger than they should :-D
<Begasus[m]> biggest part in there I guess are the changes to configure, and a few things changed in there, not much, but enough to not make the patchset work
<OscarL> I remember the first time I've tried to apply the Python 3.10 patchset on the new 3.11... man... what a PITA it can be when you don't know your way around 95% of that stuff :-D
<Begasus[m]> wherever I can I try to upstream as much as possible, makes it easier for the person after me :)
<OscarL> Begasus[m]: how long it too to build gcc13 on your Ryzen?
<Begasus[m]> like the patch for vim, also merged :)
<OscarL> s/too/took/
<Begasus[m]> didn't even start building that OscarL
<OscarL> ah, glossed over the "-b" :-D
<Begasus[m]> but I did a build for the buildtools and Haiku this week, about 50minutes for a anyboot image was done
<OscarL> "waiting for build package git-2.48.1-7 to be deactivated" second time in a row :-/
<Begasus[m]> not that bad I guess :)
<Begasus[m]> fresh coffee for all! (and me) :)
<Begasus[m]> heh
<Begasus[m]> had that "pre/post(?) install script" a few times this week
<Begasus[m]> for small things not that bad, but for larger ones it's a nucance
<OscarL> still haven't seen it (I need to check if my haikuporter clone is up-to-date).
<Begasus[m]> ah, your guide needed to be moved into the haikuports wiki?
<OscarL> If anyone wants to put it there, feel free to do so.
<Begasus[m]> yeah, already grabbed it here :)
<OscarL> just used the TL;DR part myself... to update git to 2.48.1 :-P
<Begasus[m]> guess I'll check it out on a smaller project firrst
<Begasus[m]> what does that mean? TL;DR?
<OscarL> Too Long, Did not Read.
<Begasus[m]> seen it few times, never bothered me so far
<Begasus[m]> thanks :)
<OscarL> usually used by people complaining that you write too much, and demanding (or providing) a shorter version :-P
<Begasus[m]> documenting for noobs like me is never an easy task :P
<OscarL> also used when you *know* your text will be long, so you provide a short version yourself upfront :-D
<waddlesplash> OscarL: is that mkfifo error with make 4.1 or 4.4?
<OscarL> waddlesplash: good call: GNU Make 4.4.1
<OscarL> will switch back to 4.1 and retest.
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<Begasus[m]> morning nephele_xmpp
<OscarL> Begasus[m]: I think that maybe a short video tutorial would make that guide REALLY simple to understand.
<Begasus[m]> evening waddlesplash :)
<waddlesplash> OscarL: does it happen consistently or randomly?
<waddlesplash> if it's consistent, comment on the open make PR
<waddlesplash> Begasus[m]: hello, about to sign off here
<Begasus[m]> thought so :)
<OscarL> only noticed for the first time, because I was paing close attention to the build output (built progressed OK).
<OscarL> *paying
<Begasus[m]> *build
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<waddlesplash> interesting
<Begasus[m]> still not done with that keyboard patchset OscarL ? :P
<OscarL> Begasus[m]: thanks for the correction, Mr "simular"! :-P
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<waddlesplash> guess it will need to be checked with strace
<Begasus[m]> heh
<waddlesplash> anyway, zzz
<OscarL> sleep well!
<Begasus[m]> cya
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<nephele_xmpp> hi begasus
<nephele_xmpp> have a good night waddlesplash, i just woke up :)
<Begasus[m]> +27800 lines in the patchset only for "configure", then rechech how the rest of the patchset applies
<Begasus[m]> OscarL: do you use package version with haikuporter all the time? "hp -e <package_name-1.2.3>"
<OscarL> no, not really, except when working on Pythons.
<OscarL> (as there are several active recipes)
<Begasus[m]> ok :) only do it for simular cases I presume
<OscarL> the best part for me of using that method, is that I can just focus on one "rejected chunk" at the time...
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<OscarL> say that the patch for foo.c does applies... following the guide a "foo.c.rej" file will be created showing which part of the patch failed to apply.
<OscarL> so I just ope both foo.c and foo.c.rej on Pe, and make the necessary manual changes.
<OscarL> leaving all the rest of handling to git.
<Begasus[m]> in case for this "configure" script, there is a LOT for manual changes :)
<Begasus[m]> even if only 1 line changed in the beginning the full set is off
<Begasus[m]> and with olmost 5500 lines in there ... :P
<Begasus[m]> would be nice if in Poponkodiff the clicked line would open in Pe
<OscarL> after the next update to the Pe package, you'll be able to use "lpe --diff file1 file2".
<Begasus[m]> or "open with" for configure scripts or the like
<OscarL> or you can just do it now on Pe... with its "Search->Find differences..." menu item.
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<Begasus[m]> I like Ponpokodiff for having it showing me the diff, just drag 2 files on it
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<Begasus[m]> I don't want to change the patchset at this time, need to fix that "configure" first ;)
<OscarL> I had plans to integrate that Pe --diff mode into Ponpokodiff...
<Begasus[m]> but that's for when I can have full focus on it, so I can compare
<nephele_xmpp> using clang has really improved my productivity
<Begasus[m]> should we be scared now nephele_xmpp ? ;)
<nephele_xmpp> gcc goes like "Expected type before <something>" and clang goes "You mispelled this identifier, did you mean this instead?"
<Begasus[m]> I see that when building sometimes too
<Begasus[m]> or a missing ctype.h or the like
<nephele_xmpp> I want to use clang to build haiku in general. That would be cool
<nephele_xmpp> I wonder what the problem would be at the moment
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<nephele_xmpp> In Renga most problems were because Werror was set, and i had to fix warnings. But it were not too many issues
* Begasus[m] doesn't like werror
<Begasus[m]> k, morning chores, biab
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<nephele_xmpp> I don't either
<nephele_xmpp> it is just punishment for using another compiler
<nephele_xmpp> like... set it in the CI or something, but not in the normal build system
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<nephele_xmpp> What's "Too many open files" supposed to mean as an error?
<nephele_xmpp> how is this a situation to be in?
* Oscar-L has a D.O.S's "FILES=30" flashbacks.
Oscar-L is now known as OscarL
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<OscarL> aren't there per process and per user limits on how many file handles you can keep open at a time?
<OscarL> nephele_xmpp: ulimit -n / ulimit -u shows 512/1024 respectively on Haiku.
<nephele_xmpp> But I had like 4 tracker views, 4 koder views and renga open
<nephele_xmpp> how can that exhaust all files
<OscarL> something's leaking resources?
<Begasus[m]> re
<nephele_xmpp> how can i figure out who is responsible the next time this happens? :)
<Begasus[m]> OscarL: so far haven't seen this thing with newer make
<Begasus[m]> build fails with that message?
<OscarL> Begasus[m]: haven't noticed elsewhere either. No, build continues OK.
<OscarL> with make 4.1 I don't get that message.
<OscarL> Already added a comment on
<Begasus[m]> yeah, just saw the email
<Begasus[m]> will have to watch closer on next builds, mostly it passes by too fast here :P
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<OscarL> not seeing it on my Python builds logs at least.
<OscarL> pushed a draft for git 2.48.1. still want to see if I can find the reason for
<Begasus[m]> ps, completions work again for git here, still not sure what the issue was
<OscarL> wonder why the git recipe doesn't uses "runConfigure [...]", and instead just sets things on the make line.
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<Begasus[m]> only one way to find out OscarL ? ;)
<OscarL> no idea why hp git --test is now compiling so much stuff :-/
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<OscarL> and it is not using $jobArgs, so it is SLOW.
<OscarL> It is basically just rebuilding everything for some reason. Sight.
<OscarL> *sigh
<Begasus[m]> yeah, that can be annoying
<Begasus[m]> no chance in using ccache?
<OscarL> should learn to use that, I guess.. Still a pain in the rear :-D
<OscarL> Anyway... my time is almost up for tonight. Better sign off.
<OscarL> See you around Begasus[m]!
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<Begasus[m]> tl :(
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<myriad> Hello
<myriad> Besides security where else is Haiku still lacking? I can't really tell just by using it
<myriad> Since gsoc is out of the equation I want like to take my time and learn more about os security and such stuff.
<myriad> I am learning operating system this semester in my college and really liked it and would love to get some experience by directly contributing to such stuff
<Anarchos> myriad: there is a ticket about auditing syscalls for permissions
<myriad> Ohh, this looks interesting
<myriad> Thanks
<myriad> Also, while I was going thru the gsoc project ideas page ( I saw that it stated "Be aware: API design and kernel-related work requires a higher level of skill, and user interface design usually involves a lot more thought than other work"
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<fancy2209[m]> I'm sorry I neve got a chance to submit the RNDIS issue
<fancy2209[m]> Will see if it still happens and submit it ASAP
<myriad> I had some other proposal in mind but I would like to work with some kernel related stuff as well
<nephele_xmpp> myriad: you can check all tickets open with milestone R1 for things haiku is still lacking ;)
<myriad> The book I am reading doesn't go deep into it that much, will DarkWyrm's docs be enough to get me started or I would need to study more? Not that I don't want to, I gladly will and any suggestions will be nice actually
<myriad> nephele_xmpp: okay, will look into it
<nephele_xmpp> Of high level user visible stuff, maybe webkit could use more devs too. (for webpositive) :p
<myriad> Yeah I saw that webpositive needed more attention
<nephele_xmpp> if you want to jump into webkit I'd be happy to give pointers. But that'd have to be next week
<nephele_xmpp> Webpositive needs severall enhancements too... for instance tree view tabs to repoace the in-window tabs
<myriad> nephele_xmpp: yeah, webkit also sounds nice. I am also busy for two weeks due to mid- semester exams so no problem.
<myriad> Btw about that
<myriad> Why is it that I can't play any video on the browser?
<nephele_xmpp> We disabled it
<myriad> Ohh
<nephele_xmpp> our webkit port used to have video playback, but this would load the entire file in advance and do no streaming
<nephele_xmpp> Readding support requires writing a proper media kit backend for this, and realistically fixing bugs in media kit aswell
<myriad> I see
<nephele_xmpp> other than that I am working on the webkit2 port, which is the newer multiprocess api
<myriad> So until then do u use any other browser for such stuff?
<nephele_xmpp> Not really
<nephele_xmpp> I use qmplay2 to play videos
<nephele_xmpp> or MediaPlayer
<myriad> Ohh, never heard of it. Will give it a try soon then. I haven't experienced video or audio playback on Haiku properly yet
<fancy2209[m]> I've been meaning to fix the issues with the Lucienne iGPU on the Radeon HD driver but I've never done OS Dev before
<fancy2209[m]> Where do I start?
<myriad> nephele_xmpp: Thanks for replying. I might disturb you again about getting some pointers about the webkit sometime :)
<fancy2209[m]> <fancy2209[m]> "Where do I start?" <- Talking about this issue
<fancy2209[m]> The lack of backlight has been a major pain for me
<Anarchos> myriad: my process to work on haiku : find something annoying when using Haiku as a daily basis, and dwelve into the code t o solve it
<myriad> Anarchos: yeah, I am doing just that, and when I found that Haiku doesn't have any proper sleep/suspend mode I got curious about all the security issues
<nephele_xmpp> Perhaps find that function and try to understand in which situation this could become 0?
<nephele_xmpp> fancy2209: kallisti5 on the ticket said a value beeing 0 is suspicious, it is set in pll_compute_post_divider
<nephele_xmpp> And then if you have more ideas or info about it comment on the ticket again and kallisti5 can give additional pointers
<Anarchos> myriad: sleep suspend is a really tough subject, because rooted deep inside the processor. But i remember tickets mentioning Pulse (it's an application) and network driver polling , preventing sleep mode.
<myriad> Yeah, I asked it here and got the same answer
<nephele_xmpp> fancy2209: the log also mentions details about it not understanding some version of a table, failung to parse it etc. Investigating that is likely also neccesary
<myriad> I can't really understand it fully though since I don't have much knowledge about the security of an OS, so I will study about it more for now
<fancy2209[m]> nephele_xmpp: I guess I should look into if this unknown table has something to do with it
<fancy2209[m]> Thanks for the pointers
<fancy2209[m]> Btw I have no idea if it's an issue with my matrix client but those "fancy2209" did not ping me
<fancy2209[m]> * matrix client or the bridge but those
<fancy2209[m]> * matrix client or the XMPP bridge but those
<nephele_xmpp> Your irc nick isn't fancy2209 but fancy2209 with a [m] appended
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<captain0xff[m]> What's up guys
<erysdren> hi
<captain0xff[m]> I am trying to make a basic game using just the haiku api
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<erysdren> nice :3
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<fancy2209[m]> <nephele_xmpp> "Your irc nick isn't fancy2209..." <- That's because I'm in Matrix and messages are being sent trough the bridge
<fancy2209[m]> But I think I should still get pinged when you do fancy2209: so that's weird
<kallisti5[m]> <nephele_xmpp> "fancy2209: kallisti5 on the..." <- That PLL code is *complex*. I'd honestly avoid messing with it at all costs unless you have a lot of time and hardware for testing, or are deeply familiar with phase locked loops.
<kallisti5[m]> Small tweaks historically have broken random subsets of cards.
<kallisti5[m]> Tldr "it scares me" after I spent like 6 months ironing out the math and testing mode changes on a huge number of cards and monitors lol
* Anarchos is tired that his usb keyboard disconnects randomly (with lots of debug log about usb in syslog), when it works perfectly on windows
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<dovsienko> Anarchos: is it the same if you plug it through a known-good USB hub?
<Anarchos> dovsienko: no idea, i have no usb hub at home
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<Begasus[m]> trying to re-create the gcc patch for gcc14 (call me crazy) :P
<Begasus[m]> fancy2209: I don''t get a notification in matrix either, just the message is highlighted
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<captain0xff[m]> What client are you using?
<captain0xff[m]> I use neochat and it works fine
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<PawanYr> Hi all, I've implemented a selectable area in the Screenshot app, but I'm having a bit of trouble; I basically have a fullscreen BWindow and BView with background image, which I fill a rect on top of (to darken), and then a bitmap on top of that which follows the mouse cursor and is updated in Draw(); the issue is the mouse cursor is flickering as it moves and revealing the background; does anyone know why this might be/how to fix it?
<PawanYr> Here's a video (sorry for the jumpiness+low framerate, it's the best I got out of BeScreenCapture):
<Begasus[m]> atm running quaternion
<waddlesplash> PawanYr: there is already a patch for this on Gerrit, did you see that?
<waddlesplash> it's incomplete and has problems though
<waddlesplash> Begasus[m]: poking at gcc14 probably not worth it
<waddlesplash> we need to do this on the buildtools repository first
<Begasus[m]> it's hell anyway waddlesplash :)
<Begasus[m]> enable_year2038 (new), wonder if I'll still be around by then :P
<Begasus[m]> nice to read you'l be staying around a bit longer captain0xff :) +1
<Anarchos> captain0xff[m]: i use Vision
<scanty> i have to use konversation because vision does not like my BNC.
* nephele_xmpp uses a native xmpp client ;)
<scanty> i miss AIM
MsInput has quit [Quit: WeeChat 4.5.1]
<nephele_xmpp> scanty: nipos has a native AIM client for Haiku
<PawanYr> waddlesplash: I did not, but I just found it; should I abandon this patch?
<scanty> yes, but it would be on a custom server... i know BeAIM still works.
<PawanYr> waddlesplash: And regardless, do you know what's causing the flickering?
<scanty> flickering happens also with BDirectWindow.
<Begasus[m]> still on par with Konvertion scanty ? ;)
<nephele_xmpp> Does haiku have a
<Begasus[m]> some custom derived or something nephele_xmpp
<Begasus[m]> just like libm iirc
<nephele_xmpp> What do you mean by that...?
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<scanty> Begasus[m]: yes, everything is running quite well, thanks :-)
<erysdren> i believe it does nephele_xmpp
<erysdren> i think it's a dummy library though, and the actual functionality is in the libc
<Begasus[m]> I know I (and others) used to patch for that
<Begasus[m]> erysdren: can explain better :)
<erysdren> just like libm, Haiku might have a dummy but the actual functions are in or whatever
<erysdren> on Haiku you don't need to (and shouldn't) link libm
<Begasus[m]> libtoot I think
<nephele_xmpp> I can't find one. If the functions are in libroot then I guess i can just patch out the part that wants to link it
<erysdren> yeah
<Begasus[m]> -lpthread should work
<erysdren> -lm didnt work last time i tried to build FTEQW
<erysdren> so maybe -lpthread no longer works too
<erysdren> idk
<Begasus[m]> would be weird, we used to patch sources for that in the past
<Begasus[m]> Qt Creator 16 RC released ... :D
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* phschafft tries -lcookie
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<PawanYr> scanty: I'm just using a normal BWindow; does this happen with those too (i.e. is this not an error I'm making)?
<scanty> well, i know it happens with IceWeasel
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58696] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 0f5e47bf84d3 - bootloader/efi/64: Support GDT being above 4GiB
<Skipp_OSX> it's true the shortcuts don't work sometimes but I can't explain it and then it starts working again.
<Skipp_OSX> I even got the colors to mess up once, but then close the window and reopen it the colors are correct again, I have no idea why this happened or how this is possible.
<waddlesplash> PawanYr: the video doesn't seem to play here (files made with BScreenCapture often seem invalid :/) not sure, is it the mouse that's flickering?
<waddlesplash> PawanYr: and the existing patchset on Gerrit has a lot of remaining TODOs, but the code seems relatively solid, maybe you want to "adopt" it?
<Skipp_OSX> ok I've reproduced it, I created a New folder with Alt+N now none of the shortcuts work.
<Skipp_OSX> ... actually some of them work, I can do Alt+1/2/3 to change the view mode, but I can't do Alt+O to open or Alt+E to Edit name
<Skipp_OSX> Alt+W works to close the window, reopen window, Alt+O works again
<PawanYr> waddlesplash: What I've got is finished and working other than the flickering, so I'd probably prefer to just fix that and push it unless you want me to drop it (I looked at the patch and it looks way larger than what I've got)
<waddlesplash> how could it be smaller?
<PawanYr> waddlesplash: Regarding the mouse I don't think it's the mouse itself, it's like a small box around the mouse that flickers and reveals the background, kind of like in IceWeasel (but I'm not using BDirectWindow)
<waddlesplash> we need a new class for dealing with the selection (SelectionWindow)
<PawanYr> waddlesplash: Yeah, I just added a view, but by smaller I just mean much less new code
<waddlesplash> okay, but does it have all the same features?
<Skipp_OSX> hmmm ok, I think it may have something to do with Start Edit
<Skipp_OSX> When you do Alt+N to create a new folder it edits the name, that's the trigger
<waddlesplash> Skipp_OSX: so it's the inverse of ?
<PawanYr> waddlesplash: It works pretty much exactly like Win+Shift+s on Windows or Cmd+Ctrl+4 on Mac - you click the select area button or use the flag on the CLI, the screen darkens and you get crosshairs, you click and drag, and when you let go of the button it grabs a shot of the selected area
<Skipp_OSX> might be related
<PawanYr> waddlesplash: It looks like the existing patch lets you drag around or resize the selection area if I'm reading this right, and no, mine doesn't do that
<waddlesplash> PawanYr: well, try the version on Gerrit and see for yourself I guess
<waddlesplash> yes it does
<waddlesplash> that's probably where the extra complexity comes from
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<waddlesplash> anyway, are you doing any drawing outside Draw()?
<waddlesplash> because if so that can create flickering problems like that
<PawanYr> waddlesplash: Okay, if you want to stick with that version I'll probably just drop this one then
<waddlesplash> well, nobody is working on that version at present, and this feature would be nice to have
<PawanYr> waddlesplash: I set the background in the attached method but other than that no
<waddlesplash> oh, you are using SetViewBitmap?
<PawanYr> waddlesplash: Yes
<waddlesplash> this interacts oddly with Draw() at present, I think
<waddlesplash> so that may explain it, the redraw happens at two different times
<waddlesplash> so you get the flicker
<PawanYr> waddlesplash: Oh okay, I'll just try switching to DrawBitmap and see if that fixes it
<PawanYr> waddlesplash: I guess I can just push this patch as is once I fix that and you guys can decide if you want to merge or work on the other one
<scanty> it also happens in a dance between DrawBitmap(), and Invalidate(), which i found by accident.
<PawanYr> scanty: Hmm. Guess I'll find out . . .
<Skipp_OSX> I think because the focus view is not set to the pose view....
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<scanty> i don't know, actually, my bug might be a BDirectWindow thing, i get cursor trails, not flashes
<scanty> and that is because we don't have hardware cursor, afaik.
<scanty> but the thing with DrawBitmap() and Invalidate() can cause the behaviour.
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<nephele_xmpp> what the fuck. I can't figure out how to get a new window instead of a new tab in webpositive, but the online casino ad manages this?
<nephele_xmpp> I am outraged
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<Begasus[m]> lol
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<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • Begasus (ba2e0eef): faad2, bump version (#11831)
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<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • Begasus (bf09acd7): flac, bump version, rename previous (#11832)
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<scanty> yay FLAC!
<PawanYr> waddlesplash: So I've reduced it so a sort of minimal reproducable version here; no drawing a background or any bitmaps, and I still get a flickery box around the mouse cursor when the view draws:
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<PawanYr> waddlesplash: I assume I'm missing something? If not I do have a workaround in mind (predarken the bitmap by drawing a darkened view into it beforehand, then use that)
<waddlesplash> PawanYr: I don't know, I'm not an expert on BView and drawing. x512[m] may have more ideas
<PawanYr> waddlesplash: Okay, well in the mean time I'll implement my workaround then
<Skipp_OSX> I am an expert at drawing, but BDirectWindow is always going to make flashing cursor.
<Skipp_OSX> according to X512 "it is a bug in BDirectWindow"
<waddlesplash> it's not BDirectWindow in this case
<scanty> indeed, different bug as i surmised.
<Skipp_OSX> ah ok, then perhaps you just need a Window()->UpdateAsNeeded() to get it to stick?
<scanty> i'm thinking of dropping bdirectwindow support
<PawanYr> x512: Ah yeah, that looks like the one; workaround it is!
<PawanYr> x512: thanks
<x512[m]> Can be worked around by drawing fast enough or SetViewBitmap without transparency or SetViewColor(B_TRANSPARENT_COLOR) & DrawBitmap without transparency.
<x512[m]> Or drawing custom cursor manually.
<x512[m]> But it should be fixed on OS side someday.
<scanty> i have a bad clipping (i think) bug in bdirectwindow 1:1 scale, but not 2:1, it's very strange.
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<scanty> i don't believe i had this bug on BeOS, but it's been too long.
<scanty> i don't know, but if i drop bdirectwindow support, it could simplify a lot of code.
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<Skipp_OSX> The cursor flashes on GLTeapot on BeOS R5...
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<scanty> i never had any cursor problems on R5
<scanty> but we did also have video drivers, so...
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<Skipp_OSX> <= little video for you
<scanty> unfortunately, i'm out of code that will compile on R5
<scanty> hmm that is surely interesting.
<Skipp_OSX> I mean, it just means that whatever the problem is, it was the same problem on BeOS R5. App server must draw the same way.
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<scanty> yes, but the problem in haiku is not necessarily cursor flashing, but leaving trails of whatever color is behind it.
<Skipp_OSX> well that's gotta be the drawing mode
<AlienSoldier> dang, 32bit Mame compile still not solved :(
<scanty> there is no "drawing mode"
<scanty> you get the framebuffer
<AlienSoldier> always like to check this chanel when a new version is out, it beat reading the changelog
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<Begasus[m]> nice video AlienSoldier :)
<Begasus[m]> me is done for today
<Begasus[m]> cu peeps!
<erysdren> cya Begasus
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<AlienSoldier> currently renaming a bunch of files in tracker. got 2 tracker crash while renaming a file.
<AlienSoldier> specifically created a new directory and giving it a name, it crash when i name it essentially.
<AlienSoldier> not always, perhaps 1 time on 20 so far.
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<Skipp_OSX> :/
<Skipp_OSX> gotta be my fault somehow but idk how, got a crash report?
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<AlienSoldier> seem it happen when i select the text while in edit mode. The selection start to chuckle when i old the shift-rightcursor, then the crash happen
<AlienSoldier> Perhaps it could happen more often if there is a long file name to select (larger selection).
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<AlienSoldier> did not kept a log yet
<AlienSoldier> crash report i mean
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<Skipp_OSX> well maybe the long file name is the clue I need
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<AlienSoldier> can crash even without selecting, just running the cursor left and right eventually cause crash
<AlienSoldier> i mean along the file name without having the selection being black
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<Skipp_OSX> you mean with the arrow keys right?
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<Skipp_OSX> ok, I reproduced it, it's everyone's favorite bug, AddOneAddOn()
<Skipp_OSX> I have a patch to fix... but there is something else going on possibly memory corruption
<Skipp_OSX> but this is good, I now have steps to reliably reproduce the problem.
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