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'lo scanty! long time no read :-)
hey there OscarL!
how are you feeling?
A bit "scorched"! (33 degrees celcius at 23:26) :-D. we had 40 C max today and yesterday :-(
other than that... pretty well, about to tackle a couple of Python packages builds, and half a bottle of wine :-)
40? wow.
how about you, pal?
is it humid or dry?
dry, thanksfully.
ah good.
but my house is a bit of an oven :-D
i'm doing all right mostly. last week the laboratory messed up my blood work, and i went without medication for a few days and got really really sick.
OscarL: no A/C?
ouch! Sorry to hear that scanty. Hope things have smoothed out by now!
yeah, it was a terrible feeling.
if liquid could come out of it, it did.
and i couldn't stand up straight, and almost passed out.
but now i am OK!
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(re: A/C... power bill too high, so I only use the A/C in "emergencies", like right now :-D (2nd time I turn it on this summer)
man, sucks that a simple mistake can f*** your life so fast. Glad to know your better now!
wow, usually turn mine on once it gets to 25C (i guess, rough estimate)
yeah, it's incredile what drugs can do if they are not used like they are supposed to.
so they took my blood sample, and never actually tested it, and then after 48 hours the sample is worthless
and because of that, i ran out of meds
ok, enough of that
hightower4 has joined #haiku
no worries! frustration over that is totally understandable.
Nasina has joined #haiku
*warranted, even.
exactly. point is, if they did the test like they were supposed to, i wouldn'
wouldn't have gotten so sick
i got a new router
but i didn't hook it up yet.
I'm back to using internet via USB-tethering + expensive data plan, so my router is back in the box :-D
ah nice. sounds like what i wanted to send you a few months ago
that's why you'll see me connected less often (unless I have some MB to spare)
but you said if i mail it, they will steal it
yeah, our customs is (was?) pretty terrible on that regard. Better not risk it.
there's no affordable unlimited internet access>?
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neighbour had fibre, he shared his WiFi password, and we split the bill, but the service was pretty terrible for what they were charging.... so he got fed up and cut it off.
ah, I see.
do you have a 5G wireless there?
sadly, that was the only provider in our zone, so until we get other companies to lay some new fiber... I'm stuck with the crappy 4G from my phone :-D
i have 50GB tethering every month, it's plenty
I managed to get a 2 GB per month. Speed is pretty good, better than what I had with the neighbour WiFi even... but I need to meter everything I do.
Have some "free" MB per night (22:00 to 06:00)... that's what I'm using right now...
to be able to download the new releases of Python 3.12/3.13, so I can update those recipes :-)
hmmm, 2GB sounds really low.
although, i would be curious about my own bandwidth during a month.
i don't really do any high traffic streaming video, etc.
cat porn
I would be happy with dial-up speeds if it was available 24/7.
(and not metered)
can't get a DSL?
noup, it's all fibre or 4G.
and DSL was expensive as hell too.
no cable either?
about the same prices of fibre, slower speed, but with bundled crappy TV I don't even want :-D
Truth be told... this crappy 4G at least is pre-paid, so I don't need to worry about due bills.
I either have money for it, or I don't. That helps avoid some anxiety. Always a good thing :-)
well, that's good
sucks for the use of my Steam account, thou, that finally had some stuff in there after sitting moslty empty since 2010 :-D
haha, i didn't know steam was still around.
(managed to snatch some titles before they switched us to USD, and it became too expensive again)
I mostly bought things I had pirated as a kid.
doubt my money was worth a damn to the original authors, but hoped maybe the +1 sell number helped some statistics at least. (as in... "hey.. people still care about this!")
if i couldn't pirate something, i would hack the shit out of it until i got it registered.
mind you that didn't always work out.
I think I only managed to crack one piece of software (pretty basic stuff). And then just found an open source one that did what we needed, so didn't really used the cracked version more than once :-D
was a VCL component for Delphi.
Anyway... Always nice to read you scanty! Tell me more about you... are you still working on Pretendo (health issues permiting)?
scanty: no the logo was there already
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mister mmu_man in da house! Time for me to thank you again for being a BeOS/Haiku inspiration for so many years :-)
love me some bubble bobble, so excellent choice there :-)
yeah, simple, but lots of fun and nice music.
using Pe, like a true gentleman, even. +2
been using Pe forever!
* augiedoggie
was an eddie user
some how I been sending (and landing!) small patches for it since 2003/2004 :-D
i've been meaning to add 64-bit registers to Pe's ASM mode
err, x86/x64 mode
watched bubble bobble on saturn the other day, i was NOT remebering the bubble to be shooted as fast, my memory stayed at the 8 bit version.
didn't know they did a remake for saturn.
off-topic: darn! A/C cut off (had set it to run for 2 hours), and as soon as it turned off... the heat was like a slap. LOL.
turn that thing back on!
scanty just the original version + rainbow island and an "enhanced" port (and the most ridiculous CG intro.
pvalue has joined #haiku
scanty: IIRC, I addded the original ASM addon for Pe, LOL.
Still looking for NES/SNES emulator without asm code and without libretro.
To build it for RISC-V.
* OscarL
waves at AlienSoldier, augiedoggie, and x512[m]. Always nice to see you all!
scanty look into the wip Celeste NES port if you did not already saw it, very good start.
x512[m]: my emulator probably will build on Haiku/RISCV but some things are missing right now, like sound
and some other bare necessities.
* OscarL
wishes he could run the optimized Python builds with more than just one core.
some sound are hard to emulate, like the sound of Qbert falling in the arcade.
it was electro mechanical and insanely loud
i never liked qbert.
i know there's a nes version.
scanty the diagonal aspect or having to do soem lvel many time?
*some level
probably the diagonal
there is a nice genesis one called MegaQbert
There is also a nice atari 2600 version called rubyQ far superior to the already good 2600 original
cool. i think ihave the qbert cart for 2600
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QBert is a polarizing game :) I still have to play the dreamcast one
didn't know it was on dreamcast, that's cool.
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I was an Atari 2600 clone boy ("Dynacom" was the brand). Used to play the hell out of Phoenix on it, hooked into a 5" B/W TV :-)
remind me of qbert 3 on SNES
we had 2600 on a B/W TV for a few years
by the time we got a NES, everything was colour
OscarL always wanted that game, i still play it a few time per years. The amiga got a nice phoenix port perhaps one year ago.
I never used an Amiga, always wanted to.
AlienSoldier: was the only cartdrige that I owned for my clone. The rest were either loans or rents :-)
i want a Vampire badly... but the price is steep for me.
OscarL Satan Holow have a similar sheild mechanic and i like it better.
i like non scrolling shooter like that, Deluxe Galaga, Galaga 88... lots of them.
man, Galaga was just awesome.
galaga 88 is still my favorite but i have yet to play the one i think is called Legion.
My father used to run some Arcade places in the late 80s, early 90s...
Galaga and Time Pilot where my favorites. One summer, people queued to either see me play or play against me on Time Pilot... I was 9 y/o and beating most people :-D
early 90's was still good, then it become only light gun, cars and one on one fighter.
now I can't beat level one without losing some life.
i was pissed at time pilot sequel, such a non original game.
I had a weird childhood. Mother and I were poor, but I remember having a Circus Charli cabinet for a couple of months at home (due to my father trying to be nice... till my mother made him take the thing away, LOL).
oooh Circus Charlie... that was one of the first games to work in my emulator!
the colour were all wrong, but it ran!
pretty fun game, excellent that you made it work on your emu as a first!
*one of the first
Konami made nice game in that era. My favorite game ever is Pooyan.
the nes port of pooyan is pretty good
yes, i have yet to play it. Played a ton of the C64 version (that one is good but a port of the atari 8bit, it could do better).
Here in South America we had almost exclusibly "Family" (Famicom), before the new "square" NES arrived. Never really understood if there was actually a hardware difference, besides the different cartdrige format.
you did not have a SMS or was that just in bresil?
famicom doesn't have the lockout
the latter was never too popular. "Family"s on the other hand... were everywhere.
we had SMS, but it wasn't really big here.
most people were either playing nes or genesis, and then super nintendo
No idea about Brazil. Here in Argentina it was 99.9% Family, or Famicom clones (a few years later).
the nes has a lockout chip so you can't run third party software on it.
but you can disable it very easily with a soldering iron, and some wire cutters.
then tectoy was perhaps only in bresil, tehy did a good distribution job there.
there's a ton of famicom clones out there.
some of them have sound problems.
going for a smoke, brb
I think it was something like this in Argentina: 80s: Brazil's Dynacom clone of the 2600 dominated. 90s: we directly imported Famicom from either Japan, or some counterfaits from China, with some expensive AF original NES units.
there was also a bunch of MSX in south america
* OscarL
wonders why this Python 3.13.2 build is taking so long.
AlienSoldier: I remember seeing and using an MSX II! I was owned by the richest kid I knew :-)
he even had a floppy drive for it. Man, some of the games there were just incredible at the time :-)
second richest kid I knew had a ZX Spectrum with rubber keys, and a cassette player reader.
i knew a kid who had neo geo
nowhere as cool as the MSX II unit.
rich kid.
scanty: heh, last arcade cabinets my father built where with choped up neo geos :-)
LA Machine gun!!
after that, he just sold them all.
oh man
what was the game for neo geo that was similar in play to contra on the nes, but way, way better
metal slug
love that series
there is a lot of them, the third is the best
I think we still have some wooden cabinet, and some loose Ms. PacMan board stashed somewhere. Need to find a working/matching TV/Monitor set to get that one in working order.
i never liked pac man
i was never any good at it, but there are strategies to winning.
Metal Slug was *awesome*
pac man dossier.
pacm man is OK, all the sunsequent one where better.
even if i liked Ladybug a lot more
never played that one.
scanty: my father used to buy cheap PacMan boards, send it to some "wizard" (E.E. guy with a side job on piracy) to turn them on more profitable Ms. PacMan machines :-)
what i hate about pac man and the ones after that is that eventually you can't even eat ghost anymore, they don't last long enough
haha nice.
AlienSoldier: pac man was just too hard for me, and never fun.
and the atari version is absolute garbage.
or was it just "Fast Ms. PacMan" eeprom updates? Anyway... "updated" boards were apparetly better for bussiness.
atari 2600*
scanty don't play pacman junior on atari 2600 :)
it is one of the hardest game i know
but it is very good that said
games that are too hard like that, and it's not fun.
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anyways, bed time
good night.
good lord! (I'm atheist) Python build is finally on the final steps.
"real 83m9.368s" Damn, that's the worst time I ever had.
Yes, there's something strange with our gerrit setup
It should work with other gerrit instances out there, maybe
Test file tests/testdata/alice29.txt does not exist.
maybe it needs another archive for the tests OscarL ?
OscarL: did you check brotli with pytest?
re: brotli, right? no clue. When tests seemed to be already broken, and no one complained much about the package per se... I'm less inclined to persuit them.
(not that I don't care, but they seem of lower prio, and I get distracted too easily)
PulkoMandy: I guess I could try to setup a local one for tests. OTOH... if I can avoid touching gerrit... I will :-P. Happy code-sprint btw!!!
================================================================================================================ no tests ran in 0.05s ================================================================================================================
the build directory is deleted in BUILD, so it can't find anything anyway
I see.
those "rm build" are typical for recipes that still use
it is usually either that, or make a copy sourceDir for each _$pythonPackage
disabled the line for it atm
when using build/installer, some recies have "rm dist/*" instead... I have been removing those in favor of making sure that each loop only tries to intall the .whl file that matches the python version we're working on :-)
100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 14
(the "rm dist/*" is "necessary" when the installer calls uses "dist/*.whl" in each lopp of the for)
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it's "rm -rf build" in the recipe for brotli
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so far I don't think the python magic is needed in TEST()
"pkgman search -r python3.9 | grep -v _python39" now only shows bluefish, cegui, and rizin.
we're getting there.
ok, will tackle those today (not sure about cegui yet)
thanks a bunch in advance!
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Will try to sleep a bit before temps start going up again.
Have a good day Begasus[m]! See you around!
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speaking of dependencies, Link Mauve noticed that we have both cairo (1.16) and cairo1.18 in the repo, and I didn't find the pkgman invocation needed to list what still depends on the old one
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PulkoMandy: iirc one is tied to xlibe?
That's yet another package
I guess this is for the GTK4/harfbuzz issue/PR?
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don't have it installed (xcairo 1.16) on this install, on another laptop it is and tied to appstream_glib)
appstream_glib -> GIMP
k, let's check this recipe for fastfetch on 32bit :)
• Begasus (5730350c): bluefish, fix for 32bit (#11730)
it showed up at the volnerable ports at repology, hence why I checked
k, buildmaster picks up the correct gettext packages now for bluefish
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k, bluefish down also :)
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*.cmake files installation path is really a mess.
x512: if they follow GNUInstallDirs it shouldn't be an issue
granted config files can still bee
It should be in develop/lib/cmake
Bu many of them are in different place.
Many are even not in *_devel packages.
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most of them are in $libDir/cmake
That is wrong.
just as with a default install pkgconfig files are installed in $libDir/pkgconfig
Maybe some kind of fixCmake like existing fixPkgconfig is needed.
jmairboeck added/fixed this in haikuporter not that long ago
previously this was broken
reminds me I need to update my local haikuporter checkout
Seems still broken.
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I just finished my patch that adds Haiku Catkeys support to Weblate,as was suggested to do some days ago.I'd be thankful if anyone takes the time to upstream that thing.
atm already 549 items in $libDir/cmake, 2 in $developLibDir/cmake
After playing around with it on my testserver to make sure it works,I'm not so sure anymore that I want to use it for my project,as updating the source strings has to be done manually for every single language which is quite annoying.But I think there have been discussions about switching to Weblate for Haikus own translations,so adding support may be helpful anyway.
xdg-open /system/apps/Akregator
it works at least mmu_man :)
> atm already 549 items in $libDir/cmake
And this is wrong. All should be in develop/
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we have to fix them while updating those then x512 , not going over each one atm because so far nothing is broken on x86
mmu_man: can already do this for updating protobuf :)
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whoops, cmake itself installs in $dataDir/cmake :)
well, those are modules etc, so not really config files
It does import changed translation files from the Git repo,but only for languages where the new strings exist in the repo
So if I add the new strings to en.catkeys,they're visible for English in Weblate and not for other languages.They're not offered for translation at all.For that,I'd have to add empty translations to every single translation file.
Only if I start translating to a new language,it copies all strings from English.But then they don't get updated as well when English changes again.That's a one-time thing.Looks like that
Looks like that's working as intended,considering the documentation I linked.
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nipos: OK so we just need a tool to do that
Yes,it's doable,but a bit of work.As an alternative,I asked KapiX on the forum if he considers adding Codeberg login to Polyglot.Might be easier at this point and Polyglot is already used by many other Haiku apps.
there you go
I mean,I could easily do that myself and spin up an instance,but I'm not really motivated to hosting a whole Polyglot instance for a single (rather small) application,so I'm looking for either the official Polyglot instance allowing Codeberg login or Haiku Catkeys being reasonably usable on Weblate/Codeberg Translate without too much manual work whenever the strings change
• Begasus (e65a038d): cudatext, bump version (#11735)
mmu_man: you're changes start from glm?
Begasus[m]: yes
but not tested yet
kicad fais to build
ok, will work my way up from there
np :)
did you do some patching on kicad already?
k, TBB was already build here, one down :)
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Begasus[m]: yes
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Skipp_OSX: around?
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Renaming a USB drive on the desktop with f2 updates the name on the desktop, but not in the Mount-> menu or in Diskprobe unless I plug it out and back in again
how can i fix that?
so it shows the updated name directly
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mmu_man: build error for protobuf: can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
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Begasus[m]: odd
oh, on 64bit?
still running 32bit here
does it behave different there? I know it's been used in more places
yes, that problem will happen on 64 bit only (due to having extra relocation types to play with for the compiler)
jikes! it seems though that where it is applied it didn't brake it on 32bit?
yes, it's safe to enable it in all cases
in 32 bit, fPIC and fPIE are the same thing, but in 64 bit they are different
ah, good to know, already knew it's needed on 64bit, and never doubted 32bit as it just worked
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no patching in wxqt mmu_man ? :)
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I assume you're talking about the Mount menu in Deskbar, because the one in Tracker probably works.
Yes, I can check deskbar however if you want
err check tracker
You'd have to rebuild the mount menu in Deskbar and Diskprobe I suppose. But I'm not sure how you would hook that up to Edit name changing.
well, clearly the name on-disk did change
so how is the OS notified of that (or ordered to perform it), where is a notification method missing? why does diskprobe get a wrong name when launching *after* this operation?
You could rebuild the mount menu on MenusBeginning() like I do in Tracker, it would get rebuilt each time you open the menu in case o any changes.
what do you mean by rebuild? the menu in deskbar is pretty static
Error: problem 1: package ffmpeg6_devel-6.1.2-1 conflicts with ffmpeg_devel provided by ffmpeg_devel-4.2.9-4
opencascade should be patched for ffmpeg6 :)
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anyhow, that doesn't really answer my question of where this is all done under the hood, where a message could come from, why it is not delividered or acted upon etc. It seems to act fine upon a new device beeing inserted
* nephele
will brb
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Easiest way is to remove the menu and rebuild on MenusBeginning(), you could be smarter about it and update only what changed but that would take more work.
It's done in "under the hood" in src/kits/tracker/MountMenu.cpp/h
Begasus[m]: most have been applied upstream already. Only the last one (strftime) I skipped for now but I can't test it
Begasus[m]: yeah it can probably work with ffmpeg 6
we could disable ffmpeg in openCASCADE, it is optional
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their vcpkg build file for ffmpeg still references version 4.4.5:;a=blob;f=adm/vcpkg/ports/ffmpeg/portfile.cmake;h=69856e08eea260876b7cef3d32096b87bd53daa1;hb=819ae9a55f75f75309b007166d7f0aa05809ab27#l7
and that was added in December 2024, so it is recent
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Skipp_OSX: i was talking about the issue. not about how tracker makes menus... nevermind
But they are related of course, Deskbar and DriveSetup call into Tracker
I hope not
I really hope DriveSetup doesn't get it's partition info from Tracker
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it gets it from mount_server and that goes to KDiskDeviceManager in the kernel if I remember correctly
but you can look at the Tracker code and identify the similar code in DriveSetup as a starting point
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oco: cool, ici on bosse :)
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I think just the menu in DriveSetup, not the partition info
The Mount menu, I could be wrong not sure.
I know that Deskbar does, not sure if DriveSetup does too but it might
thanks for pointing out jmairboeck had to been a reason not to bump to ffmpeg6 there :)
k, done for today
cu peeps!
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