updated beta5 not being compatible with buildmaster is... :-/
Hello Begasus[m] :-)
yeah, talking about breakage
sucks that the update process is manual, but that kinda the worst scenario.
and Tracker on nighlies scared me away back to beta5, so... I guess I'll just try to be patient :-D
let's check last commit on fastfetch
still good
(Started to rain a bit... after 10 days of temps in >= 30, <= 42 celcius range. I might finally be able to get some sleep tonight)
don't get a cold now :)
a cold beer would be nice :-P
only got zero beer here :P
coffee good also?
AlienSoldier has quit [Quit: Vision[]: i've been blurred!]
save the coffee for when I need to type while wearing gloves in winter :-)
always some ready here :)
I need to try to get back at numpy/scipy. Won't be today, though (already too sleeppy).
numpy is still a pain in the rear when checking some things with pip install
looks like you can't get the right version on any there :P
yeah, trying to find versions that work with everything is basically unsolvable.
isn't there a "safe" one?
(without upstream providing wheels on their own)
problem is not that much on numpy's side, but on different projects expecting conflicting versions.
that can happen with any python package really, not only numpy.
it's basically a non-issue if you use "virtual-envs" to work on Python stuff, but the way we use it, for syste-wide packages...
can't we add version strings to the recipe names? like boost etc, and add a conflict?
it is prone to fall in that "dependency hell".
we might... but do you remember how difficult has been to even build ONE version of numpy/scipy/etc?
yeah ;)
not really looking forward to multiply that by X :-D
maybe not that hard once a fairly recent one is on par for building?
anyway... updating numpy to 2.x shouldn't be too hard (IIRC). Still need to see what surprise scipy will show me.
stupid numlock
everytime I stop looking at scipy it gets a new version too, so... adding to the fact I tend to forget some details if I leave it for too long... feels like those movies where you re-start the same day again and again :-D
being in the kde rooms I see the progress on qt also, I'm on par (so far) with current release, and yesterday saw that 6.9.0 is on it's way :)
you make good progress on that front! well done :-)
only thing stopping me to push 6.8.2 is the build failure on haikuplugins
let's see... on "scipy/download" I have: 1.6.3, 1.11.3, and 1.14.0.
pypi.org shows current version is: 1.15.1 :-/
just saw it on repology :)
from 2025-01-10. wanna bet it gets a new release as soon as I download that one? :-D
reminds me one time with texstudio :P
almost 60 MB tarball... damn. 1.6.3 was just shy of 18 MB.
1.12MiB for fastfetch :)
* OscarL
keeps forgetting to add "--autostash" to "git puma" (alias to "git pull upstream master")
should just update the alias at this point :-D
you can set it in your global git config
gmp (pull upstream/push origin) :)
augiedoggie: indeed.
just updated it as: git config --global alias.puma "pull upstream master --autostash"
well, i mean that's an option you can turn on permanently too
light rain turned to full blown storm :-/ (doubt power will remain up much longer, lol)
managed to package pythran at least (one of the deps for scipy)
+1 progress :)
think I'm still missing one more.
make that two: "gast" and "beniget".
I thought you were "cleaning" up? :P
I try :-(
but these darn python packages LOVE to add dependencies.
(storm got too loud on my tin-roof. Can't even hear my inner voice :-D)
well, no distraction then :P
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x512 fixCMake works :)
captain still plenty to do on the SDL3 recipe :)
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hmm ... sdl3_image doesn't find SDL3 headers with the move ...
darn summer storms. got water inside the house from every place possible, apparently :-/
hope it's not too bad
good thing I was awake at least, to minimize the damage.
but a pain still
not too bad, but pretty annoying.
can imagine
house being poorly built doesn't helps :-D
OK, this fixCMake moves the files to $developLibDir, that's good, but then sdl3_image doesn't seem to pick them up ?
(but hey... didn't lose power for once. (even if the AC unit looked like a waterfall :-D)
seems we already had "gast", that explains some weird HP messages I was getting :-D. got beniget too.
all bad things lead to a good one? ;)
biab (doggies)
I think I should see if I can use the .whl files as SOURCE_URI_XX for scipy/pythran/whatever, instead of leaving those packages on the repos, when nothing else seems to requiere them.
some of these .whl files are compatible with any Python version even. So packaging them for a specific Python version seems a bit silly.
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mmm, next version of scipy (1.16.x) will require Python >= 3.11 already.
VMWare addons deskbar replicant keeps crashing Deskbar from time to time.
(at least the VMware addons are small and fairly easy to re-build if needed, unlike the incredible mess of VBox's Guest Additions)
Begasus[m]: sadly I can't make VBox networking work with my cellphone's USB-tethering, so I'm stuck with VMware... and not really plesant to use it without clipboard integration with the host.
Thanksfully, the Deskbar crashes are not *that* frequent.
I'm more annoyed when VMware Player 16 mouse integration stops working for some reason :-D
I found it annoying to use (mostly with using the external HDMI monitor)
always lost where my mouse went :P
OK, leaving fixCMake for now
I see. Only one monitor here for the Desktop PC, so that's not much of an issue.
now on bare metal I can't use the external one, so one monitor (laptop) also :)
anyway... think I got all the tarballs I need to attept building scipy. Now I only need to gather the will to do it :-D
on with it!! commit count is lacking :P
Begasus[m]: re: external monitor... yeah, that's one of the few negatives of running bare-metal.
there's Workspaces for that :)
but yeah, could be handy in some cases
atm "only" 10 workspaces :D
6 to 7 of them mostly occupied though
(I setted on using only 3 in one row)
IceWeasel too crashy on github, WebPositive is beter there, but thread usage is still an issue (need to close and open again after some time)
Falkon was good up to beta5, now thread issue also (same with Akregator)
(those 100% CPU usage issues are indeed a bummer)
haven't checked if it's still an issue on nightlies?
not sure. I barely use web browsers on Haiku, other that for local html files.
can't go without here
and "NOT" for YT :P
mentioned that a few times at FOSDEM also, screaming for 25years to have Firefox, why? to watch YouTube :P
but granted, having it and using it's extensions is nice :D
darn ISP data meter has't updated my usage for hours :-/. Anyway... I'd probably should go to bed now, and try to do someting about scipy when I wake up :-)
Always nice chatting with you Begasus[m]. Have an excellent day.
See you around!
OscarL has quit [Quit: Gone with the wind]
bugger ... tl
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• Begasus (a3040627): kmime, bump KF6 version (#11766)
is there a ita channels of haiku in irc ?
#haiku-it ?
yes .. but isn't there ...
I don't know, :)
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OscarL: Did you install the vmware guest additions?
if VmWare doesn't work i would recomend using qemu instead, and staying far away from virtualbox...
nephele he did
on a completely unrelated note, anyone know of a database of monitor models or something we can use to blacklist LCD SubPixel antialiasing if it doesn't make sense to use?
• Begasus (5bafb98d): hwdata, new recipe (#11780)