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<augiedoggie> i think i'm the winner of stupid mistakes with gerrit, at least for this year :P
<augiedoggie> it'll be hard for someone to beat me at that contest
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<Skipp_OSX> what about all the people who posted a new PS when they meant to post an update to the existing PS? You might be right but there is some competition.
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<x512[m]> Maybe something is untinitialized.
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<Begasus[m]> morning peeps
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<nephele_xmpp> nipos: seems the new gradient has a slightly different behaviour, on iOS it goes down the entire viewport instead, before it was the screen height. Not sure this is relevant though
<nephele_xmpp> captain0xff: Please add the info to the review of what problems you encountered (black screen at 75hz) so reviewers are aware. As for the format bot you do *not* need to change lines you did not touch.
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<nephele_xmpp> It seems background-attachment: fixed; can be used... will test this later and provide a patch
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<Begasus[m]> moving mastodon server in process :)
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<Anarchos> hello
<Begasus[m]> Hi Anarchos
<captain0xff[m]> nephele_xmpp Ok, I will add more info regarding the black screen issue. Actually, I was looking at the code and comparing it with linux and I think I have a conspiracy theory of why I am getting a black screen :). So, I wanted to do some tests to verify my theories first.
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<pol> I'm getting something like this at 1080p resolution but changing the frequency helps.
<nephele_xmpp> Lol. I have the same thing
<nephele_xmpp> Usually this is a problem of your TV though, and not of Haiku
<nephele_xmpp> Fairly certain If i could set this to "just scan" instead of "16:9" it would go away
<pol> Helps to push the artefact off screen and the glitch that is visible when any window collides with this "danger zone" disappears.
<nephele_xmpp> huh, though that issue seems a bit different still... seems like they have a 16:10 monitor and haiku is outputting a 16:9 resolution
<nephele_xmpp> hmm. No that isn't it
<nephele_xmpp> I guess there are severall "similarrily looking" bugs :)
<nephele_xmpp> On a completely unrelated note, do we have any documentation on how to stuff files into ressources? I want to stuff sound files into ressources and retrieve those later
<pol> What do you mean by resources here? Why do you want to do this?
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<ilzu[m]> nephele_xmpp: In code or on rdef?
<ilzu[m]> in rdef
<nephele_xmpp> Neither. wav files
<nephele_xmpp> pol: I mean ressources as Haiku understands the term ;)
<nephele_xmpp> in essence, adding suplemental data/files to your ELF image at the end
<ilzu[m]> I meant writing the resource in code or from rdef when compiling
<nephele_xmpp> using a rdef would imply i have to convert this before the build. though if the build does this for me that would also be okay
<nephele_xmpp> So I guess the answer to your question is, I want to do this at build time of the app
<nekobot> • Begasus (505a1d70): vim, bump version (#11824)
<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nephele_xmpp> The method is not that important. The project uses cmake
<ilzu[m]> If writing the resource in code, I think BResources::AddResource with B_RAW_TYPE.
<captain0xff[m]> morning :)
<captain0xff[m]> nephele_xmpp Should I address any of the things the formatting bot is saying? Because the first two request changes are regarding lines I didn't touch (I technically touched one line but the style matches with the rest of the lines and it's telling me to change the comment style of all the lines
<captain0xff[m]> *
<captain0xff[m]> And regarding the other two requested changes, I think the way I did it matches the haiku code style
<nephele_xmpp> No, you don't have to change stuff you did not touch. Personally I do these in seperate "cleanup" commits, if i want. But you don't have to touch this. Also the format bot sometimes gives wrong info
<nephele_xmpp> if you matches the haiku style that is fine
<captain0xff[m]> Oki
<nephele_xmpp> ilzu[m]: don't really have access to C++ during a build unless i want to add a second thing compile that and run it :)
<nephele_xmpp> and that looks a bit overcomplicated to me
<ilzu[m]> And if in rdef I think it would be something along the lines of "resource(120, "sount_1") #'RAW ' import "Sounds/1.wav";"
<nephele_xmpp> ah, the cmake file already does this for some hvif icons
<nephele_xmpp> why do you want to use rdef?
<nephele_xmpp> It seems xres is the proper tool to use
<nephele_xmpp> darn. I sure wish this was documented in "Haiku specific commandline applications" .-.
<ilzu[m]> rdef as the resource definition file.
<nephele_xmpp> I know what an rdef is. But why go through that indirection?
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<ilzu[m]> I don't think thats too much of indirection. A simple rdef file could define all the resources your app needs. Of course you could have raw rsrc files too, but for you to edit those youd need a resource editor, with rdef you'd need just a text editor. Not sure how cmake adds resources to haiku binaries, probably through some haiku command too.
<nephele_xmpp> Just with the file directly
<nephele_xmpp> no rdef or rsrc
<nephele_xmpp> with xres
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<nephele_xmpp> anyhow, finished adding it with xres now :(
<nephele_xmpp> :)*
<nephele_xmpp> luckily the hvif files were already added in the same way
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<captain0xff[m]> Added my conspiracy theory in the CR
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<pol> HaikuDepot slow for you yesterday? I'm using depot via webbrowser only + pkgman it's faster and I can resume download of multiple packages in case some of them failed. Could this be an issue with the app and not directly server related?
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<captain0xff[m]> Not the depot. I was building haiku from linux and downloading from itself was very slow.
<captain0xff[m]> But yeah downloads from the haikudepot/pkgman itself was also slow because of the above reason
<captain0xff[m]> It's a persistent issue for me. I either get solid 5MBps or like 20KBps
<captain0xff[m]> Probably depending on the mood of haiku overlord lol
<nephele_xmpp> pol: we already have resumeable downloads in package kit
<nephele_xmpp> no matter what frontend you use (SoftwareUpdater, HaikuDepot, pkgman)
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<pol> With HaikuDepot I couldn't resume in the middle for multi-component application (package+dependencies). It would just get stuck so I get discuraged and started using CLI for that, where I can see when and where it get stuck and resume/repeat easily.
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<Anarchos> Begasus[m]: sorry i was less present here since some weeks
<nipos> nephele_xmpp: Thanks for letting me know about the gradient issue. On my computer the new gradient was also based on screen height, not the whole page. It seems I'll have to re-check that with more different browsers and see what I can do about it
<nephele_xmpp> according to stackoverflow "background-attachment: fixed;" should be enough
<nephele_xmpp> safari on macos behaves differently than on iOS fwiw
<nipos> I think I did background-position: fixed or something like that
<nipos> Ah no, I had the fixed behind the gradient line.
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<Begasus[m]> Anarchos: np :)
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<captain0xff[m]> Is the file where I should be looking if I want the HWInterface implementation while using the radeon_hd driver?
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<captain0xff[m]> ye, I think I am in the correct track
<nephele_xmpp> I'm on haiku so not going to click any github links :P
<captain0xff[m]> Lol
<captain0xff[m]> ok sharing it from the source tree
<nephele_xmpp> Very slow websites, really wastes my time :)
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<captain0xff[m]> Uhm, stupid question where is public source tree? I can't find any links to it, only links to the review thing
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<captain0xff[m]> gives me service unavailable lol
<erysdren> isnt this it?
<erysdren> oh
<erysdren> i misread sorry
<captain0xff[m]> np
<captain0xff[m]> Though now I am sure that it is the file I was looking for
<nephele_xmpp> I don't know that much about the driver internals, what is HWInterface, why do you want to use it? :)
<captain0xff[m]> nephele_xmpp I am on a witch hunt to find the thing responsible for actually setting screen mode and after jumping throughout the source that file is where I have reached
<captain0xff[m]> x512 yes ik the driver itself is there. I was just looking for the code responsible to set the screenmode from the os itself
<captain0xff[m]> This is the relevant CR we are talking about
<nephele_xmpp> I'm just trying to figure out how I can pass around references to, i think loopers, of windows, to send them messages... to remove this singleton stuff
<captain0xff[m]> Use a singleton to get the references :]
<nephele_xmpp> ...
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<captain0xff[m]> TIL that we can use cat to write a disk image to a drive and that's what arch wiki actually recommends instead of dd
<nephele_xmpp> if you want to copy stuff use cp
<nephele_xmpp> cat is ment to concatonate files ;)
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<captain0xff[m]> I want to write a raw image to a disk so that I can boot from it.
<nephele_xmpp> cp myimage.img /dev/disk/usb/0/0/raw... or something
<nephele_xmpp> check the device file you need yourself
<captain0xff[m]> It's /dev/sda1
<captain0xff[m]> I will see if this works
<captain0xff[m]> Would cp actually overwrite the thing already present in the drive?
<captain0xff[m]> Because I don't think so
<nephele_xmpp> of course it will
<nephele_xmpp> what else does cp do than copy file contents from one file to another? :P
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<captain0xff[m]> Works :/
<captain0xff[m]> Why isn't unixs like windows where I can't burn a disc without installing some 1GB spyware?
<erysdren> what?
<captain0xff[m]> Just joking... I just didn't expect something cp to be able to achieve what I wanted. I mean now I understand why it works. But still...
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<nephele_xmpp> cp can't burn disks
<nephele_xmpp> windows has a build in disk burning utility afaik. And we don't :P
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<erysdren> lol
<captain0xff[m]> Ok a bad example. But I remember needing to download poweriso to mount iso files in windows7. Windows 10 has built-in support for that but sometimes that causes trouble.
<erysdren> yeah, PowerISO was good back in the day for me. but the ads/popups sucked.
<erysdren> i'm much happier these days on Linux to use dd or Brasero or whatever.
<nephele_xmpp> I'm more fasinated that Haiku just shows audio CD as a folder on the desktop, but on linux i can't figure out how to mount the things
<captain0xff[m]> Is there a way to load the graphics driver without a reboot?
<captain0xff[m]> I am tired of rebooting sooooooo many times lol
<erysdren> nephele_xmpp: removable disks on Linux are suuuuch a pain
<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • Begasus (dda56994): sox_ng, add recipe (#11825)
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<Begasus[m]> decompiler r2dec-js added :)
<Begasus[m]> for Cutter*
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<phcoder> Any reason not to enable i2c hid driver by default? It's needed on more and more systems nowadays
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<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • Begasus (5df31377): r2dec_js, plugin for radare2 (#11826)
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<nephele_xmpp> /boot/home/proj/renga/ui/MainWindow.cpp:68:55: error: no matching function for call to 'CustomStatusWindow::CustomStatusWindow()'
<nephele_xmpp> 68 | BlabberMainWindow::BlabberMainWindow(BMessage settings)
<nephele_xmpp> What does the compiler want from me??
<nephele_xmpp> why is it trying to match this to some random other class
<Begasus[m]> again?? Warning: 'PRE_UNINSTALL_SCRIPTS'
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<captain0xff[m]> How can I find the current haiku revision from the github mirror programatically?
<augiedoggie> the github mirror doesn't have tags, so it's basically impossible
<captain0xff[m]> f
<captain0xff[m]> So, I need to put a random value ig
<nephele_xmpp> Don't use the github mittor...?
<nephele_xmpp> Why make your life difficult, just use the normal repo... :)
<captain0xff[m]> I wrote a github action to build the source and publish the haiku.hpkg as a artifact (can be changed to the iso or the raw image based on what you need). So, I am stuck with github lol
<nephele_xmpp> Seems like a self-made problem. Why do you need this?
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<waddlesplash> phcoder: because it doesn't really work properly on any device it's been tested with yet. Lt-Henry has a thread on the forums about it
<phcoder> For me it works perfectly on my darp10-b
<captain0xff[m]> nephele_xmpp Well it's a nice thing to have. Not like I am actively using it for something. Tbh I just wanted to see the time it takes to build on their machine.
<nephele_xmpp> This stuff is already build automatically with a proper setup, if you need that
<waddlesplash> phcoder: well then you have a rare exception device lol. He has an open changeset, see comments where he describes the bad behavior, it seems we don't support multi touch reports and this is part of the problem
<captain0xff[m]> But I will need to host that right? Github gives me good enough machines + vert fast internet for free so I just use it :)
<captain0xff[m]> *very
<nephele_xmpp> No? just downlaod it from our server
<phcoder> I didn't try multiple fingers. At any rate it beats not having a mouse at all
<captain0xff[m]> How will take contain my local changes?
<captain0xff[m]> I mean ik it's not local even with github
<captain0xff[m]> but you get the idea
<nephele_xmpp> If you want testing images for users just upload your change to gerrit
<captain0xff[m]> Oh I see. That is nice.
<augiedoggie> captain0xff[m]: i do have this chunk of code if it helps in your workflow
<augiedoggie> i use github sources but grab the tags from gerrit
<nephele_xmpp> Maybe a stupid stupid question, but i don't see an obvious way: How can I get from a BPath to a BFile? (for unflattening a BMessage)
<captain0xff[m]> Thanks augiedoggie
<captain0xff[m]> Here is my workflow if anyone wants to look:
<captain0xff[m]> How do I create and manage two change requests simultaneously in gerrit?
<nephele_xmpp> create a second commit
<nephele_xmpp> each change in gerrit corresponds to one commit, based on a commit-id in the commit
<nephele_xmpp> if you are not currently working on one change you can put it in another branch, or just remove it from your local branch (cherry pick it later again from gerrit) and then work on another one and upload it
<nephele_xmpp> or upload both at once, even if you did not update the first one. But this will make a relationship in gerrit where it wants one of them merged first
<captain0xff[m]> Oh then like if I amend one commit the change will only reflect to that commit and won't touch the second one?
<nephele_xmpp> yes#
<captain0xff[m]> nephele_xmpp: Hmm, this might create problems ig?
<nephele_xmpp> what do you mean?
<captain0xff[m]> I replied to your message above. Are you able to see that?
<nephele_xmpp> If you are talking about some matrix specific feature. Then no. Also don't use matrix replies in irc...
<captain0xff[m]> > or upload both at once, even if you did not update the first one. But this will make a relationship in gerrit where it wants one of them merged first
<captain0xff[m]> What I wanted to say is that I am currently working on my radeon_hd CR and might need to update it but I also want to work on this second CR which is just a simple fix and completely unrelated to the first one. But as you said if that makes the second CR depend on the first one then that might be problematic because the first one might need some more discussion and thoughts.
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<captain0xff[m]> wtf
<captain0xff[m]> I am sorry
<nephele_xmpp> I can bypass this, if needed. But if you are worried just upload both one after the other
<captain0xff[m]> What do you mean upload in this case? push
<nephele_xmpp> push to the special target, yes
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58685] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 91880bad83c3 - kernel/vm: when resizing down a VMCache, fill a partial page with zeros
<nephele_xmpp> so upload with master+1 beeing change one, then swap out the changes so now only the other change is on master then upload that
<nephele_xmpp> or so
<waddlesplash> no, it doesn't matter
<waddlesplash> if the second change doesn't depend on the first then once it's approved the relation chain can be broken on Gerrit
<waddlesplash> and pushed independently
<waddlesplash> so don't worry too much about getting stuff "right
<waddlesplash> " on your end here
<nephele_xmpp> waddlesplash is getting a very nick pink color in xmpp :)
<captain0xff[m]> Ok. Thanks for the clarification
<captain0xff[m]> You are yellow in matrix lol
<nephele_xmpp> matrix has no nick colors
<Begasus[m]> some weird yellow here (quaternion) :)
<Begasus[m]> waddlesplash: is in green :)
<captain0xff[m]> yes
<captain0xff[m]> I see everyone in different colours here
<Begasus[m]> I'm purple :P
<captain0xff[m]> I am night light on so the actual colours might be different
<Begasus[m]> hmm ... should I try mpv with ffmpeg7 too? ;)
<captain0xff[m]> *have
<Begasus[m]> still daylight atm
<Begasus[m]> switching to NeoChat in dark mode in a bit
<nephele_xmpp> matrix clients assign colors at random basically, there is no consistency between clients
<nephele_xmpp> in xmpp this is deterministic if you follow the spec ;)
<captain0xff[m]> Oh. I thought it was random everywhere
<captain0xff[m]> What colour is it giving me?
<nephele_xmpp> light blue
<captain0xff[m]> Begasus there is vlc in the repos right?
<Begasus[m]> yes captain0xff
<captain0xff[m]> mpv seems to be a commandline video player. In that case it might be worth it ig. I only knew that it was a open source video playing app and none those beat vlc.
<nephele_xmpp> no it isn't. What are you trying to do?
<Begasus[m]> there are alternatives
<Begasus[m]> captain0xff: ->
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<captain0xff[m]> The image isn't opening but ik there are alternatives I just meant that the vlc media player is superior than most alternatives in my opinion :)
<nephele_xmpp> I disagree partially, it depends on the platform :)
<nephele_xmpp> the vlc port for haiku is "okayish"
<nephele_xmpp> the one for iOS supports more files than the native one, but the ui is kinda icky
<nephele_xmpp> qmplay2 on Haiku has usually given me better results tbh :)
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<captain0xff[m]> makes sense
<captain0xff[m]> The android client also sucks
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<captain0xff[m]> I was mostly taking about features. VLC is quite feature rich
<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • Begasus (665ef3e4): r2dec_js, fix TEST() (#11827)
<captain0xff[m]> I usually start with whatever the platform provides or recommends. But then I want to do x and it lacks that feature so in the last I always end up downloading vlc.
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<nephele_xmpp> libvlc provides a whole lot indeed
<nephele_xmpp> for Haiku it would be cool to spend the effort to improve our MediaPlayer ;)
<akashkumar> yes, very cool app :) , I am trying to work on more issues!
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58686] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 31fa85b59bf7 - screen: Removed some duplicate code from ScreenMode.cpp
<captain0xff[m]> that was fast
<captain0xff[m]> I haven't tried the built-in media player yet because audio is broken on my machine :/
<captain0xff[m]> But I will like something like the windows 7 media player. Doesn't really need a lot of features just a solid experience
<captain0xff[m]> The new windows media player thingy is bad
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<captain0xff[m]> waddlesplash just to clarify my first CR isn't waiting for something from my side right?
<waddlesplash> I don't know, I haven't really looked at it
<waddlesplash> that driver isn't really "my domain"
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<captain0xff[m]> Oh. I see.
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<nephele_xmpp> radeon_hd seems to have a low bus factor...
<waddlesplash> most of Haiku does, really
<PulkoMandy> I'm not really afraid to dive into any driver if needed, but it's usually a bit of time needed to read about it and understand it
<PulkoMandy> I don't have that time at the moment :( (trying to fix qda audio on my machine with korli's help)
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<nephele_xmpp> I tried to get into radeon_hd in the past, but apart from small things like the brightness patch had little sucess
<nephele_xmpp> at some point it'd be cool to get some mentoring for that :)
<PulkoMandy> Well, start a forum thread and ask questions I guess? I can try to take time for that. And try to catch kallisiti5 if you can for radeon_hd, I mostly worked on Intel so far
<nephele_xmpp> I already asked in the oast for directions but didn't really get responses. I assume he is also bussy
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<captain0xff[m]> Me asking questions to fix the driver for my gpu and seeing the pros asking for mentoring lol
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<nephele_xmpp> I never said I am a pro! :D
<nephele_xmpp> I submitted a small change to the ps2 driver some years ago and pulkomandy said "Congratulations, you are a kernel developer now" :)
<captain0xff[m]> For me you are because you answered a lot of my questions :)
<akashkumar> waddlesplash the showing of the tooltip is automatic when user rests on the tooltipwindow:
<nephele_xmpp> captain0xff: when I was new the other developers also helped me :) I don't think anyone has to start out as a pro
<waddlesplash> akashkumar: but it doesn't need to be, we can make it show automatically
<waddlesplash> inside TransportControlGroup
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<waddlesplash> I am inclined to think at this point that TransportControlGroup class simply should not exist, and the whole Controller setup is too convoluted and needs a refactor
<waddlesplash> but this a problem for another time
<waddlesplash> really all of MediaPlayer could use a major refactor, the media playback code is also too convoluted
<waddlesplash> akashkumar: anyway, see MSG_DURATION_TOOLTIP: this is where the tooltip is shown
<akashkumar> That is the case when the seek is changed, what I mean by that is if user performs mouse down on the seekslider then the positiontooltip appears immediately
<waddlesplash> yes
<waddlesplash> I think the same should happen in this case too
<waddlesplash> and furthermore I think the tooltip should be positioned at a fixed point above the slider, but that can wait too
<waddlesplash> anyway I replied on the review again
<akashkumar> so, the default mouse_idle behaviour is still there, but due to the handling in transportcontrolgroup.cpp with message MSG_DURATION_TOOLTIP, BView's idle behaviour of showing the tooltip follows it.
<captain0xff[m]> nephele_xmpp sure. Anyways anyone can tell me whom should I bug regarding questions for this driver? Someone in the introduction post on forum asked me to ask waddlesplash. But it seems they are not the correct person :/
<akashkumar> not preceedes it !
<akashkumar> so I think there is one unneccessary call happening when B_MOUSE_IDLE is triggered in BView of positionToolTipWindow
<akashkumar> as transportControlGroup.cpp already shows it
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58687] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 71368ea71979 - BPicture: remove point count argument from private draw bezier callback
<akashkumar> also, couldn't agree more on your view for positioning tooltip at a fixed point
<waddlesplash> the idle call is probably not a problem?
<waddlesplash> even if it is a duplicate
<akashkumar> yes won't be a problem! was just pointing out on some stuffs which I observed while playing around
<nephele_xmpp> I asked before: Maybe a stupid stupid question, but i don't see an obvious way: How can I get from a BPath to a BFile? (for unflattening a BMessage)
<waddlesplash> we should probably add a BFile constructor that takes a BPath
<waddlesplash> really, BEntry should likely get deprecated and merged with BPath anyway in most cases
<nephele_xmpp> barring this future api, how can i do this now?
<akashkumar> waddlesplash can some known issues and enhancement in mediaplayer be worked as a gsoc project ?
<waddlesplash> possibly, I haven't thought about it
<waddlesplash> nephele_xmpp: turn your BPath into a BEntry
<waddlesplash> but really, we should just add a function in BFile that does this for you
<nephele_xmpp> BEntey has no constructor that takes a BPath either
<Skipp_OSX> This represents a fundamental misunderstanding of how the storage kit works.
<nephele_xmpp> I gueds BEntry(BPath->Path())
<Skipp_OSX> An BEntry and a BFile do not have a BPath because they represent an inode, and do not represent a path on disk.
<nephele_xmpp> > but really, we should just add a function in BFile that does this for you
<nephele_xmpp> I don't disagree, but currently I am working on renga, and that should run on the beta aswell.
<waddlesplash> well, let's add the method now so we have it later?
<Skipp_OSX> The BEntry can move, can change paths, and still be valid, that's why it is the way it is.
<nephele_xmpp> Skipp_OSX: it doesn't need this as a member, only as a constructor. It is quite inconvenient to go from findpath api to a BFile like this currently
<Skipp_OSX> I guess we could add a BPath constructor but it being missing is not an oversight, it is quite intentional.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58688] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 4bfbc6ebba89 - kernel/fifo: Refactor to use more atomics and fewer locks.
<waddlesplash> well, there's the big FIFO refactor merged
<nephele_xmpp> especially with BEntey also not taking a BPath... only const char*
<waddlesplash> hopefully it doesn't cause problems :P
<Skipp_OSX> Yeah, I get it, the inconvenience is on purpose though, so you don't think of a BEntry as representing a path.
<Skipp_OSX> hmmm it takes a const char* ?
<nephele_xmpp> The api is inconvenient on purpose? that's not nice api design
<PulkoMandy> Skipp_OSX: of course it does, how else would you create a BEntry?
<Skipp_OSX> Yeah ok make it take a BPath then, nvm
<Skipp_OSX> well from an entry_ref or another entry of course.
<nephele_xmpp> I mean, I don't really give a darn where files located via find path are actually located, that's why I'm using the api. Ideally I want a my_specific_app_settings object from the OS directly and not deal with the filesystem at all
<PulkoMandy> yes, but at some point you likely want to start from a path and have the filesystem handle path traversals for you
<nephele_xmpp> Skipp_OSX: can't get an entry ref form BPath either
<nephele_xmpp> Yeah, basically starting with $configdir, append /myappname and then /mysettingname
<nephele_xmpp> Having a OS api to guve me a BFile *directly* when asking for a settings object would be really convenient though
<nephele_xmpp> (Would be a bit more complicated, say use the mimetype as filename, and add a localized fancy appname as attribute and make tracker display that... or so)
<PulkoMandy> BPathFinder would do some of that work for you, would be nice if it was documented :/
<nephele_xmpp> I though that is for getting stuff out of severall dirs? (i.e images in packaged and non-packaged?)
<PulkoMandy> Not necessarily, it can do many things
<nephele_xmpp> It is documented, just not that well
<PulkoMandy> it can create the directories for you if they don't exist yet I think
<Skipp_OSX> right, well you're not supposed to
<Skipp_OSX> you get an entry_ref from a BEntry, but if entry takes a const char* it's a bit silly it doesn't also take a BPath you're right about that.
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<nephele_xmpp> You make it sound like you should never use BPath and BEntry Skipp_OSX .-.
<nephele_xmpp> you can get a entry_ref out of BPath by using flatten, which gives you a pointer and a size you can make into a entry ref... and uhh, I'm not going to do that
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<Skipp_OSX> just at the start, then you pass the entry_ref around
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<nephele_xmpp> So, don't use our classes? use this C struct instead?
<Skipp_OSX> put it in a message, send it along, get a new BEntry from the ref
<Skipp_OSX> Use the class temporarily
<Skipp_OSX> Yeah because you can AddRef() to a BMessage easily to pass an entry_ref around, that's the idea.
<Skipp_OSX> Then you recreate the BEntry on the other end.
<nephele_xmpp> That is a very weak justification
<nephele_xmpp> what about AddPoint, AddRect? should those als be replaced by C style structures?
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<nephele_xmpp> I can understand why you can't add a BFile directly to the message, but a BPath or BEntry should be no problem
<nephele_xmpp> (though passing the file hanle could be a thing too...)
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<Skipp_OSX> probably should be yes, idk
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<Skipp_OSX> you're essentially passing the file handle when you add an entry_ref into a message.
<nephele_xmpp> I thought and entry_ref does not represent an opened file?
<Skipp_OSX> correct, only a handle, you have to add it to a BEntry to check if it's open or not, if it Exists() or not.
<Skipp_OSX> or you can call get_ref_for_path() to skip the BEntry entirely, I guess that's why there's no BPath constructor for BEntry
<nephele_xmpp> Maybe waddlesplash wants to tackle these things... :)
<Skipp_OSX> but that takes a const char* as well... sigh
<nephele_xmpp> Today has been me fighting against a compiler pretty much
<nephele_xmpp> and this confusing file api didn't help :D
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<nephele_xmpp> /boot/system/develop/headers/os/app/Message.h:119:76: note: no known conversion for argument 1 from 'BFile**' to 'BDataIO*'
<nephele_xmpp> why not :(
<Skipp_OSX> BPath was there since the beginning (BeOS R3) so idk why it's not there.
<nephele_xmpp> Skipp_OSX: where?
<Skipp_OSX> in BeOS
<nephele_xmpp> let me rephrase. What do you mean by "there"?
<Skipp_OSX> like the class existed even in BeOS R3, so why isn't it in the BEntry constructor? who knows.
<nephele_xmpp> I'm a bit too young to remember BeOS, hence I don't think it makes sense to copy this ommision ;)
<PulkoMandy> Your error message has a BFile** (pointer to pointer to BFile, probably not what you wanted?
<nephele_xmpp> Yeah
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<PulkoMandy> And a simple pointer to BDataIO on the other side
<nephele_xmpp> I am getting really frustrated with how i'm supposed to declare a copy of a BMessage, it keeps coming up error: 'BMessage::BMessage(BMessage*)' is private within this context
<nephele_xmpp> but, BMessage taking another BMessage in it's constructur is the documented way to copy them .-.
<PulkoMandy> you are passing a pointer to a bmessage instead of a bmessage
<PulkoMandy> So add an * at the right place to dereference it if you want to make a copy
<PulkoMandy> BMessage copy(*message); or something similar
<nephele_xmpp> Okay. That works
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<nephele_xmpp> the entry modes for BFile are also undocumented it just tells me what a uint32 is :D
<nephele_xmpp> hmm, any way to automatically create intermediate directories?
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<PulkoMandy> I don't see one in the storage kit
<nephele_xmpp> I doubt calling "mkdir -p" is idiomatic? :P
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<nephele_xmpp> ~/proj/renga/build_clang> ls ~/config/settings/Renga/Settings
<nephele_xmpp> /boot/home/config/settings/Renga/Settings
<nephele_xmpp> Hooray!
<nephele_xmpp> it even contains stuff :D
<nephele_xmpp> and it updated on relaunch
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<kallisti5[m]> phcoder: ok. so. What's going on with your user account?
<kallisti5[m]> waddlesplash: ping also incase you know. I see mentions of 403... what are they doing to get that 403?
<waddlesplash> just trying to use Gerrit at all
<waddlesplash> trying to load any page when signed in gives that I think
<kallisti5[m]> weird. phcoder's account looks fine. They're a standard registered user
<waddlesplash> check logs?
<kallisti5[m]> $ ssh gerrit ls-groups -u phcoder
<kallisti5[m]> Anonymous Users
<kallisti5[m]> Registered Users
<phcoder> kallisti5[m]: Pressing sign in and then sign in with github
<kallisti5[m]> phcoder: ok. You're trying to sign in with github on the big "Sign into your account" page by clicking on the github icon?
<phcoder> Yes
<kallisti5[m]> looking at your account, it's linked to github phcoder userid 105672
<kallisti5[m]> '105672' interesting. looks ok
<kallisti5[m]> phcoder: does it work if you login with your password?
<kallisti5[m]> (directly on
<phcoder> Same 403
<kallisti5[m]> ok. Checking
<phcoder> works. Only Gerrit gives 403
<kallisti5[m]> found the error from gerrit lol
<kallisti5[m]> : Email is already assigned to account 1000553; cannot create external ID keycloak-oauth:phcoder with the same email for a │
<kallisti5[m]> sounds like you do have multiple accounts
<kallisti5[m]> looking
<phcoder> Can you nuke all but one?
<kallisti5[m]> yeah. just gotta find it. Gerrit's notedb is.... a pain to work in
<phcoder> Or even all and I'll reregister
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<kallisti5[m]> found the duplicate
<kallisti5[m]> phcoder: try now
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58689] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] cf2838a3ebaa - BFS: Write-lock the stream inode in BPlusTree::MakeEmpty().
<phcoder> kallisti5[m]: same thing
<kallisti5[m]> ok. there might be more references to that old id. one sec
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<kallisti5[m]> : Email is already assigned to account 1000553; cannot create external ID keycloak-oauth:phcoder with the same email for account 1000854.... (full message at <>)
<kallisti5[m]> fun. whoops that was spammy. sorry
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 37e5d3b9d964 - Tracker: Fix use-after-free in FindPanel.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58690] -
<nephele_xmpp> gcc: "error: multiple types in one declaration" Clang: " error: expected ';' after enum"
<nephele_xmpp> somehow clang gives much nicer errors :)
<kallisti5[m]> phcoder: ok. Your gerrit account has been wiped from the earth. try now
<kallisti5[m]> well... technically it's "inactive". If this doesn't work I might have to manually try and remove your from notedb.
<kallisti5[m]> actually.. I can remove the email from that remaining inactive account
<nephele_xmpp> Is there a format string for SetToFormat that accepts a BString?
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<kallisti5[m]> bbl. out of time
<nephele_xmpp> What is wrong with this: statusLabel.SetToFormat(B_TRANSLATE("[Custom] %s"), customStatus.String()); statusLabel and customStatus are both BString
<phcoder> kallisti5[m]: seems to work now, thank you a lot
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<nephele_xmpp> bah. I can see why humdinger didn't want to moderate anymore
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