<phcoder> "kallisti5: seems to work now..." <- nice! Sorry for the delay. I checked in Gerrit, and your account was the only account like that... no idea how it got in such a weird state
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does anyone know what does tracking refers to in isTracking() function in seekslider code ?
ok, i think it refers to mouse drag
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morning peeps
vim patch got merged upstream, nice! :)
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morning Begasus[m] :-)
morning(*) OscarL :)
2 AM here... feels early enough to call it morning :-P
got a patch merged upstream for vim? noice!
* OscarL
wishes YouCompleteMe wouldn't deadlock in gVim... would be nice to provide a youcompleteme.hpkg for Haiku's vim users.
ah so it's interfering with bash completions?
me wondered why it wasn't doing its thingy here
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not sure I follow you. What's interfering with bash completions?
YouCompleteMe is a plugin for vim, to allow for things like code completion. no relation to bash-completions.
• Begasus (aa773e39): vim, bump version after upstreamed patch (#11828)
eat that Arch! :P
morning phschafft
* Begasus[m]
hands down a frech cup of coffee for the willingly
Man, switching between Spanish and Latin-American keyboards (desktop vs netbooks) shows the limitations of my muscle-memory :-D
like blind typing on a azerty with qwerty layout :P
for some reason, ALL of our "desktop" keyboards are in Spanish (used to be US-Only in the 80s/90s), and ALL netbooks/laptops are in "Latin-American" :-/
reboot, biab
* OscarL
was most comfortable with the "US-International" layout. At least outside of Haiku, were AltGr is a thing :-P
uninstalled mariadb
€ it still is here :P
sorry for the seemingly offtopic rant about keyboards.... I was messing around with some .keymap files, and trying to decide if I should send that patch for review :-D
np OscarL if it improves your typing skills I'm sure it's a good thing :D
LOL. Touché.
still no completions with git :(
so... you lost git completions after installing some package? Is this a "fresh" Haiku install, or one you have been using for long?
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well, define "long" ;)
but yeah, not new install
(remember that we had some issues around bash-completions, so you may have some old setting file (or bash completion script) that may be interfering.
so the question is... did git completions worked up until recently (couple days ago?) on that install?
ah right, bash has something to do with it, no?
yeah, was working fine
all bash, bash_completion, and git packages have to do with it working for it to work in case of git in particular.
well, bash_completion and git haven't been updated in the last days
deleted bashrc and the one in writable...
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reading some issues related to bash_completions reminded me... where's Mika (MonniTheCat) these days? Hope he's OK.
Created using Sphinx 7.1.2. ... thank you ;)
The alert_info_32.png
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if i was to distribute an (admittedly experimental) prebuilt Haiku x86-64 executable for my game, is there any preference for what it should be called
my Linux build is <gamename>.x86_64
the source code is also available, but for easy access i'll have this built executable
executable or package name?
imho a executable shouldn't have a suffix
executable name
quake is just that also, not quake_arch
i think i'll just name it <gamename>_haiku (no suffix)
still looks weird, why not call it just <gamename> ?
well, fair enough
I just name my executabled "Gamename" too
that's the prefered way for the apps/ directory aswell
(and single executable, no suplemental data dir... if possible, and if not then the data in data and not in apps/)
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Hmm, tried to use UBSan didn't really work :/ (failed to link) wondering if someone has gottent hat already
I've been working on a new completely native RSS reader for Haiku for the last week or two. It's getting along pretty nicely, it supports rss, atom and json feeds. This is how it looks like now:
Nephele, i'll let you know when it is in public repo, for now it is on my own server as a private repo.
Some colors may not be mapped properly, but most should work fine
no live color updates though
(and not sure this is such a good idea for "live" websites... probably fine for local html docs though)
About the context menu, the conext menu has "open in new window" for links, which opens in new tab in webpositive, but as I don't have tabs it doesn't work. of course I could create new class to inherit the WebView to override the mouse click events. I'll see. But I think the api is a bit limited, perhaps the Webkit2 api is better.
iirc there were some problems that webkit could not differenciate between new tab/window in that context
but i didn't look into it too much
the webkit2 api is still "in progress", so we can make sure it works better ;)
the native api I mean anyhow
nice ilzu
using alligator atm here
doesn't have dark them though ...
The API in grexe's litehml is pretty nice, as you could start watching the litehtml view, and get mouse clicks etc as messages. Too bad it has redraw bugs etc. Perhaps I'll check and build WebKit 2 and try with that and see if can make some suggestions on the api.
Anyway, I'll be afk for a while, be back later.
sure. You can file suggestions for that on trac, or maybe talk with zardshard or me :)
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this one is not very recent, but i've used it to learn a bit
Thanks. I just needed something to get started. I was checking the api reference but haiku apis seem quite different so a tutorial will be useful to ensure that I am following the best practices.
[haiku/haiku] ecef10e688c5 - Tracker: Use BStrings and BObjectList in handling MostUsedNames.
• thelastpsion (d267bac4): mame: bump version to 0.275 (#11833)
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Mann, no Haiku for gsoc this year :(
sad :(
Well atleast there's no pressure now. I still want to contribute to Haiku
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That's what you think! /me starts applying pressure! /s
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first off, I have to say this progressed. Now Haiku boots fine and works on all my machines (no wifi, though), but- there is a plan for multi-user, or program isolation? It is the only thing that keeps me from daily driving it.
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No concrete plans. Though personally I dabble with the idea of porting openbsd pledge
I see. Like, it is not like I like multi user that much, but then you can download a pdf, or whatever, that may destroy your system. Once this gets a little popularity, Kali/Metasploit modules will start popping.
pledge would allow to mark atleast "this app can't use the network" "this app can not use the disk" and such
it's not a silve bullet, but one step more towards defining things that could be "obviously wrong" for an app
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OpenBSD uses this basically by dropping priviliges at start of the app, having some initilization run, and then dropping the rest
Could do this similarily. For example grab a handle to your settings file, and your database and then relinquish priviliges to access the filesystem further
(or maybe even better, have an OS server that gives you this settings handle, and never use the filesystem api directly)
this would be a good start, yes.
I'm not sure personally if there is that much of a semantic difference between "daemon a can't read files on disk because it's not privliged because it runs as userA" and "daemon a can't read files on disk because it cannot read anything"
Well, although we are a single user system and there is no protection, the entire system is in a package, which means it is read-only and cannot be tampered with.
especially since with the first case most files *still* have o+r set anyway. also on linux
Skipp_OSX: we ought to add FreeBSD style "undeleteable" flags to packages, so those are not accidentally deleted :)
So Haiku actually does have security now, at least for the system files. For user files there is no protection.
It's a step in the right direction. Though this doesn't protect integrity of system files, and it also does not restrict you to change anything about the filesystem view itself by just adding new packages
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neoncortex: We already have SMAP/SMEP, DEP, userland ASLR, and a number of other mitigations
waddlesplash: oh, that is good to know.
we also do have POSIX multiuser, but you can't start GUI apps as anything other than root, it will just error out
but CLI apps work fine
and permissions should theoretically be enforced, though there are missing checks in some places still
waddlesplash: Is root(user) supposed to be able to read files without any read perms?
does Linux do that? then probably
Linux has some caps for this that root happens to own
but root can loose those caps
so it's almost there, then. Once the gui goes multi user, it is ready.
neoncortex: depends what you mean by multi-user. If it's just about file permissions (which is mostly what posix means with multi-user) we are probably much better helped with an explicit file picker + plus no file acces per default setup ;)
the GUI "going multiuser" will be no small amount of work
and nobody is really working on it atm
I see. Whatever the implementation, the point is to limit what a program can do with the user files =D
I think pledge can bring us a good chunk of the way there. :)
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if i take a look at the apps we have now, most only need their config file, which can be solved with an explicit api, or suplemental data, which could also be based on the find paths api
apart from that most should already fall into the category of ought to never check the FS and never use the network
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but keep in mind Haiku also has the ports mechanism to chat with other applications .. :)
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> and nobody is really working on it atm
* x512[m]
some kind working on it.
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I made experiments with multiple users in test_app_server.
It works if each user have separate test_app_server root window.
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