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morning peeps
good morning Begasus
hows it going?
i saw sdl3 got merged :D
Hi there erysdren (
yep, sdl3 is merged :)
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SDL is up to 3 already? Jeez
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does there exists application specific book for class overview, like we have for classes in system provided kits: ?
too early to know how well it is AlaskanEmi :)
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AlaskanEmily: mhm, just came out. it's real good
* phschafft
installs fresh cookies into the channel.
morgen phschaftt!
thank you for the cookies
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mau. :)
hey, I am facing trouble trying to figure out how can I transmit fhoverlocation (newly created by me) from slider.cpp to mainwin.cpp of mediaplayer so that positiontooltip gets updated ?
anyone who knows how this can be done ?
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Hey, how to resolve the above error
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akashkumar7902 have you modified your kernel?
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I had built haiku.hpkg from source using `jam -q haiku.hpkg` and they pkgman install haiku ?
does this change the kernel ?
That updates the kernel
haiku.hpkg is the package that contains the kernel (well, the OS)
I never knew why, but when I was working on my GSoC on Haiku I would get those errors as well after updating haiku.hpkg
how did it got resolved ?
I my case I would update the ISO and reinstall the OS
But I didn't really needed to install anything from the repositories
So I didn't really had to reinstall often
i am basically getting ./../../../headers/build/HaikuBuildCompatibility.h:19:10: fatal error: sys/stat.h: No such file or directory
19 | #include <sys/stat.h>
Sorry, where are you getting that?
when I try to build mediaplayer
What's your host OS?
linux mint
The problem with pkgman not working after installing a self-built haiku.hpkg is because your own build doesn't have OpenSSL by default and the Haiku repositories need a https connection
nipos: do you know how to enable it?
You'll find the old official haiku.hpkg somewhere in /boot/system/packages/administrative and can revert to it (pkgman still works for local stuff),then pkgman will work with remote packages again.
Unfortunately I don't know how to build your haiku.hpkg with SSL support,no.Someone told me that that's the reason for it failing some weeks ago,but that's all I know
hmm.. going to the default haiku.hpkg that comes with the installation may be won't work for me, because I was getting symbol not found error when compiling mediaplayer from source, and someone suggested that It either has to do with the symbol not present in or your system is not updated, in my case, the latter was the case, so I upgraded my system by building haiku.hpkg from source
You can go back to the default haiku.hpkg and then use pkgman update to update to the latest official haiku.hpkg
Alternatively,you can also build an own haiku_devel.hpkg and install it.That won't fix pkgman not working,but it will fix the missing headers when building MediaPlayer
yeah, that seems promising, trying it out
is haiku.hpkg different from haiku_devel.hpkg ?
Yes,you need both to compile stuff
haiku.hpkg contains the operating system and the base applications.haiku_devel.hpkg contains the development headers (the .h files) that you need to compile stuff that depend on the system libraries
ok so, I need to compile and install both haiku.hpkg and haiku_devel.hpkg right ?
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akashkumar7902: you need to specify a build profile like @nightly-anyboot when building haiku.hpkg with jam to get OpenSSL support in the package kit.
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the default is the minimal profile which doesn't contain that
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jamirboeck, so the command would be `jam -q haiku.hpkg@nightly-anyboot` right ?
so the complete command is something like "jam -q @nightly-anyboot haiku.hpkg haiku_devel.hpkg"
Hi there! I definitely needed a minimalistic enter password app for my Haiku. I wrote a small app in python+qt, but the problem is that any user can skip it by pressing alt+q. Is there a way to skip this?
sorry for my bad english. Im asking if is possible to avoid alt+q combination for my app
It tried with something like: def eventFilter(self, obj: QObject, event: QEvent) -> bool: if event.type() == QEvent.KeyPress: keyEvent = event if keyEvent.modifiers() == Qt.ControlModifier and keyEvent.key() == Qt.Key_Q: but it doesnt get the key combinantion
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thanks it returned, but should I continue ?
tagging jmairboeck
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akashkumar7902: I see it also upgrades haiku_devel from beta4 to beta5. I would actually run pkgman full-sync first to get you properly to beta5, because beta4 isn't supported any more. Or do you just have an old haiku_devel package installed?
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I'm going to leave now, maybe someone else can help you further
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[haiku/haiku] c8252422b8b3 - Adding device node tree image to Haiku documentation
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Good morning
HaikuUser is now known as Fizban64
How do you set the nickname?
HaikuUser2 is now known as AutisticTechie
Fizban64 is now known as yournewname
I found the command on the main OFTC channel.
yournewname is now known as Fizban64
Fizban, it's nice to meet you.
loads of commands Haiku userguide help, just reading myself
* AutisticTechie
is idle: BRB
Nice meeting, just setting up a Haiku laptop up so I can have a play
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waddlesplash: lots of things probably, the mouse input isn't really working, it crashes on exit, quitting the browser doesn't stop the background processes, no one has tested downloads or session cookies or anything like that, ...
Nephele's keyboard input patch will definitely help, because a lot of things can't be tested without a keyboard :)
Oh and also no one tested having multiple tabs and multiple windows yet, I think
I will try to work on upstreaming more of our changes to webkit before starting more work on this however (assuming I can find time for even that)
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* AutisticTechie
is idle: BRB
I'm back on.
Alright, I'll be off. I'll see you when I can.
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