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Hi Anarchos
Begasus[m]: still no news on my PR. It means they were very busy on other subjects during coding sprint (and i saw lots of commits recently)
Anarchos: as usual I suppose they worked on items they run issues on? eg first fix local bugs
or even on secondary stuff
Begasus[m]: i know i am on the todo list of pulko
question now is how big is that todo list Anarchos :)
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Begasus[m]: pretty big i guess...
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Anarchos: what review?
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argh, wxqt lacks an fsWatcher
like, I've written 3 of these already :D
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still looking into kicad mmu_man ? :)
* phschafft
goes for a big cookie refill bacground-job.
no sugars now :(
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y'all are killing me. I don't use Linux because of Qt :D
doctors order, sugar level too high
A1C level?
no one is forcing you DrachenMaus :)
err ... drusatori_alt *
lol, no, but right now, it's the best available tool on the platform
though I am hoping to get a new enough Jdk running to use CLion instead.
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you can run CLion bin already drusatori_alt
current does not. I can use older versions
but current versions crash after the initial project browse window
think I last tried there last year
looking at the download size not going to check atm though :P
their internal OpenJDK version lags about 3-4 behind the official, so they want 20 now
Begasus[m]: :(
sorry, 21
we need someone to update openjdk then ;)
Begasus[m] it's on my todo list, but it is time consuming to go version to version from 17 forward.
they need bootstrapping?
haven't checked really
I started looking at it a couple of weeks back, but did not get very far. looking at the recipes on HD it appears that each version builds upon the prior
I could be wrong though
yep 17 -> java:environment == 16
I should just throw away my todo list, keeps changing :D
man, my ADD is so bad that without my lists ( and timers ) I am borderline worthless
I'm lucky enough to have enough time to waste ;)
• pulkomandy (db208a0f): Update GSoC main page to link to 2025 ideas list
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I have managed to make the recipe for SDL3 build the project but it's failing while installing due to no matching provides. I have read both the guides for haikuporter. Ig I need to read the build recipes page next. I am a bit confused about the syntax of the PROVIDES block, especially the compat part.
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waddlesplash: on Haiku my build process has rather unexpectedly failed with:
• augiedoggie (4d56664b): moreutils: add recipe for 0.70 (#11761)
yes, and the input file to flex is on BFS, so if this is similar to Clang reading off the end of page, this would be a problem not with RAMFS this time
ended up writing a recipe for an entire suite of tools because i wanted the "sponge" command :/